1699153-The Wandering at Witchlight by Xero Reynolds

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"If the planes are the paints of creation,

then The Wandering is the canvas."

Hey there. First off, thank you for taking a look at this. It’s a hell of a thing to take a chance on
this kind of material, right? Creepy Carnival? Been there, done that, and the movie was better,
am I right? Well, that’s not what this is. Not exactly. So kudos to you for taking a chance.

This is another one of those “challenge” ideas that strike me, and won’t let go. In this case, the
concept of an escape room set in one of my personal favorite settings of 5e to date. Add a dash
of horror elements, a double agent, and that sounds like a fine party to me.
Hopefully it does to you, too.
So, welcome to another side of the Witchlight Carnival; a peek behind the bright colors and
whimsical into the most terrifying conceit of all: content creation.
As always, it’s folks like you giving my odd little projects a look that makes what I do possible,
and I love what I do.

You did that. Thank you!

~The Artificer

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Forgotten realms, the dragon
ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work
is copyright 2022 by Xero Reynolds and is published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
Guild. The artwork contained herein may not be used for any other works without the owner’s express written
Plot Hooks
The Encroaching Effects of the Wandering
A Word on Puzzles
The Darkening
Mr. Shadow
The Mime Puzzle
The Fortune Teller
The Graveyard

The Un-Merry-Go-Round
A Final Query
The Reveal
Carnival Games Are Rigged

Map: The Graveyard
The Silenced
The Un-Merry-Go-Round
Key Tokens
Designed for an adventuring party of four to Select one of the players beforehand that you
six 5th-level characters, The Wandering at feel can best keep the secret. This PC’s job is
Witchlight is a Dungeons & Dragons to keep the rest of the group going, and
adventure that begins at the Witchlight though Mr. Witch and Mr. Light has assured
Carnival and ends in The Wandering, a them that the new attraction isn’t lethal,
demiplane referred to as the "space between “accidents do happen.”
the planes."
Plot Hooks
To run this adventure, you need the fifth
edition Player’s Handbook, and the Dungeon If your players are already playing in The
Master’s Guide. While having a copy of The Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign, this
Wild Beyond the Witchlight will help with adventure can be used as additional content
flavor, it is not necessary to run this before the point where the players enter the
adventure. Prismeer.
Themes Otherwise, this adventure works best after
the players have already accomplished
The Wandering at Witchlight emphasizes something previously in the campaign. The
the themes of supernatural horror, puzzle hook is that they are being treated to a day at
solving, and out-of-the-box thinking. While the Witchlight Carnival as a show of thanks.
combat encounters are baked in, they can all The Carnival conveniently happens to be in
be avoided through cleverness and attention whatever town the party is currently at, or at
to detail on the part of the players. The DM least very nearby.
should be mindful of what type of games and
elements their players enjoy before running The Encroaching Effects of The
this adventure. Wandering
Background Starting in Act Two, the characters will
begin noticing strange things the longer they
It's a glorious day at the Witchlight Carnival, remain in The Wandering. For starters, the
and the merriment is already in full swing! DM can call for a Perception check (DC 12),
The party is being treated to all of the games, and any character that succeeds will notice
shows, and food that Mr. Witch and Mr. that their coloration has begun to desaturate
Light have spared no expense in presenting. slightly, slowly changing to the grays of the
However, during one of these games of world around them.
chance, our heroes realize something is
horribly wrong. Additionally, at random the DM can ask for a
Wisdom Check (DC 15) from any player. On
The purpose of this adventure is to introduce failure, a moment of that character’s past
the players to a sort of magical escape room, plays out in ghostly form before the group,
where they don't realize that one of their albeit it grossly exaggerated and disturbing.
own is in on the scheme. Their character has The scene will fade out quickly, but the
entered an agreement with Mr. Witch and sense of unease lingers.
Mr. Light to help test this new attraction in
exchange for payment, and a free day at the

The Wandering at Witchlight

A word on puzzles
It’s up to the DM to determine the best
course of action when players encounter a
problem that frustrates them, but here are a
couple of tips to aid those that might get
stuck as they journey through The
You can ask for a Wisdom Check, and
give a hint or remind the player of
information their character would
An Investigation Check may reveal more
about how a particular puzzle or
contraption works.
An Intelligence check can provide insight
that the character would have that the
player might not otherwise possess, such
as understanding riddles, word-play, or
the nature of particular puzzles.


6 The Wandering at Witchlight

act 1: A Day at the Carnival
It’s early in the day at the Carnival, but
things are already in full swing, and the
merriment is infectious. Once the characters have had some time to
react to the situation, read or paraphrase the
The party is at one of the many games and following:
rides on offer. You may use any of the games Running footsteps sound from around one of
of chance or rides from The Wild Beyond the the nearest attractions, and a frightened looking
Witchlight, or the Strength Test listed below. man in jester’s motley comes into view. “What
did you do?!” he cries.
Strength Test
Strength Check, DC 17: The character attempts
to ring the bell by striking a platform with a
sledgehammer. If the bell rings, they win a Greetings!
prize; a small stuffed fairy that jingles when
I am Mr. Light, emeritus.
Once all of the players have attempted this I am the purveyor of all
game, or it’s clear that they are ready to
move on, proceed to the “The Darkening” oddities, curios, and delights
section below. of the transmundane, here at
The Darkening the Witchlight carnival!
Read or paraphrase the following to the I am writing to gauge your
interest in a wondrous new
As the sights and sounds of the carnival wash attraction that we hope to open
over you, things seem to slow to a crawl. A pin
tossed by a juggler floats lazily in the air before
to the public, soon...
freezing in place. Children seem stuck in mid-air
during joyful skipping. The music holds
impossibly long on a single note, and goes
silent. Above, the sky that displayed a gorgeous
spring day fades to the deepest night, and the
stars seem to shiver.
One by one, they break free from their This is Mr. Light, co-owner of the Witchlight
positions, and dart away like fireflies over the Carnival. He will explain that Mr. Witch has
horizon, leaving only slate gray clouds rolling in vanished, and the Carnival has been pulled
to take their place. into a space called “The Wandering.”

The people around you, from guest to staff

alike, vanish. The colors all around begin to seep
out of reality, like paint poured into water, but
in reverse. The carnival, once a riot of hues, is
now a study in grays and blacks. Here and there
tendrils of what looks to be ink cling to tent
walls, or dangle from signs and rides. The air
tastes stale. The atmosphere looks like it should
be freezing, but you feel nothing. No chill. No
wind. No life.

The Wandering at Witchlight

“If the material planes are the paints of “A new figure emerges to take his place, and at
creation,” the clearly unnerved man explains, first seems to be Mr. Light himself, only with all
“then The Wandering is the blank canvas; the color drained away. But where Mr. Light’s
everything is potential. Nothing that already smiling clownish features once were is a
exists can remain so for long on this plane.” cracked mask of his face, floating an inch over
pure blackness beyond.

Mr. Light tells them that the only reason this “That’s better,” the newcomer sighs. “Now we
could have happened at all is if a customer can speak freely. Suffice it to say that Mr. Witch
broke the rules of the Carnival, and that if and Mr. Light have run afoul of the
they do not find Mr. Witch, and his magical consequences. You are, by all accounts,
pocketwatch that can get them home, then innocent in this. Therefore, I think it only fair
they will all be doomed to slowly fade away that you get the chance to redeem them, and
over centuries of agony. He needs their help, save yourselves from an eternity of … well, this.
and their honesty.
For the purposes of conversation, you may call
During the conversation, the players can me Mr. Shadow. Are you interested in my
learn the following through various checks game?”
or questions:

“The Wandering”, while not a common

ideal in arcane circles of academics,
sounds very familiar. It is likely another
name for the hypothetical dimension that
sits in the void between certain planes.
Mr. Witch is the only one that can safely
transport them all back to where they
came from, and it’s likely that they were
the only ones to actually vanish from the

Once the party has had a chance to speak

with Mr. Light, proceed to the “Mr. Shadow”
section below.

Mr. Shadow
Read or paraphrase the following to the
As you watch, a look of comprehension and
horror comes over Mr. Light’s painted features.
He barely has time to say “Oh dear,” before a
pool of blackness opens beneath his feet.
Lashing liquid branches of darkness coil up his
body, and he is whisked into the ground in the
blink of an eye.

Mr. Shadow, your host for the festivities.

8 The Wandering at Witchlight

Mr. Shadow will explain that since the
Feywild values the “Rule of Three,” the
players will face three challenges, and collect
three keys that will allow them to leave this
Should Mr. Shadow be attacked, it is
revealed that he cannot be harmed. The
party has two options: agree to play, or
remain. Either is a pleasing outcome to Mr.
Once they agree, Mr. Shadow will tell them
to listen very closely.
“To leave this dull and bleak dimension
The audience must pay attention.”

This clue will reveal the secret for how to

solve the next encounter without combat.
Mr. Shadow will vanish, revealing a new
Carnival building behind him that wasn’t
there before. It resembles a run-down
residence, akin to a haunted house.
The marquee across its front reads “The Still another appears to be caught in a
House of Silenced Pleas.” A lit sign just over downpour, and though there is no rain, it looks
the open front door reads “Enter Here.” like it is getting soaked. The last stands at rapt
attention, pressing its hands to its chest, and
Once the party sets out for this house, move then extending them outward as if holding
on to the “Mime Puzzle” section below. something precious, something beating and
The Mime Puzzle These creatures can be killed in combat (see
The Silenced for monster stats), but the trick
As the party approaches, a troupe of four is in the clue. Should the players pay
figures exit the house, tumbling acrobatically attention to what the mimes are doing, they
before coming to a halt before them, can help solve their problems.
blocking the way forward. They resemble
mimes, though their limbs are too long, and For the Mime with the heavy load, the
their faces have no mouth or eyes . Should player need only mime helping them pull
any character attempt to move around them, the rope.
they will move to block the way.
For the Mime stuck behind the door, the
Roll for initiative, and then read or player need only pretend to unlock or
paraphrase the following aloud: open the door.
As you look upon these twisted creatures, they
all begin to pantomime various actions. One For the Mime stuck in the rain, the
appears to be pulling a rope to move an player need only pretend to open an
invisible object to no avail. Another pounds umbrella for them.
silently on a door you cannot see, frantically
pulling on a knob that isn’t there. For the Mime offering its heart, a player
need only accept it.

The Wandering at Witchlight

As each problem is solved, that Mime will
cease to move. Once the players have solved
all of the problems, the Mimes will tumble
out of the way. They will stand in a line, bow
to the players, and point towards the open
door of the house.
The last mime in the lineup will offer what
looks like a health potion to the party. It is a
crystal bottle filled with bright red liquid that
seems frozen, and the tag attached to the
bottle’s cork reads “Life.”
Should the party defeat the encounter
through combat, or a combination of combat
and puzzle solving, the mimes will vanish at
the end, leaving behind the bottle for the
players to collect.
Once this encounter finishes,
and the party enters the house,
move on to Act Two below.

The Silenced have something to tell you...

10 The Wandering at Witchlight

act ii: Darker, Still
“I am Quitex the All-Knowing!” the twitching
The moment the first character enters the figure proclaims. “Step forward one at a
house, there is a rush of wind, and a dense time, and I shall reveal what lies in store for
fog that obscures everything. The distorted you!”
sounds of the Carnival rush past, echoing
into the gloom as the mists finally pass. It will read out a fortune for each member of
the party, and they are always overly-
The party now stands in a grassy field, dramatic premonitions of doom. As each
though everything is still desaturated and character gets their fortune, the machine will
eerily quiet. Mr. Shadow stands before them, dispense a small slip of parchment for them,
arms spread wide in a gesture of welcome. five pieces in total. In order, they read:
“Well done indeed,” he says. “You now have the
first key to your ultimate goal. The next 1 “Bashful”
attraction awaits your attention! It is a chilling 2 “Forest-dweller”
tableau in two parts that I think you will enjoy. 3 “Cleverly, dexterously”
Now then, heed my words, carefully. 4 “Meet at”
“To activate, as you are bidden, 5 “My Tomb”
History must be rewritten.
And if an answer you would spy, These “tickets” are clues that will help the
You must first ask yourself, ‘Why?’” players with an upcoming puzzle. Once all
fortunes are read and slips of parchment
With that, Mr. Shadow vanishes, revealing a collected, Quintex will cheerfully announce
tall rectangular box behind. The base of it that “Death Awaits!” before pointing at
features bright, gaudy painted decorations, something in the distance, and shutting
and the top has three glass windows, though down. Proceed to the “Graveyard” section.
what’s inside remains in shadow. Once the
players approach, move on to the “Fortune The Graveyard
Teller” section below.
Shrouded in a low bank of fog in the
The Fortune Teller distance is what appears to be a graveyard,
or at least the overdone “haunted attraction”
Inside the container there is a figure visible version of one. A tall slate gray mausoleum
from the waist-up, dressed as a fortune teller. rests at the back, and before it are sixteen
Closer inspection will reveal that it’s an tombstones in four rows of four each. Read
automaton. In front of the machine there is a or paraphrase the following aloud:
lectern, and on it rests an open book with
blank pages and nearby quill and inkwell. As you approach, the sounds of wolf howls,
bats squeaking, and hags laughing come
A sign on the lectern reads “Write the proper from seemingly everywhere, accompanied by
past, and your future will be revealed!” sinister organ music. The bleak mausoleum
in the back has heavy doors of stone that are
The trick is the first part of the clue Mr. currently shut, and a severe-looking face
Shadow recited. “History must be rewritten.” carved into the facade above them. Its mouth
In this case, the player must write the word begins to move, and a sonorous, gravelly
“history” on one of the blank pages. Once voice echoes out over the headstones.
this happens, the machine’s interior lights
up, and slightly warbling spooky music “Why hasten to the grave? Speak the words of
begins playing as the automaton jerks and the dead, and you may pass.”
stutters to life.

The Wandering at Witchlight

The DM can ask the players for an Once any of the players pick the item up, it is
Investigation check (DC 10) which will shown to be fake, much like the life potion
reveal that each of the headstones has a bottle. The sands within are frozen in mid-
single word carved into them where a name pour, and the top of the hourglass has the
and date of death might otherwise be. See words “Time is short” inscribed across it.
the Graveyard Map for layout. Once the hourglass is claimed, proceed to
Act Three.
Row One : Shy, Sad, Nymph, Elf
Row Two: Hurried, Slyly, Smartly, Spryly
Row Three : Tryst, Join, Around, By
Row Four: Your, My, Crypt, Grave

The solution to this puzzle is in both the

riddle given by Mr. Shadow: “And if an
answer you would spy, you must first ask
yourself ‘Why?’” and the instructions given
by the mausoleum, “Speak the words of the
The slips of parchment from the fortune
teller make a complete sentence that reads:
“Bashful forest-dweller, cleverly, dexterously,
meet at my tomb.”
The trick is to use the words on the
headstones to recreate this phrase using
only words with only Y vowels. “Ask yourself
‘Why?’” is the key phrase.
As soon as any of the players says “Shy
nymph, slyly, spryly, tryst by my crypt,” the
carved face on the mausoleum will smile.
Read or paraphrase the following aloud:
“You may pass,” the carved face intones, and a
loud click is heard. Stone grinds on stone, and
the heavy doors of the tomb swing open. Inside
you can see light shining off the glass of what
appears to be an hourglass sitting on a podium.

12 The Wandering at Witchlight

act iii: You Must Be This Tall to Ride
A final wolf howl sounds out, and the
graveyard and mausoleum alike vanish into a Lights turn on, swelling calliope music blares,
dense fog. Once it clears, the party finds and the ride begins to move! Illumination
themselves standing back in the corrupted blooms inside the crystal, and one of the faces
version of the Witchlight Carnival, and Mr. shimmers, turning crystal clear and revealing
Shadow emerges from a pool of black ichor the sleeping form of Mr. Witch within.
to greet them. Read or paraphrase the
following aloud: Before and behind each of your animals, gray,
misshapen beasts rise, covered in wickedly long
“Well done, and you hold the second key to spikes. You feel the entire ride begin to rise,
your reward!” Mr. Shadow announces with a high into the air, and the floor below drops
flourish of his blackened hands. “The last away to reveal a void as black as the one behind
tableau awaits, and this one will challenge you Mr. Shadow’s mask.
in body and mind. Heed these words:
It’s time to roll for initiative.
“Encased within, your Witch so dearly.
To break his cage, you must see clearly
It rings with truth, so very tempting Encounter Notes: Once again, the solutions
The rule of three, so bears attempting for how to beat this challenge lie in the riddle
And should no answer be ever found Mr. Shadow gave the players.
It’s said what goes around … comes around.”
“To break his cage, you must see clearly”
Mr. Shadow steps aside, and beyond him you refers to the clear face of the crystal being
can see a large carousel. “Please stay on your the one most vulnerable to attack. “It rings
mount while in motion,” Mr. Shadow warns, with truth, so very tempting / The rule of
“and enjoy the ride.” three, so bears attempting” refers to the
brass ring mechanic that can end the
Mr. Shadow slips back into the pool of encounter early.
darkness, which then dissipates. Once the
party starts making their way towards the See “Un-Merry-Go-Round” in the Appendix
ride, proceed to the “Un-merry-go-round” for stats and actions.
section below.

The Un-Merry-Go-Round
If the party is successful in the encounter,
The ride appears to be your average proceed to the “A Final Query” section
carousel, but upon closer inspection the below. If the party fails the encounter, move
party can see that the center column is on to the “Carnival Games are Rigged”
actually a large crystal with five faces. Inside section later on in this chapter.
appears to be the dim shape of a humanoid
figure. There are five animals to ride, spaced
far apart at equal points on the merry-go-
round’s ring, and surprisingly they are the
only things in the scene that still have full
bright colors.
Once the players have all selected and
climbed onto their animals, read or
paraphrase the following:

The Wandering at Witchlight

A Final Query With that, the crystal shatters in a flash of
white light. There is laughter, music, and the
Once the Unmerry-go-round encounter ends, sounds of the carnival.
there is a swirl of the oily substance that
turns reality completely black,, echoing When the light fades, Mr. Witch and Mr.
laughter, and the howl of wind. Light are there, each flanking a door that
stands on its own. The players find that any
It passes quickly, and the party will find injuries they sustained are gone. Proceed to
themselves in a completely barren landscape the “The Reveal” section below.
in the Wandering, facing the crystal
containing Mr. Witch. Laying in front of his
prison is a carnival ticket, emblazoned with The Reveal
the words, “Enjoy yourself!”
Mr. Witch will comment that this was fifteen
Once the ticket is picked up, Mr. Shadow minutes faster than the previous testing
will appear, leaning against the crystal, and group, and that alterations might need to be
slowly clapping. Read or paraphrase the made. Mr. Light waves him off, saying that
following: the only one that can fairly judge is the client.
They will turn to one of the party members,
Mr. Shadow nods appreciatively, his floating and ask if the escape room experience was
mask not quite in sync with the movements of satisfactory.
his head. “Well done indeed. With that, you
have the three keys necessary to escape. But Mr. Light will then explain that The
now comes the true riddle … can you divine Wandering is their own creation, and that it
what these keys are telling you?” serves two purposes: One, a place for them
to test new attractions, and two, an
insurance policy against outside forces that
might try to take the carnival away from
a fake health potion with a them.
tag that reads “Life.”
Mr. Light continues, explaining that this new
attraction was inspired by a similar "caprice"
being run in Baldur’s Gate. A puzzle room is
fine, but an escape room where most of the
participants don’t know it’s a game? Now
a fake hourglass with an that is the ultimate test of concept!
inscription that reads “Time
is short.” Mr. Witch says in the future, all participants
will know before going in, and Mr. Light
agrees, albeit with little enthusiasm. They
thank the party for their participation, pay
the character that assisted them, and
a carnival ticket that reads proclaim that the Carnival, and all of its
“Enjoy yourself!” wonders await. The door opens, revealing a
bright, warm light.
As the players pass through, they find
themselves back at the carnival, at midday,
Between the potion bottle, the hour glass, each now wearing a medal certifying them as
and the ticket, any character needs only to a Champion of The Wandering.
answer with some variation of the phrase:

“Life is short, have fun!”

14 The Wandering at Witchlight

Carnival Games are Rigged
Should the players fall to the Un-Merry-Go-
Round, they will awaken in the same
featureless landscape in the section “A Final
Query”, only this time Mr. Witch and Mr.
Light will already be there. Any injuries the
party might have sustained are healed. Read
or paraphrase the following:
“Tut tut, I knew we should have adjusted the
settings,” Mr. Light sighs. “Still, the new
attraction certainly shows promise! Wouldn't
you agree, Mr. Witch?”
Mr. Witch nods, checking his pocket watch.
“Slower time overall than the last control group,
but even a failure has its uses. Aside from this
set-back, how did you enjoy the experience?”

They will both turn towards the party

member that was in on the scheme. The rest
of the scene will play out nearly identically as
described in “The Reveal”, though the party
will not be awarded any medals.

The Wandering at Witchlight

appendix:Delights For All Ages
MAP: The Graveyard





16 The Wandering at Witchlight

The Silenced
Medium Humanoid, True Neutral

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 65 (10d8+20)
Speed 30 ft.


15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +5

Skills Performance +4 Deception +4
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Understands Common
Challenge 2 (450 xp)

Block the Way. The silenced will move up

twice its movement speed to block any
target creature attempting to move past
it as a reaction. Additionally, the silenced
cannot be knocked prone

Mime. The silenced will perform one
act of pantomime. At the start of its
next turn, it will repeat this action
until a creature correctly performs
with it, or it takes damage.

Return. Ranged Spell Attack: reach 180ft, one

target. Target creature must make a DC 17
Wisdom saving throw, or suffer half of whatever
damage The silenced took the previous round,
rounded down, as psychic damage.

The Wandering at Witchlight

Release Charge. If a darkened face is attacked
Un-Merry_go-Round the previous round, note the highest damage
done. At the beginning of its turn, unmerry-
Gargantuan Construct, unaligned
go-round will release that as psychic
damage, and a ghostly figure of whichever
Armor Class 17 (Dark Crystal Face), 14 creature did the damage emerges from the
(Clear Crystal Face) crystal to strike the target. The target must
(Natural Armor) make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 17) and
takes full damage on failure, or half as much
Hit Points 105 (8d20 +25) on a save. Alternatively, the un-merry-go-
Speed 0 ft. round may heal for half of this damage.
Last Hurrah. When unmerry-go-round is
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA dropped to half its HP or lower, one more
22 (+6) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 1 (-5) clear crystal face will appear, and each of its
attacks will target one additional creature.
Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic; Legendary Actions
Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from
Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Adamantine The un-merry-go-round can take 3
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Legendary Actions, choosing from the
Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned options below. Only one legendary action
Senses Passive Perception 10 can be used at a time, and only at the end of
Languages None another creature's turn. Spent legendary
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Actions are regained at the start of each turn.
Core Spin. (costs 1 action). The Unmerry-go-
round spins its central crystal core. Roll 1d6,
Immutable form. The Unmerry-go-round is
reroll on 6. 1-5 represents which party
immune to any spell or effect that would
member will now be facing the clear face.
alter its form.
During Last Hurrah, roll 1d6 twice, rerolling if
Magic Resistance. The Unmerry-go-round the results are identical.
has advantage on saving throws against Whimsy. (costs 2 actions). The Unmerry-go-
spells and other magical effects. round violently spins a target mount. The
Slow to React. The Unmerry-go-round has rider must make a successful Constitution
-5 to initiative. save (DC 16), or have disadvantage on all
rolls and attacks for 1d3 rounds. The target
Actions may make another save attempt at the end
of their next turn to break the effect.
Multiattack. The Unmerry-go-round makes
two slam attacks, one each against two Wild Ride. (costs 3 actions). The unmerry-go-
round violently spins all mounts. All riders
separate riders.
must make a successful Constitution save
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach (DC 16), or have disadvantage on all rolls and
5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) attacks for 1d3 rounds. The riders may make
bludgeoning damage. One unoccupied another save attempt at the end of their next
animal shifts forward to crash into a target turn to break the effect.
Brass Ring. Once every other round, a
brass ring suspended from a pole will
appear on the outer edge of the carousel.
On its turn, a creature may make an
Athletics or Acrobatics check (DC 18) to
attempt to grab the ring. On failure, the
player has disadvantage on all checks and
attacks the following round. Once three
rings are grabbed, the encounter ends.

18 The Wandering at Witchlight

"life" "time is short"


Print out this page, and cut along

dotted lines.

Hand out each key token to your

players as they solve the puzzles.

"have fun"

The Wandering at Witchlight

"The Wandering at Witchlight", 2022. Illustrations, Cover, Game concept & story, and
interior direction by Xero Reynolds.
"The Graveyard" map created in Dungeon Painter Studio.
Additional graphical elements and layout courtesy of Canva.

Thank you to my supporters!

Eldritch Engineers
Dustin Paulsen, Hellmark, Ken Carter, Lily
Arcane Baristas
BlackJackSays, Christine Anderson, James Ballard, Meera Barry, PunkleNix
Coffee Goblins
Artful Jackalope, Awkwardishpanda, Ben Luber, CeruleanRiot, Christopher Tristan, Dave Doyle,
Vicki Sanders, Jaimie McCrackin, Jen Sample, Jim Deyo, Kerian Nox, Ladyluck34, LeMorteGames,
LightningInvoker, May, Mitchell Irvan, Nicholas A. Brown, QuietReflection, Rhiannin B, Sammi
and Jess Parker, Sean Hamilton, Steph the Bard, Tanya Sallee, The Attercop Workshop, Trevor S
Valle, Vanessa, Cypheroftyr, Malibu Darby, Brandedwolf, Srah_lady, Kero Hawke, enderFP,
Lab Goblins
Alexandra Valtakis, Amanda Schweiger, BooDay, Cas, David wilson, Derek Mitchell, Jay, Jonathan
Towner, Josef arthur, Joshi Freville, Marie Stacey, Mason L, Rangerserena, Shaun Murphy, Soh Lili,
The Great Rafiki, Trixalla, Truckherder. ha3rvey, VagabondTabby

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Forgotten realms, the dragon
ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work
is copyright 2022 by Xero Reynolds and is published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
Guild. The artwork contained herein may not be used for any other works without the owner’s express written

20 The Wandering at Witchlight

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