Mefenamic Acid Drug Study Form

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Drug Data Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Side effects of the Nursing Responsibilities

Action drugs

Generic name Therapeutic Inhibits the General Contraindicated CNS Before

Mefenamic classification synthesis of indication in patients 1) Headache Be aware that patient may be
acid Anti- prostaglandins Headache, hypersensitive to 2) Dizziness at risk for CV events, GI
inflammatory, that may serve as dental pain, the drug or any 3) Insomnia bleeding. R: to be alert in giving
Trade name antipyretic mediators of pain post- of its 4) Fatigue immediate nursing interventions.
Apo- and fever operative components 5) Tiredness Assess BUN and creatinine
mefenamic, Pharmacologic primarily the CNS and 6) Ophthalmic levels. R: to check kidney
ponstel classification postpartum Impaired renal or effects function
NSAID pain, dysme- liver function Dermatologic Be alert for adverse reaction.
Patient’s dose Pharmacokinetics norrhea, joint 1) Pruritus R: to avoid more complications.
500 mg every Pregnancy disorders Hypersensitivity 2) Sweating Assess History of renal
4 hours category Onset varies to mefenamic 3) stomatitis impairment, allergies, and
Pregnancy acid, aspirin GI hepatic. R: because history of
Availability category C Peak 2-4 hours Patient’s allergy, and as 1) nausea such will create reactions to the
Capsules 250 indication treatment of 2) dyspepsia drug.
mg Duration 6 hours Relieves perioperative 3) GI pain Assess patient’s and family’s
pain when pain with 4) Diarrhea knowledge of drug therapy. R:
Maximum bleeding coronary artery 5) Vomiting this will help the patient to
dose occurs bypass grafting 6) Constipation properly comply to the
1000mg 7) flatulence medication
Peptic ulcer hematologic
Minimum disease, GI 1) bleeding During
dose bleeding, 2) platelet Administer drug with food,
250 mg hypertension, inhibition milk, or antacid. R:to reduce GI
heart failure, 3) neutropenia distress
Route pregnancy 4) eossinophilia Swallow extended release
PO lactation GU capsule, don’t crush. R: crushing
1) dysuria the medication will change the
2) renal drugs absorption
impairment Take as directed, do not let
Respiratory patient take longer doses or
1) dyspnea more often than recommended.
2) hemoptysis R: will create drug toxicity
3) pharyngitis Arrange for periodic
4) rhinitis ophthalmologic examinations
Other during long term therapy. R:
1) peripheral medications will create
edema ophthalmic effects.
2) anaphylaxis Tell drug indication to patient

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or SO. R: patients knowledge
will help in therapy compliance

If diarrhea occurs, reduce dose
or discontinue use for a short
time. R: patient may develop
severe diarrhea as a side-effect.
Tell woman of childbearing
age to notify prescriber if
pregnancy is suspected. R: this
drug is under pregnancy
category C
Assess for drug effectiveness.
R: to know if the drug is useful or
Monitor for adverse reaction.
R:so that immediate intervention
may be given and to avoid more
Instruct patient to notify
prescriber if adverse reaction
persist. R: so that alternative
medications will be ordered.
Monitor for over dosage. R:If
overdose occur, institute
emergency procedures.

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