Paper 3
Paper 3
Paper 3
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The accessibility of good quality water is important for all living creatures in the world. The major
Available online 6 March 2021 requirement in the present era is the treatment of wastewater due to scarcity of water resources.
Adsorption, flocculation, filtration etc., are some of the techniques but they are used only for primary
Keywords: treatment of wastewater. It is required to develop techniques with low capital requirement and high effi-
CNTs ciency. The recent advanced technology, nanomaterials have attracted the attention for wastewater treat-
Nanomaterials ment. Nanoscale properties of nanomaterials such as catalysis, adsorption, reactivity, greater surface area
makes them effectively useful for the treatment of wastewater. Various types of nanomaterials are being
used for the removal of different contaminants from wastewater. Activated carbon, carbon nanotubes,
graphene, titanium oxide, magnesium oxide are some examples of nano-adsorbents which are used for
the removal of heavy metals from wastewater. For the removal of organic and inorganic pollutants from
water nanocatalyst such as electrocatalyst, photocatalyst have been potentially employed. This review
article is focused on the advancements which have been made in the area of wastewater treatment by
using nanomaterials.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of Cutting-edge Research in
Material Science and Chemistry (CRMSC-2021).
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of Cutting-edge Research in Material Science and Chemistry (CRMSC-2021).
P. Jangid and M. Prabhu Inbaraj Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 2877–2881
is also used to remove industrial pollutants such as bisphenol-A, CNTs have been reported as strong sorbents for 1,2-
phthalates, alkylphenols, etc. from groundwater. In the modern dichlorobenzene [19], atrazine [20], butane [21],
era, a new term Green Nanotechnology is coined. The main aim dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) [22], dioxin [23], peptone
of green technology includes minimal health hazards, environmen- and a- phenylalanine [24], and other polar and nonpolar organic
tal risks etc. [7]. This review focuses on the use of various nanoma- chemicals. Synthesized CNT-based membrane filters consisting of
terials applied in the treatment of wastewater. hollow cylinders coupled with radially aligned CNT walls have
been effectively used to remove bacteria and viruses from contam-
inated water [25].
2. Nanomaterials
Heavy metals which are discharged into aquatic environment
and absorbed in living tissues are to be removed from water and
Materials with the dimension of 1–100 nm are categorized as
this can be achieved by using multi-walled CNTs whose adsorption
nanomaterials. The characteristic properties of nanomaterials such
capacity can be increased by oxidizing it with nitric acid [26]. CNTs
as adsorption, high surface to volume ratio, catalytic activities and
possesses high capability as sorbents for organic compounds such
reactivity make them significant. As nanomaterials are small in
as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds, endo-
size, the surface area of nanomaterials is greater which make them
crine disrupt compounds and antibiotics [27]. For some pharma-
highly compatible. Variety of nanomaterials are observed which
ceuticals compounds like diclofenac sodium, carbamazepine,
exhibit their own specific properties [8].
CNTs exhibit good mechanical strength, high sorption capacity,
hydrophilicity and during regeneration process these compounds
2.1. Silver nanomaterials can be decomposed [28]. For improving the properties of CNTs
sometimes they are mixed with other metals by which the number
Silver nanomaterials are widely used as in the form of colloidal of oxygen, nitrogen or other groups increases on the surface of
silver. Silver nanomaterials has proven to be used as antimicrobial CNTs which enhances their dispersibilty and results in the
agents and have extensively used against naturally occurring improvement of their specific surface area [29–31]. The interstitial
microorganisms [9]. Vital cellular components of microorganism spaces and grooves present in the CNTs are sites of high adsorption
are disturbed by silver nanomaterial which results in death of for organic molecules and because of larger pores in bundles of
pathogenic microorganism. Nanomaterial binds on the cell mem- CNTs they have high adsorption capacity for bulky organic mole-
brane leading to cell lysis. For community water, in hospitals silver cules [32]. Due to short intraparticle diffusion distance and highly
nanomaterial are used for water purification. They have been used accessible adsorption sites, CNTs are used as better adsorbents for
as a substitute for chlorine in filtration technique [10]. Silver nano- heavy metals [33].
materials are potentially used in reducing the biofouling and as an
effective disinfectant in sewage and wastewater treatment for the 2.3. Iron nanomaterials
removal of E. coli and other pathogen [11]. Ag nanomaterial are
used with increased efficiency by inserting high porosity filters Iron nanomaterials are widely used in wastewater treatment.
[12]. The treatment done by using iron nanomaterials is mostly based
Pathogenic bacteria are killed by silver nanomaterials by induc- upon reductive dehalogenation reaction. Iron nanoparticles are
ing physical perturbation with oxidative stress through distur- cost effective and on reaction with contaminants they are con-
bance of vital cellular component. They are cost effectiveness verted into hydroxides which works as flocculant, used in the
possessing high antibacterial activity which have been considered removal of inorganic and organic contamination [34]. The
as the most promising for water disinfection [13]. Polyethersul- hydrophobic membrane which is present around the nanomaterial
phone (PES) microfiltration membranes was used for incorporating of zinc act as a protective covering for it which otherwise might
silver nanomaterials synthesized by chemical reduction and the react with the contaminants and decreases the capacity of nano-
microorganisms present nearby the membrane were not active material [35]. Iron oxide nanomaterial which possesses large sur-
enough [14]. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and World face area and high reactivity bind with the solid and colloidal
Health Organization (WHO) has put forward that the standard impurities of water by acting as a solid sorbent. Elemental iron
for silver in drinking water was greater than the silver loss from sil- in combination with metal catalyst such as nickel, palladium, plat-
ver nanomaterials [15]. inum forms bi metallic nanomaterial which increases the kinetics
of redox reaction [36].
2.2. Carbon nanomaterials Iron nanomaterials can be used for the treatment of contamina-
tion depending upon their mobility; mobile contaminations and
Carbon nanomaterials prepared from most abundant element immobile contaminations. For static contaminant body, mobile
carbon are extensively used for the purification of water. Carbon iron is used and is directly injected upstream for treatment [37].
nanomaterials have the capability of regeneration by which the When immobilized into iron surface some contaminants such as
adsorption capacity of carbon spent can be recovered through Ar(III/V), U(VI), Se(VI) can be reduced to lower oxidation state
which the economic application of activated carbon can be deter- [38]. Under anaerobic conditions, oxidation of Fe0 can be done by
mined. But during regeneration some percentage of adsorption H2O or H+ that produce Fe2+ and H2 which are used as potential
capacity will be lost [16]. reducing agents for contaminants [39]. Halogenated organic com-
The discovery of the first fullerene in 1985 has opened a new pounds [40], nitroaromatic compounds [41], metalloids [42], inor-
horizon for the synthesis of carbo nanotube (CNTs) [17]. The first ganic anions such as phosphates and nitrates [43] have been
CNT was fabricated in the year 1991 [18]. CNTs are synthesized successfully removed with the effects of adsorption, reduction,
from graphite using arc discharge; laser ablation; or by chemical precipitation and oxidation by iron nanomaterials.
vapor deposition from carbon-containing gas. Owing to their
hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions, ion exchange, elec- 2.4. Iron oxide nanomaterials
trostatic interactions with the pollutants of wastewater, CNTs have
gained considerable interest in recent years. Researchers are now Strong sorption capability, simple to operate, resourcefulness,
focusing on the incorporation of CNTs in several devices due to and availability have attracted the attention towards the use of
their outstanding adsorbance of organic and inorganic pollutants. iron oxide nanomaterials in wastewater treatment. Magnetite,
P. Jangid and M. Prabhu Inbaraj Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021) 2877–2881
maghemite and nonmagnetic hematite are most common forms of olet radiations are required for excitation for inducing charge sep-
silver oxides [44]. Physical properties of contaminants in water can aration within the particles by TiO2. Since TiO2 possesses low
be influenced by magnetism which is an exceptional property that selectivity, it has the capability to degrade all kinds of contami-
helps in water purification. When magnetic separation is combined nants [59]. For improving the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 metal
with adsorption then it has been extensively used in the treatment doping has been demonstrated and silver has attracted the atten-
of water and cleanup of environment [45]. To increase the adsorp- tion for doping [60]. However, doping with anions is considered
tion capacity of iron oxide nanomaterials various ligands such as as much cost effective and suitable for industrial applications
ethylenediammine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), L-glutathione, mercap- [61]. Engates and Shipley have reported that at pH 8, TiO2 nanopar-
tobutyric acid (MBA), meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid are being ticles have the capability to adsorb metals such as Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn,
incorporated [46]. Magnetic properties of iron oxide in combina- and Ni [62]. In the last decade, visible light activated TiO2 nanopar-
tion with adsorption performance should deal with wastewater ticles have gained much attention [63]. For example, visible-light
treatment at promising approach. The physical, chemical and mag- photo induced degradation of organic compounds by mesoporous
netic properties of iron oxide nanomaterials make it more efficient Au/TiO2 nanocomposite microspheres has been reported [64].
and cost-effective approach when compared to other conventional
methods [47].
2.6. Other nanomaterials
Iron oxide nanomaterials by absorbing visible light can act as a
good photocatalyst. The generation of electron-hole pairs through
The biocompatible and biodegradable pristine cellulose nano-
the narrow band gap is attributed to the photocatalytic activity
materials (CNMs) and succinic anhydride functionalized cellulose
of iron oxide nanomaterials [48]. Iron oxide nanomaterials synthe-
nanomaterial (S-CNM) adsorbents prepared from Millettia ferrug-
sized by thermal evaporation and co-precipitation results in pho-
inea were found to be effective in removal of Cr(VI) ions from
todegradation of Congo red dye which is an example of
wastewaters [65]. Nanoporous carbon xerogels, nanostructured
photocatalysis for safe and effective wastewater treatment [49].
black carbon and exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets (xGnP) have
Immobilization can also be done by using iron oxide nanomaterial.
been proposed for aqueous sorption of organic contaminants, aro-
Iron oxide nanomaterial possesses chemical inertness and favor-
matic compounds and phenolic compounds [66,67]. Hierarchical
able biocompatibility due to which they have been widely used
SiO2@c-AlOOH spheres synthesized by using silica colloidal
in immobilization technique [50]. Various phenomena such as
spheres have been used as adsorbents to remove Cr(VI) ions from
electrostatic interaction, selective adsorption, ligand combination
wastewater [68]. Researchers have started working on developing
and surface binding explain the mechanism of removal of contam-
bio-inspired nanoscale adsorbents and catalysts for the removal
inants by iron oxide nanomaterials [51]. For inorganic and organic
and degradation of a wide range of water pollutants. Spherical
contaminants adsorption occurs via surface binding mechanism in
shaped iron nanoparticles with rhombohedral phase structure
which the contaminants diffuse into the adsorbent or are adsorbed
was prepared from the leaf extract of Amaranthus spinosus and
for additional interaction [52]. The properties of iron oxide nano-
were found to be applicable in photocatalytic degradation of aque-
materials have shown a highly potential substrate in combination
ous solutions of methylene blue and methyl orange [69]. As(III) and
with biotechnology [53].
As(V) were sequestered from wastewater using) iron nanoparticles
synthesized from fresh mint leaves extract [70]. Synthesized palla-
2.5. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanomaterials
dium nanoparticles prepared from a fermentative cultivated mixed
bacterial population has been found to be effective in the degrada-
TiO2 nanomaterials are currently used for the removal of differ-
tion of diatrizoate in wastewater [71]. Silver nanoparticles synthe-
ent types of contaminants from wastewater that are comparatively
sized from A. agallocha leaves juice, iron nanoparticles synthesized
less expensive than other nanomaterials. TiO2 nanomaterials do
from aqueous green tea extract were used for the removal and cat-
have a few favorable characteristics like high photosensitivity,
alytic degradation of victoria blue, bromothymol blue and mala-
availability, nontoxicity and eco-friendly [54]. TiO2 nanomaterial
chite green respectively [72–74].
are less toxic to human beings and generate photocatalytic reactive
oxygen species. Nanotubes, nanowires can be prepared with the
help of TiO2. The antagonistic effect of TiO2 are shown at the min- 3. Conclusion
imum concentration of 0.1 to 1 g in 1L [55].
Titanium dioxide can be synthesized by: Nanomaterials possesses a variety of physical and chemical
properties which make them potential applicants for water purifi-
Metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) cation. Locality, availability, feasibility, economic conditions are
Sol-gel process considered on choosing the type of nanomaterial employed for
Wet chemical synthesis by precipitation of hydroxides from wastewater treatment. Nanomaterials overcome the difficulties
salts [56] faced during traditional and conventional methods by possessing
cost-effectiveness, ecofriendly, environmentally friendly and time
Photocatalytic oxidation in addition to filtration of organic con- saving approaches. As sorbents nanomaterials are useful in remov-
taminants can be done by TiO2 nanowire membrane. TiO2 micro- ing heavy metals at high concentration, high selectivity. These
sphere, a new type of catalyst which was prepared by a sol- properties make them fruitful in treatment technology. Larger con-
spraying calcination method, can easily settle in its aqueous sus- taminated sites can be cleaned up by nano remediation which
pensions under gravity. These TiO2 microspheres were found to reduces the cleanup time and contaminant concentration also.
be efficient in the photodegradation of salicylic acid (SA) and sul- Metal oxide containing nanomaterial are considered as good tool
fosalicylic acid (SSA) and were reported to have a high potential as they are considered as immobilization carriers in biosensors
for application in wastewater treatment [57]. and biosorbents.
High oxidative potential, biological and chemical inertness are Acting as sensors due to their size and other characteristics,
some other properties possessed by TiO2. Various organic pollu- nanomaterial have the property of detecting pathogens and some
tants such as pesticides, dyes, polymers, phenolic contaminants newly discovered substances in wastewater. Nanocomposite mate-
have been decomposed by photocatalysis using nano-sized TiO2 rial is one more application of nanomaterials in which advantage
under the influence of solar as well as artificial light [58]. Ultravi- to both host as well as nanomaterial is provided. Polymers, bio-
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