DLD - Lab# 05

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Submitted to: Engineer Sadaf Sardar
Submitted by: ZAIN ULLAH
Registration Number: 20PWMCT0761
Lab Report Rubrics:

Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Below Basic (1) Student’s
Report is mostly Report is
as per the disorganized and
To organize the lab report Report is as per guidelines and most follows some Sections/Step
and practice the the guidelines. All sections/steps guidelines but s are not ordered
writing skills as per the sections/steps are are ordered well most of the and Report is not
guidelines clearly organized in but requires guidelines are as per the
a logical order. minor missing guidelines
The report
discusses the The report
required discusses the
experiment/lab The report experiment/lab The report is
discusses the totally
To discuss the actual work in own words work but have
required irrelevant to the
experiment/task with some relevant irrelevant
experiment/lab work experiment/lab
additional information

and data analysis
Calculations and were performed Most data and
data analyses were accurately, but observations
performed clearly, minor errors were were recorded Calculations
concisely, and made both in adequately, but and data
To perform calculations accurately, with with several analyses of lab
calculations and in
and data analysis correct units. significant errors were missing
applying correct units
or omissions.

Graphs, if
necessary, were
drawn accurately Graphs, if Graphs, if Major
and neatly and necessary, were necessary, components
To present results in the drawn were drawn of lab were
form of graphs were clearly
labelled. adequately but missing

ZAIN ULLAH 20PWMCT0761 Page 1 of 6

Lab 05: Study of Adders Task:
Use Adders and Comparators ICs and apply different inputs on
them and find the results from the outputs using LEDs.


• Adder ICs
• Breadboard
• Jumper Wires
• LEDs
• Power Supply
Adders that are also called as full adders are used for addition i.e. they work
on the basis of Full Addition to add the inputs of A with the corresponding
inputs of B and give us outputs as SUMS. Here we have 4 Bit Binary Adder
that can add binary numbers upto 4 bits.
Now the IC for 4 Bit Binary Adder is. It has 9 pins on the INPUTS and 5 pins on

• There are 4 inputs for A i.e. A1, A2, A3, A4.

• There are 4 inputs for B i.e. B1, B2, B3, B4.
• One input is C0 that is the input carry, in most cases we apply 0 on
• There are 4 outputs of SUMS i.e. S1, S2, S3, S4.
• One output is C4 which is the last carry output

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This is just an example of addition, LEDs are connected to OUTPUTS
that show us the OUTPUT result.
0 1 0 1
+ 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 0

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Comparators work by comparing the values of 2 binary numbers and
then show us their relationship using different outputs. Here we have 4
bit Binary Comparator that can compare binary numbers upto 4 Bits.
Now the IC for 4 Bit Comparator is 74LS85. It has 11 INPUTS and 3

 There are 4 inputs for A i.e. A1, A2, A3, A4.

 There are 4 inputs for B i.e. B1, B2, B3, B4.
 There are 3 inputs for previous Comparator i.e. AGTB, AEB, ALTB.
These pins are used when we use 8 bit Comparators or more. But
normally when using simple 4 Bit comparator we apply 0 on AGTB,
ALTB and 1 on AEB.
 There are 3 outputs OAGTB, OAEB, OALTB.

When any one the inputs of A is greater than any one of the inputs of
B, then the LED on the output of AGTB i.e. A is GREATER than B will get
OUTPUT of 1 and it will blink.

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When any one the inputs of A is less than any one of the inputs of B,
then the LED on the output of ALTB i.e. A is LESS than B will get
OUTPUT of 1 and it will blink.

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