Reasons Why Zoos Should Be Banned

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Reasons Why Zoos Should be Banned

The question has been lingering for a long time, should zoos be banned? “We do not own
planet Earth; we belong to it. We must share it with our wildlife” -Steve Irwin. Keeping animals
in zoos means that they do not have any freedom, they live in an unnatural habitat and they get
bored stressed and lonely. Therefore, zoos are bad for all animals in the world.

Animals only have a limited amount of freedom in zoos. In the wild animals have thousands of
kilometers to roam and be free. In zoos the animals are trapped in tiny cages and sometimes
the floor is even made of concrete. Neil Strauss, author, journalist and ghost writer said, 'Rather
than having actual freedom, it seemed that, like animals in a habitat in the zoo, we had only the
illusion of freedom. As long as we did not try to leave the cage, we'd never know we weren't
actually free.' Animals that were taken from their natural habitat early will never know what real
freedom is. Living in an environment like this is not at all like the animal’s natural habitat.

Living in habitats with no grass, sand or plants on the floors and inadequate space is not

anything like an animal’s natural habitat. Taking an animal away from its family and putting it in

a small enclosure with glass or gates around it is not right. Robert Breault says, 'The only

creature on Earth whose natural habitat is a zoo is the zookeeper.' Some zoos have balanced
natural ecosystems and give animals adequate space, but most zoos give them extraordinarily

little space and often with artificial plants and grass. With everything going on around the
animals it can be incredibly stressful for them.

Animals are often alone in their cages and they can become very isolated without necessary
bonding with their own kind. Zoos are usually remarkably busy places and with all the

commotion going on around the animals it can be incredibly stressful, and they can get very
bored as well. Sundaram Mani states that, 'Within the prison walls of every zoo, there sits the
tortured souls with empty eyes and broken spirits.' This is a devastatingly sad quote because it
talks about the heart-wrenching suffering of some animals that are kept in zoos. At times
animals get anxious leading to the point where they stop eating and drinking an then they just
starve to death and die if not monitored. No animal deserves this trauma, even though they
could live longer in zoos they live a life of boredom and can display nervous behaviors.
Therefore, zoos should be banned because they are very cruel to animals.

In conclusion, after all these aspects have been considered zoos should be banned. Animals
that are kept in zoos have an unnatural environment where they get unstimulated and socially
withdrawn. Having limited freedom would drastically affect any creature’s life. It is time for
people to realise how serious this issue is and how cruel it is for animals. As Jane Goodall said,

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