Learn Out Comes Ass Criteria
Learn Out Comes Ass Criteria
Learn Out Comes Ass Criteria
Assessment Criteria
Rosie Bingham
?? Coherence
(in design and student experience)
?? Level
(of academic study)
?? Standards
(student expected to meet )
We need to be:
?? Educationally ‘sound’
?? Explicit
?? Accountable
Module planning
Programme Specification
(What do I want the
students to know, do
and understand?)
(What method(s) of
assessment is best
suited to students
demonstrating their
achievement of the
learning outcomes?)
0 Rosie Bingham, Sheffield Hallam University April 2002
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Tips for writing learning outcomes
. Keep to a manageable number - most modules have between 5 and 9
. You may not get them right first time - you may need to re-visit them as you develop
teaching, learning, and assessment/feedback strategies.
0 Each outcome should be written at a pass level - not what you would expect form the
highest achiever
? Make sure they are expressed at the appropriate level (see SHU LOS).
? Look at the balance between intended subject, personal and professional learning
outcomes. Does this reflect what your module is about?
Are all your learning outcomes of equal importance? Determine what are essential,
useful and optional. How will your students know?
? As you are developing learning outcomes, think about how you would know if a learner
had achieved them ie the possible assessment method and criteria.
Could your typical learner achieve the outcomes within the timescale?
You could ask your previous learners what outcomes they identify/value.
Ask colleagues if they understand what your learning outcomes are about
Consider the relevant context - ie where your module fits into what learners have done
before and what they will progress to
Try to avoid:
? evaluative words eg “good” and “adequate” - they are assessment criteria
? ambiguous verbs such as “understand”, ” know”, “be aware” and “appreciate”. What level
of ‘understanding’ do you mean?
. educational jargon - students and others will need to use them
? references to the process by which the learning takes place eg “undertake a project”
suggests it is actually the ability to plan and implement a project which you want the
student to learn.
? long lists of separate outcomes which are variations of the same outcome.
? learning outcomes which are too broad (they will be unassessible) or too narrow (leads
to over-detailed and cumbersome lists).
?? be manageable in number
?? ‘fairness
?? Weighting criteria
?? Exam criteria?
? The following are some examples of ways you could move up the
? Increasing the degree of autonomy required -
eg the level of independence or decision-making needed,
? Broadening the situation/context in which the student applies
the learning
eg a pass might be unit-specific, higher grades might draw on
wider experiences/sources
? Increasing the range/number of elements you expect the
student to use
eg using a wider range of presentation techniques, combining
more problem solving techniques, using a combination of skill