Online Hand Gesture Recognition &2016
Online Hand Gesture Recognition &2016
Online Hand Gesture Recognition &2016
= , − ,
3.5 Classification
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[8] A. Sharmila Konwar, B. Sagarika Borah, C. Dr.T.Tuithung,
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Hard of hearing and mute people make use of sign [9] Pravin R Futane , Rajiv v Dharaskar, “Hasta Mudra
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purpose of this project, American Sign Language has [10] Adi Izhar Che Ani, Anis Diyana Rosli, Rohaiza Baharudin,
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calculate Eigen vector and feature vector to find
Euclidean distance. Minimum Euclidean distance
leads to character recognition for the input gesture.
This project helps special persons to communicate