HW 10-4-22 Measurement

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Lesson 2 | Measurement and Scientific Tools

Student Labs and Activities Page

Content Vocabulary 21
Lesson Outline 22
Content Practice A 24
Content Practice B 25
Math Skills 26
School to Home 27
Key Concept Builders 28
Enrichment 32
Challenge 33
Skill Practice 34

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20 Scientific Problem Solving

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Content Vocabulary LESSON 2

Measurement and Scientific Tools

Directions: Unscramble each word. Then write the correct term on the line before its clue.

1. terpnec reror percent error

2. lapnonetaxi explanation

3. seintocprid description

4. cicifitsen tatinoon scientific notation

5. lanIrotinetna Smteys fo instU International System of Units

scientific notation 6. 3.24 × 107, for example

International System of Units 7. includes meters and kilograms

explanation 8. tells why or how an event occurred

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description 9. tells what a person observed

percent error 10. expresses experimental values in relation to accepted values

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Lesson Outline LESSON 2

Measurement and Scientific Tools

A. Description and Explanation
1. A spoken or written summary of observations is called
a(n) description .
2. An interpretation of observations is called a(n) interpretation .
B. The International System of Units
1. The International System of Units (SI) is the internationally accepted
system of measurement .
2. The seven standards of measurement, or SI base units, are the
meter, kilogram, second, ampere, Kelvin, mole, and candela.
3. In the SI system, factors of ten are represented by prefixes such
as milli-.
4. Any SI unit can be converted to another by multiplying or dividing by
a power of ten (10) .
C. Measurement and Uncertainty
1. A description of how similar or close measurements are to each other

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is called precision .
2. A description of how close a measurement is to an accepted value
is called accuracy .
3. All measurements have some degree of error, or uncertainty .
4. Scientists use scientific notation to write or display very small or very
large numbers.
5. The expression of error as a percentage of the accepted value
is called percent error .
D. Scientific Tools
1. A science journal is used to record observations, write questions
and hypotheses, collect data, and analyze the results of scientific inquiry.
2. To measure the masses of objects, you would use a(n) triple beam balance .
3. Two common types of balances are the electronic balance and the
triple-beam balance.
4. Laboratory glassware is used to hold or measure liquids.

22 Scientific Problem Solving

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Lesson Outline continued

5. To measure the volume of liquids, a scientist would use

a(n) graduated cylinder .
6. The temperature of substances is measured using a(n) thermometer .
7. The Kelvin is the SI unit for temperature, but in the science classroom temperature
is often measured in degrees Celsius (C°) .
8. Scientists use calculators to make quick calculations using their
9. Some uses of computers are to prepare research reports and
to share their data and ideas with investigators worldwide.
a. Hardware is the physical components of computers, such
as the monitor and the mouse.
b. Word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation programs are examples
of software programs that are run on computers.
10. Electronic can be attached to computers and handheld
calculators to record measurements.
E. Additional Tools Used by Physical Scientists
1. To estimate the acidity of a liquid substance, you can use
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pH paper.
2. A(n) hot plate is a small heating device that can be placed atop a
table or a desk.
3. To measure the weight or the amount of force applied to an object, you could use
a(n) spring scale .

Scientific Problem Solving 23

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Content Practice A LESSON 2

Measurement and Scientific Tools

Directions: Unscramble each term. On each line, write the unscrambled term that correctly completes each
sentence. Each term is used only once.

natnioalinter tesmys fo itsun
itficscien ionnotta
centper errro

1. There are SI base units.

2. The internationally accepted system of measurement is the .

3. A(n) is an interpretation of observations.

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4. is a method of writing or displaying very small or very
large numbers.

5. is the expression of error as a percentage of the accepted


6. When you describe something, you your observations.

7. When you explain something, you your observations.

8. A(n) is a spoken or written summary of observations.

24 Scientific Problem Solving

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Content Practice B LESSON 2

Measurement and Scientific Tools

Directions: Complete the table by writing the letter of each statement under the correct heading. Each statement
is used only once.

A. used to help scientists collect, compile, and analyze data quickly

B. used to record observations, write questions and hypotheses, collect data,
and analyze the results of scientific inquiry
C. used to measure the temperature of substances
D. used in scientific labs and in the field to make quick calculations using
E. used to hold, pour, heat, and measure liquids
F. used to measure the mass of objects

Science Journal Balances Glassware

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Thermometers Calculators Computers

Scientific Problem Solving 25

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Math Skills LESSON 2

Solve for Percent Error

The accepted value of a physical measurement, such as melting temperature or density, is
the average of many experiments by researchers working in labs throughout the world. A
single experimental value should be taken as carefully as possible but will always have some
error. The amount of error can be expressed as a percent of the accepted value. This is called
the percent error, which is found by using the formula below:
|experimental value - accepted value|
percent error = _______________________________ × 100%
accepted value
The straight brackets in the numerator of the fraction tell you to find the absolute value of
the numerator. This means that percent error will always be positive, even if the
experimental value is less than or greater than the accepted value.
In the laboratory, Luis measured the density of iron as 7.65 g/cm3. The accepted value is
7.87 g/cm3. What is the percent error?

Step 1 Identify the variables given in the problem.

experimental value = 7.65 g/cm3
accepted value = 7.87 g/cm3
Step 2 Insert the known values into the formula and solve.
|7.65 - 7.87|
percent error = ____________ × 100%
percent error = 2.80%

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1. In the laboratory, Mia measured the 3. The accepted value for the melting
density of lead as 10.98 g/cm . The temperature of sulfur is 388.5 K. Morgan
accepted value is 11.35 g/cm3. What is measured the melting temperature as
the percent error? 391.0 K. What is the percent error?

2. Yael made a wood frame. The height of 4. Ari measured the density of quartz
the finished frame was 1.34 m. The three times: 2.49 g/cm3, 2.56 g/cm3,
frame was supposed to be 1.25 m. and 2.72 g/cm3. The accepted value is
What is the percent error? 2.65 g/cm3. What is the percent error
of Ari’s average measurement?

26 Scientific Problem Solving

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School to Home LESSON 2

Measurement and Scientific Tools

Directions: Use your textbook to answer each question.

1. Making observations is a part of scientific inquiry. Observations can be

shared through descriptions and explanations. Although descriptions and
explanations tell about observations, they are not the same.
Explain how a description and an explanation are different.

2. The International System of Units was developed in 1960. It has several

advantages over other systems of measurement.
Identify two advantages of using the International System of Units.

3. The SI system, which is based on multiples of 10, allows for easy conversion
between units.
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Identify the SI prefixes for the following values:

a. 10 c. 0.1 e. 0.001
b. 1,000 d. 0.01

4. No measurement tool can provide a perfect measurement. All measurements

have some degree of error, or uncertainty.
Explain why a graduated cylinder is more accurate than a flask when measuring

5. Scientists use tools to make measurements. Tools used by physical scientists

include pH paper, stopwatches, hot plates, and spring scales.
Identify the tool used to measure weight and name the SI unit for this measurement.

Scientific Problem Solving 27

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Key Concept Builder LESSON 2

Measurement and Scientific Tools

Key Concept Why did scientists create the International System of Units (SI)?

Directions: Circle the term in parentheses that correctly completes each sentence.

In the past, scientists in different parts of the world used (1.) (different/similar) systems

of measurement. People used measurements such as the (2.) (league/rood) for area and the

(3.) (league/rood) for length. They even used a spoonful for (4.) (density/volume). As a result,

it was often very (5.) (difficult/easy) to translate a measurement that was made in one part

of the world into a measurement that was understood by scientists in another part of the

world. The confusion was (6.) (maintained/eliminated) when scientists worldwide adopted

a new system of measurement. The (7.) (internationally/nationally) accepted system of

measurement is the International System of Units (SI).

Directions: On the lines provided, write a descriptive fictional account in which two characters who are scientists

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try to communicate using different systems of measurement.

28 Scientific Problem Solving

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Key Concept Builder LESSON 2

Measurement and Scientific Tools

Key Concept Why is scientific notation a useful tool for scientists?

Directions: Answer each question or respond to each statement on the lines provided.

1. Write the steps for writing a number using scientific notation.



2. Write 1,000,000,000,000 in scientific notation.

3. Write 0.000000000000000007 in scientific notation.

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4. Write 239,023,000,000,000,000 in scientific notation.

5. Write 0.00000923 in scientific notation.

6. Write a short paragraph describing the importance of scientific notation.

Scientific Problem Solving 29

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Key Concept Builder LESSON 2

Measurement and Scientific Tools

Key Concept How can tools, such as graduated cylinders and triple-beam balances, assist
physical scientists?

Directions: On the line before each statement, write science journal, balances, glassware, thermometers,
calculators, or computers. Some terms may be used more than once.

1. These are used to prepare research reports and to share

data and ideas between investigators worldwide.

2. The term hardware refers to the physical components, such

as the monitor and the mouse. The term software refers to
programs such as word processing, spreadsheet, and
presentation programs.

3. These provide a way of recording the information that

scientists discover while they conduct investigations.

4. These tools are used in the lab and in the field to make
quick calculations using data.

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5. These tools are used to measure the mass of objects.

6. Flasks, beakers, test tubes, and graduated cylinders are just

some of the different types available.

7. Two common types are the electronic balance and the

triple-beam balance.

8. This type of tool is used to hold, pour, heat, and measure


9. These tools are used to measure the temperature of


30 Scientific Problem Solving

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Key Concept Builder LESSON 2

Measurement and Scientific Tools

Key Concept How can tools, such as graduated cylinders and triple-beam balances, assist
physical scientists?

Directions: Draw each tool used by physical scientists in the space provided. Then on the lines provided, write a
sentence describing the tool’s purpose.

1. pH paper

2. spring scale
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3. stopwatch

4. hot plate

Scientific Problem Solving 31

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Enrichment LESSON 2

Where do units come from?

Thousands of years ago, people were adopted in 1960 by the eleventh
measured lengths using objects that they GCWM.
always had with them—human body parts.
For example, one foot was the length of a What is a meter?
person’s foot. An inch was the width of a In the eighteenth century, one group
thumb. But everyone’s feet or thumbs were suggested defining the meter as equal to one
not the same size. ten-millionth of the length of a line from
To settle disagreements about whose body the North Pole to the equator…passing
parts would be used, the inch was redefined through Paris. This was not a particularly
as the length of three barleycorns. The foot convenient way to measure length.
became the length of 36 barleycorns. But Mathematicians then decided to make an
barleycorns came in different sizes too. object that would act as a standard against
The mile was originally defined as the which all meter measuring devices would
length of 1,000 paces of a Roman legion. be compared. It wasn’t all that easy. The
A pace was two steps, or about 0.91 meters, standard must be kept under controlled
so the mile was roughly 1,524 meters. conditions to avoid changes in length from
Later, each country adopted its own rust and temperature.
standard measurements, which made trade By 1983, mathematicians settled on the
nearly impossible. Whose system would be current definition of the meter—the length
used to measure the weight of trade of the path traveled by light in a vacuum
during 1/299,792,458 of a second.

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The Metric System What is a kilogram?

To solve this problem, mathematicians At the end of the eighteenth century, a
decided that a system that was built on a kilogram was defined as the mass of a cubic
few basic units and that had prefixes based decimeter of water. In 1889, the first
on powers of ten would be much easier to GCWM ordered that a standard kilogram
remember and use. would be made of a platinum-iridium alloy.
In 1889, the first General Conference on To eliminate confusion about weight and
Weights and Measures (GCWM) met in mass, they declared: “This prototype shall
Paris and decided on the definitions for the henceforth be considered to be the unit of
basic metric units. The SI units used today mass.”

Applying Critical-Thinking Skills

Directions: Answer each question.

1. Apply Suppose a person is trying to sell a piece of land to someone. What problems
might occur if the length of a person’s stride were used to measure distances?
2. Evaluate Why might using the speed of light to determine the length of the meter be
more reliable than using a measured distance around Earth?

32 Scientific Problem Solving

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Challenge LESSON 2

Design a System of Units

Units are human inventions devised to make measurement easier. Originally, people used
body parts to measure distances and common objects such as kernels of grain to measure
weights. In this activity, you will design a system of units that someone else can use to
measure the length of objects as small as a grain of rice and as large as the width of your
classroom. Do not use any existing units or measuring devices. Make your own measuring
devices based on the units you choose.
Some questions you might ask are listed below.
• What will I choose as my basic unit or units? For example, the English system is based on
inches, feet, yard, and miles, each of which was originally based on different body parts.
• Will you use a similar system? Or will you use one basic unit, dividing it into smaller
unit and multiplying it to produce larger units.
• What factor will you multiply and divide by?
• How will you make your measuring device or devices?

1. Explain how your system of units works. Give your units names. (Again, don’t use
existing measurements.) What is the name of your system of measurement?
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2. Make one or more measuring devices for your system and have a partner use them to
measure the length of a grain of rice and the width of the classroom. Discuss your system
with your partner. What are its strengths? What are its weaknesses? How would you
expand your system to measure longer distances such as the distance between cities?

Scientific Problem Solving 33

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Skill Practice Predict LESSON 2: 45 minutes

How does the strength of geometric shapes differ?

If you look at a bridge, a building crane, or the framework for a tall building, you will
notice that various geometric shapes make up the structure. In this activity, you will observe
the strength of several geometric shapes in terms of their rigidity, or resistance to changing
their shape.

plastic straws

Learn It
When scientists make hypotheses, they often then predict that an event will occur based
on their hypothesis.

Try It
1. Read and complete a lab safety form.
2. You are going to construct a triangle and a square using straws. Predict which shape
will be more resistant to changing shape.

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3. Measure and cut the straws into seven segments, each 6 cm long.
4. Measure and cut one 20-cm and one 30-cm length of string.
5. Thread the 30-cm length of string through four straw segments. Bend the corners to
form a square. Tie the ends of the string together in a double knot to complete the
6. Thread the 20-cm string through three of the straw segments. Bend to form a triangle.
Tie the ends of the string together to complete the triangle.
7. Test the strength of the square by gently trying to change its shape. Repeat with the
triangle. Record your observations.

34 Scientific Problem Solving

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Skill Practice continued

8. Propose several ways in which you could make the weaker shape stronger. Draw
diagrams showing how you would modify the shape to make it more rigid.

9. Test your hypothesis. Refine your hypothesis and test it, if needed, until you succeed in
making the shape stronger.

Apply It
10. Look at the photograph in your textbook. Which of your tested shapes is used the
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most? Based on your observations, why is this shape used?

11. Which modifications made your shape stronger? Why?

12. Key Concept How might a scientist use a model to test a hypothesis?

Scientific Problem Solving 35

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