Outline of
Subject 7- The Last Things
Dr. Alva J. McClain’s
Series on
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. Strong - Systematic Theology
2. Hoyt - The Place and Meaning of Death in the Bible
3. Luckock - After Death; Intermediate State
4. Plumptre - The Spirits in Prison
5. Peters - After Death, What?; The Great Hereafter
6. Dowdy - The Intermediate State
7. Haldeman - Sermons on the Second Coming; The Coming of Christ
8. A. J. Gordon - Ecce Venit
9. Snowden - The Coming of the Lord
10. Silver -The Lord’s Return
11. W.E.B. - Jesus is Coming
12. Brown - The Second Advent
13. Seiss - The Last Times
14. Beet - The Last Things
15. Brookes - Israel and the Church
16. Bauman - Light from Bible Prophecy
17. Ross - Our Glorious Hope
18. West - The Thousand Years in Both Testaments
19. Allen - The First Resurrection
20. Wraight - Then Cometh the End
21. Strombeck - First the Rapture
22. Shedd - Endless Punishment
23. Jackson - Retribution
24. Hamilton - Rewards and Punishment
25. Grant - Facts and Theories About the Future State
26. Symposium - That Unknown Country
27. Gaebelein - The Conflict of the Ages
28. Mauro - The World and Its God
29. Mauro -The Number of Man
30. Hislop - The Two Babylons
31. Andrews - Christianity and Antichristianity
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. Material used is mainly in New Testament.
2. Discussion under five heads.
3. Begin with the “Various Theories.”
2. Element of Truth
3. The Mistake
4. Best Answer
Acts 2:32-33
Acts 3:19-20
1. Supposed Basis.
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Matt. 24:1-3
Matt. 24:29-30
Matt. 16:28
2. Element of Truth
3. The Mistake
4. Best Answers
1. Supposed Basis
John 14:21,23
Rev. 3:20
2. Element of Truth
3 The Mistake
4. Best Answer
Col. 1:27 with 3:3-4
Phil. 3:20-21
1. Supposed Basis
Psa. 23:5
Jn. 14:1-3
2. Element of Truth
3. The Mistake
4. Best Answer
I Thess. 4:13-17
2. Element of Truth
3. The Mistake
4. Best Answer
Rev. 19:11- Cf. Alford
Counsel to “watch” is made meaningless.
1. Supposed Basis
Matt. 13:36-43
2. Element of Truth
3. The Mistake
4. Best Answer
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. Basis
2. Useless to quote Scripture
1. Basis:
Chronological schemes of late Pastor Russell (not original).
Denial of physical resurrection of Christ.
2. Best Answer
Matt. 24:21-27
(1) Basis
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
A revelation in which the different elements are related, not in any external manner, but as
the parts of a growing plant are related.
Mark 4:26-28
4. Doctrine of our Lord’s Coming into the world unfolds like a growing plant, which at
every stage of the revelation contains the germ of the yet unrevealed.
Cf. Chart
1. Old Testament reveals many details about the coming of Messiah, but nowhere in so many words
declares that He will come twice.
- for example:
2. However, within this growing content of Messianic prophecy, we find two apparently conflicting
lines of prediction:
(1) Messiah as a great, powerful, glorious, reigning King.
Isa. 9:6-7 Jer. 23:5-8
Isa. 11:1-5 Dan. 7:13-14
Isa. 40:9-10 Mal. 3:1-2
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
(3) To the Old Testament Jew these two lines of prophecy raised a very serious problem of
(1) To the prophets themselves:
I Pet. 1:10-11
(2) To the Jewish Rabbis:
one group - Acts 8:32-34
others -
4. The true explanation became clear only after His first coming, and in the light of His own
(1) By His first coming He fulfilled prophecies of rejection and suffering.
Luke 24:20-27
(2) He promises to fulfill prophecies of power and glory in a Second coming.
Matt. 24:30
5. After the first coming, we can go to the Old Testament and identify those passages which refer
to the Second Coming:
6. Why were these two lines of Old Testament prophecy woven together so closely that not
even the prophets could distinguish the time element in the two comings?
4. But these “Comings” are never confused with that grand and final eschatological event
which we name in Theology “The Second Coming”.
1. ho erchomenos ( )
2. Erchomai ( )
(1) Meaning: “to come from one place to another” (Thayer)
i.e. - the act of coming
(2) Usage: often of the Second Coming (translated “come”)
Matt. 10:23; 16:27-28; 21:40; 24:30, 42,44,46; 25:19,31; 26:64
Mark 8:38; 9:1; 12:9; 13:26,35,36; 14:62
Luke 9:26; 12:36,37,38,39,40,43; 18:8; 19:13; 20:16; 21:27; 23:42
John 14:3,28 I Cor. 4:5; 11:26; II Thess. 1:10 II John 7 ARV
Jude 14; Rev. 1:7; 3:11; 16:15; 22:7,12,17,20
3. Katabaino ( )
(1) Meaning - “to come down”, “to descend”
the direction of the act of coming
(2) Usage -
4. heko ( )
(1) Meaning - “to have arrived”
the result of the act of coming
(2) Usage:
the first coming - John 8:42 ARV
the second coming - Matt. 24:50; 24:14; Luke 12:46; Rom. 11:26
Rev. 2:25; 3:3
5. Parousia ( )
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
(2) Usage:
In Archaeology - to denote arrival and presence of a ruler
- at some certain place (Deissman)
Of Paul - Phil. 2:12 and II Cor. 10:10
Of Antichrist - II Thess. 2:9
Of Second Coming - Matt. 24:3,27,37,39; I Cor. 15:23; I Thess. 2:19, 3:13;
4:15; 5:23, II Thess, 2:1; Jas. 5:7-8; II Peter 3:4;
I John 2:28
for illustration see II peter 1:16
6. Apocalypse ( )
(1) Meaning: apo - “away” plus Kalupto - to hide or veil Unveil
describes one detail of the parousia - He will be unveiled.
(2) Usage:
of the Antichrist - II Thess. 2:3 “revealed”
of the Second Coming - “appearing” in I Pet. 1:7
“Revelation” in Luke 17:30; I Cor. 1:7; II Thess. 1:7; I Pet. 1:13;
4:13 Cf. Rev. 1:1
7. Phaneroo ( )
(1) Meaning: To make visible what has been not known or seen.
(2) Usage:
of things hidden - Luke 8:17
of first coming - I John 3:5
of Resurrection appearance - John 21:1
of Second coming - “appear” in Col. 3:4; I Pet. 5:4; I John 2:28
for fine illustration – I John 3:2
8. Epiphaino ( )
(1) Meaning: phaino - “to bring to light” plus Epi - “full” - full visibility.
(2) Usage:
of first coming - Luke : 79; II Tim. 1:10
of second coming: “Brightness” in II Thess. 2:8
“Appearing” in I Tim. 6:14; II Tim. 4:1; 4;8; Tit. 2:13
9. Horao ( )
(1) Meaning: to see with the eyes.
(2) Usage:
of first coming - “seen” in John 6:36
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
I Thess. 5:1-5
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
8. The Second Coming will be a highly complex event, having two main phases, covering
a period of time, and including a whole series of related events. (Memorize this)
1. Its complexity:
2. Its two main phases:
I Thess. 4:15-18
I Thess. 3:13
II Thess. 2:1,8
Titus 2:13
3. Its related events: (to be discussed later)
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
II Peter 3:8-9, 15
I Thess. 4:13-18; I Cor, 15;50-57; John 14:1-3; Rom 8;23, 13:11; Phil. 3:20-21;
I Thess. 1:10; 5:1-9; II Thess. 2:1
1. Rapture referred to by various terms.
II Thess. 2:1
Romans 8:23
Romans 13:11; I Peter 1:5
Phil. 3:14
2. Rapture attended by four remarkable circumstances: I Thess. :13-18
Some problems:
Phil. 3:20
5. This heavenly city will be the church’s dwelling during the Millennial Kingdom.
Cf. “Kingdom of the heavens” -- rule of the heavens
We shall reign with Christ “over” the earth
Cf. Rev. 5:10 (epi with genitive-government-so Green)
But in heaven is our Home. Distance no problem.
6. This Heavenly Home will change its location at the close of the Millennial Kingdom.
Rev. 21:1-3, 10
Rev. 21:24-25
Matt. 16:27; Rev. 22:12; II Tim. 4:7-8; James 5:8-9; I Pet. 1:4; I Jn. 2:28;
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. Our Lord is now engaged in the ministry of sanctifying and perfecting His church.
for references and discussion, see my lectures on “Present Sanctification”
Eph. 5:26
2. The completion of this ministry is placed at the second coming of Christ.
I Thess. 5:23 A.R.V. - Greek “parousia”
3. More specifically, its completion is connected with the latter or revelatory phase of the Second
I Thess. 3:13
Phil. 1:6
4.The nature of this work will be to “establish” finally the holiness of Christian character.
I Thess. 3:13
I Cor. 1:7-8
5. The means by which this work will be brought to completion will be our appearance and
examination at the Bema-seat of Christ.
Rom. 14:10-13
I John 2:28
John 3:2
6. The purpose of the this work is to prepare fully the church for her presentation as the Bride of
Eph. 5:26-27
Rev. 19:7-8
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. Strictly speaking, the church is not yet the Bride, but a “Virgin” “espoused” to Christ.
“Pride” is a woman “newly married, or about to be married” (Funk)
II Cor. 11:2
Edersheim: “From the moment of betrothal both parties were regarded, and treated in law
(as to inheritance, adultery, etc.) as if they had actually been married, except as regarded
their living together.” (Vol. I p. 354)
2. The marriage of the Lamb and His Church will take place just before the manifestation
(epiphaneia) of His coming.
Rev. 19:6-7 Cf. Rev. 19:1 and 11-14 for place and time.
6. The Church has received a symbol which speaks of the coming marriage.
Rev. 19:9 with I Cor. 11:20
1. The world at present cannot identify and appraise the true “children of God.”
I John 3:1
2. The manifestation of the members of the church will take place at the Second Coming of Christ.
Col. 3:4
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
II Thess. 1:7:10
Cf. John 17:10
6. We should remember that already we are being prepared for the coming day of manifestation.
Col. 1:27-28
7. This coming Day of Manifestation should help us to endure our present disciplinary sufferings.
Rom. 8:18 ff.
8. This hope should lead us to pray for one another and to strive to be counted worthy.
II Thess. 1:10-12
Heb. 10:25
I Cor. 11:26
Mark 13:33
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Col. 3:4-5
Phil. 3:18-21
Titus 2:12-13
I John 3:2-3
II Peter 3:11-12
I John 2:28
Rev. 3:11
I Pet. 1:6-7
Jas. 5:7-8
I Pet. 4:13
John 14:1-3
Phil. 4:5-6
Luke 21:25-28
Romans 8:22-24
I. Cor. 15:51
I Thess. 4:18
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
2. Failure to preach second coming makes impossible the fullest development of Christian
character and service.
3. What is it about the second coming that makes it such a powerful motive?
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. In Genesis.
2. In the Psalms.
10:18 in context
110:1-7 A.R.V.
3. In Isaiah.
The true Messiah appears clearly and sharply in Isaiah.
So also the Anti-Messiah --
Outline of Antichrist reaches highest development until John pens the Book of Revelation.
(Second Coming and Antichrist, Cont.) Second Coming 18
In these respects he will be the most remarkable figure the world has ever seen (save one).
2. High intelligence.
Dan. 7:8
Cf. Ezek. 1:18; Rev. 4:6
3. A great orator.
Dan. 7:8 with Rev. 13:5
4. A philosopher of note.
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Dan. 8:23
Cf. 2 Chron. 9:1
5. A crafty politician.
Dan. 8:25
7. A military genius.
Rev. 13:4
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
He will be the very incarnation and consummation of human sin, pride, arrogance, rebellion and
1. A materialistic pantheist in religion.
- “honor a god of forces”
Deification of natural forces and denial of any god apart from them. Enables him to
justify worship of self and image on philosophic grounds. Leads finally to enthronement
of force in settlement of human affairs.
2. A blasphemer extraordinary.
(a) Attempts to defeat the course of prophecy and change law of God.
Dan. 7:25 - “thinks to change (the) times and (the) laws” A.R.V.
Dan. 11:36
2 Thess. 2:4
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Rev. 6:3-8
Matt. 24:6-7
Rev. 13:3-4
Dan. 9:27
Rev. 17:1-5
Rev. 13:2
Psa. 75:6-7
2 Thess 2:7
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
(1) His treaty with Jews will mark beginning of Daniel’s 70th week of years.
Dan. 9:27
(2) Cannot be dogmatic about the time between beginning of public career and treaty with
(3) But we know he will reach the height of his power in middle of 70th week.
Dan. 7:21-22, 25
Rev. 13:5,7
Isa. 14:3-4
Matt. 24:15,21
7. He proceeds now to destroy the apostate church.
Rev. 17:16-17
8. At last he reaches the pinnacle of all earthly powers -- religious, economic, and military.
Rev. 13:28
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Rev. 13:18
(1) Nebuchadnezzar and Image
Dan. 3:1 ff
(3) Antiochus Epiphanes
Dan. 11:21-32
(1) Mystery of lawlessness already working.
2 Thess. 2:7
(2) Denial of coming of Christ in the flesh.
1 Jn. 4:2-3
2 Jn. 7 A.R.V.
3. Hebrew word
i. most characteristic - to awake
Job 14:12; Psa. 17:5; Isa. 26:19; Dan. 12:2
1. Cor. 15:20
cf. Acts 26:23
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. Thess. 4:13-18
Dan. 12:1-2
Rev. 11:11-12
Rev. 7:14, 20:4
NOTE: When the last sub-division is raised, the Holy Spirit writes, “This is the first
resurrection” (Rev. 20:5), thus indicating that this special Res. is complete and
4. The Result
(1) They put on immortality - Rev. 20:6, Luke 20:36
(2) They are given a place of special honor - Rev. 20:4-6
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
a. The “spirit” theory.
b. The “Resuscitation” theory.
c. The “new creation” theory.
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. With reference to mankind, the word “Death” in Scripture is used to describe three different
(1) Spiritual Death
Eph. 2:1
” 2:5
” 2:12
” 4:18
cf. 2:5-6, 13, 18
Definition: Spiritual Death is separation of the person from God, and is the present state of all the
Definition: Physical Death is the temporary separation of the body from the spirit and/or soul.
Rev. 20:13-15
” 21:8
Definition: The Second Death brings the unsaved person into the final and permanent
State, involving a repetition of Physical Death and irrevocable continuance
of Spiritual Death.
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
3. The remainder of this study will deal only with Physical Death:
1. Physical Death is the temporary separation of the body from the soul and/or spirit.
Gen. 35:18
Lk. 23:46
Acts 7:59
Jas. 2:26
2. On the physical side, Death is a distinct crisis marked by the cessation of life in the body and
resulting ordinarily in its dissolution and corruption.
Jas. 2:26
II Cor. 5:1
Ecc. 12:7
3. On the metaphysical side, Physical Death introduces the soul (and spirit) into a new state of
conscious existence which is intermediate between death and the resurrection.
Luke 16:19-23
Rev. 6:9-11
4. From the personal standpoint, therefore, physical Death is an experience which involves the entire
person - body, soul and spirit.
Luke 16:22-23
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Gen. 3:19
Luke 23:43
1. From the immediate and material viewpoint, Physical Death is the result of what men call “natural”
causes, and which are recognized in Scripture.
Gen. 3:19
Psa. 103:15-16
Psa. 90:10
Luke 13:1
Luke 13:4
Acts 9:37
Prov. 10:21
Note: God ordained the Moral Law which demands death for the sinner, and also the Physical Law
which obeys the demand.
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. To mankind in general
(1) An inevitable experience
Eccl. 2:15-16; 3:12, 19; 9:5
2. To the Unsaved
(1) Loss of all they call good.
I Cor. 15:32
Eccl. 5:15-16
Job 3:21
Rev. 9:6
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
(2) But Old Testament saints had some light to alleviate the gloom.
Job 19:25-27
Psa. 16:8-11
Isa. 25:6-8
Hos. 13:14
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. Definition: That period of existence between physical Death and the Resurrection.
2. Proof of such a state: Revealed in those passages which refer to the Resurrection as a future
event associated with the second coming of Christ.
I Thess. 4:13-17
I Cor. 15:51-54
II Tim. 2:18
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
5. We shall take the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ as the dividing line between the
Old Testament and New Testament situations.
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
In the Bible, when a person dies, body goes into the grave, but the soul to Sheol-Hades
Gen. 25:8-9
Job. 11:8
Psa. 141:7
Gen. 37:35
Luke. 16:22-23
Psa. 16:10
Psa. 139:8
Isa. 28:15,18
Prov. 15:11
Amos 9:2
Possible exceptions:
o The Righteous
John 2:2
Matt. 22:32
Luke 23:42-43
Matt. 17:3
o The wicked
Isa. 14:9-11, 15-16 ARV.
Luke 16:23-25
2. note marks of consciousness:
Deut. 32:22
Prov. 9:18
Isa. 14:15 ARV
- Argument:
Luke 16:19-31
a. one called “Lowest Sheol”
b. other called “Paradise” - Ecc. 2:5 ARV; S.S. 4:13
3. “Abraham’s bosom” - John 1:18; 13:25
4. Problems:
a. How interpret Old Testament texts picturing Sheol as place of no knowledge?
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
2. Soul-sleep theory
3. Purgatory theory
4. Stupor theory
1. In Old Testament
shapshat - to establish or decide
1. trans. Judge generally (175 times)
mishpot - the noun - a judgment
- trans. Judgment (294 times)
2. In New Testament
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. Declared in Scripture.
Dan. 12:2-3
2 Tim. 4:1; 2 Pet. 3:7
2. Demanded by the character of God.
Hab. 1:13)
Psa. 50:21) Cf. Psa, 8 :14
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. Wrong Theories
2. Criticism of these theories
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
1. “I cannot believe in an eternal hell when the material flame will torment the body
forever” -
literally fire -
ans. McClain doesn’t believe in literal fire.
1. James 3:5,6, “fire of hell” - here is a person who finds pleasure in evil speech -
(Holderman) - the loss of the human body gives a clue to the problem. The seat of sin is
not seated in the body but rather the soul. The body is only the instrument to express sin -
body has burning desires to be satisfied. Hell has souls in it which can not express their
vile passions. The people in hell will not be able to express their passion, they have no
body. Matt. 8:29 - The demons take pleasure in
possessing a body, even for short period of time.
Rev. 20:14-
hell will be a place where there is strict order, but there will be no freedom, absolute
control, no expression of the physical, The “rich man” had no body - but he asked for
water to be placed on his tongue - the loss of the body doesn’t relieve the desire for expression.
The wicked shall be raised in the body for judgment and then be cast into the “lake of
fire” destroys the body again and does not destroy the soul which was made to exist
eternally. the soul is to exist in punishment forever.
2. How could Jesus pay an eternal debt without Jesus, Himself, suffering for eternity or
Ans. Christ was not finite - Christ being infinite was able to pay an infinite debt in a few
moments or:
a. God is infinite - therefore all sin against a holy God is infinite.
b. Sin that is infinite in its demerit demands infinite punishment.
c. Such punishment can be inflicted in just two ways - either in force or duration
d. Sinner is finite therefore he could not pay the penalty infinite in force and
therefore any punishment he must suffer penalty in duration.
Christ was infinite in character and therefore was able to pay the penalty in a moment of time
which would last for eternity.
3. God is a father, more tender and loving than a earthly father - no earthly father would
treat his son in this way.
Ans. No one has the right to measure the love or righteousness of a holy God on the basis
of earthly father. If the earthly father does not punish the disobedient child, he does not have a pure
love for him. A person who commits a felony would have to be imprisoned for safety to others.
4. I just can’t believe that a God who allows people to suffer in the future life - He’s
not a God for me.
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Ans. God has allowed people to suffer even in this life. People will continue to suffer as
long as there is a world. If God allows suffering in this world, why would it be inconsistent to say
that God will allow suffering in the future world.
5. I could not be happy in heaven if I knew that other human beings are suffering in eternal
hell. How could a mother bare her child in hell?
ans. These people who say this are quite often guilty of not helping the needy in this life.
“God will wipe away every tear” I don’t know how God will do it.
6. It has been said that the preaching of eternal punishment is a preaching of fear. fear is not
a good motive for turning to good.
Ans. Fear of hell can’t make people good, but the fear of hell can drive a person to Christ
who can save his soul and then he shall have eternal life.
The motive of fear is the chief factor in making this world a safe place to live. Men have a
fear of prison and thus fear the consequence of breaking the law.
7. It is not right for God to punish for eternity the sins of a man who committed sins in a
short lifetime of perhaps 60 years. It is impossible for a man to commit enough sins in a life
Ans. All such objections can be classified under the following
(1) The assuming the duration of punishment should be determined by the time to
commit them.
The time it takes to commit is never considered in the punishment, but the intensity of
the matter or nature of the crime will determine the penalty.
(2) Even if this were true, it still is right for God to punish a man for committing a crime.
each sentence for each crime would accumulate until there could be hypothetically an
everlasting punishment.
Can any sinner stop sinning in the next world?
ans. No - man has tried to stop sinning and cannot do it.
Sin is the only perpetual motion in this world.
Eternal punishment is grounded upon the premise that apart from Christ no man can escape
eternal punishment.
Rev. 21:1-5
Rev. 20:13-14
Rev. 22:1-5 (Heaven because sin has been dealt with).
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
2. In spite of many shades of difference all these views can be divided into three main
(1) Restorationism (Universalism) - Farrar, Chapter 13, Origin, p. 37.
(2) Annihilationism - Summerbell, Chapter 45
(3) Everlasting Punishment - Buckley, Chapter 8, Augustine, P. 42
But all differing views can be reduced to one common proposition: Namely, there is hope for the
wicked beyond the grave. Some day the doors of hell will open and all or some of its occupants
will be received into heaven. Cf. Tennyson’s ‘Larger Hope”
Contra - Luther
(4) Modern Times - Bengel? Schleiermacher (1800)
Modern Universalist church (1803)
Today many Protestant leaders. Cf. Van Dyke
(5) Factors in Recent Growth
(1) Modern critical attitude toward Bible -- not infallible.
(2) Two world wars made fertile soil.
(6) Restorationism has a strong fascination - why?
Psalm. 103:8-9
Isa. 57:16
John 1:29
John 12:32
Acts 3:21
Roman 5:19
I Cor. 15:22
I Tim. 2:4 and 5
Phil. 2:10
Col. 1:19-20
Rev. 16:7-11,21
4. That the fires of hell can accomplish what God could not do by the present means of
Note: Most complete refutation is Bible Doctrine of Everlasting Punishment which we study
1. Restorationism - a deadly menace:
To the saved
To the unsaved
2. May explain partially present moral and spiritual conditions.
2. Three differences:
(1) Condition during intermediate state
(2) Opportunity for salvation after death
(3) Problem of degrees of punishment.
3. Method of discussion: State main propositions of Annihilationism and answer them.
1. Note one difference between Annihilationists themselves:
(1) Words always mean cessation of existence.
(2) Words mean this only when applied to final state of wicked.
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
3. Conclusion:
4. The two great Christian facts which destroy the theory of Annihilationism:
(1) Nirvana - philosophic annihilationism
(2) Thus the “hell” of Annihilationism is the “heaven” for which millions of pagans are
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
Subject 7 – The Last Things - Doctrine of Eschatology
4. Testimony of opponents:
John W. Chadwick --
Theodore Parker --