CDS300 Assignment S22 Ques Qonita Qotrunnada
CDS300 Assignment S22 Ques Qonita Qotrunnada
CDS300 Assignment S22 Ques Qonita Qotrunnada
2) Plagiarism in all forms is forbidden. Students who submit plagiarised assignment will be
Question 1
Refer Figure 1.
Query is a command that has the ability to set a data that must be
displayed or the data that is displayed as desired. In addition, the query is
the syntax or command that is used so that we can interact between the
query in the database
b) Define Stored Database Definition (Meta-Data) and provide ONE (1) example.
Metadata is a collection of data that can be created manually or with the help
of tools. If the data is in the form of text, the metadata example will be the
field name, length, and the field type which is integer, character, date.
[6 Marks]
[Total : 10 Marks]
Question 2
[5 Marks]
b) Locking methods can be applied in the scenario. Briefly explain what will happen to
T2 if the method is applied.
[5 Marks]
[Total : 10 Marks]
Question 3
Consider the following relations for a database that keeps track of student enrollment in
courses and the books adopted for each course:
Specify the foreign keys for this schema and state any assumptions that you make.
My asumptions is Student entity and Course entity is a Regular entity (Strong type
entity) because independent of any other entity in a schema, it does not have
foreign key, just primary key. The primary key in Student entity is ‘SSN’, The
Student entity is a parent entity of Enroll entity. The primary key in Course entity is
‘Course#’, the Course entity is a parent entity of Enroll entity and Book Adoption
Enroll entity is a entity that has 2 Foreign key and 1 primary key. The Foreign key
is ‘SSN’ from Student entity and ‘Course#’ from Course entity. The Primary key is
‘Quarter’, it’s a parent entity of Book Adoption entity.
Book Adoption entity is a entity that has 2 Foreign key and 1 primary key. The
Foreign key is ‘Course# from Course entity and ‘Quarter’ from Enroll entity. The
Primary key is ‘Book_ISBN’, it’s a parent entity of Text entity.
Text entity is a weak entity (child entity type) because it does not have primary key,
just foreign key, Text entity is depend on Book Adoption entity
[10 Marks]
Question 4
An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) shows the relationships of entity sets stored in a
database. Given a statement below:
Draw a suitable ER-diagram with all possible entities, attributes, cardinality and
relationships. Show step by step in creating the ER-diagram by listing and briefly explaining
the following:
Cardinality identification
- Cardinality Identifier
[15 Marks]
Question 5
This is a work order (Figure 3) used by a sub-contracting company that performs tile and
other hard surface installations.
Work Order Status
Work Order W1000 Date Issued: 27 March 2022
Customer No: C123
Customer Crepes-to-Go
Billing: Name Corporate
Address: 778 Main Street
Seattle, WA 98107
Work Crepes-to-Go Store 1
Location: 4792 University Ave
Name Seattle, WA 98107
Notes: 03/31/2022: Problems with toxic mold on the existing sub-floor. Need to
have inspection by qualified mold specialist – James Milford. Inspection
scheduled 4/3/022.
Task Square Est. Actual Status Date Date Completed
Feet Hours Hours Started
Remove 250 5 6 Completed 03/28/022 03/28/022
Remove mold 250 10 3 Waiting for 03/31/022
Prepare sub 275 20 Pending
Tile 275 12 Pending
Grouting 275 6 Pending
Seal and 275 6 Pending
finish work
Figure 3
Other information about the application:
There is one customer per work order. There is one work location per work order.
As shown on the sample work order, it is possible that the address of the customer
may be different than the address of the work location.
There may be one or many tasks per work order.
One employee serves as the manager for a given work order, but the company has
many employees who have the potential to be managers for work orders.
The “status” column for a given task is a “standardized” comment. The company
has about 30 different potential “status” comments that are used.
b) Normalize the table into 3NF form. Show your normalization steps in details because
marks will be given based on the steps shown. State your assumption if needed.
[10 Marks]
[Total : 15 Marks]