Instructional Strategies For Diverse Students

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 Diversity is any dimension that can be used to differentiate groups and people from one another, empowering

people by respecting and appreciating what makes them different, in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, religion,

disability, sexual orientation, education, and national origin (Global Diversity Practice, n. d.).

 The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect, which means understanding that each individual

is unique, and recognizing individual differences (Queensborough Community College, n. d.), and accepting

and tolerating individual differences based on race, ethnic, culture or otherwise.

 An inclusive learning environment is a school or classroom where students of every ability

level receive teaching in the same place (Koenig, n. d.). It is based on learning and

educational systems that are open to all children, ensuring that all children can learn and

participate (K12 Academics, n. d.).

 1) Every child has an inherent right to education on basis of equality of opportunity;

 2) No child is excluded from, or discriminated within education on grounds of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or

other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, disability, birth, poverty or other status;

 3) All children can learn and benefit from education;

 4) Schools adapt to the needs of children, rather than children adapting to the needs of the school;

 5) Children's views are listened to and taken seriously;

 6) Individual differences between children are a source of richness and diversity, and not a problem;

 7) The diversity of needs and pace of development of children are addressed through a wide and flexible range of responses

(K12 Academics n.d.).

◦ Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs, differentiating content, process, products, or

the learning environment according to students’ individual needs and using ongoing assessment and flexible

grouping to ensure the success of differentiated instruction to support and prove student learning (Tomlinson, n.


◦ Differentiated Instruction focuses on whom we teach, where we teach, and how we teach. Its primary goal is

ensuring that teachers focus on processes and procedures that ensure effective learning for varied individuals.

Defensible models of differentiation will necessarily address the imperative of differentiating quality curriculum.

Nonetheless, differentiation is predominantly (although not solely) an instructional design model (Tomlinson &

McTighe, 2006).
◦ UDL has been developed by the Centre for Applied Special Technology (CAST) as a framework of lesson planning

that helps teachers to create lessons that are inclusive for a broad range of learners in their classrooms, which

involves the proactive application of educational design concepts, pedagogical knowledge and technology to create

learning experiences that is accessible and engaging to learners with diverse needs (Navarro et al. 2016).

◦ UDL introduces teachers to three principles for overcoming barriers that are particularly presented within a learning

environment, including: 1) Representation -- modifications that can be made to educational resources that would

make them accessible to learners with diverse needs; 2) Action and Expression -- alternative methods of

communication for learners with diverse needs; and 3) Engagement -- the use of strategies that involve learners

with diverse needs in the learning process (Navarro et al. 2016, p. 18).
◦ A teaching technique designed to compensate/make up for pupils for the disadvantages

they experience as a consequence of deficiencies in their social backgrounds and

environments (Merriam-Webster, n. d.).

◦ An example of a compensatory approach would be to let a child with writing issues use

speech recognition software that converts her own words to text. (Osewalt, n. d.).
 In a word, all the three instructional techniques can help a lot for differentiating teaching for diverse

students in an inclusive classroom and support their learning. An important design feature teachers

should keep in mind in many instructional strategies that are effective for inclusive environments is the

ability to adapt content, process, and product according to the various needs of individual students ,

especial those with special needs (Taylor, 2015). Content refers to what is being taught, process refers to

how the content is taught, and product refers to what the student produces in activities (worksheet,

assignment, project, and so forth).

References (1)

Baldiris Navarro, S., Zervas, P., Fabregat Gesa, R., & Sampson, D. G. (2016). Developing Teachers’ Competences for Designing

Inclusive Learning Experiences. Educational Technology & Society, 19 (1), 17–27. JSTOR

K12 Academics. (n. d.) Inclusion classroom.

Global Diversity Practice. (n. d.) Diversity.

Queensborough Community College (n. d.). Definition for diversity.

Koenig, D. (n. d.). What is an inclusive learning environment?


K12 Academics. (n. d.) Inclusion classroom.

References (2)

Merriam-Webster. (n. d.). Compensatory education.

Osewalt, G. (n. d.). What’s the Difference Between Remedial Instruction and a Compensatory Approach?


Taylor, B.K. (2015). Content, process, and product: Modeling differentiated instruction. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 51(1), 13-17. Retrieved from

ERIC.Tomlinson, C. A. (n. d.). What is differentiated instruction?

Tomlinson, C.A., & McTighe, J. (2006). Integrating differentiated instruction and Understanding by Design: Connecting content and kids.

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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