RTB 33
RTB 33
RTB 33
Daytime phone number Other phone number Fax number for service of documents
From the LANDLORD (if the landlord is a business name, enter the full legal business name in the “last name” box)
Daytime phone number Other phone number Fax number for service of documents
This is page 1 of a 2-page Notice. The landlord must sign this Notice and the tenant must receive page 1 and page 2.
Residential Tenancy Branch Office of Housing and Construction Standards Ministry of Energy and Mines
Public Information Lines: 1-800-665-8779 (toll free) 604-660-1020 250-387-1602
Website: www.rto.gov.bc.ca
#RTB – 33 (2011/03)
REASONS FOR THIS 1 MONTH NOTICE TO END THE TENANCY (put an “x” in all the boxes that apply)
Tenant is repeatedly late paying rent
Tenant has allowed an unreasonable number of occupants in the unit/site
Tenant or a person permitted on the property by the tenant has:
significantly interfered with or unreasonably disturbed another occupant or the landlord
seriously jeopardized the health or safety or lawful right of another occupant or the landlord
put the landlord’s property at significant risk
Tenant has engaged in illegal activity that has, or is likely to:
damage the landlord’s property
adversely affect the quiet enjoyment, security, safety or physical well-being of another occupant or the landlord
jeopardize a lawful right or interest of another occupant or the landlord
Tenant has caused extraordinary damage to the unit/site or property/park
Tenant has not done required repairs of damage to the unit/site
Breach of a material term of the tenancy agreement that was not corrected within a reasonable time after written notice to do so
Tenant has assigned or sublet the rental unit/site without landlord’s written consent
Tenant knowingly gave false information to prospective tenant or purchaser of the rental unit/site or property/park
Rental unit/site must be vacated to comply with a government order
Non-compliance with an order under the legislation within 30 days after the tenant received the order or the date in the order
Tenant’s rental unit/site is part of an employment arrangement that has ended and the unit/site is needed for a new employee
Residential Tenancy Act only: security or pet damage deposit was not paid within 30 days as required by the tenancy agreement
This is page 2 of a 2-page Notice. The landlord must sign this Notice and the tenant must receive page 1 and page 2.