The work in this thesis has been carried out under the auspices of the research
school IPA (Institute for Programming research and Algorithmics).
ISBN 90-393-4005-6
c Bastiaan Heeren, 2005
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Motivating examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Overview of the framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Structure of this thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1 Expressions, types, and type schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Operations on types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3 Hindley-Milner type rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.4 Type inference algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5 Haskell implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8 Heuristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
8.1 Share in error paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
8.2 Constraint number heuristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
8.3 Trust factor heuristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
8.4 Program correcting heuristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
8.5 Application heuristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.6 Unifier heuristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
9 Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
9.1 Parser combinators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
9.2 Type inference directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
9.3 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
9.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Samenvatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Dankwoord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Flaws in computer software are a fact of life, both in small and large-scale ap-
plications. From a user’s perspective, these errors may take the form of crashing
programs that quit unexpectedly, security holes in computer systems, or internet
pages that are inaccessible due to scripting errors. In some cases, a malfunctioning
application is only a nuisance that frustrates the user, but in other cases such an
error may have severe consequences. Creating reliable programs is one of the most
challenging problems for the software industry.
Some programming mistakes, such as division by zero, are generally detected
dynamically, that is, while a program is being executed. Dynamic checks, often
inserted by a compiler, offer the programmer a high degree of freedom: programs
are always accepted by the compiler, but at the expense of leaving potential er-
rors unexposed. Some errors are found by testing, but testing alone, even if done
thoroughly, cannot guarantee the reliability of software.
Compilers for modern programming languages accommodate many program
analyses for finding mistakes at compile-time, or statically. These analyses detect a
significant portion of errors automatically: this makes program analyses a valuable
and indispensable tool for developing high quality software. Static analysis gives us
two major advantages: certain classes of errors are completely eliminated, and the
immediate compiler feedback to the programmer increases efficiency in program
development. Moreover, the programmer (rather than the user) is confronted with
his own mistakes.
Type checking is perhaps the most popular and best studied form of static
analysis. This analysis guarantees that functions (or methods) are never applied to
incompatible arguments. This property is best summarized by Milner’s well-known
phrase “Well-typed programs do not go wrong” [42]. Type checking is traditionally
an important part of functional programming languages.
Functional programming is an alternative paradigm for the widely-used imper-
ative style of programming. In a functional language, a program is described by a
collection of mathematical functions, and not by a sequence of instructions. Func-
2 1 Introduction
tional languages are based on the lambda calculus, which allows for a high degree of
abstraction. Examples of functional programming languages are LISP, Scheme, and
ML. More recently, the language Haskell was designed (named after the logician
Haskell Curry). One common feature of ML and Haskell is that they are implicitly
typed: no type annotations in the program are required, although both languages
allow specifying types for parts of a program. Instead, these languages rely on an
effective type inference algorithm, which automatically deduces all types. This in-
ference algorithm has the pleasing property that it finds principal (or most general)
types. In fact, the inference algorithm not only recovers type information, it also
detects type inconsistencies in programs, which are generally caused by mistakes
made by the programmer.
In most compilers, the algorithm for type inference is not designed to provide
good feedback, but rather focuses on performance. The type error messages that
are reported by these algorithms can be difficult to understand. For experienced
programmers, this is not a problem. They are mainly interested in whether the
program is well-typed or not, and may have the tendency to take only a brief
look at error messages. Beginning programmers, on the other hand, may get the
impression that they have to fight the type system before they can execute their
programs. Their main concern is where and how the program should be corrected,
which is not always clear from the error message. This makes static typing a double-
edged sword: it is highly appreciated by experts, but it can easily become a source of
frustration for inexperienced programmers. As a result, functional languages have
a steep learning curve, which is a serious barrier to start appreciating functional
programming. This thesis is entirely devoted to type inference for programming
languages such as Haskell, and to the process of notifying a programmer about
type errors in particular.
But why is it so difficult for compilers to report constructive type error mes-
sages? Haskell, for example, hosts a number of features that pose extra challenges
for type recovery algorithms, and thus also for error reporting. First of all, it sup-
ports higher-order functions (a function can be passed as an argument to a function,
and can be the result of a function), and functions are allowed to be curried: in-
stead of supplying all arguments at once, we may supply one argument at a time.
Furthermore, the types inferred for functions may be parametrically polymorphic:
type variables represent arbitrary types. And, finally, absence of type information
in a program may lead to a mismatch between the types inferred by the compiler
and the types assumed by the programmer.
Our goal is to improve type error messages for higher-order, polymorphic pro-
gramming languages, especially targeted to the beginning programmer. To a great
extent, this boils down to management of information: having more information
available implies being able to produce more detailed error reports. Ideally, we
should follow a human-like inference strategy, and depart from the mechanical order
in which standard inference algorithms proceed. This entails, for example, a global
analysis of a program, which depends on heuristics that capture expert knowledge.
We may even anticipate common errors and provide additional information for
special classes of mistakes.
1.1 Motivating examples 3
(a → b → b) → b → [a ] → b,
and thus expects three arguments. The application foldr plus xs implies that the
type variables a and b in the type of foldr must both be Int, and, as a result, xs must
also have type Int. Consequently, the type error message reported by Hugs [35],
focuses on the other application in the definition of f , that is, length xs.
ERROR "A.hs":2 - Type error in application
*** Expression : length xs
*** Term : xs
*** Type : Int
*** Does not match : [a ]
This error message is not satisfactory, because the type signature that was supplied
by the programmer has not been taken into consideration. Moreover, the type
signature supports the idea that the application foldr plus xs should have been
reported instead.
The error message reveals that at some point during type inference, xs is
assumed to be of type Int. In fact, this assertions arises from the application
foldr plus xs. Note that the bias in this type error message is caused by the fact
that the second component of a pair is considered before the first component, which
is rather counterintuitive.
Example 1.2. Function g computes the sine of the floating-point number 0.2, and
multiplies the outcome with some parameter r . However, we make a syntax error
in writing the floating-point number.
g r = r ∗ sin .2
This error report offers almost no help for the inexperienced programmer, who
probably does not fully understand class constraints. In Chapter 11, we describe
directives to improve the quality of type error messages for overloaded functions.
1.2 Overview of the framework 5
Example 1.3. Not only beginning Haskell programmers suffer from inaccurate type
error messages. The more complex functions and their types become, the more
difficult it is to extract useful information from a type error report. For instance,
consider the following error message by Hugs. (We are not interested in the program
which resulted in this error message.)
Type error messages of this size are not exceptional, and they may arise from
time to time in a typical laboratory assignment. The two contradicting types are
rather complicated, and it is not immediately obvious why the types cannot be
unified. And even if we understand the differences between the types, it remains a
challenging task to apply the desired correction to the program at hand.
Type constraints Additional
constraint-based c(+) τ ρ
Equality τ M ρ
c(≡) τ1 ≡ τ2 τ1 6M τ2
Constraints (c) Polymorphism
1. syntax Qualifier Sn.10.3
c(∀) σv := Gen(M, τ )
2. semantics τ := Inst(ρ) c(π) Prove (π)
3. how to solve τ := Skol(M, ρ) Assume (π)
Satisfaction Sn.5.3
Θ `s c
Constraint trees (TC ) Tree transformers
•[ TC 1 , . . . , TC n •] flatten TW (TC → C)
Solutions (Θ) c B TC spread (TC → TC )
Θ.S substitution c C TC (derived) phase (TC → TC )
Θ.Σ type scheme map TC 1 TC 2 •
Θ.Π assumed qualifiers (`, c) B◦ TC C• Tree walks (TW )
(`, c) ◦ TC C D TC bottom-up (≈ W)
`◦ C E TC top-down (≈ M)
Phase i TC C` B◦ TC inorder tree walks
C` ◦ TC reversed (transformer)
three-phase approach
constraint constraint solve
AST 1. Collecting tree (TC ) 2. Ordering list (C) 3. Solving result
constraints constraints constraints
Constraint collecting type rules Constraint info
polymorphism information
λ-calculus + let `⇑ Sn.4.3 predicate information
Helium `l , `p , `e , . . . Ch.6
π π Constraint solver states
with overloading `l , `ms , . . . Sn.10.5 basic state
kind inference Sn.5.4 substitution state
type inference state
predicate state
interface of state
Implementations Functions of a composed solvers
greedy solver Sn.5.2 substitution state
type graph solver Sn.7.2 unify two terms Solver combinators
make consistent switch combinator (s1 5p s2 )
substitute variable partition/fusion combinators
remove inconsistencies
in a type graph
Type graph heuristics Ch.9 Ch.11
share in error paths Directives
constraint number heuristic specialized type rule (type class directives)
trust factor heuristic phasing never directive
program correcting heuristics sibling functions close directive
application heuristic permuted arguments disjoint directive
unifier heuristic repair directive default directive
heuristics for dealing with type inconsistencies. These heuristics help to pinpoint
the most likely source of a type error, and enhance the type error messages. More-
over, they can be used to give suggestions how to correct the problem (for a number
of common mistakes).
In the Top framework, developers of a library can specify their own type in-
ference directives. These directives are particularly useful in the context of domain
specific languages. The directives change all three phases of the type inference pro-
cess. For some directives we can guarantee that the underlying type system remains
intact (i.e., it affects only the error reporting facility).
algorithm, which can proceed in case of an inconsistency. With type graphs, we can
efficiently analyze an entire set of type constraints, which significantly improves
the quality of the type error messages. Finally, we introduce two combinators to
compose constraint solvers.
Chapter 8 presents a number of predefined heuristics, which help to pinpoint the
most likely source of an error. These heuristics work on the type graphs introduced
in the previous chapter. In Chapter 9, we discuss type inference directives, which are
user-defined heuristics. Directives enable a user to adapt the error reporting facility
of a type system externally (that is, without changing the compiler). Directives are
very suitable for experimenting with different type inference strategies, and are
particularly useful to support domain specific libraries. Soundness of the presented
directives is automatically checked, which is an important feature to guarantee that
the underlying type system remains intact.
In Chapter 10, we extend the type inference framework to handle overloading
of identifiers. We take an approach for dealing with qualifiers in general, which is
closely related to Jones’ theory on qualified types [31]. New constraints for dealing
with qualifiers are added to the framework, and new constraint collecting type
rules are given for the overloaded language constructs (to replace the rules from
Chapter 6). We give a short introduction to improving substitutions, which are
needed to capture other qualifiers.
Overloading of identifiers is a very pervasive language feature, and it strongly
influences what is reported, and where. To remedy this problem, Chapter 11 pro-
poses four type class directives to improve type error messages that are related to
overloading. In addition, the directives from Chapter 9 are generalized to cope with
Finally, Chapter 12 sums up the main contributions of this thesis. We conclude
with a list of topics that require further research.
Overview. In this chapter we fix the notation, and introduce basic concepts that
are needed for the rest of this thesis. Furthermore, we provide an introduction to
the Hindley-Milner type rules, and the type inference algorithms W and M. We
conclude with a note on existing Haskell implementations.
Most of the notation in this thesis is customary, and readers familiar with type
systems can safely skip this chapter. New symbols and special syntax are gradually
introduced and explained within each chapter.
One issue that deserves special attention is the distinction we make between
sets and lists. In a set, duplicates are ignored, and the order of the elements is
irrelevant. On the contrary, lists specify an ordering of the elements, and may
contain duplicates. To distinguish these collections, we write {x1 , . . . , xn } for sets,
and [x1 , . . . , xn ] for lists. Furthermore, ∅ denotes the empty set, we write A ∪ B
for the union of A and B, and we use A − B for set difference. The empty list is
written [ ], and we use + + to concatenate two lists. Occasionally, we write x instead
of {x1 , . . . , xn }.
A finite map is a set of key-value pairs, written as key : value. We write A(x)
to get the value associated with the key x in the finite map A. We use dom(A)
and ran(A) to obtain the keys and the values (respectively) from A, and A\x to
remove all pairs with key x. Also, we use A\{x1 , . . . , xn } as an abbreviation for
((A\x1 )\ . . .)\xn .
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. In Section 2.1, we define a small
expression language, and we discuss types and type schemes. Various operations
on types, such as substitution and unification, are defined in Section 2.2. In the
sections 2.3 and 2.4 we give a minimal introduction to the Hindley-Milner type
rules, and the type inference algorithms W and M. For more background reading
on this subject, the interested reader is referred to Pierce’s excellent textbook on
type systems [52]. Finally, some notes on existing Haskell implementations are given
in Section 2.5.
that we only deal with well-formed types. A common approach is to use a kind
system to guarantee the well-formedness of types. In Section 5.4, we take a closer
look at kind inference.
Finally, we also consider polymorphic types or type schemes (as opposed to the
types above, which are monomorphic). In a type scheme, some type variables are
universally quantified.
Type scheme:
σ ::= ∀a.σ (polymorphic type scheme)
| τ (monomorphic type)
Because we introduce an extra syntactic class for type schemes rather than adding
universal quantification to the type language, we are able to predict at which loca-
tions quantifiers can show up. In the presentation of a type scheme, we use a, b, c, . . .
for the quantified type variables. ∀abc.τ is a short-hand notation for ∀a.∀b.∀c.τ , and,
similarly, we write ∀a.τ to quantify the type variables in a.
The function ftv returns all free type variables. For types, this function is defined
as follows.
ftv (a) = {a} ftv (T ) = ∅ ftv (τ1 τ2 ) = ftv (τ1 ) ∪ ftv (τ2 )
This function also collects the free type variables of larger syntactic constructs that
contain types. The free type variables of a type scheme, however, do not include
the quantified variables: ftv (∀a.τ ) = ftv (τ ) − a.
A substitution, denoted by S, is a mapping from type variables to types. Only
free type variables are replaced by a substitution. The empty substitution is the
identity function, and is written id. We write Sx to denote the application of S to
x, where x is some syntactic construct containing free type variables (for instance
a type). Often, we use finite maps to represent a substitution. For instance, the
substitution [v1 := τ1 , . . . , vn := τn ] (also written as [v := τ ]) maps vi to τi (1 6
i 6 n) and all other type variables to themselves. For notational convenience,
[v1 , . . . , vn := τ ] abbreviates [v1 := τ, . . . , vn := τ ].
The domain of a substitution contains the type variables that are mapped to
a different type: dom(S) = {a | Sa 6= a}. We define the range (or co-domain) of a
substitution as ran(S) = {Sa | a ∈ dom(S)}. A substitution S is idempotent if and
only if dom(S) ∩ ran(S) = ∅, which implies that Sx equals S(Sx). We only consider
substitutions with this property. The substitutions S1 and S2 are equal only if
S1 a = S2 a for all a ∈ dom(S1 ) ∪ dom(S2 ). Furthermore, we define a partial order
on substitutions: S1 v S2 if and only if ∃R.R◦S1 = S2 . Clearly, the minimal element
of this poset is the empty substitution. We define > to be the error substitution,
and the maximal element of the poset. This substitution maps all types to the error
type ErrorType. We define the function tv (S), which returns all type variables that
are part of the substitution S.
12 2 Preliminaries
Substitution S is a unifier for τ1 and τ2 if Sτ1 = Sτ2 , and a most general unifier
(or principal unifier) if S v S 0 holds whenever S 0 is a unifier of τ1 and τ2 . A
unification algorithm calculates a substitution which makes two types equal. Let
mgu be Robinson’s unification algorithm [55] to compute a most general unifier for
two types. Algorithm mgu is presented in Figure 2.1: the error substitution > is
returned only if all other cases fail.
Lemma 2.1 (mgu). Let S be mgu(τ1 , τ2 ). Then tv (S) ⊆ ftv (τ1 ) ∪ ftv (τ2 ).
We can generalize a type to a type scheme while excluding the free type variables
of M, which are to remain monomorphic (or unquantified):
τ <τ
used (e.g., in [11, 37]). This is in contrast with a number of papers on higher-rank
polymorphism that really use the inverse relation (for instance, [45, 51]). In most
cases, σ1 is just a type.
The instance-of relation is specified by three deduction rules (see Figure 2.2).
Deduction rules can be interpreted as follows: if the premises hold (above the hor-
izontal line), then we can deduce the judgement in the conclusion (below the hor-
izontal line). First of all, the only instance of a (monomorphic) type is the type
itself (Sub-Mono). A quantified type variable appearing on the right-hand side
can be instantiated by every type (Sub-Inst). For instance, Int → Int < ∀a.a → a
(by choosing Int for a), but also (v0 → v0 ) → (v0 → v0 ) < ∀a.a → a (by choosing
v0 → v0 for a). A quantifier on the left-hand side can be removed (Sub-Skol), but
only if the quantified type variable is not free in the type scheme on the right-hand
side. This is, in fact, similar to skolemizing the type variable. The instance-of rela-
tion is both reflexive and transitive. The following examples illustrate this relation.
We define two type schemes to be equivalent whenever they are mutual in-
σ1 = σ2 =def σ1 < σ 2 ∧ σ2 < σ 1
As a result, type schemes are equivalent up to alpha conversion of quantified type
variables. Also the order in which type variables are quantified becomes irrelevant.
Proof. Follows from the instance-of relation, defined in Figure 2.2. In fact, the
substitution predicts precisely for each quantified type variable (in a) to which
type it should be mapped in the deduction rule (Sub-Inst). t
14 2 Preliminaries
τ < Γ (x)
Γ `HM x : τ
Γ `HM e1 : τ1 → τ2 Γ `HM e2 : τ1
Γ `HM e1 e2 : τ2
Γ \x ∪ {x : τ1 } `HM e : τ2
Γ `HM λx → e : (τ1 → τ2 )
In this section, we explore the famous type rules formulated by Roger Hindley and
Robin Milner. The logician Hindley was the first to study a type discipline to con-
duct proofs [27]. Milner, computer scientist, and designer of the functional language
ML, independently rediscovered a theory of type polymorphism for functional pro-
gramming languages [42]. Nowadays, these rules are known as the Hindley-Milner
type rules, and form the basis of type systems for programming languages, including
The Hindley-Milner rules are constructed from typing judgements of the form
Γ `HM e : τ . Such a judgement can be read as “under the type assumptions in Γ ,
we can assign the type τ to expression e”. The type assumptions Γ (or type envi-
ronment) contains at most one type scheme for each identifier.
Figure 2.3 displays four type rules: one rule for each alternative of the ex-
pression language. The type rule for an identifier (HM-Var) states that the type
environment should be consulted: any instance of the identifier’s type scheme can
be assigned to the identifier. For function applications (HM-App), we have to de-
rive a type both for the function e1 and the argument e2 . Only when we derive a
function type for e1 (say τ1 → τ2 ), and the type assigned to e2 matches τ1 , then τ2
can be assigned to the function application. A lambda abstraction (HM-Abs) adds
a type assumption about the abstracted identifier x to Γ , which is used to derive
a type for the body of the abstraction. If Γ already contains an assumption about
x, then this assumption is replaced. The lambda abstraction is assigned a function
type, from the type associated with x in the type environment, to the type found
for the body. In the type rule for a local definition (HM-Let), a type τ1 is derived
for the definition, which is then generalized with respect to the assumptions in Γ .
2.4 Type inference algorithms 15
The resulting type scheme is associated with x, and used to type the body of the
let expression. We assign the type of the body to the complete let expression.
The rules make up a system for constructing proofs that a type can be assigned
to an expression. It is important to realize that in order to construct a proof, one
needs at certain points an oracle to tell which type to choose. Furthermore, the
rules cannot determine whether a type derivation exists for a given expression. For
that, we need an algorithm that implements the rules. In the following example,
we present a derivation with the Hindley-Milner type rules.
Example 2.2. The following derivation can be constructed with the rules in Fig-
ure 2.3. In this derivation, we use σ to abbreviate the type scheme ∀v0 .v0 → v0 .
v0 < v0 (v1→v1 )→v1→v1 < σ v1→v1 < σ
∅ `HM λx → x : v0 → v0 {i : σ} `HM i i : v1 → v1
∅ `HM let i = λx → x in i i : v1 → v1
The next two lemmas phrase under which conditions assumptions can be added
to and removed from a type environment in a complete derivation.
Lemma 2.3 (Extend Γ ). Γ `HM e : τ ∧ x 6∈ dom(Γ ) =⇒ Γ ∪ {x : σ} `HM e : τ
Proof. New assumptions may be added to Γ , because the deduction tree deriving
Γ `HM e : τ remains valid. t
Lemma 2.4 (Reduce Γ ). Γ `HM e : τ ∧ x 6∈ fev (e) =⇒ Γ \x `HM e : τ
Proof. Only the assumptions in Γ concerning free identifiers in e contribute in
constructing a deduction tree. Hence, the other assumptions can be discarded. u
Example 2.3. We show how algorithm W proceeds for the expression of Exam-
ple 2.2. Bullets and indentation indicate the recursive calls to W, and the call to
the unification algorithm.
W(∅, let i = λx → x in i i)
• W(∅, λx → x)
• W({x : v0 }, x) = (id, v0 )
= (id, v0 → v0 )
• W({i : ∀v0 .v0 → v0 }, i i)
• W({i : ∀v0 .v0 → v0 }, i) = (id, v1 → v1 )
• W({i : ∀v0 .v0 → v0 }, i) = (id, v2 → v2 )
• mgu(v1 → v1 , (v2 → v2 ) → v3 ) = [v1 , v3 := v2 → v2 ]
= ([v1 , v3 := v2 → v2 ], v2 → v2 )
= ([v1 , v3 := v2 → v2 ], v2 → v2 )
The unification procedure corresponding to the only application in the expression
refines the type variables v1 and v3 .
W is not the only procedure which implements the Hindley-Milner type rules. A
similar algorithm pushes down an expected type in the abstract syntax tree, and is
therefore highly context-sensitive. This folklore algorithm, known as M, has been
formalized and proven correct with respect to the type rules by Lee and Yi [36].
Figure 2.5 displays algorithm M. This algorithm only returns a substitution
containing deductions made about type variables. Compared to W, algorithm M
introduces more type variables. Unification takes place for each identifier and each
lambda abstraction: therefore, the potential locations where this algorithm can fail
differ from W’s locations. Lee and Yi [36] have proven that for ill-typed programs,
M stops “earlier” than W, that is, after inspecting fewer nodes of the abstract
syntax tree.
2.5 Haskell implementations 17
Most existing compilers use a hybrid algorithm for type inference, which is (in
essence) a combination of algorithm W and algorithm M. Algorithm G [37] is a
generalization of these two algorithms. This generalized algorithm is particularly in-
teresting since each instance behaves differently for incorrect expressions. Note that
the constraint-based type inference algorithm we present in Chapter 4 generalizes
G, and, as a result, also W and M.
A considerable amount of attention has been paid to improve the type error mes-
sages reported by Hindley-Milner type systems [27, 42]. Among the first proposals
was a paper presented by Wand [64] at the Symposium on Principles of Program-
ming Languages (POPL) in 1986. He proposed to trace reasons for type deductions
during type inference, from which an explanation can be generated. At the same
conference, Johnson and Walz [30] suggested that a compiler should report the most
likely source of error. A number of heuristics select which location is reported.
The philosophy of these two influential papers are quite contradictory: the for-
mer traces everything that contributes to an error, whereas the latter attempts to
pinpoint the most likely mistake. More recently, two doctoral theses were fully ded-
icated to the subject of type error messages. Yang [66] continued in the direction of
Wand, and studied human-like explanations of polymorphic types in detail. At the
same time, McAdam [41] proposed techniques to automatically correct ill-typed
programs. Despite all the effort and the number of proposals, the current situa-
tion is still far from satisfactory: most implementations of modern compilers for
functional languages are still suffering from the same old problems concerning type
errors. The shortcomings of these compilers become most apparent when people
are introduced to functional programming and have to deal with the reported type
error messages. Recent extensions to the type system, such as multi-parameter type
classes and rank-n polymorphism, have an additional negative effect on the quality
of the type error reports.
Numerous approaches have been proposed over the last couple of years. The
approaches can be classified in the following categories.
• Order of unification. Change the order in which types are unified, and thereby
change the location where a type inconsistency is first detected. Alternative
traversals over the abstract syntax tree have been defined, and also unification
strategies to remove the left-to-right bias.
• Explanation systems. Describe why certain types have been inferred, for in-
stance, in a text-based setting. A typical approach is to modify the type in-
20 3 Literature on type errors
of recursive calls made by the algorithm, which does not necessarily reflect the
number of unifications that have been performed, nor the amount of work that has
been done. Lee and Yi state that the two extreme algorithms (W and M) are not
suitable for producing understandable type error messages, but instead one should
use a hybrid algorithm (a combination of the two) in practice.
Algorithm G could be defined even more generally. One possible direction, also
mentioned by the authors, is to vary the constraining of the types in the type
environment Γ as proposed by McAdam [38]: his proposal will be discussed next.
A second direction is to parameterize the order in which the subexpressions are
visited (for instance right-to-left instead of the standard left-to-right visits), or to
depart completely from the abstract syntax tree. The correctness of these orderings
can be validated easily in a constraint-based setting (see Chapter 5). However,
regardless of the ordering one prefers, one fundamental problem remains: because
such an algorithm proceeds in some specific order, it is not difficult to come up with
a counter-example such that the type inconsistency is reported at an undesirable
McAdam (1998)
McAdam [38] describes how to modify existing inference algorithms to remove the
left-to-right bias. To remove this bias, subexpressions have to be treated symmetri-
cally. The subexpressions can be visited independently, but then the resulting sub-
stitutions have to be unified afterwards. Algorithm US is presented, which returns
a most general unifier for a pair of substitutions. A modification to the standard
algorithm W is suggested which removes the left-to-right bias in the reported type
error messages. The implementation of algorithm W can be left unmodified, ex-
cept for the case of an application. The resulting algorithm is symmetric, hence the
name W SYM . The correctness of this modification has been proven [41]. Note that
other asymmetries can be removed similarly for other language constructs. Like-
wise, MSYM is a modified version of the folklore algorithm M. Figure 3.1 shows the
locations at which the inference algorithms detect an inconsistency for the given
An unfortunate effect of algorithms with a fixed unification order is that it is easy
to construct examples for which the reported error site is far from the actual error.
Another peculiarity is that inference algorithms that are in use by current compilers
are hybrid: some types are pushed downwards, while in other places type informa-
tion flows upwards. This can make the outcome of the type checking process even
more mysterious to the average user, as it is no longer clear which parts of the
program have been inspected by the compiler, and, hence, which parts may con-
tribute to the inconsistency. Symmetrical treatment of subexpressions seems to be
a promising alternative since it is less arbitrary in reporting an error site, although
the reported sites are higher in the abstract syntax tree, and are thus less precise.
22 3 Literature on type errors
z }| {
λf → ( f 3 , f T rue} )
| {z
| {z }
Wand (1986)
A type inference algorithm detects a type error when it cannot proceed any further.
Reporting this location of detection can be misleading as the source of the actual
problem might be somewhere else. Wand [64] proposes a modified unification al-
gorithm to keep track of the reasons for type deductions. For the simple lambda
calculus, each type deduction is caused by some application. Although the output
of the algorithm to explain a type inconsistency is repetitive and too verbose to
be really helpful, many scientists continued their research in this direction, which
resulted in several improvements of Wand’s original proposal.
Soosaipillai (1990)
Soosaipillai [58] describes a facility which provides a stepwise explanation for in-
ferred types in Standard ML. This tool, which has been implemented, lets a user
ask why a type has been inferred. During type inference, explanations for all the
subexpressions are recorded in a global list, which can later be inspected by a menu
driven traversal. One complication of this tool is that the information is structured
in a bottom-up fashion, which makes that results have to be remembered to compre-
hend the reasoning later on. Furthermore, only correct programs can be inspected
with this tool.
which makes them lengthy and verbose. A second (and unavoidable) problem is
that local type variables are used to explain some dependencies.
Yang (2000)
The location where a type error is detected is often not the location where the pro-
gram should be modified. To tackle this problem, Yang [65] discusses two algorithms
that report two conflicting program sites (both contributing to the inconsistency)
instead of just one. Firstly, an algorithm that unifies assumption environments
(UAE ) is discussed, which was suggested by Agat and Gustavsson. The main idea
is to handle the two subexpressions of an application independently to remove the
left-to-right bias present in most algorithms. The algorithm uses two type envi-
ronments. One type environment is passed top-down (inherited) and contains all
the predefined functions. The types of all the other identifiers are recorded in an
assumption environment, which is constructed bottom-up (synthesized). The only
reason to have the predefined types in a separate environment is to gain efficiency.
Figure 3.2 shows an error message reported by the UAE algorithm containing two
conflicting sites.
A second algorithm that is proposed is an incremental error inference (IEI)
algorithm, which just combines two inference algorithms. At first, an expression is
checked with the UAE algorithm. If this fails (an inconsistency is detected), then
the folklore top-down algorithm M is used to find another site that contributes to
the error.
24 3 Literature on type errors
At first, it might seem to be attractive to produce explanations as a human expert
would do. However, in general it is very difficult to generate such a helpful textual
explanation for a type inconsistency. The following problems are inherent to this
• Choosing the right level of detail for explanations is a delicate matter as it
depends on the expertise of the user and the complexity of the problem at
hand. Explanations that are too detailed can be overwhelming by the amount
of information that they contain. The task to extract the helpful parts is left to
the user. As a result, such explanations are likely to be ignored completely. On
the other hand, systems that do not show everything risk to leave out important
3.3 Reparation systems 25
appears to be the most likely source of the error. This is achieved by having different
levels of intensities available for highlighting. Type constraints are used to express
unification, and a maximum flow technique is used to determine the most likely
cause of an inconsistency.
McAdam (2001)
One of the shortcomings of reported type error messages is that they do not advise
the programmer how to fix the problem. McAdam [40] proposes to use a theory
of unification modulo linear isomorphisms to repair type errors automatically. If
unification fails, then we search for a pair of morphisms to witness that the two
types are in fact equal up to isomorphism. These morphisms are normal lambda
terms: for instance, the morphism µ = λf (x, y) → f y x “uncurries” and flips the
arguments of a function. Inserting the right morphism into the source results in a
type correct program.
For example, take a look at the ill-typed expression map ([1, 2, 3], toString), and
observe that applying the morphism µ to map yields a type correct program.1
This correction can, in combination with a default type error message, be sug-
gested to a user as a possible fix. Instead of suggesting a lambda term to a pro-
grammer, McAdam suggests to unfold these morphisms by performing some form
of partial evaluation. For instance, µ map ([1, 2, 3], toString) can be reduced to
map toString [1, 2, 3], which is exactly how a human expert would correct the type
error. Figure 3.4 displays the possible fix that is suggested to the programmer.
There are still some obstacles to overcome before these techniques can be used
in a real implementation. First of all, this approach relies heavily on the fact that
we consider n-ary function applications, and not a sequence of binary applications,
which is a more common representation. Secondly, their prototype implementation
is built on top of algorithm W. Morphisms can change the type of the whole appli-
cation: swapping the arguments in const 1 True changes the type of the expression
to Bool. Since W is not aware of the type expected by the context of the function
application, a program fix that is suggested could transfer the type inconsistency
to a location higher in the abstract syntax tree of the program. Finally, it is not
clear whether partial evaluation always prevents the programmer from seeing the
The standard function map has the polymorphic type ∀ab.(a → b) → [a] → [b].
3.4 Program slicing 27
Try changing
map ([1, 2, 3], Int.toString)
map Int.toString [1, 2, 3]
Systems that are equipped with heuristics can help programmers significantly in
pinpointing the location of the actual mistake. The heuristics can be designed with
specific knowledge about the language and some common mistakes, and they can
even be tailor-made for an intended group of users and their level of expertise.
However, there is one obvious downside to this approach: if the heuristics are ap-
plied incorrectly, then the reported message can be quite misleading. The following
arguments can be used against systems based on heuristics.
• The compiler cannot be aware of the programmer’s intentions, and should there-
fore not automatically decide what is correct and what is not. A wrong judge-
ment of the compiler, that does not match with the programmer’s beliefs about
his program, can lead to even more cryptic type error messages.
• The approach is based on the selection of a single error site, but often there are
just two contradicting sites involved in a type error. Discriminating against one
or the other seems to be wrong.
In the forthcoming chapters, we explore a type inference mechanism which in-
cludes heuristics to pinpoint the most likely source of a type inconsistency, and
with support to suggest probable fixes for an ill-typed program.
by the authors. Unfortunately, they do not truly address the problems introduced
by let-polymorphism, but only sketch along which lines the framework should be
generalized. The PhD thesis of Choppella [8] discusses the logical framework in
more detail.
Slicing systems depart from the traditional type error messages as they report
all contributing program locations instead of the two conflicting types that are
normally reported. The slices give a truthful impression to quickly discover the
actual problem, especially since the presented information is complete, which is a
truly beneficial property of such a system. However, it remains questionable whether
this technique alone gives satisfactory results, or whether it should be considered a
separate tool to be used in combination with other techniques. One disadvantage
is that types do no longer relate to expressions. Thus, a user needs to be aware of
the types present to compensate for this. Systems that use highlighting to present
program slices introduce another subtlety. Highlighting conventions are necessary
to precisely indicate what contributes to the error and what does not. Consider for
3.5 Interactive systems 29
val average =
fn weight => fn list =>
let val iterator = fn (x,(sum,length)) => (sum+ weight hg x,length+1)
val (sum,length) = foldl iterator (0,0) list
in sum div length end
foldl f z [] = [z]
foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs
flip f x y = f y x
reverse = foldl (flip (:)) []
palin xs = reverse xs == xs
Rittri (1993)
Rittri [54] continues with Wand’s approach, but states that not too much infor-
mation should be given at once. He suggests an interactive system that helps a
programmer in finding a mistake. Unfortunately, his ideas have not been imple-
to a set of constraints. Attached to each type constraint is the program code that
is responsible for the restriction. Constraint handling rules (or CHRs for short) are
then used to manipulate the set of constraints at hand, that is, by either simplifying
or propagating constraints. If the need arises, minimal unsatisfiable constraint sets
are determined, which are then used to underline parts of the program that con-
tribute to the type error. Constraints that are member of all minimal unsatisfiable
constraint sets are doubly underlined: these are the most likely locations to find
a mistake. Two other features for debugging are supported by Chameleon. An ex-
planation why a certain type has been assigned to an expression can be requested,
and the shape of a type can be explained. To construct such an explanation, a set
of minimal implicants is computed. In addition, there is an interactive interface to
let the programmer localize an error. Figure 3.6 shows an interactive debugging
session to find the mistake.
In a more recent paper [60], the authors discuss techniques to enhance the
Chameleon system. Additional information is extracted from the minimal unsatis-
fiable sets, which is used to generate more constructive error messages. For instance,
in case of an ambiguous type scheme, a programmer could resolve the ambiguity by
inserting some type annotations. To assist the programmer, Chameleon computes
all locations in a program where such a type annotation could be inserted, and
presents these locations as additional information in the reported error messages.
Their system has the advantage that it offers users flexibility in selecting which
heuristics to employ, and new heuristics can be included to enhance the type error
reports. Devising better heuristics is an area of ongoing research.
For most programs it is obvious which fix to the program is required, but it is the
remaining minority which is time consuming to correct. In this light, interactive
systems are a suitable tool to locate these hard-to-find mistakes in cases you really
don’t understand the source of the problem. Moreover, it is a standard debugging
technique that can equally well be applied to other domains, and which does not
make any prior assumptions. A different point of consideration is the kind of infor-
mation that the user has to supply to the system. If the questions to be answered
are too difficult – for instance, the type of a complex function is asked for – then
a debugging session becomes overly complicated, and perhaps even more complex
than the original problem. Another pitfall is that debugging sessions quickly become
too elaborate and time consuming to be really effective.
to deal with composite types, such as lists, Cartesian products, and function types.
Although the idea of visualizing types is original and different from other propos-
als, there are some downsides involved. For example, problems arise when the types
are polymorphic, that is, contain type variables. A more fundamental problem is
that, in general, people find it harder to interpret a graphical visualization than the
corresponding textual representation. Experiments (conducted by the authors) to
compare the visualized types with text-based representations showed that the visu-
alization did not contribute to a greater understanding, although they conjecture
that combining the two approaches might achieve more than either can alone.
McAdam (2000)
McAdam [39] defines a graph that captures type information of a program, and
which can be used to generate type error messages. This graph follows the structure
of types rather than the shape of the abstract syntax tree. His graphs can represent
both well-typed and ill-typed expressions, and it can deal with unbound identifiers.
More important, his work generalizes earlier approaches suggested by Bernstein and
Stark, Wand, and Duggan and Bent, because their error reports can be generated
from the information available in his graphs. However, it is not straightforward to
read from a graph whether the program is well-typed or not. Furthermore, parts
of the graph are duplicated to deal with let-constructs. As a consequence, the size
of a graph can grow rapidly (exponentially in the size of the program), and, even
3.6 Other approaches 33
more unpleasant, duplication of inconsistent parts of the program will lead to new
inconsistencies in the graph.
The graphs presented by McAdam have evident similarities to the type graph
data structure that we present in Chapter 7. The algorithm proposed by McAdam
constructs graphs directly from abstract syntax trees. We, on the other hand, fol-
low a constraint-based approach: we generate constraints for an abstract syntax
tree, and then construct a graph using the collected constraints. In fact, it is this
extra level of indirection that paves the way for a more flexible and scalable type
inference framework. The constraint-based approach also helps us to deal with let-
polymorphism in a different way, without the need to duplicate parts of the graph.
3.7 Summary
In this chapter, we have presented several alternatives to improve the quality of type
error messages. The techniques are often complementary rather than exclusive, and
their effectiveness is strongly subjected to personal preferences. Although an ob-
jective comparison is thus out of the question, it should be possible to scientifically
compare these methods by investigating their effects on groups of programmers.
Because of the diversity in the presented techniques, we pose a list of criteria to
help select a suitable approach.
• Target audience. Type error messages have to match with the level of expertise
of a typical user. For instance, tools designed for inexperienced users have a
different set of requirements.
• Output format. Most error reporting tools impose restrictions on the format
in which error messages are presented. Often, error reports are text-based (as
opposed to graphical), which impedes other visualization techniques.
• Interaction. Some debugging techniques rely on some form of interaction with
the programmer. Such a question and answer session can take the form of letting
a user inspect the types that are assigned to parts of the program.
• Heuristics. It is debatable whether to consult a set of heuristics or not. The
safest approach is to report all contributing program locations, which includes
the location where a correction is required. Alternatively, we could use heuristics
based on expert-knowledge to select and report the most likely cause of the
problem. Taking this approach to the extreme leads to suggesting program fixes
to a user (or even making the correction).
• Primary or external. Fortunately, the majority of type errors require little effort
to correct, and for these cases, standard techniques work fine. Hence, we have
to discriminate between error messages reported for the general case, and the
techniques used by a tool dedicated to debug the hard-to-find cases.
Constraint-based type inference
of the type constraints. As a result, this approach will not only generalize these
two well known algorithms, but also numerous other variants.
• Separating constraint collection and constraint solving results in a high level of
control in case the set is unsatisfiable. Reasoning over a large set of constraints
helps to produce better and more informative type error messages.
The idea to formulate a type system in terms of type constraints is not new.
Pierce [52] dedicates one section of his textbook on type systems to constraint-based
typing, and presents type rules for a simple expression language without polymor-
phism. Aiken and Wimmers [2, 1] propose a constraint solving system that can
handle inclusion constraints over type expressions. The Hindley-Milner type sys-
tem, including let-polymorphism, can be formulated in terms of these constraints,
although the treatment of polymorphism is not completely satisfactory (see Sec-
tion 4.2). Another interesting direction is the HM(X) framework, presented by
Odersky, Sulzmann and Wehr [46]. This framework is a constraint-based formula-
tion of the Hindley-Milner system including let-polymorphism, which is parame-
terized over some constraint system X. All kinds of extensions to the type system
can be captured via this abstraction. In principle, the HM(X) framework and the
constraint system of Aiken and Wimmers resemble the system that is introduced
in this chapter. However, since our main interest is producing clear error messages
for ill-typed expressions, we will follow a different direction, in particular in the
treatment of let-polymorphism.
The organization of this chapter is as follows. We start with a discussion on
constraint-based type rules for the lambda calculus (Section 4.1). Then we extend
the lambda calculus with let expressions in Section 4.2. This extension introduces
polymorphism, and we compare three different approaches to deal with this. One of
the presented approaches is adopted in Section 4.3, which presents a set of bottom-
up type rules to collect type constraints. The collected constraints can be solved
with an algorithm presented in Section 4.4. Section 4.5 concludes this chapter with
a correctness proof of the proposed constraint-based type inference process.
We start by exploring constraint-based type rules for the lambda calculus without
let-polymorphism. Equality constraints are introduced to capture unification of
Type constraint:
c ::= τ1 ≡ τ2 (equality)
An equality constraint expresses that two types should eventually become the same.
Types can be specialized by applying a substitution. Let S be a substitution. We
say that S satisfies the equality constraint (τ1 ≡ τ2 ), denoted by S `s τ1 ≡ τ2 , if
Sτ1 and Sτ2 are syntactically equivalent.
4.1 Type constraints 37
Γ `⇓ e : τ Top-down typing
τ1 ≡ τ2 → β
Γ (x) ≡ β Γ `⇓ e1 : τ1 Γ `⇓ e2 : τ2
(SD-Var) (SD-App)
Γ `⇓ x : β Γ `⇓ e1 e2 : β
Γ \x ∪ {x : β} `⇓ e : τ
Γ `⇓ λx → e : (β → τ )
v0 ≡ v3 v1 ≡ v4
(SD-Var) (SD-Var)
v0 ≡ v2 Γ `⇓ f : v3 v3 ≡ v4 → v5 Γ `⇓ x : v4
(SD-Var) (SD-App)
Γ `⇓ f : v2 v2 ≡ v5 → v6 Γ `⇓ f x : v5
Γ = {f : v0 , x : v1 } `⇓ f (f x) : v6
{f : v0 } `⇓ λx → f (f x) : (v1 → v6 )
∅ `⇓ λf → λx → f (f x) : (v0 → v1 → v6 )
This derivation tree contains five equality constraints. We can give a substitution
S that satisfies each of the five constraints (where α is a new type variable).
S = [ v0 , v2 , v3 := α → α , v1 , v4 , v5 , v6 := α ]
Note that this is a minimal substitution: S v S 0 holds for any substitution S 0 that
satisfies the five type constraints. The inferred type for twice is S(v0 → v1 → v6 ) =
(α → α) → α → α.
There is a slightly different, but equivalent, set of type rules. The previous set
of type rules makes use of a type environment Γ which associates a type with
each identifier that is in scope. For instance, in the type rule (SD-Var), we write
Γ (x) to get the type assigned to the identifier x. Moreover, x must be present
in the type environment, or else we have found an unbound variable. This type
environment is computed and passed on in a top-down fashion. The type rules can
also be formulated in terms of an assumption set, denoted by A. This assumption
set contains all the types that have been assigned to a (yet unbound) identifier,
and this assumption set is constructed in a bottom-up way. The assumption set
collected for a closed lambda term is empty. A substantial difference is that such
an assumption set can contain multiple assertions about a variable, which makes
no sense in the traditional top-down type environment.
Consider the type rules in Figure 4.2. The type rule for a variable is almost
trivial: a fresh type variable is returned, and the fact that this type variable is
assigned to the variable at hand is recorded in the assumption set. The type rule
for function application is similar to the top-down type rule, except that we combine
the two assumption sets constructed for the subexpressions by taking the union. In
the case of a lambda abstraction, we remove all the occurrences that are bound by
this abstraction from the assumption set, and we equate each type associated with
this identifier to β, which is a fresh type variable.
4.2 Dealing with polymorphism 39
A `⇑ e : τ Bottom-up typing
τ1 ≡ τ2 → β
A1 `⇑ e1 : τ1 A2 `⇑ e2 : τ2
(SU-Var) (SU-App)
{x : β} `⇑ x : β A1 ∪ A2 `⇑ e1 e2 : β
A `⇑ e : τ {β ≡ τ 0 | x : τ 0 ∈ A}
A\x `⇑ λx → e : (β → τ )
Example 4.1 (continued). Consider the derivation for twice using the bottom-up
type rules.
(SU-Var) (SU-Var)
{f : v1 } `⇑ f : v1 v1 ≡ v2 → v3 {x : v2 } `⇑ x : v2
{f : v0 } `⇑ f : v0 v0 ≡ v3 → v4 {f : v1 , x : v2 } `⇑ f x : v3
{f : v0 , f : v1 , x : v2 } `⇑ f (f x) : v4 v2 ≡ v5
{f : v0 , f : v1 } `⇑ λx → f (f x) : (v5 → v4 ) v0 ≡ v6 v1 ≡ v6
∅ `⇑ λf → λx → f (f x) : (v6 → v5 → v4 )
The types and equality constraints found in this derivation are the same as the
derivation with the top-down type rules, except for the renaming of type variables.
σ = generalize(Γ, C1 ⇒ τ1 )
C1 , Γ `⇓ e1 : τ1 C2 , Γ \x ∪ {x : σ} `⇓ e2 : τ2
C1 ∪ C2 , Γ `⇓ let x = e1 in e2 : τ2
type inference may proceed. More specifically, the polymorphic type of a local
definition must be inferred before we can proceed with typing the body.
As it is not obvious how one can express polymorphism using type constraints,
we discuss and compare three alternative formulations. Each approach comes with
a different view on type schemes.
let expression, a type scheme is constructed from the type assigned to the local
definition and the collected constraints. The type environment that is used to type
the body of the let expression includes this type scheme.
The type rule (SD-Let) has one issue which might not be apparent at first
sight. The constraints collected for the definition, in the type rule denoted by C1 ,
should not only be included in the generalized type that is inserted in the type
environment, but should also be part of the final constraint set. Otherwise, a type
error in the definition would go unnoticed in case the definition is not used in
the body of the let. To be more precise, we require that the constraint set C1 is
satisfiable. Existential quantification can be used here to express satisfiability – an
approach which is also followed in the HM(X) framework [46]. The constraint set
in the conclusion of the (SD-Let) type rule would then be
{v0 ≡ v1 , v2 ≡ v3 , v4 ≡ v5 , v2 → v3 ≡ (v4 → v5 ) → v6 }.
(x : σ) ∈ Γ
{β := Inst(σ)}, Γ `⇓ x : β
C1 , Γ `⇓ e1 : τ1 C2 , Γ \x ∪ {x : σ} `⇓ e2 : τ2
C1 ∪ C2 ∪ {σ := Gen(Γ, τ1 )}, Γ `⇓ let x = e1 in e2 : τ2
type (the type variable β) to be an instance of this type scheme. The type rules for
application and lambda abstraction are unchanged.
We continue with the expression idid from Example 4.2. The type assigned to
this expression is v4 , and the following constraints are collected using our newly
formulated type rules.
Cnew = {τ 0 6M τ1 | x : τ 0 ∈ A2 }
C1 , A1 `⇑ e1 : τ1 C2 , A2 `⇑ e2 : τ2
C1 ∪ C2 ∪ Cnew , A1 ∪ A2 \x `⇑ let x = e1 in e2 : τ2
For each occurrence of x in the body of the let expression we create one implicit
instance constraint. These constraints are annotated with a set of monomorphic
types M, which is supplied by the context. The details of this set with monomorphic
types are discussed in the next section.
Consider the running Example 4.2 once more. Applying the type rules results
in the type v4 and the following constraint set.
{v1 ≡ v0 , v2 6∅ v1 → v0 , v3 6∅ v1 → v0 , v2 ≡ v3 → v4 }
Informally speaking, the two implicit instance constraints can only be solved after
the constraint v1 ≡ v0 has been taken into account. Consequently, the intermediate
type scheme is ∀a.a → a, the type of the identity function. After two instantiations
of this type scheme are unified with v2 and v3 respectively, we obtain the type
α → α for v4 via the last equality constraint, where α is some fresh type variable.
A summary of this approach:
• The type of an identifier defined by a let is inferred only once, independently
of the number of occurrences in the body. No type constraints are duplicated,
but for each implicit instance constraint we generalize and instantiate. Ideally,
we generalize a type only once.
• No type schemes appear in the type environment or in the type constraints.
One extra constraint, an implicit instance constraint, is introduced for dealing
with polymorphism.
• An implicit instance constraint is solved in two steps: first a type is generalized
to a type scheme, and then this type scheme is instantiated. The approach
discussed previously (alternative 2) is more explicit as it distinguishes these two
steps. An implicit instance constraint imposes a restriction on the order in which
the type constraints can be solved.
The previous section discusses several alternative approaches for dealing with let-
polymorphism in a constraint-based setting. In the remaining sections of this chap-
ter, we adopt the implicit instance constraints in dealing with polymorphism: this
keeps the proofs relatively simple, and it is close enough to the alternative with
type scheme variables that we use in later chapters. In addition to the implicit
instance constraint, we introduce the explicit instance constraint to express that a
type is to be an instance of a type scheme that we know before solving (i.e., during
constraint collection).
4.3 Bottom-up type rules 45
Lemma 4.2. S `s τ1 ≡ τ2 ⇔ S `s τ1 τ2
Proof. Because Sτ1 < Sτ2 ⇔ Sτ1 = Sτ2 by instance-of relation (Figure 2.2). Of
course, this only holds because τ2 is monomorphic (and not a type scheme). t
The type rules that we will present next have a bottom-up nature: type in-
formation about an expression is (almost) independent of its context. The type
rules are also syntax-directed, which makes them relatively straightforward to im-
plement. In fact, the rules describe an algorithm for collecting type constraints.
Because the relation between types within an expression is expressed as a set of
type constraints, every expression has a derivation. This is in contrast with, for in-
stance, the Hindley-Milner type rules, that fail to find a derivation for an ill-typed
expression. However, a derivation for an ill-typed expression will, of course, result
in an inconsistent constraint set. Furthermore, there is one unique derivation for
each expression – modulo the choice of fresh type variables. An other property of
46 4 Constraint-based type inference
M, A, C `⇑ e : τ Bottom-up typing
M, {x : β}, ∅ `⇑ x : β
Cnew = {τ1 ≡ τ2 → β}
M, A1 , C1 `⇑ e1 : τ1 M, A2 , C2 `⇑ e2 : τ2
M, A1 ∪ A2 , C1 ∪ C2 ∪ Cnew `⇑ e1 e2 : β
Cnew = {β ≡ τ2 } ∪ {τ 0 6M τ1 | x : τ 0 ∈ A2 }
M, A1 , C1 `⇑ e1 : τ1 M, A2 , C2 `⇑ e2 : τ2
M, A1 ∪ A2 \x, C1 ∪ C2 ∪ Cnew `⇑ let x = e1 in e2 : β
the bottom-up type rules is that while constraints are collected, not a single con-
straint needs to be solved in order to proceed. Collecting constraints and solving
constraints are two separate concerns.
The type rules are formulated in terms of judgements of the form
M, A, C `⇑ e : τ .
Such a judgement should be read as: ”given a set of types M that are to remain
monomorphic, we can assign type τ to expression e if the type constraints in C are
satisfied, and if A enumerates all the types that have been assigned to the identifiers
that are free in e”. The set of monomorphic types (M) is provided by the context:
it is passed top-down. This is only to simplify constraint collection: alternatively,
we could change the monomorphic sets of the implicit instance constraints when
they are collected upwards. The assumption set (A) contains an assumption for
each occurrence of an unbound identifier. Hence, A can have multiple assertions for
the same identifier.
The four bottom-up type rules are listed in Figure 4.5. The type rule (BU-Var)
for a variable x is straightforward: a fresh type variable β is returned as the type
for x, and this assertion is recorded in the assumption set. No type constraints are
introduced by this rule.
Each function application introduces a fresh type variable β, which represents
the result of the application. Due to the bottom-up formulation of the type rules,
we may assume to be able to find a judgement for the function and the argument of
an application without making any restrictions on these judgements. We constrain
the type of the function to be a function type which, when applied to something
4.3 Bottom-up type rules 47
{v1 }, {x : v0 }, ∅ `⇑ x : v0 ∅, {i : v3 }, ∅ `⇑ i : v3 ∅, {i : v4 }, ∅ `⇑ i : v4
∅, ∅, C0 `⇑ λx → x : v2 ∅, {i : v3 , i : v4 }, C1 `⇑ i i : v5
∅, ∅, C2 `⇑ let i = λx → x in i i : v6
C0 = {v2 ≡ v1 → v0 , v1 ≡ v0 }
C1 = {v3 ≡ v4 → v5 }
C2 = C0 ∪ C1 ∪ {v6 ≡ v5 , v3 6∅ v2 , v4 6∅ v2 }
Six constraints are collected for this particular expression. The empty assumption
set at top-level indicates that the expression is closed: it has no unbound identifiers.
An invariant of the bottom-up type rules is that the type of a judgement in the
conclusion is always a fresh type variable, and that no assumptions are made about
the types of subexpressions. Types are thus only related by the type constraints,
and not by the context of an expression. We associate a type variable with each
subexpression, which helps us at a later stage to produce precise error messages.
A closer look at the type rules may give rise to the question whether the rules
48 4 Constraint-based type inference
can be defined more succinctly, using fewer type constraints, and introducing fewer
type variables. Indeed: the rules can be formulated more compactly. However, the
presented rules are fine-grained, and give us more control in reporting the cause of
a type inconsistency.
A second observation is that some of the generated equality constraints cor-
respond to unifications that are performed by algorithm W (the type associated
with a subexpression is restricted, as is the case for the constraint created by the
(BU-App) rule), whereas some other constraints restrict the type in the conclusion
as algorithm M would do. Some equality constraints, like β ≡ τ2 in the (BU-Let)
type rule, do not correspond to a unification in W or M. This is an indication
that our constraint-based formulation is indeed a very general approach to the
Hindley-Milner type system, which has the algorithms W and M as an instance.
We formalize and explore this claim in the next chapter.
So far, a set of type rules has been presented to collect type constraints from an
expression. This section explains how such a set of type constraints can be solved.
Or to put it differently: how to construct a solution for a given set of type constraints
such that all the constraints are satisfied. Before we present an algorithm, we define
when a type variable is active.
Definition 4.4 (Active). The set of active type variables for a given type con-
straint is
active(τ1 ≡ τ2 ) =def ftv (τ1 ) ∪ ftv (τ2 )
active(τ σ) =def ftv (τ ) ∪ ftv (σ)
active(τ1 6M τ2 ) =def ftv (τ1 ) ∪ (ftv (M) ∩ ftv (τ2 )).
This notion is lifted to constraint sets by taking the union. As a result, C1 ⊆ C2
implies active(C1 ) ⊆ active(C2 ).
The intuition behind this definition is that only active type variables can be mapped
to other types as a result of solving the type constraint (set). Inactive type variables
of a constraint remain unchanged when solving the constraints. Note that not all
the type variables in the right-hand side type of an implicit instance constraint are
active, but only those that are also in M, which is the essential difference between
active and free type variables. Hence, the set of active type variables is always a
subset of the free type variables.
We present a non-deterministic algorithm Solve (see Figure 4.6) to find a sub-
stitution that satisfies all the type constraints. The algorithm deals with one con-
straint at a time, and it is non-deterministic in the sense that it is not explicit
in the order in which it deals with the constraints. This gives us the freedom to
experiment with different orderings of the constraints. One aspect of the algorithm
is that it introduces fresh type variables. We write Solveχ (C) for solving constraint
set C with a set of fresh type variables χ, assuming that χ and ftv (C) are disjoint
(and remain disjoint). The set χ is omitted where possible.
4.4 Solving type constraints 49
Solveχ (∅) = id
Solving the empty constraint set results in the empty substitution. The other
three cases correspond to the three constraint forms. An equality constraint is solved
by computing a most general unifier of the two types. The unifier is applied to the
remaining constraints. The error substitution (written as >) is used in case the two
types cannot be unified. By definition, the error substitution satisfies every con-
straint set. An explicit instance constraint is translated into an equality constraint
by instantiating the type scheme with fresh type variables. Note that the set of
fresh type variables is first split into two disjoint sets. Solving an implicit instance
constraint (τ1 6M τ2 ) is less straightforward. We are interested in the type scheme
that we obtain by generalizing τ2 with respect to M. However, the type variables
that are quantified should not be changed afterwards (as a result of solving some
other constraint). Because substitutions do not affect quantified type variables, we
impose a condition on the moment that an implicit instance constraint can be taken
into account: the type variables that are about to be quantified (ftv (τ2 ) − ftv (M))
should not be active in the current constraint set. Once this condition holds, an
implicit instance constraint can be translated into an explicit instance constraint.
Example 4.4. Consider the constraints that were collected in Example 4.3. We illus-
trate algorithm Solve by presenting one possible solution for this constraint set.
For this example, we solve the constraints in the given order.
Solve({v2 ≡ v1 → v0 , v1 ≡ v0 , v3 ≡ v4 → v5 , v3 6∅ v2 , v4 6∅ v2 , v6 ≡ v5 })
= Solve({v1 ≡ v0 , v3 ≡ v4 → v5 , v3 6∅ v1 → v0 , v4 6∅ v1 → v0 , v6 ≡ v5 })
◦ [v2 := v1 → v0 ]
= Solve({v3 ≡ v4 → v5 , v3 6∅ v0 → v0 , v4 6∅ v0 → v0 , v6 ≡ v5 })
◦ [v1 := v0 , v2 := v0 → v0 ]
= Solve({v4 → v5 6∅ v0 → v0 , v4 6∅ v0 → v0 , v6 ≡ v5 })
◦ [v1 := v0 , v2 := v0 → v0 , v3 := v4 → v5 ]
50 4 Constraint-based type inference
= Solve({v4 → v5 ∀a.a → a, v4 6∅ v0 → v0 , v6 ≡ v5 })
◦ [v1 := v0 , v2 := v0 → v0 , v3 := v4 → v5 ]
= Solve({v4 → v5 ≡ v7 → v7 , v4 6∅ v0 → v0 , v6 ≡ v5 })
◦ [v1 := v0 , v2 := v0 → v0 , v3 := v4 → v5 ]
= Solve({v7 6∅ v0 → v0 , v6 ≡ v7 })
◦ [v1 := v0 , v2 := v0 → v0 , v3 := v7 → v7 , {v4 , v5 } := v7 ]
= Solve({v7 ∀a.a → a, v6 ≡ v7 })
◦ [v1 := v0 , v2 := v0 → v0 , v3 := v7 → v7 , {v4 , v5 } := v7 ]
= Solve({v7 ≡ v8 → v8 , v6 ≡ v7 })
◦ [v1 := v0 , v2 := v0 → v0 , v3 := v7 → v7 , {v4 , v5 } := v7 ]
= Solve({v6 ≡ v8 → v8 })
◦ [v1 := v0 , v2 := v0 → v0 , v3 := (v8 → v8 ) → v8 → v8 , {v4 , v5 , v7 } := v8 → v8 ]
= Solve(∅)
◦ [v1 := v0 , v2 := v0 → v0 , v3 := (v8 → v8 ) → v8 → v8 , {v4 , v5 , v6 , v7 } := v8 → v8 ]
= [v1 := v0 , v2 := v0 → v0 , v3 := (v8 → v8 ) → v8 → v8 , {v4 , v5 , v6 , v7 } := v8 → v8 ]
In this derivation, the substitution on the right is kept idempotent. Observe that the
conditions that are imposed by the two implicit instance constraints are both met
at the time the constraints are taken into account, and that the explicit instance
constraints introduce fresh type variables (v7 and v8 ). The set of constraints was
collected for the expression let i = λx → x in i i, which was assigned the type v6 .
Hence, we informally claim that we can assign v8 → v8 to this expression.
The previous example also provides some intuition why solving the two im-
plicit instance constraints is subjected to certain conditions. Dealing with these
two constraints right away would result in translating the first instance constraint,
v3 6∅ v2 , into v3 ∀a.a. This type scheme is clearly too polymorphic for the
identity function, especially since we cannot update the type scheme (and v3 ) after
solving the constraint v2 ≡ v1 → v0 . One may wonder whether there will always be
a point in time at which an implicit instance constraint can be solved. The answer
is a plain no, as the following example shows.
We define when a set of type constraints can be ordered, such that the condi-
tions imposed by implicit instance constraints are met. Constraint sets without this
property, such as C in Example 4.5, cannot be solved by algorithm Solve.
Constraint sets that are created with the `⇑ type rules can always be ordered.
This property of the bottom-up type rules is expressed in Lemma 4.4, which is
illustrated by an example.
Proof. To prove that each constraint set constructed with the bottom-up type rules
is orderable, we indicate for each type rule how its constraints can be ordered. This
gives us a valid constraint ordering for all derivations.
(BU-Var) ∅ (BU-Abs) Cnew ++ C
(BU-App) C1 +
+ C2 ++ Cnew (BU-Let) C1 ++ Cnew ++ C2
All implicit instance constraints are generated by (BU-Let), and are part of its
Cnew . Note that Cnew also contains one equality constraint. The implicit instance
constraints are placed after the constraints of the definition (C1 ), but before the
constraints of the body of the let expression (C2 ). Furthermore, it is of great impor-
tance that the equality constraints for the variables bound by a lambda abstraction
are taken into account before the constraints of the body of the abstraction. If
not, the ordering can be invalid as we may discover that a type variable is mono-
morphic after having generalized that particular type variable. Equality constraints
can “change” the set of monomorphic type variables carried by implicit instance
constraints. The relative order of the constraint sets in (BU-App) is irrelevant. u t
λx → let f = let g = x
in λa → g
in let h = f
in h x
The bottom-up type rules create eight equality constraints, and three implicit in-
stance constraints (one for f , one for g, and one for h). The constraint ordering that
was suggested in the proof of Lemma 4.4 results in the following list of constraints.
52 4 Constraint-based type inference
For each constraint, we indicate at which node of the abstract syntax tree it was
created (that is, which type rule is responsible for the constraint).
This ordering of the constraints conforms with Definition 4.5. Let us take a closer
look at the relative order of the three implicit instance constraints. The implicit
instance constraint for g is the first which is solved, followed by the constraint
for f , and finally for h. This order corresponds precisely to the order in which
algorithm W (and also algorithm M) would infer the types of the local definitions.
Given a constraint set that is orderable, algorithm Solve terminates and returns
a substitution. Note that for each constraint set that cannot be ordered, there is a
point at which Solve cannot proceed any more.
Proof. We define a weight function to prove that algorithm Solve terminates for
each orderable constraint set.
weight(τ1 ≡ τ2 ) = 1
weight(τ σ) =2
weight(τ1 6M τ2 ) = 3
The weight of a constraint set C is defined as c∈C weight(c). The weight of the
constraint set (strictly) decreases for each recursive call to Solve. t
Our next lemma explains that algorithm Solve does not invent new type vari-
ables. Only type variables from the constraint set and type variables from χ can be
part of the solution’s domain or co-domain.
Lemma 4.7. Given a constraint set C, there is a set of fresh type variables χ such
that ftv (C) ∩ χ = ∅. Let substitution S be Solveχ (C). Then
Proof. This follows directly from the definition of Solve. The case for solving an
equality constraint τ1 ≡ τ2 is the only location where the substitution is extended.
The unifier that extends the substitution contains only type variables that are free
in τ1 or τ2 (Lemma 2.1). The case that deals with an explicit instance constraint
may introduce fresh type variables in the constraint set that can thus show up in
the final substitution. t
The intuition of the following lemma is that type variables that are inactive
(they occur in the set of free type variables of a constraint set C, but are not in
the set of active type variables) cannot be in the domain of the substitution that
is returned by algorithm Solve for C.
Lemma 4.8 (Active). Given a constraint set C, there is a set of fresh type vari-
ables χ such that ftv (C) ∩ χ = ∅. Then
Proof. By induction on the four cases of algorithm Solve. For the three cases where
C is non-empty, let x be a type variable such that x ∈ ftv (C) and x ∈
/ active(C). We
proceed by proving that this implies x 6∈ tv (Solveχ (C)). In these cases, C2 denotes
the constraint set that is solved recursively. Hence, the induction hypothesis is
The crucial steps in the proof are marked, and discussed afterwards.
• Case C = ∅: This holds trivially, since ftv (C) = ∅.
• Case C = {τ1 ≡ τ2 } ∪ C1 : Let C2 = SC1 and S = mgu(τ1 , τ2 ), so that
Solveχ (C) = Solveχ (C2 ) ◦ S.
x ∈ ftv (C) ∧ x 6∈ active(C)
⇒ { Definition 4.4 (active) }
x ∈ ftv (C) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (τ1 ) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (τ2 ) ∧ x 6∈ active(C1 )
⇒ { def. ftv }
x ∈ ftv (C1 ) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (τ1 ) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (τ2 ) ∧ x 6∈ active(C1 )
⇒ { Lemma 2.1 (mgu) }
x ∈ ftv (C1 ) ∧ x 6∈ active(C1 ) ∧ x 6∈ tv (S)
⇒ { def. ftv }
x ∈ ftv (C2 ) ∧ x 6∈ active(C2 ) ∧ x 6∈ tv (S)
⇒ { i.h. }
x 6∈ tv (Solveχ (C2 )) ∧ x 6∈ tv (S)
x 6∈ tv (Solveχ (C))
• Case C = {τ1 ∀a.τ2 } ∪ C1 : Let C2 = {τ1 ≡ Sτ2 } ∪ C1 and S = [a := χ1 ],
so that Solveχ (C) = Solveχ2 (C2 ). Furthermore, we know that χ = χ1 ∪ χ2 ,
χ1 ∩ χ2 = ∅, and χ ∩ ftv (C) = ∅.
x ∈ ftv (C) ∧ x 6∈ active(C)
⇒ { Definition 4.4 (active) }
x ∈ ftv (C) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (τ1 ) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (∀a.τ2 ) ∧ x 6∈ active(C1 )
⇒ { def. ftv }
x ∈ ftv (C1 ) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (τ1 ) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (∀a.τ2 ) ∧ x 6∈ active(C1 )
⇒ { def. ftv }
x ∈ ftv (C2 ) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (τ1 ) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (∀a.τ2 ) ∧ x 6∈ active(C1 )
⇒ { x 6∈ χ1 (because x ∈ ftv (C) implies x 6∈ χ) } (2)
x ∈ ftv (C2 ) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (τ1 ) ∧ x 6∈ ftv (Sτ2 ) ∧ x 6∈ active(C1 )
⇒ { Definition 4.4 (active) }
x ∈ ftv (C2 ) ∧ x 6∈ active(C2 )
⇒ { i.h. }
x 6∈ tv (Solveχ2 (C2 ))
x 6∈ tv (Solveχ (C))
(2) The type scheme ∀a.τ2 is instantiated with fresh type variables from χ1 .
4.4 Solving type constraints 55
We expect Solve not only to be sound, but also complete. If there exists a
substitution that satisfies an orderable set of type constraints, then a substitution
is returned by the algorithm, which is different from the error substitution. This
completeness result does not hold for all constraint sets, but only for the sets that
can be ordered. Theorem 4.10 elaborates on this property.
S `s τ1 6M τ2 ⇐⇒ S `s τ1 generalize(M, τ2 )
whenever ftv (τ2 ) ∩ tv (S) ⊆ M. This condition holds because the side condition
for solving an implicit instance constraint ensures that type variables in ftv (τ2 )−
ftv (M) are not active. Hence, these type variables cannot appear in the domain
of S, nor in its co-domain (Lemma 4.8). Therefore, solving an implicit instance
constraint by translating it into an explicit instance constraint returns a most
general unifier. t
4.5 Correctness
Section 4.3 introduced a set of type rules for collecting type constraints for an
expression. The collected constraints are solved with algorithm Solve from Sec-
tion 4.4. These are the two main ingredients for a constraint-based type inference
algorithm, for which we show that it is correct with respect to the Hindley-Milner
type rules.
58 4 Constraint-based type inference
We start by lifting equality and explicit instance constraints to work for lists of
A1 ≡ A2 =def {τ1 ≡ τ2 | x : τ1 ∈ A1 , x : τ2 ∈ A2 } (lift ≡)
AΓ =def {τ σ | x : τ ∈ A, x : σ ∈ Γ } (lift )
From these definitions it follows immediately that the following properties hold.
(A\x) Γ = A (Γ \x) (lift-remove)
(A1 ∪ A2 ) Γ = (A1 Γ ) ∪ (A2 Γ ) (split-left)
The first equation says that instead of removing assumptions about an identifier in
the left operand, one can also remove the assumptions in the right operand (and
vice versa). Property (split-left) shows that set union distributes over the lifted
constraints. These propositions apply equally well to the lifted equality constraint
on sets (that is, after replacing by ≡).
Next, we present Algorithm Infer, which infers a type for an expression in the
context of a type environment Γ .
Definition 4.6 (Algorithm Infer).
The bottom-up type rules are used to collect type constraints for expression e.
We choose M to be the set of free type variables of Γ . This gives us an assumption
set A, a constraint set C, and a type τ . The set A contains assertions about the
unbound identifiers of e. Hence, dom(A) ⊆ dom(Γ ) must hold, or else, Infer
returns ErrorType to indicate an error. We extend the constraint set C with A Γ ,
which relates types assigned to the unbound identifiers of e to their corresponding
type scheme in Γ . Solving all the constraints yields a substitution satisfying the
constraints (or ErrorType in case the constraint set is inconsistent). Finally, we
apply this substitution to τ .
In the remaining part of this chapter, we establish soundness and complete-
ness for algorithm Infer, and prove that it is indeed a correct implementation of
the Hindley-Milner type system. If desired, this correctness proof may be skipped
Figure 4.7 gives an outline of the correctness proof for algorithm Infer. Sound-
ness, completeness, and progress of Solve have been proven in Section 4.4. How-
ever, we still have to prove that the set of constraints we are about to solve is
orderable. Then we introduce a modified version of the Hindley-Milner type system
(`HM ), and show that this is equivalent to the original system. Next, we prove that
our constraint-based, bottom-up type rules are correct with respect to the modified
Hindley-Milner type system. In fact, we construct a mapping between deduction
trees of the two sets of type rules, in both directions. We conclude with a correctness
proof for Infer, which combines earlier results.
4.5 Correctness 59
Solve ↔ `s `⇑ ↔ `HM
Theorem 4.5 Theorem 4.14
Progress of Solve Soundness of `⇑
Algorithm Solve does not loop ftv (Γ ), A, C `⇑ e : τ ∧ S `s (C ∪ A Γ )
∧ dom(A) ⊆ dom(Γ ) ⇒ SΓ `HM e : Sτ
Theorem 4.9
Soundness of Solve Theorem 4.15
Completeness of `⇑
Solve(C) `s C
Γ `HM e : τ1 ∧ ftv (Γ ), A, C `⇑ e : τ2
⇒ ∃S : S `s (C ∪ A Γ ∪ {τ1 ≡ τ2 })
Theorem 4.10
Completeness of Solve
∃S : S `s C ∧ C is orderable
⇒ Solve(C) 6= >
`HM ↔ `HM Infer ↔ `HM
Theorem 4.13 Main Theorem 4.16
? Correctness of Infer
Equivalence of `HM and `HM
? Infer(Γ, e) returns the principal
Γ `HM e : τ ⇔ Γ `HM e : τ
type for e under Γ
One discrepancy between the Hindley-Milner type rules and the bottom type
rules is how they record which type variables are monomorphic, and, in particular,
how they cope with the shadowing of expression identifiers. The Hindley-Milner
type rules for lambda abstraction and let expressions may remove assumptions
about identifiers that are no longer in scope from Γ , thereby possibly shrinking the
set of monomorphic type variables. On the other hand, the set M containing the
monomorphic types in the `⇑ type rules can only grow. This makes the two sets
of type rules practically incomparable, since the monomorphic type variables play
an important role in generalizing types to obtain polymorphic types for identifiers
defined in let expressions. To remedy this problem, we define an operator to update
a type environment without reducing the set of free type variables.
Definition 4.7 (Update operator). Let trash be a special identifier that does not
appear in expressions. The operator ; updates a type environment, and is defined
as follows.
(x : σ1 ) ; Γ =def Γ \x ∪ {x : σ1 , trash : σ2 } if (x : σ2 ) ∈ Γ
Γ ∪ {x : σ1 } otherwise
where σ 0 is some type scheme such that ftv (σ 0 ) = ftv (σ2 ) ∪ ftv (σ3 ).
60 4 Constraint-based type inference
Γ `HM e : τ Typing judgement
(x : τ1 ) ; Γ `HM e : τ2
? (HM-Abs)?
Γ `HM λx → e : (τ1 → τ2 )
? ?
Γ `HM e1 : τ1 (x : generalize(Γ, τ1 )) ; Γ `HM e2 : τ2
? (HM-Let)?
Γ `HM let x = e1 in e2 : τ2
⇒ { prop. (split ;) }
S `s C ∪ Cnew ∧ S `s (A (x : β1 ) ; Γ ) ∧ dom(A\x) ⊆ dom(Γ )
⇒ { (`s set), prop. (domain ;) }
S `s C ∧ S `s Cnew ∧ S `s (A (x : β1 ) ; Γ ) ∧ dom(A) ⊆ dom((x : β1 ) ; Γ )
⇒ { i.h. }
S((x : β1 ) ; Γ ) `HM e : Sτ ∧ S `s Cnew
⇒ { (HM-Abs) }
SΓ `HM λx → e : Sβ1 → Sτ ∧ S `s Cnew
⇒ { def (`s ≡) }
SΓ `HM λx → e : Sβ1 → Sτ ∧ Sβ2 = Sβ1 → Sτ
SΓ `HM λx → e : Sβ2
I We still have to prove that invariant I holds at the point where we use the
induction hypothesis. This is straightforward: because of Definition 4.7, we con-
clude that ftv (SM) = ftv (SΓ ) implies ftv (S(M ∪ {β1 })) = ftv (S((x : β1 ) ; Γ )).
⇒ { def (`s ≡) }
SΓ `HM let x = e1 in e2 : Sτ2 ∧ Sβ = Sτ2
SΓ `HM let x = e1 in e2 : Sβ
(8) The implicit instance constraints in Cnew are satisfied by the substitution S.
Lemma 4.3 states that an implicit instance constraint can be written as an
explicit instance constraint. By combining this lemma with (lift ), we conclude
S `s A2 {x : σ}.
(9) Consider the type environment (x : σ) ; Γ , in which the type scheme σ
is defined by generalize(SM, Sτ1 ). The invariant I tells that ftv (SM) equals
ftv (SΓ ), and, as a result, we may use the induction hypothesis for e2 .
I We have to establish I for both induction hypotheses. For e1 , the invari-
ant clearly holds. For e2 , we need to show that ftv (SM) = ftv (SΓ ) implies
ftv (SM) = ftv (S((x : σ) ; Γ )), where σ is generalize(SΓ, Sτ1 ). This holds since
ftv (σ) ⊆ ftv (SΓ ) by the definition of generalization. t
We prove completeness for the bottom-up type rules. This involves showing that
for each judgement that can be derived with the modified Hindley-Milner rules,
there is a corresponding judgement with the `⇑ rules. This is not a surprise, as we
can construct a judgement for each expression – including ill-typed expressions. In
addition, we prove that we can construct a substitution for this `⇑ judgement that
satisfies certain constraints.
We conclude this chapter by claiming that algorithm Infer (see Definition 4.6)
is a correct implementation of the Hindley-Milner type system.
Proof. Assume that fev (e) ⊆ dom(Γ ): otherwise, e has no principal type. Choose
M = ftv (Γ ), and derive M, A, C `⇑ e : τ . The constraints in C are orderable
(Lemma 4.4), and therefore C ∪ Γ A is also orderable (the extra constraints
can be placed in the front of the ordering). Hence, solving these constraints will
result in a substitution S that satisfies the constraints (Theorem 4.9). If the set
of constraints is satisfiable, then S 6= > (Theorem 4.10). Moreover, the process of
solving the constraints will eventually stop (Theorem 4.5).
66 4 Constraint-based type inference
Soundness of `⇑ gives us that SΓ `HM e : Sτ (Theorem 4.14). Because the modi-
fied Hindley-Milner type system is equivalent to the original system (Theorem 4.13),
SΓ `HM e : Sτ also holds. Furthermore, Theorem 4.15 guarantees that if a deriva-
tion exists for Γ and e with the modified Hindley-Milner type rules (and thus also
with the original rules), then the constraints that are collected by the bottom-up
type rules are consistent.
As a result, algorithm Infer is a sound and complete implementation of the
Hindley-Milner type rules, and returns the principal type of an expression under a
type environment. t
Top: a type inference framework
Overview. This chapter describes the type inference framework Top. In addition
to constraint generation and constraint resolution, we identify an intermediate step,
which is the ordering of constraints. Each constraint carries information, which can
be used for all kinds of purposes. The Top framework has been designed to support
flexible and customizable type inference.
This chapter presents the Top framework for constraint-based type inference. This
framework focuses in particular on providing helpful feedback for inconsistent sets
of type constraints. In a complete lattice, the top element (usually written as >) is
often used to represent an error situation – this explains the name of the framework.
Although our approach applies to all kinds of program analyses for which good
feedback is desirable, we limit ourselves to type inference. In this light, Top can
also be interpreted as “typing our programs”.
A constraint-based analysis can be divided into constraint generation and con-
straint resolution. Such an approach has a number of advantages: a framework can
have several constraint solvers available, and we can choose freely which solver to
use. Because of the clear separation between constraint collecting and constraint
solving, it becomes much easier to reuse constraint solvers. Collecting constraints
must be programmed for each compiler or tool, but solving the constraints is im-
plemented once and for all.
The order in which the constraints are considered is of great importance, al-
though the actual impact depends on which constraint solver is chosen. Generally,
the constraints are solved one after another. The order should not influence the
outcome of a consistent constraint set, but for an inconsistent set, it strongly de-
termines at which point the inconsistency is detected. This bias can show up in
the reported error messages. To prevent this, we distinguish a third phase in the
inference process, which is to order the constraints.
In our framework, we incorporate this new phase in the following way. Instead
of collecting a constraint set, we construct a tree with all the constraints. Typically,
the shape of this constraint tree follows the shape of the abstract syntax tree on
which we perform the analysis. In the second phase, we order the constraints by
rearranging this tree, and then choosing a flattening of this tree, which gives us an
ordered list of constraints. After the constraints have been ordered, we solve the
68 5 Top: a type inference framework
The Top framework is both customizable and extendable, which are two essen-
tial properties to encourage reusability. The framework enjoys the following char-
1. Extend the solution space. We can add new (stateful) information that is avail-
able while we are solving the constraints.
2. Abstract constraint information. Each constraint carries information, but we
make no assumption about the content of this information. Every user can
decide which information is relevant to keep track of. Constraint information
is also used to create error reports – thus, the formatting of the messages
can be customized as well. Although the content is unspecified, there is some
interaction between the constraint information and the process of constraint
3. New types of constraints can be added. The framework can be extended to
include new sorts of constraints. To solve a new type of constraint, we may
have to extend the solution space (see item 1).
4. Multiple constraint solvers. Our framework can support several constraint
solvers, and new alternatives to solve the constraints can be included.
5. Suitable for other analyses. A part of the framework is not specific for type
inference, and this part can be reused for other analyses that are formulated as
a constraint problem.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. We first define a set of type
constraints, which are currently supported by the framework (Section 5.1). Next,
we discuss how to solve these constraints in Section 5.2. In Section 5.3, we present
constraint trees, and define techniques to rearrange such a tree, as well as a function
to flatten a constraint tree. This part of the framework does not depend in any way
on the constraints that are used. We conclude this chapter with a discussion on
how the framework can be used to perform kind inference (Section 5.4), and we
summarize the advantages of our approach (Section 5.5).
solved may seem to be insignificant, but there are some reasons for this distinction.
Because the semantics relate to the (final) solution, it becomes straightforward to
reason about the meaning of a set of constraints, without taking into account how
such a set is solved. Secondly, we can verify the validity of the solution returned by
the constraint solver, which gives us an internal sanity check for free.
In our framework, each constraint carries additional information. This constraint
information can, for instance, contain the reason why the constraint was generated.
Typically, the amount of information carried around should be enough to construct
an error message if the constraint leads to an inconsistency. Constraint information
will be denoted by hii, and we make no assumption about its content. This is
a valuable abstraction within our framework: we can choose for ourselves which
information we want to keep, and how the error messages will be presented. In the
presentation, we omit the constraint information carried by a constraint whenever
this is appropriate.
Once more, we start with equality constraints on types.
c(≡) ::= (τ1 ≡ τ2 ) hii (equality constraint)
The types of an equality constraint are monomorphic, and each equality constraint
carries information about the constraint. A solution Θ solves an equality constraint
if (and only if) applying the substitution in Θ to both types gives us two syntacti-
cally equivalent types.
determine this, we need to know which type variables in the type are polymorphic,
and which are not. Hence, a set M is attached to each skolemization constraint.
We proceed with defining semantics for these constraints.
For these definitions, we require that Θ contains a type scheme substitution Σ (in
addition to a “normal” substitution that works on types): this is a table which maps
type scheme variables to type schemes. In these definitions, Θ(ρ) is a shorthand
notation for Θ(ΣΘ (ρ)): apply the substitution after having replaced all type scheme
variables using Σ.
Skolemization constraints become important when expressions and definitions
can be annotated with types. Such a type annotation should not be more general
than the type we infer for its expression (or definition), although an annotation
may be used to restrict the inferred type. We illustrate this with an example.
Example 5.1. Let e be some expression which is assigned the type variable v0 . Con-
sider the annotated expression (e :: ∀a.a → a). To express that the (inferred) type
of e is general enough, we use the type constraint v0 := Skol(M, ∀a.a → a), where
M contains the monomorphic type variables from the context in which e appears.
We continue this example with three hypothetical cases.
Case 1. Suppose we discover that v0 should be Bool → Bool . Observe that the
type obtained from skolemizing ∀a.a → a cannot be unified with Bool → Bool .
Hence, e’s annotation is too polymorphic, and ∀a.a → a 6< Bool → Bool . The
skolemization constraint cannot be satisfied.
Case 2. Assume v0 equals v1 → v1 , and none of the type variables is known
to be monomorphic (M = ∅). Then the skolemization constraint is satisfied, and
∀a.a → a < generalize(∅, v1 → v1 ). Thus, the type annotation is consistent with e.
Case 3. Again, v0 is found to be v1 → v1 , but v1 is to remain monomorphic. Then
the annotation is in error, witnessed by ∀a.a → a 6< v1 → v1 . In this particular case,
we speak of an “escaping skolem constant”, because it is the set with monomorphic
type variables that prevents that the skolemization constraint is satisfied.
data Constraint m =
Constraint{solve :: m (), semantics :: m Bool , syntax :: String }
-- errors
addError :: hii → m ()
getErrors :: m [hii]
-- semantic check
addCheck :: String → m Bool → m ()
We use the functions that are supported by a basic state for solving the type con-
straints. The type class HasBasic has three functions to manipulate the constraint
stack: we can add a single constraint or a list of constraints, and we can pop the
first constraint from the stack. Nothing is returned for the empty constraint stack.
Observe that we use the type variable m as parameter of the Constraint datatype.
Furthermore, we have a function to add one error, and a function to get all
the errors discovered so far. Observe that we use constraint information for the
list of errors. As mentioned before, the constraint information should be detailed
enough to construct an error message. With the function addCheck , we can add
sanity checks for the solved constraints. The idea is that these sanity checks are
performed when all constraint have been solved. The first argument of addCheck is
a message, which is reported when the second argument evaluates to False (in the
monad m).
With the member function of the HasBasic type class, we can define how the
constraints are solved.
The function startSolving pops constraints from the stack, solves them, until the
stack is empty. For each constraint that we solve, we add a sanity check to the
state, which can be used to verify the final state.
The actual implementation of a basic state is straightforward given the descrip-
tion above, and we will not present it here. Clearly, we can store more information
in this state, which would be convenient to have for other analyses as well. For
instance, we can include information for debugging, or information for tracing the
process of constraint solving.
Substitutions play a central role in our framework. We introduce a type class for
monads containing a substitution. We plan ahead and take into account that future
substitutions may be in an inconsistent state. This planning makes it possible to
74 5 Top: a type inference framework
look for sophisticated substitutions with which we can improve the quality of the
type error messages. The substitution in our state should at least support the
following three functions.
The function unifyTerms receives two types, which it unifies. In the end, the two
types should be equivalent under the substitution. However, unifying two types
may bring the substitution into an inconsistent state. The function makeConsistent
restores consistency for a substitution. With substVar , we can query the type the
substitution assigns to a type variable (here represented by an Int). Given substVar ,
we can apply the substitution to all kind of values that contain type variables. We
assume applySubst to be this function. We have to be in a consistent state before
we can apply the substitution.
The remaining information we need during type inference is stored in the type
inference state, for which we introduce a new type class.
We keep a counter in this state, which we use to create fresh type variables, fresh
type scheme variables, and so on. The function nextUnique returns and increments
the value of this counter. We also store a list of type synonyms in this state.
Furthermore, we maintain a list of type scheme variables and their assigned
type schemes. We can add a type scheme variable and its type scheme to this list
(storeScheme), and we can find the type scheme that corresponds to a type scheme
variable (lookupScheme). We assume that a type scheme variable is represented by
a value of type Int. Remember that we introduced ρ types, which are either type
scheme variables or type schemes. With the function lookupScheme, we define a
which expects a ρ type as its argument. If ρ is a type scheme variable, it returns the
corresponding type scheme in the type scheme map. Otherwise, findScheme returns
the type scheme at hand.
Finally, the type inference state contains a list of pairs to check that no skolem
constant escapes. Such a pair consists of a list of skolem constants and a set of
5.2 Constraint solving 75
monomorphic types. New pairs can be added with the function addSkolems. After
all the constraints have been solved, the substitution is applied to each of the sets of
monomorphic types, and we check that none of the listed skolem constants appears
in the substituted set. We produce an error if this check fails.
We define how equality constraints and the three constraints to handle polymor-
phism can be solved. For an equality constraint, we only have to call the function
unifyTerms with the constraint information and the two types.
with the skolemized type scheme. To remember the original type scheme, we use
skolScheme. The skolem constants and M are stored together so that we can check
afterwards that the skolem constants do not escape via a type variable in M.
Observe that we are still not making any assumption about the information that
is carried by the constraints. Instead, we only require that the carried constraint
information is an instance of the PolymorphismInfo type class. In the instance
definition one can define how the type schemes should be stored. If no definition
is given, then the default definitions are used, and the type schemes are simply
ignored and forgotten.
In conclusion, we can solve the type constraints proposed in this chapter using
some monad m, and under the assumption that each constraint carries information
of the type hii, if the following type class predicates hold for m and hii.
If we only have to solve equality constraints, then having HasBasic m hii and
HasSubst m hii is sufficient.
constants came from, or why they were introduced. Fortunately, this problem can
easily be circumvented by faking skolemization of type schemes.
We use ordinary type variables for skolemization, but we remember which fresh
type variables were introduced. Afterwards (when all constraints are handled), we
have to check that the substitution does not contain deductions about these type
variables. Firstly, all skolem variables that are mapped by the substitution to a
type other than a type variable are in violation, and for these variables, we create
an appropriate error message. Secondly, we have to make sure that different skolem
variables are mapped to different type variables. After these two checks, we continue
with checking that no skolem escapes via a monomorphic type variable. This last
step was already present in the type inference framework. The following examples
illustrate these three checks.
Example 5.3. The type signature given for length is too general.
length :: a → Int
length [ ] =0
length (x : xs) = 1 + length xs
The skolem variable introduced for the type signature’s type variable a is unified
with a list type (because of the left-hand side patterns). We report that the type
signature for length is too general since type variable a should be a list type.
Example 5.4. The type signature of f is inconsistent with f ’s definition.
f :: a → b → [a ]
f x y = [x , y ]
Because x and y are in the same list, they should have the same type. The substi-
tution obtained after handling all the type constraints maps the skolem variables
for a and b to the same type (variable). We report that f ’s type signature is too
general because a and b should be the same.
Example 5.5. The type of f is too general.
test x = let f :: a → [a ]
f y = [x , y ]
in f x
The skolem variable introduced for the type variable a in f ’s type signature should
have the same type as the type variable assigned to the identifier x . This type
variable is monomorphic in f ’s definition. Hence, we report that this type variable
In our type inference framework, only small changes are required to fake sko-
lemization. We modify the function skolemizeM, which is used to solve a skolemiza-
tion constraint, such that it introduces fresh type variables instead of new skolem
constants for the quantified type variables of the type scheme. A list of skolem
variables is maintained in the type inference state, and when all type constraints
have been handled, we perform the necessary checks, and may report errors.
78 5 Top: a type inference framework
We now define a first attempt to implementing the substitution state. The most
obvious instance of this state is one which contains an association list to represent
a substitution. We call a solver that uses such a substitution state for dealing with
the equality constraints a greedy constraint solver. This solver has the property that
it performs the unifications issued by equality constraints immediately, and that it
deals with inconsistencies right away. The substitution we keep can be, for instance,
a finite map which assigns types to type variables, and which is kept idempotent.
We give definitions for unifyTerms, makeConsistent, and substVar to complete the
definition of a greedy constraint solver.
The implementation of unifyTerms returns the most general unifier of two types.
The result of this unification is incorporated into the substitution. When two types
cannot be unified, we deal with the inconsistency, and add the constraint informa-
tion corresponding to the equality constraint to the list of errors. After discovering
an error, we ignore the constraint and continue solving the remaining constraints,
which may lead to the detection of more type errors. Because the substitution will
always be in a consistent state, the action to be taken by makeConsistent is void:
each makeConsistent leaves the state unchanged. The function substVar consults
the substitution, and returns the type that is associated with a type variable.
The order in which type constraints are solved may influence at which point in
the process of constraint solving we detect an inconsistency. This also depends on
the constraint solver that is used: a greedy constraint solver, for instance, is highly
sensitive to the order in which it solves equality constraints, and it will report
different constraints for different orders. In fact, choosing an ordering for the type
constraints closely relates to the order in which types are unified.
Instead of limiting ourselves to one order in which the constraints are solved,
we consider a family of constraint orderings from which a user can select one. As
it turns out, we are able to emulate the two type inference algorithms W and M,
and many other variations. Hence, our approach generalizes these two standard
The four bottom-up type inference rules, which are presented in Figure 4.5,
collect the type constraints in a list. To obtain more control over the order of the
constraints, we collect the constraints in a tree instead. This constraint tree has the
same shape as the abstract syntax tree of the expression for which the constraints
are generated. However, we are not completely free to choose a constraint ordering.
Some constraints have to be solved before others, and we encode this too in the
constraint tree.
5.3 Constraint ordering 79
We can first combine the constraint trees of the subexpressions, and then attach
the three constraints. This results in the following constraint tree.
[c1 , c2 , c3 ]
c1 B c2 B c3 B •[ TC 1 , TC 2 , TC 3 •]
TC 1 TC 2 TC 3
However, each of the three type constraints relates to one subexpression in par-
ticular. Therefore, we first attach the constraints to their corresponding constraint
tree, and then combine the subtrees. This gives us the following tree.
In the figure above, the constraints are written with an upward arrow to indicate
that the constraint was created by their parent node.
80 5 Top: a type inference framework
Each node in the abstract syntax tree produces one node in the constraint
tree. We make sure that all the type constraints that are generated in one node of
the abstract syntax tree belong to the corresponding node in the constraint tree.
Moreover, we will never generate constraint trees of the following form (where c
corresponds to the current constraint tree node, and not by some node inside TC 1
or TC 2 ).
c C •[ TC 1 , TC 2 •] •[ c B TC 1 , TC 2 •]
In both of these cases, the constraint c no longer belongs to the node at which it
was created.
Before we continue, we introduce some abbreviations.
In order of appearance, we have the empty constraint tree, the tree consisting of a
single constraint set, and attaching a list of constraints (from the parent) to a tree.
In the remaining part of this section, we discuss various alternatives to flatten
a constraint tree, which results in an ordered list of constraints. Furthermore, we
present spreading and phasing of type constraints, which are techniques to trans-
form a constraint tree.
Our first concern is how to flatten a constraint tree to a list: for this, we define the
function flatten. How a tree is flattened depends on the tree walk of our choice,
which is a parameter of flatten. A tree walk specifies the order of the constraints for
each node in the constraint tree. We use the following Haskell datatype to represent
a tree walk.
With this rank-two type we can represent tree walks that do not depend on the
type of the elements in the tree. A number of example tree walks will be presented
later on.
We define two mutually recursive helper-functions for flatten: flattenTop and
flattenRec. In the definition of flattenRec, we maintain a list of constraints that
are attached to the constraint tree (c B TC ): this list, called down, is passed to
all recursive calls. Furthermore, we use the list up to collect the constraints that
are attached to the tree by their parent node (c C TC ). This list is computed in a
bottom-up fashion.
5.3 Constraint ordering 81
Observe that for the case of a node, we let the tree walk decide how the constraint
lists at that point are to be combined – i.e., the list of downward constraints, and for
each subtree in •[ t1 , . . . , tn •,
] its flattened constraint set and the upward constraints.
If the constraints of two constraint trees should be ordered in a strict way (the case
t1 t2 ), then we flatten the two constraint trees, which gives us the constraint sets
cs 1 and cs 2 . These sets are combined in a fixed way, regardless of the tree walk,
namely cs 1 ++ cs 2 . However, we let the tree walk decide how this combined list and
the downward constraints are ordered.
The first tree walk we define is truly bottom-up.
bottomUp :: TreeWalk
bottomUp = TW (λdown list → f (unzip list) ++ down)
where f (csets, ups) = concat csets +
+ concat ups
This tree walk puts the recursively flattened constraint subtrees in the front, while
preserving the order of the trees. These are followed by the upward constraints for
each subtree in turn. Finally, we append the downward constraints.
Example 5.7. Assume that we have the following constraint tree.
Flattening this constraint tree with the bottom-up tree walk gives us the following
constraint list.
flatten bottomUp TC = C1 ++ . . . ++ Cn +
+ up 1 +
+ . . . ++ up n +
+ down
82 5 Top: a type inference framework
topDown :: TreeWalk
topDown = TW (λdown list → down + + f (unzip list))
where f (csets, ups) = concat ups +
+ concat csets
This tree walk puts the downward constraints in front, directly followed by all the
upward constraints. Lastly, the recursively flattened subtrees are included in the
Example 5.7 (continued). We use the top-down tree walk to flatten TC .
Obviously, there are more interesting tree walks. For instance, we could inter-
leave the upward constraints and the flattened constraint trees at each node. Such
an order differs from the bottom-up and top-down tree walks, which consider all
the upward constraints, and all the recursively flattened constraint trees, at once.
We have two choices to make: what is the position of the upward constraints with
respect to the recursively flattened tree, and do we put the downward constraints
in front or at the end of the list. These two options lead to the following helper-
For both arguments of variation, we consider two alternatives: combine the lists in
the order given (+
+), or flip the order of the lists (flip (++)). Hence, we get four
more tree walks.
Example 5.7 (continued). Once more, we consider the constraint tree TC , and flat-
ten this tree with the four tree walk defined above.
flatten inorderFirstBU TC = down ++ C1 + + up 1 + + ... ++ Cn ++ up n
flatten inorderFirstTD TC = down ++ up 1 + + C1 + + ... ++ up n ++ Cn
flatten inorderLastBU TC = C1 ++ up 1 ++ . . . ++ Cn ++ up n +
+ down
flatten inorderLastTD TC = + C1 ++ . . . +
up 1 + + up n ++ Cn +
+ down
Our last example is a tree walk transformer: at each node in the constraint tree,
the children are inspected in reversed order. Of course, this reversal is not applied
to nodes with a strict ordering. With this transformer, we can inspect a program
from right-to-left, instead of the standard left-to-right order.
5.3 Constraint ordering 83
c1 ∗ =v4 ≡ Int
[c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 ] c2 ∗ =v3 ≡ v4 → v5
c3 ∗ =v7 := Inst(∀a.[a])
c4 ∗ =v6 ≡ v7 → v8
c5↑ c7↑ c5 =v2 ≡ Bool
c6↑ c6 =v5 ≡ v9
c2 c4 c7 =v8 ≡ v9
c8 ∗ =v0 ≡ v3
c9 ∗ =v0 ≡ v6
c1 c3
c10 =v1 ≡ v2
c11 =v10 ≡ v0 → v1 → v9
All presented tree walks work uniformly on constraint trees, i.e., they are in-
dependent of the information in the tree. But also irregular tree walks can be of
interest, and may lead to even more constraint orderings to choose from: for in-
stance, a tree walk that visits the subtree with the most type constraints first, or
an ordering which is specialized for the constraints of a particular set of expressions.
In Chapter 9, we will discuss how to create custom constraint orderings by defining
specialized type rules.
We conclude our discussion on flattening a constraint tree with an example,
which illustrates the impact the order of constraints has on which constraint is
Example 5.8. Let us consider the following ill-typed expression. Various parts of
the expression are annotated with their assigned type variable. Furthermore, v9 is
assigned to the if-then-else expression, and v10 to the complete expression.
v5 v8
z }| { z }| {
λ f b → if b then f 1 else f [ ]
| | | | | | |
v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v6 v7
The constraint tree TC constructed for this expression is shown in Figure 5.1. The
constraints in this tree are inconsistent: the constraints in the only minimal incon-
sistent subset are marked with a star. Hence, a greedy constraint solver will report
the last of the marked constraints in the list as incorrect. We consider three flatten-
ing strategies. The underlined constraints are the locations where the inconsistency
is detected.
flatten bottomUp TC = [c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 ]
flatten topDown TC = [c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c2 , c1 , c4 , c3 ]
flatten (reversed topDown) TC = [c8 , c9 , c10 , c11 , c7 , c6 , c5 , c4 , c3 , c2 , c1 ]
84 5 Top: a type inference framework
Observe that for each of the tree walks, the inconsistency shows up while solving
a different constraint. These constraints originated from the whole expression, the
subexpression [ ], and the subexpression 1, respectively.
We present a technique to move type constraints from one place in the constraint
tree to a different location. This can be useful if constraints generated at a certain
place in the abstract syntax tree also correspond to a second location. In particu-
lar, we will consider constraints that relate the definition site and the use site of an
identifier. An advantage of this approach (to spread the type constraints in a con-
straint tree) is that we get more interesting ways to organize the type constraints
without changing the constraint collecting process. More specifically, by spreading
constraints we can emulate algorithms that use a top-down type environment, while
using a bottom-up assumption set to collect the constraints.
The grammar for constraint trees is extended with three cases.
Constraint tree:
TC ::= (. . .) (alternatives on page 79)
| (`, c) B◦ TC (spread constraint)
| (`, c) ◦ TC (spread constraint strict)
| `◦ (receiver)
The first two extra cases serve to spread a constraint downwards, whereas the third
marks a position to receive a constraint that is being spread. Labels ` are used
only to find matching spread-receive pairs. The scope of spreading a constraint is
limited to the right argument of B◦ (and ◦).
The cases B◦ and ◦ to spread a constraint are equivalent when it comes to
spreading. However, if we choose not to spread constraints, then the two cases
have different behavior for flattening. The first attaches the constraint to the tree,
whereas the second demands that the constraint is considered before all the con-
straints in the tree. We extend the definition to flatten a tree, and cover the three
new cases.
[(`1 , c1 ), . . . , (`n , cn )] B◦ TC
=def (`1 , c1 ) B◦ . . . B◦ (`n , cn ) B◦ TC (spread list)
[(`1 , c1 ), . . . , (`n , cn )] ◦ TC
=def (`1 , c1 ) ◦ . . . ◦ (`n , cn ) ◦ TC (spread list strict)
5.3 Constraint ordering 85
c5↑ c7↑
c10 c2 c4 c9
c8 c1 c3
v3◦ v6◦
Figure 5.2. A constraint tree with type constraints that have been spread
This definition of spreading comes with a warning: improper use may lead to dis-
appearance or duplication of type constraints. For instance, we expect for every
constraint that is spread to have exactly one receiver in its scope. The definition
of spread can be extended straightforwardly to check this property for a given
constraint tree.
Example 5.8 (continued). We take a second look at the constraint tree for the ill-
typed expression introduced in Example 5.8. We spread the type constraints intro-
duced for the monomorphic pattern variables f and b to their use sites. Hence, the
constraints c8 , c9 , and c10 are moved to a different location in the constraint tree.
At the three nodes of the variables (two for f , one for b), we put a receiver. The
type variable that is assigned to a variable is also used as the label for the receiver.
Hence, we get the receivers v2◦ , v3◦ , and v6◦ . The constraint tree after spreading (TC 0 )
is displayed in Figure 5.2.
86 5 Top: a type inference framework
The bottomUp tree walk after spreading leads to reporting the constraint c4 (created
for the application f [ ]): without spreading type constraints, c9 is reported.
One could say that spreading undoes the bottom-up construction of assumption
sets for the free identifiers, and instead “applies” the more standard approach to
pass down a type environment (usually denoted by Γ ). Therefore, spreading type
constraints gives a constraint tree that corresponds more closely to the type infer-
ence process of Hugs and GHC. Regarding the inference process for a conditional
expression, both compilers constrain the type of the condition to be of type Bool
before continuing with the then and else branches. GHC constrains the type of
the condition even before its type is inferred: Hugs constrains this type afterwards.
Therefore, the inference process of Hugs for a conditional expression corresponds
to an inorder bottom-up tree walk. The behavior of GHC can be mimicked by an
inorder top-down tree walk.
We now define a function phase, which transforms a tree with phase numbers
into a tree where the phases are made explicit by strict nodes. To perform this
transformation, we use phase maps. A phase map is a list of pairs of a phase
number and a constraint tree.
We make sure that the phase numbers in a phase map are always strictly increasing.
First, we define a number of helper-functions to construct, combine, and use phase
pmEmpty :: PhaseMap
pmEmpty = PM [ ]
pmSingleton :: Int → ConstraintTree → PhaseMap
pmSingleton i tree = PM [(i , tree)]
Our next function creates a constraint tree from a phase map by ordering the
constraint trees of the phases in a strict way.
With these helper-functions, we define how to phase a constraint tree. The local
function phaseRec returns a constraint tree and a phase map. The tree that is
returned by this function is the current constraint tree, for which we do not have a
phase number.
88 5 Top: a type inference framework
Most definitions are relatively straightforward: we discuss those that are not. First,
we explain the case for Phase i ctree. From the recursive call, we get the constraint
tree t 0 which is assigned phase number i. This tree is added with the appropriate
phase number to the phase map. We return the empty constraint tree as the first
component of the pair since there are no more constraints for which we do not know
their corresponding phase. Secondly, the two cases that impose a strict ordering on
the constraints (t1 t2 and (`, c) ◦ t) should be handled with care. In both cases,
we use the function phaseTop, which uses pmToTree for converting the phase map
to a constraint tree, and we return an empty phase map.
Example 5.8 (continued). Consider once more the expression
λf b → if b then f 1 else f [ ],
and its constraint tree after spreading type constraints. This tree is shown in Fig-
ure 5.3 on the left. Suppose that we want to treat the subexpressions of conditionals
in a special way. For example, we consider the constraints of the condition (includ-
ing the constraint that this expression should have type Bool ) before all the other
type constraints, so we assign phase 3 to this part of the constraint tree. In a similar
way, we postpone the constraints for the two branches, and use phase number 7
for these parts. The remaining type constraints are assigned to the default phase
(which is 5). The right part of Figure 5.3 shows the constraint tree after phasing.
5.4 Kind inference 89
phase 7 c10
phase 3
c5↑ c6↑ c7↑ c11
c10 c2 c4 c6↑ c7↑
c2 c4
c8 c1 c9 c3
phase 7
c8 c1 c9 c3
The two strict nodes combine the three constraint trees of phase 3, 5, and 7 (from
left to right). Note that a number of empty constraint trees have been omitted to
simplify the presentation of the tree.
The phasing strategy of the previous example is not very realistic: it only il-
lustrates the technique. In Chapter 9, we present convincing examples of how we
can improve the quality of type error messages by assigning phase numbers to type
In conclusion: building a constraint tree for an expression that follows the shape
of the abstract syntax tree provides the flexibility to come up with different order-
ings of the type constraints. Several tree walks have been proposed, including a
bottom-up and a top-down approach. Furthermore, we have presented two tech-
niques to rearrange the constraint tree, namely the spreading of type constraints,
and assigning phase numbers to constraint trees.
is smaller than for the expression language. Secondly, no polymorphic kinds are
inferred in Haskell 98: kind variables are used for unknown kinds, and all kind
variables that remain are assumed to be of kind ?. This process is called defaulting,
and it takes place instead of generalization. Note that, although all inferred kinds
are monomorphic, we have to perform some sort of binding group analysis.
We do not present a set of rules to describe how the kind constraints are col-
lected. Instead, we indicate which kind constraints are collected for a number of
datatype declarations, and we discuss which kinds are inferred.
Example 5.9. Consider the following datatype for a binary tree.
We start with introducing fresh kind variables for the introduced datatype and the
type arguments: this gives us Tree :: κ0 and a :: κ1 . (We write κ0 , κ1 , κ2 , . . . to
distinguish kind variables from type variables.) The first kind constraint we collect
is κ0 ≡ κ1 → ?, which expresses that the type Tree a is of kind ?, and that Tree
is a type constructor expecting a type of kind κ1 . The fields of the datatype’s
alternatives are values, and thus of kind ?. We collect κ0 ≡ κ1 → ? twice for the
two occurrences of Tree a in the alternative Bin. The last constraint we find is
κ1 ≡ ? for the type variable a in Leaf ’s alternative.
The collected constraints are consistent, and we find ? for κ1 (the type variable
a), and ? → ? for κ0 (the type constructor Tree).
Example 5.10. Slightly more difficult is the kind inferred for GRose.
5.5 Advantages
We have presented a framework to tackle the problem of type inference. One distinct
feature of this framework is that it is based on type constraints. We have divided
the process of type inference into three consecutive steps: collecting constraints,
ordering constraints, and solving constraints. Each constraint carries its own infor-
mation, which can be used to create error messages (in case the constraint turns
out to be unsatisfiable), or to provide guidance in the solving of the constraints.
We did not make assumptions about the content of the information stored in a
type constraint. Instead, this is left unspecified by the framework, and should be
provided by the user of the framework. This gives us a considerable amount of flex-
ibility in the amount of information that is present while the constraints are being
solved, which is an important property if good feedback and clear error messages
are important. Although the scope of this chapter is limited to type inference, it
should be clear that the principles of our approach could be applied equally well to
other program analyses. We conclude this chapter with a list of advantages of our
1. Separation of concerns. The approach we follow is based on type constraints,
and thus inherits all the advantages constraint-based analyses have in general.
Typically, a constraint-based analysis consists of two parts. First, we collect
constraints, which is the specification of the problem. The semantics of the
constraints should be clear, i.e., we have to know when the constraints are
satisfied (but not how we will achieve this). A completely separate issue is how
the collected constraints should be solved. We deal with this question in the
second step, which is thus the chosen implementation of the analysis at hand.
Typically, implementations that do not follow the constraint-based approach do
not make this distinction. This makes constraint-based solutions flexible and
very suitable for experimentation. In our framework, we distinguish a third
phase, in which an ordering of the constraints can be selected.
2. Increased reusability. All the efforts to perform type inference, including all the
proposals to obtain good error messages, can be reused in a straightforward way.
The only work that remains is collecting the type constraints from an abstract
syntax tree, which is a relatively straightforward task. This setup is particularly
convenient for developers of tools and compilers in which type inference is not
a primary concern, although it is a desirable analysis to have. To build a type
inferencer from scratch can be quite laborious and subtle to get right. Of course,
this framework can also be used for languages other than Haskell. In particular,
it supports unification-based program analyses.
3. Extensibility. This framework can be extended along several lines, as we dis-
cussed in the introduction of this chapter. The most powerful extension is that
we can add new type constraints to the framework to deal with extensions to
the (type) language. For example, in Chapter 10, we extend the framework
to cope with type classes and overloading. In fact, we can also support other
qualifiers (predicates).
92 5 Top: a type inference framework
Overview. A set of type rules is presented to collect constraints for nearly the entire
Haskell 98 language (except for overloading). These constraint collecting rules are
used in the Helium compiler. For a number of language constructs, we discuss how
generating basic constraints helps to improve the quality of type error messages.
In this chapter, we present a set of type rules that covers almost the language of
the Haskell 98 standard. The most notable difference is that we do not consider
overloading. The language features that are overloaded in the standard (for ex-
ample, the numerical literals, enumerations, and do expressions) are specialized to
work for one particular type only. In Chapter 10, we discuss how the type inference
framework can be extended to cope with overloading, and how the presented type
rules can be generalized accordingly.
Besides overloading, there are some minor differences, but none of great impor-
tance. For instance, we do not consider records. Moreover, the type rules we present
cover exactly the language supported by the Helium compiler [26]. This compiler has
been successfully employed in three introductory programming courses at Utrecht
University. Thus, this chapter addresses a full-blown language.
Before we discuss the type rules, we have to ask ourselves whether this exercise
is worth the effort. Most presentations of type systems are limited to the core
of a language, such as the set of type rules given in Figure 4.5. Many language
constructs can indeed be formulated in terms of a smaller core language. However,
this approach (desugaring) is not to be preferred if good error messages are the
primary concern. The set of presented type rules proves that the constraint-based
approach is scalable.
In the type rules, we use the notation of Section 5.3 for building constraint trees.
These rules are carefully designed to allow for high quality error messages. It is not
our intention to minimize the number of generated constraints, nor the number of
introduced type variables.
In particular, we devote attention to the binding group analysis, which is also
formulated in a bottom-up fashion. A detailed description of this analysis can be
found in Section 6.6.
94 6 A full-blown type system
6.1 Preliminaries
Before we present the type rules, we give an overview of the meta-variables and
symbols that we use for identifiers, operators, non-terminals, and attributes that
appear in the rules. Furthermore, we introduce some notational conventions.
Note, however, that operators can be used in prefix notation by putting parentheses
around the operator. For instance, we can write (+) 3 4 instead of 3 + 4. Similarly,
we can use identifiers in infix position by using back-quotes. For example, 3 ‘plus‘ 4
equals plus 3 4. The same rules hold for constructor identifiers and constructor
operators. If we refer to an identifier, or we write a meta-variable x, then this
includes parenthesized operators.
The grammar for Haskell has many non-terminals, and in order to distinguish
these in the type rules, each non-terminal is assigned a unique meta-variable. This
meta-variable is used throughout the type system consistently. If necessary, we use
variations of the meta-variable for different occurrences, such as a1 , a0 , or a01 for
the meta-variable a. The following table lists the meta-variables for all the non-
terminals we consider.
The type rules contain four different kinds of type environments. Each of the
following environments associates identifiers with types.
Γ is the initial type environment: it contains type schemes for all the imported
functions, and for all data constructors. These are the types we have at top-level
before we start inferring types. Σ is slightly different: it is used to collect declared
type signatures. Both Γ and Σ contain only closed type schemes, i.e., no free
type variables appear in these environments. A and E relate monomorphic types
to identifiers. The former is used to record the types assigned to the unbound
identifiers of an expression, whereas the latter is used for pattern variables that bind
Un that A can have multiple assumptions about one identifier (but
free identifiers. Note
not E). We write i=1 Ai for A1 + +...+ +An . The same notation is used to combine
the other type environments.
We collect triples B = (E, A, TC ) to perform a binding group analysis. Such a
binding group triple contains all the information from a single binding group in
which we are interested.
Some type rules contain judgements that are of the form `0 C : σ. This judgement
should be interpreted as “under an initial type environment Γ , the type scheme σ
is assigned to the constructor C”. A more conventional notation for this judgement
would thus be Γ ` C : σ. However, Γ does not appear in the judgement because
its value does not vary: it is constant. One can consider Γ to be a global variable,
or include it in every type rule.
The type rules we present can be translated directly into an attribute gram-
mar [62]. Most attributes of the typing judgements are computed in a bottom-up
fashion. Our convention is that the few inherited attributes are written enclosed in
angle brackets. In particular, the set of monomorphic types M is passed on top-
down, hence, we write hMi. As a result, the type rules presented in this chapter
are not just a specification of constraint-based type inference, but also suggest an
96 6 A full-blown type system
`l l : τ Literal
(L-Int) (L-Float)
`l Integer : Int `l Float : Float
(L-Char) (L-String)
`l Char : Char `l String : String
E, TC `p p : τ Pattern
(P-Var) (P-WC)
[x : β ], β ◦ `p x : β ∅, • `p :β
C = [τ ≡ Int, β ≡ Int ]
`l l : τ `l l : τ
(P-Lit) (P-Neg)
∅, [β ≡ τ ]• `p l : β ∅, C • `p − l : β
E, TC `p p : τ
+ E, (β ≡ τ ) B •[ β ◦ , TC •] `p x@p : β
[x : β ] +
c1 = (β1 σ) c2 = (β1 ≡ τ1 → . . . → τn → β2 )
`0 C : σ Ei , TC i `p pi : τi 1 6 i 6 n, n > 0
Un (P-Con)
i=1 Ei , c2 B •[ [c1 ]• , TC 1 , . . . , TC n •] `p C p1 . . . pn : β2
c1 = (β1 σ) c2 = (β1 ≡ τ1 → τ2 → β2 )
E1 , TC 1 `p p1 : τ1 `0 :σ E2 , TC 2 `p p2 : τ2
• N (P-Infix)
E1 +
+ E2 , c2 B •[ TC 1 , [c1 ] , TC 2 •] `p p1 p2 : β2
c = (β2 ≡ [β1 ])
ci = (β1 ≡ τi ) Ei , TC i `p pi : τi 1 6 i 6 n, n > 0
Un (P-List)
i=1 Ei , c B •
[ c1 C TC 1 , . . . , cn C TC n •] `p [p1 , . . . , pn ] : β2
c = (β ≡ (τ1 , . . . , τn ))
Ei , TC i `p pi : τi 1 6 i 6 n, n > 0
Un (P-Tuple)
i=1 Ei , c B •[ TC 1 , . . . , TC n •] `p (p1 , . . . , pn ) : β
c = (τ1 ≡ τ2 → β)
hMi, A1 , TC 1 `e e1 : τ1 hMi, A2 , TC 2 `e e2 : τ2
hMi, A1 ++ A2 , c B •[ TC 1 , TC 2 •] `e e1 e2 : β
The constraints created by the two type rules for application are equivalent. How-
ever, dealing with multiple arguments at once (instead of viewing these as nested
applications) has the advantage that the relation between the type of the function
and the type of all its arguments is captured at one single tree node, and that it is
not scattered through numerous constraints. We will profit from this fact when we
define heuristics for improving type error messages involving applications, which
work directly on the constraints created by the type rule (E-Apply).
The last type rule we discuss in this section is for expressions with a type
annotation (E-Typed). These type annotations are closed type schemes. The type
of the annotated expression must be at least as general as the annotation. We
express this as a skolemization constraint (c1 ), and we record the monomorphic
types at this point in the constraint. The type assigned to an annotated expression
6.3 Expressions: part one 99
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ Expression
`0 C : σ
(E-Var) (E-Con)
hMi, [x : β ], β ◦ `e x : β hMi, ∅, [β σ ]• `e C : β
c1 = (τ ≡ Int) c2 = (β ≡ Int)
`l l : τ hMi, A, TC `e e : τ
(E-Lit) (E-Neg)
hMi, ∅, [β ≡ τ ]• `e l : β hMi, A, c2 B •[ c1 C TC •] `e − e : β
c = (τ ≡ τ1 → . . . → τn → β)
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ
hMi, Ai , TC i `e ei : τi 1 6 i 6 n, n > 1
Un (E-Apply)
hMi, A +
+ i=1 Ai , c B •[ TC , TC 1 , . . . , TC n •] `e e e1 . . . en : β
TC new = •[ c1 C TC 1 , c2 C TC 2 , c3 C TC 3 •]
c1 = (τ1 ≡ Bool ) c2 = (τ2 ≡ β) c3 = (τ3 ≡ β)
hMi, A1 , TC 1 `e e1 : τ1
hMi, A2 , TC 2 `e e2 : τ2 hMi, A3 , TC 3 `e e3 : τ3
hMi, A1 +
+ A2 +
+ A3 , TC new `e if e1 then e2 else e3 : β
C` = (E ≡ A) c = (β ≡ τ1 → . . . → τn → τ )
E =( n
i=1 i ) E i , TC i `p pi : τi 1 6 i 6 n, n > 1
hM +
+ ftv (C` )i, A, TC `e e : τ
hMi, A\dom(E), c B C` B◦ •[ TC 1 , . . . , TC n , TC •] `e λp1 . . . pn → e : β
c = (β2 ≡ [β1 ])
ci = (β1 ≡ τi ) hMi, Ai , TC i `e ei : τi 1 6 i 6 n, n > 0
Un (E-List)
hMi, i=1 Ai , c B •[ c1 C TC 1 , . . . , cn C TC n •] `e [e1 , . . . , en ] : β2
c = (β ≡ (τ1 , . . . , τn ))
hMi, Ai , TC i `e ei : τi 1 6 i 6 n, n > 0
Un (E-Tuple)
hMi, i=1 Ai , c B •[ TC 1 , . . . , TC n •] `e (e1 , . . . , en ) : β
c1 = (τ M σ) c2 = (β σ) hMi, A, TC `e e : τ
hMi, A, c2 B •[ c1 C TC •] `e e :: σ : β
Example 6.1. Consider the definition of f , f ’s type signature, and the type annota-
tion for the expression λx → x .
We claim that this definition is well-typed by showing that the constraints created
by (E-Typed) for the type annotation can be satisfied. The type annotation (σ)
is ∀a.(a → a) → a → a. Assume that the type variable v0 is introduced for the
pattern variable x . Then the annotated expression is given the type v0 → v0 , and
v0 does not appear in M. Type constraint c1 = (τ := Skol(M, σ)) holds since
To see that constraint c2 holds too, we have to consider the fresh type variable β
introduced by (E-Typed). This type variable is restricted to be (Int → Int) →
Int → Int because of f ’s type signature. Hence, c2 holds because
Ei , TC i `p pi : τi 1 6 i 6 n, n > 1
Un (LHS-Fun)
x, i=1 Ei , •
[ TC 1 , . . . , TC n •] `lhs x p1 . . . pn : {|τ1 , . . . , τn |}
E1 , TC 1 `p p1 : τ1 E2 , TC 2 `p p2 : τ2
⊗, E1 +
+ E2 , •[ TC 1 , TC 2 •] `lhs p1 ⊗ p2 : {|τ1 , τ2 |}
+ n
Enew = (E + i=1 Ei ) TC new = •[ TC , TC 1 , . . . , TC n •]
x, E, TC `lhs lhs : {|τ10 , . . . , τm
Ei , TC i `p pi : τi 1 6 i 6 n, n > 1
x, Enew , TC new `lhs (lhs) p1 . . . pn : {|τ10 , . . . , τm
, τ1 , . . . , τn |}
c = (τ1 ≡ Bool )
hMi, A1 , TC 1 `e e1 : τ1 hMi, A2 , TC 2 `e e2 : τ2
hMi, A1 +
+ A2 , •[ c C TC 1 , TC 2 •] `ge guard e1 = e2 : τ2
Figure 6.3. Type rules for left-hand sides and right-hand sides
102 6 A full-blown type system
We proceed with the type rules for right-hand sides, which are also shown in
Figure 6.3. A simple right-hand side contains an expression, and some local declara-
tions defined in a where clause. Following the syntax of Haskell, the keyword where
can be omitted if there are no local declarations. A guarded right-hand side con-
tains a list of guarded expressions in combination with a where clause. A guarded
expression is a pair of expressions, with the requirement that the first of these (the
guard) is of type Bool.1 We introduce typing judgements for right-hand sides and
for guarded expressions: both have the same components as the typing judgement
for expressions.
In the type rule (RHS-Guarded), we have a type for each guarded expression.
These types must all be equivalent. Hence, we introduce a fresh type variable β,
and create an equality constraint between β and each of the types. Observe how
each of these constraints is added to the constraint tree in upward direction.
A polymorphic type (scheme) is assigned to the local definitions of a where
clause, and these definitions can be used in the expression or guarded expressions.
Moreover, these local definitions can be defined in terms of each other. We perform
a binding group analysis to take care of this part. The function bga should be
passed a set of monomorphic types (M), a list of binding group triples, and a list
of type signatures (Σ) to perform this analysis. A binding group triple consists of a
pattern variable environment (E), an assumption environment (A), and a constraint
tree (TC ). The function bga returns an extended set of monomorphic types, an
assumption set with the remaining assertions, and a new constraint tree. In both
type rules for a right-hand side, i.e., (RHS-Simple) and (RHS-Guarded), we
introduce one new binding group triple Bnew containing the assumption set and
the constraint tree of the expression, or guarded expressions, respectively. The
pattern variable environment component of this triple is empty, which indicates
that this new binding group can use the functions defined in the other binding
groups, although it does not add new functions that can be used by the others. We
postpone presenting the definition of bga to Section 6.6.
6.5 Declarations
hMi, B, Σ `d d Declaration
c = (τ1 ≡ τ2 ) B = (E, A, c B •[ TC 1 , TC 2 •)
E, TC 1 `p p : τ1 hMi, A, TC 2 `rhs rhs : τ2
hMi, B, ∅ `d p = rhs
B = ([x : β ], i=1Ai , c B •[ β ◦ , C1 E TC 1 , . . . , Cn E TC n •)
c = (β ≡ β1 → . . . → βm ) !
Ci = [β1 ≡ τ(1,i) , . . . , βm ≡ τ(m,i) ]
1 6 i 6 n, n > 1
hMi, x, Ai , TC i `fb fb i : {|τ(1,i) , . . . , τ(m,i) |}
hMi, B, ∅ `d fb 1 ; . . . ; fb n
C` = (E ≡ A)
x, E, TC 1 `lhs lhs : {|τ1 , . . . , τn |} hM ++ ftv (C` )i, A, TC 2 `rhs rhs : τ
hMi, x, A\dom(E), C` B◦ •[ TC 1 , TC 2 •] `fb lhs = rhs : {|τ1 , . . . , τn , τ |}
for a function binding (Figure 6.4). We introduce typing judgements for a function
binding fb, which are of the form hMi, x, A, TC `fb fb : {| τ1 , . . . , τn |}. The last
component of this judgement is a list of types, which are collected for the formal
parameters of the left-hand side, plus the type of the right-hand side. Observe
that the variables in the patterns on the left-hand side bind free variables on the
right-hand side. Hence, we create labeled equality constraints for the environment
of the left-hand side (E) and the assumption set of the right-hand side (A). The
set of monomorphic types is extended with the type variables occurring in these
We return to the type rule (D-FB). Assume that we have n function bindings
(n > 1), and that each of these bindings has a type list of m elements. (All the
function bindings must have the same number of arguments. Thus, we know that
all type lists are of the same length.) Suppose that the left-hand sides define a
function f , which has m − 1 patterns, and suppose that the right-hand sides are all
simple (unguarded) expressions. Then we have the following situation.
104 6 A full-blown type system
β1 ... β(m−1) βm
We introduce m fresh type variables (β1 . . . βm ), and use each to unify the types in
the corresponding column. This approach gives us a matrix of equality constraints.
Because the constraints should be attached to the constraint tree of their corre-
sponding function binding and added in upward direction, we put the constraints
of each row in a constraint set. This gives us n constraint sets [C1 , . . . , Cn ] for the n
function bindings. We introduce another fresh type variable (β), which represents
the type of the function being defined. This type is a function type composed of the
m fresh type variables introduced for the columns, as is formulated by constraint c.
All the created constraints are assembled into a new constraint tree, which is part
of the binding group triple B in the conclusion.
We could have devised simpler type rules to replace (D-FB) and (FB). A direct
approach would be to assign a function type to each function binding, instead of
creating a list of types, and constrain these function types to be equivalent. However,
our approach is much more general, because we know for each equality constraint
in the matrix the very specific reason why it was constructed. Hence, this approach
is more suitable for creating precise error messages. Column-wise unification is
also part of Yang’s algorithm H [68], where this unification technique is called the
two-dimensional pattern relation.
The third alternative for a declaration is the type rule for explicit type signatures
(D-Type). Such a type signature ends up in the Σ component of the judgement.
Furthermore, we return an empty binding group triple.
initial = (M, ∅, •)
(E, A1 , TC 1 ) ⊕ (M2 , A2 , TC 2 ) =
C`1 = A1 Σ; A01 = A1 \dom(Σ )
C`2 = E M Σ; E 0 = E\dom(Σ )
C`3 = A01 ≡ E 0 ; A001 = A01 \dom(E 0 )
The dependencies between the five triples are shown in the figure on the right. An
arrow goes from a triple which defines a variable to another triple that uses that
variable. Dependencies from B2 labeled with f are absent, since f appears in Σ.
We combine B3 and B4 since they are mutually recursive. The list [B5 , B3+4 , B1 , B2 ]
is a valid ordering of the binding groups.
106 6 A full-blown type system
In the second step, we process the list of binding groups from right to left (foldr).
We start with a triple containing M, an empty assumption set, and an empty
constraint tree. Suppose that we want to process a binding group B = (E, A1 , TC 1 ).
Furthermore, assume that we have a triple (M2 , A2 , TC 2 ), which is the current
state. To deal with B, we create five constraint sets (see the definition of bga).
C`1 : We create an instantiation constraint for assumptions in A1 for which we have
a type scheme in Σ.
C`2 : A skolemization constraint is created for each variable in E with a type scheme
in Σ. This constraint records the set of monomorphic types passed to bga, and
it constrains the type of a definition to be more general than its declared type
C`3 : We now consider the pattern variables in E without a type scheme in Σ.
This environment E 0 contains the pairs for which no constraint was created in
step 2. Similarly, we take the assumptions from A1 without a type scheme (say
A01 ), which are the leftovers from step 1. Equality constraints are generated
between matching pairs of E 0 and A01 . Note that we create an equality con-
straint because these matching pairs correspond to (mutually) recursive calls
of an implicitly typed definition. These calls are monomorphic with respect
to the definition.
C4 : The pattern variables in E 0 are implicitly typed, and we associate a fresh type
scheme variable with each of these variables. Such a type scheme variable is a
place-holder, and will eventually contain the inferred type of its correspond-
ing pattern variable. Let implicits be this association list. A generalization
constraint is constructed for each pattern variable x in E 0 . This constraint re-
lates the type of x in E 0 with the fresh type scheme variable of x in implicits.
We generalize with respect to the set M. Note that we do not spread these
constraints. Hence, we have a constraint set C4 rather then C`4 .
C`5 : In A2 are assumptions for identifiers from other binding groups that are un-
bound (so far). For each identifier which is also in dom(implicits), we introduce
an instantiation constraint.
After creating these five constraint sets, we return a new triple. The set of mono-
morphic types M2 is extended with the free type variables of C`3 . We combine the
assumption sets A01 and A2 , but remove the assumptions for which a constraint
was generated in step 3 or step 5. Furthermore, we build a new constraint tree
consisting of TC 1 , TC 2 , and the five constraint sets. The first three constraint sets
are spread downward into TC 1 , and we spread C`5 into TC 2 .
The composed constraint tree imposes restrictions on the order of the type
constraints. The generalization constraints of C4 have to be considered after all
the constraints in TC 1 (including the constraints that are spread into this tree),
but before the constraints of C`5 . To meet this requirement, a strict ordering is
imposed (). A more subtle requirement is that the instantiation constraints of
C`1 and C`5 should not be considered too late in case we choose not to spread
the constraints. For these labeled constraint sets, we use the strict variant (◦)
to spread constraints. The next example illustrates why postponing instantiation
constraints can be harmful.
6.6 Binding group analysis 107
Example 6.3. Consider the following expression, where id is the identity function
from the Prelude, which has type ∀a.a → a.
let f = id in f f
Assume that id is assigned the type variable v0 . Then, we have the constraint
v0 := Inst(∀a.a → a) at top-level. This constraint has to be considered before we
generalize the type of f , and assign this type scheme to the type scheme variable
introduced for f . Spreading the instantiation constraint moves the constraint into
the let definition, which circumvents the problem.
Example 6.2 (continued). We continue with the five binding groups and Σ pre-
sented at page 105. We start our binding group analysis with B2 , which is the last
triple in the ordered list. Two new labeled constraints are created using f ’s type
signature in Σ, because f is in the pattern environment and in the assumption set.
This gives us the following constraint tree.
TCA = (`v3 , v3 := Inst(∀a.a → a))
◦ (`v1 , v1 := Skol(M, ∀a.a → a)) B◦ TC 2
AA = [y : v2 ]
The assumptions in AA are the assumptions from B2 that are not yet dealt with.
We continue with B1 . The constraint tree TCA is extended with the constraint tree
of B2 , but no new constraints are added.
TCB = TC 1 TCA AB = [x : v0 , y : v2 ]
Next, we consider the combined triples of B3 and B4 . At this point, various things
happen. The type variable v9 must be an instance of f ’s type signature, and an
equality constraint is generated for all uses of x in B3 and B4 , and also for y.
Because x and y do not have an explicit type signature, we assign two fresh type
scheme variables to them, and create two generalization constraints. Finally, the
assumptions about x and y in AB must be instances of the generalized types of x
and y, respectively. Hence, we get the following constraint tree.
TCC = ((`v9 , v9 := Inst(∀a.a → a)) ◦
[(`v6 , v4 ≡ v6 ), (`v10 , v4 ≡ v10 ), (`v7 , v8 ≡ v7 ), (`v11 , v8 ≡ v11 )] B◦
•[ TC 3 , TC 4 •)
[(`v4 , σ0 := Gen(M, v4 )), (`v8 , σ1 := Gen(M, v8 ))]•
([(`v0 , v0 := Inst(σ0 )), (`v2 , v2 := Inst(σ1 ))] ◦ TCB )
AC = [g : v5 , z : v12 ]
Two assumptions from B3 and B4 can be found in AC . The last binding group
to deal with is B5 . This group defines g and h, which we assign the type scheme
variables σ2 and σ3 , respectively. We create an instantiation constraint for the
assumption about g in AC . Thus, our final constraint tree is:
TCD = TC 5 [(`v13 , σ2 := Gen(M, v13 )), (`v14 , σ3 := Gen(M, v14 ))]•
((`v5 , v5 := Inst(σ2 )) ◦ TCC )
AD = [z : v12 ]
These groups do not handle the assumption about z : this is done elsewhere.
108 6 A full-blown type system
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ Expression
c = (β1 ≡ τ1 → τ2 → β2 )
hMi, A1 , TC 1 `e e1 : τ1 hMi, A2 , TC 2 `e e2 : τ2
hMi, A1 + + A2 , c B •[ TC 1 , β1 ◦ , TC 2 •] `e e1 ⊗ e2 : β2
+ [⊗ : β1 ] +
c1 = (β1 ≡ τ → β2 → β3 ) c2 = (β4 ≡ β2 → β3 )
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ
+ [⊗ : β1 ], c1 B c2 B •[ TC , β1 ◦ •] `e (e ⊗ ·) : β4
hMi, A +
c1 = (β1 ≡ β2 → τ → β3 ) c2 = (β4 ≡ β2 → β3 )
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ
+ A, c1 B c2 B •[ β1 ◦ , TC •] `e (· ⊗ e) : β4
hMi, [⊗ : β1 ] +
Figure 6.6. Type rules for let expressions and infix applications
In this section, we present the expressions that we skipped in Section 6.3. We discuss
the type rules for let expressions, infix applications, case expressions, enumerations,
do expressions, and list comprehensions.
Let expressions
The type rule for a let expression is given in Figure 6.6. The binding group triples
collected for the declarations, extended with one new triple for the body of the let
expression, are used in the binding group analysis. We also pass the collected type
signatures to the function bga.
Infix applications
The type rules for infix application, presented in Figure 6.6, are similar to the type
rule (E-Apply) for application. In addition to normal infix application (e.g., the
expression x + y), we consider left sections (5∗) and right sections (/2). In all three
cases, multiple fresh type variables are introduced: for a section, we even get four
new type variables. The type variable β1 represents the type of the operator in the
three rules. The pair ⊗ : β1 is included in the assumption set, and we add a receiver
β1◦ to the constraint tree. Furthermore, we assign a fresh type variable to the infix
6.7 Expressions: part two 109
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ Expression
TC new = •[ c C TC , C1 E TC 1 , . . . , Cn E TC n •]
c = (β1 ≡ τ ) hMi, A, T !C `e e : τ
Ci = [β1 ≡ τ(1,i) , β2 ≡ τ(2,i) ]
1 6 i 6 n, n > 1
hMi, Ai , TC i `alt alt i : {|τ(1,i) , τ(2,i) |}
+ n
hMi, A + i=1 Ai , TC new `e case e of alt 1 ; . . . ; alt n : β2
C` = (E ≡ A)
E, TC 1 `p p : τ1 hM + + ftv (C` )i, A, TC 2 `rhs rhs : τ2
hMi, A\dom(E), C` B◦ •[ TC 1 , TC 2 •] `alt p → rhs : {|τ1 , τ2 |}
application, and via type constraints, we relate this type variable with the type of
the operator.
The type rule (E-LSect) requires that the operator is binary, conform the
Haskell 98 Report [49]. Hugs, on the contrary, weakens this restriction, and allows
left sections to have a non-function type. An operator for which both operands are
omitted, such as (+), is typed as a variable.
Case expressions
A case expression consists of an expression (called the scrutinee), and a number
of alternatives. Each alternative has a pattern and a right-hand side, and we use
judgements of the form hMi, A, TC `alt alt : {| τ1 , τ2 |} to type an alternative alt.
The type list contains exactly two types (the types of the pattern and the right-
hand side, respectively). Figure 6.7 contains the type rule (Alt) for alternatives.
The pattern variables in p bind the free identifiers in the right-hand side. Hence,
we create equality constraints for matching pairs of identifiers with (E ≡ A), and
we extend the set of monomorphic types.
We continue with a discussion on the type rule for a case expression (E-Case).
For all alternatives of the case expression, we have two types. We introduce two
fresh type variables: β1 represents the type of all the patterns, and also the type of
the scrutinee, and β2 is used to equate the right-hand sides. The latter type variable
is also the type assigned to the complete case expression. All the constraints created
for a case expression are added to the constraint tree in upward direction.
110 6 A full-blown type system
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ Expression
TC new = (c4 B •[ c1 C TC 1 , c2 C TC 2 , c3 C TC 3 •)
c1 = (τ1 ≡ Int) c2 = (τ2 ≡ Int)
c3 = (τ3 ≡ Int) c4 = (β ≡ [Int])
hMi, A1 , TC 1 `e e : τ1
hMi, A2 , TC 2 `me me 1 : τ2 hMi, A3 , TC 3 `me me 2 : τ3
hMi, A1 +
+ A2 +
+ A3 , TC new `e [e, me 1 .. me 2 ] : β
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ
(ME-Just) (ME-Nothing)
hMi, A, TC `me e : τ hMi, ∅, • `me · : β
In Haskell 98, we can create enumerations for types in the Enum type class. The
type rule (E-Enum) for enumerations, which can be found in Figure 6.8, is limited
to values of type Int. We consider four variants of an enumeration: examples are [1..],
[1, 3..], [1..10], and [1, 3..10]. Instead of defining a type rule for each of the variants,
we use maybe expressions, which are either just an expression, or nothing at all.
The type rules for maybe expressions are straightforward: the typing judgements
are similar to the judgements for expressions. In (ME-Nothing), we assign a fresh
type variable to the empty expression.2 In (E-Enum), the three subexpressions
are all restricted to have type Int, and the complete expression, which is assigned
a fresh type variable, is constrained to have type [Int]. The constraint c2 has no
effect if me1 is empty (similarly for c3 and me2 ).
Do expressions
In our type system, the do expressions are restricted to the IO monad. Typing such
an expression poses two challenges, which are, in combination, non-trivial to solve.
• The type of a do expression depends on the type of the last statement. This last
statement must be an expression, and cannot be, for instance, a generator.
• We have to make sure that occurrences of identifiers are bound correctly. For
example, consider the expression do x ← e1 ; e2 . The pattern variable x can be
used in e2 , but not in e1 .
If me1 in (E-Enum) is the empty expression, then the comma is omitted as well.
6.7 Expressions: part two 111
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ Expression
hM, τ ? i, ∅, • `ms · : τ ?
c = (τ ≡ IO β)
hMi, A1 , TC 1 `e e : τ hM, βi, A2 , TC 2 `ms ms : τ2?
hM, τ1? i, A1 +
+ A2 , •[ c C TC 1 , TC 2 •] `ms e; ms : τ2?
TC new = (c B C` B◦ •[ TC 1 , TC 2 , TC 3 •)
c = (IO τ1 ≡ τ2 ) C` = (E ≡ A3 )
E, TC 1 `p p : τ1 hMi, A2 , TC 2 `e e : τ2
hM + + ftv (C` ), ·i, A3 , TC 3 `ms ms : τ2?
hM, τ1? i, A2 +
+ A3 \dom(E), TC new `ms p ← e; ms : τ2?
The difficulty of dealing with these issues depends on how we choose to represent a
sequence of statements in the abstract syntax tree. If we encode it as a list directly
under the do node, then it is easy to determine the type of the do, but handling
the scoping issue becomes complicated. We have chosen a different encoding that
simplifies dealing with the scoping issue. We present a type rule for the empty
sequence (M-Empty) in Figure 6.9, and three type rules for non-empty sequences,
namely, sequences starting with a statement expression (M-Expr), a statement
let (M-Let), or a generator (M-Gen). We use one inherited attribute and one
synthesized attribute (a maybe type) to get the type of the last statement.
Let ms be a sequence of statements: we use a judgement hM, τ1? i, A, TC `ms ms :
τ2? to type ms. In this judgement, τ1? is an inherited maybe type (it is either a type,
or it is nothing), and τ2? is a synthesized attribute. Take a look at the type rule
for a statement expression (M-Expr). The inherited maybe type (τ1? ) is simply
112 6 A full-blown type system
ignored since the statement associated with this type is not the last statement of
the sequence. Instead, we pass the fresh type variable β to the judgement of ms. If
ms is the empty sequence, then the synthesized maybe type (τ2? ) equals β. To see
this, take a look at the type rule for the empty sequence (M-Empty). The type of
the expression e must be equal to IO β.
The type rule for a monadic let is given by (M-Let). We create a new binding
group for the assumptions and the constraint tree of the sequence of statements
following the let. We perform a binding group analysis on this binding group, to-
gether with the binding groups from the declarations of the let. We use a no type
(·) in the judgements for ms, since a let cannot be the last statement of a sequence.
The pattern variables of a generator (M-Gen) bind the free identifiers in ms
(A3 ). The free type variables of the created equality constraints are used to extend
the monomorphic set with which we type ms. Observe how the constraint c relates
the types of the pattern and the expression.
With these four type rules for sequences of statements, we present the type rule
(E-Do) for a do expression. We pass a no type to the sequence of statements, and
we get back a type τ . The do expression is assigned a fresh type variable β, which
is constrained to be IO τ by constraint c.
List comprehensions
A list comprehension contains an expression, and a sequence of qualifiers. The type
rules for such an expression are given in Figure 6.10. The type rules for a sequence
of qualifiers are very similar to the rules for a sequence of statements. One difference
is that the pattern variables of the qualifiers bind free identifiers in the expression of
the list comprehension. Intuitively, the expression is considered after the qualifiers.
We take care of this by passing the expression as an inherited attribute to the
sequence of qualifiers, until we reach the end of the sequence.
The typing judgement for a sequence of qualifiers qs is hM, ei, A, TC `qs qs : τ ,
where e is the inherited expression. Because the type rules for qualifiers and the
type rules for statements are so alike, we only discuss the type rules (E-Compr)
and (Q-Empty).
In (E-Compr), expression e is passed to the judgement of the qualifiers. The
type τ mentioned in the judgement of qs represents the type of one element of the
list comprehension. A fresh type variable β is assigned to the list comprehension,
which must be equal to the type [τ ]. In the type rule for an empty sequence of
qualifiers (Q-Empty), we deal with the expression from the list comprehension.
Observe that the three type rules for non-empty sequences only propagate this
expression, until it arrives at the empty sequence. The typing judgement for this
expression provides all the information we need for the judgement of the empty
6.8 Modules
We present one more type rule which is to be applied at the top-level. This type rule
is displayed in Figure 6.11, and assumes that we have a type inference environment
6.8 Modules 113
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ Expression
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ
hM, ei, A, TC `qs · : τ
c = (τ1 ≡ Bool )
hMi, A1 , TC 1 `e e : τ1 hM, e0 i, A2 , TC 2 `qs qs : τ2
hM, e0 i, A1 +
+ A2 , •[ c C TC 1 , TC 2 •] `qs e; qs : τ2
TC new = (c B C` B◦ •[ TC 1 , TC 2 , TC 3 •)]
c = ([τ1 ] ≡ τ2 ) C` = (E ≡ A3 )
E, TC 1 `p p : τ1 hMi, A2 , TC 2 `e e : τ2
hM + + ftv (C` ), e0 i, A3 , TC 3 `qs qs : τ3
hM, e0 i, A2 +
+ A3 \dom(E), TC new `qs p ← e; qs : τ3
Γ which is known a priori. Typically, this environment contains the types for all the
imported functions, as well as the types for all data constructors. This environment
is used to create instantiation constraints for the assumptions that are free after the
binding group analysis, which is performed for the top-level declarations. This set of
instantiation constraints is spread downwards into the constraint tree. We expect
A\dom(Γ ) to be the empty set. If this is not the case, then there are unbound
Type graphs
All inference algorithms for the Hindley-Milner type system rely on the unification
of types. This holds for the two standard type inference algorithms W and M (Sec-
tion 2.4), and also for the constraint-based algorithm Infer described in Chapter 4.
These algorithms perform several unifications, and combine the (most general) uni-
fiers into a single substitution. Knowledge about type variables is incorporated in
this substitution, which is used during the rest of the inference process. However,
the history of the type deductions is lost.
A number of proposals to improve type error messages suggest to modify algo-
rithm W, and to store a reason for each type deduction (Section 3.2). Although
this idea seems promising, it is a rather ad-hoc extension to an algorithm that was
not designed to provide good feedback in the first place. For example, the extended
algorithm still proceeds in a predetermined order, which yields a bias in the stored
Instead of modifying an existing algorithm, we propose an advanced data struc-
ture (a type graph) to represent substitutions, in which we can store reasons in a
completely unbiased way. A type graph is constructed out of a collection of equality
constraints, and has the remarkable property that it is able to represent inconsis-
tent states. Thus, we can also construct a type graph for an inconsistent constraint
set. Using type graphs offers two advantages:
• For constructing high quality type error messages, it is crucial to have as much
information as possible available. Type graphs store information about each
unification in a natural way. In fact, with the right amount of information,
type graphs easily generalize many of the approaches discussed in Chapter 3.
Type graphs profit from compilers that hold on to valuable information (such as
positional information), and that do not desugar the abstract syntax tree prior
to type inference.
• Type graphs prevent the introduction of bias, because a set of equality con-
straints can be solved jointly. This is possible only because type graphs can
116 7 Type graphs
We start by exploring type graphs for a simple type language in which a type τ is
either a type variable or a type constant.
Simple type:
τ ::= v0 , v1 , v2 , . . . (type variable)
| A, B, C, . . . (type constant)
Let us now consider a set of equality constraints between two simple types. Con-
straints that enforce equality on two type constants are not very interesting: such
a constraint holds trivially (A ≡ A), or it cannot be satisfied in any way (A ≡ B).
The other forms of equality constraints, such as v0 ≡ A, B ≡ v1 , and v0 ≡ v1, are
of more interest to us.
A type graph is constructed from a set of equality constraints. This graph is used
to discover combinations of constraints that are inconsistent, and it provides us with
a solution (a substitution for the type variables) in case there is no inconsistency. A
vertex is created for each type variable, and for each occurrence of a type constant.
An (undirected) edge is inserted for each equality constraint, which connects the
vertices of the two types of the constraint. The connected components that appear
in the graph reflect the sets of vertices that should correspond to the same type.
7.1 Simple type graphs 117
#3 #0 #1 #4
A (v4 ) v0 v1 v2 B (v5 )
A (v6 ) v3
Each of the constraints is annotated with a label (#0, #1, #2, . . .). Figure 7.1 shows
the type graph constructed from this constraint set. In this figure, the type constants
are labeled with a variable so that we can refer to one particular type constant.
The only equivalence group of this type graph contains two error paths between
the constants A and B, namely [#3, #0, #1, #4] and [#5, #2, #1, #4].
Definition 7.1 (Constant clash). Two type constants clash if they are different,
and present in the same equivalence group. In such a case we say that the type
graph is in an inconsistent state. The inconsistency is witnessed by the error paths
that connect the two constants.
A maximal consistent subset is a set of constraints such that adding one con-
straint from the original set (one that is not yet present) would introduce an in-
118 7 Type graphs
The notions of maximal consistent subsets and minimal inconsistent sets are closely
related. The set of constraints that is absent in a maximal consistent subset is of
special interest. Removing all these constraints from a type graph restores consis-
tency: the set of removed constraints contains at least one constraint from each
minimal inconsistent set.
Proof. The set C ∪ {x} is inconsistent (by Definition 7.2), although it is not nec-
essarily minimal inconsistent. Keep removing constraints from this set until it is
minimal inconsistent: let this set be X. Because C is consistent, x must be present
in X. t
Example 7.1 (continued). The constraint set used to build the type graph shown
in Figure 7.1 has six maximal consistent subsets.
{#0, #1, #2, #3, #5} {#0, #1, #2, #4} {#0, #1, #4, #5}
{#0, #2, #3, #4, #5} {#1, #3, #4, #5} {#1, #2, #3, #4}
These six sets are the alternatives that make the type graph consistent. If we
leave out constraint #1 or #4, then the inconsistency disappears. Alternatively, we
remove one of #2 and #5, and one of #0 and #3. In total, this gives us six options.
Observe that the sizes of the maximal consistent subsets vary. This indicates that
some alternatives to restore consistency require more corrections in the type graph
than others. The two minimal inconsistent subsets of the original constraint set are
the two error paths in the type graph.
implies that v0 ≡ v2 and v1 ≡ v3 (for some binary type constructor F ). These two
constraints obtained by propagation are not independent, since they both origi-
nate from the same source constraint. Note that equality can also be propagated
indirectly as a result of a chain of equalities that equate two composite types. For
instance, G v0 ≡ v1 and v1 ≡ G v2 together imply that v0 ≡ v2 . Secondly, equali-
ties between composite types can lead to infinite types. For example, the constraint
v0 ≡ v0 → v1 can never be satisfied. We have to cope with such inconsistencies in
our type graphs.
The simple type language of the previous section is extended with type applica-
tion, which we assume to be left associative. (The new type language is the same as
the one introduced on page 10.) Again, we only consider well-formed types, thereby
completely ignoring kinding aspects such as the arity of a type constructor.
τ ::= v0 , v1 , v2 , . . . (type variable)
| A, B, C, . . . (type constant)
| τ 1 τ2 (type application)
Before we explain how we construct a type graph for a given set of equality
constraints, we present a brief overview of the structure of our type graphs.
• A vertex in the type graph corresponds to a type variable, a type constant, or
a type application.
• A type graph contains three kinds of edges. Child edges are directed, and are
used to express the parent-child relation between two vertices. Note that all
child edges depart from a vertex that corresponds to a composite type. Further-
more, we have initial edges and implied edges, which are undirected. Both of
these edges express equality. Each initial edge corresponds to a single equality
constraint, and vice versa. Implied edges represent equality propagated for two
composite types.
• The subgraph of a type graph that contains only the child edges, and not the
initial edges nor the implied edges, is called the term graph.
• Equivalence groups are the connected components of a type graph when we take
only initial and implied edges into account. The vertices of an equivalence group
are supposed to correspond to the same type.
• An equality path is a path between two vertices of the same equivalence group
such that this path contains only initial and implied edges.
We now discuss how to construct a type graph for a set of equality constraints.
The following three steps are executed for each equality constraint that is to be
included in the type graph.
1. A term graph is constructed for the left-hand side type of the equality con-
straint. Similarly, we construct a term graph for the type on the right-hand
side. The term graph for a type variable is a single vertex: this vertex is shared
by all occurrences of this type variable in the constraint set. The term graph
for a type constant is a single vertex, which we annotate with the constant.
For each occurrence of this constant in the constraint set, we introduce a new
120 7 Type graphs
@ (v1 )
@ (v2 )
(`) (r)
F (v3 ) v0
#0 #1
@ (v2 ) v1 @ (v5 )
(`) (r) (`) (r)
Figure 7.3 shows the type graph constructed for this constraint set. The two initial
equality constraints are labeled with #0 and #1. The type graph has four implied
equality edges (the dashed edges). The type graph contains four equivalence groups,
including one that contains all the shaded vertices. This group contains both type
constants A and B.
The interesting question is, of course, why two vertices end up in the same
equivalence group. For example, if two distinct type constants are part of the same
equivalence group, then we want to find out which equality constraints are (to-
gether) responsible for the inconsistency in the type graph. An equality path be-
tween the two constants is a combination of initial and implied edges, and witnesses
the supposed equality. We want to put the blame of the inconsistency on equality
constraints from which the type graph was constructed. Each initial edge corre-
sponds directly to such an equality constraint, but for implied edges we have to
trace why such an edge was inserted in the type graph. For this reason, we discuss
expansion of equality paths.
Expanding a path entails replacing its implied edges by the equality paths be-
tween the two parent vertices (that are part of another equivalence group). Re-
peatedly replacing implied edges yields a path without implied edges. To denote
(δ) (δ)
an expanded equality path, we use the annotations Upi and Downi , where δ is
either ` (left child) or r (right child). The annotation Up corresponds to moving
upwards in the term graph (from child to parent) by following a child edge, whereas
Down corresponds to moving downwards (from parent to child). Each Up annota-
tion in an equality path comes with a Down annotation at a later point, which
we make explicit by assigning unique Up-Down pair numbers, written as subscript.
The unique pair numbers emphasize the stack-like behavior of Up-Down pairs, and
serve no other purpose.
122 7 Type graphs
G (v3 ) G (v4 )
(`) (`)
#0 #1
G (v5 ) @ (v6 ) v0 @ (v7 )
Example 7.2 (continued). Consider Figure 7.3 again, and in particular the error
path π from the type constant A (v8 ) to the type constant B (v9 ) (via the type
variable v0 ). Expanding the implied edge between A (v8 ) and v0 yields a path that
contains the implied edge between @ (v6 ) and @ (v3 ) . Expansion of this implied edge
gives the path between @ (v5 ) and @ (v2 ) , which consists of the two initial edges.
(r) (`) (`) (r)
Hence, we get the path [Up0 , Up1 , #1, #0, Down1 , Down0 ] after expanding the
(v8 )
implied edge between A and v0 . Similarly, we expand the implied edge between
v0 and B (v9 ) . The expanded error path π is now:
(r) (`) (`) (r) (r) (r)
π = [ Up0 , Up1 , #1, #0, Down1 , Down0 , Up2 , #0, #1, Down2 ].
| {z } | {z }
Both initial edges appear twice in π. Note that by following Up2 from v0 , we can
arrive at either v2 or v3 . In general, Up annotations do not uniquely determine a
target vertex. This ambiguity can be circumvented straightforwardly by including
a target vertex in each Up annotation.
To make a type graph consistent, we first determine all (expanded) error paths,
and then remove at least one initial edge from each path. When we remove an
initial edge from the type graph, all implied edges that rely on this initial edge are
removed as well. To determine which implied edges have to be removed as a result
of removing an initial edge, we use a technique similar to equality propagation: we
search for composite types that are no longer part of the same equivalence group,
and we check the equivalence groups of the children.
Besides the error paths that connect different type constants in the same equiv-
alence group, we also consider error paths between type constants and type ap-
plications that are part of the same equivalence group. There is a third category
of error paths, which are closely related to the occurs check found in unification
algorithms. Such a path starts and ends in the same vertex v, and may contain
any number of equality edges (both initial and implied), and at least one edge from
parent to child (without ever going back in the opposite direction). This path is a
7.2 Full type graphs 123
E0 E1
E2 (`)
proof that v represents an infinite type.1 We will refer to such a path as an infinite
path. The following example illustrates the concept of infinite paths.
From the first two constraints (#0 and #1) we conclude that v1 and v2 should
be the same type, but the third constraint (#2) contradicts this conclusion. This
contradiction becomes apparent in the type graph for this constraint set, which is
shown in Figure 7.4. Starting in v1 , we follow edge #2 and arrive at v2 by taking the
right-child edge of the application vertex. The implied equality edge brings us back
to our starting point v1 . After expansion of this implied edge, we get the following
error path π.
(r) (r)
π = [#2, Down(r)∞ , Up0 , #1, #0, Down0 ]
The one child edge followed downwards with no matching upward child edge is
annotated with ∞. The removal of any of the three constraints would make this
path disappear.
Figure 7.5 displays the parent-child dependencies between these equivalence groups.
The directed edge from E2 to E2 reveals the presence of an infinite path.
If the type language can represent recursive types, for instance via a recursion operator,
then there is no need to consider these infinite paths as problematic.
124 7 Type graphs
7.2.1 Cliques
The number of vertices in an equivalence group can become large, and also the
number of application vertices in a group can become arbitrarily large. Equality
must be propagated to the children of each pair of application vertices. Hence, the
number of implied equality edges is quadratic in the number of application vertices
that are present in a single equivalence group.2 A simple observation is that this
leads to a clique of vertices: all vertices are connected to each other by an implied
edge, and all have a parent that is part of the same equivalence group. Hence, we
choose a different (and more efficient) representation for our implementation of a
type graph. This optimization gives us two advantages.
• It reduces the number of implied equality edges in a type graph. The number
of implied equality cliques that can appear in a type graph is limited to the
number of application vertices, whereas the number of implied equality edges is
quadratic in the number of application vertices.
• Some of the equality paths that contain multiple implied equality edges from
the same clique can be excluded in our search for the error paths of a type
graph. This reduces the number of error paths.
Note that this optimization does not affect the basic principles of a type graph.
Definition 7.4 (Detour equality path). A detour is a path that consists of two
(consecutive) implied edges from the same clique. A detour equality path is an equal-
ity path that contains at least one detour. A shortcut of a detour equality path is
the path in which we remove the two implied edges that form a detour, say from v0
to v1 and from v1 to v2 , and replace it by the implied edge from v0 to v2 .
The idea is that error paths with a detour can be completely ignored for the follow-
ing reason: the shortcut of such a path is also an error path, and removing initial
edges from the type graph such that the shortcut disappears implies that the detour
equality path has disappeared as well. This result is formulated in the next lemma.
Lemma 7.2 (Redundancy of detour equality paths). Let π be a detour equal-
ity path, and let π 0 be a shortcut for π. We can get rid of π 0 by removing initial
edges from the type graph. As soon as π 0 is no longer present in the type graph, the
detour equality path π has been removed too.
Proof. Suppose that the source of π (and π 0 ) is vs , the target is vt , and assume π
contains the detour from v0 to v1 to v2 . We have three options to remove π 0 from
the type graph: we break the path from vs to v0 , from v0 to v2 , or the path from v2
to vt . The first and the last option immediately remove π as well. We work out the
case of breaking the implied edge from v0 to v2 in detail. Recall that implied edges
cannot be removed from the type graph: instead, implied edges may disappear as
a result of removing initial equality edges.
To be precise: if an equivalence group contains n application vertices, then n2 − n
implied equality edges will be inserted in the type graph, half for the left children, half
for the right children.
7.2 Full type graphs 125
(`) (r)
(`) (r)
@ (v8 ) @ (v9 )
#3 #4
G (v6 ) G (v7 ) v2 v3
@ (v10 ) @ (v11 )
(`) (r)
(`) (r)
The clique of the detour was introduced because the parents of v0 , v1 , and v2
(say v00 , v10 , and v20 , respectively) are in the same equivalence group. The implied
equality edge between v0 and v2 disappears only if v00 and v20 are no longer part of
the same equivalence group. If there is no equality path between v00 and v20 , then
certainly no equality path exists from v00 to v20 via v10 . Hence, at least one of the two
implied equality edges of π’s detour has disappeared, which implies that the path
π is no longer present in the type graph. t
The intuition is that an equality path should never have two consecutive implied
equality edges from the same clique. Note, however, that a non-consecutive (second)
visit of an implied equality clique is not necessarily a detour. The next example
illustrates this idea.
Example 7.4. Consider the following set of type constraints.
#0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
C = { v0 ≡ G B , v1 ≡ G A , v0 ≡ v1 , v0 ≡ G v3 , v1 ≡ G v2 , v2 ≡ v3 }
The type graph constructed for this constraint set is shown in Figure 7.6. This
type graph consists of three equivalence groups – two equivalence groups have an
implied equality clique of four vertices. What are the error paths in this type graph
that are not a detour?
The only irregularity in the type graph is that the constants A and B are part
of the same equivalence group. The most obvious equality path is the implied edge
from the vertex A (v12 ) to B (v13 ) . Expansion of this edge gives us a path between
the application vertices v9 and v8 . Hence, our first error path is
(r) (r)
π0 = [Up0 , #1, #2, #0, Down0 ].
But this is not the only error path – if that were the case, then removing #0, #1,
or #2 would make the constraint set consistent. For the first two constraints this
is true, but removing #2 from C leaves the constraint set inconsistent.
126 7 Type graphs
One could propose to consider the error path from A (v12 ) to v3 to B (v13 ) . How-
ever, Lemma 7.2 tells us that this equality path is a detour (and is thus redundant).
And indeed, expanding this path gives us
(r) (r) (r) (r)
[Up0 , #1, #2, #3, Down0 , Up1 , #3, #0, Down1 ],
which is a detour of π0 .
The additional error path we should consider is from A (v12 ) to v2 by following
the implied edge, then taking the initial equality edge #5 to vertex v3 , and from
there to B (v13 ) with an implied edge. This path visits the implied equality clique
twice, but there are no two consecutive steps within the same clique. A third path
exists, going first to v3 , then to v2 , before ending in B (v13 ) .
(r) (r) (r) (r)
π1 = [Up0 , #1, #4, Down0 , #5, Up1 , #3, #0, Down1 ]
(r) (r) (r) (r)
π2 = [Up0 , #1, #2, #3, Down0 , #5, Up1 , #4, #2, #0, Down1 ]
The error path π1 remains after the removal of #2, which confirms that only remov-
ing #2 does not make the type graph consistent. There are five “minimal” sets, and
removing all the constraints of one of these sets makes the type graph consistent.
{{#0}, {#1}, {#2, #3}, {#2, #4}, {#2, #5}}
Note that the complements of these sets are maximal consistent subsets of the
original constraint set.
Interestingly, type graphs have an additional benefit when it comes to type syn-
onyms. Type synonyms let one introduce new type constants to abbreviate types
that are already present in the language. This serves two purposes: complex types
become easier to write and read, and one can introduce intuitive names for a type.
One advantage type synonyms have over introducing new datatypes is that stan-
dard functions on the representation can still be used with the type synonym. A
type synonym can have type arguments, although partial application of a type
synonym is not allowed. Examples of type synonyms include:
7.3 Implementation
-- Equivalence group
emptyGroup :: EQGroup info
splitGroup :: EQGroup info → [EQGroup info ]
insertVertex :: VertexId → VertexInfo → EQGroup info → EQGroup info
insertEdge :: EdgeId → info → EQGroup info → EQGroup info
insertClique :: Clique → EQGroup info → EQGroup info
removeEdge :: EdgeId → EQGroup info → EQGroup info
removeClique :: Clique → EQGroup info → EQGroup info
combineGroups :: EQGroup info → EQGroup info → EQGroup info
-- Type graph
createGroup :: EQGroup info → TypeGraph info ()
updateGroupOf :: VertexId → (EQGroup info → EQGroup info)
→ TypeGraph info ()
equivalenceGroupOf :: VertexId → TypeGraph info (EQGroup info)
combineClasses :: [VertexId ] → TypeGraph info ()
splitClass :: VertexId → TypeGraph info [VertexId ]
We start with a function to construct a term graph for a given type. The VertexId
associated with the type is returned.
The type synonyms are used to expand the top-level type constructor of the type tp.
Inner type synonyms are left unchanged. Note that newtp is the expanded type, and
original is the original type (or Nothing if no type synonym was used). Then we pro-
ceed by the case of newtp. For a type variable, we return the corresponding VertexId
(recall that we use one vertex for all occurrences for the same type variable). For a
type constant, we create a new vertex with the function makeNewVertex , to which
we pass information about the original type. If newtp is a type application, then
130 7 Type graphs
we recursively create the term graphs for the children, and create a new vertex to
represent the type application.
In order to make a new vertex, we request a fresh VertexId . Next, a new equivalence
group is created that only contains this single vertex, together with the informa-
tion that is passed as an argument. The types of createGroup, insertVertex , and
emptyGroup can be found in Figure 7.7.
Now that we can create a term graph for a given type, the next step is to handle the
insertion of equality constraints. Or, by taking another viewpoint, to add an initial
edge to the type graph. First, we create two term graphs for the types involved.
We add an (initial) equality edge between the two VertexId s and store the additional
information. Adding an initial edge to the type graph is defined as follows.
Clearly, the vertices v1 and v2 should, eventually, end up in the same equivalence
group. To achieve this, we call combineClasses with a list containing the two ver-
tices. This is just to record that the two equivalence groups have been combined.3
Next, we insert the edge in the equivalence group of v1 (and thus also the group
of v2 ). At this point, the only thing left to do is to propagate equality caused by
the merging of the equivalence groups. But before we give an implementation of
propagateEquality, take a look at the following type definitions.
Depending on the implementation of the type graph monad, this call to combineClasses
can be omitted altogether.
7.3 Implementation 131
We nominate the first vertex as representative of the clique. The same criterion is
used to obtain the representative of an equivalence group containing a given vertex.
Given a vertex v , childrenInGroupOf determines the left and right children in the
equivalence group that contains v .
childrenInGroupOf :: VertexId →
TypeGraph info ([ParentChild ], [ParentChild ])
childrenInGroupOf v =
do eqgroup ← equivalenceGroupOf v
return $ unzip
[ (ParentChild p v1 LeftChild , ParentChild p v2 RightChild )
| (p, (VApp v1 v2 , )) ← vertices eqgroup
The left and right children of v ’s equivalence group are computed. This results in
a list of ParentChild values for the left children, and a list for the right children. Of
course, both lists have the same length. Next, the representative of the equivalence
group is determined for each left child. For the moment, we leave this list (left)
with values of type VertexId for what it is. We do the same for the right children.
In case listLeft has at least two elements, then we add a clique for the left children,
and also for the right children. How to add a clique is discussed later on. After the
two cliques have been added to the type graph, all the left children are in the same
equivalence group. If necessary, we propagate equality for this equivalence group.
Likewise, we propagate equality for the right children.
First, the equivalence groups of the clique’s children are merged into a single group.
Then a clique is inserted in this group.
Removing an edge from a type graph is the reverse process. The following function
defines how to delete an initial edge.
The edge is removed from its equivalence group. This removal may cause the equiv-
alence group to be split in two (although not always). Hence, we have to propagate
the removal. Take a look at the following definition.
7.3 Implementation 133
variables = [i | (VertexId i , ) ← vertices eqgroup ]
constants = nub [s | ( , (VCon s, )) ← vertices eqgroup ]
applies = [(l , r ) | ( , (VApp l r , )) ← vertices eqgroup ]
originals = [tp | ( , ( , Just tp)) ← vertices eqgroup ]
The function typeOfGroup returns a value of type Maybe Tp: Nothing is returned
for an inconsistent equivalence group. First, we list all variables that are in the
equivalence group, all the type constants (we remove duplicates), and all the type
applications. The list originals contains the original types (where the type synonyms
are not expanded) stored in this equivalence group. In the first two cases, Nothing
is returned, reflecting that this equivalence group is not consistent. The third case
handles a consistent group that contains at least one original type. A function
theBestType is used to select one of the possible types that are equivalent under
the list of type synonyms (see the discussion on type synonyms of Section 7.2). The
final case returns a type variable (the representative of this equivalence group) if
there are no type constants or type applications present. Note that in the case of a
type application, we return an application of two type variables and do not recurse.
We continue with the definition of substituteVariable, which returns, if possible,
the type of a vertex in our TypeGraph monad.
check the history, and return Nothing if this type variable was encountered before.
Otherwise, we use typeOfGroup to determine the type of the equivalence group of
the type variable. Depending on the result, we are done, we recurse (and extend
our history), or we fail. The case for a type constant is straightforward, as it is this
type that is to be returned. In the final case, a type application, we determine the
type of both constituents, and combine these to return a composite type.
With the first combinator, we can switch from one constraint solver to another. We
switch to the second constraint solver if a condition is met on the result of solving
the constraints with the first solver. Given two constraint solvers s1 and s2 , and a
predicate p, we write s1 5p s2 to denote the composition of s1 and s2 under p with
the switch combinator.
Definition 7.6 (Switch combinator). Let s1 and s2 be constraint solvers, and
let p be a predicate. Solving a constraint set C with the composite solver (s1 5p s2 )
is defined by:
s2 C if p (s1 C)
(s1 5p s2 ) C =def
s1 C otherwise
This definition does not imply that s1 has to finish solving C completely before we
can switch to s2 . If the condition p can be verified during the process of solving
constraints with s1 , then we can switch immediately.
Example 7.5. Let us consider a “smart” constraint solver that follows a greedy
strategy (Definition 5.4, page 78), but as soon as it runs into an inconsistency, it
switches to the type graph solver (Definition 7.5, page 126) to get more precise
error messages. This composite solver is fast in solving consistent constraint sets,
and accurate for inconsistent sets. We define this solver as
Thus far, we have only considered solving a complete constraint set at once. It is
plausible, however, that not all constraints in a given set relate to each other: not
even indirectly via other constraints. Therefore it may be worthwhile to unravel a
constraint set, and to search for subsets that can be solved independently. We first
define when two constraint sets are independent of each other.
C1 = { v0 ≡ v1 , σ0 := Gen(∅, v0 → v1 ) , v2 := Inst(σ0 )
, v2 ≡ Int → Int , v3 := Skol(∅, σ0 ) }
C2 = { v4 ≡ v5 → v6 , v5 ≡ v6 }
C3 = { v7 ≡ Bool }
The following lemma formulates that if two constraint sets are independent,
then their solutions are also unrelated (w.r.t. the substitutions and the type scheme
Lemma 7.3. Let C1 and C2 be independent constraint sets, and let Θ1 and Θ2 be
solutions found for C1 and C2 , respectively. Then
Proof. Only type variables that are free in the constraint set that is solved can
appear in the domain of the substitution, plus some fresh type variables that are
introduced during solving (Lemma 4.7). Under the assumption that we use different
sets of fresh type variables to solve C1 and C2 , the domains of SΘ1 and SΘ2 are
disjoint. Likewise, the domain of a type scheme substitution is limited to the type
scheme variables that appear in the constraint set. t
7.4 Composing constraint solvers 137
C1 7s C2 =def s C1 s C2
Example 7.7. We define a new constraint solver, which uses the switching solver
from Example 7.5. Let C be the constraint set to be solved. Our solver yields
C1 7switching . . . 7switching Cn with {C1 , . . . , Cn } = Independent(C).
If we take a closer look at the independent constraint sets of Example 7.6 (and C1
in particular), then we see that our algorithm for partitioning a constraint set is too
coarse. Three constraints in C1 contain σ0 : the generalization constraint associates
a type scheme with σ0 , whereas the instantiation constraint and the skolemization
constraint use this type scheme. It is, however, not necessary to solve these three
constraints within the same constraint set as long as the constraint set containing
the generalization constraint is taken into account before the constraint sets that
use σ0 . Hence, we define:
Definition 7.9 (Before relation). C1 must be solved before C2 if and only if at
least one of the type scheme variables that are assigned a type scheme in C1 (i.e.,
by a generalization constraint) is used in C2 .
In conjunction with this definition, we weaken the notion of independent con-
straint sets, and only take the free type variables into account (and not the type
scheme variables). Note that Lemma 7.3 still holds under the weakened notion: if
Θ is the solution for C, then dom(ΣΘ ) contains exactly the type scheme variables
that are defined in C. We introduce a new algorithm Topological that partitions
a constraint set, and orders the parts, such that the free type variables of the con-
straint sets are disjoint, and such that the ordering is consistent with the before
138 7 Type graphs
C1 ={ v0 ≡ v1 , σ0 := Gen(∅, v0 → v1 ) }
C2 ={ v2 := Inst(σ0 ) , v2 ≡ Int → Int }
C3 ={ v3 := Skol(∅, σ0 ) }
C4 ={ v4 ≡ v5 → v6 , v5 ≡ v6 }
C5 ={ v7 ≡ Bool }.
Note that the order of these sets is now important. Other orderings exist: the only
restrictions we have on the order of the constraint sets is that C1 must be taken
into account before C2 and C3 , because of the type scheme variable σ0 .
We have to refine Definition 7.8 for fusing two solutions. Suppose that C1 must
be solved before C2 . The idea is that the type scheme substitution in the solution
found for C1 is applied to C2 , after which we solve this substituted set.
Definition 7.10 (Fusion refined). Let C1 and C2 be constraint sets such that
ftv (C1 ) ∩ ftv (C2 ) = ∅, and C1 must be solved before C2 . Fusing the process of solving
C1 and C2 is defined as follows.
The following proposition states that the refined fusion combinator is still sound.
Proposition 7.2. Let C1 and C2 be constraint sets such that ftv (C1 ) ∩ ftv (C2 ) = ∅,
and C1 must be solved before C2 . Then C1 7s C2 and s (C1 ∪ C2 ) are equal up to
alpha conversion.
f (definition)
solving (by a generalization constraint), which imposes the before ordering on con-
straint sets.
A monomorphic variable (i.e., an identifier that has just one type, for instance
introduced by a lambda abstraction) opposes solving constraint sets independently.
In fact, the constraint sets of functions that share one or more monomorphic vari-
ables must be solved jointly. In practice, this is not a serious restriction since the
top-level functions are free of monomorphic variables.
The following example sketches how we determine the constraint sets that are
solved in topological order.
add x y = x + y
The function add only depends on the predefined function for addition. Because no
type signature is supplied for add , we can infer its type independently of the rest
of the program.
The type of test depends on the type inferred for add , and the types assigned to
the local definitions y and f . The definition for y uses square and x . Because we
have a type signature for square, the type of y does not depend on the definition
of square. Moreover, the constraint sets for (the definition of) square and y can be
solved independent of each other, although both depend on square’s explicit type.
140 7 Type graphs
However, y’s type also depends on the type of x , which is monomorphic in y’s
definition. Since x is introduced in test, the types of test and y are related, and,
as a result, the constraints collected for test and y must be solved simultaneously.
The definition of f , on the other hand, only requires an inferred type for add .
Figure 7.8 shows the dependencies between the constraint sets of the definitions
and the type signatures. Observe that the constraint sets for test and y are com-
bined. Furthermore, the type signature for square ensures that y does not depend
on square’s definition. Note that partitioning the constraint set is closely related to
performing binding group analysis.
Solving constraint sets in this way is a step towards incremental type inference:
making a small change to a program should result in a new typed program without
the need to recompute all types. Of course, changes may introduce type errors in a
well-typed program, and vice versa. Type dependencies, such as the dependencies
in Figure 7.8, encode exactly in which parts of a program types may change. Hence,
we only have to solve the constraints for the parts of a program that are influenced
by an edit operation. Advanced editors, such as Proxima [56], could benefit from
incremental type inference as they can offer online type inference during program
development. Without support in the type inference process, online inference is
hardly advantageous, since full type inference for a large program is likely to cost
too much time.
But we can go one step further. An editor for structured documents is aware of
the program’s abstract syntax tree. Changes on the structure of such a tree can be
translated into changes in the constraint set. Because constraints can be added to
and removed from a type graph, it is relatively simple to incorporate small changes
of a constraint set in a type graph without building the type graph from scratch.
The previous chapter explains how type errors in a program show up as error paths
in the program’s type graph. The last step in the type inference process is to extract
information from the type graph, and use this to notify the programmer about his
We take the following approach: we keep on removing initial edges from the
type graph until the graph is consistent. Because each initial edge corresponds
directly to a specific equality constraint, we basically remove constraints from our
constraint set. For each edge removed from the type graph, we create one type
error message, thereby using the constraint information stored with that edge.
The approach naturally leads to multiple type error messages being reported. The
important question is, of course, which constraints (or edges) to select for removal.
In principle, all the constraints that are on an error path are candidates. How-
ever, we feel that some constraints are better candidates for removal than others.
To select the “best” candidate for removal, we consult a number of type graph
heuristics. These heuristics are mostly based on common techniques used by ex-
perts to explain type errors. In addition to selecting what is reported, heuristics
can specialize error messages, for instance by including hints and probable fixes.
Because our system of heuristics consists of several independent type graph
heuristics, we also need some facility to coordinate the interaction between the
heuristics. Although this is a crucial part of the system, we will not go into details.
We present a number of heuristics. Of course, one can extend and fine-tune this
collection. In fact, the next chapter introduces type inference directives, which allow
a user to define his own heuristics.
A final consideration is how to present the errors to a user, taking into con-
sideration the limitations imposed by the used output format. In this chapter we
consider reporting textual error messages, which is a common approach taken by
(command-line) compilers and interpreters. Other techniques to present informa-
tion available in a type graph (e.g., an interactive session, the highlighting of all
contributing program sites, or an explanation in English) are also within reach.
142 8 Heuristics
For each set in P , we have to remove at least one of its constraints from the type
graph. At first sight, the constraint #1 is the best candidate for removal because it
is present in three error paths. Unfortunately, after removing #1, we still have to
remove #2, #3, and #4. This confirms that selecting the constraint which appears
in most error paths not necessarily yields the least number of corrections: a better
alternative would be to remove {#2, #3, #4} Although this example is contrived
(for instance, because {#1, #2} ⊇ {#2}), comparable situations can arise from real
The share-in-error-path heuristic helps to report the most likely source of an
error, and implements the approach suggested by Johnson and Walz [30]: if we have
three pieces of evidence that a value should have type Int, and only one for type
Bool, then we should focus on the latter. In general, this heuristic does not reduce
the set of candidates to a singleton. As such, it only serves to guide the selection
Example 8.2. Consider the following definition, which contains a type error.
The right-hand sides of the case alternatives have different types: in the first alter-
native, the right-hand side is of type Bool , but in the other alternatives it is of type
String. Also the type signature supports the theory that the right-hand side should
have type String. As a result, our heuristic will suggest to report the expression
8.3 Trust factor heuristic 143
False as the anomaly. To give an idea, we could report the following error message
for the definition of showInt.
(4,14): Type error in right-hand side
expression : False
type : Bool
does not match : String
Example 8.3. Suppose that we have three error paths, and assume that the labels
of the constraints correspond to the order of the constraints.
π0 = [#1, #2, #3] π1 = [#2, #4, #5] π2 = [#2, #5, #6, #7]
The first constraint which is selected for removal is #3, which completes π0 . The
error paths π1 and π2 will remain after removal of #3. In the second round, con-
straint #5 is selected, which resolves the other two inconsistencies. Note that this
heuristic does not select #2, although this constraint is present in all error paths.
high trust factor will, if possible, not be used to create an error message. Instead, we
choose to report constraints with a low trust factor. The trust factor of a constraint
can be a combination of many considerations, and we discuss a number of cases.
The list can be extended to further enhance error messaging.
• Some constraints are introduced pro forma: they seem to hold trivially. An ex-
ample is the constraint expressing that the type of a let expression equals the
type of the body (see (E-Let) on page 103). Reporting such a constraint as
incorrect would be highly inappropriate. Thus, we make this constraint highly
trusted by assigning it the highest trust factor possible. As a result, this con-
straint will not be reported.
Example 8.4. The following definition is ill-typed because the declared type sig-
nature does not match with the type of the body of the let expression.
squares :: Int
squares = let f i = i ∗ i
in map f [1 . . 10]
Dropping the constraint that the type of the let expression equals the type of
the body would remove the type inconsistency. However, the high trust factor
of this constraint prevents us from doing so. In this case, we select a different
constraint, and report, for instance, the incompatibility between the type of
squares and its right-hand side.
• Some of the constraints restrict the type of a subterm (e.g., the condition of
an if-then-else expression must be of type Bool ), whereas others constrain the
type of the complete expression at hand (e.g., the type of a pair is a tuple type).
These two classes of constraints correspond very neatly to the unifications (error
messages) that are performed (reported) by algorithm W and algorithm M
respectively. We refer to constraints corresponding to M as folklore constraints.
Often, we can choose between two constraints – one which is folklore, and one
which is not.
Example 8.5. In the following definition, the condition should be of type Bool ,
but is of type String.
Algorithm W detects the inconsistency at the conditional, when the type in-
ferred for "b" is unified with Bool . This would result in the following error
(2,13): Type error in conditional
expression : if "b" then "yes!" else "no!"
term : "b"
type : String
does not match : Bool
8.3 Trust factor heuristic 145
Algorithm M, on the other hand, pushes down the expected type Bool to the
literal "b", which leads to the following error report.
(2,13): Type error in literal
expression : "b"
type : String
expected type : Bool
In our constraint-based system, both error messages are available, and the lat-
ter corresponds to a folklore constraint. In our experience, folklore constraints
should (preferably) not be reported, since they lack contextual information and
are usually harder to understand. Each folklore constraint is assigned a negative
trust factor.
• The type of a function imported from the Prelude should not be questioned. At
most, such a function is used incorrectly.
Example 8.6. The arguments of foldr should have been supplied in a different
sumInt :: [Int ] → Int
sumInt is = foldr 0 (+) is
The type of foldr in this definition must be an instance of foldr ’s type scheme,
which is ∀ab.(a → b → b) → b → [a ] → b. Relaxing this constraint resolves
the type inconsistency. However, we assign a high trust value to this constraint,
and thus report a different constraint as the source of error.
• Although not mandatory, type annotations provided by a programmer can guide
the type inference process. In particular, they can play an important role in the
reporting of error messages. These type annotations reflect the types expected
by a programmer, and are a significant clue where the actual types of a program
differ from his perception.
We can decide to trust the types that are provided by a user. In this way,
we can mimic a type inference algorithm that pushes a type signature into its
definition. Practice shows, however, that one should not rely too much on type
information supplied by a novice programmer: these annotations are frequently
in error themselves.
• A final consideration for the trust factor of a constraint is in which part of the
program the error is reported. Not only types of expressions are constrained, but
errors can also occur in patterns, declarations, and so on. Hence, also patterns
and declarations can be reported as the source of a type conflict. Whenever
possible, we report an error for an expression.
Example 8.7. In the definition of increment, the pattern ( : x ) (x must be a
list) contradicts with the expression x + 1 (x must be of type Int).
increment ( : x ) = x + 1
We prefer to report the expression, and not the pattern. If a type signature
supports the assumption that x must be of type Int, then the pattern can still
be reported as being erroneous.
146 8 Heuristics
To correct the application map ([1 . . n ], square), we search for an adapted version
of map which expects its arguments paired and in reversed order. Consider the
following two morphisms between the real type of map (on the left), and its expected
type (on the right).
µ1 = λf (xs, g) → f g xs
(a → b) → [a ] → [b ] −→ ([a ], a → b) → [b ]
µ2 = λf g xs → f (xs, g)
In this case, the type variables a and b are both Int. Note that applying µ1 to map
corrects the type error.
Note that the recursive call should have been fac (n − 1): the parentheses correct
the definition. Although this function does not compute the faculty of an integer,
it is still well-typed. This semantic error will not be detected.
Up to this point, we have seen two program correcting heuristics: the first re-
arranges the types of functions, the second rearranges the abstract syntax tree of
expressions by inserting and removing parentheses. Clearly, a combination of the
two would allow us to suggest more complex sequences of edit operations. However,
the more complicated our suggestions become, the less likely it is that it makes
sense to the programmer.
We conclude this discussion with a last program correcting heuristic. Since the
numeric literals are not overloaded, the constants 0 and 0.0 cannot be interchanged
– the first is of type Int, the second has type Float. It may be worthwhile to consider
the other variant if such a literal is involved in a type inconsistency.
148 8 Heuristics
Example 8.11. In the following definition, the initial value supplied to foldr is of
the wrong type.
Here, (+.) is an operator which adds two floats. Changing the literal solves the
problem. Thus, we report the following.
(2,23): Type error in literal
expression :0
type : Int
expected type : Float
probable fix : use the float literal 0.0 instead
but for algorithm W, for instance, this is an impossible task. Unless this type is
unconstrained, we can determine the exact number of arguments that should be
given to the function, as is shown in the next example.
Example 8.12. The following definition is ill-typed: map should be given more ar-
guments (or xs should be removed from the left-hand side).
At most two arguments can be given to map: only one is supplied. The type signa-
ture for incrementList provides an expected type for the result of the application,
which is [Int]. Note that the first [Int] from the type signature belongs to the left-
hand side pattern xs. Hence, we can conclude that map should be applied to exactly
two arguments. We may report that not enough arguments are supplied to map,
but we can do even better. If we are able to determine the types inferred for the
arguments (this is not always the case), then we can determine at which position
we have to insert an argument, or which argument should be removed. We achieve
this by unification with holes.
First, we have to establish the type of map’s only argument: (+1) has type
Int → Int. Because we are one argument short, we insert one hole (•) to indicate
a forgotten argument. (Similarly, for each superfluous argument, we would insert
one hole in the function type.) This gives us two cases to consider.
configuration 1 :
function (a → b) → [a] → [b]
arguments + context • → (Int → Int) → [Int]
configuration 2 :
function (a → b) → [a] → [b]
arguments + context (Int → Int) → • → [Int]
Configuration 1 does not work out, since column-wise unification fails. The second
configuration, on the other hand, gives us the substitution S = [a := Int, b := Int].
This informs us that our function (map) requires a second argument, and that this
argument should be of type S([a]) = [Int].
Example 8.13. The expression (−1) is of type Int, and can therefore not be used as
the first argument of map.
We report the following error message, which focuses on the first argument of map.
(2,25): Type error in application
expression : map (−1) xs
function : map
type : (a → b) → [a ] → [b ]
1st argument : −1
type : Int
does not match : a → b
Example 8.15. All the elements of a list should be of the same type, which is not
the case in f ’s definition.
f x y = [x , y, id , "\n"]
In the absence of a type signature for f , we choose to ignore the elements x and
y in the error message. By considering how f is applied in the program, we could
obtain information about the types of x and y. In our system, however, we never
let the type of a function depend on the way it is used. We report that id , which
has a function type, cannot appear in the same list as the string "\n".
In the two examples above, the type of the context is also a determining factor,
in addition to the branches of a conditional and the elements of a list, respectively.
Our last example shows that even if we want to put blame on one of the cases, we
can use the other cases for justification.
A considerable amount of evidence supports the assumption that the pattern (x , xs)
in maxOfList’s third function binding is in error: the first two bindings both have a
list as their first argument, and the explicit type expresses that the first argument
of maxOfList should be of type [Int ]. In a special hint we enumerate the locations
that support this assumption. In our message, we focus on the pattern (x , xs).
(4,11): Type error in pattern of maxOfList
pattern : (x , xs)
type : (Int, [Int ])
does not match : [Int ]
Hint: The first pattern of maxOfList should be of type [Int ],
according to (1,14), (2,11), (3,11).
Lastly, observe that the type variables used to instantiate a type scheme serve
the same purpose as a unifier. Hence, we could apply the same techniques to improve
error reporting for a polymorphic function. For instance, consider the operator ++,
which has type ∀a.[a] → [a] → [a]. If two operands of + + cannot agree upon the
type of the elements of the list, we could report ++ and its type, together with the
two candidate types for the type variable a.
Clarity and concision are often lacking in type errors reported by modern compil-
ers. This problem is exacerbated in the case of combinator languages. Combinator
languages are a means of defining domain specific languages embedded within an
existing programming language, using the abstraction facilities present in the latter.
However, since the domain specific extensions are expressed in terms of constructs
present in the underlying language, all type errors are reported in terms of the
host language, and not in terms of concepts from the domain specific language. In
addition, the developer of a combinator library may be aware of various mistakes
which users of the library are likely to make: something which can be explained in
the documentation for the library, but which cannot be made part of the library
We have identified the following problems that are inherent to commonly used
type inference algorithms.
1. A fixed order of unification. Typically, the type inferencer traverses a program
in a fixed order, and this order strongly influences the reported error site. More-
over, a type inferencer checks type correctness for a given construct, say function
application, in a uniform way. However, for some function applications it might
be worthwhile to be able to depart from this fixed order. To overcome this prob-
lem, it should be possible to override the order in which types are inferred by
delaying certain unifications, or by changing the order in which subexpressions
are visited.
2. The size of the mentioned types. Often, a substantial part of the types shown
in a type error message is not relevant to the actual problem. Instead, it only
distracts the programmer and makes the message unnecessarily verbose. Preser-
vation of type synonyms where possible reduces the impact of this problem.
154 9 Directives
3. The standard format of type error messages. Because of the general format of
type error messages, the content is often not very poignant. Specialized expla-
nations for type errors arising from specific functions would be an improvement
for the following reasons. Firstly, domain specific terms can be used in explana-
tions, increasing the level of abstraction. Secondly, depending on the complexity
of the problem and the expected skills of the intended users, one could vary the
verbosity of the error message.
4. No anticipation for common mistakes. Often, the designer of a library is aware
of the common mistakes and pitfalls that occur when using the library. The
inability to anticipate these pitfalls is regretful. Such anticipation might take
the form of providing additional hints, remarks, and suggested fixes that come
with a type error.
By way of example, consider the set of parser combinators designed by Swier-
stra [61], which we believe is representative for (combinator) libraries. Figure 9.1 (a)
contains a type incorrect program fragment for parsing a lambda abstraction (see
Section 9.1 for a description of the parser combinators). In the example, an ex-
pression is either an expression with operators which have the same priority as the
boolean and operator (pAndPrioExpr ), or the expression is a lambda abstraction
which may abstract a number of variables.1 The most likely error is indicated in
comments in the example itself: the subexpression <∗ pExpr indicates that an ex-
pression, the body of the lambda, should be parsed at this point, but that the result
(in this case an Expr ) should immediately be discarded (as is the case with "\\"
and "->"). As a result, the constructor Lambda is only applied to a list of patterns,
so that the second alternative in pExpr has Expr → Expr as result type. However,
the first alternative of pExpr yields a parser with result type Expr and here the
conflict surfaces for this program.
Consider the type errors reported by Hugs in Figure 9.1 (b), and by GHC in (c).
Comparing the two messages with the third message in (d) which was generated
using our techniques, we note the following.
• The third message refers to parsers and not to more general terms such as
functions or applications. It has become domain specific and can solve problem
(3) to a large extent.
• It only refers to the incompatible result types.
• It includes precise location information.
In addition, Hugs displays the unfolded non-matching type, but it does not
unfold the type of pAndPrioExpr , which makes the difference between the two seem
to be even larger. This is an instance of problem (2). Note that if the Parser type
had been defined using a newtype (or data) declaration, then this problem would
not have occurred. However, a consequence of such a definition is that wherever
parsers are used, the programmer has to pack and unpack them. This effectively
puts the burden on him and not on the compiler.
We assume here that we are dealing with a list of tokens, and not characters, but this
is no essential difference.
9 Directives 155
Couldn’t match Expr against Expr → Expr
Expected type: [Token ] → [(Expr , [Token ])]
Inferred type: [Token ] → [(Expr → Expr , [Token ])]
In the expression:
(((Lambda <$ (pKey "\\")) <∗> (many pVarid )) <∗ (pKey "->")) <∗ pExpr
In the second argument of (<|>), namely
(((Lambda <$ (pKey "\\")) <∗> (many pVarid )) <∗ (pKey "->")) <∗ pExpr
(7,6): The result types of the parsers in the operands of <|> don’t match
left parser : pAndPrioExpr
result type : Expr
right parser : Lambda <$ pKey "\\" <∗> many pVarid <∗ pKey "->" <∗ pExpr
result type : Expr → Expr
(e) Helium, version 1.1 (type rules extension and sibling functions)
In the case of GHC, the error message explicitly states what the non-matching
parts in the types are. On the other hand, it is not evident that the expected type
originates from the explicit type signature for pExpr . The expressions in the error
message include parentheses which are not part of the original source. It is striking
that the same long expression is listed twice, which makes the message more verbose
without adding any information.
Note that if, instead of applying the constructor Lambda to the result of the
parser, we immediately apply an arbitrary semantic function, then the messages
generated by Hugs and GHC become more complex. Again, we see an instance of
problem (2).
In Figure 9.1 (e) we have the absolute extreme of concision: when our facility for
specifying so-called sibling functions is used, the inferencer discovers that replacing
<∗ by the related combinator <∗> yields a type correct program. The fact that <∗>
and <∗ are siblings is specified by the programmer of the library, usually because
his experiences are that these two are often mixed up. This kind of facility helps to
alleviate problem (4). Please note that it is better to generate a standard type error
here, and to give the “probable fix” as a hint. There is always the possibility that
the probable fix is not the correct one, and then the user needs more information.
In the light of the problems just described, we present an approach that can
be used to overcome the problems with type error messages for a given library. An
important feature of our approach is that the programmer of a such a library need
not be familiar with the type inference process as it is implemented in the compiler:
everything can be specified by means of a collection of type inference directives,
which can then be distributed as part of the combinator library. If necessary, a user
of such a library may adapt the directives to his own liking. An additional benefit
is that the type inference directives can be automatically checked for soundness
with respect to the type inference algorithm present in the compiler. All directives
proposed in this chapter are implemented in the Helium compiler [26].
This chapter is organized as follows. After a minimal introduction to the parser
combinator library in Section 9.1, we propose solutions for the four problems just
identified (Section 9.2), and describe how to specify the necessary type inference
directives. In Section 9.3, we explain some technical details that are essential in
making this work. Finally, Section 9.4 summarizes the contributions of the directives
that are proposed in this chapter.
possible results (to cope with failing and ambiguous parsings). A result consists of
(the semantics of) whatever was parsed at this point, which is of type a, and the
remainder of the input.
The main combinators in our language are the operators <∗>, <|>, and <$>,
and the parser sym. The first of these is the sequential composition of two parsers,
the second denotes the choice between two parsers. We may recognize terminal
symbols by means of the sym parser, which takes the symbol to recognize as its
parameter. To be able to parse a symbol, we have to be able to test for equality. In
Haskell this is usually done by way of type classes, but we have chosen to include
the predicate explicitly. In forthcoming chapters we deal with type classes, and
explain how these type classes influence the directives proposed in this chapter. We
introduce symbol for notational convenience, which works on characters.
We now have all we need to implement BNF grammars. For instance, the pro-
duction P → QR | a might be transformed to the Haskell expression
pP = pQ <∗> pR <|> symbol ’a’.
The type of each of the parsers pQ <∗> pR and symbol ’a’ must of course be the
same, as evidenced by the type of <|>. The type of the combinator <∗> specifies
that the first of the two parsers in the composition returns a function which is
applied to the result of the second parser. An alternative would be to return the
paired results, but this has the drawback that, with a longer sequence of parsers,
we obtain deeply nested pairs which the semantic functions have to unpack.
Usually, one uses the <$> combinator to deal with the results of a sequence of
158 9 Directives
• They are not part of the programming language, and can be easily switched off.
• The directives function as a high-level specification language for parts of the type
inference process, precluding the need to know anything about how type infer-
encing is implemented in the compiler. In tandem with our automatic soundness
and sanity checks for each directive, this makes them relatively easy to use.
• It should be straightforward for other compilers to support some of our direc-
tives, although some of the directives benefit from a constraint-based formula-
tion of the type inference process.
We continue with a description of five type inference directives. To start with,
we present a notation to define your own type rules with their specialized type error
messages. Next, we explain why flexibility in the order of unification is absolutely
necessary for getting appropriate messages. We conclude with examples of common
mistakes, and discuss how to anticipate these known pitfalls.
If we encounter a local definition of <$>, then the above type rule will not be used
within the scope of that local definition, even if the new definition of <$> has the
same type as the old one. To avoid confusion, we only want to use the type rule if
the very same operator, here <$>, is used.
The type rule does not adjust the scope, as can be concluded from the fact
that the same type environment Γ is used above and below the line. In the rest
of this paper we will only consider specialized type rules with this property. This
limitation is necessary to avoid complications with monomorphic and polymorphic
types. Since the type environment remains unchanged, we will omit it from now
In general, a type rule contains a number of constraints, for each of which a
type inferencer may fail. For instance, the inferred types for the two operands of
<$> are restricted to have a specific shape (a function type and a Parser type), the
relations between the three type variables constrain the inferred types even further
and, lastly, the type in the conclusion must fit into its context. To obtain a better
understanding why some inferred types may be inconsistent with this type rule, let
us reformulate the type rule to make the type constraints more explicit.
x : τ1 y : τ2 τ1 ≡ a → b
τ2 ≡ Parser s a
x <$> y : τ3
τ3 ≡ Parser s b
In addition to the type variables introduced in the type rule, three more type
variables are introduced in the constraint set, namely a, b, and s. The order in which
the constraints are solved is irrelevant for the success or failure of the type inference
process. However, the order chosen does determine where the type inferencer first
notices an inconsistency. Typically, the order is determined by the type inference
algorithm that one prefers, e.g., the standard bottom-up algorithm W [11] or the
folklore top-down algorithm M [36]. To acquire additional information, we split up
each constraint in a number of more basic type constraints. The idea of these small
unification-steps is the following: for a type constraint that cannot be satisfied, the
compiler can produce a more specific and detailed error message. The example now
x : τ1 y : τ2 τ1 ≡ a1 → b1 s1 ≡ s2
τ2 ≡ Parser s1 a2 a1 ≡ a2
x <$> y : τ3
τ3 ≡ Parser s2 b2 b 1 ≡ b2
The definition of a type rule, as included in a .type file, consists of two parts,
namely a deduction rule and a list of constraints. The deduction rule consists of
premises, which occur above the line, and a conclusion below the line. A premise
consists of a single meta-variable, which matches with every possible expression,
and a type. On the other hand, the conclusion may contain an arbitrary expression,
except that lambda abstractions and let expressions are not allowed, because they
modify the type environment. There is no restriction on the types in the premises
and the conclusion. Below the deduction rule, the programmer can list a number
of equality constraints between types. Each of these is followed by a corresponding
error message.
9.2 Type inference directives 161
Example 9.1. We present a special type rule for the <$> combinator. Each of the
constraints is specified with an error message that is reported if the constraint can-
not be satisfied. The order in which the constraints are listed determines the order
in which they shall be considered during the type inference process. By convention
we write all type inference directives on a light gray background.
x :: t1 ; y :: t2 ;
x <$> y :: t3 ;
Now take a look at the following function definition, which is clearly ill-typed.
Because it is pretty obvious which of the six constraints is violated here (the right
operand of <$> is not a parser, hence, t2 ≡ Parser s1 a2 cannot be satisfied), the
following error is reported.
Type error: right operand is not a parser
Note that this type error message is still not too helpful since important context
specific information is missing, such as the location of the error, pretty-printed
parts of the program, and conflicting types. To overcome this problem, we introduce
attributes in the specification of error messages.
• Position and range information. This also includes the name of and the location
in the source file at hand.
Example 9.2. To improve the error message of Example 9.1, we replace the anno-
tation of the type constraint
t2 ≡ Parser s1 a2 :
@expr.pos@: The right operand of <$> should be a parser
expression : @expr.pp@
right operand : @y.pp@
type : @t2@
does not match : Parser @s1@ @a2@
In the error message, the expression in the conclusion is called expr. We can access
its attributes by using the familiar dot notation, and surrounding it by @ signs. For
example, @expr.pos@ refers to the position of expr in the program source. Similarly,
pp gives a pretty printed version of the code.
The specification of a type constraint and its type error message is layout-
sensitive: the first character of the error report (which is an @ in the example
above) determines the level of indentation. The definition of the error report stops
at the first line which is indented less. As a result, the error report for the definition
of test in Example 9.1 now becomes:
(2,21): The right operand of <$> should be a parser
expression : map toUpper <$> "hello, world!"
right operand : "hello, world!"
type : String
does not match : Parser Char String
For a given expression (occurring in the conclusion of a type rule), the number
of type constraints can be quite large. We do not want to force the library designer
to write out all these constraints and provide corresponding type error messages.
For this reason, the library designer is allowed to move some constraints from the
list below the type rule to the type rule itself, as we illustrate in the next example.
Example 9.1 (continued). Because we prefer not to give special error messages for
the case that the context does not accept a parser, we may as well give the following
type rule.
x :: t1 ; y :: t2 ;
x <$> y :: Parser s b;
At this point, only three of the original type constraints remain. If any of the “re-
moved” constraints contributes to an inconsistency, then a standard error message
will be generated. These constraints will be considered before the explicitly listed
x :: t1 ; y :: t2 ;
x <$> y :: Parser s b;
constraints x
t 1 ≡ a1 → b : left operand is not a function
constraints y
t2 ≡ Parser s a2 : right operand is not a parser
a1 ≡ a2 : function cannot be applied to parser’s result
Note that in this rule we have now explicitly stated at which point to consider
the constraints of x and y. By default, the sets of constraints are considered in the
order of the corresponding meta-variables in the type rule, to be followed after-
wards by the constraints listed below the type rule. Hence, we could have omitted
constraints x .
By supplying type rules to the type inferencer we can adapt the behavior of the
type inference process. It is fair to assume that the extra type rules should not have
an effect on the underlying type system, especially since an error in the specification
of a type rule is easily made. We have made sure that user defined type rules that
conflict with the default type rules are automatically rejected at compile-time. A
more elaborate discussion on this subject can be found in Section 9.3.2.
164 9 Directives
<∗> r <$>
<$> q f <∗>
f p p q r
Figure 9.3. Abstract syntax tree (left) compared with the conceptual structure (right)
9.2.2 Phasing
Recall the motivation for the chosen priority and associativity of the <$> and <∗>
combinators: it allows us to combine the results of arbitrary many parsers with a
single function in a way that feels natural for functional programmers, and such that
the number of parentheses is minimized in a practical situation. However, the ab-
stract syntax tree that is a consequence of this design principle differs considerably
from the view that we expect many users to have of such an expression. Unfortu-
nately, the shape of the abstract syntax tree strongly influences the type inference
process. As a consequence, the reported site of error for an ill-typed expression can
be counter-intuitive and misleading. Ideally, the type inferencer should follow the
conceptual perception rather than the view according to the abstract syntax tree.
Phasing by example
Let f be a function, and let p, q, and r be parsers. Consider the following expression.
f <$> p <∗> q <∗> r
Figure 9.3 illustrates the abstract syntax tree of this expression and its concep-
tual view. How can we let the type inferencer behave according to the conceptual
structure? A reasonable choice would be to treat it as n-ary function application:
first we infer a type for the function and all its arguments, and then we unify the
function and argument types. We can identify four steps if we apply the same idea
to the parser combinators. Note that the four step process applies to the program
as a whole.
1. Infer the types of the expressions between the parser combinators.
2. Check whether the types inferred for the parser subexpressions are indeed
Parser types.
3. Verify that the parser types do agree upon a common symbol type.
4. Determine whether the result types of the parser fit the semantic functions that
appear as left operands of <$>.
One way to view the four step approach is that all parser related unifications are
delayed. Consequently, if a parser related constraint is inconsistent with another
constraint, then the former will be blamed.
9.2 Type inference directives 165
Example 9.3. The following example presents a type incorrect attempt to parse a
string followed by an exclamation mark.
Observe the two major improvements. First of all, it focuses on the problematic
function, instead of mentioning an application. Secondly, the types do not involve
the complex expanded Parser type synonym, nor do they contain the symbol type
of the parsers, which in this example is irrelevant information.
Example 9.4. We introduce phases numbered from 6 to 8 for the steps 2, 3, and 4
respectively. We assign those phase numbers to the constraints in the specialized
type rule for <$>. Note that step 1 takes place in phase 5, which is the default.
No constraint generated by the following type rule will be solved in phase 5.
166 9 Directives
x :: t1 ; y :: t2 ;
x <$> y :: t3 ;
phase 6
t2 ≡ Parser s1 a2 : right operand is not a parser
t3 ≡ Parser s2 b2 : context does not accept a parser
phase 7
s1 ≡ s2 : parser has an incorrect symbol type
phase 8
t 1 ≡ a 1 → b1 : left operand is not a function
a1 ≡ a2 : function cannot be applied to parser’s result
b1 ≡ b2 : parser has an incorrect result type
One may wonder what happens when the sets constraints x and constraints
y are included among the listed constraints. Because phasing is a global operation,
the constraints in these sets keep their own assigned phase number.
Example 9.5. Let us take another look at the ill-typed function definition test from
Example 9.1.
If the constraints introduced by the type rule for <$> are assigned to an early
phase, e.g. 3, then, effectively, the right operand is imposed to have a Parser type.
Since "hello, world!" is of type String, it is at the location of this literal that we
report that a different type was expected by the enclosing context. By modifying
the .type file along these lines, we may obtain the following error message.
(2,21): Type error in string literal
expression : "hello, world!"
type : String
expected type : Parser Char String
The following three sections deal with anticipating common mistakes. Although
some mistakes are made over and over again, the quality of the produced error
reports can be unsatisfactory. In some cases it is possible to detect that a known
pitfall resulted in a type error message. If so, a more specific message should be
presented, preferably with hints on how to solve the problem.
9.2 Type inference directives 167
One typical mistake that leads to a type error is mixing two functions that are
somehow related. For example, novice functional programmers have a hard time
remembering the difference between inserting an element in front of a list (:), and
concatenating two lists (++). Even experienced programmers may mix up the types
of curry and uncurry now and then. Similar mistakes are likely to occur in the
context of a combinator language. We will refer to such a pair of related functions
as siblings. The idea is to suggest the replacement of a function with one of its
sibling functions if this resolves the type error. The types of all siblings should be
distinct, since we cannot distinguish the differences based on their semantics.
Example 9.6. Consider the parser combinators from Section 9.1, and, in particular,
the special variants that ignore the result of the right operand parser. These com-
binators are clearly siblings of their basic combinator. A closer look to the program
in Figure 9.1 (a) tells us that the most likely source of error is the confusion over
the combinators <∗> and <∗. The observation that replacing one <∗ combinator by
<∗> results in a type correct program paves the way for a more appropriate and
considerably simpler error message.
A function can have multiple sibling functions, but the sibling relation is not
necessarily transitive. Furthermore, a sibling function should only be suggested
if replacement completely resolves a type error. Moreover, the suggested function
should not only match with its arguments, but it should also fit the context to
prevent misleading hints. Implementing this in a traditional type inference algo-
rithm can be quite a challenge. A practical concern is the runtime behavior of the
type inferencer in the presence of sibling functions. Ideally, the presence of sibling
functions should not affect the type inference process for type correct programs:
we only perform some extra computation for type incorrect programs, and only
for those operators that contribute directly to the type error. With type graphs,
introduced in Chapter 7, we can handle sibling functions in an elegant way: to test
whether replacing a function with one of its siblings removes a type inconsistency,
we first remove the constraint associated with the function (which corresponds to
one edge in the type graph, and all edges derived from it). Subsequently, we test
whether adding the constraint associated to the sibling results in a consistent state.
A set of sibling functions can be declared in the file containing the type inference
directives by giving a comma separated list of functions.
The type error that is constructed for the program in Figure 9.1 (a) can be found
in Figure 9.1 (e). A more conservative approach would be to show a standard type
error message, and add the probable fix as a hint.
The idea of identifying common programming mistakes was also the motivation
for the program correcting heuristics introduced in Section 8.4 (page 146). The
fundamental difference between these heuristics and the sibling directives is that
the former captures only general mistakes, whereas sibling functions (and directives
in general) help to catch mistakes based on domain-specific knowledge.
168 9 Directives
Another class of problems is the improper use of a function, such as supplying the
arguments in a wrong order, or mistakenly pairing arguments. McAdam discusses
the implementation of a system that tackles these problems by unifying types mod-
ulo linear isomorphism [40] (see related work on page 26). Although we are confident
that these techniques can be incorporated into our own system, we limit ourselves
to a small subset, that is, permuting the arguments of a function.
Example 9.7. The function option expects a parser and a result that should be
returned if no input is consumed. But in which order should the arguments be
given? Consider the following program and its type error message.
The error message does not guide the programmer in fixing his program. In fact,
it assumes the user knows that the non-matching type is equal to Parser a (Parser
Char String).
We can design directives to specify for each function whether the type inferencer
should attempt to resolve an inconsistency by permuting the arguments to the
function. However, we have chosen to include permutation of arguments as default
behavior. A conservative type error message for the program of Example 9.7 would
now be:
(2,8): Type error in application
expression : option "" (token "hello!")
term : option
type : Parser a b → b → Parser a b
does not match : String → Parser Char String → c
probable fix : flip the arguments
If, for a given type error, both the method of sibling functions and permuted
arguments can be applied, then preference is given to the former.
In a class room setting, we have seen that the permuted arguments facility gives
useful hints in many cases. However, we are aware that sometimes it may result in
misleading information from the compiler. During a functional programming course
we have collected information to determine how often this occurs in a practical
setting. The data remains to be analyzed.
9.3 Implementation 169
9.3 Implementation
This section focuses on some technical details that are required to implement the
proposed type inference directives in a constraint-based setting. We briefly discuss
170 9 Directives
<∗> <∗>
<$> q <∗> r <$>
f p p q f p
f <$> p <∗> q p <∗> q <∗> r f <$> p
(Rule 1) (Rule 2) (Rule 3)
in which way the specialized type rules are applied, and how we check soundness
for these rules. We continue with a description of the machinery we use for our
program correcting directives (i.e., siblings, permutations, and repair).
In Section 9.2.1 we introduced notation to define specialized type rules for combina-
tor libraries. Typically, a set of type rules is given to cover the existing combinators
and possibly some more complex combinations of these. Since we do not want to
forbid overlapping patterns in the conclusions of the type rules, we have to be more
specific about the way we apply type rules to a program.
The abstract syntax tree of the program is used to find matching patterns. We
look for fitting patterns starting at the root of this tree, and continue in a top-down
fashion. In case more than one pattern can be applied at a given node, we select
the type rule which occurs first in the .type file. Consequently, nested patterns
should be given before patterns that are more general. This first-come first-served
way of dealing with type rules also takes place when two combinator libraries are
imported: the type rules of the combinator library which is imported first have
Example 9.9. Matching the patterns on the abstract syntax tree of the program
involves one subtle issue. Consider type rules for the expressions f <$> p <∗> q,
p <∗> q <∗> r , and f <$> p, where f , p, q, and r are meta-variables. These three
type rules correspond to Rule 1, Rule 2, and Rule 3, respectively, which are listed
in Figure 9.4. What happens if we apply these rules to the code fragment
test = fun <$> a <∗> b <∗> c.
9.3 Implementation 171
Chapter 6 presents rules to collect type constraints. The type rules that form the
core of this type system were proven correct in Chapter 4. To preserve correctness of
the type system, we verify that specialized type rules do not change the underlying
type system before they are used. Such a feature is essential, because a mistake is
easily made. We do this by ensuring that for a given expression in the deduction
rule, the constraints generated by the type system and the constraints generated
from the specialized type rule are equivalent (under entailment).
A specialized type rule allows us to influence the order in which constraints are
solved. The order of solving constraints is irrelevant except that the constraints for
let definitions should be solved before continuing with the body. If we make sure
that all our specialized type rules respect this fact, then the correctness of the new
type rules together with the underlying type system is guaranteed.
x :: t1 ; y :: t2 ;
x <$> y :: Parser s b;
Because the programmer forgot to specify that x should work on the result type
of y, the type rule above is not restrictive enough. Thus, it is rejected by the type
system with the following error message.
The type rule for x <$> y is not correct
the type according to the type rule is
(a → b, Parser c d , Parser c b)
whereas the standard type rules infer the type
(a → b, Parser c a, Parser c b)
Note that the 3-tuple in this error message lists the type of x , y, and x <$> y,
which reflects the order in which they occur in the type rule.
To check the soundness of a specialized type rule, we first ignore the type rule,
and use the default type inference algorithm. Let Γ be the current type environment
containing the types of “known” functions, such as <$>. All meta-variables from the
type rule are added to Γ , each paired with a fresh type variable. For the expression
e in the conclusion, the type inference algorithm returns a type τ and a substitution
S such that SΓ `HM e : Sτ . Let φ be (Sβ1 , . . . , Sβn , Sτ ), where βi is the fresh type
variable of the ith meta-variable.
Example 9.10 (continued). Let e = x <$> y, and construct a type environment
Γ = {<$> : ∀abs.(a → b) → Parser s a → Parser s b, x : β1 , y : β2 }. Given Γ and e,
the default type inference algorithm returns a most general unifier S and a type τ .
Example 9.11. Although the following specialized type rule is sound, it is rejected
because it is too restrictive in the symbol type. It is important to realize that
applying the type rule to expressions of the form x <$> y is not influenced by the
type mentioned in the type rule, here Parser Char b. In this example, the set of
type constraints is empty.
x :: a → b y :: Parser Char a;
x <$> y :: Parser Char b;
maybeTwice =
let p = map toUpper <$> token "hello"
in option ((++) <$> p <∗> p) [ ]
A type scheme should be inferred for p, before we can infer a type for maybeTwice.
Therefore, all type constraints that are collected for the right-hand side of p are
considered before the constraints of the body of the let, thereby ignoring assigned
phase numbers. Of course, phasing still has an effect inside the local definition as
well as inside the body. Note that if we provide an explicit type declaration for p,
then we do not have to separate the constraint sets of p and the body of the let.
174 9 Directives
To implement the repair directives effectively, we rely on the type graphs discussed
in Chapter 7. To test whether a directive repair e1 ⇒ e2 removes a type inconsis-
tency in a given expression e, we start by identifying locations in e that match with
e1 (in a way similar to matching specialized type rules). The (equality) constraints
generated for the part of e that matches with e1 are removed temporarily, except
for those constraints corresponding to a meta-variable of e1 . We insert equality
constraints in the type graph corresponding to e2 , and we inspect the type graph.
If the type graph is in a consistent state, then the repair directive can successfully
remove the type error. We give an example to illustrate this procedure.
Example 9.13. Let square have type Int → Int. The following expression is ill-typed
since the two arguments of map are supplied in the wrong order.
We use the type rules given in Chapter 6 to collect type constraints for this ex-
pression. The following table shows the constraints collected for this expression and
three of its subexpressions (under the assumption that we spread the constraints
for the standard functions, such as map, downwards before we flatten the constraint
But how can we determine which repair directives to consider, and at which loca-
tions in the source program? General repair directives, such as repair f a b ⇒ f b a,
are likely to match at many positions in the abstract syntax tree, and analyzing all
these potential error locations can become computationally expensive. One solution
is to analyze where the directives match the shape of the abstract syntax tree before
9.4 Summary 175
the type constraints are collected. The constraint information carried by each of the
type constraints can be used to store which patterns are applicable at the location
where the constraint is generated. The error path of a type graph witnesses a type
inconsistency, and only these constraints contribute directly to the inconsistency.
Hence, we only have to consider the directives stored in these constraints.
9.4 Summary
This chapter proposes type inference directives to externally modify the behavior
of the type inference process, and to improve the quality of type error messages in
particular. The major advantages of our directives are the following.
176 9 Directives
Overview. We extend the framework Top with type classes to support overloading
of identifiers. After a general introduction to qualified types, we add new constraints
to the framework. New type rules are presented to collect type constraints for
overloaded language constructs, and we explain how overloading can be resolved
on a global level. We conclude with a discussion on improving substitutions, and
dependency qualifiers are used to illustrate this concept. Dependency qualifiers
provide an alternative solution for overloading.
A polymorphic function is defined only once, and works on values of different types
in a uniform manner. An overloaded function, on the contrary, can be used for a
limited set of types, but its behavior is defined uniquely for each of the types in
this set. The way to overload identifiers in Haskell is to make use of type classes: all
member types of such a class provide an implementation for the overloaded member
For instance, consider the operator (==) to test for equality. Assigning it the
type ∀a.a → a → Bool would be inappropriate, and a meaningful implementation
with this general type cannot be given. Besides, this type suggests that we can use
it to test two functions for equality: if this is possible at all, then it is unlikely to
be useful. Therefore, we assign the type ∀a.Eq a ⇒ a → a → Bool to the equality
operator, to express that the type we choose for a must be a member of the Eq type
class. In this type scheme, Eq a is a qualifier, which restricts polymorphism for the
equality function. We can make Int a member of the Eq type class by providing
a function which tests two integer values for equality (e.g., using the primitive
function primEqInt of type Int → Int → Bool). We can also add all list types
to Eq, provided that the type of the elements is also member of Eq.1 Note that
because of these instance declarations not only Int and [Int] are in Eq, but also
[[Int]] (etcetera).
In Haskell, type classes are defined via class declarations and instance declara-
tions. For each class declaration, an implicit new datatype is created, which con-
tains the member functions of the type class. Such a datatype is called a dictionary.
Each instance declaration is translated into such a dictionary, or into a function
from dictionaries to a dictionary. Overloaded functions are passed dictionaries as
implicit extra arguments, which are provided by the compiler. Type information
This requires a function of the type ∀a.(a → a → Bool) → [a] → [a] → Bool.
178 10 Overloading and type classes
from the type inference process is used to resolve overloading by determining which
dictionary to insert or to construct, and at which point.
Type classes have proven to be extraordinary convenient in practice, and their
effects are well-understood nowadays [3, 48, 33]. Various implementations follow
the Haskell 98 standard [49], which is a rather conservative design. A survey paper
by Peyton-Jones, Jones, and Meijer [50] explores various useful extensions to the
standard, for example, whether or not to allow overlapping instances. Another
proposed extension is to allow multi-parameter type classes. Although this is useful
in practice, it often leads to ambiguities. To cope with this, functional dependencies
(known from relational databases) were introduced by Jones [34]. Duck et al. [13]
have shown that type inference with functional dependencies is sound and decidable
under certain conditions. In this chapter, however, we limit ourselves to type classes
conform the Haskell 98 standard.
This chapter is organized as follows. We start with an introduction to qualified
types (and type class predicates in particular). New type constraints are introduced
in Section 10.3 for describing qualifiers. In Section 10.4, we extend the type inference
framework to handle these new constraints. Next, we adjust the type rules that
collect type constraints for the overloaded language constructs (Section 10.5). We
conclude this chapter with improving substitutions for qualifiers, and show how
this works out for dependency qualifiers.
A qualified type is constructed from a type and a context containing predicates (or
qualifiers). This context places restrictions on certain type variables. For instance,
the qualified type scheme ∀a.Eq a ⇒ [a] → [a] restricts a to the members of the type
class Eq. Similarly, ∀ab.(a ≡ b) ⇒ a → b could be an alternative formulation for
the type of the identity function. We extend the type language to include contexts
of qualifiers. The symbol π denotes a predicate.
P ::= (π1 , . . . , πn ) (qualifier context)
σ ::= ∀a.P ⇒ τ (qualified type scheme)
We write ∀a.τ as a short-hand notation for ∀a.() ⇒ τ , and we omit parentheses for
a singleton qualifier context. A context should be interpreted as a set of predicates:
we use parentheses instead of set-notation to stay as close as possible to the concrete
syntax of a type class context in Haskell.
We define an entailment relation on sets of qualifiers: P entails Q (P
e Q)
implies that if we have the predicates in P , we can infer those in Q. For convenience,
we write π
e Q instead of {π}
e Q (similar notation is used if Q is a singleton),
e P for ∅
e P . Although the entailment relation depends on the kind of
qualifiers we have at hand, three properties hold for qualifiers in general. Rules
for these properties are listed in Figure 10.1. The entailment relation is monotonic
(Mono). Hence, we also have P
e ∅, P
e P , and P
e π if π ∈ P . Furthermore, the
entailment relation is transitive (Trans), and closed under substitution (Closed).
10.2 Type class qualifiers 179
P e P Entailment relation
P ⊇Q P
e Q Q
e R P
e Q
(Mono) (Trans) (Closed)
e Q P
e R SP
e SQ
The instance-of relation is lifted to work on qualified type schemes, and for this
we use the entailment relation presented earlier. The rule (Sub-Qual), shown in
Figure 10.2, is added to the three rules. Because P
e Q if P ⊇ Q, it follows that
adding more qualifiers to a context results in a more specific type. Because of this
new type rule, (Sub-Mono) has become superfluous (by taking P and Q empty).
Example 10.1. Assume that Ord a
e Eq a and
e Eq Int. Then we can order the
following qualified type schemes according to the instance-of relation.
Class P ⇒ π Inst P ⇒ π
All superclasses of a class are listed in its class declaration. The class declaration
Class Eq a ⇒ Ord a, for instance, states that Eq is the only superclass of Ord,
which means that each type in Ord must also be present in Eq. (The arrow in a
class declaration should definitely not be interpreted as implication.) With instance
180 10 Overloading and type classes
P e P Entailment relation
e π1 π2 ∈ Q
(Class Q ⇒ π1 ) ∈ Γ P
e Q (Inst Q ⇒ π) ∈ Γ
(Super) (Inst)
e π2 P
e π
Figure 10.3. Additional rules for entailment relation of type class qualifiers
declarations, types are added to a type class. The declaration Inst (Eq Int) makes
Int a member of Eq. But an instance declaration can also be constrained. For
example, [a] is a member of Eq (a can be any type) provided that a is a member
of Eq.
Class declarations and instance declarations determine the entailment relation
for type class qualifiers. In fact, we parameterize the entailment relation with the
declarations present in the initial (type) environment, denoted by Γ . Although the
set of declarations in Γ is arbitrary, it is fixed during type inference. Two new rules
are given in Figure 10.3 to enhance the entailment relation for type class qualifiers.
The rule (Super) corresponds to entailment because of the superclass hierarchy,
and (Inst) describes entailment because of the instance declarations in Γ .
We present a small type class environment which we use in the examples of this
chapter. All of these declarations are defined in the Haskell Prelude.
Definition 10.1 (Type class environment). Let C = {Eq, Ord , Show } be a set
of type classes, and let T = {Int, Float, Bool , Char } be a set of types. The initial
type environment Γ contains at least the following declarations.
(Class (Eq a) ⇒ Ord a) ∈ Γ superclass of Ord
(Class (Eq a, Show a) ⇒ Num a) ∈ Γ superclasses of Num
(Inst (Num Int)) ∈ Γ instance for Num
(Inst (Num Float)) ∈ Γ instance for Num
{Inst (c τ ) | c ← C, τ ← T } ⊆ Γ
{Inst (c a) ⇒ c [a] | c ← C} ⊆ Γ list instances
{Inst (c a, c b) ⇒ c (a, b) | c ← C} ⊆ Γ tuple instances
Example 10.2. We present a derivation for
e Eq [Int] to illustrate the entailment
relation for type class predicates. We use the default type class environment given
in Definition 10.1.
(Inst (Eq a) ⇒ Eq [a]) ∈ Γ Eq a
e Eq a
Inst (Eq Int) ∈ Γ Eq a
e Eq [a]
(Inst) (Closed)
e Eq Int Eq Int
e Eq [Int]
e Eq [Int]
The Hindley-Milner type rules are extended to support overloading. We use
judgements of the form P | Γ `π e : τ , where P is a set of type class predicates. The
10.2 Type class qualifiers 181
P | Γ `π e : τ Typing judgement
(P ⇒ τ ) < Γ (x)
P | Γ `π x : τ
P | Γ `π e1 : τ1 → τ2 P | Γ `π e2 : τ1
P | Γ `π e1 e2 : τ2
P | Γ \x ∪ {x : τ1 } `π e : τ2
P | Γ `π λx → e : (τ1 → τ2 )
P1 | Γ `π e1 : τ1 P2 | Γ \x ∪ {x : generalize(Γ, P1 ⇒ τ1 )} `π e2 : τ2
P2 | Γ `π let x = e1 in e2 : τ2
new type rules can be found in Figure 10.4. The type rules are syntax-directed, and
they can be applied equally well for qualifiers other than type class predicates. For
an in-depth study of a general framework for qualified types, we recommend Jones’
“Qualified Types” [31] for further reading.
In the type rule (O-Var) for a variable, we retrieve the type scheme of that
variable from the type environment Γ . This variable can be assigned any instance
of the type scheme, provided that the instantiated type class predicates are part
of the typing judgement. In the rules for application and lambda abstraction, the
set of type class predicates P in the conclusion is the same as in the premises. In
the type rule for a let expression (O-Let), the type assigned to the local definition
is qualified with the set of predicates for this definition, and this qualified type is
generalized. The resulting type scheme is associated with x in the type environment
to type the body of the let expression.
The Hindley-Milner type inference algorithms can be extended accordingly. The
set of type class predicates is collected in a bottom-up fashion. These predicates
arise from instantiating type schemes assigned to variables. Before we generalize the
type inferred for the local definition of a let expression, we include all the collected
type class predicates. The predicates for the complete let expression are only those
collected for the body.
We equip the inference algorithm with a technique to simplify the type class
context of a type scheme. Take a look at the following two type schemes.
These type schemes are equivalent since the predicates of the two type schemes
are equivalent under the entailment relation. However, σ2 is more concise, and we
182 10 Overloading and type classes
prefer this simpler type scheme. The process of simplifying a type class context is
called context reduction, which consists of three steps.
1. Simplification using instances. The instance declarations are used to simplify
the predicates. For instance, the predicate Eq (a, b) is simplified to Eq a and
Eq b, and the predicate Eq Int is removed altogether. At this point, we might
also discover predicates that require a missing instance declaration. For these
predicates (e.g., Num Bool), we generate an error message. Predicates conform
the Haskell 98 standard can always be simplified to predicates in head-normal
form, i.e., of the form C (a τ1 . . . τn ). If all type variables are of kind ∗, then n
must be zero.
2. Removal of superclasses. Because Eq is the superclass of Ord, we have Ord a
Eq a. Thus, the predicate concerning the superclass can be safely removed if
the other predicate is present.
3. Removal of duplicates. Duplicate class predicates can be removed.
Context reduction takes place at every generalization point. Simplification yields a
set of predicates that is equivalent to the original set under the entailment relation.
The type at hand plus the simplified predicate set are generalized after we have
performed context reduction. As a final step, we inspect the type scheme to detect
ambiguities. Consider the type scheme ∀a.Eq a ⇒ Int → Int. Although this type
scheme may appear to be all right, it introduces problems as soon as we want to
use it. Because the type variable a only appears in the predicate and not in the
type, there is no way we can ever find out which dictionary to insert. Therefore, we
report such a predicate as ambiguous.
Certain instantiated type class qualifiers contain type variables that stay poly-
morphic. Suppose that the equality function for which we introduced Eq v15 is used
to define a function f . If we generalize the type of f , and quantify over the type
variable v15 , then we have to add the qualifier Eq v15 to the context of the type
scheme. More precisely, before we generalize a type, we perform context reduction
on the collected type class qualifiers. All qualifiers in the reduced set that contain
a type variable over which we quantify are included in the type scheme. The fact
that a qualifier has become part of a type scheme’s context immediately ensures
that the qualifier is now validated. To record this fact, we copy these qualifiers to
a second set of qualifiers with the opposite meaning: the predicates in this set are
assumed to hold.
In short, we maintain two sets of qualifiers: one set contains qualifiers we have
to prove, the other contains qualifiers we assume to hold. The idea is that at the
end of the constraint solving phase, the former set of qualifiers must be entailed
by the latter. Qualifiers that are not entailed by the set of assumed predicates are
reported as ambiguous.
The two set approach also allows us to deal with functions that have an explicit
type signature. To handle these signatures, we use skolemization constraints in our
framework. Suppose that a function f has the type signature ∀a.Ord a ⇒ a → Bool.
Skolemization of this type scheme yields Ord v21 together with v21 → Bool, where
v21 is a fresh skolem variable. Each qualifier that is obtained by skolemizing a type
scheme (i.e., Ord v21 ) is added to the list of assumed qualifiers.
At first sight, our approach with two global sets of qualifiers may seem totally
unrelated to the standard algorithm. However, it is the limited scope in which type
variables can appear that makes this approach work. For example, suppose that we
generalize over the type variable v0 at a generalization point that corresponds to
a let declaration. Because we only use fresh type variables (also for instantiating
a type scheme), we know that this type variable was only introduced somewhere
inside this declaration. Furthermore, v0 is not influenced by anything outside this
declaration, because it is polymorphic. All type class predicates that contain this
type variable are included in the type scheme of the let declaration, and arise from
an overloaded identifier that is used in the declaration itself.
We illustrate our approach with three examples.
Example 10.3. Assume that (==) :: ∀a.Eq a ⇒ a → a → Bool , and that (<) and
(>) are of type ∀a.Ord a ⇒ a → a → Bool . Consider the following two definitions.
main = merge [’a’, ’b’, ’c’] [’a’, ’c’, ’d’, ’e’]
merge :: Ord a ⇒ [a ] → [a ] → [a ]
merge [ ] ys = ys
merge xs [ ] = xs
merge (x : xs) (y : ys) | x == y = merge (x : xs) ys
| x < y = x : merge xs (y : ys)
| x > y = y : merge (x : xs) ys
First, we take a look at merge. This function has a type signature, which is skolem-
ized and matched with the type we find for the definition. Say we introduce the
184 10 Overloading and type classes
skolem type variable v0 . From skolemization, we get the predicate Ord v0 , which is
now assumed to hold. Six overloaded functions are used in the last clause of merge:
three comparison functions in the guards, and three recursive calls. The recursive
calls are overloaded because of merge’s type signature. Instantiating the overloaded
functions leads to six predicates that must be validated: five concerning the Ord
type class, and one predicate for Eq. The equality constraints collected for merge
take care that the type variables in these predicates are mapped all to v0 (or the
same type variable to which v0 is mapped). Hence, all six predicates are entailed
by the single predicate we obtained from skolemization.
In the definition of main, one more predicate arises from using merge (say
Ord v1 ). Because merge is applied to two lists of characters, we infer that v1 equals
Char. Overloading is fully resolved, because
e Ord Char holds in our initial type
Example 10.4. Suppose we change the type signature of merge (Example 10.3) into
Eq a ⇒ [a ] → [a ] → [a ]. Skolemization yields the predicate Eq v0 , which we
assume to hold. After handling the equality constraints for merge, this predicate
entails the predicate arising from (==), and the three predicates from the recursive
calls. However, the two predicates from the uses of (<) and (>) remain, and these
are reported. In this scenario, overloading cannot be resolved.
Example 10.5. Take another look at Example 10.3. This time, we omit the type
signature for merge. Because we do not have a type for merge yet, we only have to
deal with the three overloaded functions in the guards. They result in the predicates
Eq v0 , Ord v1 , and Ord v2 , respectively. Handling the equality constraints collected
for merge, we deduce that v0 , v1 , and v2 are in fact equivalent. Suppose they are
all mapped to v0 . Context reduction simplifies the predicates such that only one
predicate (i.e., Ord v0 ) remains. The type we inferred for merge is [v0 ] → [v0 ] →
[v0 ]. This type is generalized, and because we quantify over v0 , Ord v0 is included in
the type scheme’s context. Moreover, this predicate is moved to the set of predicates
we assume to hold. The overloading in this example can be resolved completely.
Type class predicates place extra restrictions on types and type variables, and
are thus a new sort of type constraint we have to consider. Two new alternatives
are added to the constraint language.
Qualifier constraints:
cπ ::= Prove (π) (prove qualifier)
| Assume (π) (assume qualifier)
A constraint Prove (π) means that we have to validate the predicate π. For
instance, the type constraint Prove (Eq Int) holds trivially in our default type class
environment, Prove (Num Bool ) cannot be satisfied, and Prove (Ord v0 ) somehow
limits the types that the type variable v0 can take. In addition, we introduce type
constraints to assume the validity of a predicate.
We have to extend a solution Θ to define semantics for the new constraints.
The type constraints in Chapter 5 require Θ to have at least two components:
a substitution SΘ , and a type scheme map ΣΘ . We add a third component ΠΘ ,
10.3 Type class constraints 185
which is a set of predicates that are assumed to hold. Furthermore, we assume that
ΠΘ = Θ(ΠΘ ). Satisfaction of the qualifier constraints is defined by:
Example 10.7. Again, our solutions take the form of (S, Σ, Π).
Instances of this type class should maintain two lists of predicates: we can add a
predicate to the list of assumed predicates (with assumePredicate), or to the list of
predicates we have to prove (with provePredicate). The function contextReduction
performs context reduction on the predicates that are to be proven, and removes
the predicates that are entailed by the assumed predicates. We will take a closer
look at this function later. With generalizeWithPreds, a type is generalized, and
the resulting type scheme contains predicates from the prove list that contain a
type variable over which we quantify. The included predicates are, as a side-effect,
added to the list of assumed predicates. The function reportAmbiguous takes all
the remaining predicates that are not proven yet, and reports these as ambiguities.
We apply this function once when all other constraints have been handled.
We now discuss how to solve the type constraints using these operations. We
start with the two type class constraints.
constraints has to be adapted since we have to deal with the type class predicates
in the type schemes. An instantiation constraint is solved as follows.
Two changes are made with respect to the old definition. First of all, instantiating
the type scheme returns a qualified type, i.e., a type and a set of type class predi-
cates. The pattern P :⇒: τ1 is used to split the predicates and the type. Secondly,
all predicates in P have to be proven, and are added as constraints.
We now discuss the modified function for solving a skolemization constraint.
The required changes are similar to the modifications for instantiation constraints.
Skolemizing the type scheme yields a qualified type (P :⇒: τ1 ) and a list of the
introduced skolem constants. However, for skolemization constraints, the predicates
in P are added as Assume constraints.
The last type constraint we consider is the generalization constraint.
After making the substitution state consistent, we perform context reduction. This
simplifies the set of predicates to be proven, and while simplifying these constraints,
we may encounter irreducible predicates, which we add as an error to the state. We
use generalizeWithPreds to obtain the type scheme that we assign to σv . In fact,
this function is nothing but gen π .
We take a second look at context reduction, which consists of simplifying the
qualifiers using the instance declarations, and removing superclasses and duplicates
from the set. Of course, we want to keep track of information about the qualifiers,
188 10 Overloading and type classes
and how this set changes by context reduction. To achieve this, we introduce a
type class to record this information. Hence, an extra class constraint appears in
the type of contextReduction, in addition to the class constraint HasPreds m hii
from the class declaration.
The three member functions of the type class correspond to the steps of context
reduction. With byInstance, a pair of predicates is stored in the constraint infor-
mation. The first component of this pair is the original predicate, the second is one
of the predicates to which this original predicate is simplified by an instance dec-
laration. Both bySuperclass and byDuplicate combine information carried by two
predicates. The following example illustrates our approach.
Example 10.8. Consider the following set on which we perform context reduction.
Each predicate is paired with its own constraint information.
{ (Ord v0 , hi0 i) , (Eq (Int, v0 ), hi1 i) , (Num Bool, hi2 i) , (Ord v0 , hi3 i) }
Because Num Bool cannot be simplified, hi2 i is added to the list of errors. Next, we
simplify Eq (Int, v0 ), which gives us Eq Int and Eq v0 . The former can be removed
e Eq Int, the latter can be removed since we have Ord v0 . One of the two
Ord v0 predicates is removed, and, as a result, the simplified set contains only one
predicate. Observe how the constraint information of this predicate contains a trace
to its original predicates.
{ (Ord v0 , byDuplicate hi3 i (bySuperclass hi1 i hi0 i)) }
where hi1 i is byInstance (Eq (Int, v0 ), Eq v0 ) hi1 i.
TC `l l : τ Literal
π (L-Char)π π (L-String)π
• `l Char : Char • `l String : String
E, TC `p p : τ Pattern
c = (β ≡ τ ) TC `l l : τ
∅, c B •[ TC •] `p l : β
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ Expression
c = (β ≡ τ ) TC `l l : τ
hMi, ∅, c B •[ TC •] `e l : β
Overloaded literals
We use the type classes Num and Fractional to overload the numeric literals in our
language. We aim at the following type schemes.
In the original type rules, we use judgements of the form `l l : τ to type a literal.
We extend these judgements to TC `l l : τ such that we can create type class
constraints for the overloaded literals. The new type rules for literals are shown
π π
in Figure 10.5. The type rules (L-Num) and (L-Frac) introduce a fresh type
variable β, and create a type class constraint to restrict this type variable. The
constraint trees for character and string literals are empty.
Because we changed the judgements for literals, we also have to adapt the
type rules (P-Lit) and (E-Lit), which make use of these judgements. Figure 10.5
presents the modified rules.
E, TC `p p : τ Pattern
c = (β ≡ τ ) TC `l l : τ
∅, c B •[ TC •] `p − l : β
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ Expression
TC new = (C D •[ c1 C TC 1 , c2 C TC 2 , c3 C TC 3 •)
C = [β2 ≡ [β1 ], Prove (Enum β1 )]
c1 = (τ1 ≡ β1 ) c2 = (τ2 ≡ β1 ) c3 = (τ3 ≡ β1 )
hMi, A1 , TC 1 `e e : τ1
hMi, A2 , TC 2 `me me 1 : τ2 hMi, A3 , TC 3 `me me 2 : τ3
hMi, A1 +
+ A2 +
+ A3 , TC new `e [e, me 1 .. me 2 ] : β2
literal introduces a fresh type variable β, which must be equal to the type of the
literal. We do not restrict β or τ to the Num type class, since syntactically only
π π
numeric literals are allowed – the type rules (L-Num) and (L-Frac) take care
of this restriction.
However, for negating an expression, we do have to introduce a type class con-
straint. In addition to the equality constraint that equates the type of the negated
expression (τ ) with the type of the whole expression (β), we create the constraint
Prove (Num β), since negation can only be performed on numeric values.
The type class Enum contains all types that can be enumerated, including
integers and characters. The new type rule (E-Enum) for an enumeration is shown
in Figure 10.6. Two new type variables are introduced: β1 represents the type of
the elements in the list, and β2 is the type of the enumeration. The elements of
the list must have a type in the Enum type class, and therefore we generate the
constraint Prove (Enum β1 ). Note that in the earlier type rule (that is, (E-Enum)
on page 110) we assumed β1 to be Int.
Overloaded do expressions
Overloading the monadic do notation poses a greater challenge. Instead of assuming
all monadic computations to be in the IO monad, we use the Monad type class. In
fact, this is a constructor class, as its members are not types, but type constructors
10.5 Modifying the type rules 191
hMi, A, TC `e e : τ Expression
hM, τ ? i, µ, A, TC `ms ms : τ ? Sequence of statements
π (M-Empty)π
hM, τ ? i, µ, ∅, • `ms · : τ ?
c = (τ ≡ µ β)
hMi, A1 , TC 1 `e e : τ hM, βi, µ, A2 , TC 2 `ms ms : τ2?
π (M-Expr)π
hM, τ1? i, µ, A1 + + A2 , •[ c C TC 1 , TC 2 •] `ms e; ms : τ2?
TC new = (c B C` B◦ •[ TC 1 , TC 2 , TC 3 •)
c = (µ τ1 ≡ τ2 ) C` = (E ≡ A3 )
E, TC 1 `p p : τ1 hMi, A2 , TC 2 `e e : τ2
hM + + ftv (C` ), ·i, µ, A3 , TC 3 `ms ms : τ2?
π (M-Gen)π
hM, τ1? i, µ, A2 + + A3 \dom(E), TC new `ms p ← e; ms : τ2?
of statements as a synthesized attribute. The three new type rules for non-empty
sequences pass this type variable on without changing it. In the constraints created
π π
by (M-Expr) and (M-Gen) , we no longer assume the computation to be in the
IO monad, but use the special type variable instead. This is also the case for the
equality constraint created by the type rule (E-Do) . Additionally, the type class
constraint Prove (Monad µ) is generated by this type rule.
P e P Entailment relation
(Dependency π) ∈ Γ
e π
S = mgu(τ2 , τ3 )
e X : τ1 τ2 P
e X : τ1 τ3
S improves P
Dependency qualifiers
A dependency qualifier is of the following form.
πdep ::= X : τ1 τ2 (dependency qualifier)
Here, X comes from a set of labels. Such a dependency qualifier is pronounced as
“under label X, type τ1 determines type τ2 ”. Several dependency labels can be
around, each corresponding to a different dependency relation.
Just as there is a design space for type classes, dependency qualifiers can be ex-
posed to certain restrictions and extensions. For instance, it is quite useful to allow
type variables in dependency qualifiers, such as X : [a] a, or Y : (a, b) a. An-
other issue is in what sense the determining types of a dependency relation should
be different. Clearly, the dependencies X : Int Int and X : Int Bool are con-
tradictory, and should be rejected. A fairly conservative approach is to require that
each determining type of a dependency relation has a unique type constant in its left
spine. For instance, X : (Int → Int) Int and X : (Bool → Bool ) Bool violate
this restriction, because the type constant (→) appears in the left spine of both
dependencies. This approach is adopted by System O. The rule (Dep-Entail),
shown in Figure 10.9, refines entailment for dependency qualifiers. We assume that
the initial type environment Γ contains declarations of the form (Dependency πdep )
which define the dependency relations. This rule expresses that dependency quali-
fiers that are in Γ hold trivially.
We continue with a discussion on improving substitutions for dependencies.
The rule (Dep-Impr) in Figure 10.9 specifies how dependency qualifiers can be
improved. If we have X : τ1 τ2 and X : τ1 τ3 , then the types τ2 and τ3 must
be the same. Hence, we use a most general unifier of these types as an improving
substitution. In the Top framework, this takes the form of introducing an equality
constraint τ2 ≡ τ3 . The rule for dependency improvement can be applied in two
194 10 Overloading and type classes
σ1 = ∀ab.(X : a b, Eq b) ⇒ a → String
σ2 = ∀ab.(X : a b, Eq a) ⇒ b → String
Example 10.9. In this example, taken from “A Second Look at Overloading” [47],
we illustrate how overloading in the style of System O can be expressed using
dependency qualifiers. Consider the overloaded functions first, second , and third to
obtain the corresponding component from a tuple or triple. First, we declare which
functions are overloaded.
over first
over second
over third
This brings the three overloaded functions in scope. The function first is assigned
the type scheme ∀ab.(first : a b) ⇒ a → b. The name of the overloaded function
is also the name of the dependency label. We continue and define instances for
tuples and triples. We omit the code that normally accompanies these declarations.
Each inst declaration is translated into a dependency that we put in Γ . For ex-
ample, the first line is translated into Dependency (first : (a, b) a). We define a
function f which uses the overloaded functions, and we collect its type constraints.
f x = (second x , first x )
Applying the constraint collecting rules results in the following constraint set.
v2 ∀ab.(second : a b) ⇒ a → b v3 ≡ v1 v2 ≡ v3 → v4
v5 ∀ab.(first : a b) ⇒ a → b v6 ≡ v1 v5 ≡ v6 → v7
v8 ≡ (v4 , v7 ) v0 ≡ v1 → v8 σ0 := Gen(∅, v0 )
The type scheme variable σ0 represents the polymorphic type of f . Solving these
constraints returns ∀abc.(second : a b, first : a c) ⇒ a → (b, c) for σ0 . We
define demo, which uses the function f .
For this function, the following (simplified) type constraints are generated.
The type scheme variable σ1 is assigned to the function demo. After the constraints
are solved, we find (Bool , Int) for σ1 .
Example 10.10. Our second example shows that dependency qualifiers can model
functional dependencies between arguments of type classes. Of course, this only
makes sense for multi-parameter type classes (a widely accepted extension to
Haskell 98 type classes). Consider the type class Collects e ce, where e is the
type of the elements in the collection, and ce is the type of the collection itself.2
The functional dependency in the first line states that the type of the collection de-
termines the type of the elements. Without the functional dependency, the function
empty would have an ambiguous type, since e does not occur in the type. Normally,
we assign empty the type scheme ∀ab.Collects a b ⇒ b, and the functional depen-
dency between the type variables is implicitly present in the type class predicate.
In this example, ce is really a type, and not a type constructor such as List.
196 10 Overloading and type classes
We present a different solution, which makes this dependency explicit and visible in
the type scheme. The type schemes we assign to empty and insert are the following.
Again, we use the name of the type class as a dependency label. Take a look at the
function test, which inserts two elements in an empty collection.
v3 σinsert v4 ≡ v1 v5 σinsert
v6 ≡ v2 v7 σempty v5 ≡ v6 → v7 → v8
v3 ≡ v4 → v8 → v9 v0 ≡ v1 → v2 → v9 σ0 := Gen(∅, v0 )
In this constraint set, σ0 corresponds to the polymorphic type of test. The types
of the arguments x and y are unknown. However, they are inserted in the same
collection, and since the type of the collection determines the type of the elements,
we know that x and y should be of the same type. Hence, the type we find for test
test :: ∀ab.(Collects a b, Collects : b a) ⇒ a → a → b.
If we omit the dependency qualifiers in σempty and σinsert , then we cannot determine
anymore that the types of x and y are equal.
Type class directives
Type classes have been studied thoroughly, both in theory and practice. In spite of
this, very little attention has been devoted to compensate the effects type classes
have on the quality of type error messages. We present a practical and original
solution to improve the quality of type error messages by scripting the type inference
process. To illustrate the problem type classes introduce, consider the following
attempt to decrement the elements of a list.
f xs = map −1 xs
The parse tree for this expression does not correspond to what the spacing suggests,
but corresponds to map − (1 xs): the literal 1 is applied to xs, the result of which
is subtracted from map. Notwithstanding, GHC will infer the following type for f
(Hugs will reject f because of an illegal Haskell 98 class constraint in the inferred
f :: (Num (t → (a → b) → [a ] → [b ])
, Num ((a → b) → [a ] → [b ])
) ⇒ t → (a → b) → [a ] → [b ]
Both subtraction and the literal 1 are overloaded in the definition of f 1 . Although
the polymorphic type of 1 is constrained to the type class Num, this restriction
does not lead to a type error. Instead, the constraint is propagated into the type of
f. Moreover, unifications change the constrained type into a type which is unlikely
to be a member of Num. A compiler cannot reject f since the instances required
could be given later on. This open-world approach for type classes is likely to cause
problems at the site where f is used. One of our directives allows us to specify that
function types will never be part of the Num type class. With this knowledge we
can reject f at the site of definition.
In Haskell, we have 1 :: Num a ⇒ a and (−) :: Num a ⇒ a → a → a.
198 11 Type class directives
We improve the type error messages for Haskell 98 type classes [49], in particular
for the non-expert user. We continue with the design of a language for type inference
directives, which we started in Chapter 9, with a focus on overloading. In this
chapter, we make the following additions.
• We present four type class directives that help to improve the resolution of
overloading (Section 11.1). With these directives we can report special purpose
error messages, reject suspicious class contexts, improve inferred types, and
disambiguate programs in a precise way.
• We discuss how the proposed directives can be incorporated into the process of
context reduction (Section 11.2).
• We give a general language for describing invariants over type classes (Sec-
tion 11.3). This language generalizes some of our proposed directives.
• In Section 11.4, we extend the specialized type rules to handle type classes. As a
consequence, we can report precise and tailor-made error messages for incorrect
uses of an overloaded function.
the compiler. In Section 11.3, we present a small language to capture this invariant,
and many others besides.
Finally, Section 11.1.4 discusses a default directive for type classes, which helps
to disambiguate in case overloading cannot be resolved. This directive refines the
ad hoc default declarations supported by Haskell.
In the remainder of this section, we explore the new directives in more detail,
and conclude with a short section on error message attributes.
Our first directive enables us to express explicitly that a type should never become
a member of a certain type class. This statement can be accompanied with a special
purpose error message, reported in case the forbidden instance is needed to resolve
overloading. The main advantage of the never directive is the tailor-made error
message for a particular case in which overloading cannot be resolved. In addition,
the directive guarantees that the outlawed instance will not be given in future. We
illustrate the never directive with an example. For the sake of brevity, we keep the
error messages in our examples rather terse. Error message attributes can be used
to create a more verbose message that depends on the actual program.
These two directives should be placed in a .type file, which is considered prior to
type inference, but after collecting all the type classes and instances in scope. Before
type inference, we should check the validity of the directives. Each inconsistency
between the directives and the instance declarations results in an error message or
warning. For example, the following could be reported at this point.
The instance declaration for
Num Bool at (3,1) in A.hs
is in contradiction with the directive
never Num Bool defined at (1,1) in A.type
f x = if x then x + 1 else x
we simply report that arithmetic on booleans is not supported, and highlight the
operator +. An extreme of concision results in the following type error message.
(1,19): arithmetic on booleans is not supported
200 11 Type class directives
The never directive is subject to the same restrictions as any instance declara-
tion in Haskell 98: a class name followed by a type constructor and a list of unique
type variables (we took the liberty of writing an infix function arrow in the example
presented earlier). Haskell 98 does not allow overlapping instances, and similarly
we prohibit overlapping never s. This ensures that there is always a unique directive
for determining the error message.
It is unclear what will be reported for the type class predicate Eq (Int → Bool ). One
way to cope with this situation is to require a third directive for the overlapping case,
namely never Eq (Int → Bool ). This implies that we can always find and report
a most specific directive. Note that in the context of overlapping never directives,
we have to postpone reporting a violating class predicate, since more information
about a type variable in this assertion may make a more specific directive a better
With the never directive we can exclude one type from a type class. Similar to
this case-by-case directive, we introduce a second type class directive which closes
a type class in the sense that no new instances can be defined. As a result of this
directive, we can report special error messages for unresolved overloading for a
particular type class. A second advantage is that the compiler can assume to know
all instances of the given type class since new instances are prohibited, which can
be exploited when generating the error message.
One subtle issue is to establish at which point the type class should be closed.
This can be either before or after having considered the instance declarations de-
fined in the module. In this section we only discuss the former. A possible use for
the latter is to close the Num type class in Prelude.type so that everybody who
imports it may not extend the type class, but the Prelude module itself may specify
new instances for Num.
Before we start to infer types, we check for each closed type class that no new
instance declarations are provided. A special purpose error message is attached to
each close directive, which is reported if we require a non-instance type to resolve
overloading for the closed type class. Such a directive can live side by side with a
never directive. Since the latter is strictly more informative, we give it precedence
over a close directive if we have to create a message.
Example 11.2. As an example, we close the type class for Integral types, defined in
the standard Prelude. Hence, this type class will only have Int and Integer as its
11.1 Type class directives 201
close Integral : the only instances of Integral are Int and Integer
The main advantage of a closed type class is that we know the fixed set of
instances. Using this knowledge, we can influence the type inference process. As
discussed in the introduction of Section 11.1, we can reject definitions early on (in
case the set of instances for a certain type class is empty) or improve a type variable
to a certain type (in case the set of instances is a singleton).
The advantages of the close directive would be even higher if we drop the
restrictions of Haskell 98 on type classes, because this directive allows us to reject
incorrect usage of a type class early on. We illustrate this with an example.
Example 11.4. The type class Similar has one member function.
f x xs = [x ] ≈ xs
GHC version 6.2 (without extensions) accepts the program above, although an
instance for Similar [a ] must still be provided to resolve overloading. The type
inferred for f is
although this type cannot be declared in a type signature for f .2 This type makes
sense: the function f can be used in a different module, provided that the missing
instance declaration is supplied. However, if we intentionally close the type class,
then we can generate an error for f at this point.
In our opinion, it should be possible to include each type inferred by the compiler in the
program. In this particular case, GHC suggests to use the Glasgow extensions, although
these extensions are not required to infer the type.
202 11 Type class directives
In this light, the close directive may become a way to moderate the power of
some of the language extensions by specifying cases where such generality is not
desired. An alternative would be to take Haskell 98 as the starting point, and devise
type class directives to selectively overrule some of the language restrictions. For
instance, a directive such as general X could tell the compiler not to complain
about predicates concerning the type class X that cannot be reduced to head-
normal form. Such a directive would allow more programs. In conclusion, type
class directives give an easy and flexible way to specify these local extensions and
Our next directive deliberately reduces the set of accepted programs. In other words:
the programs will be subjected to a stricter type discipline. The disjoint directive
specifies that the instances of two type classes are disjoint, i.e., no type is shared by
the two classes. A typical example of two type classes that are intentionally disjoint
are Integral and Fractional (see the Haskell 98 Report [49]). If we end up with a type
(Fractional a, Integral a) ⇒ .... after reduction, then we can immediately generate
an error message, which can also explain that “fractions” are necessarily distinct
from “integers”. Note that without this directive, a context containing these two
class assertions is happily accepted by the compiler, although it undoubtedly results
in problems when we try to use this function. Acknowledging the senselessness of
such a type prevents misunderstanding in the future. A disjoint directive can be
defined as follows.
The numeric operations in Haskell’s standard library are all overloaded, and
accommodated in an intricate hierarchy of type classes (see Figure 11.1). Because
Floating is a subclass of Fractional (each type in the former must also be present in
the latter), the directive above implies that the type classes Integral and Floating
are also disjoint.
In determining whether two type classes are disjoint, we base our judgements on
the set of instance declarations for these classes, and not on the types implied by the
instances. Therefore, we reject instance declarations C a ⇒ C [a] and D b ⇒ D [b]
if C and D must be disjoint. A more liberal approach is to consider the set of
instance types for C and D, so that their disjointness depends on other instances
given for these type classes.
Example 11.5. Take a look at the following definition, which mixes fractions and
wrong x = (div x 2, x / 2)
11.1 Type class directives 203
Int, Integer,
Float, Double
Real Fractional
Int, Integer,
Float, Double
Float, Double
Float, Double
The directive disjoint Integral Fractional identifies the contradiction in the class
context, and assists in reporting an appropriate error message for wrong.
One annoying aspect of overloading is that seemingly innocent programs are in fact
ambiguous. For example, show [ ] is not well-defined, since the type of the elements
must be known (and showable) in order to display the empty list. This problem
can only be circumvented by an explicit type annotation. A default declaration is
included as special syntax in Haskell to help disambiguate overloaded numeric op-
erations. This approach is fairly ad hoc, since it only covers the (standard) numeric
type classes. Our example suggests that a programmer could also benefit from a
more liberal defaulting strategy, which extends to other type classes. Secondly, the
exact rules when defaulting should be applied are unnecessarily complicated (see
the Haskell Report [49] for the exact specification). We think that a default decla-
ration should be nothing but a type class directive, and that it should be placed
amongst the other directives instead of being considered part of the programming
language. Taking this viewpoint paves the way for other, more complex defaulting
strategies as well.
One might wonder at this point why the original design is so conservative.
Actually, the caution in applying a general defaulting strategy is justified since
it changes the semantics of a program. Inappropriate defaulting, unnoticed by a
programmer, is unquestionably harmful. By specifying default directives, the user
204 11 Type class directives
has full control over the defaulting mechanism. A warning should be raised to
inform the programmer that a class predicate has been defaulted. Although we do
not advocate defaulting in large programming projects, it is unquestionably useful
from time to time: for instance, for showing the result of an evaluated expression
in an interpreter. Note that GHCi (the interpreter that comes with GHC) departs
from the standard, and applies a more liberal defaulting strategy in combination
with the emission of warnings, which works fine in practice.
Take a look at the following datatype definition for a binary tree with values of
type a.
A function to show such a tree can be derived automatically, but it requires a show
function for the values stored in the tree. This brings us to the problem: show Leaf
is of type String, but it is ambiguous since the tree that we want to display is
polymorphic in the values it contains. We define default directives to remedy this
The first directive is similar to the original default declaration, the second defaults
predicates concerning the Show type class. Obviously, the types which we use as
default for a type class must be a member of the class.
We apply the following procedure to default type variables. For type variable
a, the set P = {X1 a, X2 a, . . . , Xn a} consists of all predicates in the context that
contain a. This set fully determines the default type of a, if it exists. A default type
exists only if at least one of the Xi has a default directive. We consider the default
directives for each of the predicates in P in turn: for each of these directives, we
determine the first type which satisfies all of P . If this type is the same for all
default directives of P , then we choose this type for a. If the default directives
cannot agree on their first choice, then defaulting for a does not take place.
Example 11.6. Let P be {Num a, Show a, Eq a, Show b}, and consider our default-
ing procedure for this set of predicates. First, we try to default the type variable
a. We select the three predicates in P containing a: for two of these predicates we
have a default directive (declared above). For both directives, Int is the first type
that is an instance of all three type classes: Num, Show , and Eq. (We assume that
String and Bool are not in Num.) Hence, a is defaulted to Int. Likewise, we default
b to String.
If we have an instance for Num String, then we cannot default a. With this new
instance, the default directive for Show selects String as the first type which is in
all three type classes. Because Num selects a different type (Int), we refrain from
choosing a default for a.
If default directives are given for a type class and for its subclass, we should
check that the two directives are coherent. For instance, Integral is a subclass of
11.2 Implementation 205
Num, and hence we expect that defaulting Integral a and Num a has the same
result as defaulting only Integral a.
Considering defaulting as a directive allows us to design more precise defaulting
strategies. For instance, we could have a different default strategy for showing values
of type [a]: this requires maintaining information about the instantiated type of the
overloaded function. We illustrate this with an example.
Example 11.7. Consider the expression show [ ]. Overloading cannot be resolved for
this expression: show has the polymorphic type ∀a.Show a ⇒ a → String, which is
instantiated to (for instance) v5 → String and the predicate Show v5 . Because show
is applied to the empty list, v5 becomes [v8 ] because of unification. The predicate,
which is now Show [v8 ], is simplified to Show v8 . This is the predicate that cannot
be resolved: the information that it originates from the function show , and that
it was Show [v8 ] before context reduction enables us to choose a different default
The error messages given so far are context-insensitive, which is not sufficient for a
real implementation. Again, error message attributes (see Section 9.2.1, page 161)
are used to display context dependent information. We restrict ourselves to an
example for the close directive.
Example 11.8. Consider the following directive to close the Show type class.
close Show :
The expression @expr.pp@ at @expr.range@ has the type
@expr.gentype@. This type is responsible for the introduction
of the class predicate @errorpredicate@, which is not an instance
of @typeclass@ due to the close directive defined at
The attributes in the error message are replaced by information from the actual
program. For instance, @directive.range@ is changed into the location where the
close directive is defined, and @expr.pp@ is unfolded to a pretty printed version of
the expression responsible for the introduction of the erroneous predicate. We can
devise a list of attributes for each directive. These lists differ: in case of the disjoint
directive, for instance, we want to refer to the origin of both class predicates that
A complicating factor is that the predicate at fault may not be the predicate
which was introduced. Reducing the predicate Eq [(String, Int → Int)] will even-
tually lead to Eq (Int → Int). We would like to communicate this reasoning to the
programmer as well, perhaps by showing some of the reduction steps.
206 11 Type class directives
P 2. Removal of Q
1. Simplify 3. disjoint 4. close 5. Detect
duplicates and
to hnf directives directives ambiguities
non-hnf ambiguous
predicates predicates
never specialized error message default
directives error message directives impr.
error message standard
close specialized (empty type class) error message
directives error message
standard substitution
error message (singleton type class)
Figure 11.2. Context reduction with type class directives for Haskell 98
11.2 Implementation
For each binding group, we perform context reduction, which serves to simplify sets
of type class predicates, and to report predicates that cannot be resolved. We con-
tinue with a discussion on how the four type class directives can be incorporated into
this process. Figure 11.2 gives an overview. The first, second, and fifth step corre-
spond to phases of the traditional approach: simplification using instances, removal
of superfluous predicates, and detection of ambiguous predicates, respectively. The
bold horizontal line reflects the main process in which the set of predicates P is
transformed into a set of predicates Q.
The first modification concerns the predicates that cannot be simplified to head-
normal form. If a never or close directive is specified for such a predicate, then we
report the specialized error message that was declared with the directive (prece-
dence is given to the never directives). Otherwise, we proceed as usual and report
a standard error message.
The disjoint directives and closed type classes are handled after removal of
duplicates and superclasses. At this point, the predicates to consider are in head-
normal form. A disjoint directive creates an error message for a pair of predicates
that is in conflict. Similarly, if we can conclude from the closed type classes that no
type meets all the requirements imposed by the predicates for a given type variable,
then an error message is constructed. If we, on the other hand, discover that there
is a single type which meets the restrictions, then we assume this type variable
to have that particular type. This is an improving substitution [32]. Because we
consider all predicates involving a certain type variable at once, the restrictions of
Haskell 98 guarantee that improving substitutions cannot lead to more reduction
To recognize empty or singleton sets for combinations of type classes, we need
to merge information from instance declarations, the superclass hierarchy, and the
declared type class directives. The following example illustrates the interaction
between directives and instance declarations.
11.3 Generalization of directives 207
These never directives may trigger more improving substitutions. Suppose we have
the type class predicates (Y a, Z a). Because Z is closed, a can only be Int or Char .
The implicit never directives eliminate the first option. Hence, we get [a := Char ].
Example 11.10. never and disjoint directives can be translated into this new lan-
guage straightforwardly. This translation also helps to identify interactions between
directives using principles in set theory.
never Eq (a → b) becomes (a → b) 6∈ Eq
disjoint Integral Fractional becomes Integral ∩ Fractional = {}
A close directive cannot be translated directly since we do not have the instances of
the closed type class. If we know all members, we can close a type class as follows.
Instead of writing {Int, Integer }, we could also introduce notation for the members
of Integral at the moment we close the type class. This set of types (when we close
the type class) is a subset of, but not necessarily the same as Integral , which consists
of all declared instances.
The first example directive prevents new instances for the Monad type class, while
Read = Show demands that in this module (and all modules that import it) the
instances for Show and Read are the same. A nice example of an invariant is the
third directive, which states that only the duckbilled platypus can be both in the
type class for egg layers and in Mammal . This directive might be used to obtain
an improving substitution (as discussed in Section 11.1): if we have the predicates
Mammal a and Egglayer a, then a must be Platypus. This example shows that the
directives can be used to describe domain specific invariants over class hierarchies.
11.4 Specialized type rules (revisited) 209
Example 11.12. Consider the function spread , which returns the difference between
the smallest and largest value of a list, and a specialized type rule for this function,
given that the function is applied to one argument.
For this overloaded function, we write the following specialized type rule.
xs :: t1 ;
spread xs :: t2 ;
The first equality constraint states that the type of xs (t1 ) is a list type, with
elements of type t3 (t3 is still unconstrained at this point). The next equality con-
straint constrains the type t3 to be the same as the type of spread xs. Note that the
listed constraints are verified from top to bottom, and this fact can be exploited to
yield very precise error messages.
Class assertions are listed after the equality constraints, and again we exploit the
order of specification. Although membership of Ord or Num implies membership
of Eq, we can check the latter first, and give a more precise error message in case
it fails. Only when Eq t2 holds, do we consider the class assertions Ord t2 and
Num t2 . Note that the assertion Eq t2 does not change the validity of the rule.
Context reduction for a binding group takes place after having solved the equal-
ity constraints of that binding group. This implies that listing class assertions be-
fore the equality constraints makes little sense, and only serves to confuse people.
Therefore, we disallow this.
Equality constraints can be moved into the deduction rule, in which case it
is associated with a standard error message. This facility is essential for practical
reasons: it should be possible to only list those constraints for which we expect
210 11 Type class directives
special treatment. Similarly, we may move a class assertion into the deduction rule.
Notwithstanding, this assertion is checked after all the equality constraints.
All specialized type rules are automatically examined so that they leave the
underlying type system unchanged. This is an essential feature, since a mistake is
easily made when writing these rules. In Section 9.3.2, we presented a procedure to
compare the set of constraints implied by the specialized type rule (say S) with the
set that would have been generated by the standard inference rules (say T ). Broadly
speaking, a type rule is only accepted if S equals T under the entailment relation.
Soundness of a specialized type rule with class assertions is checked by combining
entailment for type class predicates and entailment for equality constraints.
11.5 Summary
Elements of type class directives can be found in earlier papers: closed type classes
were mentioned by Shields and Peyton Jones [57], while the concepts of disjoint
type classes and type class complements were considered by Glynn et al. [19]. Type
class directives lead to improving substitutions which are part of the framework as
laid down by Jones [32]. All these efforts are focused on the type system, while we
concentrate on giving good feedback by adding high-level support to compilers via
compiler directives. Moreover, we generalize these directives to invariants over type
The techniques described in this chapter offer a solution to compensate the effect
that the introduction of overloading (type classes) has on the quality of reported
error messages. In general, the types of overloaded functions are less restrictive,
and therefore some errors may remain undetected. At the same time, a different
kind of error message is produced for unresolved overloading, and these errors are
often hard to interpret.
A number of type class directives have been proposed to remedy the loss of clar-
ity in error messages, and we have indicated how context reduction can be extended
to incorporate these directives. The directives have the following advantages.
• Tailor-made, domain-specific error messages can be reported for special cases.
• Functions for which we infer a type scheme with a suspicious class context can
be detected (and rejected) at an early stage.
• An effective defaulting mechanism assists to disambiguate overloading.
• Type classes with a limited set of instances help to improve and simplify types.
Furthermore, we have added type class predicates to the specialized type rules, and
the soundness check has been generalized accordingly.
Conclusion and future work
We have presented the constraint-based type inference framework Top, which has
been designed primarily to report informative type error messages. The constraints
of this framework cover the entire Haskell 98 standard, including overloading with
type classes. We summarize the contributions of our work.
12.1 Conclusion
To a great extent, the “quality of a type error message” depends on personal pref-
erences, and is influenced by factors such as level of expertise and style of pro-
gramming. Because there is no single best type inference algorithm which suits
everyone’s needs, we developed an infrastructure which is highly customizable.
In this thesis, we pursued a constraint-based approach to type inference. This
approach offers a firm basis to experiment with various existing type inference
strategies, which resulted in the design of new techniques to improve the error
reporting facility.
In our framework, each type constraint carries around information: for instance,
where the constraint was created, and why. This has proven to be a powerful method
to manage the flow of information during constraint-based type inference: constraint
information is used by heuristics during constraint solving, and, ultimately, it is used
to create the error message.
Given a constraint solver that considers constraints sequentially, the relative or-
der of the constraints strongly influences where an inconsistency is detected (Chap-
ter 5). By using specific constraint orderings, we can emulate well-known inference
algorithms, such as W and M. In fact, our approach generalizes various Hindley-
Milner type inference algorithms. A correctness proof of the constraint-based ap-
proach was presented in Section 4.5.
The proposed type inference framework has been implemented in the Helium
compiler [26], which has been used for several introductory courses to functional pro-
gramming at Utrecht University. The implementation confirms that the described
techniques are feasible in practice, and it proves that our approach scales well to
212 12 Conclusion and future work
• Extensions to specialized type rules. Extensions which we are taking into consid-
eration are adding flexibility in specifying the priority of specialized type rules,
and extending the facilities for phasing: at this point, phasing is a purely global
operation, which might be too coarse for some applications. By their nature, the
specialized type rules follow the structure of the abstract syntax tree. However,
syntactic matching is not always satisfactory, and we could benefit from a more
liberal matching strategy.
• Type inference and programming environments. Integrating type inference in a
programming environment adds new dimensions to reporting understandable
type error messages. Not only do we have different ways to present type infor-
mation at our disposal, it also becomes easier for a user to extract insightful
information from the type inference process. At its simplest, this takes the form
of inspecting inferred types of subexpressions.
Instead of only suggesting program fixes to a programmer, a programming envi-
ronment would enable us to truly apply the corrections, thereby correcting type
errors automatically. To fully integrate type inference in a dedicated program
editor, we need incremental type inference. Essentially, incremental inference in
a constraint-based setting is nothing but removing and inserting constraints:
a technique already used by some of our heuristics. Note that having previous
versions of a program available can also be helpful for heuristics to determine
the most likely source of a type error.
• Formalizing type class directives. The type class directives presented in Chap-
ter 11 change the underlying type system: if these directives are used, then a
different set of programs is accepted. We see the need for a formal approach, so
that the effects of our directives can be fully understood. Constraint handling
rules (introduced by Frühwirth [16], and used by Glynn et al. [19]) are a good
starting point for such a formalization.
• Extending the class system. Another direction is to explore directives for a num-
ber of the proposed extensions to the type class system [50], and to come up
with new directives to alleviate the problems introduced by these extensions.
For Haskell in particular, most of the proposals to extend the language with
new features result in increasingly complicated type systems. The more compli-
cated a type system becomes, the more the need arises for high quality feedback
about the inference process, and explanations of encountered inconsistencies in
particular – also for experienced programmers.
• Logging facility. During introductory courses on functional programming at
Utrecht University, we have set up a logging facility to record compiled pro-
grams. Thousands of compiled programs produced by participating students
were stored on disk, and this data collection can give insight in the learning
process over time. At the moment, the data has been analyzed only superfi-
cially: a more thorough study is required to draw profound conclusions. We
plan to use the data to justify our heuristics, and, if necessary, to adjust these.
214 12 Conclusion and future work
• Other analyses. Although we have focused solely on type inference for functional
languages, the constraint-based approach we followed lends itself to other pro-
gram analyses as well (such as strictness analysis and soft typing). Constraints
separate specification and implementation of analyses, and by storing constraint
information with each constraint, we can manage to hold on to the information
of our interest. Especially our compiler directive approach could be applied to
guide other analyses.
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compiler is niet alleen veel werk, maar is mede afhankelijk van factoren zoals de
programmeerstijl en de deskundigheid van de programmeur. Met name voor de
meer geavanceerde analyses geldt dat de foutmeldingen vaak cryptisch van aard
zijn. Een gevolg hiervan is dat het voor een programmeur dikwijls onduidelijk is
waarom een programma als incorrect wordt beschouwd, en hoe de gemaakte fout
hersteld kan worden.
Ter illustratie van het probleem bekijken we de werking van een geautomatiseer-
de spelling- en grammaticacontrole voor een stuk Nederlandse tekst. Hoe praktisch
zou zo’n toepassing zijn als enkel wordt vermeld of de tekst in zijn geheel goed dan
wel fout is? Het is wenselijk dat de locatie van een gevonden fout zo nauwkeurig
mogelijk wordt vermeld, al kan deze niet altijd eenduidig worden aangewezen. De
toepassing wordt pas echt gebruiksvriendelijk als ook wordt aangegeven hoe een
gemaakte fout verbeterd zou kunnen worden, eventueel met verwijzingen naar het
Groene Boekje. Een soortgelijke functionaliteit is ook wenselijk voor de fouten die
een vertaler rapporteert.
Functionele programmeertalen
Welke programma-analyses kunnen worden toegepast hangt voornamelijk af van
de gebruikte programmeertaal. De bekendste familie van programmeertalen heeft
een imperatief karakter. Een programma dat geschreven is in zo’n taal bestaat
uit een serie van instructies die na elkaar moeten worden uitgevoerd. Functionele
programmeertalen bieden een alternatief waarbij een programma wordt beschreven
door een verzameling van (wiskundige) functies. Deze talen zijn gebaseerd op de
principes van de lambda-calculus. Recente functionele programmeertalen zijn onder
andere ML en Haskell.
Karakteristiek voor deze laatste twee talen is dat ze impliciet getypeerd zijn.
Een type beschrijft de waarden die een expressie aan kan nemen, zoals “een getal”,
“een lijst met getallen”, “een paar van twee karakters” of “een functie”. De pro-
grammeur hoeft niet langer voor iedere expressie het type op te schrijven, maar kan
vertrouwen op een krachtig mechanisme om automatisch de types af te leiden (te
infereren). Tijdens het infereren van de ontbrekende types kunnen inconsistenties
in een programma worden ontdekt, en deze worden vervolgens gerapporteerd aan
de programmeur. Als er geen fout gevonden wordt, dan zijn alle functies in een
programma gegarandeerd op een juiste manier toegepast. Door het controleren van
de types kan een significant deel van de fouten worden geëlimineerd.
Het interpreteren van typeringsfoutmeldingen wordt in het algemeen als lastig
ervaren, en vergt enige training. Voor de ervaren programmeur is dit geen probleem:
in sommige gevallen zal er zelfs nauwelijks naar de foutmelding gekeken worden.
Voor beginnende programmeurs is de situatie anders: zij zullen voornamelijk het
gevoel krijgen te worden tegengewerkt door het type-inferentieproces aangezien de
foutmeldingen niet voldoende duidelijk maken wat er fout is, en hoe dit verbe-
terd kan worden. Deze onduidelijkheid belemmert het aanleren en waarderen van
een functionele programmeertaal. Dit proefschrift beschrijft een aantal technieken
om betere typeringsfoutmeldingen te genereren voor een programmeertaal zoals
Top Kwaliteit Typeringsfoutmeldingen 221
Top foutmeldingen
Het Top framework stelt vertalerbouwers in staat om een compiler op eenvoudige
wijze uit te breiden met type-inferentie, daarbij gebruikmakend van allerlei tech-
nieken voor het genereren van goede foutmeldingen. De naam van dit framework
staat enerzijds voor “Typing Our Programs” en anderzijds voor het symbool > uit
de wiskunde, dat een foutsituatie representeert. Een uitgangspunt bij het ontwerp
van Top is dat het inferentieproces kan worden afgestemd op de wensen en de des-
kundigheid van een programmeur. Deze flexibiliteit is noodzakelijk aangezien de
gewenste informatie bij een foutmelding nogal persoonlijk is. Eén algoritme voor
type-inferentie dat optimaal functioneert voor iedereen bestaat om deze reden niet.
Top is gebaseerd op constraints, en maakt de aanname dat iedere constraint zijn
eigen informatie met zich meedraagt. Deze informatie beschrijft bijvoorbeeld waar-
om de constraint is gegenereerd, en waar hij vandaan komt uit het oorspronkelijke
programma. Verder kan de informatie van een constraint heuristieken aansturen,
of een foutmelding aandragen.
222 Samenvatting
Naast het verzamelen en het oplossen van constraints onderscheidt het frame-
work nog een extra fase: het ordenen van de verzamelde constraints alvorens deze
worden opgelost. De volgorde waarin constraints worden afgehandeld is niet rele-
vant voor de oplossing die voor een verzameling gevonden wordt, maar beı̈nvloedt
wel in sterke mate het moment waarop een inconsistentie wordt ontdekt, en welke
fout er wordt gerapporteerd. Dit geldt in het bijzonder als de constraints één voor
één bekeken worden. Een globale oplossingsstrategie heeft hier minder last van. Een
ordening komt tot stand door eerst een constraintboom op te bouwen en deze ver-
volgens af te breken met een boomwandeling naar keuze. Hiermee kunnen klassieke
algoritmen uit de literatuur (zoals W [11] en M [36]) worden nagebootst, en kan
er geëxperimenteerd worden met variaties op deze algoritmen.
Het Top framework biedt naast een standaard oplossingsmethode ook een ge-
specialiseerde methode die het mogelijk maakt om zeer gedetailleerd een inconsis-
tentie in een constraintverzameling uit te leggen. Hierbij wordt gebruik gemaakt
van een typeringsgraaf. Dit is een geavanceerde datastructuur voor het represente-
ren van substituties, met als kenmerkende eigenschap dat een substitutie zich ook
in een inconsistente toestand kan bevinden. Met deze datastructuur kan een pro-
gramma globaal worden geı̈nspecteerd, en kunnen heuristieken worden ingezet ter
verbetering van de foutmeldingen. Hoewel deze oplossingsmethode meer rekentijd
vergt dan de standaardmethode, kan de analyse nog steeds binnen redelijke tijd
worden voltooid.
Gebruiksvriendelijke compiler
De Helium compiler [26] is ontwikkeld aan de Universiteit Utrecht met als doel om
precieze, gebruikersvriendelijke foutmeldingen te genereren. De compiler maakt ge-
bruik van de technologieën uit het Top framework, en is inmiddels al enkele malen
ingezet tijdens de introductiecursus Functioneel Programmeren aan de Universiteit
Utrecht. Helium ondersteunt bijna de volledige Haskell 98 standaard [49], wat
aantoont dat de concepten uit Top daadwerkelijk toegepast kunnen worden op
een volwassen programmeertaal. Tevens ondersteunt de compiler de faciliteit om
zelf directieven te definiëren. Er zijn twee artikelen in het Nederlands verschenen
die de ondersteunende rol van Helium binnen het programmeeronderwijs toelich-
ten [25, 24].
Verder wil ik Daan Leijen bedanken voor de getoonde interesse in mijn werk
en voor de prettige samenwerking bij het schrijven van een aantal artikelen. Ook
al hebben we een tegenovergestelde werkwijze, onze samenwerking blijkt wel te
werken. Bedankt voor al je constructieve opmerkingen over mijn proefschrift. Ik
ben Andres Löh zeer dankbaar voor het met mij delen van zijn inzichten in type-
inferentie met constraints en voor alle hulp die ik heb gekregen om mijn Haskell-code
te typesetten met lhs2TeX.
Ook ben ik dank verschuldigd aan al diegenen die steeds weer bereid waren om
mijn teksten door te lezen. Martijn Schrage, Dave Clarke, Arthur van Leeuwen,
Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev, Arthur Baars en Jeroen Fokker: allemaal hartstik-
ke bedankt. A special thanks goes to Phil Trinder and Greg Michaelson, both
connected to the Heriot-Watt University, for providing me with a copy of Helen
Soosaipillai’s thesis.
De prachtige tekening op het omslag van mijn proefschrift is gemaakt door
Lydia van den Ham. Na een langdurige brainstorm-sessie, waarin we enkel de grote
lijnen van het ontwerp hebben doorgesproken, was het eindresultaat voor mij een
aangename verrassing. Het sluit perfect aan bij de oorspronkelijke titel van mijn
onderzoek “Why did we reach Top?”, en het geeft dit boekje een heel eigen uitstra-
ling. Ook Janny Beumer wil ik hartelijk bedanken voor het onder de loep nemen
van de vormgeving en alle aanbevelingen die hieruit volgden. Ik dank Cor Kruft
voor zijn hulp bij het ontwerpen van het omslag en Piet van Oostrum voor het
installeren van de LATEX fonts.
Als laatste wil ik mijn familie en vrienden bedanken voor de ondersteuning en
de interesse die jullie hadden in mijn onderzoek. Misschien was het niet altijd even
duidelijk met welke vraagstukken ik mij bezighield; hopelijk maakt dit proefschrift
het voor jullie iets meer concreet. De laatste woorden zijn bestemd voor Anja, die
me tijdens het schrijven telkens weer heeft aangemoedigd en altijd voor me klaar
stond. Ook de voltooiing heb je van zeer dichtbij meegemaakt. Ik kan je hier niet
genoeg voor bedanken.
28 mei 1978
Geboren te Alphen aan den Rijn.
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M.H. Lamers. Neural Networks for Analy- M.B. van der Zwaag. Models and Logics
sis of Data in Environmental Epidemiology: A for Process Algebra. Faculty of Natural Sci-
Case-study into Acute Effects of Air Pollution ences, Mathematics, and Computer Science, UvA.
Episodes. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural 2002-11
Sciences, UL. 2001-09
J.I. den Hartog. Probabilistic Extensions of Se-
T.C. Ruys. Towards Effective Model Checking. mantical Models. Faculty of Sciences, Division
Faculty of Computer Science, UT. 2001-10 of Mathematics and Computer Science, VUA.
D. Chkliaev. Mechanical verification of con-
currency control and recovery protocols. Faculty L. Moonen. Exploring Software Systems. Fac-
of Mathematics and Computing Science, TU/e. ulty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Com-
2001-11 puter Science, UvA. 2002-13
M.D. Oostdijk. Generation and presentation J.I. van Hemert. Applying Evolutionary Com-
of formal mathematical documents. Faculty of putation to Constraint Satisfaction and Data
Mathematics and Computing Science, TU/e. Mining. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sci-
2001-12 ences, UL. 2002-14
A.T. Hofkamp. Reactive machine control: A S. Andova. Probabilistic Process Algebra. Fac-
simulation approach using χ. Faculty of Mechan- ulty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
ical Engineering, TU/e. 2001-13 TU/e. 2002-15
D. Bošnački. Enhancing state space reduction Y.S. Usenko. Linearization in µCRL. Faculty
techniques for model checking. Faculty of Math- of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e.
ematics and Computing Science, TU/e. 2001-14 2002-16
M.C. van Wezel. Neural Networks for Intelli-
J.J.D. Aerts. Random Redundant Storage for
gent Data Analysis: theoretical and experimen-
Video on Demand. Faculty of Mathematics and
tal aspects. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Computer Science, TU/e. 2003-01
Sciences, UL. 2002-01
M. de Jonge. To Reuse or To Be Reused: Tech-
V. Bos and J.J.T. Kleijn. Formal Specifica-
niques for component composition and construc-
tion and Analysis of Industrial Systems. Faculty
tion. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics,
of Mathematics and Computer Science and Fac-
and Computer Science, UvA. 2003-02
ulty of Mechanical Engineering, TU/e. 2002-02
T. Kuipers. Techniques for Understanding J.M.W. Visser. Generic Traversal over Typed
Legacy Software Systems. Faculty of Natural Sci- Source Code Representations. Faculty of Natu-
ences, Mathematics and Computer Science, UvA. ral Sciences, Mathematics, and Computer Science,
2002-03 UvA. 2003-03
S.P. Luttik. Choice Quantification in Process S.M. Bohte. Spiking Neural Networks. Fac-
Algebra. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathemat- ulty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UL.
ics, and Computer Science, UvA. 2002-04 2003-04
R.J. Willemen. School Timetable Construc- T.A.C. Willemse. Semantics and Verification
tion: Algorithms and Complexity. Faculty of in Process Algebras with Data and Timing.
Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
2002-05 TU/e. 2003-05
M.I.A. Stoelinga. Alea Jacta Est: Verification S.V. Nedea. Analysis and Simulations of Cat-
of Probabilistic, Real-time and Parametric Sys- alytic Reactions. Faculty of Mathematics and
tems. Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Com- Computer Science, TU/e. 2003-06
puter Science, KUN. 2002-06
M.E.M. Lijding. Real-time Scheduling of Ter-
N. van Vugt. Models of Molecular Computing. tiary Storage. Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UL. Mathematics & Computer Science, UT. 2003-07
H.P. Benz. Casual Multimedia Process Anno-
A. Fehnker. Citius, Vilius, Melius: Guiding and tation – CoMPAs. Faculty of Electrical Engi-
Cost-Optimality in Model Checking of Timed neering, Mathematics & Computer Science, UT.
and Hybrid Systems. Faculty of Science, Math- 2003-08
ematics and Computer Science, KUN. 2002-08
D. Distefano. On Modelchecking the Dynam-
R. van Stee. On-line Scheduling and Bin Pack- ics of Object-based Software: a Foundational Ap-
ing. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sci- proach. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathe-
ences, UL. 2002-09 matics & Computer Science, UT. 2003-09
M.H. ter Beek. Team Automata – A Formal F. Alkemade. Evolutionary Agent-Based Eco-
Approach to the Modeling of Collaboration Be- nomics. Faculty of Technology Management,
tween System Components. Faculty of Mathe- TU/e. 2004-15
matics and Natural Sciences, UL. 2003-10
E.O. Dijk. Indoor Ultrasonic Position Esti-
D.J.P. Leijen. The λ Abroad – A Functional mation Using a Single Base Station. Faculty
Approach to Software Components. Faculty of of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e.
Mathematics and Computer Science, UU. 2003-11 2004-16
W.P.A.J. Michiels. Performance Ratios for S.M. Orzan. On Distributed Verification and
the Differencing Method. Faculty of Mathemat- Verified Distribution. Faculty of Sciences, Divi-
ics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2004-01 sion of Mathematics and Computer Science, VUA.
G.I. Jojgov. Incomplete Proofs and Terms
and Their Use in Interactive Theorem Proving. M.M. Schrage. Proxima - A Presentation-
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, oriented Editor for Structured Documents. Fac-
TU/e. 2004-02 ulty of Mathematics and Computer Science, UU.
P. Frisco. Theory of Molecular Computing –
Splicing and Membrane systems. Faculty of E. Eskenazi and A. Fyukov. Quantitative Pre-
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UL. 2004-03 diction of Quality Attributes for Component-
Based Software Architectures. Faculty of Mathe-
S. Maneth. Models of Tree Translation. Fac- matics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2004-19
ulty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UL.
2004-04 P.J.L. Cuijpers. Hybrid Process Algebra. Fac-
ulty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Y. Qian. Data Synchronization and Browsing TU/e. 2004-20
for Home Environments. Faculty of Mathematics
and Computer Science and Faculty of Industrial N.J.M. van den Nieuwelaar. Supervisory Ma-
Design, TU/e. 2004-05 chine Control by Predictive-Reactive Schedul-
ing. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU/e.
F. Bartels. On Generalised Coinduction and 2004-21
Probabilistic Specification Formats. Faculty of
E. Ábrahám. An Assertional Proof System for
Sciences, Division of Mathematics and Computer
Multithreaded Java -Theory and Tool Support-
Science, VUA. 2004-06
. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
L. Cruz-Filipe. Constructive Real Analysis: UL. 2005-01
a Type-Theoretical Formalization and Applica-
R. Ruimerman. Modeling and Remodeling in
tions. Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Com-
Bone Tissue. Faculty of Biomedical Engineering,
puter Science, KUN. 2004-07
TU/e. 2005-02
E.H. Gerding. Autonomous Agents in Bar- C.N. Chong. Experiments in Rights Control -
gaining Games: An Evolutionary Investigation Expression and Enforcement. Faculty of Electri-
of Fundamentals, Strategies, and Business Ap- cal Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Sci-
plications. Faculty of Technology Management, ence, UT. 2005-03
TU/e. 2004-08
H. Gao. Design and Verification of Lock-free
N. Goga. Control and Selection Techniques Parallel Algorithms. Faculty of Mathematics and
for the Automated Testing of Reactive Systems. Computing Sciences, RUG. 2005-04
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
TU/e. 2004-09 H.M.A. van Beek. Specification and Analysis
of Internet Applications. Faculty of Mathemat-
M. Niqui. Formalising Exact Arithmetic: Rep- ics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2005-05
resentations, Algorithms and Proofs. Faculty of
Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, RU. M.T. Ionita. Scenario-Based System Archi-
2004-10 tecting - A Systematic Approach to Develop-
ing Future-Proof System Architectures. Faculty
A. Löh. Exploring Generic Haskell. Faculty of of Mathematics and Computing Sciences, TU/e.
Mathematics and Computer Science, UU. 2004-11 2005-06
I.C.M. Flinsenberg. Route Planning Algo- G. Lenzini. Integration of Analysis Techniques
rithms for Car Navigation. Faculty of Mathemat- in Security and Fault-Tolerance. Faculty of Elec-
ics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2004-12 trical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Sci-
ence, UT. 2005-07
R.J. Bril. Real-time Scheduling for Media Pro-
cessing Using Conditionally Guaranteed Bud- I. Kurtev. Adaptability of Model Transforma-
gets. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sci- tions. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathe-
ence, TU/e. 2004-13 matics & Computer Science, UT. 2005-08
J. Pang. Formal Verification of Distributed Sys- T. Wolle. Computational Aspects of Treewidth -
tems. Faculty of Sciences, Division of Mathemat- Lower Bounds and Network Reliability. Faculty
ics and Computer Science, VUA. 2004-14 of Science, UU. 2005-09
O. Tveretina. Decision Procedures for Equal- J.Eggermont. Data Mining using Genetic Pro-
ity Logic with Uninterpreted Functions. Faculty gramming: Classification and Symbolic Regres-
of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. sion. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sci-
2005-10 ences, UL. 2005-12
A.M.L. Liekens. Evolution of Finite Popu-
lations in Dynamic Environments. Faculty of B.J. Heeren. Top Quality Type Error Messages.
Biomedical Engineering, TU/e. 2005-11 Faculty of Science, UU. 2005-13