Dislocation Velocity and Strain Rate Sensitivity: Lakshmi Narayan R Dmse, Iitd

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MLL251: Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (3-1-0)

Lakshmi Narayan R
Lecture 26
Dislocation velocity and strain rate
Velocity of glide
Using etch-pits, Johnston and Gilman empirically observed a power law dependence of
velocity on applied stress.

velocity of edge dislocation is usually much

faster than that of screw dislocation;
Survivorship bias

Same with absence of edge dislocations

Velocity of dislocations

A flattening in the dislocation velocity occurs as the velocity comes within 10-3 of the speed of
the transverse shear wave. (3200 m/s in Fe)

So, the maximum velocity of dislocations in ordinary conditions in a crystal (e.g., FCC, HCP)
is a few m/s!
Velocity and temperature
the velocity becomes faster with an increase in the

However, the effect of stress on dislocation velocity

becomes weaker, such as: n = 44 at 78 K but n = 35 at
293 K

With an increase in temperature, the atomic vibrations

increase; this increased vibration may dampen the
dislocation movement
Strain rate sensitivity
Strain rate sensitivity
MLL251: Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (3-1-0)

Lakshmi Narayan R

Lecture 27
Dislocation climb, jogs and kinks
Can edge dislocations avoid obstacles?

𝑏 𝑡Ƹ

Motion direction

𝑏 𝑡Ƹ
Slip Unslipped

𝑏 𝑡Ƹ
Essentially one more row of atoms has to be removed
or added for edge dislocation to avoid obstacle
Climb characteristics
If a row of atoms is removed from the bottom-line of the extra half plane, the dislocation
line moves up one atom spacing out of its original slip plane: Positive climb.
If a row of atoms is introduced below the extra half plane, the dislocation line moves down
one atom spacing: Negative climb

Unlike glide, the climb usually causes volume change, i.e., unlike dislocation glide, climb is a
non-conservative motion
Since volume change is associated with normal (hydrostatic) stress, climb occurs under the
influence of normal stress: major difference between dislocation glide and dislocation climb.

Therefore, compressive stress in the direction perpendicular to the half plane promotes
positive climb, while tensile stress promotes negative climb.
Volume change during glide or climb

For edge dislocation climb, dV≠0
Slip Unslipped
For edge dislocation glide? dV=?
Glide and climb of screw dislocation

𝑏 𝑙መ
Slip Unslipped

Climb of screw dislocations:

Plastic strain due to dislocation glide


= tan θ = opposite/adjacent = 1/h * b * xi/d

Plastic strain due to dislocation

:Dislocation line length/volume = l/V *N

Note: Dislocation line length is l as it extends from front surface to back
V = h*l*d surface
MLL251: Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (3-1-0)

Lakshmi Narayan R

Lecture 28
Dislocation jogs and kinks
:Dislocation line length/volume = l/V *N
Note: Dislocation line length is l as it extends from front surface to back
V = h*l*d surface

Real dislocation contains jogs – these are formed Double jog leading to climb
when only a small segment of a dislocation

Both jogs and kinks have same Burgers vector as original dislocation line
Characteristics of kink

kink, which has same slip plane as original, does not impede the motion of the dislocation
Characteristics of jog
jog on edge dislocation may or may not affect glide
Slip plane
Slip plane?

Slip plane

a jog in screw dislocation will have an edge character and it will become sessile? why?
Dot product of bXl and s is ≠0 ; dV≠0; No glide
Creation of jogs and kinks
Rules of intersection
1. Dislocations can’t break
2. The intersected dislocations increase in length by forming a step along the Burgers vector, b (distance and
direction) of the (other) intersecting dislocation
3. This can then result in formation of jogs or kinks. PP‟ is edge jog with burgers b2 and has line vector b1. PP‟ can glide



As b2 is parallel to line vector of XY

APP‟B is on the same as slip
Another case of interaction plane as PAB
XQQ‟Y is on the same slip plane
as PXY.

Kink on XY and AB

Both get eliminated

due to line tension
intersected dislocations increase in length by forming a step
along the Burgers vector, b (distance and direction) of the
(other) intersecting dislocation
Movement of jogs and kinks (via climb or glide)
Elastic properties of dislocations
Stress around dislocations: Screw

along Z
increases by b
for 2π rotation

If rotation is θ,
along Z increases
by b (θ/2 π)


Y = r sin θ
X= r cos θ
Stresses around dislocation

Using Hooke’s law

As r ~0 stresses and strains become infinite

r0 is the distance below which linear elastic model ceases to be valid: core of dislocation
MLL251: Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (3-1-0)

Lakshmi Narayan R

Lecture 29
Dislocation stress field
Revision: Stress around dislocations: Screw

along Z
increases by b
for 2π rotation

If rotation is θ,
along Z increases
by b (θ/2 π)


Y = r sin θ
X= r cos θ
Stresses around screw dislocation

Using Hooke’s law

As r ~0 stresses and strains become infinite

r0 is the distance below which linear elastic model ceases to be valid: core of dislocation
Core of the dislocation
When r→ b,
 reaches theoretical limit = G/2π

Using Hooke’s law; σ/G = γ = 16%!!

Both unrealistic
Given that σ can be theoretically G/30; in that case:

σyz = 10-5 x G

Although this gives reasonable value of stress, the core radius appears to be too large; i.e. in µm
Edge dislocation
Displacement fields – Requires equilibrium eqns
Strain and stress field
Strain state of dislocation
Compressive strain field at top
half of lattice

Tensile strain field at bottom

half of lattice

Edge Dislocation
Stress field around edge dislocation line-

Assignment 4: Using stress field

equations provided for edge
dislocations, prove that these are the
stress states. Optional
Strain energy of dislocation
MLL251: Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (3-1-0)

Lakshmi Narayan R

Lecture 30-31
Dislocation energy and line tension
Strain energy of dislocation
Strain energy

Further calculations

Recall avg spacing of dislocations = ρ-0.5 Avg value of ρ = 1010 m-2

Energy of edge and mixed dislocation
Energy of dislocations

Can be higher also

Forces on dislocations
Peach-Koehler equations
= i(Ay.tz – Az.ty)
– j(Ax.tz – Az.tx)
+k(Ax.ty – Ay.tx)

Note that first we determine the product of σ and b, and then the cross product of the
resultant vector is taken with t.

Do not take the cross product of b and t first – it will be always zero for screw dislocation!
Example 1: shear stress τ acting on a block to move screw
dislocation in x-direction

Line vector
Stress tensor?

Recall energy balance

Gave the same eqn
Example 2: shear stress τ acting on a block to
move edge dislocation in x-direction

Line vector

Stress tensor?
Only σxy
Example 3: Parallel screw dislocations
t and b t and b

Hence, a screw dislocation applies forces on other screw

dislocation in both x (i.e. glide direction) as well as y (cross-slip or
climb direction).
Example 4: Parallel edge dislocation

Hence, an edge dislocation applies forces on other edge dislocation in both x (i.e. glide direction) as well as y (climb
Dislocations-dislocation interactions
Positive edge dislocation
Negative edge dislocation

Slip plane

Positive edge dislocation Positive edge dislocation

Slip plane

What happens between them?

Positive positive dislocations

Summation of individual energies


Replace b with 2b

ΓE’ > ΓE

For energy minimization, both dislocations have to repel each other and can’t remain together
Same sign dislocations-dislocation interactions


Two half planes creates distance of 3a between atoms

This increases the energy
Hence two dislocations of same sign repel each other
Opposing sign dislocations-dislocation interactions

Perfect crystal is formed

Energy of the crystal decreases
Opposites attract
Two screw dislocations on different slip planes

From Peach Koehler

Of force on screw

Physical visualization: External deformation is in direction of b (i.e., z direction for a screw

dislocation) and dislocation is on y plane gliding in x-direction. S1 is at the origin

So screw on top of other screw on different slip planes are in equilibrium as net force is 0 on it
Alternative examination

For θ = 0 to π/2

= always positive but decreases as r increases

Also decreases when θ goes to π/2
For θ = π/2 to π
= always Negative but increases as r increases
Also increases when θ goes to π/2
This may NOT be an attractive force. Remember they can be same sign dislocations
It is repulsion in the –x direction. So, same sign dislocations repel each other
Use of cartesian expression vs radial expressions

r‘’ r'
θ’ Note that FXS varies with both r and θ which makes the force
θ variations difficult to plot as a function of both

Hence we use the expression in cartesian coordinates (x and y)

Differentiating and simplifying

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