Cpim Ecm V7.0
Cpim Ecm V7.0
Cpim Ecm V7.0
March 31, 2021
APICS Certified in Planning and Inventory
Exam Content Manual
Version 7.0
Visit ascm.org/ecmerrata for APICS CPIM Exam Content Manual errata.
Internet links cited in the bibliographic references can be found in a more usable format on the
APICS website at ascm.org/cpim.
The references in this manual have been selected solely based on their educational value to the
APICS CPIM certification program and the content of the material. APICS does not endorse any
services or other materials that may be offered or recommended by the authors or publishers of
books and publications listed in this manual.
No portion of this document may be reproduced under any circumstances. CPIM is a registered
trademark of APICS.
Stock #09051-V70
©APICS 09051-V70
The Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) is the global leader in end-to-end supply chain
organizational transformation, innovation, and leadership. As the largest non-profit association for
supply chain, we are an unbiased partner connecting people around the world to the newest insights
and solutions on all aspects of supply chain. ASCM transforms enterprises and empowers people
with industry-recognized, global standards - like APICS and SCOR - to optimize their supply chains,
secure their competitive advantage, and positively impact the world.
ASCM would like to extend our gratitude to the following subject matter experts for their voluntary
contributions, time commitment, expertise, and passion to the continued development of the CPIM
Certification Committee Chair
• William Leedale, CPIM-F, CIRM, CSCP, CLTD
CPIM Part 1 Exam Subcommittee Members
• Marilyn Helms, D.B.A., CPIM-F, CIRM, CSCP-F, CLTD-F, CQM/OE
• Staffan Cederstrand, CPIM
• Lawrence Ettkin, Ph.D., CPIM-F
• Tricia Kerns, EdD, MBA, LSSBB, CPIM, CLTD
• William Thurston, CPIM-F, CIRM, CSCP-F, PMP
• Eric Schaudt, CPIM-F, CSCP, SCOR-P, CLTD, GLA
CPIM Part 2 Exam Subcommittee Members
• Andrea Prud’homme, Ph.D., CPIM-F, CIRM, CSCP, CLTD
• Daniel Iglesias, CPIM
• Murray Olsen, CPIM-F, CIRM, CQA, CMQ/OE, CSSGB
• Jaap Stumphius, CPIM-F, CLTD
• Rosemary Van Treeck, CPIM, CIRM, CSCP
CPIM JTA Task Force Members
• Jessica Crawford, CPIM
• Oswaldo D'Andrea Neto
• Melissa de Souza Rosa Nogueira
• Jeffrey Dilorenzo, CPIM, CSCP
• Mathurin Django, CSCP, PMP
• Robert L Rice
• Michael Snyder, CPIM-F, CIRM, CSCP-F, CLTD
• Marina Witwer
We would also like to thank the ASCM Corporate Members for their support in the advancement and
education of supply chain and operations management.
ASCM relies on the support of volunteers to maintain the quality and prestige of the APICS
certification programs.
Table of Contents
Letter to Candidates ................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
About the APICS CPIM Examinations ...................................................................................... 3
Question Format ................................................................................................................... 3
Taking the Test ..................................................................................................................... 4
Interpreting Test Scores....................................................................................................... 4
APICS Certified in Planning and Inventory Management Fellow (CPIM-F) ........................... 4
Studying for the APICS CPIM Exams ....................................................................................... 5
APICS CPIM References ....................................................................................................... 5
Terminology .......................................................................................................................... 5
Additional Resources for APICS CPIM Candidates ................................................................ 5
APICS CPIM Learning System .............................................................................................. 6
APICS CPIM Instructor-Led Review Courses and Educational Programs ......................... 6
Job Task Analysis…………………………………………………..……………………….…………………………..6
Exam Content vs. Courseware ................................................................................................ 7
APICS CPIM Certification Maintenance: Continuing Professional Development ................. 8
The Importance of Certification Maintenance.................................................................... 8
ASCM Code of Ethics ............................................................................................................... 9
Bibliography and References for CPIM Part 1 and Part 2 ................................................... 10
Key Terminology ..................................................................................................................... 12
Supplemental Glossary .......................................................................................................... 19
APICS Certified in Planning and Inventory Management Part 1 ......................................... 20
Scope of the Subject Matter .............................................................................................. 20
APICS CPIM Part 1 Content 7.0 ......................................................................................... 21
Content Outline................................................................................................................... 21
CPIM Part 1 Sample Questions ............................................................................................. 26
APICS Certified in Planning and Inventory Management Part 2 ......................................... 28
Scope of the Subject Matter .............................................................................................. 28
APICS CPIM Part 2 Content 7.0 ......................................................................................... 29
Content Outline................................................................................................................... 29
CPIM Part 2 Sample Questions ............................................................................................. 41
Answers to Sample Questions .............................................................................................. 44
Since CPIM was implemented by APICS in The following is a summary of each of the two
1973, it has continued to provide a standard APICS CPIM exams:
for individuals to evaluate their knowledge of
this ever-evolving field. APICS has APICS CPIM Part 1
administered more than 1 million exams in As the entry-level learning program, CPIM Part
over 100 countries, and more than 100,000 1 introduces the material presented in depth
professionals have earned the APICS CPIM in CPIM Part 2.
Part 1 introduces the definitions and concepts
The mission of the APICS CPIM program is to for planning and controlling the flow of
be the premier professional certification for products and services into, through, and out
supply chain and operations management. of an organization. Many of the concepts in
The CPIM exams are designed to test Part 1 are expanded upon in Part 2. Part 1
individuals in the various concepts, explains fundamental relationships among the
methodologies, terminology, and integration of various activities that may occur in the supply
topics within the supply chain and operations chain network from suppliers to customers.
management functions. ASCM has worked to This includes topics like demand
ensure that CPIM exams are consistently management, plan supply, execute supply
reliable and that the highest professional plan, inventory management, and continuous
standards are used to develop and administer improvement /quality management and
the program. technologies.
Introduction Sufficient references are given for each topic
area that provide different approaches to
material covered in each exam and different
This Exam Content Manual (ECM) provides
styles of presenting it. Reading periodicals,
guidance for individuals preparing for the
such as SCM Now magazine and the SCM
CPIM certification examinations. The objective
Impact e-newsletter will also help you keep up
of this manual is to outline the APICS CPIM
to date about changes in the industry.
exam body of knowledge, which is organized
into two exams:
About the APICS CPIM
• CPIM Part 1 Examinations
• CPIM Part 2
Each of the two APICS CPIM exams consist of
Test-takers who strive to earn their CPIM 150 questions, of which 20 are pre-test
certification must pass both of these exams questions that do not contribute to the total
within three years to become certified. For score but are used for statistical purposes
more information on how to earn the CPIM, only. Pre-test questions are continuously
please visit the APICS Exam Handbook. introduced and evaluated statistically, as part
of an industry best practice for certification
In this manual, each exam description begins program exam development. Pre-test
with a statement on the scope of the subject questions appear similar to the scored
matter, followed by a descriptive outline of the questions and are randomly distributed
content. Key terminology and a bibliography of throughout the exam. Candidates should
suggested references are also provided. Each answer all exam questions. There is a 3 ½
exam overview concludes with sample hour time limit for each APICS CPIM exam.
questions similar to those that appear on the
examinations along with the correct answers For more information regarding testing and
for the sample questions and brief registration policies and procedures, please
explanations as to why they are correct. visit ascm.org/CPIM or the APICS Exam
The recommended procedure for mastering
the subject matter is to: Question Format
The questions on the CPIM exams are
• review the content outline, which intended to test a candidate’s understanding
defines the scope of the material, and of the CPIM body of knowledge. The questions
• study each topic area using the frequently require the candidate to select the
suggested references. best of four choices or complete a calculation
based on the information given. They may also
At the end of each major section is a list of the ask the candidate to illustrate their
references that apply to the topics in that understanding of a concept, process, or
section. The first number indicates the procedure. These questions may require the
sequence number for the reference in the examinee to make finer or more in-depth
bibliography section, and the numbers in distinctions than the exercises or items
parentheses indicate the relevant chapter(s) presented in a course. It is helpful to
within that reference. understand the various formats of questions
on the exams. For sample questions and an
Candidates should understand the definitions introduction to Technology Enhanced Items
of the key terminology and the application of (TEIs) found in the CPIM Part 1 exam, please
outlined tools, processes, and techniques. see the CPIM Part 1 Sample Questions
section. CPIM Part 2 sample questions can be
A current active CPIM certification is required specifications and the detailed topic list in the
to be eligible for CPIM-F status. To obtain the content outline. If there are any areas of
APICS CPIM-F designation, an application form weakness, the candidate should consult other
must be completed and submitted online with references as part of the test preparation
the sufficient number of points to the ASCM process.
corporate office. Points are awarded based on
the following criteria: APICS certifications CPIM Content Outlines. The content outlines
earned (with additional points for fellow-level for CPIM Part 1 and CPIM Part 2 provided in
exam scoring of 320 or greater on an APICS this ECM should be considered a primary
certification exam), presentations, published resource for exam preparation. It provides an
works, classroom teaching, and ASCM overview of the major topics included in the
volunteer activities. exam, as well as a list of the concepts relevant
to that topic.
To apply for the CPIM-F certification, please
visit ascm.org/fellow. APICS Dictionary. The APICS Dictionary is an
essential reference to the exam content
Studying for the APICS manual and APICS exams. Within the
profession, terminology varies among
CPIM Exams industries, companies, and the academic
community. The exam uses standard
APICS offers several resources to help terminology as defined in the APICS
individuals prepare for the APICS CPIM exams. Dictionary. Recognizing the terms and
understanding their definitions are essential.
APICS CPIM References
Bibliography. The APICS CPIM Examination Terminology
Subcommittees have identified a number of In studying for the APICS CPIM certification
references for the APICS CPIM exams. These exams, candidates may discover multiple
references are used by both the exam terms used to denote the same technique.
subcommittees and the CPIM Courseware Examples of this include “sales and
Subcommittee in the development of exam operations planning” versus “production
questions and preparation materials. These planning” and “master production schedule”
are listed in the Bibliography section of this versus “master schedule.” APICS and the
manual. All of the references contain excellent certification exam subcommittees have
material that will assist in understanding the worked to provide consistency with preferred
body of knowledge and test preparation. For terminology. However, synonyms are often
additional information on the APICS CPIM used by authors in the various references
references visit the CPIM Exam References used to compile the body of knowledge.
page on the website. Candidates are encouraged to be familiar with
all terms and concepts listed within the
A candidate may discover that the material outline and key terminology section, using the
covered in the chapters of one reference APICS Dictionary as the primary guide for
duplicates material covered in another definitions.
reference. Both sources are included as
references to allow candidates some
discretion in selecting test preparation
Additional Resources for
materials that they find most accessible and APICS CPIM Candidates
In addition to the cited references, it may be
In deciding if a single reference is sufficient, helpful for you to pursue chapter-sponsored
candidates should assess their own level of courses, college courses, ASCM workshops,
knowledge against both the descriptive exam self-study courses, or courses offered by the
Exam Content vs. be taught or included to ensure understanding
of the body of knowledge. They also may
Courseware decide that a concept or term is adequately
covered by the definitions in the APICS
Certification has a very different purpose than Dictionary or content outlines and not cover it
education. It is to determine whether a in the course. These differences sometimes
candidate meets a minimum set of lead candidates to perceive a disconnect
requirements in relation to a body of between the courseware and the exam when,
knowledge. Certification exams test an in fact, they are both covering the same body
individual’s knowledge and ability to apply of knowledge.
that knowledge to specific situations. Exam
questions frequently require the candidate to Question and answer sets for APICS exams
select the best of the four choices or complete are written by exam subcommittee members
a calculation based on the information given. and other volunteers who are subject matter
They may also ask the candidate to illustrate experts and who have earned APICS
their understanding of a concept, process, or certification designations. The exam
procedure. While some exam questions may subcommittees must identify the specific
simply ask the candidate to demonstrate their entry in the ECM that is being tested and one
recollection of knowledge from the content or more of the references listed in the ECM
outline, they will more often require the that support the correct answer. All exam
candidate to apply the body of knowledge by questions and answers are reviewed and
evaluating and/or analyzing a scenario and typically revised by APICS exam subcommittee
determining the best solution. These members. Exam subcommittees, ASCM Test
questions will frequently require the candidate Development staff, and a third-party exam
to make finer distinctions than the exercises development contractor all review the
or items presented in a review course. potential test questions for correctness of
form, spelling and grammar.
APICS uses a rigorous process for creating its
certification exams and courseware. Exams A potential test question will be reviewed
and courseware study materials are multiple times before it actually appears on an
developed separately to maintain the integrity exam. Potential test questions initially appear
of the exam process. on exams in what is referred to as pre-test
status in order to collect statistics on the
APICS exam subcommittees define the questions. It is not until a question is deemed
contents of the Exam Content Manual (ECM), to be statistically valid that it will appear as a
which determines the areas that will be tested scored question on an exam and count
in APICS certification exams. The ECM defines towards a test-taker’s exam score and result.
the body of knowledge that can be tested, and
every exam question is linked to the ECM Because each test form has a limited number
content. The APICS exam subcommittees also of questions, it samples representative areas
select the references that will be used for of the body of knowledge as defined by the
exam development. Additionally, the exam ECM. While each test form is different, all
subcommittees work with ASCM staff in the areas tested are contained within the body of
creation and maintenance of exam forms. knowledge as defined by the ECM.
ASCM Code of Ethics to age, gender, race, ethnicity,
national origin, religion, sexual
orientation, disability, language, and
When you begin the exam registration socio-economic status;
process, you will be asked to pledge to abide
• In your professional capacity, do not
by the ASCM Code of Ethics. Once certified,
engage in behavior that is harassing
you pledge to continue your education to
or demeaning to others based on
increase your contribution to the supply chain
factors, including but not limited to
management profession. After achieving the
age, gender, race, ethnicity, national
APICS CPIM designation, you pledge also to origin, religion, sexual orientation,
share your knowledge with others by disability, language, or socio-economic
participating in ASCM research and status;
educational activities at local, district,
• Adhere to this Code of Conduct and its
national, and international levels.
application to your professional work.
Lack of awareness or
The ASCM Code of Ethics is as follows:
misunderstanding of an ethical
standard is not itself a defense to a
• Maintain exemplary standards of
charge of unethical conduct;
professional conduct;
• Contact the Ethics Committee when
• Do not misrepresent your
uncertain whether a particular
qualifications, experience, or
situation or course of action violates
education to ASCM or others you serve
the Code of Conduct; and
in a professional capacity;
• Do not become the subject of public
• Respect and do not violate the United
disrepute, contempt, or scandal that
States Copyright of all ASCM
affects your image or goodwill.
materials, including but not limited to
courseware; magazine articles and
Failure to abide by ASCM Code of Ethics policy
other ASCM publications; APICS
may result in sanctions up to and including
conference presentations; and CPIM,
CSCP, CLTD, and SCOR-P examination
resources. In this same spirit, you
must not violate the copyright of other
organizations and individuals in your
professional capacity;
• Do not engage in or sanction any
exploitation of one’s membership,
company, or profession;
• Encourage and cooperate in the
interchange of knowledge and
techniques for the mutual benefit of
the profession;
• In your professional capacity, respect
the fundamental rights and dignity of
all individuals. You must demonstrate
sensitivity to cultural, individual, and
role differences, including those due
References Author(s) Part 1 Part 2
13 Technology in Supply Chain Management Pagano, Anthony M., and
and Logistics: Current Practice and Future Matthew Liotine X X
Applications, 2019
14 United Nations Global Compact: Corporate UN Global Compact
Sustainability in the World Economy, 2014
15 United Nations Global Compact Deloitte Touche
Management Model: Framework for Tohmatsu X
Implementation, 2010
Content outline. The content outline for each exam provides an overview of the major topics included
in that module. Each major topic is denoted by a Roman numeral and is followed by a list of the
references that are particularly relevant to that topic.
Note: At the end of each major section in the CPIM Part 1 and CPIM Part 2 content outlines is a list of
the references that apply to the topics within that section. The first number indicates the sequence
number for the references designated in each subject area within the content outline. For example,
“7 (chapters 4, 8, 11, 14, 16)” means the reference, Introduction to Materials Management, 8th
edition, 2017. Chapters 4, 8, 11, 14, and 16 of that reference contain content relevant to that
subject matter.
APICS Dictionary. The APICS Dictionary, 16th edition is an essential publication that applies to the
exam content manual and exams. Within the profession, terminology varies among industries,
companies, and the academic community. Each exam uses standard terminology as defined in the
APICS Dictionary. Recognizing the terms and understanding their definitions are essential.
The APICS Dictionary is available from the APICS Bookstore. Other references can be found on the
CPIM Exam References page.
In studying for the APICS CPIM certification, candidates may discover multiple terms used to denote
the same technique. Examples of this include “sales and operations planning” versus “production
planning” and “master production schedule” versus “master schedule.” APICS and the certification
exam subcommittees have attempted to provide consistency across both exams with recognized and
preferred terminology. However, synonyms are often used by authors in the various references used
to compile the body of knowledge.
CPIM Key Terminology
CPIM Key Terminology
Key Terminology Part 1 Part 2 Key Terminology Part 1 Part 2
collaborative planning, design for manufacture and
forecasting, and assembly (DFMA) x
replenishment (CPFR) x direct costs x
common causes x direct labor x
competitive advantage x direct material x
configure-to-order (CTO)* x x discrete available-to-
consignment x promise x
constraint x discrete manufacturing x
consuming the forecast x discrete order picking x
continuous process distribution center x
improvement (CPI) x distribution warehouse x
continuous production x x downtime x
continuous replenishment x drum schedule x
contribution margin x drum-buffer-rope (DBR) x
control chart x early supplier involvement
control limit x (ESI) x
cost of poor quality x echelon x
economic order quantity
count point x
(EOQ) x
critical path method (CPM) x x electronic data interchange
critical ratio x (EDI) x
critical-to-quality employee empowerment x
characteristics (CTQs) x
employee involvement (EI) x x
cross-docking x enterprise resources
cumulative available-to- planning (ERP) x
promise x
explode x
current ratio x
external failure costs x
customer relationship
management (CRM) x external setup time x x
cycle stock x field service x
cycle time x x finished goods inventory x
data governance x finite forward scheduling x
decentralized inventory finite loading x
control x firm planned order (FPO) x
decision support system
(DSS) x five Ss x
decomposition x five whys x
decoupling inventory x fixed order quantity x
delivery lead time x fixed overhead x
demand filter x fixed-location storage x
demand lead time x fixed-position manufacturing x
demand shaping x floor stocks x
demonstrated capacity x flow processing x
CPIM Key Terminology
Key Terminology Part 1 Part 2 Key Terminology Part 1 Part 2
managerial accounting x operating expense x
manufacturing calendar x operation overlapping x
manufacturing execution operational performance
systems (MES) x measurements x
manufacturing lead time x operations management x
manufacturing order x operations scheduling x
manufacturing philosophy x operator flexibility x
manufacturing resource opportunity cost x
planning (MRP II) x
option overplanning x
mass customization x
order entry x
master data* x
order picking x
master data management
(MDM)* x order point x
master planning x order policy x
master schedule x order promising x
materials handling x order qualifiers x
materials management x order winners x
mean absolute deviation ordering cost x
(MAD) x outlier x
min-max system x outsourcing x
mixed-model production x overall equipment
mixed-model scheduling x effectiveness (OEE) x
modular bill of material x overhead x
modular design strategy x overhead allocation x
modularization x overlapped schedule x
move time x overstated master
production schedule x
muda (waste) x x
owner's equity x
multilevel bill of material x
P:D ratio x
multilevel master schedule x
pacemaker x
multisourcing x
parent item x
mura x
Pareto's law x x
muri x participative
net requirements x design/engineering x
nongovernmental pegging x
organization (NGO) x
perceived quality x
one less at a time x
performance objectives x
one-piece flow x x
performance standard x
on-hand balance x
period order quantity x
on-time schedule
performance x periodic replenishment x
open order x perishability x
CPIM Key Terminology
Key Terminology Part 1 Part 2 Key Terminology Part 1 Part 2
root cause analysis x x strategic plan x
rough-cut capacity planning strategic sourcing x
(RCCP) x
subcontracting x
run time x x
substitution x
sales plan x
sunk cost x
sawtooth diagram x
super bill of material x
scatter chart x
supplier certification x
scatterplot x
supplier lead time x
scheduled receipt x
supplier partnership x
scrap factor x supplier relationship
seasonal inventory x management (SRM) x
seasonality x supplier scheduling x
self-directed work team x supply chain management x
semifinished goods x surge capacity x
service level agreement terminal-handling charges x
(SLA) x
terminals x
service parts x
theory of constraints (TOC) x
setup x theory of constraints (TOC)
setup costs x accounting x
setup time x x third-party logistics (3PL) x
Shingo's seven wastes x x throughput x
simulation x throughput time x
single-level bill of material x time bucket x
single-minute exchange of time buffer x x
die (SMED) x
time fence x
single-source supplier x
time standard x
six sigma x time-phased order point
smoothing constant x (TPOP) x
specific identification x tolerance x
split lot x total cost curve x
spread x total cost of ownership
(TCO) x
standard time x
total line-haul cost x
start date x
total productive
statistical process control maintenance (TPM) x
(SPC) x
total quality control (TQC) x
stock keeping unit (SKU) x
total quality management
stockout costs x (TQM) x
stockout percentage x traceability x
store x tracking signal x
strategic drivers x transaction channel x
Supplemental Glossary Product road map - A plan that communicates
the product portfolio of offerings and product
lifecycles over time. The product road map
The following key terms are not found in the serves to detail product offerings, product
APICS Dictionary, 16th edition, so definitions manufacturing, and execution plans, and it
have been provided below. should tie to customer expectations and
marketing plans.
Configure-to-order (CTO) - A production
environment where a good or service is
determined at order entry by customers who
select from a pre-defined list of features,
options, and attributes. The key components
(bulk, semi-finished, intermediate,
subassembly, fabricated, purchased, packing,
and so on) used in the assembly or finishing
process may be planned and usually stocked
in anticipation of a customer order or only
after receipt of the customer order. Receipt of
a customer order initiates assembly of the
customized product. This strategy is useful
where a large number of end products (based
on the selection of options and accessories)
can be configured from common components.
Syn: assemble-to-order (ATO). See: make-to-
order (MTO), make-to-stock (MTS).
Continuous Improvement/Quality suppliers participating in the production,
Management and Technologies is the final delivery, and sale of a product or service to
section and includes principles of continuous the consumer.
improvement techniques as well as principles
for maintaining technology systems and The supply chain satisfies the market strategy
supporting technology implementation. through a variety of business functions.
Considerations for emerging technologies that Critical factors include product volume and
support supply chain processes are also variety, customer service level, lead times,
included in this section. customization, product life cycle, costs, and
The successful candidate will have a thorough
understanding of the basic concepts of supply A. Operational Objectives to Meet
chain management and be able to apply all Competitive Priorities
key terms, principles, and techniques
contained within the six subject areas. 1. Operating environment
a. Customer expectations
APICS CPIM Part 1 Content 7.0 b. Government regulations
The following table identifies the six main c. Economic conditions
topics of the exam. The relative importance of d. Global and domestic competitors
these topics varies among industries, but the 2. Business strategy and supply chain
figures show the percentage designated for planning
each section of the exam. a. Company vision, mission, and
Diagnostic Main topic Percentage b. Alignment with all functional
part of exam strategies
c. Planning of strategic buffers
Supply Chain
I 17%
B. Marketing Strategies
II of Demand 10%
1. Four Ps (product, price, place, and
III Plan Supply 10% 2. Distribution channels
Execute Supply 3. Market segmentation
IV 24%
Inventory C. Fundamentals of Sales and Operations
V 30%
Management Planning (S&OP)
Improvement / Sales and operations planning is a
Quality process to develop tactical plans that
VI 9%
Management provide management the ability to execute
and business plans and strategies to achieve
Technologies competitive advantage in the following
Content Outline
I. Supply Chain Overview 1. Update the sales forecasting reports
2. Demand planning phase
A supply chain is a global network used to 3. Supply planning phase
deliver products and services, from raw 4. Pre - S&OP meeting
materials to finished goods, to end consumers 5. Executive meeting
through a flow of information, physical
distribution, and cash. A supply chain consists
of retailers, distributors, warehouses, and
References: 1; 7 (chapters 1-3, 6-7, 9, 13-16); 8 C. Review Demand Types and Sources
(chapters 2-3, 5); 11 (chapters 1-3, 5, 13, 15, 17);
14; 15 1. Independent demand
2. Dependent demand
D. Forecast Demand inventory (VMI). Total acquisition costs
must be considered.
1. Principles of forecasting
2. Demand characteristics 1. Establish external supply
3. Forecasting techniques 2. Purchase/procure goods and services
a. Qualitative a. The purchasing process begins
b. Quantitative with any of the following signals:
c. Intrinsic purchase requisition, material
d. Extrinsic requirements planning (MRP)
4. Forecast error measurement output, Kanban signals, and/or
a. Bias buffer.
b. Variability b. Order processing includes defining
5. Monitor and respond to demand terms and conditions, purchase
variation order release, monitoring supplier
6. Review and/or revise forecast performance, authorizing supplier
to ship, receipt of goods, invoice
References: 1; 7 (chapters 4, 8, 11, 14, 16); approval, and purchase order
11 (chapters 1, 3-4, 7, 8, 14, 16) closeout.
3. Respond to supply disruptions/
III. Plan Supply changes
a. Supply chain conflicts and risks
Master scheduling process creates a master exist among trading partners and
production schedule (MPS) based on input must be identified, analyzed, and
from the sales and operation plan, the addressed. Some examples
external environment, and the internal include disruption of supply,
environment. synchronizing supply with demand,
minimizing inventory investment,
A. Create master production schedule (MPS) maximizing customer service, and
B. Determine rough-cut capacity managing total cost.
requirements b. An important part of execution and
C. Create material requirements plan control is focusing on quality
D. Perform capacity requirements planning assurance by measuring quality,
(CRP) monitoring process variation, and
E. Create final assembly schedule (FAS) improving process control.
F. Closing the loop 4. Measure supplier performance
L. Inventory loss strategies manufacturing/3D printing,
machine learning)
1. Company policy c. Emerging technology (examples
2. Mitigation include internet of things,
blockchain, artificial/adaptive
M. Plan and manage distribution inventory intelligence (AI))
References: 1; 7 (chapters 7, 15, 16, 25); 8
1. Distribution requirements planning (chapters 2, 5); 11 (chapter 2); 13 (chapters
(DRP) 2, 4, 5, 8-9)
2. Distribution network
3. Demand Key Terminology
4. Supply
An understanding of the list of terms in the Key
5. Current inventory levels
Terminology section of this document is strongly
6. Transit times
recommended. The list is intended to be thorough
7. Item master
but not exhaustive. The candidate is also
8. Backlog
expected to be familiar with the definitions of
References: 1; 7 (chapters 1, 4-5, 7-13, 15); 8 terms identified in the content outline. Definitions
(chapters 2,5); 11 (chapters 9-10, 13-16) of these terms can be found in the APICS
Dictionary, 16th edition.
VI. Continuous Improvement /Quality
Management and Technologies Bibliography
All test candidates should familiarize
A. Continuous Improvement themselves with the references for this exam.
The recommended references pertaining to
1. Conduct benchmarking the diagnostic areas are listed at the end of
2. Identify and eliminate waste and each section of the content outline. The first
reduce variation number indicates the sequence number for
3. Identify and implement process the reference in the Bibliography section and
improvements and utilize appropriate the numbers in parenthesis indicate the
quality tools relevant chapters within that reference. The
4. Conduct supplier audit text, Introduction to Materials Management,
5. Support sustainability (environmental, covers the majority of the material for the
financial, social) CPIM Part 1 exam. The other references
6. Manage master data provide coverage of some of the topic areas
and can enhance candidates’ understanding
B. Information, Process, and Emerging of the body of knowledge. The APICS
Technology Dictionary, 16th edition is available from the
APICS Bookstore. Other references can be
1. Develop technology systems found on the CPIM Exam References page.
requirements and specifications
2. Support technology implementation
3. Maintain technology systems
a. Information technology (examples
include enterprise resource
planning (ERP), product life cycle
management (PLM), data
b. Process technology (examples
include robotics, additive
The following eight multiple-choice questions 4. Intrinsic forecast data should be based
and four technology enhanced item (TEI) on which of the following
question examples are similar in format and considerations?
content to the questions on the exam. These
questions are intended for practice and to (A) Judgment, intuition, and informed
illustrate the way questions are structured. opinions
The degree of success you have in answering (B) Economic indicators
these questions is not related to your potential (C) Shipment history
for success on the actual exam and should (D) Sales history
not be interpreted as such.
5. Which of the following approaches
Read each question, select an answer, and represents the longest planning range in
check your response with the explanation on capacity management?
pages 44-45.
(A) Capacity requirements plan
1. The shipping buffer in the drum-buffer- (B) Resource plan
rope scheduling process serves which of (C) Rough-cut capacity plan
the following functions? (D) Input/output control (I/O)
Technology Enhanced Items (TEIs) Example 3: Ordered List with Drag and Drop
Technology enhanced items (TEIs) are exam
question and answer sets that include Please use the drag and drop functionality to
specialized interactions for collecting exam answer the following question.
question response data. Different types of
TEI’s include items with multiple responses From the following options, please select the
(select all that apply), building lists / ordering sales and operations planning (S&OP) steps
processes, fill in the blank, and drag and drop. involved in the monthly planning cycle and
place them in the correct order.
The following examples were created to
familiarize exam candidates with the format of
technology enhanced items (TEIs) that can be
found on the CPIM Part 1 exam.
Packing list
Purchase order
Purchase requisition
Receiving report
regarding types, volumes, replenishment APICS CPIM Part 2 Content 7.0
methods, and material handling impact The following table identifies the eight main
inventory investments and availability. topics of the exam and shows the percentage
Inherent in inventory management is designated for each section of the exam. The
consideration of trade-offs between service relative importance of these topics varies
and cost. Included here is the storage and among industries, but the figures show the
tracking of inventory, as well as processes to percentage designated for each section of the
manage inventory returns for proper exam.
The successful candidate will have a thorough 1. Know and analyze the business
understanding of all key terms, principles, and environment
techniques contained within the eight subject a. Scan the external environment
areas and will be able to apply them, analyze b. Perform an industry analysis
situations, determine which approaches are (examples include: five-force
applicable, and recognize when to escalate model, industry standards,
issues. benchmarking)
1. Use supply chain mapping and event Note: The first number indicates the sequence
monitoring for risk identification within number for the reference in the bibliography
regulatory requirements to support section, and the numbers in parentheses indicate
different levels of risk tolerance the relevant chapters within that reference.
2. Assess the probabilities, timing, and
impact of potential supply chain II. Conduct Sales and Operations Planning
failures (S&OP) to Support Strategy
3. Perform risk management activities
(examples include: prevention, A. Understand the role of the S&OP process
mitigation, response, recovery, and in the organization
4. Use appropriate risk management 1. Review the role of S&OP in the
tools and guidance (examples include: planning and control hierarchy
failure modes and effects analysis 2. Understand the impact of different
(FMEA) and ISO risk management business environments on the S&OP
standards) process (examples include:
manufacturing and services)
F. Manage capital equipment and facilities 3. Evaluate the involvement of various
levels of management and their roles
1. Review capital budgeting goals and in the S&OP process
performance 4. Identify the planning horizon and the
2. Implement total productive appropriate aggregation level
maintenance (TPM) 5. Implement the steps of the S&OP
3. Comply with health, safety, and process
environment 6. Review the various inputs and outputs
requirements/regulations of each of the S&OP steps
D. Generate demand forecast IV. Plan and Manage Supply
C. Manage the material requirements plan D. Create final assembly schedule (FAS)
6. Review the effect of procurement 6. Understand effective communication
planning, new product introduction techniques, cultural differences,
(NPI), and engineering change control commercial versus government
on supply performance interests, and information technology
7. Measure supplier performance using 7. Use data necessary for collaboration
appropriate methods (examples (examples include: risk assessments,
include: balanced scorecard, price- technical and quality specifications,
based metrics, time-based metrics, engineering changes, supply chain
cost-based metrics, quality-based inventories, and future demand)
G. Monitor and manage product costs
F. Purchase/procure goods and services
1. Apply appropriate costing methods
1. Apply methods of procuring materials that determine the cost of producing a
and services (examples include: product (examples include:
contracts, kanbans, blanket orders, absorption, variable, activity-based
purchase orders, consignment, pricing costing (ABC), and job costing) to
agreements, vendor-managed compare actual to planned, budgeted,
inventory (VMI), outsourcing, and e- or standard costs
commerce) 2. Review variances in cost through
2. Select appropriate delivery methods inventory valuation and an analysis of
(examples include: traditional modes obsolescence, scrap, rework, repairs,
of transportation, third- or fourth-party returns, and defective output
logistics (3PL or 4PL), cross-docking, 3. Measure costs related to quality,
point-of-use delivery, and direct including internal and external failure,
shipment) appraisal, and prevention costs
3. Use supplier participation (examples 4. Eliminate non-value-added activities
include: product design, quality
requirements, related technology, H. Manage changes and supply disruptions
sustainable business practices, and
accounting processes) 1. Re-plan order priorities to respond to
4. Define goals and benefits of the supply and demand changes
various supplier relationships 2. Revise lead time, lot size, safety stock
(examples include: improvements in quantity, kanban quantity, cycle times,
technology, inventory levels, customer and other parameters to reflect
service, quality, lead times, visibility, product life cycles, current conditions,
value-chain forecasting, cost, impacts and company strategy
on the environment, damage and loss 3. Utilize what-if analysis and simulation
prevention, continuous improvement, to evaluate viable alternatives before
access to new markets, and time to changing the existing material plan
market) 4. Monitor buffer status
5. Apply a supplier rating system to
encompass quantitative measures I. Conduct product life cycle management
(examples include: cost, on-time (PLM)
delivery, product quality, and
environmental impact) and qualitative 1. Develop new product introduction
measures (examples include: social (NPI) schedule
performance, workforce diversity, a. Create a prototype schedule in
human rights, labor, and consideration of supply and
anticorruption) demand plans
transaction management (examples E. Manage returns and product disposition
include: stock location systems,
automated storage/ retrieval systems 1. Review the waste hierarchy and
(AS/RS), vendor-managed inventory circular economy implications
(VMI), and consignment) (examples include: company rules,
2. Monitor inventory accuracy to support regulations, environmental standards,
business objectives (examples product costs, ownership, lead times,
include: audit programs, physical material handling)
inventory, cycle counting, and spot 2. Develop and manage reverse logistics
inventory checks) processes around the waste hierarchy,
3. Address and reduce inventory considering company acceptance
inaccuracy and loss guidelines, regulatory requirements,
a. Review and reduce sources of recall guidelines, and customer
inventory inaccuracy (examples expectations
include: put-away and picking 3. Develop, manage, and review the
errors, bill of material (BOM) disposition process to support
errors, registration errors, sustainability, quality, and supply
transaction and data entry errors, goals
and mislabeling)
b. Review and reduce sources of loss References: 1; 4 (chapters 2, 6, 15); 5 (chapters
(examples include: shrinkage, 6-9, 12); 7 (chapters 1, 7, 9-13, 15); 8 (chapter
scrap, theft, shelf life, damage) 5); 11 (chapters 10, 12-13, 16)
4. Utilize inventory traceability
throughout the supply chain from VI. Plan, Manage, and Execute Detailed
point of origin to final destination Schedules
a. Develop and monitor the proper
identification of inventory A. Plan detailed schedules
(examples include: country of
origin declaration, documentation 1. Determine production rates or flow
requirements, and traceability of rate
inventory movement) using a. Calculate load from planned and
appropriate tracking techniques released orders, repetitive
(examples include: bar coding and schedules, past-due orders,
radio frequency identification rework orders, and work in
(RFID) tagging) process (WIP)
b. Ensure adherence to traceability b. Evaluate throughput by measuring
standards (examples include: ISO efficiency, utilization, productivity,
traceability standards, GS1-GTS2) takt time, cycle time, and
c. Maintain lot control and serial input/output control (I/O) metrics
numbers for purchased items and c. Manage schedules and throughput
make items in various industries, including
d. Adhere to product recall guidelines service
5. Track in-transit inventory 2. Create work sequences to improve
a. Create and monitor advanced ship efficiency, resolve supply and demand
notices (ASN) and delivery imbalances, and consider time fence
information policies
b. Implement and manage shipment a. Utilize appropriate tools to create
tracking technology (examples efficient schedules in a push
include: satellite, internet of things environment (examples include:
(IoT)) priority schedule, setup matrix,
alternate routings, and sequencing
D. Schedule incoming materials 2. Monitor open customer orders to meet
on-time delivery goals
1. Generate supplier authorization to 3. Expedite past due customer orders,
ship on blanket purchase orders considering cost and service tradeoffs
2. Authorize vendor-managed inventory
(VMI) with key suppliers C. Manage reverse logistics
References: 1; 4 (chapters 3, 6); 7 (chapters 5-6, 1. Review reverse logistics needs as part
12-13, 15); 8 (chapter 8); 11 (chapters 10-13, of the distribution network design
17); 12 (chapters 4, 9-10) 2. Review the use of alternate providers
to meet reverse logistics needs
VII. Plan and Manage Distribution (examples include: third-party logistics
providers (3PL), bricks-and-mortar
A. Plan distribution locations for returns)
3. Develop policies around the waste
1. Determine network configuration product hierarchy of reduce, reuse,
trade-offs (examples include: total remanufacture, recycle, recover, and
costs, inventory investment, customer dispose
service, lead time, and inbound and
outbound transportation costs) References: 1; 4 (chapters 2, 7-10, 12); 5
2. Review risk management plans and (chapters 1-4, 7, 9-10, 12-15); 7 (chapters 8, 11-
sustainability considerations 13); 11; (chapters 3, 7, 14-16); 12; (chapters 1,
3. Develop the distribution plan 4)
a. Develop a distribution location-
specific product forecast VIII. Manage Quality, Continuous Improvement,
b. Develop the replenishment and Technology
planning parameters for stock
keeping units (SKU) within the A. Manage quality
distribution network
c. Undertake time-phased planning 1. Consider the impact of processes and
logic for distribution requirements their outputs on internal and external
planning (DRP) customers
4. Review distribution plans and master 2. Review cost of quality (examples
schedules to support the sales and include: prevention cost, appraisal
operations plan (S&OP) cost, internal failure cost, and external
5. Review inventory levels and locations failure cost)
required within the distribution 3. Review processes and outputs utilizing
channel to support supply and appropriate quality tools (examples
demand plans include: basic seven tools of quality
6. Monitor key performance indicators (B7) and seven new tools of quality
(KPIs) of the distribution network (N7))
(examples include: on-time delivery, a. Identify potential process
lead time, inventory turns, safety stock problems proactively
levels, stock-outs, and customer b. Identify the root cause of an
satisfaction) existing problem
4. Undertake internal and external
B. Manage customer orders benchmarking for process
1. Monitor inventory availability and lead
time in support of marketing and B. Manage continuous improvement
customer service level goals
CPIM Part 2 Sample
The following ten questions are similar in Use the information below to answer
format and content to the questions on the question 4.
exam. These questions are intended for
practice and to illustrate the way questions Lead time: 2 Lot size: 30
are structured. The degree of success you Demand time fence: 3 On hand: 15
have in answering these questions is not Planning time fence: 7 Safety stock: 6
related to your potential for success on the
actual exam and should not be interpreted as Period 1 2 3 4 5
such. Forecast 10 22 20 24 28
Customer 5 26 15 6 30
Read each question, select an answer, and orders
check your response with the explanation on Projected
pages 46-47. available
1. The forecast interval would typically be Available-to-
longest for forecasts used as input to promise
which of the following processes? Master 30 30
(A) Business planning schedule
(B) Final assembly scheduling (FAS)
(C) Sales and operations planning (S&OP) 4. For the master schedule, what is the available-
(D) Master production scheduling (MPS) to-promise for Period 4 if the discrete method
is used?
2. In a distribution environment, which of the
following will occur if the planner fails to (A) 22
address exception messages during the (B) 24
planning cycles? (C) 35
(D) 37
(A) Planned orders are not converted on time
(B) Replenishment lead times are incorrect 5. Given the following purchase cost data
(C) The statistical order point is increased for product Z:
(D) The planning horizon is too short
0 on hand (December 27)
3. Cause-and-effect analyses are made 100 @ $10 = $1,000 (December 28)
with the help of which of the following? 10 @ $11 = $110 (January 3)
10 @ $8 = $80 (January 10)
(A) Fishbone chart
(B) Statistical process control (SPC) If this company is using a weighted
method average costing method and 100 units
(C) Critical path method (CPM) were sold on January 8, the cost per unit
(D) Pareto analysis for the sale is:
(A) $9.17
(B) $10.00
(C) $10.09
(D) $8.00
against some event that may not Simplify means to neatly arrange
happen. items for use. Scrub means clean up
the work area. Standardize means to
Answers to Sample sort, simplify and scrub daily. Sustain
means to always follow the first four
Questions Ss. Sometimes referred to by the
Japanese equivalents: seiri, seiton,
Technology Enhanced Items (TEIs) seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke
9. A (IB) - The strategy avoids the wasteful
provision of excess staff that occurs with
a lead capacity plan. Answer B is
incorrect because you could miss
revenue due to capacity shortage.
Answer C is incorrect because it is
harder to react to short-term demand
increases. Answer D is incorrect
because it is harder to be flexible with
high utilization rates.
10. A (IVC)
The MRP Grid
Order quantity / Lot Size – lot-for-lot (L4L)
On hand: 500
Safety stock: 0
Allocated quantity: 0
Low-level code: 0
Lead time: 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
x Gross requirements 100 300 200 400
Scheduled receipts
Projected available 500 400 100
Net requirements 100 400
Planned order receipts 100 400
Planned order releases 100 400
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For more than 60 years, APICS certifications and training have demonstrated
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