CCA Notice - December 2022

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Serving Member Communities throughout the State of Ohio since 1967

October 2022 SL
city state zip
DELINQUENT Years: 2020 / 2021

Municipality: city

Our records indicate that a municipal income tax return or exemption certificate has not been received for the tax years listed.
If you are retired, had no taxable income, or did not live in a CCA member community, complete the exemption certificate information
below and return it to this office within 10 days. All persons with taxable income are required to return this notice with wage and
tax statements (W-2’s, Federal Schedules C, E and/or F), in the enclosed envelope within 10 days.

If you need additional information contact CCA at 216.664.2070 or visit our office Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m..

___A. RETIRED with no taxable income for municipal income tax purposes - DATE RETIRED: ____ /_____/_____

Pension, interest and dividend income are exempt.

___B. UNDER AGE 18 for the entire year - DATE OF BIRTH: ______/______/_____

Montpelier, Munroe Falls, New Paris, Oakwood, Obetz, Phillipsburg, and Riverside have no minimum wage. Geneva on
the Lake uses 15 as the minimum age. Grand River, Rushsylvania, and West Milton use 16 as the minimum age. New
Carlisle individuals 16 and 17 years old who earn $2,500.00 or more are subject to the tax.

___C. NO EARNED INCOME for the entire year - Public Assistance, Unemployment, SSI, etc.

___D. ALREADY FILED THE CITY RETURN - Provide a copy of the return with this notice.

___E. FILED JOINT RETURN - Spouse’s social security shown on return: _____________________________

___F. DECEASED - DATE OF DEATH: ______/______/______

___G. MOVED – I did not live in a CCA municipality for the entire year. Provide move information:


Move in date:  _____/_____/_____ 
Move in date:  _____/_____/_____   

Move out date:  _____/_____/_____ 
street no. / name  __________________________________________ 
street no. / name 
city state zip  __________________________________________  

city state zip 

___H. OTHER_______________________________________________________________________

The undersigned declares that this statement is true and correct.

Signature_______________________________________________ Date _______________________

Telephone # ______________________________ Social Security # _____________________________


205 W Saint Clair Ave Phone: 216.664.2070

Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1503 Fax: 216.420.8299 Toll Free: 800.223.6317

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