363 Dementia Awarness
363 Dementia Awarness
363 Dementia Awarness
1.3Explain the way that individuals process information with reference to the
abilities and limitations of individuals with dementia
Individuals with dementia process information through the main cells called
neurons. When the body is not resting the neuron cell processes information to the
axon where a chemical called neurotransmitters travels over a gap in the brain and
switches on another neuron cell. Individuals with dementia who have damage to the
neurons on the left side of the brain usually suffer from depression. However they
also tend to have problems with being organised and using language. Individuals
with damage to the neurons on the right side of the brain will have difficulty putting
information together.
The abilities and needs of an individual with dementia may fluctuate because
they are having a good/ bad day. Also this may change daily because of stress
levels, if they have not had enough sleep and stress. This can cause the individual to
be frustrated, confused and have added memory difficulties. The individual’s needs
and abilities may also fluctuate because the condition has progressed or is in the
later stages of dementia. Throughout these stages the individual will need more
support on a day to day basis and more encouragement.
b}On the individual’s family and friends: they may feel in denial, anger,
bargaining, depression, acceptance, fear, need for information, or in need of sources
of support. They may feel guilty and get angry because they are in need to balance
commitments, be afraid or embarrassed by their new situation and increased
financial needs.
Stable and familiar environment- a known trigger for agitation and confusion for
people with dementia is when their daily routine and environment are constantly
changing. Is it therefore important that people with dementia have consistent staff to
follow their daily routine and live in a stable and familiar environment.
Providing support- people with dementia have been known to wander, be agitated,
have incontinence, be paranoid and show repetitive behaviour and actions.it is
important that these specific needs are net in way such as activities reducing noise
levels, clear indications of bathrooms and aid incontinence provided.
3.3Describe how myths and stereotypes related to dementia may affect the
individual and their carers
Myths and stereotypes affect people with dementia as they may be viewed as
needing pity which brings down their self-esteem making them feel isolated.
Assumption of automatic loss of independence in people with dementia makes them
feel inadequate or useless.
Is by gaining information and advice from others, reading booklets or leaflets, going
online for discussion forums through friends and family and through respite care.