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What is a heat pump?

A heat pump is a machine that by reversing it's refrigeration cycle can provide heating in stead of cooling. Because a heat pump uses a refrigerant it can upgrade the heat in air at even -15C to a usable heat source to heat buildings. Difficult to understand perhaps but imagine a domestic fridge or freezer, reverse its cycle and that black grille on the back will be very cold whilst inside will be very hot. Heat pumps can extract heat from air and water and are nearly always used to both heat and cool a building very efficiently and economically. Top What is VRV or VRF? VRV is a system developed and designed by Daikin Industries and means "variable refrigerant volume". Daikin protected the term VRV so other manufacturers use the term VRF "variable refrigerant flow". In principle they both work the same and are extremely efficient, reliable, energy saving ways to heat and cool all types of buildings with minimum installation time or disruption. The volume or flow rate of refrigerant is accurately matched to the required heating or cooling loads thereby saving energy and providing more accurate control. In short, they are probably the best systems currently available for mid to large applications. Top What does an inverter do? An electrical inverter is used to vary the frequency of the power supply from a normal UK 50Hz enabling fine step speed control of motors (compressors) this in turn varies the quantity of refrigerant delivered and hence variable cooling or heating capacity.

What is COP? Coefficient of Performance, which is the ratio between the power input and power output. For example a modern heat pump will provide 3kw of heat for 1kw of electrical power input. Therefore the COP is expressed as 3 - 1. What is EER? Energy efficiency ratio is used to express the relative efficiency of a heating or cooling device by dividing the heat output by the power input. The higher the ratio compared to others, the better the system is. Please explain the difference between air conditioning, comfort cooling and close control? Air conditioning covers many things but is mainly, heating, cooling, ventilation, fresh air, filtration and control of humidity. Comfort cooling mainly relates to provision of just cooling to improve comfort. Close control air conditioning is really as the name implies, both temperature, humidity and air cleanliness are closely controlled and often to fine tolerances if necessary.

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