1699153-The Wandering at Witchlight by Xero Reynolds
1699153-The Wandering at Witchlight by Xero Reynolds
1699153-The Wandering at Witchlight by Xero Reynolds
This is another one of those “challenge” ideas that strike me, and won’t let go. In this case, the
concept of an escape room set in one of my personal favorite settings of 5e to date. Add a dash
of horror elements, a double agent, and that sounds like a fine party to me.
Hopefully it does to you, too.
So, welcome to another side of the Witchlight Carnival; a peek behind the bright colors and
whimsical into the most terrifying conceit of all: content creation.
As always, it’s folks like you giving my odd little projects a look that makes what I do possible,
and I love what I do.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Forgotten realms, the dragon
ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work
is copyright 2022 by Xero Reynolds and is published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
Guild. The artwork contained herein may not be used for any other works without the owner’s express written
Plot Hooks
The Encroaching Effects of the Wandering
A Word on Puzzles
The Darkening
Mr. Shadow
The Mime Puzzle
The Fortune Teller
The Graveyard
The Un-Merry-Go-Round
A Final Query
The Reveal
Carnival Games Are Rigged
Map: The Graveyard
The Silenced
The Un-Merry-Go-Round
Key Tokens
Designed for an adventuring party of four to Select one of the players beforehand that you
six 5th-level characters, The Wandering at feel can best keep the secret. This PC’s job is
Witchlight is a Dungeons & Dragons to keep the rest of the group going, and
adventure that begins at the Witchlight though Mr. Witch and Mr. Light has assured
Carnival and ends in The Wandering, a them that the new attraction isn’t lethal,
demiplane referred to as the "space between “accidents do happen.”
the planes."
Plot Hooks
To run this adventure, you need the fifth
edition Player’s Handbook, and the Dungeon If your players are already playing in The
Master’s Guide. While having a copy of The Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign, this
Wild Beyond the Witchlight will help with adventure can be used as additional content
flavor, it is not necessary to run this before the point where the players enter the
adventure. Prismeer.
Themes Otherwise, this adventure works best after
the players have already accomplished
The Wandering at Witchlight emphasizes something previously in the campaign. The
the themes of supernatural horror, puzzle hook is that they are being treated to a day at
solving, and out-of-the-box thinking. While the Witchlight Carnival as a show of thanks.
combat encounters are baked in, they can all The Carnival conveniently happens to be in
be avoided through cleverness and attention whatever town the party is currently at, or at
to detail on the part of the players. The DM least very nearby.
should be mindful of what type of games and
elements their players enjoy before running The Encroaching Effects of The
this adventure. Wandering
Background Starting in Act Two, the characters will
begin noticing strange things the longer they
It's a glorious day at the Witchlight Carnival, remain in The Wandering. For starters, the
and the merriment is already in full swing! DM can call for a Perception check (DC 12),
The party is being treated to all of the games, and any character that succeeds will notice
shows, and food that Mr. Witch and Mr. that their coloration has begun to desaturate
Light have spared no expense in presenting. slightly, slowly changing to the grays of the
However, during one of these games of world around them.
chance, our heroes realize something is
horribly wrong. Additionally, at random the DM can ask for a
Wisdom Check (DC 15) from any player. On
The purpose of this adventure is to introduce failure, a moment of that character’s past
the players to a sort of magical escape room, plays out in ghostly form before the group,
where they don't realize that one of their albeit it grossly exaggerated and disturbing.
own is in on the scheme. Their character has The scene will fade out quickly, but the
entered an agreement with Mr. Witch and sense of unease lingers.
Mr. Light to help test this new attraction in
exchange for payment, and a free day at the
Mr. Light tells them that the only reason this “That’s better,” the newcomer sighs. “Now we
could have happened at all is if a customer can speak freely. Suffice it to say that Mr. Witch
broke the rules of the Carnival, and that if and Mr. Light have run afoul of the
they do not find Mr. Witch, and his magical consequences. You are, by all accounts,
pocketwatch that can get them home, then innocent in this. Therefore, I think it only fair
they will all be doomed to slowly fade away that you get the chance to redeem them, and
over centuries of agony. He needs their help, save yourselves from an eternity of … well, this.
and their honesty.
For the purposes of conversation, you may call
During the conversation, the players can me Mr. Shadow. Are you interested in my
learn the following through various checks game?”
or questions:
Mr. Shadow
Read or paraphrase the following to the
As you watch, a look of comprehension and
horror comes over Mr. Light’s painted features.
He barely has time to say “Oh dear,” before a
pool of blackness opens beneath his feet.
Lashing liquid branches of darkness coil up his
body, and he is whisked into the ground in the
blink of an eye.
The Un-Merry-Go-Round
If the party is successful in the encounter,
The ride appears to be your average proceed to the “A Final Query” section
carousel, but upon closer inspection the below. If the party fails the encounter, move
party can see that the center column is on to the “Carnival Games are Rigged”
actually a large crystal with five faces. Inside section later on in this chapter.
appears to be the dim shape of a humanoid
figure. There are five animals to ride, spaced
far apart at equal points on the merry-go-
round’s ring, and surprisingly they are the
only things in the scene that still have full
bright colors.
Once the players have all selected and
climbed onto their animals, read or
paraphrase the following:
Mime. The silenced will perform one
act of pantomime. At the start of its
next turn, it will repeat this action
until a creature correctly performs
with it, or it takes damage.
"have fun"
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Forgotten realms, the dragon
ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work
is copyright 2022 by Xero Reynolds and is published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
Guild. The artwork contained herein may not be used for any other works without the owner’s express written