GOtyme Reference Check Form

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INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill in the required fields and verify that the information provided by the Applicant is correct. The form will take only 10
minutes or less to complete. Kindly return a copy of the completed form to


Reference Check Date: October 27, 2021 Conducted by: Kayty Villanueva
(MMDDYYYY) (to be completed by HR)

Applicant’s Name: Alain Joel S. Velasco Role Applied for: (to be Regulatory Compliance Manager
(to be completed by HR) completed by HR)

Referee’s Name: Carlo Brillantes Company Name: foopanda PH

Referee’s Contact: 09175638389 Referee’s Email:

Relationship to Former colleague Duration Known: 2 years


Q1. To the best of your knowledge, what were the Applicant’s reasons for his/her resignation?

I believe it was because to of the working style of his previous employer which I would understands I was part of same company for a short time
with AJ, but with a different business vertical

Q2. What was the Applicant’s key strength(s)?

- Great BSP contacts

- Very open to understand the business outside compliance
- Over great person to work with

Q3. What was the Applicant’s key weakness(es)?

- His only been in the Fintech space for a few years

Q4. What were the Applicant’s notable achievement(s)?

- Launch of GrabPay wallet in PH without any compliance issues

Q5. Given a hypothetical situation, what observed behavior(s) do you notice when the applicant is under stress?

- His calm and collaborative when addressing complex issues

Q6. Would you rehire the Applicant? (Please Tick)

Please skip this question and tick NA (not applicable) if you are a subordinate to the Yes X☐ No ☐ NA ☐

Please rate the observed behaviour of the Applicant as best as you can. If you are not unable to rate the observed behaviour, please circle NA.

1. Teaming is defined as collaborating well with one another and in achieving positive shared goals and outcomes for the organisation. Please
circle the observed teamwork and collaboration skills that the Applicant has displayed.

0 - Not Applicable 1 – Poor 2 – Average 3- Good X4 - Excellent

2. Integrity is defined as doing the right thing at all times even under pressure. Please circle the observed integrity that the Applicant has

0 - Not Applicable 1 – Poor 2 – Average 3- Good X4 - Excellent

3. Mutual respect is defined as showing self-respect to all colleagues at the workplace even in disagreement and difficult situations. Please
circle the observed mutual respect that the Applicant has displayed.

0 - Not Applicable 1 – Poor 2 – Average 3- Good X4 - Excellent

4. Leadership is defined as having the courage to lead even in uncertainty. This also includes making sound but fair decisions and supporting
team members when they need attention. Please circle the observed leadership behaviour that the Applicant has displayed.

0 - Not Applicable 1 – Poor 2 – Average X3- Good 4 - Excellent

5. Communication is defined as abilities in clarifying and effectively presenting information, thoughts and facts to the recipients clearly. Please
circle the observed communication skills that the Applicant has displayed.

0 - Not Applicable 1 – Poor 2 – Average 3- Good X4 - Excellent

6. Results orientation is defined as achieving the company's goals and objectives with the consideration of people, resource and competency
constraints with the best possible outcome and in a given, measurable time frame. Please circle the observed results orientation abilities that the
Applicant has displayed.

0 - Not Applicable 1 – Poor 2 – Average 3- Good X4 - Excellent

7. Work ethics is defined as a belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character. Please circle
the observed work ethics behaviour that the Applicant has displayed.

0 - Not Applicable 1 – Poor 2 – Average 3- Good X4 - Excellent

8. Professionalism is defined as the ability to conduct oneself and produce quality of work that is respected at the workplace. Please circle the
observed professionalism behavior that the Applicant has displayed.

0 - Not Applicable 1 – Poor 2 – Average 3- Good X4 - Excellent

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