Purchasing Cycle and Vendor Management
Purchasing Cycle and Vendor Management
Purchasing Cycle and Vendor Management
Vendor Selection
Having a reliable output with a low rejection percentage is desired and a critical
requirement for companies. What is a standard industry method to measure
reliability of a vendor?
✓ Correct
Quality certification program helps to monitor reliability of vendor processes
i. Request for Quotation (RFQ) is a standard business process followed when an
organisation wants to buy a specific product or service and vendors share their
ii. A Goods Receipt Note (GRN) is issued to record the delivery of items from your
suppliers. It is also known as a delivery note, which is used as an evidence that goods
are delivered and the customers have received them. Moreover, both suppliers and
customers use Goods Receipt Note (GRN) to compare orders and delivery quantities.
iii. The company issues a Purchase Order (PO) to a supplier to confirm the orders.
i, ii, iii
iii, ii, i
i, iii, ii
✓ Correct
RFQ (Request for Quotation) is for issuing requests for quotation, receiving and
analyzing quotations and selecting the right supplier based on the quotations
Once the negotiation process is over with a supplier, PO is raised so that supplier can
start production and deliver accordingly.
On receiving and accepting goods, a GRN (Goods Receipt Note) is issued. This also
helps in the supplier's invoicing process.
ii, i, iii