Staff Attendance
Staff Attendance
Staff Attendance
DEC / 2022
I STEVEN ________ declare that this Project Report is original and has not been published and/or
submitted for any other degree award to any other Institute before.
This report has been under my supervision and with my approval; it is now ready for
submission to the academic board of YMCA Comprehensive Institute for the award of a
Bachelor degree in Information Technology.
Sign: ______________________
Date: ______________________
I dedicate this work to my family for the support, patience and understanding during my
period of study not forgetting my friends who constantly wished me success plus
providing both moral and financial support may the almighty God reward them.
This research has successfully been completed with the help of people in contribution without
them would not have been possible. I would like to express my utmost appreciation to all
lecturers of YMCA with special thanks to my supervisor Mr. Kituno Festo for his sacrifice in
terms of time and unselfish guidance to the success of my research for you are worthy a friend
GB Gigabyte
IT Information Technology
The purpose of this project was to design a staff records management system that will make tasks
such as retrieving, updating as well as generating timely reports easier. YMCA uses a manual filing
system which is slow, human error prone and tedious for instance when retrieving a particular record
from a pile of files.
An automated based system was developed to facilitate easy capturing of staff details.
During system analysis and design, process modeling, data modeling and formation of
data dictionary or tables were important tools that helped in the analysis stage of the
system. The architectural design, program specification, input design and output design
helped in the design of the system.
Designing of the system was basically done using php to develop forms and user interfaces.
Mysql database was used to define the layout of the Visual basic documents. The project was
designed so as to make the records management tasks simpler such as easy retrieval of
information, update of records and timely generation of reports.
1.0 General Introduction
This chapter consists of the background, what prompted the researcher to carry out the
research, the problem statement, objectives of the study and the purpose of the study
as narrated below;
1.1 Background
MIS Ssewankambo, Mubiru & Co.Advocates is one of the leading law firms in
Kampala. Uganda. Law firm is the Business made up of lawyers that work together
under a specific firm name. A firm may only focuses on certain kinds of law (i.e.
business law) or they may work with a variety of general kinds of law.
Therefore it has quite a number of important documents like client flIes, and other
firm’s records. The researcher found out that it’s very hard to keep accurate track of the
firm’s records and also the process involved to access the records is very hectic and
slow because it’s a manual system thus the researcher saw the need to develop a
computerized secure record management system.
The secure record management system will basically be developed for large companies
such as my case study and other organizations which have quite a number of important
records to be kept or managed. The purpose is to make sure that the records are
sccureand can easily be managed or accessed. With this system, the authorized users
may save their time to keep track of the records. This system will provide easy access, use
and reliable record management, tracking and reporting system.
Besides, the company under study (MIS Ssewankambo, Mubiru &Co. Ad’~ocates) still
uses the manual system to keep or manage the firnis records therefore as a solution,
the computerized system will be developed to overcome these problems and provide
an effective way to access the firms records. It will provide a user-Friendly interface to
make the system easy to use.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Legal firm officers manage the activities manually and as a result there is poor record
keeping and management, which leads to lose of vital information. Therefore, studies
on the management of records through the designing of a management system
appropriate enough to a property management business.
iv. Develop a user friendly interface, through which the users of the system will interact with
the system.
v. To design a database and a graphical user interface that will help in storing and
managing the company’s records.
vi. To design a system that will be secure, less tiresome and save time.
vii. To design a computerized system for the company so as to make the company look more
2. What are some of the strategies that can be adopted to improve on the system?
3. Is it possible to design and develop a secure record management system that is efficient, time
saving, more reliant, current, and computerized which can easily enable the users to
trace their details! records?
4. Is it possible to design a database and a graphical user interface that will help in storing
and managing the company’s records?
5. Is it possible to develop a user friendly interface, through which the users of the system
will interact with the system?
6. Is it possible to develop a computerized system for the company so as to make the
company Ioolcs more current?
Geographical Scope
This research primarily focused on designing a Secure Record Management System for MIS
Ssewankambo, Mubiru & Co.Advocates Kampala, Uganda. The solution is to design a fully
working system which will enable secure recording and managing of company’s information.
1.6 Significance of the Study
i. By automating the system, the study attempts to track clients, staff and other services of
the law Firm. This system shall provide a means of easy recording, storing and retrieval
of timely information whenever required.
ii. Upon completion of the proposed system, the following shall be achieved.
iii. It would lead to faster service delivery with faster record insertion and retrieval thus
reducing the time spent by staff filling out forms. This would minimize on the time
consumed in the input and retrieval of records.
iv. It would also reclaim office space used for inefficient storage .A lot of space is taken up in
storing the paper-based records and this space was saved up by the implementation of
the computer-based records management system.
v. It would also secure the vital case records and information in case of any disruption or
disaster. This is because the system was able to he backed easily and efliciently thus
ensuring a longer records life.
vi. It would also improve the response time to the demands of clients because it would automate the
process of collecting, collaborating and retrieving client information.
vii. The services the system would offer would also; Save the law [irm a lot of space by
reducing storage needs for records; Save hundreds of staff-time hours by providing
quick and easy access to important information; Save thc law firm resources used in
the destruction of unnecessary records
applied in M/S Ssewankambo, Mubiru & Co.Advocates and to develop an automated records
management system.
2.0 Introduction
This reveals what other scholars have done before related to An Automated Records Management
System, the strengths in their systems and the weaknesses, which are to be solved by the current
system. This chapter will describe on research and case study regarding the Record Management
systems in law firms. Literature review is the process of reviewing the current state of knowledge
about the topic under discussion. The main purposes of literature review is to let the developer
perform some study and analysis on the similar previous or current existing system, get a better
understanding about the features offered in these system and thus let the developer to gather
valuable information and ideas from the existing system. There are some research studies and
other types of literature that used to collect the related information for the project. The raw of
material and resources are based on reviews, theoretical articles, case studies, journal articles,
books, Internet (electronics journal). interview and document sampling. The sources such as
reviews, theoretical articles, case studies and journal articles can offer a relatively concise, up-to-
date lbrmat for information about the Secure Record Management system, and because all
reputable journals are referred.
In the day-to-day management of organizations there has been a discrepancy of what records
are and what these records should really engorges but however. According to Penn (1965)
Record management handbook, defines records as anything captured in a reproducible form
that is required for conducting business. A record should be an account of’ facts and events
that have been recorded in an organization as evidence of transaction taking place. Thus for
anything to be called a record, it has to be signed or slanted by the generating parties, dated
and held confidential and vital to either party who participated in its formulation.
Traditionally records referred to proper records like correspondents, forms, reports, maps and
pictures among others but in the present day, they include new media like motion pictures.
video tapes, microfiches and other magnetic formats and micrographic donatives and many
types of records can be create in any organization and Wallace Ltd (1987) Records
management integrated information, has classified records into the following categories,
Financial: created for accounting and fiscal use, Legal: created for evidence of business
transactions or legal decisions i.e. contracts, Administrative: created fbr documentary policy,
procedure and guidelines. Include manuals and reports, Research: created to determine
trends, recent developments or new information related to an organization, product or service.
Historical: created to provide a record of organizations’ past and current activities is also
referred to as archival records, they include articles of incorporation and deeds.
ii. Storing records, Records must be stored in such a way that they are accessible and
safeguarded against environmental damage. A typical paper document may be stored in a
filing cabinet in an office. However, some organizations employ file rooms with specialized
environmental controls including temperature and humidity. Vital records may need to be
stored in a disaster-resistant safe or vault to protect against fire, flood. earthquakes and
iii. Circulating records; Tracking the record while it is away ibm the normal storage area is referred to as
circulation. Oflen this is handled by simple written recording procedures. However, many modern
involving bar code scanners, or radio-frequency identification technology (RFID) to
track movement of the records. These can also be used for periodic auditing to identify
unauthorized movement of the record.
iv. Disposal of Records, Disposal of records docs not always mean destruction. It can also
include transfer to a historical archive, museum, or private individual. Destruction of
records ought to be authorized by law, statute, regulation, or opcrating procedure, and the
records should be disposed of with care to avoid inadvertent disclosure of information. The
process needs to be well-documented, starting with a records retention schedule and
policies and procedures that have been approved at the highest level. An inventory of the
records disposed of should be maintained, including certification that they have been
destroyed. Records should never simply be discarded as refuse. Most organizations use
processes including pulverization, paper shredding or incineration
By Cindy Chung, ehow contributor: Law firms necessarily go through stacks of paper
every day documents are the building blocks of the legal profession. With legal
technology now widely available, attorneys can utilize document management software
programs to transition from traditional filing cabinets to digital systems.
Streamline your firm’s document management system and reduce the time and effort
needed to locate necessary documents. ProLaw Document Management lets all users
find and access critical information quickly and conveniently with a centralized
document management solution.
Enhance productivity with faster document retrieval from any workstation Improve the
consistency and organization of your firm’s vital records
Secure content to protect confidential information and prevent unauthorized access
2.2.1 Document Management Features:
i. Create, store and retrieve electronic documents, videos, pictures, audio flies and more by
client, matter, event or other key information
ii. Simplify file search efforts with advanced searching, including fUll text and metadata tools
iii. Easily file emails and their attachments via the Pro Filing feature with one click from
iv. Easily Pro File documents from within Microsoft Word, Excel or Adobe applications
v. Minimize the risk of network failures with the automatic saving of files to a local hard drive
vi. Improve version control and history tracking
vii. Centralized and matter-centric document management
viii. Easily find documents that have familiar, industry-standard icons for Word, Excel. email,
images and PDFs
ix. Multiple file-type management (e.g. word processing docs. e-mail, spreadsheets. video,
audio, charts, pictures)
Function; Document management software allows law firms to store, organize, index and
retrieve documents for every case or project. Attorneys can use these programs to efficiently
search their systems using key words and find relevant documents. Law finns can also track
the most recent edits to a document and identify the individual who made those changes.
Benefits; Document management software provides law firms with better security. For
example, some programs can limit confidential information to an as-needed basis or
determine whether to store or discard a document in compliance with the firm’s
retention policies.
Selection Criteria; Law firms can choose from a variety of legal technology software options.
An article on document management in “Los Angeles Lawyer Magazine” suggests that
attorneys and law firm managers should consider the firm’s size. number of documents
generated regularly, operating system requirements, compatibility with other software used by
the firm, search function options, ability to access documents and work remotely,
archive ftnctions and the option to customize the program.
2.2 Values of Records and Records Management
According to Arora (1980) Office organization and management, the values of records
are; keeping an orderly account of the progress by writing and preserving various
papers. documents and memorandums of different types of transactions financial as
well as non financial records. This progress of an organization is recordcd and can be
described as historical type or historical functions of records. These arc: Prepare
statement of true conditions of business can be known through updates, Make
comparison between one period time and another, Detect errors and wastes. They can
be known only with the help of proper records management.
Kallaus (1992) Records management, further went to write that the value of’ records is
fiscal value; that is records can be document operating funds or serve tax audit purpose.
Wallace (1987) Records management integrated information, further states that the most
important thnction in an office is the management of records. A business office would be
greatly disorganized if it had to rely on memory of preserving every transaction. There
would be no letter heads, cards, memos, invoices and computer tapes to the support office
functions. Recorded information is vital to the survival of the office.
Jovana (1994) Record management handbook, urges that every organization creates different
types of records in the process of carrying out its responsibilities and such records have
different values to the organization and such values will in most cases determine the life span
of the records and this is usually determined during the time of appraisal.
Records management has become a problem that has affected the running of many
organizations, business and government institutions and at so many instances the
organization have failed to prove and defend themselves due to poor records build up
and has become a constant time wasting in decision making.
According to Kent (1998) Specialized information centre, Most records centre are facing
the challenge of change in the format that have proven adoptability to technological
advances which affect the volume of records and justifies the use of computer for records
center management due to the fact that they handle many of the consuming functions
involved in the control and analysis of records centre activities. He further notes that online
system give the advantage of space control and assignments, correspondences,
destruclion lists, reference analysis, scheduling audits and computer outputs microfilm.
Kallaus (1992) Records management, sights the different problems encountered by the
records centers and records managers as; Inefficient filing procedures i.e. overloaded and
poorly labeled drawers and folders, Human problems, where he noted lack of concern about
the importance of records, Management problems like no overall plan for management of
records, plan for destruction of records and standards of evaluating workers, Poor use
of equipments, wrong types of cabinets for records being used.
Kent (1998) Specialized information centre, notes that the most obstacles to the overall
improvement of information services in Africa has been the inadequacy of financial and
material resource made available to libraries, documentation centers and other
information dissemination mechanism. The cause of those inadequacies being none
other than the legal priority government attach to the fields of endeavor in the total
contradiction to their development of aspiration.
Wasike (2001) chopper file goes missing New vision, further noted that poor records
management systems may lead to loss of huge sums of money to the government or any other
organization. He further noted that the disappearance of files may cripple all kinds of
investigations of events for instance a disappearance of a file led to a loss of 6.5 million to the
government in 1997 and the inquiries of the event collapsed due to the absence of the file.
Kallaus Records managernem suggests that for effective strategies and improvement
of records, the following elements should be considered, A strategy to integrate
management of documents, files and records of the organization with the management
of computer and management information, A strategy to address the flow of information
in the organization such that productivity gain may be realized through efforts to
streamline the transaction of the documents and data.
As per accessibility of contents in a database, Raglan states that questions about data
must be answered quickly, changes made the data by different users must be applied
consistently and access to the data must be restricted.
3.0 Introduction
This chapter reviews the methods, techniques and the tools that will be used to
accomplish the development of the Secure Records Management system It also
provides an oversight of the methods for collecting and analyzing the data that will be
used to determine the users and their requirement of the system.
3.1 Data Collection Methods
In order to establish the present set of user and system requirements, various techniques
of data collection were used such as:- interviews, secondary reading, and observation.
3.1.1 Interviewing
Interviews both formal and informal were used to collect views concerning the current
system from the Legal officers of Ssewankambo, Mubiru & Co. Advocates. Data sought
was with regard to the weaknesses with the current paper-based system in use. It involved
finding out how the current system works, regards to the strength, weakness and medical
officer’s views on what should be done to improve it. Several follow-hacks to the interviews
were made so as to refine the system specification during the design and implementation
of the proposed system. It is attached as Appendix B.
Secondary reading about An Automated Records Management System and other related fields
such as textbooks and journals were reviewed. In addition, the existing records in MIs
Ssewankambo,Mubiru & Co.Advocates were obtained and reviewed. The use of secondary
reading was aimed at providing a detailed and clear understanding of the existing paper-based
records system and how the system could be transformed to an automated one that is
proposed, it also helped in creating an understanding of how to move from paper-based to
electronic system.
3.1.3 Observation
This involved observing most of the staff especially those in the records department.
This method complemented the above data collection methods through enhancing the
understanding of the problem domain and hence enabling the design of an appropriate
records management information system for the station.
•• Observation can be focused on issues specific to each instructor’s goals and concerns
+ By use of observation verbal and non-verbal behaviors can be observed.
+ Observation provides the opportunity for mutual learning by both observer and
• Although often costly and time consuming, observation methods help to avoid the
problem of relaying solely on self-report measures.
+ Because actual job behavior is directly observed, the validity of observations is
especially strong.
3.2 Questionnaires
Questionnaires were designed and used to collect more detailed informadon especially
in times where interviews could not be conducted. The wchnique used in answering the
questionnaires was self-administered with alternative to tick where appropriate. A copy
of the questionnaire is attached in Appendix C
Under this method design tools were used to implement the structural design. function
design and database design of the system as discussed below;
3.4.1 Data flow Diagram.
This involved the flow of data and control through the system entities, context diagram
were used to view the records management system for the law firm, The input and
output are shown to the external entries respectively.
These were used to develop and implement the user interface of the system showing
how each components interact and interlink with each other to accomplish system
symbols used includes the following;
These werc used to design the schema Logical and conceptual design. The schema
contained data type, field name, attributes, relationships and logical schema. This
involved unique words like foreign keys and primary keys.
Relationship line
+ Poor security
The system is not authenticated leading to poor security of records as anyone can
easily access them.
+ Time consuming
There is poor records management as files arc stocked with no proper filing mechanism
which makes it difficult to retrieve information instantly.
• Tedious
The process of the regimental legal officer moving in different departments and stores looking for
+ The system should accept data from the users through the user interface and interactive
forms while capturing inmate’s details.
• The system should notify users of any invalid inputs and then prompt for entry of valid
+ The system should maintain data integrity.
+ The system should be easy to maintain and modify in case of future system expansion.
+ The system should be able to provide security and limitation of unauthorized access.
+ Robustness time taken by the system to restart after failure. This must be less.
+ Usability Requirement efforts required by the user to learn, operate. prepare input &
The software provided the facilities for manipulating data through an interface between
the use of the system and the hardware. The system was designed using mysqi
database Management System; this shall control the use of an access to the
underlying database and Visual basic which will provide the forms.
o The Automated Records Management System shall require the user to provide a valid set of user
4.3.1 Overview
This involved putting in place a computerized system to reduce problems that were
being faced in the process of records keeping at the Legal firm.
4.3.2 Architectural Design
This gives a high level view of the system with the main components and the services they provide
and how they communicate. It consists of the general graphical user interface facilities such as
forms and authentication. The system was designed in the following manner. The Records
Management system has a backend engine that consists of a MYSQL database, as Visual basic
( programming language. The system architecture is illustrated below.
o User registration
o Viewing of stored information o Entry forms
o Case details
a Search
The details of the user interfaces are displayed in the high level architectural diagram
in Figure 2 below. After the user login, the appropriate access rights, the user may
access the system.
Data is very important to any new system implementation testing. For this project,
imaginary data was used in the testing and demonstration purposes. The sample data
~as used as a reflection of the actual scenario of real life situation in the law firm,
Table 1: Login Table
~id int(11) No
L]usemametext Iatin1_s~vethshj No
Li password te~ Iatiri1_s~edish_d Na ~IX
4.42 Cases Table
int(11) No aitoiuen~ntEIX~fl
Urid ted blinljwedlsb_ó Yes NULL
Ucnanie text Iatin1_s~edisfl Yes NULL ~IX H2
Ucdesc text lahn1swe~shd Yes NULL ~IX
Uccl~nt text ~n1swe~shd Yes NULL ~IX
Untdebilstext Iatinlswe(ishd Yes Null ~IX
Ucstahis text IatinlsweNid Yes NULL ~IX
flbwer text laünl_swØd Yes NULL ~1X
Udatein text btinlswethhd Yes NYU
4A3Data Relationships
Data relationships show how the information or records are related between each
other. For the tables to work together, relationships have to be established In the
design of Records Management system, the data relationships were established during
the process of the logical data design. There are mainly four kinds of relationships One
to One , One to Many ‘Many to Many ,Many to One
// /
* *
4.4.4 Data Flow Diagram and Context Diagram
Data flow diagram is a network model of an information processing system. This models
information about the processing in the current system. Data flow diagrams helped to show
how data moved and changed through an information system in a graphical format.
Logical details
An Automated Records
Management System
Key to Data Flow Diagram
Data flow
Predefined process
Direct data
Internal storage
4.4.4 Database Design
The system is relation database that analyses facts about the real world using Entity-
Relation Modeling design.
The system rules were mainly the integrity constraints imposed to protect the database from
becoming inconsistent. Four types of integrity constraints were considered: required data
(some attributes must always contain availed value that is not null), attribute domain
constraints (every attribute have a domain that is set of values that are legal), entity integrity
(primary key ofan entity can no hold nulls), and referential integrity (a foreign key links each
child relation on the parent relation containing the marching candidate key value).
4.5 System Implementation
This involves procedures used to implement the user interface and the database. The
database design was converted into the actual database using Mysql database
management system application and Visual basic 2005 was used to implement the
user interface and connect to the database, and a running code was developed to
evaluate the tenant’s records management information system.
The application was tested in the sample field to eliminate any bugs that may not have
been identified at the time of development.
4. 6 System Testing
Testing of An Automated Records Management System was done to identify errors.
The first step is to detect errors and obtain clean compilation. The next step is to
eliminate logical errors; System testing was also done to make sure that the results of
the system meet the system requirements specifications. Testing involved subjecting
the system to all the functional specification followed by observation of the system
behaviors. This was done to avoid the system run with bugs or enors that would be
dangerous to Inland Service Station information system.
4.7 validations
Validation rules were set, which limited access and ensured that the values entries
allowed in the field were correct thus established a measure on data integrity.
oSecurity Requirements
Security was ensured in the system by authenticating the user, to avoid unauthorized
access, Usernames and passwords were given to the different users.
The discussion of the project involves what was achieved as a result of implementing
the research project. Therefore, the system developed has achieved the following;
•The law firm lawyer is able to capture data on cases for the Law Firm and their details in
an electronic form which was previously not in place.
•The system is able to organize, integrate and retrieve key information from many
sources in support of management operations, control and strategic planning.
o The system minimized the drawback of data redundancy, thus improved flexibility of
o T
o e
o t
he development of the system was limited, which hindered the implementation of all
desirable aspects in the project.
Some of the documents needed for analysis were official and did not require being
taken out rather studied and analyzed in the respective offices.
With regard to its use, the system only caters for English speakers. The GUI and associated
speaking users
o The system has only two user levels which only cater for the administrator and data entrant.
However, there is no facility for a guest. Such a facility would be useful if the clients themselves
needed to access their electronic records via the system.
Static FAQ File The system currently has a static FAQ file, This is a limitation in the sense that
the system does not generate the dynamically file based on the frequently asked
5.1 Recommendation
There is need for use of software backup and data dumping backup for the computer
stored records security and obtaining snapshots of data in case of hardware and system
malfunction. Before the application is put into fall use, it should be tested in the sample
field to eliminate any bugs that may not have been identified at the time of development.
If opportunity allows, the features that have not been implemented but were originally
desired can be implemented in order to improve the reliability, efficiency and user
friendliness of the system.
5.2 Conclusion
Through this study, records management system for M/s Ssewankambo,Mubiru & Co.
Advocates has been developed.
Upon testing, it is shown that it is able to meet the set of system spcci Hcations.
The project is “Records Management System” which was designed and implemented
with the ability to do the following;
Further researchers can expand this study and add new technology design features for
the system to other companies.
Wide Project Scope
Defining the project scope was quite a challenge. This is because the system was meant to be
designed for the entire law firm including all its departments, however with a view to the
limited amount of time available for the project, the scope had to be narrowed down to one
section of the law firm.
Understanding Key Concepts
Limitations as far as understanding the key concepts also posed a major challenge.
Considering the fact that most of the concepts were new, the researcher had to spend
a considerable amount of time learning the concepts. This took away a lot of valuable
time that would otherwise be fully dedicated to the design of the system.
Programming Skills
Learning and MySQL requires considerable practice for one to gain the programming
skills. With limited knowledge and ability, the programming progress was rather slow and this
limited the number of functionalities that the researcher could implement into the system.
Unanticipated Expenditure
Also the researcher was met with a few financial constraints as a result of unanticipated
expenditure. In order to cater for the slow internet speeds in the Cafes. the researcher had to
subscribe for a dial-up internet connection in order to proceed ~ ith the p101cm unhindered. This
expenditure was however unforeseen and therefore posed a challenge thr the researcher.
the system more efficient and drastically minimize the amount of errors. The ability to
include an upload functionality for clients images could greatly enhance the useFulness
of the system. 5.8 Conclusion
In Conclusion, from a proper analysis and assessment of the designed system, it can
be safely concluded that the system is an efficient, usable and reliable records
management system. It is working properly and adequately meets the minimum
expectations that were set for it initially. The new system is expected to give benefits to
the law firm in terms of increased overall productivity, performance and efficient
records management of SSewankambo Mubiru & CO.Advocates
Carry N Prague and Michael R. Irwin (2002) Access 2002 Bible. by I lenry minds Inc.
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Enrado, Patty. (2000). Staff and patient, Room and Resource scheduling systems. Healthcare
Eric A Smith, Etel Valor Whistler and Hank Marquis (2005) Visual Basic 6
Programming Bible, published by Whitley dreamtec India (p) Ltd.
Gravy W. Hansen and James V. Hansen (2001) Database Management and Design
2’~ Edition Published by Prentice Hall of India.
Hawryszkienycz, I.T (2001) Introduction to System Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition.
Australia, Sydney: Prentice Hall.
McGraw, Techniques and Tools 2uid Edition published by Hill Book Company Europe.
Wasike A. (2001) Chopper file goes missing, New vision 20th 2001.
Interview Guide
7. How often are clients records updated by thc administrator and staffs?
11. How do you comment to the introduction of an automated records management system in
this legal firm?
Dear respondent,
This questionnaire is only intended for research only, so kindly I request you to fill in
the space provided to the best of your knowledge for a successful research.
Answers will be treated with utmost confidentiality and in no instance will your name
appear as an individual. It’s hoped that the findings of this research will be of the
interest to the organization and the researcher.
May I kindly request you please to complete the questionnaire preferably in a ~~eek?
1.Under which department do you work in this legal firm?
Yes~___ No~___
5. In case record is an independent department, how many staffs are in this department?
10.In what form are these records generated and kept?
a) Paper based.
b) Images or photographs
c) Digital forms
d) Other (please) specify
Yesi___ NoJ___
12. If yes, what storage facilities are in place for the preservation of these records generated?
13.Do you think the storage facilities do ease accessibility to these records?
Yes~___ No~___
16. What systems do you use to track records or files that have been borrowed by authorized
17. What security measures do you have in place for the protection of the records generated?
Yes No
19. If yes, what role do these records play in the functioning of the organization? (Tick
where appropriate).
o Budgeting/accountability I____
o Research I_____
• Planning I I
• Other (please
20. Are there any problems faced in the management of records in this legal firm?
21. If yes, what are the problems faced in the management of records in this legal irm?
22. What do you think would be the possible solution to the above mentioned problem?
23.Do yoli regularly retrieve your records for reference, as the situation may require?
Yes No
24. If yes, what means do you use in order to help you quickly retrieve a required file at
a time?
Thank you so much and may God reward you for this information,
Screen shots
Login Form
The login form below is the first page a person accessing the system sees. It is used to
gain access to the system resources and determines, based on the user type, only
authorized users are allowed to access the system.
An error message which is displayed when an unauthorized user tries to access the system.
Either username or password is incorrect
Data Entry/;anipulation Form. Data entry and manipulation forms in this system include the
data add, view, update and edit functions. The add and edit functions are accessible to both
the administrator and normal user who is expected to be the main data entrant.
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Data Outputs: After the data in entered into the system, it is stored and can be
retrieved at any time using the search functionality.
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Data Reports
The system was designed with a system of generating reports for the records This
functionality was integrated in order to thcilitate printing of the records in the system. Below
is a snapshot of one of the reports which can also be exported to pdf
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The user can change his/her password when logged into the system
Help function which was integrated into the system to enable those who get difficulties
while using the system.