HVAC SWMS Bonfiglioli

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Project: - Bonfiglioli Transmissions PVT LTD



1)Prepared By: 2)Approved By: Name &
Name & Signature Signature
3)Reviewed By: SWMS Date:
Name & Signature

Bonfiglioli Contractor Name:

Project Name: Transmissions PVT

Safe work method statement

Risk Level Risk Level

(High, (High,
Sequence of activities Potential Hazards Potential Risks Control Measures
Medium & Medium &
Low) Low) after
1.Workers mobilisation and 11. Minor injury / health MEDIUM LOW 1. Obtained medical fitness certificate and Self
workers entry 1. Unauthorised entry effect / illness
declaration from the worker during the entry
2. Unskilled workers.
3. Untrained workers. 2. First Aid Injury / of worker into the site.
4. COVID19 Slight health effect
2. HSE induction and screening will be imparted
prior to deployment of workers.
3. Property Damage
3. ID card Issued for new workers.
4. Provided PPE's (safety helmet, steel toe shoes,
reflected jacket, and safety goggles) for
5. Vertigo test conducted for the workforce at
vertigo set up prepared at site.
6. In case of requirement, Temperature screening
will be done at entry.
7. Only trained workers will be deployed for the
2.Loading, Unloading & Shifting 1. Ergonomics 1. Minor injury / health Medium Low 1. Trained & experienced workforce will be
of Materials IDU,ODU from 2. Fall of Person effect / illness deployed.
Ground Floor to work location 3. Fall of Materials 2. First Aid Injury / 2. Training on the hazards and control measures
4. Slippery & uneven access. Slight health effect related to equipment's & related works will be
5. Lifting excessive Weight 3. Property Damage conducted (weekly, fortnightly, monthly).
6. Deployment of Untrained 3. All Material will be stacked not more than 1.5m
Person in a designated area and same will be
7. Obstructions in the barricaded.
passages 4. Access will be free from obstructions, slippery
8. Sharp edges surfaces and any kind of unwanted materials.
9. Trip Hazard 5. Illumination and ventilation will be provided,
10. In-appropriate size and Emergency lighting will be provided with
shape of the materials battery backup.
11. Defective PPEs 6. All floor edges will be barricaded, openings
covered / protected.
7. Secondary contaminant tray to avoid chemical
spillage on ground will be provided. Bund
around the chemical storage area.
8. MSDS will be provided along with chemicals
shipment and training will be provided to all
the persons engaged for loading / unloading.
9. Empty / filled chemicals to be kept apart from

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Project: - Bonfiglioli Transmissions PVT LTD
each other.
10. Fire extinguishers will be placed and easily
accessible / approachable.
11. Use of PPEs like safety shoes, helmet, jacket,
shoulder pads, hand gloves and nose mask
while handling the material manually.
12. Sharp edges will be protected.
13. Vehicle and pedestrian movements will be
separated where possible, minimize reversing
14. No one will be allowed to stand or walk directly
behind parked vehicles.
15. Toolbox talks will be given to the work force
daily for the precautions will be taken in the
3. Aluminium mobile scaffold 1. Collapse of 1. Fatal High Low 1. Erect the scaffold as sequence wise
erection & dismantling scaffold/sliding of 2. Major injury fatal\ 2. Providing outrigger if the scaffold height more
scaffold organ loss than 1.3 ratio
2. Un even floor surface 3. Minor injury 3. Ensure wheel locking condition
3. Material fall from height braking of organ 4. Erection will be done on even surface
4. Fall of men from height injury to body parts 5. Follows the scaffolding checklist system
5. Slipping & tripping hazard scare cut injury 6. Scaffold will be erected and inspected by
lines competent person and place the safe working
4. First aid tag
injury/slight health 7. Maintains continues supervision
effect 8. Standard scaffolding materials will be used with
5. Property damage TPI
9. Place the red tag while scaffold erection
10.Scaffolding will be erected as per the scheme
11.Periodical mobile scaffolding inspection will be
conducted and record will be maintained
12.Mobile scaffolding will not be moved along with
the workmen
13.Mobile scaffolding erection /dismantling work
location will be barricaded
14.Above 1.8 M safety harness with double lanyard
will be used
15.Ensure the person is physically fit for height
work(vertigo set up prepared at site)
16.Anchoring the safety belt in scaffolding ledger
pipe which was already fixed
17.Scaffolding materials will be staked in designated
areas only
4.Marking works at ceiling 1.Unsafe scaffold in use 1. Major injury / health MEDIUM LOW 1. Trained, experienced & medically fit workforce
(Ducting& Copper pipe cable 2. Fall of men and materials effect / illness will be deployed.
trays) 3. Slips and Trips (fractures, breaking of 2. Training on the hazards and control measures
4. Ergonomics organs, injury to body related to equipment's & related works will be
5. Poor Housekeeping parts) conducted (weekly, fortnightly, monthly)
6. Deployment of Untrained 3. Toolbox talks will be given to the work force daily
persons 2. Minor injury / health for the precautions will be taken in the activity.
effect / illness 4. All hand tools will be inspected and damaged /
defective tools will be rectified / removed.
3. First Aid Injury / 5. Safety helmet, safety shoes, hand gloves,
Slight health effect. reflective jacket, nose mask will be used.
6. Mobile scaffold will be equipped with full
4.Property Damage. boarded working platform, guard rails, mid rail,
access & egress, wheel brakes will be used.
Inspection tags will be displayed on the scaffolds
for identification of 'safe to use' / 'unsafe to use'.
7. Locking of wheels will be done.

5. Thread-rod support
installation in using hammer 1. proper scaffolding inspection will be carried out and
drilling/cutting machine. 1. Major injury/fatal/ / High LOW inspection tag will be displayed
1. Electrocution/ cut injury /first 2. only trained and competent workmen will be
aid /eye irritation engaged in the activity
2. Fall from height person 3. Full body harness will be provided and effective
/material usage of the full body harness will be ensured.
4. Power cables will be routed through the RCCB 30

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Project: - Bonfiglioli Transmissions PVT LTD
3. Improper hand tools/ mA and power cable will be routed overhead with
the insulated cable stands.
5. work area will be adequately barricaded and signage
will be displayed
a. Multiple level activities should not be carried out.
6. Electrical machineries will be checked.
7. Display the tag on machine.
8. Basic PPE’S (Safety Helmets, Reflective jacket, , Hand
gloves, Safety shoe, Safety Harness, Face shield –
Drilling)(Task Specific)

9. Height work permit will be taken

10. scaffolding will be inspected by certified competent
11. Don’t use unstable platform
12. We will be ensure scaffolding checklist and display
SWL & Tag We will be ensure wheels are in good
13. Basic PPE’S (Safety Helmets, Reflective jacket, , Hand
gloves, Safety shoe, Safety Harness, Face shield –

14. We will ensure free from gap on working platform.

15. Handrail, mid rails and toe board must be provide.
16. Height work Permit will be taken prior to start the
17. Do not drop the material from height.
18. We will provide barricading cone with signage.

19. All hand tools will be inspected for any defective

prior to use.
20. Area will be barricaded to avoid unauthorized
21. Adequate Nose mask shall we provide for workers

6. Support fixing of Duct, 1. Use of damaged 1. Fatal / Permanent HIGH LOW 1. Trained, experienced & medically fit workforce will
Copper pipe Cable tray & Fans. scaffolds, ladders Loss of Organs / be deployed.
2. Fall of Men and Functions (eyes, legs, 2. Trained, experienced & authorized operator will
Materials hands) / Dangerous be deployed for the equipment.
3. Use of damaged power Occurrence 3. Training on the hazards and control measures
tools related to equipment's & related works will be
4. Cable joints/ Damaged 2. Major injury / health conducted (weekly, fortnightly, monthly)
cables effect / illness 4. Toolbox talks will be given to the work force daily
5. Slip & trip due to (fractures, breaking of for the precautions will be taken in the activity.
unwanted materials on organs, injury to body 5. All hand tools, power tools will be inspected and
floor, slippery surface parts) damaged / defective tools will be rectified /
6. Sharp tools / edges removed.
7. Ergonomics 3. Minor injury / health 6. Safety helmet, safety shoes, hand gloves,
8. Deployment of effect / illness reflective jacket, goggles, ear plugs will be used.
untrained person 7. Electric cables will be routed overhead, free from
9. Poor cable 4. First Aid Injury / naked joints and all portable tools will be routed
Management Slight health effect through 30mA ELCB / RCCB & MCB.
10. Electrical shock 8. The area will be barricaded and warning signages
due to non-provision of 5. Property Damage will be displayed at the location.
earth connectivity 9. Mobile scaffold will be equipped with full boarded
working platform, guard rails, mid rail, access &
egress, wheel locks. Inspection tags will be
displayed on the scaffolds for identification of
'safe to use' / 'unsafe to use'.
10. Locking of wheels will be done before
using the scaffold.

7.Duct fabrication 1. Ergonomics 1. Major injury / health MEDIUM LOW 1. Trained, experienced & medically fit workforce will
2. Deployment of effect / illness be deployed.
untrained persons (fractures, breaking of 2. Training on the hazards and control measures
3. Sharp edges, tools organs, injury to body related to tools & related works will be conducted.
4. Excessive Noise parts) (weekly, fortnightly, monthly)
5. Over stacking of 2. Minor injury / health 3. Toolbox talks will be given to the work force daily
Materials effect / illness for the precautions will be taken in the activity.

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Project: - Bonfiglioli Transmissions PVT LTD
6. Use of Defective 3. First Aid Injury / 4. All hand tools, will be inspected and damaged /
and damaged Slight health effect defective tools will be rectified / removed.
hand tools 1. 4. Property 5. Safety helmet, safety shoes, hand gloves, reflective
7. Lifting of excessive Damage jacket, cut resistance hand gloves, goggles, ear
weight muffs, ear plugs & nose mask will be used.
8. Obstructions in 6. The area will be barricaded and warning signages
access will be displayed at the location.
7. Duct cut pieces will be segregated and stored

8.Duct Erection 1. Use of damaged 1. Major injury / MEDIUM LOW 1.Trained, experienced & medically fit workforce will
scaffolds health effect / be deployed.
2. Fall of men and illness (fractures, 2.Training on the hazards and control measures
materials breaking of related to power tools & related works will be
3. Ergonomics organs, injury to conducted. (Weekly, fortnightly, monthly)
4. Deployment of body parts) 3.Toolbox talks will be given to the work force daily for
untrained persons 2. Minor injury / the precautions will be taken in the activity.
5. Sharp edges, tools health effect / 4.All hand tools, power tools will be inspected and
6. Excessive Noise illness damaged / defective tools will be rectified /
7. Over stacking of 3. First Aid Injury / removed.
Materials Slight health 5.Safety helmet, safety shoes, hand gloves, reflective
8. Use of Defective and effect jacket, cut resistance hand gloves, goggles, ear
damaged power tools 4. Property Damage muffs, ear plugs & nose mask will be used.
9. Obstruction with 6.Electric cables will be routed overhead, free from
Overhead services naked joints and all portable tools will be routed
10. Fall of man or materials through 30mA ELCB / RCCB
11. Electrocution 7.The area will be barricaded and warning signages will
12. Lifting of excessive be displayed at the location.
13. Obstructions in access 8.Height work permit will be taken
9. Safety harness will be used while working at
10. Working platform will be provided with
mid rail, hand rail, access and egress free from
obstructions for work at height.
11. Providing outrigger if the scaffold height
more than 1:3 ratio
12. Mobile scaffold will be equipped with full
boarded working platform, guard rails, mid rail
access & egress, wheel brakes. Inspection tags will be
displayed on the scaffolds for identification of 'safe
to use' / 'unsafe to use'.
13. Locking of wheels will be done before using
the scaffold.
14. Access will be clear from obstructions and
overhead lines / services will be avoided.

9.Insulation of Duct 1. Vapors Inhalation 1. Major injury / health MEDIUM LOW 1. Trained, experienced & medically fit workforce will
and(adhesives) 2. Absorption effect / illness be deployed.
3. Spillage of Adhesive (fractures, breaking of 2. Trained, experienced & authorized operator will be
materials organs, injury to body deployed for the equipment, adhesive applicator
4. Deployment of parts) will be deployed for the activity.
untrained person 2. Minor injury / health 3. Training on the hazards and control measures
5. Fire effect / illness related to equipment's & related works will be
6. Use of damaged 3. First Aid Injury / conducted. (Weekly, fortnightly, monthly)
scaffold Slight health effect 4. Toolbox talks will be given to the work force daily
7. Fall of men and 4. Property for the precautions will be taken in the activity.
materials Damage 5. All hand tools, will be inspected and damaged /
Contact of adhesive defective tools will be rectified / removed.
with sparks due to hot 6. Safety helmet, safety shoes, hand gloves, reflective
work jacket, hand gloves, goggles & respirators will be
7. Height work permit will be taken
8. Safety harness will be used while working at
9. Working platform will be provided with mid rail,
hand rail, access and egress free from
obstructions for work at height.
10. Providing outrigger if the scaffold height more
than 1:3 ratio

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11. MSDS of adhesive materials will be displayed and
training on MSDS will be conducted to all workers
and supervisors involved in activity
12. The area will be barricaded and warning signage’s
will be displayed at the location.
13. Mobile scaffold will be equipped with full boarded
working platform, guard rails, mid rail, access &
egress, wheel brakes. Inspection tags will be
displayed on the scaffolds for identification of 'safe
to use' / 'unsafe to use'.
14. Locking of wheels will be done before using the
Fire extinguishers will be accessible and easily
10.Brassing work 1. Hot flying fragments, 1. Fatal / Permanent HIGH LOW
breaking of grinding, Loss of Organs / 1. Safety helmet, Safety Shoes, Leather Hand
cutting wheels Functions ( eyes, Gloves, Face shield (Grinding, Cutting & gas
2. Electrocution. legs, hands) / cutting) leather apron, ear plugs, ear muffs,
3. Explosion Dangerous safety goggles will be used. Safety harness will
4. Contact with Hot Occurrence be used while working at height.
objects 2. Major injury / 2. Working platform will be provided with mid
5. Back fire & Flash health effect / rail, hand rail, access and egress free from
back illness (fractures, obstructions for work at height.
6. Fall of person from breaking of organs, 3. Prevention of fall of welding / gas cutting slag
height injury to body will be done by providing fire blanket or by
7. Fall of material & parts) restricting the personnel movement below the
equipment's 3. Minor injury / hot work area by deploying a fire watcher,
8. Inhalation of fumes, health effect / barricading the area below the activity, caution
gas, dust. illness / warning signage’s.
9. Hot work near 4. First Aid Injury / 4. Fire Extinguishers, fire point will be accessible
combustible / Slight health effect & fire blanket need will be provided
flammable materials 5. Property Damage
10. Usage of non- 5. Loading & unloading of material, equipment's
standard, damaged / precautions need will be carried out.
defective tools & 6. Toolbox talks will be given to the work force
tackles, equipment's daily for the precautions will be taken in the
& machineries activity.
11. Deployment of
untrained workforce.
12. Awkward postures
11.Installation of Indoor & 1. Collapse of scaffolding 1. Injuries due to slip HIGH MEDIUM 1. Proper planning is to be done.
Outdoor Unit 2. Fall of material and trips. 2. Only trained persons are engaged in Positioning
3. Fall of person 2. Partial or permanent the Ductable CSU Unit by providing sufficient
4. Cut / Burn Injury disabilities space for copper piping for CSU and unit
5. Eye injury 3. Fatal connection.
6. Electrical hazard 4.Property damage 3. Marked area drilling and fixing of thread rod
7. Fire hazard support
8.Electrocution 4. Manually position the equipment to the
respective position.
5. Chain block will be checked
6. Lifting the unit with chain block pulley and fixed
with thread rod support from ceiling
7. With sufficient manpower with proper safety
induction. Communicating with every person
before lifting and positioning the units.
8. The safety officer / Site engineer will ensure the
rigidness of the pedestal once the unit has been
mounted on it (For outdoor units at Terrace).
12.Copper pipe laying and 1. Use of damaged HIGH LOW 1. Trained, experienced & medically fit workforce will
Brazing work scaffolds 1. Major injury / be deployed.
2. Fall of men and health effect / 2. Training on the hazards and control measures
materials illness (fractures, related to equipment's & related works will be
3. Deployment of breaking of organs, conducted. (weekly, fortnightly, monthly)
untrained persons injury to body 3. Toolbox talks will be given. to the work force daily
4. Slips and trips parts) for the precautions will be taken in the activity.
5. Ergonomics 2. Minor injury / 4. All hand tools, will be inspected and damaged /
6. Contact with Hot health effect / defective tools will be rectified / removed.
objects illness 5. Safety helmet, safety shoes, hand gloves, reflective

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7. Back fire & Flash 3. First Aid Injury / jacket, face shield, apron & respirators / nose mask
back Slight health effect will be used.
8. Fire & Explosion 4. Property Damage 6. Trolley will be used for acetylene and oxygen
9. Hot work near cylinders and will be in vertical / inclined position &
combustible / locked condition.
flammable materials 7. Flashback arresters will be used in both the ends of
10. Use of damaged tools gas cylinders and torch handle
and tackles etc. 8. Soap water testing will be done for hose pipe
11. Leakage of Acetylene leakages before starting the work.
or O2 9. The area will be barricaded and warning signages
12. Combustible materials will be displayed at the location, fire watcher will
nearby Transportation be deployed for restricting the personnel
of Gas cylinders movement.
10. Mobile scaffold will be equipped with full boarded
working platform, guard rails, mid rail
11. Fire extinguishers, fire buckets with sand will be
provided near the activity and will be accessible /
easily approachable.
12. Work area will be free from combustible materials
10. Brazing hose both side back flash arrester
11. Working area Fire extinguisher and fire
buckets provided.
12. Working area surrounding 3mtr radius
flammable material removed.
14.Work at height fire blanket will be provide.
15. Cylinder shall be stacked at marked and well-
ventilated area
16.Cylinder Leak test to be done. Dual stage
pressure gauge will be fixed for both

13. Testing & commissioning of HIGH LOW

HVAC Equipment’s & Panel’s. 1. Exposed and damage 1. Burn injury, 1. Ensure only authorized and licensed electrician to
electrical cables lead to Electrocution effects carry out electrical shutdown/maintenance
electrocution & electric up to fatal. activities. Industrial cable connector to be used for
shock. 2. Major injury / health cable joining
2. Electrical Overload & effect / illness 2. LOTO system to be followed for electrical
fluctuation in the voltage (fractures, breaking of maintenance and shutdown activity
& current. organs, injury to body 3. Ensure electrical inspection checklist and work
3. Noise & vibration Duct. parts) permit for testing and commissioning activity iv)
3. Minor injury / health Ensure periodical inspection of electrical panel,
effect / illness RCCBs and cable
4. First Aid Injury / Slight 4. Insulated power tools to be used.
health effect 5. Tool box talk to be conducted before
5. Property Damage commencement of work
6. Calibrated testing equipment to be used for testing
and commissioning activities. Appropriate tested
gloves to be used.
7. Rubber mat to be provided in front of panel.

14.Waste Management - 1. Inhalation of dust, 1. Minor injury. LOW LOW 1. Trained, experienced workforce will be deployed.
segregation, storage, 2. Contact with sharp edges 2.first Aid 2. Training on the hazards and control measures
handling & disposal 3. Fall of person due to slip, 3.Property damage related to equipment's & related works will be
trip, conducted. (weekly, fortnightly, monthly)
4. Fall of materials 3. Toolbox talks will be given to the work force daily
5. Deployment of untrained for the precautions will be taken in the activity.
workforce, 4. Water sprinkling will be done.
6. Lifting excessive weights 5. Cut resistance hand gloves, goggles, nose mask,
Awkward postures helmet, safety shoes / gum boots will be used.
6. Fire hazardous materials will be stored separately
7. Over loading of materials will be avoided
8. Removal & disposal of unwanted material will be
Excessive weight, large size materials not will be
handled by a single person.
15.House Keeping floors and 1. Ergonomics 1. Minor injury / health LOW LOW 1. Trained, experienced workforce will be
other work areas manual

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Project: - Bonfiglioli Transmissions PVT LTD
2. Slip/Trip effect / illness deployed.
2. First Aid Injury / 2. Training on the hazards and control measures
3.Exposure to dust Slight health effect related works will be conducted (weekly,
3. Property Damage. fortnightly, monthly)
3. Toolbox talks will be given to the work force
daily for the precautions will be taken in the
4. Safety helmet, safety shoes / gumboots, hand
gloves, reflective jacket, goggles, nose mask
will be used.
5. Stagnated water will be removed.
6. Materials will be segregated, stacked in order
as per the shape and size of the materials /
7. Storage area will be identified, barricaded and
signage's will be provided.

Sprinkling of water before sweeping the floors will be



Consequence Descriptors       Risk Rank  

5 Catastrophic One or more fatalities d
  5 5 10 15 20
  4 4 8 12 16
4 Major Long term illness with permanent disability
  3 3 6 9 12
Short term illness requiring hospital   2 2 4 6 8
3 Moderate
attention   1 1 2 3 4
    1 2 3 4
2 Minor Minor injuries requiring medical attention
1 Insignificant First aid attention only

Likelihood Descriptors   Action
  High Risk - (1) Cease Work, (2) Review the work proc
The event is expected to occur in most
5 Almost Certain 15 - 25 immediately, (3) Formulate risk control measures to
circumstances   risk & (4) Supervision by competent person
  Medium Risk - (1) Review the work procedure where
The event will probably occur in most
4 Likely   6 -14 & (2) Formulate risk control measures to reduce the
  as possible
  5 or
2 Unlikely The event could occur at some time Low Risk - (1) Follow the work procedures
The event may occur only in exceptional  
1 Rare

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