Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Project Proposal
According to the Department of Health (2022), one of the challenges of today’s health system is
access to health care services. Currently, 70% of people who live in rural areas struggle due to their lack
of or restricted access to high-quality inpatient and outpatient medical facilities. With a population of 24
million, Mindanao has historically had the highest rates of poverty in the Philippines. Some rural
Mindanao communities had either very little or no access to primary care services. The provision of
health services is hindered by a lack of human resources, including physicians, nurses, and midwives, as
well as necessities like electricity, telephones, and laptops with internet access. This project aims to
construct a basic health care facility in rural areas in Mindanao in order to provide the residents of this
community with access to basic health care services (such as treatments for malaria, cholera, measles,
hypertension, diabetes, etc.) as well as community health education for the prevention of diseases and
maintenance of wellbeing. Once the clinic is constructed, the Government of Mindanao must agree to
provide healthcare workers and supply basic medicines for the clinic. Educational activities like seminars
aimed to promote good health practices, prevention and management of diseases as well as counselling
will be provided by trained staff supplied by the Government. The residents of Mindanao have come
together to launch a fundraising effort to assist in building the health center in order to aid in the
realization of this project.
a. Problem Statement
There are around 24 million people living in Mindanao. Giving everyone access to proper
health care is a challenge for some of the rural communities in this area. Everyone who need
medical care commutes on foot, and it typically takes 30 to 1 hour to go to the nearest medical
center. Due to the poor condition of the local roads, it can be challenging to arrange transportation
to reach mother and child health facilities late at night. As a result, a lot of pregnant women give
birth at home or while traveling without medical assistance. Child mortality is increased as a
result of this. The majority of people who live in this community are uninsured. The community
are also faced with an insufficient drug supply in the clinic.
d. Target Beneficiaries
Homeless people
Indigenous people
Single parents
Children and youths
Working poor and uninsured
Jan. – April 2022 May-Sept. 2022 Oct. – Nov. 2022 Dec – June 2023
- Identify and - Assess health care resources - Develop strategic - Material preparations,
perform community plan consolidation
analysis - Solicit involvement of health
care providers and other -Operating plans and -Constructing the health
- Estimate health sponsors/partners budget care facility
-Fundraising -Accomplish
- Identify community business plan
health priorities