Literature Study Architecture College
Literature Study Architecture College
Literature Study Architecture College
The Architecture Program Of 5 Academic Years Or 10 Semesters. ▪ Layout For Studio Cum LT:
▪ Layout for LT:
. ▪
Intake of candidates at the first-year level not more then max. 40 in a class.
Separate classes shall be organized if candidates exceed 40
Drawing table suitable for A0 size (92 x 127 cm); fixed or adjustable board.
Drawings cabinet for storing drawings flat, of same height as drawing table, surface can also be used to put things on.
A small cupboard on castors for drawing materials, possibly with filling cabinet is desirable.
. . Core faculty
Visiting faculty
Allied faculty 3
▪ Chairs Tables
▪ Storage facilities, etc. based on the sanctioned Intake.
▪ Audio Visual equipment
▪ Digital aids should be adequate in number so as to meet the contemporary needs.
▪ The Laboratory Equipment shall be as per the requirement of Curriculum.
Suggested Equipment For Labs:
I ▪
Surveying Lab:
Measuring tapes, Dumpy level, Theodolite, Ranging rods, Total station, etc.
Climatology Lab:
Thermometers, Rain gauge, Wind cock, Sun orbit table, etc.
▪ Material Testing Lab:
▪ Distance Preferred B/W To Aisle:
Universal testing machine, Concrete block molds, etc.
T. Sr. No.
▪ Workshop:
Tables with vice, Carpentry tools, Mason’s tools, etc.
Carpet Area
References: guidelines of council of architecture
Per Student
( M. Sq.)
E. 1. For Studio:
2.5 To 3
Total Carpet Area Of Studio For 40 Students = 120 Sq. M. to 180 Sq. M.
2 Sq. M. Per
Design Details:
Area required for designing a computer lab:
Layouts for Computer Labs:
T. 4.
Total Carpet Area Of Computer Lab For 40 Student = 60 Sq. M
U . 5. For Library:
Total Carpet Area For Labs And Workshop = 40 Sq. M
R. 6.
30 Sq. M
Total Storage Area For Library = 60 Sq. M
Total Carpet Area For Library For 200 Student = 120 Sq. M (for Sitting)
7. For Administrative Office: 30 Sq. M ▪ Natural lighting is preferable and so a north- facing studio is best to receive even daylight.
▪ For righthanded people it is best if illumination comes from the left .
8. For Staff Room/Cabin
▪ Artificial light should be at 500lux, with 1000lux at drawing surfaces.
Professor 12 Sq. M ▪ Rooms for life drawing, painting and modelling.
▪ Accommodated, if possible, in the attic facing north with large windows (1/3 – ¼ of floor space) and, if necessary, additional top lights.
Associate Professor 8 Sq. M
. 9.
Assistant Professor
▪ Large space for technical equipment such as potters’ wheels, kilns and pieces of work, also storeroom, plaster room, damp room, etc.
10. For Construction Yard : 200 Sq. M
▪ It should be secured that there is no means for passing of books between the readers in the entrance
or exit gangway and those inside the library.
. .
▪ Doors and windows should be protected with wire fabric for safety of books.
▪ The circulation within the building should be designed in such a way that the readers are not
distracted by the traffic and that the catalogue room and the stack room are within the closest reach
possible from the counter.
NOTE — The seating of the readers in any reading room should be such that no reader is made to face
the general or the main flow of traffic.
. . ▪
The height of a unit book rack should be such that the books in the topmost shelf can be. easily
picked out by a person of normal height standing on the floor (not more than 2000 mm).
Each window in the stack room should have the maximum possible area so as to admit maximum
possible natural light in the cross gangway facing it (200 – 500 lux).
Each window in a reading room should be so placed as to throw sufficient natural light on the
. .
reading table from the left the back of the readers sitting in a line at right angles to it (300 – 500
▪ Provision should be made for research cubicles, one for each reader, to have a quiet enclosure, all
for himself, in which he can keep his reading materials for several days.
Viewing distance and angle for blackboard / smartboard
Workplace with monitor Required workspace dimensions
▪ All legs of movable furniture should be provided with rubber shoes. The book trolleys should be
with rubber tiers.
▪ The maximum acceptable noise level in a library should be 40 to 45 db.
Width ▪ contrasting texture along side walkways and audible signs for dangerous areas.
▪ The unobstructed width of a low-traffic corridor ▪ Minimum clear opening of the entrance door shall be 900 mm. and it shall not be provided with a step that obstructs the
➢ Description of component: Reception:
should not be less than 0.90 m. This also allows passage of a wheelchair user. Viewing distances for respected text height:
. The design of the path or route to the building from site boundary or from the parking area should be designed and
constructed to enable all people to approach, enter and exit the building easily.
➢ Technical requirements:
maneuverability in 90 turns (fig. 1).
▪ The unobstructed width of a public corridor
should not be less than 1.50 m. The
Visitors and students can easily access this place.
Provision of two doors, one from the entry vestibule and another from the lobby, can
a passive security to the facility.
▪ Threshold shall not be raised more than 12 mm Required viewing distance (M) Minimum height of letters (mm)
. .
recommended width is 1.80 m (fig. 2). • This arrangement passively directs visitors to pass through the office during the off- 2 6
▪ To allow maneuverability in 180 turns, the peak times when students are not arriving or leaving.
Sufficient width and Ensuring pathway is obstacle free (i.e., No Protruding objects), Continuous, firm, durable, slip minimum circulation space should be as shown 3 12
resistant, Level or adequately ramped with appropriately designed Krebs, tactile surfaces and handrails to prevent in figure 3.
falling (As Required). ▪ The corridor width should allow maneuverability 6 20
through the doors located along its length (fig. 2) 8 25
(fig. 4).
. . 12
. 35 100
. . 40
L. ➢ Width of pathway:
To enable two wheelchair users to pass on a pathway, a minimum unobstructed width of 1800Mm is recommended
Required viewing distance (M)
Minimum size of symbols (mm)
60 x 60
110 x 110
E. ➢ Gradients of pathway:
• Waiting area of a building, is where people sit until the event or appointment for
which they are waiting begins.
300 – 500
50 – 100
50 - 100
• All the offices are connected through this.
changes in level. Long slopes should be divided into stages by incorporating resting areas at approximately 50m
• Waiting areas, having a large sitting space should not disturb the circulation. Library – stacks 200 – 500
Library – reading 300 – 500
A. Labs
500 – 750
300 – 750
100 - 300
50 - 100
U . ➢ Surfaces of pathway:
All pathway surfaces should be firm, even and slip resistant
If possible, different materials, colors etc. may be used to assist recognition and orientation by persons with a
TOILETS Spaces Air change rate (ACH)
R. ▪ Minimum clear opening of the door shall be 900 mm. and the door shall swing out. All areas in general 4
➢ Krebs:
▪ Suitable arrangement of vertical/horizontal handrails with 50 mm. clearance from wall
shall be made in the toilet.. Computer rooms 15 - 20
(A stone edging to a pavement or raised path):Kerbs tones can be used to prevent vehicles from driving
▪ The W.C. seat shall be 500 mm. from the floor.
up onto pathways, causing an unexpected obstacle.
Krebs ramps that meet relevant standards should be installed at points where pathways are specifically For Women Toilets Facilities
designed to cross heavily used roads. Key recommended specifications are:
No. Of People No. Of Toilets No. Of Washbasins
• A maximum Krebs ramp slope of 9.1 percent is recommended
• Minimum ramp width of1200mm in new construction. In restricted spaces, the minimum width 1-5 1 1
should not be less than 915 mm Principal And Office Room:
• Kerb ramp alignment should be perpendicular to the curb faced. Obstructions: 6-25 2 2
. •
Detectable warnings with a visual contrast with the adjacent walking surfaces across the lower part
of the ramp are required.
Sidewalk approach width should have a minimum of 1200mm
Obstacles protruding into the corridor, such as drinking fountains or
public telephones, should be placed outside the circulation path, in alcoves
or cul-de-sacs (fig. 5).
Principal and office rooms should have direct access to the staff work area.
The office windows should command views of the main entrance and work.
Provision of space for a small conference table in the office is necessary.
Always a second exit should be included for the suite.
Overhanging signs and obstacles should be mounted at least 2.00 m
T. Reference: (
• Changes in surface level of more than 13 mm should be ramped.
• Floor surfaces should be non-slip and even. Carpets should be
securely fastened. Reference: (
31-45 2 2
The width of parking bay shall be minimum 2.5 Meter and for
people with wheelchair should be minimum 3.60 Meter.
Maximum travel distance of 30 M from building entrance.
Angular Parking
. 45 Parking
. . 30 Parking
. .
Stop Rail and Buffer Student Records Room Provide a separate, secure, fire resistant area for storage
of confidential records.
• This room shall be 1- hour fire rated and lockable.
Change of Gradient on ramp
. Staff Room :
• Staff room is one of the most important, yet often neglected areas in the whole
• When it comes to priority for maintenance and refurbishment, teacher's offices
and staff zones generally fall to the bottom of pile.
• Staff rooms and faculty offices should be designed in a way that help your staff
to perform to the best of their ability. SUBMITTED BY: SUBMITTED TO: AR. GEETIKA KOUNDAL; AR. ROHIT THAKUR
Reference: (
▪ Wherever lift is required as per bye-laws, provision of at least one lift shall be made for the
Design Details:
Area required for : ▪ Approach to plinth level : wheelchair user with the following cage dimensions of lift recommended for passenger lift
of 13 persons capacity by Bureau of Indian Standards.
200 seats: 270m² /2,900 ft²
150 seats: 190m² /2,000 ft² o Every building should have at least one entrance accessible to the handicapped and shall be indicated by proper signage.
o This entrance shall be approached through a ramp together with the stepped entry. o Clear internal depth : 1100mm.
75 seats: 125m² /1,350ft²
o Clear internal width : 2000 mm.
▪ Selection of site is a critical point – Topographical, Meteorological, and Acoustical Properties should be
. .
o Entrance door width : 900 mm.
taken into consideration.
▪ Ramped Approach :
▪ A handrail not less than 600 mm . long at 800-1000 mm. above floor level shall be fixed
▪ Orientation:
o Ramp shall be finished with nonslip material to enter the building. adjacent to the control panel.
It should not face the direct sun to provide a comfortable space for audience.
o Minimum width or ramp shall be 1800 mm. with maximum gradient 1:12, length of rarnp shall not exceed 9.0 M having double ▪ The lift lobby shall be of an inside measurement of 1800 x 1800 mm. or more.
The stage should be with respective to the direction of the flowing wind.
handrail at a might of 800 and 900 mm on both sides extending 300 mm. beyond top and bottom of the ramp. ▪ The time of an automatically closing door should or minimum 5 seconds and the closing
o Minimum gap from the adjacent wall to the handrail shall be 50 mm speed should not exceed 0.25 M/ Sec.
. .
Slope of seating should not be less than 12deg., for better audibility and visibility.
▪ The interior of the cage shall be provided with a device that audibly indicates the floor the
cage has reached and indicates that the door of the cage for entrance/exit is either open or
▪ Noise level should not exceed 40 Db(decibel).
Natural or Man-Made buffering can be added to reduce the outdoor noise. ▪ Cross Section Of Ramp : closed.
▪ o When climbing a ramp Ina wheelchair, the upper limbs must bear the burden of propelling the body up the ramp.
Raised risers of about 440 mm for earth sitting and about 150mm for steps is provided o When descending a ramp in a wheelchair, especially on steep ramps, there is a possibility of the wheelchair running out of
control because the user must manually control the speed.
. .
for the proper reflection of sound, such that the audience can hear the first reflection.
Simple slope of 25deg. Angle is avoided as it may reflect the sound wave upward o Prevent the installation of steep ramps.
which is of no use. o (a) Make sure the grade of a ramp is a moderate rise of 10 mm to each 120 mm of travel. (W Provide a flat surface 1500 mm or
Keep the standard distance for a comfortable audience seating. more in length at the top and bottom of the ramp for a wheelchair to pause and prevent it from going out of control.
an average of 7,5 square feet (2,3 square meters) per person including the seating area and the space for
T. ▪ Stepped Approach:
o For stepped approach size of tread shall not be less than 300 mm. and maximum riser shall be 150 mm. ▪ Ramp Detail
E. o Provision of 900 mm high handrail on both sides of the stepped approach like the ramped approach.
Reference: (
A. wheelchairs.
T. ▪
Entrance Landing:
Entrance landing shall be provided adjacent to ramp with the minimum dimension 1800 x 2000 mm.
U . o The entrance landing that adjoin the top end of a slope shall be provided with floor materials to attract the attention of
visually impaired persons (limited to colored floor material whose color and brightness is conspicuously different from that of
the surrounding floor material or the material that emit different sound to guide visually impaired persons hereinafter
referred to as “guiding floor material” .
o Finishes shall have a nonslip surface with a texture traversable by a wheelchair. Curbs wherever provided should blend to a
. common level.
. Reference: CPWD guidelines for barrier free space design
▪ Riser should not be more than 150 mm and the tread should not be less than 300mm.
▪ Individual flight shall not exceed the height of 1800 mm nor more than 11 risers. Spacing for Ceiling
▪ Treads and walls of a staircase shall be in contrasting colours.
▪ For landings leading to a floor or those enclosed by wall, railing or balustrade, tactile warning strips of 300 mm in width shall be provided; for those leading to an
Types of Detectors Up to 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Remarks
T. open space or the entrance / exit of a building, the tactile warning strips shall be 600 mm in width.
U. Heat detectors
conforming to IS
Grade 1 (time
instant 20s)
Grade 2 (time
instant 40s)
Spacing from the boundary wall should be
kept S/2
D. Fire extinguishers:
Grade 3 (time
instant (60s)
5 4.5 4
o Fire extinguishers or extinguishing agents (media) shall be located not more than 15 m of travel distance from the Class D hazard.
Y. o Two No. of 9 lt., Water expelling extinguishers for every 600 M2 with minimum of 4 Extinguishers per compartment/Floor.
o Two No. of 2.5 Kgs. CO2 extinguishers in each floor.
o Automatic sprinklers in Basement with One Electrical Pump of 450 LPM and Terrace Tank of 5,000 Liters if area exceeds 200 M2.
▪ Switches, sockets and other controls should be installed at an accessible height for
reaching and operating, between 800 mm and 1100 mm above floor level and should
Hose reel:
Hose Reel in all Floors.
Water source:
Terrace Tank of 10,000 Liters (15,000 Liters if basement are exceeds 200 M2.
be located a minimum of 600 mm from any internal corner, preferably 700 mm
. .
Electric pump:
▪ As an exception, electrical wall socket outlets, telephone points and TV sockets could
Electrical Pump of 450 LPM capacity (900 LPM capacity if basement area exceeds 200 M2)
be located at a minimum height of 400 mm above floor level
at the Terrace level.
▪ Control devices (radiator valves, fuse boxes, switches, push-buttons, intercoms, etc.)
should be installed between 800 mm and 1100 mm above floor level, and they should
Fire buckets:
be located a minimum of 600 mm from any internal corner.
Twelve fire buckets of 12 inches height and 10 inches deep always filled half the number
with water and half with sand arranged to a stand should be provided at required points.
. . Entification: