Cisnerosetal 2021 Provelosaurus
Cisnerosetal 2021 Provelosaurus
Cisnerosetal 2021 Provelosaurus
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 1 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
The Rio do Rasto Formation (Paraná Basin) in southern environments: the lower Serrinha Member represents a shallow
Brazil has produced a tetrapod fauna that shares similarities marine setting and the Morro Pelado Member comprises
with both South African and Russian continental assemblages of deltaic and fluvio-lacustrine environments. The latter produces
Guadalupian to Lopingian age (Barberena et al., 1985; Cisneros tetrapods and the fossils studied herein, and is characterized
et al., 2012). Tetrapods are rare and usually represented by single by reddish siltstones interbedded by lenticular sandstones and
specimen finds. These include anomodonts (Cisneros et al., 2011; conglomerates (Holz et al., 2010; Kern et al., 2021). These deposits
Boos et al., 2013, 2016), dinocephalians (Langer, 2000; Cisneros are interpreted as a deltaic system associated with lacustrine and,
et al., 2012; Boos et al., 2015) and various temnospondyls in the upper part, eolian dune systems (Kern et al., 2021).
(Barberena, 1998; Dias and Barberena, 2001; Strapasson The main Rio do Rasto fossil vertebrate areas are located in
et al., 2014; Pacheco et al., 2017; Dias et al., 2020). Apart the Aceguá and São Gabriel municipalities of the Rio Grande do
from fragmentary material attributed to Archosauromorpha Sul State (Figure 1), and in the Serra do Cadeado region in the
(Martinelli et al., 2017) and the occurrence of the ichnogenus Paraná State. In addition to vertebrate remains and trace fossils
Rhynchosauroides in a single locality (Silva et al., 2012), the only (see below), the Aceguá region records at least five occurrences of
reptile recorded in this formation is the mid-sized pareiasaur ash fall layers, representing a long-distance expression of the late
Provelosaurus americanus. The only South American pareiasaur Paleozoic-Early Triassic Choiyoi volcanism event (Francischini
described so far, it is known from adult and juvenile specimens, et al., 2018). A Guadalupian age is broadly accepted for
being of particular interest because it is considered to belong these outcrops based on biostratigraphic correlations using
to the clade informally known as the “dwarf pareiasaurs” (Lee, tetrapods, although there are some incongruences (Cisneros
1997b). This is a group of smaller forms with higher number of et al., 2005; Boos et al., 2013; Martinelli et al., 2017; see
tooth cusps, gracile humerus and ilium, and usually having a well discussion below). In addition, two of them were recently dated
developed dermal armor, once thought to be phylogenetically and provided geochronological ages of 270.61 + 1.76/–3.27 Ma
related to early chelonians (Lee, 1997b). The “dwarf pareiasaurs” (Roadian; outcrop tentatively assigned to the Serrinha Member
are represented by Nanoparia luckhoffi, Anthodon serrarius, and by Francischini et al., 2018) and 266 ± 5.4 Ma (Wordian, Morro
Pumiliopareia pricei, all from the Lopingian of the South African Pelado Member, Rocha-Campos et al., 2019).
Karoo Basin (Rubidge et al., 2013; Smith, 2020; Viglietti, 2020) Provelosaurus americanus remains were found only at the
and potentially also by Shihtienfenia permica from the Lopingian Rio Grande do Sul state (Figure 1A). The most important site
of China (Liu and Bever, 2018). Paradoxically, Provelosaurus consists of two small, nearby road-cuts along the BR-153 highway
americanus is one of the oldest members of Pareiasauria, (Figure 2), in the Minuano district within the municipality of
considered to be of Guadalupian age due to its coexistence with Aceguá, near the Brazil-Uruguay border. The holotype UFRGS-
dinocephalians (Cisneros et al., 2005). PV-0231-P was found at a small ravine at km 665.4, on the west
Here we present new specimens of the enigmatic Brazilian side of the road (Figure 1B, site 6, formerly km 204, Araújo,
pareiasaur. The study of the new fossils and a review of the 1985b), which is a sequence of reddish massive/poorly laminated
previously described material offer a comprehensive account siltstone intercalated by lenses of mudstones and small packages
of the osteology of Provelosaurus americanus and provide an of fine sandstones (Figure 2A), interpreted as a lacustrine
opportunity to test its relationships with the “dwarf pareiasaurs”. environment. The specimen UFRGS-PV-0232-P and two new
The new finds also allow us to address the age and paleoecological fossils described here (UFRGS-PV-0358-P and UFRGS-PV-0376-
significance of this species in the Rio do Rasto Formation of P) were also collected at the type locality. Only Provelosaurus
southern Brazil. americanus remains have been recovered from this outcrop so far.
The second exposure is located 600 m south of the type
locality, at km 666, east side of the road (formerly km
GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND STUDY 204 + 400 m, Araújo, 1985b) (Figure 1B, site 7), is a large
AREA package of massive siltstone interbedded by lenses and small
sandstone beds (Figure 2B). It is interpreted as a lacustrine
The Paraná Basin is a large intracratonic South American environment crossed by small distributary channels. At the base
basin that covers an area of around 1.4 million km2 that is of this quarry there is a 30 cm thick layer of bentonite dating
comprised of Ordovician to end-Cretaceous strata (Milani et al., of 266 ± 5.4 Ma (Rocha-Campos et al., 2019). The skeleton
2007). The Permian deposits were formed in the context of UFRGS-PV-0233-P (Araújo, 1985b) and some fish bone and scale
the epeiric Irati sea, with coastal and marine environments, remains (UFRGS-PV-0242-P) were recovered from this quarry.
being represented by the Gondwana I Supersequence (Milani The precise stratigraphic level of these fossils were, unfortunately,
et al., 2007; Holz et al., 2010; Kern et al., 2021). By the middle not recorded by the collectors and their placement in our
Permian, this inland sea was isolated from the ocean (Teresina stratigraphic log is tentative.
Formation) and a change in the depositional system occurred The outcrop located at the Santo Antônio Farm (Figure 1B,
toward a progressive continentalization and desertification (Rio site 9) is an exposure made during the construction of a
do Rasto and “Pirambóia” formations) (Zerfass et al., 2003; water dam. The fossil site is located at the east side of the
Kern et al., 2021). dam. It consists of a sequence of massive/poorly laminated
The 400 m-thick Rio do Rasto Formation is subdivided into siltstone intercalated by small conglomerate levels and massive
two members (Gordon, 1947) that reflect different depositional sandstone interpreted as lacustrine and fluvial deposits
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 2 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
FIGURE 1 | Provenance of Rio do Rasto Formation pareiasaurs and other fossils in Rio Grande do Sul State. (A) Paraná Basin in southern Brazil. The Rio do Rasto
Formation is included in the Gondwana I Supersequence. (B) Rio do Rasto sites in the Aceguá Municipality. (C) Rio do Rasto sites in the São Gabriel Municipality. (1)
Coxilha Grande Farm, type locality of the temnospondyl Bageherpeton longignathus (Dias and Barberena, 2001) and the chondrichthyan Xenacanthus santosi
(Würdig-Maciel, 1975); (2) Capão Alto Farm, archosauromorphs, type locality of Tiarajudens eccentricus and Triodus richterae (Cisneros et al., 2011; Martinelli et al.,
2017; Pauliv et al., 2017); (3) ‘Coprolândia,’ coprolite-rich site (Dentzien-Dias et al., 2012); (4) Unnamed farm property of Modesto Spencer Fagundes (= ‘Posto
Queimado’), MCP 4263PV, dinocephalians, temnospondyls, chondrichthyans and bony fishes (Langer, 2000; Malabarba et al., 2003; Cisneros et al., 2005); (5)
Boqueirão Farm, type locality of the dinocephalian Pampaphoneus biccai, the dicynodont Rastodon procurvidens, and the temnospondyl Konzhukovia
sangabrielensis (Cisneros et al., 2012; Boos et al., 2016; Pacheco et al., 2017); (6) BR-153 Highway, km 665.4, west side of the road, type locality of Provelosaurus
americanus, holotype UFRGS-PV-0231-P, UFRGS-PV-0232-P, *UFRGS-PV-0358-P and *UFRGS-PV-0376-P (Araújo, 1985b); (7) BR-153 Highway, km 666, east
side of the road, UFRGS-PV-0233-P (Araújo, 1985b), fish remains and U-Pb dating (Rocha-Campos et al., 2019); (8) BR-153 Highway, Km 659.5, east side of the
road, lungfish burrow and U-Pb dating (Francischini et al., 2018); (9) Santo Antônio Farm, *UFRGS-PV-0359-P. *New Provelosaurus americanus specimens.
Supersequences follow Milani et al. (2007).
(Figure 2C). In addition to the Provelosaurus americanus The only pareiasaur site outside Aceguá is located 170 km
remains (UFRGS-PV-0359-P), this outcrop has a unique variety NW, in the property of Modesto S. Fagundes (Figure 1C,
of fossils that includes fish teeth and scales, spiral coprolites, site 4), in the Catuçaba District within the municipality of
plant impressions (Glossopteris communis, sphenophytes) São Gabriel, an exposure that has been informally referred
and petrified wood. to as “Posto Queimado” in the literature (Langer, 2000).
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 3 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
FIGURE 2 | Stratigraphic logs (A–D) and general view (E,F) of the exposures that produced pareiasaur remains, see Figure 1 for locations. (A,E) Type locality of
Provelosaurus americanus, photograph taken in 2009, the locality is now largely covered by vegetation; (B,F) exposure at km 666, with a bentonite layer U-Pb dated
266.7 ± 5.4 Ma (Rocha-Campos et al., 2019); (C) Santo Antônio Farm outcrop; (D) Fagundes site stratigraphic log.
Note that other authors incorrectly used this name for name “Posto Queimado” largely ambiguous. This small
other exposures in São Gabriel, sometimes even including outcrop is a sequence of massive siltstone interbedded by
outcrops located at different municipal districts (e.g., Dias- a conglomerate and a sandstone level that has produced a
Da-Silva, 2012; Pacheco et al., 2017), thus making the variety of vertebrate remains (Figure 2D) and the partial
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 4 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
skull of a juvenile Provelosaurus americanus (MCP 4263PV) UFRGS-PV, Paleovertebrate Collection, Universidade Federal do
(Cisneros et al., 2005). Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
The three new specimens here described were collected in the
REPTILIA Laurenti (1768)
municipality of Aceguá during fieldworks in 2008. UFRGS-PV-
0358-P and UFRGS-PV-0376-P were found in situ at the type-
locality (Figures 1, 2E), only a few meters from each other.
Provelosaurus Lee (1997a)
UFRGS-PV-0359-P was discovered at the nearby Santo Antônio
Provelosaurus americanus (Araújo, 1985b).
Farm, at the margin of the main water-dam (Figure 1). The
fossil was located at the east side of the dam, ex situ and
mostly disarticulated, but nearby a sandstone lense which we Holotype
consider to be its host rock. This fossil has many recent fractures, UFRGS-PV-0231-P. Skull, right scapulocoracoid and humerus.
presumably produced by farm machinery. In addition, we address
undescribed autopodium remains located in the UFRGS-PV Referred Material
collection. These were already prepared and have the catalog UFRGS-PV-0232-P, pelvic girdle of a juvenile individual; UFRGS-
number UFRGS-PV-0233-P, thus, being part of the original PV-0233-P, partially articulated postcranium, including humerus,
material designated by Araújo (1985b). vertebrae, ribs, pelvis, femur, tibia, fibula, metapodials, phalanges,
A phylogenetic analysis was performed based on the data and osteoderms. Newly referred material is represented by
matrix used by Liu and Bever (2018). Although the latest UFRGS-PV-0358-P, a partial skull; UFRGS-PV-0359-P, partial
pareiasaurian data matrix was published by Van den Brandt skull, right mandible, left humerus, partial left scapulocoracoid,
et al. (2019), this dataset contains only cranial character scores. ribs, clavicle, one ungual phalanx, interclavicle, vertebrae and
The present description includes abundant postcranial material, osteoderms; UFRGS-PV-0376-P, scapulocoracoid and a partial
for this reason we based our cladistic analysis on the former rib of a juvenile individual; MCP 4263PV, left partial cranium
study (character list can be found in Turner et al., 2015). (more information in Supplementary Material).
Characters were edited using the software Mesquite (Maddison
and Maddison, 2019) (see Supplementary Information for data Locality and Horizon
matrix). The analysis was run on the software TNT (Goloboff All material housed at UFRGS was found in the municipality of
and Catalano, 2016). Provelosaurus americanus was re-coded Aceguá, Rio Grande do Sul State, near the border of Uruguay
for 31 character states. Shihtienfenia permica was re-coded for (Figure 1B). MCP 4263PV was found in the municipality
characters 90 and 91 following (Benton, 2016) and Bradysaurus of São Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul State (Figure 1C). The
baini was modified for character 125 after (Van den Brandt exposures are considered to represent the Morro Pelado Member
et al., 2021a). Three new characters were included in the of the Rio do Rasto Formation, Guadalupian (Langer, 2000;
data matrix. Character (140): marginal teeth, at mid region Cisneros et al., 2005).
of maxilla or jaw, dorsoventrally tall (root-apical/mesiodistal
ratio = 1.5 or higher), present (0) or absent (1). Character Amended Diagnosis
(141): premaxillary tooth number, three (0), four or more (1), Moderate-size pareiasaur, characterized by the following
or two (2). Character (142): if the tabular (= supernumerary autapomorphies: (1) anterior maxillary teeth very tall and thin
bone) is dorsally exposed, it does not contact the parietal (0), (apicobasal/mesiodistal ratio > 1.7) with only seven cusps; (2)
or it contacts the parietal (1). The polarity of character 79 prefrontal dorsoventrally expanded, forming all the anterior
was reversed (see Supplementary Information for data matrix). border of the orbit; (3) quadratojugal with a long smooth
A “traditional search” was carried out with Wagner trees and ventrolateral surface with two prominent bony spines on its
100 replicates, TBR algorithm, saving 100 trees per replication, posterior end; (4) squamosal dorsoventrally expanded; (5)
using collapsing rule 1 (collapsing branches with ambiguous angular boss with a triangular outline in lateral view, having an
supports) and setting memory space for 29,999 trees. Two other oblique anterior margin and a perpendicular posterior margin
searches were performed with the same parameters but excluding in relation to the tooth plane; (6) interclavicle with a long
Obirkovia gladiator from Russia (Bulanov and Yashina, 2005) and median stem, its length being equal to transverse dimension of
Sanchuansaurus pygmaeus from China (Li and Liu, 2013), two lateral rami; and (7) cervical vertebrae with dorsoventrally flat,
taxa known from fragmentary fossils. wing-like transverse processes.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 5 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
The holotype of Provelosaurus americanus (UFRGS-PV-0231-
The osteology of Provelosaurus americanus has been described P) includes a rather complete skull minus the palate, and parts
in detail in a series of papers (Araújo, 1985a,b, 1986a,b; Araújo- of the basicranium, largely compressed and fractured along the
Barberena, 1987, 1989a,b; Cisneros et al., 2005). Therefore, the sagittal plane due to diagenesis (Figure 4). It was found divided
present study will focus on the novel information provided by the in two halves that were put together after preparation (Araújo,
new specimens and the undescribed autopodial elements from 1985b). The newly collected specimens, UFRGS-PV-0358-P
UFRGS-PV-0233-P, with a brief account and rectifications on the and UFRGS-PV-0359-P (Figure 5), have skulls that show two
holotype and previously referred material when appropriate. cylindrical bosses on the quadratojugal, and are readily referable
The type skull of Provelosaurus americanus (UFRGS-PV- to Provelosaurus americanus. UFRGS-PV-0358-P comprises a
0231-P) likely represents the largest individual found so far partial skull, consisting mainly of the left lateral skull bones
having a maximum anteroposterior dimension of 330 mm. The and most of the dorsal cranial surface minus the snout, with
lateral flattening that affected the fossil, however, artificially small portions of the basicranium and palate. Despite being
increased this measurement. The undistorted skull probably had relatively large, equivalent in size to the holotype, UFRGS-PV-
a maximum length of 300 mm. Considering a snout-vent length 0358-P is partially disarticulated. Considering that pareiasaurs
equivalent to four heads (Broom, 1903; Lee, 1997a; Tsuji, 2013), are notorious for having hyperossified skulls and that their
the Provelosaurus americanus type specimen would measure sutures are often difficult to be traced, this specimen probably
approximately 1.2 m in this dimension, and some 0.6 m at the represents a young adult. The third skull, UFRGS-PV-0359-P,
shoulder (Figure 3). A smaller snout-vent of 1 m is likely for is badly fractured. Recognized elements include the right cheek
the sub-adult postcranium UFRGS-PV-0233-P. With these body bones and some upper marginal teeth. The cranial bones of this
measurements the Brazilian pareiasaur is comparable in size to specimen are visibly swollen, a taphonomical artifact probably
Shihtienfenia permica from China (Benton, 2016, Figure18), and due to recrystallization of iron and/or manganese oxide. The
slightly smaller than the Russian Deltavjatia rossicus, which has a basicranial and palatal bones of Provelosaurus americanus will be
reported snout-vent length of 1.5 m (Tsuji, 2013). the subject of further studies to be published elsewhere.
FIGURE 3 | Cranial reconstruction of Provelosaurus americanus in (A) lateral and (B) dorsal view. Antorbital region based on holotype, posterior skull roof and
temporal region (minus jugal-squamosal suture) based on UFRGS-PV-0358-P, mandible after UFRGS-PV-0359-P. (C) Skeletal reconstruction, postcranium based
largely on UFRGS-PV-0233-P; scapulocoracoid after UFRGS-PV-0231-P; clavicle, interclavicle and humerus from UFRGS-PV-0359-P. Osteoderms omitted.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 6 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
FIGURE 4 | Skull of Provelosaurus americanus, UFRGS-PV-0231-P (holotype). (A) Right lateral view; (B) field photograph showing right lateral view and partial
medial view of left side of skull (photo from the UFRGS-PV collection), (C) left lateral view; (D) original drawing from Araújo (1985a). Scale bar for (A,C,D).
FIGURE 5 | Skulls of Provelosaurus americanus. (A–D) UFRGS-PV-0358-P, in (A,B) dorsal and (C,D) left lateral views. (E) UFRGS-PV-0359-P, portion of the
temporal region in right lateral view. f, frontal; j, jugal; pa, parietal; pf, parietal foramen; po, postorbital; pp, postparietal; prf, prefrontal; pof, postfrontal; qj,
quadratojugal; sq, squamosal; on, otic notch; st, supratemporal; t, tabular. Continuous gray lines represent major bosses.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 7 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
Both premaxillae were found somehow displaced in the frontal posteriorly, although the suture with the later is not clear.
holotypic skull. This bone lacks ornamentation and forms the Anteriorly, the nasal bears a prominent tubercle and posteriorly
ventral and anterior portions of the naris. Anteriorly it rises it has an emargination that interdigitates between the lacrimal
as an arcuate dorsal process that appears more gracile than and the prefrontal.
in other pareiasaurs. The premaxilla bears only two teeth, The prefrontal is known from the type skull and portions
being in this respect similar to the “dwarf pareiasaurs” and present in UFRGS-PV-0358-P, and probably also in MCP 4263PV
to Deltavjatia rossicus (Tsuji, 2013), but contrasting with the (see above). Anteriorly, the bone contacts the lacrimal and the
condition seen in most pareiasaurs where three teeth are present nasal. Its medial border is part of the roof of the skull where
(Lee, 1997b). Its contacts with both the nasal and the maxilla are it borders the frontal, and posteriorly, the postfrontal. In lateral
not clear due to damage. aspect, the bone appears basically as a crescent that contributes
The maxilla of Provelosaurus americanus has a typical to the anterior rim of the orbit. Its main feature is a dorsal
parareptilian outline in lateral aspect, with a high anterior wall tubercle that is part of the circumorbital bumps that characterize
that thins posteriorly. It forms the posteroventral border of the pareiasaurs and other parareptiles (Tsuji, 2006).
external naris, shares an oblique dorsal suture with the lacrimal The frontal is present in the holotype and in UFRGS-PV-0358-
and the jugal, and lacks the sculpturing seen in other bones. P, although it is partially fused with some neighboring bones in
The anterior maxillary foramen is not well preserved in the both specimens, and with its counterpart in the latter, making its
holotype but it can be seen in the juvenile skull MCP 4263PV relationships difficult to assess. The bone is subrectangular, with a
(Cisneros et al., 2005). The maxilla is swollen anteriorly but lacks moderate lateral process that intermeshes between the contact of
the prominent tubercle that other pareiasaurs have in this area. the prefrontal and the postfrontal, but does not reach the orbit.
The maxillary dentition of Provelosaurus americanus is better Its dorsal surface bears thick sculpturing, which is apparently
preserved on the left side of the type skull, where it bears 13 more organized in the holotype. A large tubercle surrounded by
teeth. The anterior marginal teeth of the Brazilian pareiasaur smaller bumps and radiating ridges is present in the mid portion
are unique in being conspicuously tall, mesiodistally thin, with of the bone in the type skull. In UFRGS-PV-0358-P there is also a
labiolingually flattened crowns and having a low number of main tubercle in the center but it is less prominent, being loosely
cusps (seven to nine). The first three teeth in the holotype separated from other bumps. The posterior border of the frontal
have height/mesiodistal dimension ratios of 2.0, 2.0, and 1.72, contacts the parietal in a sinuous, mediolateral line that is well
respectively. Comparable tooth ratios are only seen in Chinese exposed in UFRGS-PV-0358-P.
pareiasaurs such as Honania complicidentata and Shihtienfenia The jugal is found in the type skull and is nearly complete
permica (the latter, based on lower dentition) (Xu et al., 2014; in UFRGS-PV-0358-P. The new specimen confirms features
Benton, 2016) but these species feature a higher number of cusps described by Araújo (1985a). In lateral view, the bone is a crescent
(10 in Honania complicidentata, 13–17 in Shihtienfenia permica) that forms the posteroventral rim of the orbit. Its contribution
and also a prominent cingulum that is absent in the Brazilian to the orbit is thickened and the transition from the ventral to
species. Although Araújo (1985a) reported the presence of a the posterior edge is rather abrupt, a change that is also visible in
cingulum in the upper marginal teeth, we found no evidence of dorsal view. Its anterior process is covered by subtle sculpturing,
this in the holotype. This is further confirmed by maxillary teeth but two large circular bosses are present in the central portion
from the Santo Antônio Farm specimen. The upper marginal of the bone, followed posteriorly by ridges that radiate from
teeth from both UFGRS-PV-0358-P and the holotypic skull, them and continue in the quadratojugal and squamosal bones.
however, bear lingually what can be better described as pads at Its acute anterior end is bordered dorsally by the lacrimal and
the base of their crowns. anteroventrally by an oblique sinuous suture with the maxilla.
The lacrimal is elongated in lateral aspect, lying obliquely in Its dorsal margin is a nearly straight horizontal interdigitating
relation to the tooth margin, contributing to the posterior border suture shared with the postorbital. Only a tiny portion of the jugal
of the naris. It contacts the nasal and the prefrontal dorsally, reaches the ventrolateral margin of the skull. Its posteroventral
the maxilla ventrally, and the jugal posteriorly. This bone bears border is a convex edge limited by the quadratojugal and by a
anterior bosses and forms the anteroventral portion of the orbital vertical contact with the squamosal.
rim. In the juvenile skull MCP 4263PV, the lacrimal appears to The postorbital of UFRGS-PV-0358-P confirms the general
rise posteriorly, forming the anterodorsal margin of the orbit morphology of the holotype, although its sutures are not as
(Cisneros et al., 2005). This discrepancy with the holotype, clear as in the type skull. The bone forms the posterodorsal
however, could be due to misidentification of the suture with the edge of the orbit. Its contribution to the rim is thickened, its
prefrontal in MCP 4263PV, because some bone contacts are not width being further increased at its dorsal portion by a pair
clear in this specimen. If the latter is correct, it is the prefrontal of bosses. The posteriormost boss marks the edge where the
that forms the anterodorsal orbital rim in MCP 4263PV and roof meets the skull lateral surface, forming a distinct angle.
not the lacrimal. This junction is covered by ridges that project posteriorly and
The nasal is only present in the type specimen. Due to the extend through the supratemporal. The transition from the
flattening that the fossil suffered, it lays exposed in the lateral posterior to the dorsal margin of the orbit is somewhat abrupt.
view of the skull. The nasal contributes to the dorsal margin The posterior margin of the postorbital is convex and bordered
of the naris anteriorly, and is bordered by the dorsal margin of by the squamosal and the supratemporal. In dorsal view, the
the lacrimal and the anterior border of the prefrontal and the postorbital has a short exposition. Its anterior border here is
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 8 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
embayed, being the recipient of a convex posterior process of Lee, 1997a; Tsuji, 2013; Van den Brandt et al., 2019), giving
the postfrontal. Medially, it shares an anteroposteriorly oriented this bone an almost square shape in lateral view, and in
suture with the parietal. the genera Nochelesaurus and Pareiasuchus, the anteroposterior
The quadratojugal is well preserved in specimen UFRGS-PV- dimension exceeds the ventrodorsal one (Lee et al., 1997; Van den
0358-P and to a lesser degree also in UFRGS-PV-0376-P. The Brandt et al., 2021b). An exception is Arganaceras vacanti from
bone is bordered anteriorly by the jugal and dorsally by a large Morocco (Jalil and Janvier, 2005), a pareiasaur that also features a
squamosal. The quadratojugal forms the posterolateral edge of dorsoventrally expanded squamosal albeit lacking the prominent
the skull, being the main constituent of the lateral flanges that posterior boss present in the Brazilian species. The otic notch
form the typical “helmet” of all pareiasaurs. The main feature of occurs between the two mentioned bosses, at the posterior border
this bone are two large conical tuberosities with rounded apexes of the squamosal. It has 12.8 mm in width and joins a shallow
that protrude from the skull as bony spines, located between groove that runs ventrally to the region of contact between the
the junction of the ventral and posterior edges of the skull. squamosal and the paroccipital process of the exoccipital.
The anteriormost spine is oriented ventrolaterally and is the The parietal bone is bordered anteriorly by the frontal and the
largest in UFRGS-PV-0358-P (36 mm from the base to the tip) postfrontal, laterally by the postorbital and the supratemporal,
(Figures 5C,D). In this specimen, a second, much smaller spine posteriorly by the small tabular, and posteromedially by the
(24 mm from the base to the tip) is located posteriorly. The single postparietal. The parietal is basically a triradiate structure,
main axis of this spine is oriented posterolaterally, and slightly having an anteroposterior dimension equivalent to 1.5 times its
ventrally as well. We note differences in the proportions of these mediolateral length. Its ornamentation is clearly radial, with a
quadratojugal spines among the available specimens. In MCP central boss from which various ridges emanate. As in most
4263PV the second spine is also the smallest (Cisneros et al., pareiasaurs, the pineal opening is located in the anterior portion
2005), but in the holotype (Figure 4) and in UFRGS-PV-0376- of the bone. Its shape, however, is very distinctive. Whereas in
P the second spine is the largest of the two. These morphological most pareiasaurs the pineal foramen is anterodorsally elongated,
discrepancies could be related to individual variation. In all four either oval, teardrop-shaped, or roughly circular, in Provelosaurus
specimens, these two quadratojugal spines are the largest in the americanus this structure appears anteroposteriorly compressed,
skull and the only present in the ventral edge of the lateral having a lateral dimension that represents nearly double the
wings. No other pareiasaur has this arrangement of quadratojugal anteroposterior dimension.
spines, allowing recognition of the Brazilian species based on this The supratemporal is present in the holotype and in UFRGS-
diagnostic feature (see discussion in Cisneros et al., 2005). The PV-0358-P. This bone is fused with the tabular in the type skull
lateral surface of the quadratojugal is sculpted by circular bosses but in UFRGS-PV-0358-P a suture is present and these bones
and radial ridges that continue in the jugal and, to a minor extent, are disarticulated. Following early authors (e.g., Boonstra, 1934a)
in the squamosal. The posterior border of the quadratojugal who identified the bone at the posterior corner of the skull roof
bears a wide, dorsoventrally expanded boss. In the juvenile MCP as a tabular (Araújo, 1985a) regarded the two fused bones to
4263PV this boss is a homogeneous structure but in the holotype represent a tabular as well. In dorsal view, the supratemporal
it is subdivided in two minor tuberosities, and in UFRGS-PV- of Provelosaurus americanus is basically a hexagonal plate with
0358-P, the boss bears two small, posteriorly oriented spines. No convex anterior and posterior margins. The bone forms the
tuberosities or spines are visible over this boss in UFRGS-PV- lateral edge of the skull and is bordered anterolaterally by the
0376-P, but the taphonomic alteration suffered by this specimen postorbital, anteromedially by parietal, and medially by the
could have obliterated them. tabular. In contrast to other pareiasaurs, the supratemporal does
The squamosal of Provelosaurus americanus forms a large not contact the postparietal. The supratemporal is sculptured
part of the lateral surface of the posterior portion of the skull. by ridges and bears a prominent tubercle near the posterior
In UFRGS-PV-0358-P this bone appears square and lower than margin. The bone is less exposed in lateral aspect, showing a
in the holotype, where it is a subrectangular, dorsoventrally short anterior contact with the postorbital and a ventral concave
expanded bone, its maximum dorsoventral dimension being margin bordered by the squamosal.
equivalent to nearly 1.5 times its anteroposterior dimension. The tabular in pareiasaurs has been traditionally regarded as a
UFRGS-PV-0358-P, however, bears many fractures in the “supernumerary bone” (e.g., Lee, 1997b; Jalil and Janvier, 2005).
temporal region and these sutures are tentative. The bone is Following Tsuji (2006), we consider this bone to be a true tabular.
bordered ventrally by a nearly horizontal contact with the The right tabular is nearly fused to the parietal in UFRGS-
quadratojugal, anteriorly it shares a sinuous contact with the PV-0358-P, but the left tabular is disarticulated. In dorsal view,
jugal and the postorbital, and dorsally with the supratemporal. this bone exhibits an almost trapezoid outline, being remarkably
A ventrodorsally elongated boss protrudes from the posterior similar to the tabular of Pumilliopareia pricei (Broom and
border of the bone. This structure is subrectangular in the type Robinson, 1948). This bone contacts the parietal, excluding the
skull but is more rounded in UFRGS-PV-0358-P. A smaller, supratemporal from reaching the postparietal. This is in contrast
rounded tuberosity is present dorsally, adjacent to the contact to most pareiasaurs but the condition occurs in Pareiasuchus
with the supratemporal. The shape and proportions of the nasicornis (Lee, 1997a) and the dwarf pareiasaurs Pumilliopareia
squamosal are distinctive in the Brazilian pareiasaur. Most pricei and Anthodon serrarius (Boonstra, 1934a; Broom and
pareiasaur species have squamosals in which the dorsoventral and Robinson, 1948; Lee, 1997a). The tabular contacts the postparietal
anteroposterior dimensions are roughly equal (Boonstra, 1934a; medially, and the supratemporal laterally. Its posterior border is
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 9 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
slightly convex. Its surface is sculptured by longitudinal ridges, margin. The boss ends distally as a slightly curved, posteriorly
with bosses located near the posterior margin. pointed apex. In posterior view, the angular boss appears as
The postparietal was found disarticulated in UFRGS-PV- a vertical projection from the jaw, showing no inclination to
0358-P and is better preserved than in the holotype. The bone either medial or lateral facet. Most pareiasaurs possess cylindrical
is larger than the tabular and it has a pentagonal outline in angular bosses with a main axis that is perpendicular to the tooth
dorsal view, being in this respect similar to Deltavjatia rossicus. row in lateral view. Other pareiasaurs such as Embrithosaurus
Its anterior borders protrude as a wedge within both parietals, schwarzi and Nochelesaurus alexanderi (Van den Brandt et al.,
its lateral margins are nearly parallel, and its posterior border 2019, 2021b), show some degree of posterior inclination of the
is slightly concave. Its surface has ornamentation in the form of angular boss but this condition is limited to the apex, being
irregular bosses. mostly cylindrical in lateral view, rather than triangular as in
the Brazilian taxon. Furthermore, the bosses of these Karoo
Mandible species are curved medially, a condition that contrasts with
The Santo Antônio Farm specimen, UFRGS-PV-0376-P, provides Provelosaurus americanus. The angular boss in Pareiasuchus
the first Provelosaurus americanus mandible (Figure 6). It is nasicornis is somewhat triangular in labial view and similar to
divided in two main fragments that connect to each other, that of Provelosaurus americanus, but differs in being strongly
together comprising most of the right hemimandible, minus most inclined medially (Haughton and Boonstra, 1930a: plate 36).
of the adductor fossa and some portions of the dentary and the Pareiasuchus peringueyi shows an angular boss that is strongly
splenial. Due to lithostatic compression, the anterior portion of directed posteriorly, however, the morphology of this structure
the ramus has been folded inwards at a 90◦ angle, giving the differs from the Brazilian taxon in being a knob with a globular,
mandible an “L” outline in occlusal view. The dentary forms a blunt end (Haughton and Boonstra, 1930a, Figures 9, 10). The
large portion of the ramus, covering most of the labial view, wide base of the angular boss of the Brazilian taxon is comparable
extending from the symphysis to the level of the angular boss, to that present in the Russian Scutosaurus, however in the latter
gradually becoming higher posteriorly. It is unclear if this is a both anterior and posterior surfaces of the boss are oriented at
natural feature or a taphonomical artifact due to compression a comparable angle, resulting in a conical boss with a axis that
on the ramus. A well developed foramen dentofaciale majus is appears vertical both lateral and posterior views. In addition,
visible below the 10th tooth. The dentary is limited ventrally by the angular boss of Provelosaurus americanus is located more
the splenial and posteroventrally by the angular. The posterior posteriorly than in most pareiasaurs. Thus, the morphology of
contact with the surangular is either damaged or not preserved. the angular boss of this species is unique among pareiasaurs and
Sixteen tooth positions are recognized, although it is uncertain if is here regarded as a diagnostic character of the Brazilian taxon.
a few additional teeth could be present in the missing fragments As previously mentioned, the surangular is badly damaged, its
of the dentary. This number, however, is consistent with the contacts with the surrounding bones cannot be confidently traced
15 upper marginal tooth positions found in the holotypic skull and the adductor fossa is largely missing. The coronoid is also
(Araújo, 1985a). All the mandibular teeth have lost their crowns damaged, missing its dorsal process, and being currently exposed
and little can be said regarding their morphology except that only in lingual view. A fragment of displaced bone that covers
they are thecodont, subcircular in basal cross section and have part of the dentary below the 12th and 13th teeth is probably a
relatively long cervices. At least four resorption pits at various portion of the coronoid.
stages of development are recognized in the hemimandible, being The articular is relatively well preserved although its sutures
located from the 8th to the 11th preserved tooth positions. with the adjacent bones are not clear in lateral view. In medial
The splenial complements the dentary in the anterior half of view, however, this bone is largely exposed overlaying portions of
the ramus, forming most of the lingual and ventral margins in the angular and the prearticular. The large surface of this bone
this region, and having a small labial exposure below the first four in this view is reminiscent of Embrithosaurus schwarzi (e.g., Van
teeth. The lingual view of the area adjacent to the symphysis is den Brandt et al., 2019). Two transversally oriented, oval condyles
damaged and the relationships of the splenial and the dentary for articulation with the quadrate are preserved, the anteriormost
cannot be assessed here. Posteriorly, the splenial shares an being much larger than the posterior one, and being separated
oblique contact with the prearticular and apparently with the from it by a shallow glenoid fossa. The posterodorsal end of the
coronoid, and posteroventrally with the angular. A large, oval articular is marked by the presence of a curved retroarticular
foramen intermandibularis caudalis is located at the confluence process, which tapers dorsally and does not form a lump as in
of the splenial, angular, and prearticular bones. other pareiasaurs.
The angular covers all the posteroventral margin of the
mandibular ramus. In lateral view, this bone shares a long, mostly
horizontal, dorsal contact with the dentary, and posteriorly, Postcranium
a small contact with the articular. Its relationship with the Axial Skeleton
surangular, however, is obscured due to damage in the latter. The The vertebral series of Provelosaurus americanus was described
main feature of the angular is a well developed boss. It has a in detail by Araújo-Barberena (1989b) on the basis of the
triangular outline in lateral view, with a slightly concave anterior nearly complete column minus cervicals from specimen UFRGS-
surface that is at roughly 35◦ in relation to the tooth plane, PV-0233-P. She reported 13 dorsal vertebrae, but based on
and a posterior surface that is nearly perpendicular to the tooth articulated rib fragments she estimated that the two anteriormost
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 10 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
FIGURE 6 | UFRGS-PV-0359-P, right hemimandible of Provelosaurus americanus. (A,C) Lateral view; (B,D) medial view; (E,G) occlusal view; (F,H) ventral view. a,
angular; ab, angular boss; ar, articular; c, coronoid; d, dentary; fdm, foramen dentofaciale majus; fic, foramen intermandibularis caudalis; mk, Meckelian canal; q,
quadrate; rap, retroarticular process; rp, resorption pit; sp, splenial; i–xvi, tooth positions.
vertebrae were missing, suggesting a total number of 15 dorsals, As in all pareiasaurs, the vertebrae of Provelosaurus
in addition to four sacrals and an indeterminate number of americanus are amphicoelic and show characteristic swollen
caudals. Five cervicals and one anterior dorsal vertebra are neural arches that are transversely expanded. As far as it can be
preserved in the new specimen from the Santo Antônio Farm, corroborated, all vertebrae are notochordal. A pair of attached
UFRGS-PV-0359-P (Figure 7), allowing to complement the vertebrae are tentatively identified here as the atlas-axis complex
original description. (Figures 7A–F). The very damaged atlas is basically a small,
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 11 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
FIGURE 7 | Anterior axial skeleton of Provelosaurus americanus. (A–N,O,R) UFRGS-PV-0359-P; (P,Q,S,T,V) UFRGS-PV-0233-P. (U) UFRGS-PV-0376-P. Atlas and
axis in (A) left lateral, (B) right lateral, (C) anterior, (D) posterior, (E) dorsal, and (F) ventral views. Third and fourth cervical vertebrae in (G) right lateral, (H) dorsal, (I)
ventral, (J) anterior, and (K) posterior views. (L) Cervical vertebra in anterior view. First dorsal vertebra in (M) posterior, (N) anterior, (O) ventral, and (R) dorsal views.
Posterior dorsal vertebra in (P) posterior, (Q) ventral, (S) left lateral and (T) anterior views. (U) Cervical rib, ?anterior view. (V) Right dorsal rib head in anterior view. at,
atlas; atic, atlas intercentrum; atn, atlas neural arch; ax, axis; axic, axis intercentrum; cp, capitulum; dp, diapophysis; ds, dorsal spine; k, keel; nc, neural canal; ntc,
notochordal canal; os, osteoderm; pp, parapophysis; poz, postzygapophysis; prz, prezygapophysis; raf, rib articular facet; tp, transverse process, iii–xvii, vertebrae
numbers (blue, cervicals; red, dorsals).
moderately concave centrum with neural arches. There is no trace it features a prominent sagittal keel, a structure that represents
of a proatlas or an atlas intercentrum, but these could have been the ventralmost point of the atlas-axis complex.
lost. The axis has lost its dorsal spine. This vertebra has a very The posterior cervicals (3rd, 4th, and 5th) are peculiar in
concave anterior surface that, together with a fused intercentrum, that they do not have distinct diapophyses and parapophyses,
encases a large portion of the atlas. Short, anterodorsally oriented contrasting with the condition described in other pareiasaur
prezygapophyses are visible. Ventrally, these fuse with the bases species, where these processes are separated (Boonstra, 1934c;
of a transversally, directed, diapophyses. The left diapophysis is Benton, 2016; Van den Brandt et al., 2021a). In the vertebra
better preserved than the right one, its articulation for the rib identified as the third cervical, the fused parapophysis-
being in the form of a vertical ellipse with a slightly concave diapophysis forms a transverse process that has the shape
anterior surface. Parapophyses are also preserved, being smaller of a minute triangular wing, with a lateroventrally oriented
than the diapophyses, and mostly cylindrical, with a circular dorsal surface and a laterodorsal facet for articulation with a
articular facet. As mentioned above, the axis intercentrum is holocephalous rib (Figures 7I,J). This structure is well preserved
fused with the pleurocentrum. It extends anteriorly providing on the left side of that vertebra. In the following cervicals (4th
support for the ventral surface of the atlas. On its ventral surface and 5th), this transverse wing progressively expands laterally
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 12 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
and slightly dorsally, and its distal margin folds posteriorly. intercentra are present. Minute, likely non-functional, hypantra
The latter feature can be well seen in ventral view. The neural and hyposphenes are found above the neural canals (Araújo-
arches are better preserved in the third cervical, although the Barberena, 1989b). The dorsal spines are short, robust and
prezygapophyses and the dorsal spine are damaged. The pair slightly inclined anteriorly, a factor that, in combination with
of postzygapophyses, together with the base of the dorsal spine, the prominent lateral expansion of the zygapophyses, creates
form a chevron in dorsal view, and the maximum lateral very low posterior dorsal vertebrae (Figures 7P,S,T, 8A). This
extent of each zygapophysis does not surpass that of the wing results in a geometry that contrasts with the condition in
formed by the fused diapophysis-parapophysis. The pleurocentra other pareiasaur species, where the dorsal vertebrae feature
are strongly convex in the three posterior cervicals and their a dorsoventral dimension that is greater than or subequal to
ventral surfaces are also slightly pinched laterally, having an the transverse dimension. In the posterior dorsal vertebrae of
hourglass shape in ventral aspect. No intercentra were found Provelosaurus americanus, the transverse dimension is equivalent
associated with the posterior cervicals, and the shape and space to ∼1.6 times the dorsoventral dimension. Although the vertical
between each pleurocentrum leaves little room for them. As compression suffered by the fossil could be partially responsible
previously mentioned, the presence of a transverse process in for the vertebrae being overly low, their spines are too short
the cervicals appears to be unique to Provelosaurus americanus to be considered exclusively the result of a taphonomic feature.
and is here tentatively regarded as a diagnostic feature of the Ribs are present along the complete dorsal portion of the
taxon. There are, however, few comprehensive descriptions of the column. None of them is fully preserved in its extension.
cervical series within Pareiasauria, our knowledge of this region They are conservative, featureless, ventrally recurved rods.
basically being represented by the forms from the Tapinocephalus They are basically holocephalous, with triangular heads, but
Assemblage Zone (Van den Brandt et al., 2021a) and the Chinese an incipient tubercle can be recognized in the posterior dorsal
Shihtienfenia permica (Benton, 2016). Cervical ribs has been ones (Figure 7V).
located, in the juvenile specimen UFRGS-PV-0376-P (Figure 7U) The sacral series found in UFRGS-PV-0233-P comprises
and in UFRGS-PV-0359Ł-P. It is basically a short rod with an four vertebrae (Figure 8). Their pleurocentra are robust
expanded, anterodorsally flat head that is not fully preserved, and but dorsoventrally lower than the dorsals, and bear distally
a spatulate, rugose end. expanded ribs for articulation with the iliac blade. The first
One vertebra from the Santo Antônio Farm specimen displays sacral vertebra is the largest of the group, featuring massive
a morphology that is somehow intermediate between the fifth ribs that are posterolaterally oriented, and considerably wider
cervical and the dorsals, and is here considered to represent in anteroposterior dimension than the following. The dorsal
the sixth presacral vertebrae and the first from the dorsal series spine and the prezygapophyses of the first sacral vertebra
(Figures 7M–O,R). This dorsal vertebra features a transverse show the same morphology and dimensions of the preceding
process that is laterally wider than that present in the cervicals, dorsal vertebrae. The dorsal surfaces of the second, third
dorsally surpassing the articular facet of the prezygapophysis. and fourth sacrals are not well preserved, and are partially
The latter, in turn, is transversally larger than in the cervicals. covered with osteoderms, precluding detailed observations, but
The postzygapophyses are not fully preserved but these are their zygapophyses appear less developed than in the first
clearly wider than in the recognized cervicals. There is still some one. In the second and the third sacrals, the axis of the
morphological gap between this vertebra and the dorsals present ribs is nearly perpendicular in relation to the sagittal plane.
in the articulated column from UFRGS-PV-0233-P. In the latter, In the fourth sacral, this rib also departs perpendicularly
the anterior dorsals feature prezygapophyses with a transverse from the pleurocentrum but distally it curves anteriorly.
dimension that surpasses that of the transverse process. For this This rib is less expanded distally than in the three anterior
reason, we estimate that one anterior dorsal vertebra (the second sacrals. No intercentra were found among the sacrals, but the
dorsal one) is missing in both specimens. Thus, the combined space present between the pleurocentra suggests that these
series represented by the five cervicals and first dorsal found in could have been lost.
UFRGS-PV-0359-P, plus a putative second dorsal missing, and The anterior portion of the caudal region is preserved in
the 13 dorsals present in UFRGS-PV-0233-P would result in a UFRGS-PV-0233-P (Figure 8), likely comprising at least half of
total of 20 presacrals for Provelosaurus americanus. Based on the tail. The first four caudal vertebrae bear ribs and can be
UFRGS-PV-0233-P, the following dorsals (tentatively, presacrals individually recognized, although their dorsal surface is damaged
8th to 20th) (Figures 7, 8) show a trend of lateral expansion and their dorsal spines are broken. These vertebrae bear reduced
of both prezygapophyses and postzygapophyses that reaches zygapophyses and small, proximally thickened ribs. Their ventral
its peak in the last four presacrals. This results in posterior surface is not prepared. The remaining caudal vertebrae are
dorsals transversally wider than the anterior ones (9th presacral smaller, simplified versions of the anterior ones, apparently
transverse dimension = 158 mm; 17th presacral transverse lacking ribs. They are too badly preserved to be individually
dimension = 192 mm). The transverse process, on the other hand, recognized, but some ten vertebrae can be estimated, resulting
merges with the prezygapophysis in the dorsal vertebrae, and in approximately 14 caudals preserved in UFRGS-PV-0233-P.
progressively reduces its vertical dimension, becoming a mere A few additional, smaller vertebrae should have been present to
facet for articulation of the rib that protrudes lateroventrally complement the caudal series. The poor preservation of these
from the base of the prezygapophysis. The dorsal pleurocentra vertebrae precludes observation of facets for hemal arches or the
appear less concave than the cervical ones and small dorsal presence of intercentra.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 13 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
FIGURE 8 | Posterior axial skeleton of Provelosaurus americanus, UFRGS-PV-0233-P, in (A) dorsal and (B) ventral views. ic, intercentrum; il, ilium; is, ischium; os,
osteoderm; rb, rib; xix–xxviii, vertebrae numbers (red, dorsals; green, sacrals; yellow, caudals).
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 14 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
FIGURE 9 | Pectoral girdle of Provelosaurus americanus. UFRGS-PV-0359-P, interclavicle in (A) ventral view, (B) anterior view, (C) right lateral view, (D) dorsal view.
(E,F) UFRGS-PV-0376-P, left scapulocoracoid in lateral view. UFRGS-PV-0359-P, right clavicle in (G) posterior (dorsal end to the top of the page), (H) lateral and (I)
anterior views. (J,K) UFRGS-PV-0376-P, left scapulocoracoid in medial view. (L–N) UFRGS-PV-0231-P (holotype), right scapulocoracoid in (L) lateral, (M) anterior,
and (N) medial view. (O) UFRGS-PV-0376-P, left scapulocoracoid in lateral view, field photograph showing partially ossified margin if posterior coracoid.
UFRGS-PV-0359-P, left clavicle medial portion in (P) anterior and (Q) posterior (internal) view. acr, acromion; bt, buttress; cof, coracoid foramen; glc, glenoid cavity;
k, keel; sc, sulcus; ssf, subscapular fossa.
in relation to the clavicular ventral edge. It bears several thin to an immature individual. It is very well preserved, apparently
rugosities on its ventral surface but is smooth in the dorsal with little or no diagenetic deformation, although its sutures are
aspect. In posterior view, the lateral portion of the clavicle is not clear. The ossification of the ventral margin of the posterior
mostly devoid of features, except for the posterior margin of coracoid is partially unfinished in UFRGS-PV-0376-P, indicating
the spatulate end that smoothly merges with the main plane of that it was cartilaginous in life. An impression of its original
the bone and some rugosities that are likely related to ligaments contour was preserved in the siltstone matrix that contains the
for attachment with the anterior coracoid or the scapula. Lateral bone. During the preparation work it was attempted to fully
portion bears a prominent ridge or buttress. The distal end preserve this feature, however, it suffered some damage in the
of the clavicle is spatulate and rugose, which is similar to the process. Its full contour can be seen in photographs taken in the
condition in Embrithosaurus schwarzi and Shihtienfenia permica, field (Figure 9O).
but different to that in Nochelesaurus alexanderi and Bradysaurus In lateral view, the dorsal portion of the scapula of
seeleyi (Benton, 2016; Van den Brandt et al., 2021a). Provelosaurus americanus is an anteroposteriorly oriented,
The holotype of Provelosaurus americanus possesses a mostly rectangular blade, with a nearly straight horizontal dorsal
complete, well preserved right scapulocoracoid (Figures 9L– margin and a subtle concave posterior border. This blade is
N), which was described in detail by Araújo (1986a). The mediolaterally thin and in the holotype, appears sigmoidal close
new specimen UFRGS-PV-0376-P consists of an isolated left to the top, in cross section. This is due to a thin vertical
scapulocoracoid (Figures 9E,F,J,K,O) and a cervical rib (see buttress, on the medial surface, along the anterior border, and
above), found at the Provelosaurus type locality, that belongs another vertical ridge that runs on the lateral surface along the
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 15 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
posterior margin. These bars are also seen in the scapulocoracoid is ∼115 mm wide. Its proximal head is a wide plate (maximum
of the juvenile UFRGS-PV-0376-P, albeit the posterior one is expansion ∼150 mm) with a nearly quadrangular outline in
more developed on the medial surface than on the lateral dorsal (extensor) view. In this aspect, the humerus shows a well
one. The acromion process is better preserved in the juvenile developed oblique ridge that divides this area of the head in
specimen UFRGS-PV-0376-P, where it protrudes anteriorly as a two surfaces, a smaller anterior (preaxial) almost triangular area
subrectangular process with a convex edge. The scapula expands and a larger (postaxial) subsquare area. The anterior surface
anteroposteriorly toward the junction with the coracoids. In this of this ridge is mostly devoid of features and supports the
area, in lateral view, there is a wide, dorsoventral buttress that deltopectoral crest. The posterior area is covered with some
meets the anterior dorsal border of the glenoid cavity, dorsal to rugosities and a shallow buttress (“turret” in Van den Brandt et al.,
the anterior coracoid foramen. It is at this point that the rim of the 2021a) that departs some 50◦ from the main ridge and provides
glenoid fossa reaches its widest lateral dimension. This buttress is accommodation for the triceps muscle (Jalil and Janvier, 2005).
faced medially by a prominent subscapular fossa that continues Posteriorly, this area bears a tubercle that is bordered proximally
briefly into the anterior coracoid. by a notch, both features are also seen in Nochelesaurus alexanderi
The scapula and the posterior coracoid form most of (Van den Brandt et al., 2021a). The ventral (flexor) surface is
the glenoid cavity. In lateral view, the morphology of this notoriously concave, with the deltopectoral crest forming its
fossa is somewhat shaped as an inverted “L,” with a larger, anterior border. As in many pareiasaurs, the proximal surface of
oblique subrectangular portion on the coracoid and a smaller the humerus has a wide, concave, rugose facet, indicating that
quadrangular portion anteriorly projected over the scapula above a large cartilaginous cap was present for articulation with the
the anterior coracoid foramen. In this way, the outline of glenoid cavity (Turner et al., 2015; Van den Brandt et al., 2021a).
the glenoid fossa resembles that of Nochelesaurus alexanderi A notable feature reported in the humerus of Provelosaurus
(Van den Brandt et al., 2021b). As previously mentioned, the americanus type-material is the very low angle between its
glenoid cavity is bordered dorsally by a ridge that appears proximal and distal heads due to a strong torsion of the proximal
low in the holotype, probably due to compression, but is and distal ends (Araújo, 1986b), with an angle equal or lower than
higher in UFRGS-PV-0359-P. The dorsal facet of the glenoid 15◦ , a feature only seen among pareiasaurs in Anthodon serrarius
cavity faces laterally and slightly ventrally, contrasting with the (Boonstra, 1932; Lee, 1997a). Unfortunately, due to the fracture
condition in Bunostegos akokaensis from Niger, in which this of the shaft, we cannot confirm this characteristic in UFRGS-
facet is very ventral and supports a more verticalized humerus PV-0359-P. The entepicondyle of Provelosaurus americanus lacks
(Turner et al., 2015). the flange that is present in other pareiasaurs, and in this
In the type specimen, both the anterior border of the anterior respect it is similar to that of the genus Pareiasuchus (Lee,
coracoid and posterior border of the posterior coracoid are 1997a). Both epicondyles project distally from the epicondylar
damaged. In the new juvenile specimen these bones form a surface in a moderate fashion, comparable to the condition in
lamina that is anteroposteriorly larger than reconstructed by Embrithosaurus schwarzi. The entepicondylar foramen is not
Araújo (1986a, p. 1). UFRGS-PV-0376-P shows an anterior visible in the new fossil, but this area has some patches of
coracoid extending anteriorly in relation to the acromion process matrix and this structure could be still obscured by oxide. The
and a posterior coracoid margin projected well beyond the capitulum is a massive hemispherical structure, dominating the
margin of the glenoid cavity. A wide embayment is present along ventral intercondylar surface, with an oblique projection toward
the ventral anteroventral margin of the anterior coracoid and a the end of the ectepicondyle, similar to Embrithosaurus schwarzi,
small part of the posterior coracoid in UFRGS-PV-0376-P, and is barely reaching the distal end of the bone. A ridge caps the
likely ontogenetic in nature. distal end of the radial condyle. It continues distally, with a small
posterior bifurcation, and reaches the dorsal surface of the bone
Forelimb where it continues obliquely into the intercondylar fossa. The
The forelimb (Figure 10) is here described assuming a sprawling trochlear notch is moderately shallow, and is limited posteriorly
position, with the humerus main axis horizontally placed and by a ridge that continues onto the distal end of the head. The
its intercondylar fossa facing dorsally, the radius and ulna epicondylar distal projections do not surpass the radial and ulnar
vertically oriented, with the latter being lateral to the former. articulation surfaces.
Two humeri of Provelosaurus americanus have been previously The radius and the ulna of Provelosaurus americanus are
described, a right one from the type specimen (UFRGS-PV- known from the right forelimb of specimen UFRGS-PV-0233-P
0231-P) (Figures 10H–J) and another right bone from the (Araújo, 1986b). These bones were recently cut at their shafts for
postcranium UFRGS-PV-0233-P (Araújo, 1986b; Figures 10K– histological study (Farias et al., 2021). The radius of Provelosaurus
M). A new right humerus (Figures 10A–G) is preserved in the americanus (Figures 10N–P) has a conservative morphology,
specimen from the Santo Antônio Farm, UFRGS-PV-0359-P. being mainly cylindrical with expanded, unfinished epiphyses
It is of intermediate size between the two previous specimens, that presumably were cartilaginous (Araújo, 1986b). The articular
broken at the shaft, and showing some damage on the epicondylar facet of the proximal head has a reniform outline and is somewhat
flanges. Otherwise, it is better preserved than the previous fossils convex rather than concave as it would be expected for its
in some aspects, particularly its proximal and distal articulations, articulation with the capitulum of the humerus, suggesting that
allowing some clarifications. Its estimated length along the main a large portion of cartilage was present in life. Considering the
axis of the bone is 267 mm and its distal maximum expansion small size of UFRGS-PV-0233-P in relation to the holotype, as
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 16 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
FIGURE 10 | Forelimb of Provelosaurus americanus. (A–G) UFRGS-PV-0359-P, right humerus in (A,D) dorsal (extensor), (B,E) ventral (flexor), (C) anterior, (F)
proximal (dorsal to the top) and (G) distal (dorsal to the top) views. (H–J) UFRGS-PV-0231-P (holotype), right humerus in (H) dorsal (extensor), (I) ventral (flexor) and
(J) anterior views. (K–M) UFRGS-PV-0233-P, right humerus in (K) dorsal (extensor), (L) flexor (flexor), and (M) anterior views. (N–P) UFRGS-PV-0233-P, right radius
in (N) medial, (O) lateral, and (P) proximal views. (Q–S) UFRGS-PV-0233-P, right partial ulna in (Q) medial, (R) lateral, and (S) adductor view. ca, capitulum; dpc,
deltopectoral crest; ec, ectepicondyle; en, entepicondyle; enf, entepicondylar foramen; icf, intercondylar facet; op, olecranon process; parf, proximal articular
surface; nc, notch; rg, ridge; t, tubercle; tr, trochlea; tri, facet for attachment of triceps.
can be inferred comparing their humeri, this is likely a feature several fractures and is slightly compressed in the mediolateral
resulting from the immaturity of the individual at the time direction. Its proximal head appears gracile in comparison
of death. In lateral view, the radius has a posterior concave with the ulna of the large pareiasaurs from the Tapinocephalus
outline facing the ulna and is notable for having a very wide Assemblage Zone (Van den Brandt et al., 2021a) although part
distal head that is also vertically thin (Araújo, 1986b). Although of its thin constitution could be related to the compression that
the latter trait differs from most pareiasaurs (Van den Brandt affected UFRGS-PV-0233-P. This bone features a moderately
et al., 2021a), in which the distal head is more robust, this developed olecranon process, although its posterior extension
may also be an artifact related to the early ontogenetic age cannot be fully assessed because its border is not completely
of the individual. preserved. Its facet for articulation with the trochlea is a wide,
Most of the right ulna was found in UFRGS-PV-0233-P recurved notch that is bordered medially and laterally by two
(Figures 10Q–S), except for the missing distal end. The bone has low ridges. Other pareiasaurs feature well developed ridges here
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 17 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
and a prominent sulcus between them, but these traits are weakly a feature more clearly seen in UFRGS-PV-0233-P, being in this
developed in UFRGS-PV-0233-P. respect different from the ilium of species such as Bradysaurus
baini or Embrithosaurus schwarzi (e.g., Van den Brandt et al.,
Pelvic Girdle 2021a). The iliac blade is only moderately expanded anteriorly.
Two pelvic girdles are known, both described by Araújo- Its dorsal border is slightly convex and its posterior process
Barberena (1989a). The first one is part of the articulated is reduced. The acetabulum is slightly deep as far as can be
postcranium UFRGS-PV-0233-P (Figures 8, 11E), and a second seen, and is bordered dorsally by a well developed buttress.
pelvis, UFRGS-PV-0232-P (Figures 11A–D), found isolated The blade is mediolaterally flattened, and in dorsal view it
at the type locality. Both belong to immature individuals appears anterolaterally aligned, showing almost no eversion. The
but UFRGS-PV-0232-P is smaller and more gracile. Both pelvic symphysis is anteroposteriorly short and the ischiatic
suffered distortion, especially the latter, which is compressed plate is more developed than the pubic one. The posterior
anteroposteriorly. Sutures cannot be confidently traced on any of border of the ischium is convex, and in lateral aspect it appears
the specimens. The ventral view is not fully prepared in UFRGS- posteroventrally recurved.
PV-0232-P and in UFRGS-PV-0233-P much of the ischium and
the ventral surface of the symphysis are covered with epoxy. Hindlimb
Due to the fragility of the former, the acetabulum was left These bones (Figure 11) are known exclusively from the right
unprepared on both sides. hindlimb of UFRGS-PV-0233-P, found articulated and described
In lateral view, the ilium of Provelosaurus americanus is a bone by Araújo (1986b). All three bones were posteriorly disarticulated
with an hour-glass outline. Its shaft shows anterior inclination, in the laboratory and further prepared, and the tibia and the
FIGURE 11 | Pelvis and hind limb of Provelosaurus americanus. (A–D) UFRGS-PV-0232-P, pelvis in (A) anterior, (B) right lateral, (C) left lateral, and (D) dorsal view
(anterior to the top). (E) UFRGS-PV-0233-P, pelvis in right lateral view. (F–I) Right femur in (F) anterior (preaxial), (G) ventral (flexor), (H) posterior (preaxial), and (I)
dorsal (extensor) views. (J) Right tibia in medial (flexor) view. (K) Right fibula in medial (flexor) view. ac, acetabulum; ar, abductor ridge; cc, cnemial crest; icf,
intercondylar fossa; il, ilium; is, ischium; it, internal trochanter; lc, lateral condyle; mc, medial condyle; pb, pubis; pf, popliteal fossa; pfg, postaxial flange; rg, ridge; sr,
first sacral rib.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 18 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
fibula were cut at their shafts for histological study by Farias wider, with expanded articulation surfaces and constricted shafts,
et al. (2021). The femur was originally found very damaged with except for the element identified as the first manual metacarpal.
the proximal head missing, and the distal head incomplete. As The latter is wider than longer, pentagonal and more flattened
is the case with other long bones in this sub-adult individual, than the other metapodials. Proximally, it has two articulation
large portions of the epiphyses were likely formed by cartilage, surfaces separated by a dorso-palmar-oriented constriction. The
which hindered its full preservation. The femur of Provelosaurus distal articulation surface of this metacarpal is elliptical and
americanus appears to have an anteroposteriorly wide shaft, two phalanges are still articulated: the basal phalanx I and the
in contrast to pareiasaurs such as Pareiasuchus peringueyi and ungual phalanx I. The remaining metapodials described here are
Scutosaurus karpinskii (e.g., Lee, 1997a, p. 14), but is reminiscent very similar in morphology, except by their robustness and the
of older forms such as Bradysaurus baini and Nochelesaurus subtriangular to elliptical shape of proximal articulation surfaces.
alexanderi (e.g., Van den Brandt et al., 2021a). This is due to a We tentatively identify them as indeterminate II–V metapodials,
well developed postaxial flange that extends distally and has a possibly representing metacarpals. If our interpretation is correct,
straight posterior margin, rather than a concave one as is the these putative metacarpals are more slender than those seen in
case in Pareiasuchus peringueyi and Scutosaurus karpinskii. In Embrithosaurus schwarzi (SAM-PK-8944) (Boonstra, 1932) and
dorsal view, on its proximal region, a portion of a prominent Pareiasaurus serridens (SAM-PK-K10036).
ridge borders the anterior margin of the postaxial flange (Araújo, Besides the manual digit mentioned above, three others are
1986b), a feature for muscle attachment that is shared with other completely articulated, being formed by two nearly discoidal
pareiasaurs (Haughton and Boonstra, 1930b; Van den Brandt phalanges and one large, pointed ungual (suggesting that they
et al., 2021a). The intercondylar fossa is seen in this view. Araújo represent either the manual or pedal digits II–IV). In these
(1986b) noticed that this structure appears longer and deeper materials, the medial (or penultimate) phalanges are pulley-
than expected, probably due to damage. However, in Bradysaurus shaped, evincing a high range of flexion movement of the
baini this fossa also takes the form of a well developed sulcus (Van terminal and subterminal joints. However, a dorsal, proximally
den Brandt et al., 2021a). In ventral view, the internal trochanter directed crest on the medial phalanges could restrict the dorsal
is visible on top of the abductor ridge. As in Bradysaurus baini extension movements on the medial-proximal phalangeal joints.
and Embrithosaurus schwarzi (Haughton and Boonstra, 1930b; Seven additional, isolated and smaller non-ungual phalanges also
Van den Brandt et al., 2021a), this trochanter has a sigmoid occur in UFRGS-PV-0233-P, evincing the shape and size of their
outline. The abductor ridge is oriented toward the popliteal fossa joint surfaces. The proximal articulation surfaces are wider and
and becomes shallow as it approaches it. This fossa is mostly taller than the distal ones.
a tear-drop shaped depression. Its distal border is damaged. As The six ungual phalanges are dorsoventrally flattened and
mentioned above, both distal condyles are poorly preserved. have a subcircular to triangular shape in dorsal view. The longer
Due to bad preservation, few details can be assessed regarding unguals are also stouter, more ventrally curved and even more
the tibia and the fibula. The former was very compressed during acute in their distal end. The proximal articulation surface is
diagenesis and its epiphyses are not fully preserved, presumably elliptical and concave. The ventral surface of the unguals bears
formed by most part of cartilage in life. We can only confirm that a keel and is separated from the dorsal one by a sharp margin
it was a robust long bone with expanded epiphyses. The fibula, in and present larger foramina. A single, isolated ungual phalanx
turn, is missing more than half of its body. It is a delicate bone, is present in UFRGS-PV-0359-P, with similar shape and size to
almost half the width of the tibia. those from UFRGS-PV-0233-P.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 19 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
FIGURE 12 | Autopodial elements of Provelosaurus americanus (UFRGS-PV-0233-P). (A–F) Isolated metapodials in dorsal (A,C,E) and ventral (B,D,F) views. (G–U)
Articulated elements in dorsal (G,M,Q,T), ventral (H,J,N,P,S), left lateral (I,R) and right lateral (L,O,U) views. (J–L) Pollex, composed of a metacarpal, a
proximal/basal phalanx and a distal/ungual phalanx. mc, metacarpal; mph, middle phalanx; pph, proximal phalanx; uph, ungual phalanx.
Provelosaurus americanus: sagittal ones, being more circular covered a broader area of the body, because these small elements
and having a weak boss with a small central concavity; and may easily detach due to postmortem factors.
lateral osteoderms (Figures 13B–E), oval and smaller than the
former, lacking the central concavity. The largest osteoderms
were reported to be located at the first dorsal vertebrae [sagittal DISCUSSION
osteoderm: 37 × 32 mm, lateral osteoderm: 28 × 17 mm (Araújo-
Barberena, 1987), Figure 1A]. The scutes in UFRGS-PV-359-P Phylogenetic Relationships
contrast in both size and morphology, as in the new fossil the The first analysis produced 600 most parsimonious trees (MPT)
smaller scute is circular and the largest are oval, and all lack the and a tree score of 275 steps. The topology of the majority
central concavities. Based on these discrepancies, we interpret rule consensus (Tree 1 in Supplementary Material) does not
that these osteoderms are not related to the vertebral column but differ from the results obtained by Liu and Bever (2018, 5a)
rather to the cervical ribs to which they are still in contact with. except for the placement of Shihtienfenia permica, which in
The new fossils, thus, indicate that osteoderms covered the lateral our analysis is not grouped with the ‘dwarf pareiasaurs’ but
surfaces of the neck. There is yet no indication that osteoderms rather with the genus Pareiasuchus, and for the position of
were present over the girdles, limbs or the remaining ribs in the Nochelesaurus alexanderi, which is now basal to Bradysaurus
Brazilian pareiasaur. Is not unlikely, however, that osteoderms baini rather than in a polytomy. Removing Obirkovia gladiator
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 20 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
(Lee, 1997b; Jalil and Janvier, 2005; Tsuji and Müller, 2008;
Tsuji, 2013; Tsuji et al., 2013; Turner et al., 2015; Benton, 2016;
Liu and Bever, 2018) that found the Brazilian taxon to be a
‘dwarf pareiasaur,’ being by far the oldest member (see below) of
this Gondwanan clade. This relationship has been traditionally
supported by features of the humerus but it is now based on
two non-ambiguous cranial character states as well, being the
absence of a cingulum (72:0) and the tabular-parietal contact
on the skull roof (142:1). At the time of submitting the final
version of our manuscript we had access to a study by Van den
Brandt et al. (accepted) which further confirms the placement of
Provelosaurus americanus within Pumiliopareia.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 21 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
FIGURE 14 | Stratigraphically calibrated relationships of Pareiasauria. Majority rule consensus of 200 MPT (tree score: 270) excluding Sanchuansaurus pygmaeus.
Numbers behind nodes represent symmetric resampling values above 50% (calculated from 5000 replicates, p = 33). Pareiasaur occurrences/ranges based on Jalil
and Janvier (2005), Tsuji and Müller (2008), Liu et al. (2014), Benton (2016), Olroyd and Sidor (2017), Sennikov and Golubev (2017), Liu and Bever (2018), Day and
Rubidge (2020), Day and Smith (2020), Schneider et al. (2020), Smith (2020), Smith et al. (2020), and Viglietti (2020). Dates after Cohen et al. (2021). Pumiliopar,
Pumiliopareiasauria (“dwarf pareiasaurs”). Bradysauria sensu Van den Brandt et al. (2019), Pumiliopareiasauria and Therischia sensu Jalil and Janvier (2005),
Elginiidae sensu Liu and Bever (2018). Gray bars indicate ranges with high uncertainty.
Wordian and Capitanian rocks (Rubidge and Day, 2020; Day and either in the Serrinha Member of the Rio do Rasto Formation
Rubidge, 2021), the basal anomodont Tiarajudens eccentricus is or in the Teresina Formation. A geochronological date for
closely related to Anomocephalus africanus (see Cisneros et al., the Serrinha Member was recently obtained (270.61 + 1.76/–
2015) from the upper Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone, and 3.27 Ma; Francischini et al., 2018), from an outcrop (site 8 in
the temnospondyl genus Konzhukovia, recently identified at Figure 1B) located 6.5 km north of the Provelosaurus americanus
the Boqueirão Farm in São Gabriel (Pacheco et al., 2017), is type locality. Xenacanthus santosi, a chondrichthyan found in
restricted to the Wordian–Capitanian interval in the Russian the Bageherpeton longignathus site (Würdig-Maciel, 1975), is also
Platform. Nevertheless, the Brazilian pareiasaur would be older recorded in an outcrop of the Teresina Formation at the Tiarajú
than the Karoo “dwarf pareiasaurs” and at least as old as the three District in São Gabriel (Klein, 1999), reinforcing the second
pareiasaur genera from the Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone and hypothesis. In either scenario, Bageherpeton longignathus would
Bunostegos akokanensis from the Moradi Formation of Niger be in a stratigraphically lower position than the tetrapods from
(Olroyd and Sidor, 2017; Figure 14). the Morro Pelado member.
The long-snouted temnospondyl Bageherpeton longignathus,
known from an incomplete lower jaw from Aceguá (Dias and
Barberena, 2001), is an enigmatic taxon that has not been Taphonomy and Paleoecology
found associated with pareiasaurs nor dinocephalians. Although With the exception of the partial skull MCP 4263PV from São
reportedly collected in the Rio do Rasto Formation, the precise Gabriel municipality, all remaining six Provelosaurus americanus
stratigraphic context of this fossil was not provided by the specimens were recovered in the Aceguá area. Four individuals
authors. Furthermore, the site that produced this fossil (site 1 in of different ontogenetic stages were found in a area of less than
Figure 1B) currently exposes the Teresina Formation (Serviço 100 m2 : two adults (UFRGS-PV-0231-P and UFRGS-PV-0358-
Geológico do Brasil - CPRM, 2021). This suggests that this P) and two small juveniles (UFRGS-PV-0232-P and UFRGS-
platyoposaur was likely collected in a lower geological unit, PV-0376-P) were collected from the type locality; a sub-adult
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 22 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 23 November 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 758802
Cisneros et al. The Pareiasaur Provelosaurus
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
Work funded by a CNPq grant (302936/2018-1) to PD-D, and a online at:
FAPERGS grant (21/2551-0000734-6) to HF. 758802/full#supplementary-material
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