NordsArmyList V.1.5

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The rules that

follow will show you
how the models and
Warbands interact
with each other and
the environment. These
chapters will teach you
how to activate your
Warbands, how to move
them as well as how to
engage in combat with

The force you bring to the Battlefield is chosen Each Character in your Army (including the
using an Army list. To help ensure you’re Warlord) must be accompanied by a Warband
playing a fair and balanced game, these Army of Regiments. You’ll normally have a choice
lists are chosen to equal points values. of Regiments to choose from, but you must
always include a Regiment of the same type – i.e
POINTS VALUES Infantry, Cavalry or Brute – as your Character
to ensure he or she has a Regiment to join at
Each Stand in a game of Conquest has a points the start of the battle.
value, representing its overall worth on the
Battlefield. Stands with higher points values Each Regiment is drawn from the Regiments
are generally better or more flexible fighters, section of the Army List. It will also, depending
while those with lower points values are on the Character it is chosen for, count as a
less effective, or are useful in a narrow set of Mainstay or a Restricted choice. Each Character’s
circumstances. Your Army’s points value is Warband has a Regiment allowance of 4
equal to the total points values of every Stand Regiments. A Warband can include as many
in your Army, plus those of any upgrades you’ve Mainstay choices as your Warband allowance
purchased for those Stands. The higher the allows. Restricted choices are more limited,
points value, the more lethal the Army you’ve as the name suggests. Each Warband can
selected. By choosing Armies to equal points only include two Restricted choices from all
values, you and your opponent can ensure a the options presented. This can be two of the
fair, challenging battle. same Regiment, or two different Regiments
from the list. As a further restriction, you
SIZE OF BATTLE must include one Mainstay choice for each
Restricted choice in your Army. Therefore, a
By default, we recommend battles of 2,000 Warband that includes two Restricted choices
points – this generally gives enough slaughter will always have at least two Mainstay choices
for an evening’s gaming. However, there’s too. Note that a Regiment might be a Mainstay
nothing to stop you from choosing a larger or choice for one Character type, and a Restricted
smaller size for your confrontation. Indeed, choice for another – check the Character’s
smaller games of 1,000 points are an excellent Army List entry to be sure.
way to learn the rules.
Many Characters and Regiments have
An Army consists of two types of entities: additional options that can be purchased for
Characters and Regiments. You may include any them, such as Abilities, Command Models, or
number of either in your Army, subject to the even extra Stands (in the case of Regiments).
following rules: If you purchase any of these upgrades, simply
add the points cost to that of the Character or
Regiment for which the upgrade was purchased.

You must include one Character to be your

Warlord – your avatar on the Battlefield.

This Army follows the additional Faction Specific Rules seen below:


While a Regiment in your Army has any
Wounded Stands (Incomplete non- Character
Stands or Stands with Wound Markers), or is
missing Stands as a result of Casualties, that
Regiment gains the Fury 1 Draw Event.

While a Regiment in your Army has lost half

or more of its Stands (or Wounds in case of
Monsters and Characters), that Regiment gains
the Flurry Special Rule as well.

If the Regiment already has the Fury 1 Draw

Event or the Flurry Special Rule when gaining
Special Rules from Blood of the Einherjar, it
instead gains the Fury +1 Draw Event instead.
Character Stands only gain these benefits if
the Stand itself is applicable (regardless of the
accompanying Regiment).

Each type of Character grants a different Supremacy Ability if chosen as your Warlord.


Call the Hunt: Every Regiment in the Character’s Warband gains the ‘Flank’ Special Rule.


Surprise Attack: During the Reinforcement Phase, while this Character is on the Battlefield,
your opponent suffers a -1 penalty to their Reinforcement Rolls. Unmodified rolls of 6 are
always a success. This Supremacy Ability is always considered to be active.


Living Legend: When building your Army, Konungyr may have an additional Trove-Find at
the indicated points cost, normal restrictions apply. In addition, any friendly Regiments that
perform a successful Charge Action also gain the Terrifying 1 Special Rule until the beginning
of their next Activation. This Supremacy Ability is always considered to be Active.


Call the Storm: While this Character is on the Battlefield, choose one friendly Regiment per
Turn, currently not on the table and prior to rolling for Reinforcements to gain the ‘Vanguard’
Special Rule. This Supremacy Ability is always considered to be Active.


Gift of the Einherjar: While this Character is on the Battlefield, all Regiments in your army
(but not Stands with the Character Special Rule) increase their Evasion Characteristic by 1,
to a maximum of 2. This Supremacy Ability is always considered to be Active.

You may include any number of Characters, but must include at least one Character to be your

Blooded 70 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Blooded Infantry Medium 5 2 4 4 4 3 1 0 Barrage 4 (12"),
Cleave 2,

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 1
Models per Stand: 1

Aspect: May have a single animal totem assuming their aspect:
Crow 15 points
Dragon 15 points
Bear 10 points
Eagle 10 points
Wolf 10 points

Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.

Mainstay: Stalkers
White Waste Tribesmen

Restricted: Werewolves
Fenr Beastpack
Nefhur Beastpack
Goltr Beastpack
Mountain Jotnar

Retinue: Masteries: Tactical, Combat

Tactical Restricted
Combat Available
Arcane Not Available

Jarl 60 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Jarl Infantry Medium 5 2 3 5 4 3 2 0 Barrage 4 (12''),

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 1
Models per Stand: 1

Aspect: May have a single animal totem assuming their aspect:
Crow 15 points
Dragon 15 points
Bear 10 points
Eagle 10 points
Wolf 10 points

Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.

Mainstay: Raiders

Restricted: Bearsarks
Mountain Jotnar

Tactical Available
Combat Available
Arcane Not Available

Masteries: Tactical, Combat

Konungyr 80 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Konungyr Infantry Medium 5 2 4 6 4 4 2 2 Character,

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 1
Models per Stand: 1

Aspect: May have a single animal totem assuming their aspect:
Crow 15 points
Dragon 15 points
Bear 10 points
Eagle 10 points
Wolf 10 points

Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.

For each Konungyr in your Army, you must include at least one Jarl (and their own Warband).

Mainstay: Steel-Chosen
Restricted: Ice Jotnar
Mountain Jotnar
Sea Jotnar

Tactical Restricted
Combat Restricted
Arcane Not Available

Masteries: Tactical, Combat

Shaman 35 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Shaman Infantry Light 5 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 Character,
Priest 5

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 1
Models per Stand: 1

Spells: Must have at least one Spell from the following list:
Blurred Vision 20 points
Mist Weave 15 points
Reshape Destiny 10 points

Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.

Mainstay: Raiders
Restricted: Bearsark

Tactical Restricted
Combat Not Available
Arcane Available

Masteries: Arcane

Volva 55 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Volva Infantry Light 5 1 3 4 4 3 2 0 Character,
Priest 5

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 1
Models per Stand: 1

Spells: Must have at least one Spell from the following list:
Fruit of the Golden Tree 40 points
Warbringer’s Light 20 points
Hela’s Caress 10 points
Glory of Valhalla 10 points
Aspect of Fenrir 10 points

Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.

Mainstay: Valkyries
Restricted: Raiders

Tactical Not Available
Combat Restricted
Arcane Restricted

Masteries Arcane

White Waste Shaman 50 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
White Waste Infantry Light 6 1 1 2 4 2 1 0 Character,
Shaman Fearsome,
Priest 4,

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 1
Models per Stand: 1

White Waste Butchers: One Infantry Regiment in this Character’s Warband may select a
Butcher as their Command Model for free.
Spells: Must have at least one Spell from the following list:
Enrage 20 points
Dominate 20 points

Trove-Finds: May have a single Trove-Find at the indicated points cost.

Mainstay: White Waste Tribesmen
Restricted: Mountain Jotnar
Sea Jotnar
Restriction: A White Waste Shaman may not be a Warlord.

Tactical Restricted
Combat Not Available
Arcane Available

Masteries: Arcane

Magical Items and Heraldry are an important part of a Faction’s culture and history. Each
Faction has access to a list of Character Upgrades as described in their Army List.

Unless noted otherwise, each entry may only be selected once in your Army List, and it does
not have to be visually represented on the Character. Each Upgrade confers abilities or attrib-
utes to the Character, and their bonuses are lost as soon as the Character is removed from the
game for any reason.

Unless otherwise specified, the following restrictions apply: Selecting an Upgrade from the
Arcane category requires the Character to possess the Wizard X or Priest X Special Rule.
Selecting an Upgrade from the Banner category requires the Character to possess at least 1 Tier
in the Tactical category. Finally, Characters with the Wizard X Special Rule may not purchase
Upgrades from the Armor category. If a Character can have more than one Upgrade, they must
purchase Upgrades from different categories.

Each Trove-Find may only be included in your Army once.

sailing through the Hreggfjorden under cover

Banners of mist, in a flanking maneuver against Surtr’s
forces. They were never seen again. After the
Raven Messengers 40 points return of the Einherjar, on a rare clear morning
The Eagle, the Bear, the Wolf and the Raven feature in Hreggford, Naglfar landed quietly on the
prominently in Nord mythology. While their roles shores, intact but bereft of crew or their remains.
are complex and varied, few would challenge that The Character Stand and any friendly Regiment
the Raven is a creature of cunning and deep memory within 6” of it, count as being Obscured on
whose favor marks the greatest of leaders… or the Turn the Character Stands arrives on the
the most ruthless. Battlefield from Reinforcements.
Friendly Regiments within 12" may use the
Character's Resolve instead of their own. Fearsome Reputation 10 points
Many men have reputations for ruthlessness
Coils of the Serpent 15 pts and savagery earned across countless duels and
Ripped from the flank of a jormungandr serpent, battlefields. But for a Nord to have earned such
blood still drips from this rough banner, imbuing a daunting reputation…
the unit that bears it with some of the serpent’s The Character Stand and joined Regiment has
unholy resilience. the Fearsome Special Rule.
The Character gains the following Draw Event:
The Character Stand and the Regiment it is Armors
currently attached to both gain +1 Evasion
until the end of Turn. Járngreipr 25 points
Found at the bottom of a still smoking crater
Figurehead of the Naglfar 5 pts in pristine condition, these iron gauntlets are
Naglfar was the ship of Jarl Vignik Vignarson, intricately carved with runes of power. Blows
who during Ragnarök had been tasked with delivered from one bearing them strike with

tremendous power, but not much accuracy. The Character inflicts Impact Hits, and has
During a Duel Action, the Character gains the Brutal Impact 2 Special Rule.
the Relentless Blows Special Rule.
Rjóða, the Red Bringer 15 points
Ty Jokull, the Rimeheart 10 points Seven bright, flawless blades surface time and
Wrested from the shattered form of Aurgelmir, again in Nord myth, granting their wielders fame,
greatest and last of the great Ice Jotnar sorcerers, glory and victory, before the curses bound into
this unmelting slab of ice has been fashioned into each cause their death. Rjóða, the Red Bringer,
a shield that absorbs the power of even the most causes the wearer to enter an uncontrollable
powerful of blows by cracking and then refreez- rage when drawn, making the warrior unstop-
ing. Should it ever sense weakness in its bearer, pable in the field. Invariably, its wielders will
however, it will crack and shatter, leaving him lose the ability to tell friend from foe, killing
defenseless against his foes. friends and family before guilt drives them to
The Character has +2 Defence while he or she exile and suicide.
has no Wounded Markers. The Character has the Bloodlust Special Rule
and +2 Attacks.
Massive Frame 5 points
While the average Nord towers a head over most The Broken Blade 10 points
‘sunlanders’, there are a few rare individuals This shattered blade is rumored to be the shard
who tower above even them. This height is often of Tyrfing, the blade of the dragonslayer Sigurd.
ascribed to a long lost Einherjar ancestor, but If this is true, the blade retains only a fraction of
whatever the cause they make terrifying foes to its former power, for it was once cable of slicing
face with a naked blade, capable of shrugging off boulders in a single blow, and even rumored to
blows that would fell lesser opponents. be able to pierce dragon scale.
The Character ignores the first Wound allo- The Character has the Cleave 1 Special Rule.
cated to it in a Duel.
Vanquisher of Monsters 10 points
Weapons This massive pale blade was not forged but
rather carved from the massive rib bone of some
Vinda, the Dancer 40 points sea borne monstrosity that washed up on the
Second of the Seven Blades, Vinda is a slender, well shores near Aarheim. Some of the beast’s marrow
balanced and flexible blade that seems to move remains in the core canal, swinging to the top of
of its own accord, seeking holes and weaknesses the weapon at the apex of its swing granting the
in the opponent’s guard. Her bearer is doomed weapon incredible force upon impact.
to slowly lose all sense of humor, and in time to The Character has the Fiend Hunter Special
come to perceive even the friendliest of gestures Rule.
as a deadly insult.
For every two Hits (rounding up) scored by Talismans
the Character during a Clash or Duel Action,
roll an additional dice, and add any successful Golden Torc 35 points
Hits to the total. These additional Hits do Almost all Nord warriors favor torcs as jewelry
not generate further rolls. for it is a simple way to transport wealth that
cannot be easily stolen. The greatest and most
Reyngeir, the God Spear 30 points successful of raiders go to combat with several
Legend claims that this spear was forged entirely golden torcs around their arms, denoting their
from the heart of a fallen star. Heavy enough skill and success at their chosen craft.
that only the strongest of warriors could hope to The Character Stand and the joined Regiment
wield it, let alone throw it, it remains superbly has the Flank Special Rule.
balanced and eternally sharp.

The Horn of Hjoldgar 35 pts Attacks as a result of the “Throwing Weapons”
( Jarl Warlord only) Special Rule.
Hjoldgar the Crazy is a recent legend among
skalds. It is said he pushed his men unlike any Arcane
other, to the extent that when faced with a diffi-
cult battle during his raids, he would make holes Heralds of the Storm 20 pts
on the hulls of his ships. He would then blow his Any Working of magic is difficult, be it by Gifted
horn to let his men know, a call that they must individuals or the Faithful, requiring immense
push themselves further and do whatever it takes concentration in thought and precision in method.
to win, for there was no retreat. Bringing to ghostly life the circumstances that
The Character Stand gains this Supremacy birthed it, these wands made of pieces of old oak
Ability in addition to his normal one: The or drake bones struck by lightning, once broken
Character Stand and any friendly Regiment summon an aetheric storm that makes tampers
within 6” gain the Rapid Volley Special Rule with the mystical energies around them, while
until the end of Turn. making concentration incredibly difficult.
Once per game, the Character Stand may
Mistcaller’s Raiment 25 pts spend an Action to use this Item. Reduce
The shaman Saidran gave his life when the the casting Difficulty value of all Spells by 3
Jotnar of Hel befell his village. Exhausted and until end of Turn. Spells with a difficulty of
wounded, he dedicated his final breath to invoke 0 and lower, automatically fail to cast. This
the mists of the north, shielding his people from affects any and all attempts to cast, even if a
the giants giving chase. To this day, his bones Spellcaster arrived from Reinforcements after
are clouded in a layer of mist, revered relics and the item was activated.
prized possessions of the Nords.
Enemy Stands performing a Volley Action Runes of Wisdom 15 pts
against the Character Stand’s Regiment must Inscribed on the bones of mighty monsters, as well
Re-roll successful rolls of “1”. as the bones of defeated practitioners of magic,
the origin and power of these runes seems to stem
Heriolf ’s Folly 10 points from times and practices that predate even the
This rune-carved, thighbone pendant was the era that the Gods of Yggdrasil took humanity
most prized possession of the notorious outlaw, under their wing.
Heriolf Godson. Ultimately his pride got the better Once per game, the Character Stand may roll
of him: After ransacking a caravan under the 2 extra dice when performing a Spellcasting
protection of Angbjorn, one of the last Einherjar Action.The player must declare using this
to still walk the land, he made the mistake of ability before Rolling for the Spell.
bragging about it. The pendant cannot protect
one from stupidity. Runes of Fate 10 points
The Character has +1 Evasion. A brave warrior might overcome his fear and get a
true scrying performed on him by a shaman. Most
Prize Silver 5pts emerge from such an ordeal pale and wan, refusing
A practice favored by many a ship captain to to speak of it again. A very select few however
keep the crew busy and trained is the Prize emerge empowered, their fate laid out before them
Silver. In the long days in the sea, they pin a in a single glorious path… as well as their doom.
coin on the mast, promising it as a reward to The first time each Turn this Character gains
any who can hit it with their weapons while a Wounded Marker, roll a dice. On a score of
standing on the bow’s very edge. 4 or more, remove that Wounded Marker.
The Character Stand and its Regiment may
Re-roll rolls of “6” when performing Impact

These options can be taken by any Infantry Character unless stated otherwise. Certain tier of
upgrades can only be reached by certain Characters. Unless otherwise specified, you need to
have obtained the previous Tiers in order to obtain the Tier you wish (i.e. to obtain Tier 2,
you must have also obtained Tier1 etc)

Not every Character has access to all categories of Retinues. Those allowed will be clearly stated
in the relevant entry in the Army List, with the indication of either “available” or “restricted”.
The Character selects Tiers freely from the available categories, while they may only reach
Tier 2 on the restricted categories. In addition, selecting a Tier from a restricted category
costs double the points indicated.

Tier Tactical Combat Arcane

1 The Character and The Character The Character gains +1 Wizard/
any Regiment he gains +1 Wound. Priest Level.
has joined reroll one (10pts) If the Character is not a Wizard/
failed Resolve die per Priest, he counts as Wizard (1) for
Character’s Tier in disruption purposes.
Tactical. (10pts)
2 The Character may The Character The Character gains the Blessed
purchase 1 different gains Special Rule.
Perk from the +1 Attack. In addition when using a Spellcasting
Faction list (15pts) Action, the Character treats all
(in addition to any Regiments as having 3 fewer Stands
they may already be for Scaling purposes.
able to gain).* (15pts)
(15pts + Perk's cost)
3 The Character and The Character The Character adds 1 success
any Regiment they gains Cleave 1 when using a Spellcasting Action.
have joined gain the and +1 Clash. (30pts)
Flank Special Rule. (25pts)


- May select an additional Aspect
- If a Character selects 2 or more Retinue Tiers in
Tactics, they may select an additional Aspect.

Characters are heroes of renown or highly gifted individuals, who excel above and beyond the
masses. Be it through luck, education, training and effort or other powers at work, Characters
have mastered abilities that make them exceptional, though it is not uncommon for two such
heroes to have mastered the same path.

Masteries are optional upgrade abilities for your Characters, which are noted on your army
list and confer bonus abilities to your Character. A Character may select only one Mastery
according to the Character’s allowed lists in the following section. Each Mastery can be bought
multiple times, however each time you wish to add a duplicate (or more) of the same Mastery
you pay double the costs of the previous Mastery. For example, selecting a Mastery that costs
20 points, while taking it a second time it would cost the second Character 40 pts, and a third
time it would cost the third Character 80 pts.

There are three categories of Masteries, and each Character may select one Mastery from a
category allowed in his entry in the relevant Army List. Although there are common Mastery
lists provided below, each Army List may include additional Masteries specific to that Faction.

Tactical Long Lineage 15 points

May take an extra Heirloom/Trove Find/
Disciplined 40 points Relic/Mutation.
Characters of Light or Medium Type Only
– Once per game, the Character and any The Hunt’s Instinct 15 points
Regiment they have joined may perform 1 The Character gains the Fire and Advance
Clean Withdrawal without rolling a die or Draw Event.
suffering any Wounds.
Knowledged 35 points
(Must be Tier 3 in Tactical Retinue) The Headhunter 30 points
Character may replace their Supremacy Ability During a Duel, natural rolls of 1 made by this
with any other Supremacy Ability in their Character cause 3 Hits instead of 1.
Faction Army List.
Expose Weakness 20 points
Calm Strategist 25 points At the beginning of a Duel Action where this
Once per game, the Character may refuse a Character is involved, choose one of your
Duel without suffering any penalty. opponent’s Upgrades, Retinue Bonuses or
Masteries. It has no effect during this duel.
Eccentric 20 points
(Must be Tier 2 in Tactical Retinue) The Marksmanship 15 points
Character must select 2 Mainstay Regiments The Character gains Barrage +2. If the
and only 1 Restricted Regiment, but they may Character does not have Barrage, they gain
select any Regiment in their Faction Army List Barrage 2 (24”).
as their Restricted option.

Veteran Warrior 15 points Magus 20 points
(Requires Tier 3 in Combat Retinue) The The Character increases any non-Scaling Spell
Character counts as also having selected the Casting Difficulty value by 1.
Tier 1 Tactical Retinue for all game purposes
but does not need to represent it with a Model Cautious Casting 15 points
(Requires Rank 2 in Arcane Retinue) Once
Disorienting Strikes 10 points per game, the Character may re-roll all dice
Any Character in a Duel Action with this for a single Spellcasting Roll.
Character suffers a -1 Clash penalty during
the duel. Focused 15 points
The Character may reroll 1 die during any
Overkill 10 points Spellcasting Action.
(Requires Tier 2 in Combat Retinue) Every time
this Character wounds an enemy Character Rune of Shielding 15 points
during a Duel Action, the accompanying (Volva Only)
enemy Regiment must make a number of The Character gains the Bastion 1 Draw
Morale Tests equal to the wounds suffered Event while leading a Regiment of Valkyries.
by their Character.
Sacrificial Lamb 15 points
Curse of the Vargr 5 points When this Character loses their final Wound
(Blooded Only) during a Duel, all friendly Regiments within
The Character changes his Troop Type to Brute 6” gain the Blessed Special Rule.
and may no longer gain Retinue. The Character
can thus legally join Brute Units and can gain Wizened Caster 15 points
access to new rules such as Impact Hits, etc. (Requires Rank 3 in Arcane Retinue) The
Character counts as also having selected the
Arcane Tier 1 Tactical Retinue for all game purposes
but does not need to represent it with a Model.
Learned in the Occult 35 points
Choose a Spell from a different School in
this Character’s entry. The Character knows
the Spell in addition to any other Spells they
have purchased

Some Character Stands can purchase Spells from the following list:

Name Range Casting Effect
Blurred Vision 14" 3 Target Regiment can only select targets to Volley or
Charge that are within 12”.
Mist Weave 12" 3 (Scaling) All Stands in the Target Regiment have +1 Defence
against all Volley Actions until End of Turn.
Reshape Destiny 8" 3 (Scaling) Target Regiment re-rolls failed Defence rolls of 6.

Name Range Casting Effect
Aspect of Fenrir Self 2 (Scaling) All Stands in the Caster’s Regiment gain the Terrifying
Special Rule until End of Turn.
Fruit of the Self 3 For each success, the Caster's Regiment Heals
Golden Tree two Wounds.
Glory of Self 3 All friendly Regiments within 12" of the Caster
Valhalla have +1 Resolve.
Hela's Caress 12" 3 (Scaling) Target Regiment gains the Decay 3 Special Rule
until End of Turn.
Warbringer's Self 3 (Scaling) Stands in the Caster’s Regiment have the Blessed
Light Special Rule until End of Turn.


Name Range Casting Effect
Dominate 12" 3 Only effective against Monster Regiments that have
not yet acted this Turn. Target Monster Regiment
may only take one Action this Turn.
Enrage 12" 4 Only effective against Monster Regiments that have
not yet acted this Turn. Target Monster Regiment
has +6 Attacks this Turn.
Name Range Casting Effect
Ice Armour Self 3 The Caster gains +1 Defence until End of the Turn.
Rime Storm 12" 3 Inflicts two Hits for each success.
Encase 12" 3 (Scaling) The Target Regiment halves its March (rounding
up) until the End of Turn.
You may include Regiments as part of your Characters' Warband.

Raiders 120 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Raiders Infantry Light 5 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 Flurry, Throwing

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 3
Models per Stand: 4

Additional Stand 40 points per Stand
Standard Bearer 15 points
Shield Biter 15 points
Captain 10 points
Leader Free

White Waste Tribesmen 105 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
White Waste Infantry Light 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 Flurry,
Tribesmen Vanguard
Draw Event: Fury 1
Number of Stands: 3
Models per Stand: 4

Additional Stand 35 points per Stand
Butcher 20 points
Standard Bearer 15 points
Leader Free

Bow-Chosen 240 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Bow-Chosen Infantry Light 6 2 3 1 2 3 1 0 Barrage 2
(24", Precise Shot)

Draw Event: None Options:

Number of Stands: 3 Additional Stand 80 points per Stand
Models per Stand: 4 Leader Free

Stalkers 165 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Stalkers Infantry Light 6 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 Barrage 1 (18"),
Flank, Vanguard
Draw Event: None Options:
Number of Stands: 3 Additional Stand 55 points per Stand
Models per Stand: 4 Standard Bearer 10 points
Leader Free

Werewolves 180 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Werewolves Brute Light 7 1 3 6 4 3 2 1 Bloodlust,

Draw Event: Regeneration 3

Number of Stands: 3
Models per Stand: 1

Additional Stand 60 points per Stand

Huskarls 135 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Huskarls Infantry Medium 5 1 3 1 1 3 2 0 Shield, Throwing
Draw Event: None Options:
Number of Stands: 3 Additional Stand 45 points per Stand
Models per Stand: 4 Skald 20 points
Thegn 20 points
Standard Bearer 15 points
Leader Free

Trolls 210 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Trolls Infantry Medium 6 1 2 1 2 2 2 0 Cleave 2,

Draw Event: Regeneration 5

Number of Stands: 3
Models per Stand: 4

Additional Stand 70 points per Stand
Standard Bearer 20 points
Leader Free

Ulfhednar 195 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Ulfhednar Infantry Medium 6 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 Bloodlust, Flurry,
Lethal Demise

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 3
Models per Stand: 4

Additional Stand 65 points per Stand
Standard Bearer 20 points
Gothi 10 points
Savage 10 points
Leader Free
Valkyries 150 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Valkyries Infantry Medium 5 1 3 1 1 3 2 0 Blessed, Devout,
Shield, Support 1

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 3
Models per Stand: 4

Additional Stand 50 points per Stand
Standard Bearer 20 points
Leader Free

Blade-Chosen 240 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Blade-Chosen Infantry Medium 6 2 3 2 2 3 2 0 Flurry, Throwing

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 3
Models per Stand: 4

Additional Stand 80 points per Stand
Shield Biter 45 points
Standard Bearer 25 points
Savage 15 points
Leader Free

Fenr Beastpack 105 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Fenr Beastpack Cavalry Medium 7 1 2 6 4 2 1 0 Flank, Fluid
Feral ,

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 3 Options:
Models per Stand: 1 Additional Stand 35 points per Stand
Goltr Beastpack 90 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Goltr Beastpack Cavalry Medium 7 1 1 8 4 2 1 0 Brutal Impact 2,
Lethal Demise
Draw Event: None
Number of Stands: 3
Models per Stand: 1

Additional Stand 30 points per Stand

Ugr 150 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Ugr Brute Medium 6 1 3 4 4 2 2 0 Cleave 2, Fearless,

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 3
Models per Stand: 1
Additional Stand 50 points per Stand
Standard Bearer 25 points
Leader Free

Bearsarks 210 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Bearsarks Infantry Heavy 5 1 2 2 1 5 3 0 Bloodlust,
Cleave 2,

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 3
Models per Stand: 4

Additional Stand 70 points per Stand
Standard Bearer 25 points
Gothi 15 points
Leader Free
Steel-Chosen 210 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Steel-Chosen Infantry Heavy 5 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 Cleave 2,

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 3
Models per Stand: 4

Additional Stand 70 points per Stand
Skald 40 points
Standard Bearer 20 points
Leader Free

Nefhur Beastpack 165 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Nefhur Cavalry Heavy 6 1 2 4 4 3 4 0 Cleave 1, Brutal
Beastpack Impact 2

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 3 Options:
Models per Stand: 1 Additional Stand 55 points per Stand

Sea Jotnar 190 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Sea Jotnar Monster Heavy 6 1 3 9 12 3 2 1 Barrage 10 (16",
Armor Piercing
1), Cleave 2,
Fiend Hunter,
Terrifying 1
Draw Event: None
Number of Stands: 1
Models per Stand: 1

Mountain Jotnar 160 Points
Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Mountain Monster Heavy 6 1 3 12 16 3 3 0 Cleave 2,
Jotnar Terrifying 1

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 1
Models per Stand: 1

Ice Jotnar 220 Points

Name Type Class M V C A W R D E Special Rules
Ice Jotnar Monster Heavy 7 1 4 12 14 5 3 2 Cleave 3,
1, Wizard 4,

Draw Event: None

Number of Stands: 1
Models per Stand: 1

Each Ice Jotnar may perform a Spellcasting Action during their Activation as if they were a
Character for free (in addition to its normal Regiment Actions).
Spells: Must have at least one Spell from the following list:
Encase 20 points
Ice Armour 10 points
Rime Storm 10 points

Certain Regiments have the option of taking Command Models. Each Regiment may only take
each Command Model once. If the Command Model is removed as a casualty, all benefits are lost.
A Command Model is purchased on top of the model it replaces. In the case of Cavalry or Brute
Stand you need to pay for the Stand and the Command Model.

Command Models
Butcher Thegn
The Regiment gains the Shock Special Rule. While the Thegn is alive, the Regiment has
At the end of the Regiment’s Activation, the the Bastion 1 Draw Event. In addition, any
Regiment receives a Wound. This Wound may Character in the Regiment has +1 Defence
cause Morale tests. while fighting a Duel Action.

Captain Aspects
When a Regiment with a Captain is called to
make its Reinforcement Roll but before roll- Certain Characters have the option of taking
ing you may choose to change its Class to one an animal totem, assuming their aspect.
Class heavier (e.g. Medium instead of Light)
for the rest of the Battle and for all game pur- Bear Aspect
poses. In addition, while the Captain is alive, The Character has +1 Attack.
any Character in the Regiment has +1 Clash
while fighting a Duel Action. Increase the Crow Aspect
Regiment’s Resolve Characteristic by 1 point. The Character has +2 Volley.

Savage Dragon Aspect

The Regiment receives the Flank Special Rule The Character has +1 Clash.
and their Stands get a +1 March.
Eagle Aspect
Gothi The Character has the Seize the Day Draw
The Regiment receives the Devout Special Rule. Event.

Shield Biter Wolf Aspect

While the Shield Biter is alive, the Regiment The Character has +1 March.
adds 2 to its Charge rolls. In addition, any
Character in the Regiment has +1 Attack
while fighting a Duel Action.

The Regiment gains +1 Resolve and the Bravery
Special Rule.


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