De Stijl The Dutch Phase
De Stijl The Dutch Phase
De Stijl The Dutch Phase
J.J.P. Oud, an architect who was born on 1890, and Michel de Klerk, born as early as
1884 ,were the dominating architectural figure of the early phase of de Stijl
J.J.P. Oud
Group members conflict
There was even a certain amount of suspicion existing between some of the
members before the actual foundation of the group in 1917.
Van der Leck ( one of the painters) had no intention of being told what
to do by architects. he contributed an article in which he sets out a
compromise position, accepting Berlagian thesis , in which painting and
Van der Leck
sculpture where to be used in architecture calling it (Gesamtkunstwerk)
Van der Leck eventually resigned after discovering that the group contained
architects that where not ready enough for any (Gesamtkunstwerk)
Van Doesburg was very passionate about the rectilinear character that he wanted to
call the magazine by some such title as (The Straight Line) before opting for the
Berlagian De Stijl.
On the other hand, Mondriaan was inspired by the rectilinear mystical cosmogony
of the theorist Schoenmackers
In De Stijl, there was a futurist sense of change and excitement to see a final
break through from the old, corrupt world into a new pure one, by
separating man from nature. As Van Doesburg wrote more than once
Mondriaan views the modern city as an abstract and it is nearer to him than
nature, and it is more likely to stir in him the sense of beauty to develop a
mathematical artistic temperament
In De Stijl, they relied upon an implied analogy, which was brought to the
surface only by Gino Severini, which concludes that the effect produced on
the spectator by the machine is analogous to that produced by the work of
Futurism and Cubism in De Stijl
They turned Futurism into their theoretical purposes and Cubism for
their formal purposes. They did it by mixing cubist practice with
futuristic ideas.
Mondriaan seems to have conceived of his Nieuwe
Beelding as a genuine successor-style to Cubism.
Oud seems never to have been in doubt that the art practised
by his painter-colleagues was a form of Cubism, even if he
later came to believe it a corrupt form.
Painting and sculpture
Mondriaan and van Doesburg had developed their
rectangular Abstraction to a fairly advanced degree, they
experiment with
1- Overlapping rectangles,
2- Rectangles only partly boxed by lines
3- Pictures based on free distribution of parts
member of De Stijl.
Architecture time line
Villa at Huis
by Robert
Boulevard Dubbele Sleutel
van't Hoff by J.J.P. Oud by Jan Wils
Started in 1916 .
Hotel de vonk
'De Dubbele Sleutel', built on to the side of existing buildings is
mildly asymmetrical, whereas the free standing 'de Vonk'
presents a strictly formal and axial appearance.
De Dubbele Sleutel
Strand-boulevard & Factory project
Factory project
the nature of De Stijl
J.J.P. Oud seeks the zeitgeist of De stijl