Nitinol Paper
Nitinol Paper
Nitinol Paper
Abid Yusuf
Manufacturing Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology
Abstract—Smart materials are defined as materials that alloys and polymers which have the ability to change their
can exhibit behavioral changes in their properties by the properties under a stimulus
variation in the environment around them (external The introduction of property manipulation over a certain
stimulus). This ability of Smart Materials to morph under amount of time have given birth to 4D printing. 4D printing
a specific stimulus has led to the emergence of 4D is additive manufacturing with an involvement of the fourth
printing, where time is considered to be the fourth dimension, i.e. time. This approach allows a printed matter to
dimension. There are many approaches considered in be programmed to follow a certain set of changes with respect
order to achieve 4D printing, namely, SME (Shape to specified stimuli. It has been made possible only by rapid
Memory Effect), deformation mismatch, bi-stability, etc. development in the field of smart materials and progress in
This study focuses on a particular smart material, Ni-Ti the field of multi material printing.
(Nickel-Titanium) SMA (Shape Memory Alloy), generally Without a doubt, 4D printing has provided huge potential to
known as Nitinol, which exhibits many special properties, the application of smart materials in a wide variety of
like wear resistance, biocompatibility and a relatively industries. One such material is Ni-Ti SMA, generally known
superior shape memory performance. All these features as Nitinol that is the center of this study.
makes nitinol suitable for various industries especially in Nitinol is so special because of its existence in an
the biomedical field. The freedom of design thinking intermetallic phase that gives it properties like super-
provided by the discovery of additive manufacturing elasticity, damping, biocompatibility and most important
gives a whole new paradigm to explore when it comes to shape memory effect (SME). Shape memory alloys (SMA)
the applications of Ni-Ti SMAs. This paper presents a have always been a center of attraction because of their
review of the applications of Nitinol and how 4D printing potential applications in adaptive engineering applications.
has allowed this material be applicable in a variety of Typically, NiTi is produced by a process known as, self-
fields like aerospace, MEMS(Micro-Electro-Mechanical- propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), melting
Systems), biomedical implants, micro actuators etc. This followed by hot working, tooling and finishing to the desired
paper also highlights the future potential that additive shape. These processes lead to the intrusion of certain
manufacturing has provided to Ni-Ti SMAs. gaseous impurities into the microstructure of the alloy.
Keywords—Shape Memory Alloy, 4D Printing, Nitinol, Modern direct printing (LENS, SLM and DMD) provides a
Additive manufacturing range of melting points for the synthesis of such intricate
metal powders. Additive manufacturing of nitinol has in fact
I. INTRODUCTION lead us to open up the true potential of this smart material
3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing (material under various applications which are discussed in this paper
gets added rather than removed unlike the conventional and many applications that can be met in the near future due
subtractive approach), has been around since it was to the freedom of design thinking and complexity provided
commercialized in 1987 by 3D Systems (Stereolithography). by this mode of manufacturing.
3D printing is widely used for prototyping and manufacturing
parts that are not possible by the conventional manufacturing .
and machining approach. The use of 3D printing is currently
widespread, and 3D printing is no longer confined to II. MATERIAL CAPABILITIES
industrial or academic research purposes rather, the Overview
transformation of 3D printing from a process merely used in
Nitinol is a material that fall into the group of Shape Memory
industrial and academic research to one which is widely used
Alloy. It shows the properties of shape memory and super-
in mature manufacturing methods is quite visible. Still,
elasticity. The ability of a material to return to its default form
additive manufacturing is not able to completely take over the
when applied compressive or tensile load is removed from the
conventional manufacturing methods due to limitations need
body is known as Elasticity. But when a material shows
of special process capabilities of materials, size of the object
extreme level of elasticity property it can be termed as Super-
being built, and its cost. But it purposefully compliments the
elasticity. And when the material goes beyond elastic limit,
conventional manufacturing process providing a working
plastic deformation takes place. For the material going under
complexity that was never possible before. Nevertheless, the
Plastic Deformation when returned to previously stated
widespread of additive manufacturing is directly linked to the
programmed structure is said to be Shape memory property.
development of novel materials specifically bound with the
These two properties define it to be extremely flexible and
manufacturing approach.
durable letting them to be exposed to all kind of harsh
Over the past few decades, there has been a substantial
increase in research on shape memory materials, commonly
known as “smart” materials. These are generally, metals,
Shape Memory by Heat Treating temperature it is again unbent. Now the Nitinol wire has Two-
The property of Shape memory nitinol has is impressive. way shape memory as it has the programming of the shape in
Ductility is one of the properties which Nitinol has, so it can the cold water and at the room temperature.
be drawn into wires. Programming of these wires can be for
then to remember a shape by heating it to some certain Flexibility
temperature, known as threshold temperature. Nitinol can Nitinol is extremely flexible and, according to NASA
change into any shape, but it will turn back to the original researchers, can "undergo significant reversible strain (up to
form when threshold temperature is applied. One way & Two 10%), letting the structure to resist higher order of
way are the two kinds of shape memory, which are achieved deformation magnitude before entering into permanent
by programming them by the means of heat treatment to deformation [2]. Nitinol beats spring steel in resisting and
manipulate the molecules of the material. recovering from the stress [3]. A comparison of their ability
Heat treatment is the process of molecular manipulation by is shown in below figure with black line representing steel
letting the heated material to cooldown at different speeds. and blue lines representing Nitinol [4].
Tempering and Quenching are two common ways. Form the graph (figure 1), the steel shows linear stress vs
Quenching is the process where the forged metal is taken out strain up to 0.3%, but after that it begins to curve and has
of the furnace and is submerged into the liquid for it to cool begun to plastically deform till it breaks. But for Nitinol 8%
down rapidly, resulting it to be brittle. Tempering is the way is the elastic limit, at which the load is removed and the
when the forged metal from the furnace is taken out and is let structure starts to regain its original shape, meaning the area
to cool down slowly, but if it is done after quenching, the which was showing plastic deformation was actually showing
material becomes less brittle and gains flexibility. the super-elasticity of the material. If the material crosses the
When Nitinol is made to reach its threshold temperature, its 8% elastic limit then only it will plastically deform, but it can
molecules arrange themselves in such a structure that when return to its original shape if the structure is given the
they are given the required heat again, they will return to the temperature beyond the threshold limit.
state they were when heated previously. It happens as Nitinol
moves through two phases as its temperature increases. By
default, it is in martensitic phase, where it is easy to shape,
soft and is plastic. So, when the required threshold
temperature is provided, it changes into austenitic phase [1].
Its like the state change from solid to liquid, but the material
is in solid state as before and after the transition the material’s
structure is tightly packed. In the austenitic phase the material
becomes very hard. The Shape memory effect of Nitinol
comes from the trend of getting harder as it gets hotter. The
molecules of Nitinol wire when bent, they rearrange in order
to compensate for the new shape in the martensitic phase,
which is a plastic deformation. But when the heat is applied
to this, the material structure will convert into austenitic
phase, and the molecules of the structure will acquire their Figure 1: Comparison of Stress-Strain curve of Steel &
positions in the austenitic phase. When the wire is cooling Nitinol [4].
down, if the shape of the structure is maintained, then the
positions will be made sure to be remembered and locked. Durability
The structure while cooling down can be reshaped as required Durability of the material significantly depend on how the
while it returns to the martensitic phase. Finally, when the material and structure were manufactured as well as how well
threshold temperature is provided to the structure, the it performs its required functioning. For better understanding
molecules of the same will make the material rigid and return of this, we can compare nitinol and steel. Steel is good for
to their remembered positions as they were programmed. making a bridge, it is so as steel is strong and rigid to an
The process of Two-way and One-way SM effect varies in extent. But Nitinol cannot be used in construction of bridge
the cooling step. In the Two-way SM effect process, the as it is flexible, so its suited for purpose of tires. If in rugged
material in a certain shape at room temperature when and harsh environment a Nitinol structure is damaged so it
supplied temperature over the threshold temperature, it will deforms greatly rather than experiencing permanent damage,
change into a different shape, but when the cooling happens it can recover with right temperature conditions provided in
it will again revert back to its original shape rather than time [5]. So, there is a lack of repair and further no extra
maintain the new shape. In the Two-way Shape Memory materials are required for the repair leading to no wastage of
process, the structure moves back and forth between the two the resources.
shapes as and when the suitable temperature is provided or The manufacturing method of the material structure also
removed. vastly impacts the durability of the Nitinol, as work-
It is the heat treatment process of the structure which decides hardening can reduce the deformation stress. The Two-way
whether it will have the One-way or Two-way Shape Shape memory ability also improves as work hardening
memory. increases the strength [1]. During the manufacturing of the
For Example, if a Nitinol wire is taken and bent and dropped Nitinol, it’s an important opportunity as by doing the
in cold water, it will remember the bent shape at which the adjustments to the manufacturing processes the properties of
water temperature is, and then it is removed. The at the room the final material structure can be varied as per the
requirements, this is one of the important characteristics of blocks the escape of the gas bubbles due to which the pores
the Nitinol. are formed.
III. PRODUCTION OF NITINOL Crystal Structures & Phases of Nitinol
Additive Manufacturing of Nitinol There is low symmetry and complex twinned monoclinic
The process of AM has been very effective in creating the B19' structure (fig 2.a) present in the martensitic phase of
complex structures of nickel Titanium geometry with the pre- nitinol. And there is highly symmetric and ordered body
designed porosity, desirable properties different from those centred cubic, BCC crystal lattice B2 structure (fig 2.b)
in traditional methods and homogeneous composition. By present in the austenitic phase of nitinol. The Martensitic
this process near net shape and high-density structures can be phase is a needle like crystal arranged in a herringbone shape.
achieved which require no post-processing or very less The Martensitic phase is softer more ductile and has a lower
quantity of post-processing. Parts of Nitinol with porous and yield stress whereas the austenitic phase is hard and stiff [13].
bulk structures are produced using the laser based additive
manufacturing techniques [6]. For example, the The martensite transforms into austenite when the material is
manufacturing of bone implants by the use of additive heated beyond the transformation temperature leading to the
manufacturing techniques it is much easier to do then using recovery to the original shape which is programmed, which
the conventional processes. The characteristics like surface has been previously discussed in the material capability. So,
morphology and shape memory can be easily produced by this shape memory effect can also be termed as thermal
adjusting additive manufacturing process parameters [7]. The memory effect [6].
AM methods, selective laser melting (SLM) and laser
engineered net shaping (LENS) are the most generally used
processes for the production of Nitinol [8]. If we compared
these processes with conventional methods both these
processes can give us swifter transformation of the parts
produced. The SM recovery with 6% microscale & 3%
macroscale strain can be produced by using LENS and SLM
for Nitinol [9,10]. The SLM process has the better processing
of nitinol over the LENS method.
Nitinol in STENT
Further biomedical utilizations are incorporate channels of
blood clump and stents are used in cardiovascular treatment.
Figure 3: Biomedical applications of nitinol. (a) Orthodontic These composites change the phase upon stage change thus
arch wire. (b) Guided wire. (c) Bone fixation. (d) Stent. can be utilized as blood cluster channels and as stents in
medical applications [18]. Using additive manufacturing
Nitinol as Arch Wire technologies, clinically affirmed bespoke 3D printed nitinol
Nitinol is being utilized in the field of ortho as curve wire as self-growing stents can possibly be made nearby, under the
of more than twenty years. It utilizes super elasticity for its specialist's direction. The plan opportunities offered by added
utilization as a curve wire. It can be utilized in orthodontics substance producing not just take into consideration the
because of its huge strain recuperation limit and because of customization of these stents to explicit size of vessel
the age of stresses which are valuable to the teeth proximal and distal measurements, yet can likewise oblige
arrangement in the ortho cycle. This curve wire is able to bigger estimated stents, cross branches and new shapes for
produce persistent orthodontic power even with teeth proximal and distal vessels. Working with MIH (Medical
development, as of wire changes its shape to teeth alignment innovation Hub) to make this energizing new item is another
accordingly. It has better pitting resistance as it is utilized as way that we're supporting Australia's Biomedical Assembling
orthodontic curve wire in salivation arrangement when industry. 3D printed nitinol stents offer the potential for
contrasted with treated steel. During stage change, on the off customization, stock decrease and asset efficiencies. For the
chance that shape memory compounds are being halted to patient, these exceptional stents give a superior fitting gadget,
change their shape, at that point stresses as high as 700MPa better adjustment to veins and improved recuperation time –
and as of the anxieties are helpful in adjusting the teeth. comparing to an improved patient encounter.
Mostly, it is helpful in dental inserts and for incomplete false
teeth connections where the instrument of shape memory Nitinol in Orthopedics
impact is utilized [14,15]. Consumption opposition of nitinol A decent shape memory composite of NiTi material is used
is essentially nether in fluoridated spit rather than in muscular medical procedure. As its amalgams have been
nonfluorinated one. utilized in bone plates to decide and attach broken spine in
scoliosis gadget activity. In the course of the progress stage,
Comparing Nitinol with Stainless Steel Arch Wire if the combination ceases to change its configuration, it
The high elastic modulus stainless steel when contrasted with produces the pushes nearly 700 MPa and due to this, anxieties
nitinol whose modulus is close with bone material. In the are valuable to join the ruptured bones. The flexibility of NiTi
event that tempered steel having high versatile modulus is is excessively near that of the bone strength of a human body
utilized as curve wire, at that point powerful strain range and likewise be utilized as an embed [19]. As the bones loses
identified with an ideal power zone will be tiny. its chewing power, strength of bone and failure of with the
Overabundance power zone exists over the ideal power zone help of 3D printing, the research permeable nitinol as a
as there is a risk of tissue desecration. Imperfect as well as replacement for Ti-6Al-4 V skeletal obsession gadgets. The
subthreshold power zones exist underneath the ideal zone concept of porosity has been acquainted to the plan with
where teeth move less proficiently, and in the event that diminish, as a result to strain, the firmness of nitinol with the
powers become insignificant, at that point teeth may even 3D printing in obsession gadgets. The tuned or coordinated
arrive at a total stop with no teeth arrangement. As nitinol has nitinol gadgets must be having an adequate solidness for
low flexible modulus, powerful strain range is huge with obsession for approximately six-to-nine-month mending
more extensive ideal power zone. Therefore, nitinol having period and adequate adaptability to reproduce ordinary
low flexible modulus gives a more prominent scope of pressure circulation once the bone is recuperated.
enactment and less changes will be needed for curve wire to
change the teeth to its last location. This arch wire has Nitinol in Artificial Organs
moderate elastic modulus and can be effectively utilized as Nitinol has potential applications in artificial organs, heart
orthodontic purpose. The consumption of nitinol show and kidney pumping [20]. These applications demand high
superiority than ss304 treated steel in salivation arrangement miniaturization and exhaustion quality, as Ni-Ti alloy can
[16]. address the two issues [21]. Ni-Ti shape memory materials
undergo a thermoelastic martensitic change have an
incredible strain of recuperation and better low-pressure high
cycle exhaustion life contrasted with other metallic
biomaterials. The thin film Ni-Ti is one of the numerous
applicant materials for micro actuators [22]. Because of the
size impact, slow reaction of mass shape memory compound
can be improved by meagre film innovation.
Micro Actuators
SMAs can exhibit work because of twisting delivered by the
cooling and warming cycle as two influencers in SMA
actuators [25]. The fundamental pieces of such actuators
incorporate; Shape memory part, mechanical framework, (b)
electronic control framework, the body of the apparatus and Figure 4: (a) NiTi microvalve fabricated on silicon
the successful component with recuperating capacity membrane structure with top & bottom view [36].
dependent on the utilized pressure [26]. The upsides of SMA (b) Schematic of NiTi microvalve in close and open
actuators incorporate the high energy thickness, basically position respectively [40].
scaling down, and high adaptability of setup, while their a few
downsides comprise of their temperature subordinate impact, Micro Grippers
low speed of operation and low proficiency. Widely Microgrippers are utilized to hold miniature articles with high
recognized uses of NiTi meagre movies are focused on micro exactness for some applications, for example, gathering in
actuators because of their specific abilities in MEMS, for microsystems, cell micromanipulator, and endoscopy [37].
example, micropumps, microvalves, microgrippers, micro For the most part, Ni-Ti microgrippers have some central
positioners, micro springs, micro spacers, and micro attributes like huge grasping power and fitting opening
wrappers. separation for some unconventional get together operations.
This gadget is made of NiTiCu metal with 180 μm thickness
Micro Valves and Micro Pumps which is laser cut and it used in submillimeter lenses. The
The use of thin Ni-Ti films in microvalves and micropumps working method of the microgripper after warming the
are pervasive in some synthetic examination and instruments. gripper jaw shuts and opens after cooling [38].
For example, regulating flow, targeted drug delivery, sealing
or interchanging of liquids, gasses or vacuums [26,27,28,29].
In reality, the wide uses of Ni-Ti layers as stomach or
microbubble have a superior activation in different plans of
microvalves and micropumps [30,31,32,33]. There are a few
focal points of the NiTi/Si bimorph film application in
microvalves and micropumps: (1) simple cycle, (2) huge
incitation power, (3) non-use of protecting material, since the
application of silicon can isolate the materials, (4) non-
utilization of specific predisposition structure, since silicon
substrate has a self-inclination impact [34,35]. The pump Figure 5: (left) Scanning electron micrograph of a NiTi
comprises of a straightforward responding nature with Ni-Ti microgripper (right) Working Principle of the same
based Si diaphragm and ip/op for supporting the microgripper [41].
unidirectional stream. Likewise, it sits steady at room
temperature, yet can get concave because of warming due to
electricity. Just a single bay works and it causes a decrease in
the weight of the liquid in the siphon chamber. At the point
when the power is off, the bimorph diaphragm will be in re- Micro Sensors
visitation of its unique shape under the impact of
Thin Ni-Ti films are affected by stimuli like heat, pressure
predisposition power and the liquid will at last be pressed out
and electric fields, This, makes an ideal material for
of chamber.
microsensor applications. There are some disadvantages to
this material like (1) restriction in the range of temperature in
the detecting capacity (2) low recurrence and reaction
dependent on the natural impact of Ni-Ti SMAs. Metal Oxide
silicon (MOS) utilizes a thin Ni-Ti film technique to turn into material to develop medical implants. They experimented on
a microsensor [24]. SLM produced nitinol to be the carrier of human
A thin Ni-Ti film is applied in micromirrors having a broad mesenchymal stem cells. Albeit, all the samples came out to
scope of developments, for example, optical focal point all suit the carriage of human mesenchymal stem cells, samples
over, in this way they can be utilized as a sensor for optical which were porous released more Ni ions. Still, the
switches. concentrations of were well within limits of toxicity. The
concentration could be decreased further by reducing the
laser spot size [39].
Other than just the biomedical applications, SLM Ni-Ti can
have applications in many other areas. Clare et al. produced
Figure 6: Schematics of operation of Microswitches [34]. SLM Ni-Ti samples with a steadier phase transformation.
This gradual response presents a variety of potential benefits
Nitinol Tires for the applications like in micro thermal actuators for heat
Specialists started to inspect the Spring tire as an expected exchangers with a slower phase transformation, the amount
answer for the unforgiving Martian landscape and started to of martensitic and the austenitic phase can be closely
deal with improving the model Spring Tire models for future controlled by varying the temperature. This makes a lot of
rovers. Nitinol's capacity to beat plastic distortion utilized material properties easier to manage. Due to the advantage of
Nitinol a huge improvement over the utilization of spring overcoming the poor machinability of nitinol, additive
steel in tire models. The outrageous misshaping is important manufacturing opens a lot more research prospects and
in light of the fact that the outside of the tire can disfigure to applications in regard to this special material. Hope, in the
coordinate the forms of the surface it is on, make an near future we will come across a lot more uses of nitinol
incredible hold on the ground, at that point re-visitation of the manufactured through 4D printing.
first-round tire shape as the wheel turns. With the expanded
adaptability, the wheel can grasp the landscape in a way that
is better than a common wheel. The adaptable capability of VI. CONCLUSION
Nitinol can be changed by changing the shape and piece of Additive manufacturing has gathered significant attention
the material [23]. This permits the wheels to avoid a more over the past decade due to advantages such as complex part
noteworthy sum, bringing about more foothold on different features, short lead times, and material savings. However,
terrains. As an immediate aftereffect of this adaptability and challenges remain with due to lack in consistency of
expanded hold, the rates of the vehicle can be expanded, and performance and properties of the printed parts. While
the heap conveying potential is more prominent. thermal history is an important parameter in dictating the
The plan to utilize Nitinol wheels on future Mars maunderers overall properties of materials like Ni-Ti SMA fabricated by
is one that actually requires a ton of exploration and time until conventional processing techniques, it still deserves special
it is seen in application [23]. This innovation isn't simply attention for AM: These parameters are affected by SLM and
material to Mars wanderers, it can really be appropriate to other additive manufacturing techniques. Additive
numerous parts of regular daily existence. Glasses can be processing of nitinol provides the freedom of complexity but
made out of a nitinol composite, empowering them to be also poses a challenge when it comes to the control of heat
incredibly adaptable and not break when bowed. Planes can effects on the material itself. The current state of the
have more proficient wing plans as the winglets on the technology has given us a lot of applications of this unique
finishes can without much of a stretch be controlled to change material mostly cantered around the biomedical field as
the drag on the wing. Nitinol wire can even be utilized in illustrated in the study, but one can stay hopeful that as 4D
orthodontics as orthodontic wire so the wires don't should be printing moves through the research and development novel
changed as frequently. applications of nitinol will emerge.
I would like to thank Dr Kuppan P for showing his keen
interest and helping and providing us guidance in all stages of
our work.