According to an article in the Catholic Encyclopedia, the natural law is the rule of conduct that is prescribed
to us by the Creator in the constitution of the nature with which He has endowed us. Defining this, it was just
like Thomas Aquino said that natural law is "nothing more than the rational creature's engagement in eternal
law". In a universal definition, natural law asserts that humans are born with certain rights, moral values, and
responsibilities. (Corporate Finance Institute, 2022). It is a natural and inherent method for society to act as
human beings. In this regard, human nature is a natural law since humans are the only individuals on earth
who think rationally. Humans can tell the difference between what is morally right and what is morally wrong.
As a result, human nature is a natural law since it has its universal law in accordance with humanity.
The mask we wear and present to others is our personality. It's as fluid as it needs to be. We're all experts at
reading people's personalities. We judge people as funny, extroverted, energetic, optimistic, and confident,
and also if they're overly serious, lazy, negligible, and introverted we first meet them.
Character, in contrast, takes a lot more time to figure out. It includes characteristics such as honesty, virtue,
and kindness, which manifest themselves only in specific and unusual circumstances. The moral compass
that drives us is our character. In general, nothing changes though a few major life-changing events may also
change your character. Character is based on the established morals of what lines someone is willing to
cross or which principles they are willing to stand up for.
San Mateo Municipal College
General Luna St., Guitnangbayan I, San Mateo, Rizal
Natural law. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Natural Law. (n.d.). Retrieved September 15, 2022, from
Natural law. Corporate Finance Institute. (2022, April 29). Retrieved September 15, 2022, from