Fishing Industry

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Fishing Industry

By: Daood Aqeel

What is Aquaculture:
The rearing of Aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food
Uses of Fish:
● Fish waste is used to make fertilizers and poultry feed
● White meat is a nutritious and delicious food and preferred as a low diet
● Oil extracted from the fish provides as a source of Nutrition ( contains Vitamin
A and D)
Types of Fishing:
Marine Fishing:

(A): Subsistence Fishing

(B): Commercial Fishing

Inland Fishing
Marine Fishing:
● Sindh Coast(30% of the coastline)

● Makran Coast(70% of the coast)

● Growth of Mangrove trees to provide breeding grounds for fish and Shrimps
(A) Subsistence farming:
● When the family and the fisherman consume the fish they catch
● A subsistence fisherman uses Traditional methods of fish farming such as
traditional nets, small wooden sailboat
● Do not travel to the deep sea
Types of Marine Catch:
● Sharks
● Croakers
● CatFish
● Drums
● Rays
● Skates
Inland Fishing:
● Practiced in almost all the Rivers and Lakes in the country
● Specially dug ponds have also been made for this purpose

Types of Inland/ FreshWater fish:

● Palla
● Talla
● Trout
● Rahu
● Manaseer
Main Inland Fishing Centres:
● Manchar Lake in Dadu District
● Haleji lake
● Reservoirs of Mangla and Tarbela Dams
● River Indus at Sukkur
Fish Catches in Gawadar:
● Catfish
● Croaker
● Cuttlefish
● Octopus
● Squid
Fishing Techniques:
● Nets
● Nylon Ropes
● Floats
● Winches
Fish Processing at Gawadar:
● Salting
● Dying
● Icing ( at present there are over 16 ice factories in the district of which 6 are at
● Canning of Fish is done at Karachi although there is a huge potential for
Canning industry in the district
Fish Marketing:
● Packed in Ice for transportation to Karachi

Fish Marketed in 3 ways:

1. Some businessmen from Karachi or foreign countries buy fish in the open sea
avoiding post charges
2. Most of the fish is auctioned at fish harbours like Gawadar and pasni from
where businessmen send it to Karachi and the neighbouring districts
3. Sometimes the fish is directly exported from Gawadar and pasni to foreign
4. It is sold to the local population of the district, not involved in the fishing
Government’s Efforts to Develop Fisheries:
● Introduction of new,modern and developed fishing methods.
● Developed of Value added products such as canned or frozen fish by
providing fish processing facilities
● Guidance and weather information for the fishermen through broadcasting
● Strengthening of Quality Control Laboratories.
Fish Marketing and Demand:
● Pakistan has a domestic and an international market for fish, shrimps and fish
● In Karachi, the main fishing centre, Street Hawkers also buy some of the fish
catch and provide a door-to-door service.
● Frozen or Processes fish is supplied to only a few large departmental stores
in Urban Areas
● The local demand of fish is less than its catch
● About 30% of the fish catch is exported to 30 countries of the world, Japan
being the main market for fish and shrimps
Benefits of Fishing Industry:
● Greater return to the fishermen
● Increased Employment
● May lead to development of Infrastructure in a country
● Use of Technology will ensure fish production
● Increased Foreign Exchange
● Reduces burden on crop and livestocks
Effects of Fish on Environment:
● Land based farms have brought about ecological changes and have affected
surrounded areas.
● Conversion of Coastal wetlands and fish farms has disturbed the general
Marine Ecosystem.
● Effluents of Fish farms may contain Chemicals used for disinfecting and
containing diseases, pests and predators may containing hormones, used for
Problems of the Fishing Industry:
● Spillage of Oil from ships have been known to affect the marine life and
numerous chemicals including toxins and heavy materials have been found in
the marine life
● Overfishing: Forexaple fishing throughout the year, even during the breeding
● Mangrove acts as a barrier and protect the coast lines from high and low
tides, they also act as breeding grounds for fish, however they cannot thrive
well in the pollutes Sea-waters
● Pakistan also lack the financial resources and the technical experts which are
experienced, to develop the fishing industry on modern lines and produce
Value-added products.
Sustainable Development:
In order to Ensure the Sustainable Development of Fisheries the Govt

● Not allow foreign deep-sea trawlers to operate in the area of Arabian sea
which is under the control of Pakistan in order to avoid overfishing.
● Implement laws banning the usage of Small nets which catch the baby fish
● Maintain the ecological Balance by enforcing strict laws such as banning the
cut down of Mangrove trees and water pollution.

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