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Observation Tracking Sheet (KAFD Science Museum C-22)

S.No HSE NAME Date Topic Severity Commentary Department Location Action Required Close out Action taken? Date2 Status

observed inappropriate power plug

follow the appropriate procedure
connection was used during the
146 Irfan Shafiq 16-May-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical Electrical B2 for cable continuity testing Informed to concern person . 16-May-22 OPEN
permanent lighting cable continuity test
mentioned in MSRA
activity at basement area.
need to use Proper fittings (Clamps)
Work at Height /
Observed that Nylon rope was used to tie instead of ropes, must be checked
148 Irfan Shafiq 16-May-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical Mechanical B1 Informed to concern person . 16-May-22 OPEN
the ladder of Scaffold and supervise by competed scaffold
No work should be carried out on an
Muzaffar An operative found working on unfixed informed the concern foreman to install
165 14-Jul-22 Housekeeping Non-Life Critical MEP B4 unstable platform,platform should 14-Jul-22 OPEN
Alam plank potential cause for falling hazard scaffolding platform
be provided
Loose cable connection and damaged power Electric power connection should be
Muzaffar Informed to the foreman to replace the
168 14-Jul-22 Electrical Life Critical socket observed ,potential cause for Electrical B3 proper and damaged power socket 14-Jul-22 OPEN
Alam damaged socket
electrocution must be removed
Work at Height / It is observed that handrails and A standared distance between
Muzaffar Informed to the scaffolding foreman
170 14-Jul-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical midrails of sevral scaffolding platform Mechanical B3 toeboard ,midrail and handrails 14-Jul-22 OPEN
Alam and inspector
Ladders are not as per KAFD stanared must be maintained
Work at Height / Several scaffolding platforms are found with Coaster wheels must in good
171 14-Jul-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical damaged coaster wheels ,potential cause for Electrical B2 condition and damaged wheels Informed to the scaffolding inspector 14-Jul-22 OPEN
Ladders toppling of the platform must be replaced
several operatives found working with Hand gloves and other required
Muzaffar Informed to the foreman to provide all
173 16-Jul-22 PPE Non-Life Critical grinding machine without using hand MEP B2 PPEs must be used while working OPEN
Alam required PPEs
protection with power tools
Damaged power connection
Muzaffar Electric power connection shocket found
176 17-Jul-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical B3 shockets should be removed to Informed the electrical team OPEN
Alam damaged condition ,shocket lock broken
avoid electric shock
Muzaffar Barriers / Distance between handrails and midrails of Distance between handrails and Informed to the scaffolding inspector
177 18-Jul-22 Non-Life Critical Mechanical B2 OPEN
Alam Guards several scaffoling platforms are not as per midrails must be as per KAFD regarding the issue
A couple of operatives spotted involving
Muzaffar All operatives doing painting work Informed to the concerned foreman to
181 19-Jul-22 PPE Non-Life Critical painting work without mask and clear MEP B2 OPEN
Alam must wear clear glasses and nose provide all required PPEs
It is observed that the ladder used for safe The safe access must be fixed with Informed to the scaffolding inspector
184 20-Jul-22 Access/Egress Non-Life Critical access in scaffolding platform is not fixed MEP B3 correct agnle for easily access to the regarding such observations and OPEN
with correct angle scaffolding platform suggested to check all the platforms
Muzaffar It is obsereved that temprature in basments To avoid heat strock ventilation fans Informed to site management regarding
185 20-Jul-22 Heat Stress Non-Life Critical Civil 4 OPEN
Alam increasing ,potential cause for heat strock should be increased the issue
Safety glasses come under
A number of operatives of M/s MERAS mandator PPEs ,so all operatives
Muzaffar Informed to the foreman to provide all
192 27-Jul-22 PPE Non-Life Critical spotted working with power tools without Electrical B2 must use safety glasses while 27-Jul-22 OPEN
Alam required PPEs
safety glasses ,potential cause for eye injury working specially while working with
power tools
An electrical power shoket found broken All the power shocket must be in
and there are many power shoket observed good condition , broken power Broken shocket removed and informed
193 28-Jul-22 Electrical Life Critical broken lock-hook which may cause of Electrical B4 shoket should be removed from to the electrical foreman to check all 28-Jul-22 OPEN
disconnection of cable and might be chance workplace to avoide electrical the power shocket
for electrocution incident
Operatives found withuot mandator PPEs Mandatory personal protective TBT conducted with foreman and
Muzaffar while working with power tools -grinding equipments must be worn while operatives and informed to the
194 28-Jul-22 PPE Non-Life Critical Electrical B2 28-Jul-22 OPEN
Alam machine ,potential cause for for serious working with power tools to avoid storekeeper to issue hand gloves and
injury personal injury other required PPEs
Muzaffar Barriers / Water sump found without proper After fininshing the work the
199 31-Jul-22 Non-Life Critical MEP B4 Informed the concerned foreman OPEN
Alam Guards barricading,potential cause for falling hazard foreman must ensure the that the
A number temporary power cables found
All such energized power cable must
Muzaffar attched with metal which is ood conductor
203 2-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical B2 be detached immediately to avoid Informed the concerned foreman OPEN
Alam of electricity ,potential cause for
electrocution and electric shock an electricals incitend
An electric power cable found without The electrical team must monitor
204 2-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical second coat insulated ,potential cause for Electrical B4 the working areas to solve such Informed the concerned foreman OPEN
electric fire and electrocution critical observation
Although there are few exhust fans
Due to high humidity the heat index reach
Muzaffar provided but need to be increased ,
209 4-Aug-22 Heat Stress Non-Life Critical upto 37 in basments ,potential cause for Civil B4 Informed the concerned foremen 4-Aug-22 OPEN
Alam it is better if fan provided to the
heat strock
maximum groups operatives
Hazardous Drip tray must be provided below
Muzaffar Painting containers in temporary
217 8-Aug-22 Substances / Non-Life Critical Civil B2 the painting containers in Informed to the concerned foreman OPEN
Alam stotage area found without drip tray
Dusts / Gases temporary storage area
An operative spotted working near the
Muzaffar Floor Openings / The pit must be barricaded or shoud
224 11-Aug-22 Non-Life Critical opened water pit ,potential cause for MEP B4 Informed the concern foreman OPEN
Alam Gaps / Holes be fully covered
falling hazard
all the equipments electricall
An ventilation fan observed without operated must be inspected weekly informed the electrical foreman,
234 15-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical inspection tag which ensures the the Electrical B2 by the competent person and an inspection tag provided after ensuring OPEN
equipment is fit to use isnpection tag must be attached the equipment is in good condition
with equipments
There found few unwanted materials at All the metalic and non-metalic
237 16-Aug-22 Housekeeping Non-Life Critical diferent locatons which might cause for Civil B4 scarpes and unwanted materials Informed the concern person 3-Aug-22 OPEN
tripping hazard must be removed from the site
Due to high humidity and high
tempreture heat index is raised.In
It is observed that no chilled water
Muzaffar this condition operative need
241 18-Aug-22 Heat Stress Non-Life Critical available in water dispensers because Civil B1 Informed the concerned foreman OPEN
Alam chilled water to maintain body
few dispensers are under repair .
.Need to repaire the water
deipensers ASP.
A high voltage enrgized power cable ,
Muzaffar routed through distribution Board is All exposed cables must be rectified
246 20-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical B3 Inforemed the electrical foreman OPEN
Alam exposed to primery cable ,potential to avoide electrical incident at site
cause for electrical fire/electrical shock
It is observed that most of the electric
distribution board routed through high All the electrical DBs must be lablled
260 25-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical ampire MCB,without labling and no Electrical Multiple and routed through a low ampire Informed the electrical foreman OPEN
ELCB/RCCB connected to protect from MCB and ELCB/RCCB
Many operatives observed working with
Hand gloves and other required
Muzaffar power tools for sharp edge sheet bare Inforemd the concerned foreman and
267 29-Aug-22 PPE Non-Life Critical MEP B2 PPEs must be provided for such OPEN
Alam handed ,potential cause for personnel supervisor
activities to avoide any cut or injury
It is observed that cover of many
Muzaffar distribution boards are opened due to It should be ensured that coveres o
274 1-Sep-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical Multiple Inoremd the elecric team OPEN
Alam damage lock,potential cause for electric all the DBs must be closed properly
It is observed that appron of the welder
is damaged ,no new appron is availble Appron must be used for welding
Muzaffar Informed that concern foreman and
275 1-Sep-22 PPE Non-Life Critical in store ,potential cause for personal Mechanical B1 and other hot work activities OPEN
Alam storekeeper
injury while carrying out welding generating spark
without appron
An energized cable near distribution All energized cables must be fully
278 3-Sep-22 Electrical Life Critical board found exposed,potential cause Electrical B2 insulated ,exposed cable should be inforemed the concern foreman OPEN
for eclectric shock rectified
It is observed that coaster wheels of a
Work at Height / The coaster wheels must be in good
Muzaffar scaffolding platform are damaged informed the scaffolding inspector to
282 4-Sep-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical Mechanical B3 condition,damage wheels should be OPEN
Alam ,potential caused of toppling the replace the wheels
Ladders replaced
Poor cable management observed at
Muzaffar all the power cable should be well
290 7-Sep-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical workplace ,potential cause for tripping Electrical Multiple informed the concern foreman OPEN
Alam arranged at work place
hazard and electrocution
Damage and substanderd power plug Damage and substandard power
291 7-Sep-22 Electrical Life Critical and switch board found at site,potential Electrical B2 pluch and switch board must be informed the direct supervisor OPEN
cause for electrocution/shock replaced to avoid electric incident
Gas cylinders to be used for cutting
Trolley must be provided to secure
activity found connected with damage
the cylinders ,NRVs should be
Muzaffar pressure guage ,damage hose pipe and
292 7-Sep-22 Gas Cylinders Non-Life Critical Mechanical B4 provided oth side of the hose informed the concern foreman OPEN
Alam NRV is missing in cylinder side and no
pipe,pressure guage should be in
trolly for cylinders to secure ,potential
good condition
cause for fire hazard
a power shocket connected with the
Muzaffar Damaged cable must be rectified
297 10-Sep-22 Electrical Life Critical damaged cable ,potential cause for Electrical B1 informed the concern foreman OPEN
Alam immeiately
Work at Height / Handrails and midrails of a scaffolding Handrails and midrails must be as
301 12-Sep-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical platform is not as per KAFD standard MEP B1 per KAFD standard to avoid falling informed the scaffolding inspector OPEN
Ladders ,poential cause for falling hazard hazard
Energized power cable should not
Energized cable routed directrly through
Muzaffar be directly contacted with
311 18-Sep-22 Electrical Life Critical metalic structrue ,potential cause for Electrical B1 informed to the concern foreman 18-Sep-22 OPEN
Alam metal,insulation must be provided
in between
Wooden and other combustible scrapes All combustible/flamable scrapes
314 19-Sep-22 Housekeeping Non-Life Critical accumulated in workplace ,potential Civil B1 must be removed immediately from Informed the concern forman 19-Sep-22 OPEN
cause for fire hazard the work place to avoid ire hazard
Operatives not allowed to work on
Work at Height / An operative found working on an incomplete platform ,ensure the
Muzaffar informed the scaffolding inspector and
317 20-Sep-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical incomplete platform where handrail is MEP B1 platform is green tagged and safe 20-Sep-22 OPEN
Alam concern foreman
Ladders missing ,potential cause or fallinf hazard access along with hanrails ,midrails
and toeboard are fixed
Ensure regular cleaning of draning
water logging observed near the water
Muzaffar water from cooler or should provide
319 21-Sep-22 Slip/Trip/Falls Non-Life Critical drinking station ,potential cause for Civil B1 Informed the concern leadman 21-Sep-22 OPEN
Alam permanent draining system to avoid
slipping hazard
water logging on the walkway
Muzaffar Barriers / A ventilation fan found without protection The moving parts of ventilation fan The ventilation fan returned to the
322 21-Sep-22 Life Critical Electrical B1 21-Sep-22 OPEN
Alam Guards for the moving part at work place must be protected store and "DO NOT USE " tag fixed
Observed that TPC certificate not ensure that all lifting accessories are
Muhammad Lifting
353 15-May-22 Life Critical available for Chain block and sling using Electrical B2 checked, inspected and TPC must 15-May-22 OPEN
Ikram Equipment
on site be in place
Sub-standered and taped joints are Need to ensure that all cables
359 17-May-22 Electrical Life Critical found in the electrical cables at several Electrical B4 connections/ joints must be done by 17-May-22 OPEN
area. competent person
Improper storage of Electric And civil Need to ensure that all material are
366 23-Jul-22 Storage Non-Life Critical material was observed at the Basement MEP B1 stored in a proper designated 23-Jul-22 Open
1. storage area.
Observed Poor Energized electric cable
Muhammad Need to insure All electrical cable
388 1-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical Management at A05 Basement 1 Near Electrical B1 1-Aug-22 Open
Ikram Are proper manage.
Wellding Workshop.
Ensure all the MEP material are
Muhammad Evidence of poor material storage of
408 9-Aug-22 Storage Non-Life Critical MEP B1 stored properly in a designated 9-Aug-22 OPEN
Ikram MEP observed at basement 1.
storage area.
Needs to ensure that all
Accumulated wooden plastic wast kept combustible waste materials must Housekeeping is conducted at site and
416 13-Aug-22 Fire Non-Life Critical and stored in Ground Floor Potential Civil GF be managed to prevent the risk of all unwanted and waste material has 13-Aug-22 OPEN
risk to fire hazard. fire, by regular removal and safe thrown in skip for proper disposal
Muhammad Observed driptray not avalible under Need to provide driptray under the
422 14-Aug-22 Other Non-Life Critical Mechanical B1 Still Open 14-Aug-22 OPEN
Ikram the genroter at basement 1 . genratour .
Evidence of poor material storage of Ensure all theMEP material are
Muhammad All material are stored in designated
426 15-Aug-22 Storage Non-Life Critical MEP And poor housekeeping was Mechanical B1 stored properly in a designated 15-Aug-22 OPEN
Ikram storage area.
observed at A02Part B Basement 1 storage area.
Need to ensure that all compressed
gas cylinders must be stored safely
observed Compressed gas cylinder was and secured. Trolley with secure
428 16-Aug-22 Storage Life Critical found free standing and unsecured, No MEP B1 chain must be provided for the 16-Aug-22 OPEN
available trolley and valve cap cylinders to prevent from falling.
Also provide a cap fitted on the
Muhammad Observed Poor Cable Mangment At Need to Ensure All cable are well
431 17-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical B1 17-Aug-22 OPEN
Ikram BAsement 1 Near MERAS Store Area . manteness and inspect regularly.
Needs to ensure that all
Accumulated wooden plastic wast kept combustible waste materials must Housekeeping is conducted at site and
436 20-Aug-22 Fire Non-Life Critical and stored in Ground Floor Potential Civil GF be managed to prevent the risk of all unwanted and waste material has 20-Aug-22 OPEN
risk to fire hazard. fire, by regular removal and safe thrown in skip for proper disposal
Ensure that the toilet must be
Observed that toilets are not well cleaned and well maintain,
450 24-Aug-22 Welfare Non-Life Critical maintained, No soap and paper towel Civil B1 inspection checklist is conducted in 24-Aug-22 OPEN
available, daily basis. Soap and paper towel
must be provided
Observed B1 near offices. Damaged
Muhammad Need to Ensure all Electric DB Door
454 25-Aug-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical electrical DB door lock . Please provide Electrical B1 25-Aug-22 Open
Ikram must be closed.
lock or replace the door
Ensure all electrical distribution
Muhammad Found electrical DB without inspection
478 4-Sep-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical Electrical 2 boards are inspected and cable 4-Sep-22 open
Ikram also missing cable glands.
glands should be installed .
Need to ensure that all materials
stored properly at
Muhammad Observed Poor storage of material near designated storage area,
485 7-Sep-22 Storage Non-Life Critical Mechanical B1 7-Sep-22 Open
Ikram MERAS store area . or barricaded with
temporary storage
Observed that scaffolding materials
Muhammad Ensure all the material are stored in
503 14-Sep-22 Storage Non-Life Critical were kept and stored & blocked the Civil B1 Scattered material stored properly 14-Sep-22 Open
Ikram designated area.
Ensure all the access are clear from
Muhammad Observed steel material has stored in
523 22-Sep-22 Storage Non-Life Critical MEP B1 obstruction and material are stored 22-Sep-22 OPEN
Ikram the access area.
in designated storage area.
Floor Openings / All floor opening must be properly Inform to the scaffolding formen please
537 Md Sohail 7-Jul-22 Life Critical It was found that floor opening at level 2. Civil 2 7-Jul-22 OPEN
Gaps / Holes barricaded or covered. provide proper barrication for floor
several operatives found working with Hand gloves and other required
Informed to the foreman to provide all
543 Md Sohail 16-Jul-22 PPE Non-Life Critical grinding machine without using hand MEP B2 PPEs must be used while working 16-Jul-22 OPEN
required PPEs
with power tools
Damaged power connection
Electric power connection shocket found
546 Md Sohail 17-Jul-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical B3 shockets should be removed to Informed the electrical team 17-Jul-22 OPEN
damaged condition ,shocket lock broken
avoid electric shock
Distance between handrails and midrails Distance between handrails and
Barriers / Informed to the scaffolding inspector
547 Md Sohail 18-Jul-22 Non-Life Critical of several scaffoling platforms are not as Mechanical B2 midrails must be as per KAFD 18-Jul-22 OPEN
Guards regarding the issue
per KAFD standered standered
A couple of operatives spotted involving All operatives doing painting work
Informed to the concerned foreman to
551 Md Sohail 19-Jul-22 PPE Non-Life Critical painting work without mask and clear MEP B2 must wear clear glasses and nose 19-Jul-22 OPEN
provide all required PPEs
It is observed that the ladder used for The safe access must be fixed with Informed to the scaffolding inspector
554 Md Sohail 20-Jul-22 Access/Egress Non-Life Critical safe access in scaffolding platform is not MEP B3 correct agnle for easily access to the regarding such observations and suggested 20-Jul-22 OPEN
fixed with correct angle scaffolding platform to check all the platforms
It is obsereved that temprature in
To avoid heat strock ventilation fans Informed to site management regarding
555 Md Sohail 20-Jul-22 Heat Stress Non-Life Critical basments increasing ,potential cause for Civil 4 20-Jul-22 OPEN
heat strock should be increased the issue
An operative spotted working with power Clear glass and other required PPEs
tools(drill machine) without eye Informed to the foreman to provide all
559 Md Sohail 23-Jul-22 PPE Non-Life Critical Electrical B2 must be worn while working with 23-Jul-22 OPEN
protection ,potential casue of eye injury required PPEs
and eye infection power tools
an exposed energized cable observed Exposed energized cable must be inforemed the electrical foreman to
563 Md Sohail 24-Jul-22 Electrical Life Critical ,potential cause for electrocution and Electrical B2 attended immediately to avoide an inspect all the areas for such electrical 24-Jul-22 OPEN
electric shock unpleasent event issues
Safety glasses come under
A number of operatives of M/s MERAS mandator PPEs ,so all operatives
spotted working with power tools without Informed to the foreman to provide all
571 Md Sohail 27-Jul-22 PPE Non-Life Critical Electrical B2 must use safety glasses while 27-Jul-22 OPEN
safety glasses ,potential cause for eye required PPEs
injury working specially while working with
power tools
An electrical power shoket found broken All the power shocket must be in
and there are many power shoket good condition , broken power Broken shocket removed and informed to
572 Md Sohail 28-Jul-22 Electrical Life Critical observed broken lock-hook which may Electrical B4 shoket should be removed from the electrical foreman to check all the power 28-Jul-22 OPEN
cause of disconnection of cable and workplace to avoide electrical shocket
might be chance for electrocution incident
Operatives found withuot mandator Mandatory personal protective TBT conducted with foreman and
PPEs while working with power tools - equipments must be worn while operatives and informed to the
573 Md Sohail 28-Jul-22 PPE Non-Life Critical Electrical B2 28-Jul-22 OPEN
grinding machine ,potential cause for for working with power tools to avoid storekeeper to issue hand gloves and
serious injury personal injury other required PPEs
After fininshing the work the
Water sump found without proper foreman must ensure the that the
Barriers /
578 Md Sohail 31-Jul-22 Non-Life Critical barricading,potential cause for falling MEP B4 temporary barricading reinstalled Informed the concerned foreman 31-Jul-22 OPEN
hazard of men and materials which was removed to perorm the
A number temporary power cables All such energized power cable must
found attched with metal which is ood
582 Md Sohail 2-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical B2 be detached immediately to avoid Informed the concerned foreman 2-Aug-22 OPEN
conductor of electricity ,potential cause
for electrocution and electric shock an electricals incitend
An electric power cable found without The electrical team must monitor
583 Md Sohail 2-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical second coat insulated ,potential cause Electrical B4 the working areas to solve such Informed the concerned foreman 2-Aug-22 OPEN
for electric fire and electrocution critical observation
Although there are few exhust fans
Due to high humidity the heat index
provided but need to be increased ,
588 Md Sohail 4-Aug-22 Heat Stress Non-Life Critical reach upto 37 in basments ,potential Civil B4 Informed the concerned foremen 4-Aug-22 OPEN
cause for heat strock it is better if fan provided to the
maximum groups operatives
Work at Height / Drip tray must be provided below
Painting containers in temporary stotage
596 Md Sohail 8-Aug-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical Civil B2 the painting containers in Informed to the concerned foreman 8-Aug-22 OPEN
area found without drip tray
Ladders temporary storage area
An operative spotted working near the
Floor Openings / The pit must be barricaded or shoud
603 Md Sohail 11-Aug-22 Non-Life Critical opened water pit ,potential cause for MEP B4 Informed the concern foreman 11-Aug-22 OPEN
Gaps / Holes be fully covered
falling hazard
all the equipments electricall
An ventilation fan observed without operated must be inspected weekly informed the electrical foreman,
613 Md Sohail 15-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical inspection tag which ensures the the Electrical B2 by the competent person and an inspection tag provided after ensuring 15-Aug-22 OPEN
equipment is fit to use isnpection tag must be attached the equipment is in good condition
with equipments
There found few unwanted materials at All the metalic and non-metalic
616 Md Sohail 16-Aug-22 Housekeeping Non-Life Critical diferent locatons which might cause for Civil B4 scarpes and unwanted materials Informed the concern person 16-Aug-22 OPEN
tripping hazard must be removed from the site
Due to high humidity and high
tempreture heat index is raised.In
It is observed that no chilled water
this condition operative need
620 Md Sohail 18-Aug-22 Heat Stress Non-Life Critical available in water dispensers because Civil B1 Informed the concerned foreman 18-Aug-22 OPEN
few dispensers are under repair . chilled water to maintain body
.Need to repaire the water
deipensers ASP.
A high voltage enrgized power cable ,
routed through distribution Board is All exposed cables must be rectified
625 Md Sohail 20-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical B3 Inforemed the electrical foreman 20-Aug-22 OPEN
exposed to primery cable ,potential to avoide electrical incident at site
cause for electrical fire/electrical shock
It is observed that most of the electric
distribution board routed through high All the electrical DBs must be lablled
639 Md Sohail 25-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical ampire MCB,without labling and no Electrical Multiple and routed through a low ampire Informed the electrical foreman 25-Aug-22 OPEN
ELCB/RCCB connected to protect from MCB and ELCB/RCCB
Many operatives observed working with Hand gloves and other required
power tools for sharp edge sheet bare Inforemd the concerned foreman and
646 Md Sohail 29-Aug-22 PPE Non-Life Critical MEP B2 PPEs must be provided for such 29-Aug-22 OPEN
handed ,potential cause for personnel supervisor
injury activities to avoide any cut or injury
It is observed that cover of many
distribution boards are opened due to It should be ensured that coveres o
653 Md Sohail 1-Sep-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical Multiple Inoremd the elecric team 1-Sep-22 OPEN
damage lock,potential cause for electric all the DBs must be closed properly
It is observed that appron of the welder
is damaged ,no new appron is availble Appron must be used for welding
Informed that concern foreman and
654 Md Sohail 1-Sep-22 PPE Non-Life Critical in store ,potential cause for personal Mechanical B1 and other hot work activities 1-Sep-22 OPEN
injury while carrying out welding without
generating spark
Poor cable management observed at
all the power cable should be well
662 Md Sohail 7-Sep-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical workplace ,potential cause for tripping Electrical Multiple informed the concern foreman 7-Sep-22 OPEN
hazard and electrocution arranged at work place
Damage and substanderd power plug Damage and substandard power
663 Md Sohail 7-Sep-22 Electrical Life Critical and switch board found at site,potential Electrical B2 pluch and switch board must be informed the direct supervisor 7-Sep-22 OPEN
cause for electrocution/shock replaced to avoid electric incident
Gas cylinders to be used for cutting Trolley must be provided to secure
activity found connected with damage the cylinders ,NRVs should be
pressure guage ,damage hose pipe and
664 Md Sohail 7-Sep-22 Gas Cylinders Non-Life Critical Mechanical B4 provided oth side of the hose informed the concern foreman 7-Sep-22 OPEN
NRV is missing in cylinder side and no
trolly for cylinders to secure ,potential pipe,pressure guage should be in
cause for fire hazard good condition
Floor Openings / Ensure all floor opening shoud be Informed to the operatives for cover
674 Md Sohail 12-Sep-22 Non-Life Critical Observed floor opening in B3 area. Civil B3 12-Sep-22 OPEN
Gaps / Holes covered or barricade. this opening.
Observed a cable drum plug top in Ensure all cable drum plug should Informed to the electrician please
675 Md Sohail 13-Sep-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical Civil B4 13-Sep-22 OPEN
damage condition. be in good condition. change the damage plug.
Work at Height / Ensure all scaffold should have
Observed a scaffold with green tag but Informed to the scaffolding inspector
680 Md Sohail 15-Sep-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical Civil B2 appropriate ladder which one has 15-Sep-22 OPEN
ladder was not appropriate. ,please provide appropriate ladder.
Ladders green tag.
Observed a cable drum plug in damage Ensure all cable drum plug should Informed to the electrician please
684 Md Sohail 18-Sep-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical Civil B4 18-Sep-22 OPEN
condition. be in good condition. change the damage plug.
Need to conducted housekeeping .
Observed waste material near the
714 Irfan Shafiq 24-May-22 Housekeeping Non-Life Critical Electrical B1 waste material must removed and informed to concern person . 24-May-22 OPEN
generator . poor housekeeping
disposed .
Work at Height /
observed that mobile scaffold tag not scaffold inspection must be conduct
722 Irfan Shafiq 30-Apr-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical Civil B4 informed to the scaffold inspector . 30-Apr-22 OPEN
updated . by scaffold inspector and update tag

observed no emergency contacts and provide emergency contacts and

728 Irfan Shafiq 5-May-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical Electrical GF informed to the concern person . 5-May-22 OPEN
signage on electrical db at ground floor . signage on the DB
Hazardous Remove these chemicals from the
Observed chemicals in the meras sub
750 Irfan Shafiq 10-May-22 Substances / Non-Life Critical Mechanical B1 store .all chemicals store in Informed to the meras storekeeper . 10-May-22 OPEN
con store area
Dusts / Gases designated chemical storage area B1
remove all material from here .
Observed poor material storage . Unusable or damaged material
752 Irfan Shafiq 12-May-22 Storage Non-Life Critical damaged waste material stored near the Civil B1 removed from the site other usable Informed to the site storekeeper . 12-May-22 OPEN
civil store . material store in designated storage
Floor Openings / Observed old training room AC opening
763 Irfan Shafiq 30-May-22 Non-Life Critical Civil B1 Open must be close ASAP Informed to concern person . 30-May-22 OPEN
Gaps / Holes . no cover on it
ensure that all electrical
Several improper connections on site must
cable connections
be checked and
were observed on
inspected by a
769 Irfan Shafiq 2-May-22 Electrical Life Critical site using by Electrical GF Informed to concern person . 2-May-22 OPEN
competent electrician.
MERAS , Potential
All unsafe electrical
risk of electrocution
and short circuits connections must be
rectified immediately
housekeeping on site
Poor Housekeeping ( combustible after the works on
waste) was regular basis, and
770 Irfan Shafiq 2-May-22 Housekeeping Non-Life Critical Civil B2 Informed to responsible person . 2-May-22 OPEN
observed at maintain a good
basements housekeeping at all
over the building
Observed improper edge protection at Proper edge protection must be provide inform to responsible person for edge
779 Irfan Shafiq 5-Jun-22 Heat Stress Non-Life Critical Civil 2 5-Jun-22 OPEN
staircase opening . with scaffold tubes protection
Work at Height / Top-rail must be install in the scaffold
Observed top-rail missing in the mobile
783 Irfan Shafiq 5-Jun-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical Civil B3 platform . all scaffold must be inspect by top-rail provided 5-Jun-22 OPEN
scaffold platform .
Ladders scaffold inspector .
need to ensure that all electrical
observed improper joint in Energized
cables must be checked and
electrical cable Potential risk of
794 Irfan Shafiq 8-Jun-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical Electrical B1 inspected in regular basis by inform to responsible person 8-Jun-22 OPEN
electrocution and electric shock. no
competent person. provide cable
cable connector between joints
connector between the joint
Pressure Air compressor used in B-2 has no Whiplash arrestor must install in the
795 Irfan Shafiq 8-Jun-22 Non-Life Critical Mechanical B4 inform to responsible person 8-Jun-22 OPEN
Systems whiplash arrestor installed, hose
observed energized electrical cable Cable must be remove from the
800 Irfan Shafiq 9-Jun-22 Electrical Life Critical attached with staircase railing Potential Electrical 1 staircase reeling or provide inform to responsible person 9-Jun-22 OPEN
risk of electric shock. insulation between .
Plant & skid loader head light and backlight not light must be in working condition inform to responsible person for
805 Irfan Shafiq 9-Jun-22 Non-Life Critical Civil B1 9-Jun-22 OPEN
Equipment working .damaged light must be replaced maintenance.
remove the waste from site on
Accumulated waste and poor
regular basis, and maintain a good
816 Irfan Shafiq 22-Jun-22 Housekeeping Non-Life Critical housekeeping was observed at l 2, Civil 2 informed to concern person . 22-Jun-22 OPEN
housekeeping at all over the
evidence of Poor Housekeeping
building premises
3rd party certificate must provide .
Observed that Chain Blocks has No
Lifting ensure that all lifting accessories are
820 Irfan Shafiq 23-Jun-22 Non-Life Critical evidence of inspection conducted. no Civil B1 informed to concern person . 23-Jun-22 OPEN
Equipment checked and inspected by competent
3rd party certificate available .
person prior to use.
Observed Electric DB door is not Ensure all DB's doors lock replace the
822 Irfan Shafiq 23-Jun-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical Electrical B1 informed to electrical team . 23-Jun-22 OPEN
properly lock at offices area . door .
replace this emergency light .ensure
Observed emergency light not working
827 Irfan Shafiq 23-Jun-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical Electrical 2 emergency lights at all basements informed to electrical team . 23-Jun-22 OPEN
at staircase b 2
and staircases areas .
Need to conduct maintenance of fuel
Plant & Observed fuel gauge of telehandler
828 Irfan Shafiq 23-Jun-22 Non-Life Critical Civil GF gauge . ensure all gaugs are working informed to concern person . 23-Jun-22 OPEN
Equipment (JCB) is not working .
remove the waste from site on
Accumulated waste and poor
regular basis, and maintain a good
839 Irfan Shafiq 27-Jun-22 Housekeeping Non-Life Critical housekeeping was observed at Ao5 l2, Civil 2 informed to concern person . 27-Jun-22 OPEN
housekeeping at all over the
evidence of Poor Housekeeping
building premises
Observed that ensure that all energized
energized electrical electrical cables direct
cables direct contact contact with metal must
/ tied with steel be remove or provide
843 Irfan Shafiq 30-Jun-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical 1 informed to concern person . 30-Jun-22 OPEN
edge protection, proper insulation and
scaffold, Potential advise operatives do not
risk of electrocution tie cables directly with
or electric shock metal
Plant & Observed no safeguard installed with installed safeguard with hydro test
847 Irfan Shafiq 27-Jun-22 Non-Life Critical MEP B1 informed to concern person . 27-Jun-22 OPEN
Equipment hydro test equipment . equipment .
6 new toilets installed but these are not access steps must be provide with all
857 Irfan Shafiq 30-Jun-22 Welfare Non-Life Critical in working condition due to no access Civil B1 toilets .ASAP ensure all labors toilets are informed to concern person . 30-Jun-22 OPEN
steps provided . in working condition .
Observed that no
Emergency smoke detector is provide smoke detector in all site
859 Irfan Shafiq 3-Sep-22 Non-Life Critical MEP B1 informed to electric team 3-Sep-22 OPEN
Response available at Meras stores
Observed ventilation fan power switch
867 Irfan Shafiq 5-Sep-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical B3 replace the damaged power switch . informed to electric team 5-Sep-22 OPEN
was damaged .
Observed poor scrap material storage in need to removed scarp material
871 Irfan Shafiq 6-Sep-22 Storage Non-Life Critical the storage area . no evidence of MEP B1 regularly .all material must be store informed to responsible person 6-Sep-22 OPEN
regular removal of the scarp . properly .
Accumulated wooden and metal scrap Need to removed scrap material
876 Irfan Shafiq 8-Sep-22 Storage Non-Life Critical on site. No evidence of regular disposal Civil B1 regularly .proper housekeeping informed to responsible person 8-Sep-22 OPEN
and proper housekeeping. required .
Provide double insulation on the all
Observed no double insulation on the
885 Irfan Shafiq 12-Sep-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical Electrical B1 DB cables . all DB must be inspect informed to electric team 12-Sep-22 OPEN
DB cable in b 1 area
by electric team
removed poorly jointed cable or
Observed poorly jointed cable .improper informed to electric team and
886 Irfan Shafiq 12-Sep-22 Electrical Life Critical Electrical B1 provided proper joint with cable 12-Sep-22 OPEN
plug in used responsible person
connector . provided proper plug .
Work at Height /
Observed damaged costal wheel of the
887 Irfan Shafiq 12-Sep-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical Civil B1 replace the damaged costal wheel . informed to scaffold inspector 12-Sep-22 OPEN
mobile scaffold .
Observed poor scrap material storage in need to removed scarp material
892 Irfan Shafiq 14-Sep-22 Storage Non-Life Critical the storage area . no evidence of MEP B1 regularly .all material must be store informed to responsible person 14-Sep-22 OPEN
regular removal of the scarp . properly .
Chemicals were found kept and stored all chemical removed and keep at
894 Irfan Shafiq 15-Sep-22 Substances / Non-Life Critical MEP B1 informed to responsible person 15-Sep-22 OPEN
in non-designated COSHH storage area. designated coshh storage area .
Dusts / Gases
Remove all scarp material from the
Observed scarp waste material at the
workplace and store at designated
903 Irfan Shafiq 18-Sep-22 Storage Non-Life Critical workplace . no evidence of regular MEP B1 Informed to MERAS team 18-Sep-22 OPEN
area . ensure regular removal of
removal .
scarp from the site .
observed electric DB in office area
905 Irfan Shafiq 18-Sep-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical Electrical B1 provide lock of all electrical DBs informed to electric team 18-Sep-22 OPEN
without lock .
need to provide proper edge
Barriers / Inadequate edge protection was protection or any means of fall
906 Irfan Shafiq 18-Sep-22 Life Critical Civil B1 informed to scaffolding team 18-Sep-22 OPEN
Guards observed at mechanical opening protection to prevent the workers
from falling to a lower level
Need Regular Housekeeping All
977 6-Jul-22 Housekeeping Non-Life Critical Area A0A need housekeeping Civil 1 Over The Building Premises And 6-Jul-22 OPEN
After The Activities.
Mirza Found rental worker shoe is in not well
978 7-Jul-22 PPE Life Critical Civil must be provide new shoe not provided 7-Jul-22 OPEN
Manzar condition.
Mirza electrical cable must be use in
979 7-Jul-22 Electrical Life Critical observed that worker using direct cable. Electrical 2 fixed. 7-Jul-22 Open
Manzar proper cable plug.
Work at Height /
Mirza Observed that sacffolding lock is not Must Be Provide Proper Scaffolding
997 23-Jul-22 Scaffolding / Life Critical Civil 1 Not Provided. 23-Jul-22 OPEN
Manzar available. Lock.

Mirza AO2B LEVEL1 Scaffolding Material Must Be Remove From The Building
999 24-Jul-22 Housekeeping Non-Life Critical Civil 1 Not Removed. 24-Jul-22 OPEN
Manzar Storage. Premises And After The Activities.

Work at Height /
Mirza Observed that cup lock not locked
1005 26-Jul-22 Scaffolding / Non-Life Critical Civil 2 cup lock must be properly locked. Fixed. 26-Jul-22 OPEN
Manzar properly.
Mirza Observed Poor Housekeepin in A02B Waste Material Must Be Remove
1009 28-Jul-22 Housekeeping Non-Life Critical Civil 1 Not Removed. 28-Jul-22 OPEN
Manzar Level1 And Found Cigratee Butts. From Working Area.
Mirza Damage Electrical DB Breaker must
1014 30-Aug-22 Electrical Life Critical Found Damage Electrical DB Breaker Electrical 1 30-Aug-22 OPEN
Manzar be change.
Mirza Emergency Observed that smoke detector not
1015 31-Aug-22 Non-Life Critical Electrical GF Smoke detector must be change. 31-Aug-22 OPEN
Manzar Response working.
Mirza Floor Openings / Observed Edge Opening In A02A Must be provide Proper Scaffolding
1026 12-Sep-22 Life Critical Civil 1 Not Barricated. 12-Sep-22 OPEN
Manzar Gaps / Holes Level1 And A05 Level1 Hard Barrication.
Mirza Observed that electrical db not Electrical DB must be inspecte
1035 18-Sep-22 Electrical Non-Life Critical Electrical GF Not Inspected. 18-Sep-22 OPEN
Manzar inspected In A05. Weekly.
Mirza Floor Openings /
1037 19-Sep-22 Non-Life Critical Observed Floor Opening In A05 Level1 Civil 1 Floor Opening Area Must BE Cover. Not Covered. 19-Sep-22 OPEN
Manzar Gaps / Holes
Mirza Floor Openings / Edge opening area must be
1039 20-Sep-22 Non-Life Critical Observed edge opening in A05 Level2 Civil 2 Not Barricated. 20-Sep-22 OPEN
Manzar Gaps / Holes barricated with hard barrication.

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