F5 Phy Lenz's Law PBL
F5 Phy Lenz's Law PBL
F5 Phy Lenz's Law PBL
Problem: Figure 4 shows two identical metal balls and a copper tube. One of the balls is a
neodymium magnet while the other is a steel ball.
Design an activity that can identify which ball is the neodymium magnet. Explain the physics
principle used in your activity.
Lenz’s Law states that the induced current always flows in a direction that opposes the
change of magnetic flux that causes it.
(i) Apparatus and Materials: Retort stand, copper tube, neodymium magnet and steel
ball, stopwatch
Figure 1
(iii) Procedure:
1. The arrangement of apparatus is set up as shown in Figure 1.
2. The neodymium magnet is released through the copper tube.
3. The stopwatch is used to record the time taken for the neodymium magnet that
fall through the copper tube.
4. Step 2 and 3 is repeated by replacing the neodymium magnet with steel ball.
5. The time taken for the metal balls to fall through the copper tube is recorded in
Table 1.
Table 1
Types of metal balls Time taken (s)
(vi) Application in our daily life that involve with the principle applied in (v):
Lenz's Law with Copper Pipe. TSG Physics (2012). YouTube.
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