G.O. RCS Circular 2012

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From, To
Thiru P.Annamalai, IAS., The Joint Registrar,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dindigul,
170, EVR High Road, Kanyakumari, Nagapattinam,
Kilpauk, Namakkal, Tiruvannamalai, Vellore,
Chennai 600 010 Villupuram and Virudhunagar Regions

Rc. 61083/2011 ACS 2 Dated:08.01.2012


Sub: Cooperation - Establishment of Common Service Centre -

Upgradation of existing Nova Net PC as Common Service
Centres – further Instructions – Issued.

Ref 1 Letter No. ISL/RCS/001/2011 dated 10.11.2011 from I

Netsecure Chennai - 106.
2 Reports received from the Regional Joint Registrars
3 This Office Letter Rc. 61083/2011 ACS 2

I invite your attention to the letters cited, wherein you have been advised to place
orders for upgradation of Nova Net PC Centres as Common Service Centres for the
following and to retain 25% of the cost until the CSC is operationalised and certified by
Common and compulsory
(i) Oxigen Prepaid credit Registration and account Rs 1655
(ii) Oxigen Minimum initial credit value to be paid into Rs 3309
PACCS account
(iii) Training to Employees *
Rs 3750
*To be met from CEF/ICDP/CDF of NABARD


(i) Laser Printer Rs 4975

(ii) Scanner Rs 2975

Now, the I Net Secure has suggested that instead of retaining 25% of the
total cost, the PACCS may be asked to remit the cost as detailed below and that the
training cost may be withheld till the completion of the training

It has also informed that on completion of the Training Program, the Joint
Registrars may inspect the functioning of the Nova Net PC upgraded CSCs with regard
to the e-Services to ascertain the quality of the Training Program and release the cost
towards the Training. It shall also continue to provide online and telephonic support to
all the PACCS for a period of 3 months as handholding measure to enable PACCS to
become adept to the proposed e-Services.

(1) The up gradation consists of the following two components

(a) Common and compulsory
(i) Oxigen Prepaid Credit Registration and Account
(ii) Oxigen minimum Initial Credit Value 3,309

(b) Optional
Laser Printer 4,975
Scanner 2,975
GRAND TOTAL (a) + (b) 12,914

In this connection, it is also noticed that many of the PACCS with Nova Net PCs
are also coming under Phase I computerisation and have placed orders for Scanners
from the ELCOT. In most of the PACCS the scanners are pending supply/pending
installation. In view of the availability of the scanners in the I Phase computerisation
from ELCOT, there is no need to place orders for supply of Scanners from I Net Secure.

I request you to report the names of PACCS under Phase I Computerisation for
which scanner is pending supply/ installation so as to take up the matter with MD,
It should be ensured that scanners ordered for the I Phase Computerisation is
utilised for the Nova Net PC centres now upgraded as Common Service Centres and
there should not be duplication for supply of scanners from ELCOT/INet Secure.

// By Order //
For Registrar


From To
Thiru. P.Annamalai, I.A.S., The Joint Registrar
Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Erode and Tiruppur Regions.
No 170, EVR Periyar High Road,
Kilpauk, Chennai 600 010.
Rc. 61083/2011 ACS 2 Dated:18 .01.2012

Sub: Cooperation - Establishment of Common Service Centre -

Upgradation of existing Nova Net PC as Common Service Centres
– Instructions – Issued.

Ref 1 Letter No. ISL/RCS/001/2011 dated 10.11.2011 and 02.01.2012

from I Netsecure Chennai - 106.
2 Reports received from the Regional Joint Registrars
3 This Office Letter RC.61083/2011 ACS2 Dated:23.12.2011
Hon’ble Minister for Cooperation, while moving the Demand on ‘Cooperation’
for 2011-12, has announced that during the year Common Service Centres will be
established in 1000 PACCS and in 100 PCARD Banks.

Now, with a view to utilize the infrastructure available in the form of NOVA
Net PC in the PACCS, the feasibility of upgrading the same, as Common Service
Centres was examined in the light of the proposals submitted by I-Netsecure, Chennai.
The position was also examined by a Committee and the Committee has recommended
that the CSCs may be established in PACCS where the NOVA Net PCs have already
been installed. Accordingly in the letter 3rd cited, instructions issued to 10 Regional Joint
Registrars to establish Common Service Centres in 500 PACCS by upgrading the existing
Nova Net PCs with broadband connectivity. Now it has been decided to establish
Common Service Centres in another 100 PACCS by upgrading the existing Nova Net PCs
with broadband connectivity. A statement showing the names of PACCS which have

installed NOVA Net PC with Broad Band Connectivity as received from the Regions are

I request you to take the following steps to establish Common Service Centres in
the PACCS where the NOVA Net PCs have been installed.

(1) The upgradation consists of the following two components

(a) Common and compulsory

(i) Oxigen Prepaid credit Registration and account Rs 1655
(ii) Oxigen Minimum initial credit value to be paid Rs 3309
into PACCS account* -will be in PACCS A/C
(iii) Training to Employees * Rs 3750
*To be met from CEF/ICDP/CDF of NABARD

(b) Optional
(i) Laser Printer Rs 4975

(ii) Scanner Rs 2975

All the PACCS, seeking upgradation have to adopt common and compulsory
component. However, they may place orders for the peripherals coming
under the optional component based on the individual PACCS’s requirement
and orders may be placed with the I-Net Secure in the name of individual
PACCS. The orders shall contain the following terms and conditions, among

(a) The upgradation shall be completed within 30 days time

(b) The Company shall maintain a Service Centre at each district to monitor
the performance of the upgraded Common Service Centres.

(c) The training cost should be withheld till the completion of the training.

It has also informed that on completion of the Training Program, the

Joint Registrars may inspect the functioning of the Nova Net PC
upgraded CSCs with regard to the e-Services to ascertain the quality of
the Training Program and release the cost towards the Training. It shall
also continue to provide online and telephonic support to all the
PACCS for a period of 3 months as handholding measure to enable
PACCS to become adept to the proposed e-Services.

(d) I-Netsecure will arrange for training at ACSTI, Chennai and Institutes of
Cooperative Management at the respective Districts.

(2) The Joint Registrars shall review the progress in the establishment of CSC by
way upgradation on weekly basis with the respective PACCS and the
representative of I-Netsecure

(3) The expenditure incurred towards upgradation viz., Common and

compulsory components (except training) and optional component can be
subsequently be reimbursed from the CRDF of the TNCU by sending
necessary proposals through the Regional Joint Registrars.

4 The cost towards ‘Training’ coming under the ‘common and compulsory
component’ shall be met from the Cooperative Education Fund of the
TNCU/funds of the ICDP/Cooperative Development Fund of NABARD.

I request you to ensure that orders for upgradation are placed before 20.01.2012
and work commences from 01.02.2012. I request you to report the progress in placing
the orders and commencement of upgradation process by 05-02-2012.

In this connection, it is also noticed that many of the PACCS with Nova Net PCs
are also coming under Phase I computerisation and have placed orders for Scanners
from the ELCOT. In some of the PACCS, the scanners are pending supply/pending
installation. In view of the availability of the scanners in the I Phase computerisation
from ELCOT, there is no need to place orders for supply of Scanners from I Net Secure.

I request you to report the names of PACCS under Phase I Computerisation for
which scanner is pending supply/ installation so as to take up the matter with MD,

It should be ensured that scanners already ordered for the I Phase

Computerisation are utilised for the Nova Net PC centres now being upgraded as
Common Service Centres and there should not be duplication for supply of scanners
from ELCOT / I Net Secure.


// By Order //

For Registrar
Encl: As Above.
Copy to The Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu Cooperative Union, Chennai – 10.

From To
Thiru. P.Annamalai, I.A.S., The Joint Registrar
Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dindigul,
No 170, EVR Periyar High Road, Kanyakumari, Nagapattinam, Namakkal,
Kilpauk, Tiruvannamalai, Vellore, Villupuram and
Chennai 600 010. Virudhunagar Regions
Rc. 61083/2011 ACS 2 Dated: 23.12.2011

Sub: Cooperation - Establishment of Common Service Centre -

Upgradation of existing Nova Net PC as Common Service Centres
– Instructions – Issued.

Ref 1 Letter No. ISL/RCS/001/2011 dated 10.11.2011 from I Netsecure

Chennai - 106.
2 Reports received from the Regional Joint Registrars

Hon’ble Minister for Cooperation, while moving the Demand on ‘Cooperation’

for 2011-12, has announced that during the year Common Service Centres will be
established in 1000 PACCS and in 100 PCARDBanks.

Now, with a view to utilize the infrastructure available in the form of NOVA
Net PC in the PACCS, the feasibility of upgrading the same, as Common Service
Centres was examined in the light of the proposals submitted by I-Netsecure, Chennai.
The position was also examined by a Committee and the Committee has recommended
that the CSCs may be established in PACCS where the NOVA Net PCs have already
been installed. Accordingly it has been decided initially to establish Common Service
Centres in 500 PACCS by upgrading the existing Nova Net PCs with broadband
connectivity. The names of PACCS which have installed NOVA Net PC with Broad Band
Connectivity as received from the Regions are enclosed.

I request you to take the following steps to establish Common Service Centres in
the PACCS where the NOVA Net PCs have been installed.

(1) The upgradation consists of the following two components

(a) Common and compulsory
(i) Oxigen Prepaid credit Registration and account Rs 1655

(ii) Oxigen Minimum initial credit value to be paid Rs 3309
into PACCS account* -will be in PACCS A/C

(iii) Training to Employees * Rs 3750

*To be met from CEF/ICDP/CDF of NABARD

(b) Optional
(i) Laser Printer Rs 4975

(ii) Scanner Rs 2975

All the PACCS, seeking upgradation have to adopt common and

compulsory component. However, they may place orders for the peripherals
coming under the optional component based on the individual PACCS’s
requirement and orders may be placed with the I-Net Secure in the name of
individual PACCS. The orders shall contain the following terms and
conditions, among others

(a) The upgradation shall be completed within 30 days time

(b) The Company shall maintain a Service Centre at each district to monitor
the performance of the upgraded Common Service Centres.

© 25% of the cost shall be retained till these Common Service Centres
become fully operationalised. The amount will be released only after
ensuring satisfactory functioning of the Common Service Centres and
after personal inspection by the Regional Joint Registrar and the Circle
Deputy Registrars

(d) I-Netsecure will arrange for training at ACSTI, Chennai and Institutes of
Cooperative Management at the respective Districts.

(2) The Joint Registrars shall review the progress in the establishment of CSC by
way upgradation on weekly basis with the respective PACCS and the
representative of I-Netsecure

(3) The expenditure incurred towards upgradation viz., Common and
compulsory components (except training) and optional component can be
subsequently be reimbursed from the CRDF of the TNCU by sending
necessary proposals through the Regional Joint Registrars.

4 The cost towards ‘Training’ coming under the ‘common and compulsory
component’ shall be met from the Cooperative Education Fund of the
TNCU/funds of the ICDP/Cooperative Development Fund of NABARD.

I request you to ensure that orders for upgradation are placed before 28.12.2011
and work commences from 01.01.2012. I request you to report the progress in placing
the orders and commencement of upgradation process by 5-1-2012


// By Order //

For Registrar

Copy to The Special Officer,

Tamil Nadu Cooperative Union, Chennai – 10.

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.600 010
ÂU. g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g.,

R‰w¿¡if v©. 2/ 2012

e.f. 120163 / 2011 / Ájm2 ehŸ: 25.1.2012

bghUŸ: T£LwÎ – ntsh© nrit ika« mik¤jš – bjhl¡f

ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš ntsh© nrit
ika« mik¤jš – étrha¡ fUéfŸ bfhŸKjš brŒjš –
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§Fjš bjhl®ghf
gh®it: 1. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if
e.f.112530 / 2010 Ájm2 ehŸ 26.11.2010
2. ntsh© bgh¿æaš Jiwæ‹ foj« v©. V.v«.1 / 57026 /
2011 ehŸ 21.11.2011
3. murhiz (ãiy) v©.245 ntsh©ik (nt.bgh.1) Jiw ehŸ
4. gÂths® foj« e.f. 1460 / 2012 Ájm2 ehŸ 5.1.2012

kh©òäF ã mik¢r® mt®fŸ 2011-12 M« M©L tuÎ bryΤ £l m¿¡if

jh¡fš brŒÍ« nghJ k‰witfSl‹, eL¤ju ntsh© ÏaªÂu§fŸ k‰W« fUéfŸ
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ _ykhf th§f¥g£L étrhæfS¡F
thlif¡F tH§f¥gL« v‹W«, Ϫj ÏaªÂu§fŸ th§Ftj‰fhf x›bthU
r§f¤Â‰F« 50 éG¡fhL msé‰F mÂfg£rkhf %.20 Ïy£r« tiu khåa«
tH§f¥gL« v‹W« el¥ò M©oš Fiwªjg£r« 400 bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ
fl‹ r§f§fŸ Ϫj trÂia¥ bgW«, v‹W« m¿é¤ÂUªjh®fŸ. mj‹ go 2011-12 Ïš
bfhŸKjš brŒa¥gL« ntsh© ÏaªÂu§fŸ k‰W« fUéfS¡F khåakhf %.80
nfho xJ¡ÑL brŒJ gh®itr 3 Ïš f©LŸs murhiz btëæl¥g£LŸsJ. (efš
Ïiz¡f¥g£LŸsJ) ntsh© ÏaªÂu§fŸ k‰W« fUéfë‹ khåa« k‰W« jahç¥ò
ãWtd§fŸ / Kft®fŸ F¿¤j égu§fis ntsh© bgh¿æaš Jiw gh®it 2-Ïš
fhQ« foj¤Âš bjçé¤JŸsJ (efš Ïiz¡f¥g£LŸsJ).

gh®it (4) Ïš F¿¥Ã£l foj¤Âš ntsh©ik¤ Jiw Ïiz Ïa¡Fe®,

ntsh©ik bgh¿æaš Jiw bra‰ bgh¿ahs® k‰W« k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®
M»nah® òÂajhf mik¡f¥glΟs ntsh© nrit ika§fS¡F¤ njitahd
ÏaªÂu§fë‹ v©â¡ifia r«gªj¥g£l jå mYty®fŸ k‰W« brayhs®fSl‹
T£lhf fyªjhnyhÁ¤J f©l¿ªJ ÏW brŒa¥g£l g£oaiy kht£l M£Á¤
jiytç‹ ftd¤Â‰F bfh©L bršy nt©L« vd¤ bjçé¡f¥g£oUªjJ. kht£l
M£Á¤ jiytç‹ ftd¤Â‰F bfh©L bršy nt©L« vd¤ bjçé¡f¥g£oUªjJ.
kht£l M£Á¤ jiytç‹ ÏirÎ bg‰w njit¥g£oaš go bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡
T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ bfhŸKjš Mizia tH§f j¡f elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.

bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ ãÂãiyæ‹ mo¥gilæš

ËtU« tifæš ÏaªÂu§fŸ k‰W« fUéfis¡ bfhŸKjš brŒayh«.

1. nghÂa ã Mjhu§fSl‹ Ïa§» tU« r§f§fŸ mt‰¿‹ brhªj ãÂæš

bfhŸKjš brŒayh«.

2. Ïju r§f§fŸ kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fëläUªJ k¤Âa¡ fhy¡ fl‹

ãÂÍjé bg‰W¡ bfhŸKjš brŒayh«.

eL¤ju ntsh© ÏaªÂu§fŸ k‰W« fUé bfhŸKjš brŒtj‰F fUéfë‹

éiyæš 50 éG¡fhL kh‹akhf xU r§f¤Â‰F mÂfg£r« %.20 Ïy£r« tiu
kh‹akhf më¡f¥gL« ãiyæš, kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ fl‹ nfhU« r§f«
x‹W¡F mÂfg£rkhf %.20 Ïy£r« tiumDk¡fyh«. Ï›thW bgw¥gL« flid¤
ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤J« fhy« bfhŸKjš brŒa¥gL« ÏaªÂu§fŸ thlif¡F éL« nghJ
»il¡f¡Toa tUthæ‹ mo¥gilæš k¤Âa fhy k‰W« Ú©l fhy¡fldhf mikÍ«,
Ïj‰fhd t£o bryéd¤ bjhif V‰fdnt cŸs m¿Îiufë‹go jäœehL T£LwÎ
x‹¿a« ã®t»¡F« T£LwÎ MuhŒ¢Á k‰W« ts®¢Á ãÂæèUªJ kht£l k¤Âa
T£LwÎ t§» më¡F« t£o nf£ò¡F V‰g bg‰W¡ bfhŸsyh«.

vdnt, ntsh© ÏaªÂu§fŸ k‰W« fUéfis¡ bfhŸKjš brŒtj‰F¢ brhªj

ã ga‹gL¤j cŸs r§f§fŸ k‰W« kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»æš k¤Âa¡ fhy¡
fl‹ bgwΟs r§f§fis¤ bjçÎ brŒJ elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.

ntsh© nrit ika§fŸ mik¡f bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fis
bjçÎ brŒÍ« nghJ ËtU« m«r§fis ftd¤Âš bfhŸs nt©L« v‹W k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.

1. ÏaªÂu§fis bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f¤Âš it¤J¡ bfhŸs

ghJfh¥ghd Ïl« ÏU¡f nt©L«.

2. mªjªj¥ gFÂfëš gæçl¥gL« gæ®fS¡F¤ njitahd ÏaªÂu§fŸ /

cgfuz§fŸ nghJkhd msΡF th§» thlif¡F él thŒ¥ò ÏU¡»‹wjh v‹gij
gh®¤J¡ bfhŸs nt©L«.

3. étrha cgfuz§fis th§F«nghJ mªj cgfuz§fis Ïiz¤J cgnahf¥gl¡

Toa ÏaªÂu§fisÍ« nr®¤Jjh‹ th§f nt©L«.

4. mnj ngh‹W étrha ÏaªÂu¤ij th§F«nghJ mªj ÏaªÂu¤Jl‹ v‹bd‹d

cgfuz§fŸ Ïiz¤J Ïa¡fKoÍnkh mj‰Fça Ïiz¥ò cgfuz§fisÍ« nr®¤J
tH§f nt©L«.

r§f§fëš bfhŸKjš brŒa¥gL« cgfuz§fis ruf Jiz¥gÂths®,

ntsh©ik bgh¿æaš Jiwæ‹ bra‰ bgh¿ahs® gh®itæ£L cgfuz§fŸ ešy
ãiyæš cŸsij cW brŒJ bfh©l Ëdnu khåa¤ bjhifÍ« éiyæš Û¤
bjhifÍ« nr®¤J éLé¡f nt©L«. khåa¤ijÍ« Û¤ bjhifiaÍ« jå¤jåna
éLé¡f¡ TlhJ. nkY« ãy§fis¢ rk‹gL¤j levelers éisbghU£fis¢
rªij¥gL¤j ouh¡lUl‹ Ïiz¡f Trailers ngh‹wt‰iw bfhŸKjš brŒaΫ mj‰F
khåa« bgwΫ r§f§fŸ elto¡if vL¡fyh«.

eL¤ju ntsh© ÏaªÂu§fŸ k‰W« fUéfŸ bfhŸKjš brŒjš k‰W« òÂajhf

ntsh© nrit ika§fŸ mik¤jš bjhl®ghf gh®it-1 Ïš fhQ« gÂthsç‹
R‰w¿¡ifæš R£o¡fh£l¥g£LŸs eilKiwfis tGthJ Ëg‰¿¢ brašgLkhW
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ. nkY« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡
T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ mitfS¡F¤ njitahd ntsh© ÏaªÂu§fŸ k‰W«
fUéfis¡ bfhŸKjš brŒÍ« bghU£L, ntsh© bgh¿æaš Jiwahš
m§Ñfç¡f¥g£l ãWtd§fis k£Lnk mQf nt©L« v‹W« bfhŸKjš Mizfis
31-01-2012¡FŸ tH§fΫ bfhŸKjš Mizæ‹ efš ÏaªÂu§fŸ blètç
bg‰wik¡fhd (Extra invoice copy) x¥òjš efš M»at‰¿‹ gÂths® mYtyf
Jiz¥gÂths® (fl‹ k‰W« t§»æaš) Ï‹ bgaU¡F mD¥Ã it¡fΫ r«gªj¥g£l
r§f¤ jå mYty®fŸ k‰w« brayhs®fS¡F¤ j¡f m¿Îiu tH§»¡
f©fhâ¡FkhW k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ. gh®it-3
Ïš f©LŸs murhizæ‹ go éLé¡f¥g£LŸs muR ãÂia el¥ò M©onyna
ga‹gL¤j¥gl nt©L« v‹w ãiyæš, 29-2-2012 ¡FŸ kh‹a¡ nfhç¡iffis
r«gªj¥g£l kht£l ntsh© bgh¿æaš Jiwæš rk®¥Ã¤J kh‹a¤ bjhif bgwΫ
bjhl®òila r§f¤ jå mYty®fŸ k‰w« brayhs®fS¡F m¿ÎiufŸ tH§»¡
f©fhâ¡FkhW k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.
x›bthU k©ly¤ÂY« mik¡f¥gL« ntsh© nrit ika§fŸ
v©â¡if¡F tiuaiw VJäšiy, våD« nk‰T¿a tiuaiwfS¡F£g£L«
njitæ‹ mo¥gilæY« mika nt©L« v‹W« bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ.

ÏJ F¿¤J bjhl®òila r§f¤ jå mYty®fŸ k‰W« brayhs®fŸ MŒÎ¡

T£l« x‹iw cldoahf¡ T£o, j¡f m¿ÎiufŸ tH§» bfhŸKjš MizfŸ
tH§fΫ, r«gªj¥g£l r§f§fS¡F ntsh© ÏaªÂu§fis¡ bfhŸKjš brŒa
njitahd ãÂÍjé k‰W« khåa« M»ad »il¡f¥ bgWtj‰F¤ njitahd j¡f
bjhl® elto¡iffis nk‰bfhŸSkhW«, Ïj‹ K‹nd‰w« F¿¤J ÃuÂthu«
§f£»Hik gÂths® mYtyf¤Âš »il¡F« tifæš Ïiz¥Ãš f©l got¤Âš
m¿¡if mD¥òkhW« k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.

Ï¢R‰w¿¡if¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òifia kW mŠrèš mD¥òkhW

nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.


Ïiz¥ò – nk‰f©lthW
mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
mid¤Jkht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§» jå mYty®fŸ
mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš : jå mYty®
jäœehL khãy¤ jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§» / ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò


k©ly¤Â‹ bga® : m¿¡if njÂ:

t.v©. el¥ò el¥ò thu«

étu« thu¤Âš Koa

1 ntsh© nrit ika« mik¡f¤ bjçÎ brŒa¥g£l

r§f§fë‹ v©â¡if

2 (m) fy« (1) Ïš brhªj ã ga‹gL¤j cŸs

r§f§fë‹ v©â¡if

(M) fy« (1) Ïš kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»æš

k¤Âa¡ fhy¡ fl‹ bgw cŸs r§f§fë‹

3 bfhŸKjš Miz tH§»a r§f§fë‹


4 kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»æš k¤Âa¡ fhy¡

fl‹ bgw é©z¥Ã¤j r§f§fë‹ v©â¡if

5 kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»æš k¤Âa¡ fhy¡

fl‹ bgw é©z¥Ã¤j fl‹ bjhif

6 kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»æš k¤Âa¡ fhy¡

fl‹ x¥gŸë¡f¥g£l étu«
r§f§fë‹ v©â¡if
fl‹ bjhif

7 kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»æš k¤Âa¡ fhy¡

fl‹ é©z¥g« rk®¥Ã¡f¥glhkš ÏUªjhš
mj‰fhd fhuz§fŸ

k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®


From, To
Thiru P.Annamalai, IAS., The Joint Registrars,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies,
170, EVR High Road, All Regions ( Except Chennai )
Kilpauk, Chennai 600 010

Rc. 61083/2011 ACS 2 Dated: 2.2.2012


Sub: Cooperation - Establishment of Common Service Centre in

PACCS under Phase I Computerisations – further Instructions –

Ref 1 Letter No. ISL/RCS/001/2011 dated 10.11.2011 from

I Netsecure Chennai - 106.
2 Reports received from the Regional Joint Registrars
3 This Office Letter RC Rc. 61083/2011 ACS 2
Dated: 23.12.2011
4 This Office Letter RC Rc. 61083/2011 ACS 2
Dated: 8.1.2012
5 This Office Letter RC Rc. 61083/2011 ACS 2
Dated: 18.1.2012
6 Letter No. ISL/RCS/002/2011 dated 24.1.2012 from
I Netsecure Chennai - 106.

You are aware that Hon’ble Minister for Cooperation has announced that 1100
Common Service Centres will be established during the current year.
Instructions have been issued for the up-gradation of 500 PACCS with Nova Net PCs
as Common Service Centres in the reference 3rd and 4th cited Now I Net Secure has
informed that the computers installed in the PACCS under the Phase I computerisation
may be upgraded to establish the Common Service Centres with the additional cost of
Rs 2500/-. Accordingly, with a view to establish Common Service Centres in the
remaining 400 PACCS and 100 PCARDBs, the following instructions are issued. The
names of 420 PACCS under Phase I computerisation with Broad Band connectivity and
100 PCARDBs as received from the Regions are enclosed.
I request you to take the following steps to establish Common Service Centres in the
above 420 PACCS and 100 PCARDBs
(i) The up gradation consists of the following two components

(c) Common and compulsory

(i) Oxigen Prepaid Credit Registration and Account
(ii) Oxigen minimum Initial Credit Value 3309
(iii) Cost of Anti virus software and internet content
–filtering Solutions per annum 1650
(iv) Installation charges (one time) 850
TOTAL 7464
(d) Optional
(i) Laser Printer 4975
(ii) Scanner 2975
TOTAL 7950
GRAND TOTAL (a) + (b) 15414

(2) The listed PACCS/PCARDBs seeking upgradation shall place orders for the
common and compulsory components. However, they may place for the peripherals
coming under the optional component based on the individual PACCS/PCARDBs
requirements and orders may be placed in with the I-Net Secure in the name of
individual PACCS/PCARDBs. The orders shall contain the following terms and conditions
among others.

(a) The upgradation shall be completed within 30 days time

(b) I-Net Secure shall maintain a service centre at each district to monitor
the performance of the upgraded Common Service Centres

{c} Cost of the Training shall be retained till these Common Service
Centres become fully operationalised. The amount will be released
only after ensuring satisfactory functioning of the Common Service
Centres and after personal inspection by the Regional Joint Registrar
and the Circle Deputy Registrars

{d} I-Net Secure will arrange for training at ACSTI, Chennai and at
Coimbatore DCCB

(3) The expenditure incurred towards upgradation viz., Common and
Compulsory components (except training) and optional component can be subsequently
be reimbursed from the CRDF of the TNCU by sending necessary proposals through the
Regional Joint Registrars

In this connection, it is informed that the training shall be conducted at ACSTI,

Chennai and at Coimbatore DCCB by I-Net Secure and that training cost to the
employees of the PACCS and PCARDBs as listed in the Annexure , shall be met from the
CDF of NABARD/CEF of TNCU and from the funds of ICDP.

It is also informed that on completion of the Training Program, the Joint

Registrars may inspect the functioning of the Common Services Centres with regard to
the e-Services to ascertain the quality of the Training Program and release the cost
towards the Training. I Net Secure has indicated that It shall continue to provide online
and telephonic support to all the PACCS for a period of 3 months as handholding
measure to enable PACCS to become adept to the proposed e-Services.

I request you to review the progress in the establishment of CSC by way of

upgradation on weekly basis with the respective PACCS/PCARDBs and the
representatives of the I-Net Secure.

It is noticed that many of the PACCS under Phase I computerisation have placed
orders for Scanners from the ELCOT and they are pending supply/pending installation
in some of the PACCs .

In view of the availability of the scanners in the I Phase computerisation from

ELCOT, there is no need to place orders for supply of Scanners from I Net Secure.

I request you to ensure that orders for scanners shall be placed by the PACCS, only
if they have not placed orders with the ELCOT and that duplication for supply of
scanners from ELCOT/INet Secure should be avoided.

I request you to report the names of PACCS under Phase I computerisation for
which scanner is pending supply/ installation, so as to take up the matter with MD,

I also request you to review the position in regard to the PCARDBs, bank wise
and to advise the PCARDBs suitably for placing orders for scanners and Lazer Printers
based on their requirements.

I request you to report the action taken in the matter early.


Encl: As Above.
For Registrar

Copy to the Special Officer, TNSACB, Chennai 600001

Copy to the Principal, ACSTI, Madhavaram, Chennai
Copy to the Special Officer, Coimbatore DCCB, Coimbatore
Copy to the Deputy Registrars of all Circles

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®

R‰w¿¡if v©. 7/ 2012 ehŸ: 28.02.2012

e.f. 17336/2012/ ntf 3

bghUŸ: T£LwÎ- ghJfh¥ò miw¡ fjÎ, »çš fjÎ, ÏU«ò¥ bg£lf«,

Ô jL¥ò¡ fUéfŸ k‰W« mgha xè miH¥gh‹fŸ
M»at‰iw T£LwÎ ãWtd§fëš ãWÎtj‰fhf bfhŸKjš
brŒjš-m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»wJ

gh®it: gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f.115601/2009 ntf 3 ehŸ 11.11.2009


jäœeh£oš brašg£L tU« jäœehL khãy jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§», kht£l

k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ, bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ, T£LwÎ
efu t§»fŸ, bjhl¡f¡ T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»fŸ k‰W«
T£LwÎ é‰gid¢ r§f§fŸ M»at‰¿š eiffŸ k‰W« buh¡f¥ gz« M»at‰iw
ghJfh¡F« bghU£L Strong Room Doors and Grills, Safe Vaults, Safe Lockers, Fire
Resistant Equipment, Fire & Burglar Alarms M»ait ga‹gL¤j¥g£L tU»‹wd.

Ïitfis bfhŸKjš brŒÍ«nghJ Ñœ¡f©l be¿Kiwfis¥ Ëg‰w ËtU«

m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd.

1) ISO k‰W« BSI ju¢rh‹¿jœ bg‰w ãWtd¤Âl« bfhŸKjš

2) Áwªj ju«, Fiwªj éiy M»at‰iw fU¤Âš bfhŸs nt©L«.
3) bfhŸKjèš jåÍçik (Monopoly) M¡f¤ij¤ j鮡F«bghU£L,
òfœbg‰w ãWtd§fshd Godrej, Methodex c£gl mid¤J
ãWtd§fëläUªJ K¤Âiuæl¥g£l éiy¥òŸëfŸ (Sealed Quotations) /
K¤Âiuæl¥g£l x¥gªj¥òŸëfis(Sealed Tenders) nfhç mt‰¿š Fiwªj

éiyæš jukhd bghUis më¡F« ãWtd¤ÂläUªJ bfhŸKjš brŒa
nt©L«. Ïj‹ _y« r§f§fS¡F V‰gléU¡F« eZl¤ij j鮡fyh«.
nkY« nk‰f©l cgfuz§fis¡ bfhŸKjš brŒÍ«nghJ gh®it 1 Ïš fhQ«
foj¤Âš tH§f¥g£l m¿Îiufis tGthJ filÃo¡FkhW nf£L¡bfhŸs¥gL»wJ.


/ Miz¥go /


1. TLjš gÂths®
br‹id k©ly«
2. mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

1. jå mYty®
jäœehL khãy jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§»
2. mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§» jå mYty®fŸ
3. mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
4. Kj‹ik tUthŒ mYty®, mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
5. Ï›tYtyf ‘bjhntr, et, ntCt k‰W« ér’ ÃçÎfŸ,
6. ÏU¥ò¡nfh¥ò

kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fë‹m¿é¥òfŸ.

mD¥òe® bgWe®

ÂU. g.m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g., jåmYt®,

T£Lw΢r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, mid¤J k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
170, bgçah® <.bt.uh. beLŠrhiy, (òJ¡nfh£il,Átf§if k‰W«
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, ö¤JFo jéu)
br‹id – 600 010.

e.f.36274/2012 ntfÂ.3 ehŸ 30. 04. 2012.


bghUŸ T£LwÎ – T£LwΤJiw khåa¡ nfhç¡if éthj¤Â‹

nghJ kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ btëæ£l
m¿é¥ò – thlif¡ f£ll§fëš brašg£L tU« 25 k¤Âa¡
T£LwÎ t§» »isfS¡F %.6.25 nfho kÂ¥Õ£oš brhªj¡
f£ll§fŸ f£Ljš - bjhl®ghf.

gh®it 23.04.2012 m‹W T£LwΤJiw khåa¡ nfhç¡if

éthj¤Â‹ nghJ kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r®
mt®fŸ btëæ£l m¿é¥òfŸ.


23.04.2012 m‹W r£lk‹w¥ nguitæš eilbg‰w T£LwΤJiw khåa¡

nfhç¡if éthj¤Â‹ nghJ, kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ Ñœ¡fhQ«
m¿é¥Ãid btëæ£LŸsh®fŸ.

“ V‰bfdnt thlif¡ f£ll§fëš brašg£L tU« 25 k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»

»isfS¡F %.6.25 nfho kÂ¥Õ£oš brhªj¡ f£ll§fŸ f£Ltj‰F kh©òäF jäHf
Kjyik¢r® mt®fŸ Mizæ£LŸsh®fŸ.”

nk‰fhQ« m¿é¥Ãid¢ brašgL¤j VJthf, k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ

t§»fëläUªJ bgw¥g£l m¿¡iffë‹ mo¥gilæš, ϤJl‹ Ïiz¡f¥g£LŸs
g£oaèš f©LŸs thlif¡ f£ll§fëš brašg£L tU« »isfS¡F¢ brhªj¡
f£ll§fŸ f£l¤ njitahd mid¤J elto¡iffisÍ« cldoahf nk‰bfhŸSkhW

nk‰f©lthW g£oaèš cŸs »isfS¡F¢ brhªj¡ f£ll§fŸ f£Ltj‰F¡

ÑœfhQ« ãgªjidfS¡F£g£L K‹bkhêÎfŸ mD¥g¡ nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.

1. Ï¥gâ¡fhd éçthd £l kÂ¥ÕL [Detailed (actual) estimate] k‰W« tiugl«

muR¤ Jiwia¢ rh®ªj bgh¿ahs® jahç¡f nt©L«. bjhêš E£g mDkÂ
tH§Fjš, brŒj gâia kÂ¥ÕL brŒjš k‰W« nkš kÂ¥ÕL brŒjš M»at‰iw
brŒtj‰F muR¤ Jiwna rhy¢ ÁwªjJ.
2. tiugl« jah® brŒÍ«nghJ, f£ll¤Âš braèl nkil (Banking Counters),
nkyhs® miw, ghJfh¥ò¡ fjÎl‹ Toa ghJfh¥ò miw, gÂtiw, fêtiw,
tho¡ifahs® mkU« Ïl« M»ait Ïl« bgWtij¡ ftd¤Âš
3. nk‰f©l f£Lkhd¥ gâfŸ %.20Ïy£r¤Â‰F äif¥gL«nghJ muR¤
Jiw _y« tender Kiwæš gâia Ko¡fnt©L«.
nkY«, nk‰f©l têKiwfë‹go¤ jahç¡f¥g£l éçthd (mrš) £l kÂ¥ÕL,
tiugl« M»at‰iw cça Mtz§fSl‹ ã®thf x¥òjY¡fhf gÂths® mt®fS¡F
07.05.2012¡FŸ mD¥òkhW nf£L¡bfhŸ»nw‹.

Ï¡foj« bg‰W¡bfh©lik¡fhd x¥òjiy kW mŠrèš mD¥ÃLkhW




Ïiz¥ò: nk‰f©lthW

kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fë‹m¿é¥òfŸ.

mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU. g.m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g., Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ,
T£Lw΢r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, mid¤J k©ly«.
170, bgçah® <.bt.uh. beLŠrhiy,
br‹id – 600 010.
e.f.36275/2012 ntfÂ.3 ehŸ 04. 05. 2012.

bghUŸ T£LwÎ – T£LwΤJiw khåa¡ nfhç¡if éthj¤Â‹

nghJ kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ btëæ£l
m¿é¥ò – 50 bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹
r§f§fŸ k‰W« 16 bjhl¡f¡ T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W«
Cuf ts®¢Á t§»fS¡F ghJfh¥ò¡ fjÎl‹ Toa ghJfh¥ò
miw f£Ljš - bjhl®ghf.

gh®it 23.04.2012 m‹W T£LwΤJiw khåa¡ nfhç¡if

éthj¤Â‹ nghJ kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r®
mt®fŸ btëæ£l m¿é¥òfŸ.


23.04.2012 m‹W r£lk‹w¥ nguitæš eilbg‰w T£LwΤJiw khåa¡

nfhç¡if éthj¤Â‹ nghJ, kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ Ñœ¡fhQ«
m¿é¥Ãid btëæ£LŸsh®fŸ.

“50 bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ k‰W« 16 bjhl¡f¡

T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»fë‹, buh¡f« k‰W« eiffis¥
ghJfh¡F« tifæš ghJfh¥ò¡ fjÎl‹ Toa ghJfh¥ò miw f£l¤ jyh %.5 Ïy£r«
Åj« bkh¤j« %. 3.30nfho ã cjé më¥gj‰F kh©òäF jäHf Kjyik¢r®
mt®fŸ Mizæ£LŸsh®fŸ.”

mj‹go, Ïiz¥Ãš f©l tifæš 50 bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹

r§f§fŸ k‰W« 16 bjhl¡f¡ T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»fëš,
ghJfh¥ò¡ fjÎl‹ Toa ghJfh¥ò miw f£l¤ £läl¥g£LŸsJ. x›bthU
kht£l¤ÂY« Ï¥gâfis nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©oa bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ

fl‹ r§f§fë‹ g£oaš Ïiz¥ò 1Y«, bjhl¡f¡ T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf
ts®¢Á t§»fë‹ g£oaš Ïiz¥ò 2-Y« më¡f¥g£LŸsJ.

j§fŸ k©ly¤Âš cŸs bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš,

brhªj¡ f£ll¤Âš brašg£L tU« r§f§fëš, ghJfh¥ò¡ fjÎl‹ Toa ghJfh¥ò
miw mtÁa« njit vd¡ fUJ« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fis,
Ïiz¥ò 1Ïš xJ¡ÑL brŒJŸsthW, bjçÎ brŒÍkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.

nk‰f©lthW bjçÎ brŒa¥g£l 50 bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹

r§f§fŸ k‰W« g£oaš 2Ïš cŸs bjhl¡f¡ T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf
ts®¢Á t§»fŸ M»at‰W¡F¥ ghJfh¥ò¡ fjÎl‹ Toa ghJfh¥ò miw
f£Ltj‰F¡ ÑœfhQ« ãgªjidfS¡F£g£L K‹bkhêÎfŸ mD¥g¡ nf£L¡

1. Ï¥gâ¡fhd éçthd £l kÂ¥ÕL [Detailed estimate] k‰W« mj‰fhd

tiugl« muR¤ Jiwia¢ rh®ªj bgh¿ahs® jahç¡f nt©L«. brŒj gâia
kÂ¥ÕL brŒjš k‰W« nkš kÂ¥ÕL brŒjš M»at‰W¡F muR¤ Jiwia¢
rh®ªj bt›ntW bgh¿ahs®fë‹ nritfis¥ ga‹gL¤Â¡ bfhŸsnt©L«.

2. nk‰f©l f£Lkhd¥ gâfŸ muR¤ Jiw _y« x¥gªj¥òŸë¢ r£l¥go

(Tender Transperancy Act), x¥gªj¥òŸëfŸ bg‰W gâæid éiuªJ

3. gÂths® R‰w¿¡if v©7/2012 ehŸ 28.02.2012Ïš, Strong Room Doors and

Grills, Safe Vaults, Safe Lockers for leasing out wherever required
M»at‰iw¡ bfhŸKjš brŒÍ«nghJ Ñœ¡f©l be¿Kiwfis¥ Ëg‰w
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥g£LŸsd.

m) ISO k‰W« BSI ju¢rh‹¿jœ bg‰w ãWtd¤Âl« bfhŸKjš

brŒa¥gl nt©L«.

M) Áwªj ju«, Fiwªj éiy M»at‰iw fU¤Âš bfhŸs nt©L«.

Ï) K¤Âiuæl¥g£l éiy¥òŸëfŸ (Sealed Quotations) / K¤Âiuæl¥

g£l x¥gªj¥òŸëfis (Sealed Tenders) nfhç mt‰¿š Fiwªj
éiyæš jukhd bghUis më¡F« ãWtd¤ÂläUªJ
bfhŸKjš brŒa nt©L«.

<) k‰w tâf t§»fëš ga‹gL¤J« ghJfh¥ò¡ fjÎ ngh‹W

msÅLfŸ (Specifications) cŸsthW bfhŸKjš brŒant©L«.

nkY«, nk‰f©l têKiwfë‹go¤ jahç¡f¥g£l éçthd (mrš) £l kÂ¥ÕL,
tiugl« k‰W« éiy¥òŸëfŸ M»at‰iw cça Mtz§fSl‹ ã®thf x¥òjY¡fhf
gÂths® mt®fS¡F 15.05.2012¡FŸ mD¥òkhW nf£L¡bfhŸ»nw‹.

Ï¡foj« bg‰W¡bfh©lik¡fhd x¥òjiy kW mŠrèš mD¥ÃLkhW




Ïiz¥ò : nk‰f©lthW

efš : mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ.

efš : mYtyf ntCt ÃçÎ – bjhl® elto¡if¡fhf.

efš : mYtyf Âtbr ÃçÎ

kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fë‹m¿é¥òfŸ

mD¥òe® bgWe®

ÂU. g.m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g., jåmYty®,

T£Lw΢r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ
170, bgçah® <.bt.uh. beLŠrhiy, t§»fŸ.
br‹id – 600 010. Ïiz¥gÂths®,
nfha«ò¤ö®, ÂU¢Áuh¥gŸë, <nuhL,
éG¥òu«, Ïuhkehjòu«, f‹åahFkç,
jŠrhñ®, »UZz»ç, f%®, kJiu,
ehk¡fš, Úy»ç, ÂUth%®, ntÿ®,
ÂUt©zhkiy k©ly§fŸ.

e.f.36273/2012 ntfÂ.3 ehŸ 31. 05. 2012.


bghUŸ T£LwÎ – T£LwΤJiw khåa¡ nfhç¡ifæ‹ nghJ

kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ btëæ£l
m¿é¥ò – mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ k‰W«
efu¡ T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ 100 »isfŸ %.15 nfho kÂ¥Õ£oš
Fë®rhjd trÂÍl‹ eÅdkakh¡Fjš - bjhl®ghf.

gh®it 1. 23.04.2012 m‹W T£LwΤJiw khåa¡ nfhç¡ifæ‹

nghJ kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ btëæ£l

2. Ï›tYtyf¡ foj« e.f.36273/2012 ntfÂ.3 ehŸ 02. 05. 2012.


nk‰fhQ« bghUëš fhQ« m¿é¥Ãid¢ brašgL¤j VJthf gh®it 2Ïš

fhQ« foj¤Âš, bjçÎ brŒa¥g£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§» k‰W« efu¡ T£LwÎ
t§»¡ »isfë‹ g£oaY«, eÅdkakh¡Fjš gâ¡fhd têKiwfS«
bjçé¡f¥g£ld. Ï›éd« bjhl®ghf ËtU« m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd.

muR¤ Jiw¥ bgh¿ahs®fëläUªJ £l kÂ¥ÕL bgWtš äFªj

fhyjhkjK«, Áuk§fS« V‰gLtjhf bjça tU»wJ. vdnt, muR cçk« bg‰w ãy

msitahs® / Cuh£Á x‹¿a¥ bgh¿ahsçl« £l kÂ¥ÕL¥ bg‰W, btë¥gilahd
x¥gªj¥òŸë¢ r£l¥go ( Tender Transperancy Act ), _‹W x¥gªjjhu®fëläUªJ
x¥gªj¥òŸëfŸ bg‰W, mt‰¿š Fiwªj kÂ¥òŸs x¥gªj¥òŸëia ÏW brŒJ,
t§»æ‹ brhªj ãÂia¡ bfh©L, %.15/- Ïy£r¤Â‰F äfhkš eÅdkakh¡Fjš
gâfis 31.07.2012¡FŸ Ko¡FkhW nf£L¡bfhŸ»nw‹. £l kÂ¥ÕL %.15/-
Ïy£r¤Â‰F¡ TLjyhf ÏU¥Ã‹, gÂthsç‹ ã®thf mDk bgw¥gl nt©L«.

nkY«, Ï¥gâ bjhl®ghf V‰gL« K‹nd‰w« F¿¤J, ϤJl‹

Ïiz¡f¥g£LŸs got¤Âš thuhªÂu K‹nd‰w m¿¡if mD¥òkhW«, 31.05.2012
njÂÍl‹ KotilÍ« Kjš m¿¡ifia 03.06.2012¡FŸ mD¥òkhW«

/Miz¥go/ gÂthsU¡fhf

Ïiz¥ò: nk‰f©lthW

efš : r«gªj¥g£l ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ.

efš : mYtyf et ÃçÎ – bjhl® elto¡if¡fhf.
efš : mYtyf Âtbr ÃçÎ

kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fë‹ m¿é¥òfŸ

mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU.g.m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g., jå mYty®,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ
170, bgçah® <.bt,uh.beLŠrhiy, t§»fŸ.
br‹id-600 010 Ïiz¥gÂths®,
nfha«ò¤ö®, ÂU¢Áuh¥gŸë, <nuhL,
éG¥òu«, Ïuhkehjòu«Ï f‹åahFkç,
jŠrhñ®, »UZz»ç, f%®, kJiu,
ehk¡fš, Úy»ç, ÂUth%®, ntÿ®,
ÂUt©zhkiy k©ly§fŸ.

e.f.36273/2012 ntf 3 ehŸ.14.06.2012

Iah /m«ikp®,

bghUŸ T£LwÎ – T£LwΤJiw khåa¡ nfhç¡ifæ‹ nghJ

kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ btëæ£l
m¿é¥ò – mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ k‰W«
efu¡ T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ 100 »isfŸ %.15 nfho kÂ¥Õ£oš
Fë®rhjd trÂÍl‹ eÅdkakh¡Fjš – bjhl®ghf.

gh®it 1) 23.04.2012 m‹W T£LwΤJiw khåa¡ nfhç¡ifæ‹

nghJ kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ btëæ£l
2)Ï›tYtyf¡ foj« e.f.36273/2012 ntf 3 ehŸ 02.05.2012
3)Ï›tYtyf¡ foj« e.f.36273/2012 ntf 3 ehŸ 31.05.2012

nk‰fhQ« bghUëš fhQ« m¿é¥Ãid¢ brašgL¤j VJthf gh®it
2Ïš fhQ« foj¤Âš, bjçÎ brŒa¥g£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§» k‰W« efu¡ T£LwÎ
t§»¡ »isfë‹ g£oaY«, eÅdkakh¡Fjš gâ¡fhd têKiwfS«
bjçé¡f¥g£ld. gh®itæu©oš fhQ« foj¤Âš muR¤ Jiw¥
bgh¿ahs®fëläUªJ £l kÂ¥ÕL bgWtš äFªj fhyjhkjK«, Áuk§fS«
V‰gLtjhf bjça tªjjhš, muR cçk« bg‰w ãy msitahs® / Cuh£Á x‹¿a¥

bgh¿ahsçl« £l kÂ¥ÕL¥ bg‰W, btë¥gilahd x¥gªj¥òŸë¢ r£l¥go
(Tender Transperancy Act), _‹W x¥gªjjhu®fëläUªJ x¥gªj¥òŸëfŸ bg‰W,
mt‰¿š Fiwªj kÂ¥òŸs x¥gªj¥òŸëia ÏW brŒJ, gâ Ko¡f¡ nf£L¡
våD«, Ï›thW muR cçk« bg‰w ãy msitahs® / Cuh£Á x‹¿a¥
bgh¿ahsçl« £l kÂ¥ÕL bgWtš Áuk§fŸ ÏU¥gjhf gÂthsç‹ ftd¤Â‰F
bfh©L tu¥g£LŸsJ. Ï¥gâia .éiuªJ Ko¡f muR Jiw¢rh®ªj kÂ¥Õ£lhs®, ãy
msitahs®, muR gâæèUªJ XŒÎ bg‰w bgh¿ahs® / g£la bgh¿ahs® (Chartered
Engineer) ngh‹w bjhêš tšYd®fëläUªJ £l kÂ¥ÕL bg‰W btë¥ilahd
x¥gªj¥òŸë r£l¥go (Tender Transparancy Act) Fiwªjg£r« _‹W
x¥gªjjhu®fëläUªJ x¥gªj¥òŸëfŸ bg‰W, mt‰¿š Fiwªj kÂ¥òŸs
x¥gªj¥òŸëia ÏW brŒJ, gâiaKo¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.
nkY«, Ï¥gâæid òfh®fŸ VJä‹¿, t§»fS¡F njita‰w ã ÏH¥ò
k‰W« jâ¡if kW¥ò¡F v›éj Ïlkë¡fhkš Ko¡f elto¡if vL¡FkhW nf£L¡
bfhŸ»nw‹. Ï¥gâia 13.06.2012 m‹W eilbg‰w MŒÎ¡T£l¤Âš cWÂaë¤j
tifæš 31.07.2012¡FŸ ãiwÎ m¿¡if më¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.




efš :r«gªj¥g£l ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ.

efš :mYtyf et ÃçÎ – bjhl® elto¡if¡fhf.
efš :mYtyf Âtbr ÃçÎ

kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fë‹ m¿é¥òfŸ

mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU. g.m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g., jå mYty®fŸ,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mYtyf«
170, <.bt.uh.beLŠrhiy,Ñœ¥gh¡f«,
e.f.36274/2012/ntfÂ. 3 ehŸ:14.06.2012
bghUŸ: T£LwÎ – T£LwΤJiw khåa¡ nfhç¡ifæ‹
éthj¤Â‹ nghJ kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r®
mt®fŸ btëæ£l m¿é¥ò – thlif f£ll§fëš
brašg£L tU« kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fS¡F
brhªj¡ f£ll« f£Ljš – bjhl®ghf.

gh®it: gÂths® foj« 36274/2012/ntf 3 ehŸ.30.04.2012

gh®itæš fhQ« foj¤Âš kh©òäF mik¢r® mt®fë‹ m¿é¥òfis
brašgL¤j VJthf kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ mt‰¿‹ »isfS¡F brhªj¡
f£ll« f£l m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥g£oUªjd. 13.06.2012 m‹W eilbg‰w kht£l k¤Âa¡
T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ jå mYty®fŸ MŒÎ¡ T£l¤Âš gÂths® bjçé¤j têfh£L
Kiwfë‹ go f£Lkhd¥ gâfŸ nk‰bfhŸtš Áuk§fŸ ÏU¥gjhf¤ bjçé¤jd®.
T£l¤Â‹ nghJ jå mYty®fŸ bjçé¤j fU¤J¡fŸ ftd¤Jl‹ gçÓè¡f¥g£ld.
mjdo¥gilæš Ã‹tU« m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd.
1. kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fS¡F¤ njitahd »isfis xU§»izªj
T£LwÎ ts®¢Á¤ £l¤Â‹ Ñœ r§f§fS¡F¡ f£ll« f£Ltij¥ nghš f£l
elto¡if vL¡fyh«.
2. t§»æ‹ jå mYty®, Ïj‰bfd t§»¥ bghJ nkyhs®, t§»æ‹ »is
nkyhs® k‰W« Jiw fs mYty® M»nahiu¡ bfh©l FG x‹iw V‰gL¤j
nt©L«. Ï¡FG f£Lkhd¥ gâia nk‰gh®itæl nt©L«.
3. f£ll¥ gâ¡fhd kÂ¥ÕL KoÎ brŒjš, f£Lkhd¥ gâfis nk‰gh®itæLjš,
brŒJ Ko¡f¥g£l f£ll¥ gâæid msÅL brŒjš k‰W« Ïj‰fhd uÓJfis
rçgh®¤jš ngh‹wt‰iw rç gh®¡f muR¥gâæèUªJ XŒÎ bg‰w bgh¿ahs®
mšyJ g£la bgh¿ahs® xUtiu ãakd« brŒJ bfhŸs nt©L«.
4. kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»æ‹ jå mYty®fŸ ËtU« é»jhrhuh¤Â‹
go f£ll¥ bghU£fis ga‹gL¤Â¡bfhŸtJl‹ f£ll¥ bghUŸfë‹
ju¤ijÍ« jå mYty®fŸ cW gL¤Â¡ bfhŸs nt©L«.

S.No Item of Work Mix proportions to be

1. Foundation Concrete 1:4:8

(Cement:sand: 40mm metal)
2. Plinth Beam (Cement:sand:20mm metal) 1:2:4

3. Brick work (Cement: sand) 1:5

4. Lintel & Columns 1:2:4

(Cement:sand:20 mm chips)

5. Roof slab (Cement:sand:20mm metal) 1:1:5:3

6. Plastering (Cement:sand) 1:5

7. Ceiling Plastering (Cement:sand) 1:3

kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»æ‹ jå mYty®fŸ f£Lkhd¥ gâfŸ eilbgW«

t§»¡ »isfis m›t¥nghJ gh®itæ£L f£Lkhd¥ gâæš v›éj FiwÍä‹¿
K‹nd‰w¤ij¡ f©fhâ¡f nt©L«.

Ïš vL¡f¥g£l elto¡iffis miu¤Â§fŸ m¿¡ifahf, Kjš miu¤Â§fŸ

m¿¡if 20M« njÂÍ« k‰W« Ïu©lh« miu¤Â§fŸ m¿¡if 5M« njÂ
»il¡FkhW« mD¥Ãit¡f nt©L«.

f£Lkhd¥gâæid Ñœ¡f©lthW fhy m£ltiz¥go Ko¤J, ãiwnt‰w¥gl


t.v© gâ étu« ehŸ

1. FG mik¤jš 18.06.2012
2. muR¥gâæèUªJ XŒÎ bg‰w bgh¿ahs® mšyJ g£la 25.06.2012
bgh¿ahsiu ãakd« brŒJ k©â‹ j‹ik rçgh®¤J
£l kÂ¥ÕLfis KoÎ brŒjš
3. f£Lkhd¥ gâfŸ Jt¡Fjš 05.07.2012
4. mo¤js¤Â‹ K‹nd‰w« 15.07.2012
5. Ïu©lhtJ K‹nd‰w« è©lš tiu 31.07.2012
6. _‹whtJ K‹nd‰w« Tiu tiu 25.08.2012

7. eh‹fhtJ K‹nd‰w« Tiu fh‹Ñߣ 25.09.2012
8. IªjhtJ K‹nd‰w« ä‹åiz¥ò bfhL¤jš 15.10.2012
f£Lkhd¥ gâfŸ ÏWÂah¡f«
9. ãiwt¿¡if 31.10.2012

tçir v©.(1 k‰W« 2)¡fhd K‹nd‰w m¿¡if 27.06.2012 m‹W »il¡FkhW

mD¥Ãit¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.


efš :jå mYty®, jäœehL khãy¤ jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§», br‹id

efš :mid¤J k©ly mYty®fŸ
efš :k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ.
efš :ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ.
efš :ÏU¥ò¡nfh¥ò

Cooperative Department
From To
Thiru P. Annamalai, I.A.S., The Additional Registrar,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region, Chennai
170, E.V.R. Periyar High Road, The Joint Registrars of all Regions
Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010

Rc.48672 / 2012 / PACS 1 dated 6.7.2012

Sir / Madam,

Cooperation – Engaging retired employees of Cooperatives

Instructions issued – Reg.


At present, based on the representations received from the DCCBs,

permission has been accorded to the DCCBs, for engaging the retired
employees of the DCCBs. Further, permission has also been accorded to few
institutions for engaging the retired employees based on the proposals received
from the Regional Joint Registrars. However, representations have been
received for the issue of general instructions for engaging the retired staff in
respect of all types of institutions, which are in need of manpower.

The representation has been examined. The number of vacancies has

also increased due to retirement of staff / resignation/ death etc. It is noticed
that in absence of adequate manpower, the Cooperatives are experiencing
difficulties in managing their day to day administration as well as
implementing various schemes. With a view to meet the staff requirements, the
Additional Registrar, Chennai Region and the Regional Joint Registrar are
permitted to accord necessary permission to the Primary Cooperatives in their
region for engaging the retired staff to ease out the difficulties which arise due
to vacancies in the Primary Cooperatives. Permission is hereby accorded to
engage the retired employees of the Cooperatives subject to the following

1. Persons retired from the cooperative institutions alone should be engaged
in the same institution and he should have worked in the cadre of
Assistant and above at the time of retirement, Persons retired within 3
years alone be considered for appointment.

2. He must be an experienced person in all types of activities of the

Cooperative Society.

3. He must possess good health.

4. He must not have been punished for any major irregularity by the

5. No disciplinary, criminal and surcharge action is pending against him.

6. He must be utilized only as Assistant irrespective of the cadre in which

he retired from the service. He may be used for writing accounts /
drafting and other urgent works only and he should not be entrusted
with handling of cash, jewels and other stocks like fertilizers.

7. He shall not engaged for a period exceeding six months in the aggregate.

8. He must be clearly informed that it is not a reemployment and the

individual will be relieved as soon as the purpose is over or at any time
without prior notice. This appointment will be purely temporary.

9. At any point of time the total number of employees in the Society shall
not exceed the cadre strength approved for the Society / or norms
approved for the particular Society / Bank by the Registrar.

10. Honorarium per retired employee shall be fixed at Rs.400 per day subject
to maximum of Rs.10000 per month.

I request you to communicate the contents of the instructions to all

primaries in the Region and based on the proposals received from the

Primaries, necessary permission may be accorded at your level. The action
taken in this regard may be reported.

Please acknowledge the receipt of the letter by next post.


For Registrar
Copy to the Special Officer, TNSACB, Chennai
Copy to the Special Officer, TANFED, Chennai
Copy to the Special Officer, TNCSARDB Chennai
Copy to the Special Officers of all DCCBs
Copy to the Deputy Registrar of all Circles
Copy to administrative Sections in Office.
Copy to Stock file.

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.600 010
ÂU. g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g.,

R‰w¿¡if v©. 20/ 2012

e.f. 57598 / 2012 / bjhntr1 ehŸ: 6.7.2012

bghUŸ:T£LwÎ- bjhl¡f ãiy¡ T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ /

gâ¡bfhil mj‰Fça r£l¥go eilKiw¥gL¤Jš
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd.
j‰nghJ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F¥
gâ¡bfhil r£l¤Â‰F c£g£L gâ¡bfhil tH§f muR Mizæ£LŸsJ. mj‹go
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ Jiz éÂfëš gâ¡bfhil
F¿¤J bt›ntW éjkhd fz¡ÑL bjçé¡f¥g£oUªjhY« nk‰T¿a r£l¤Â‰F
c£g£L gâ¡bfhil tH§f¥gl nt©L«. j‰nghJ Ïju tif¡ T£Lw΢
r§f§fëY« Ïnj gâahs®fŸ k‰W« gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f¥ gâahs®fŸ,
mt®fŸ gâah‰W« r§f§fS¡F« Ú£o¡f nt©L« vd¡ nfhç¡iffŸ bgw¥g£L
tU»‹wd. Ϥjifa nfhç¡iffŸ gçÓè¡f¥g£ld. mj‹go ËtU« m¿ÎiufŸ
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® f£L¥gh£oš cŸs mid¤J bjhl¡f ãiy T£Lw΢
r§f§fëY« mt‰¿‹ gâahs®fS¡F¥ gâ¡bfhil tH§F« r£l« 1972-Ïš cŸs
õu¤JfS¡F c£g£L gâ¡bfhil fz¡»l¥gl nt©Lbkd m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wJ.
gâ XŒÎ bgW« nghJ nk‰T¿a r£l tiuaiw¡F£g£L m¢r£l¤Âš F¿¥Ã£LŸs
ã c¢rtu«ò¡F äfhkš gâ¡bfhil tH§f¥gl nt©L«. gâ¡bfhil¢ r£l¥go
gâahs®fŸ msÎ v©â¡if ÏUªjhY«, gâahs®fŸ v©â¡if FiwªjhY«,
XŒÎ fhy gâ¡bfhil bjhifia gâ¡bfhil¢ r£l¥go tH§f nt©L«. nkY«
Ïj‰bfd¢ r«gªj¥g£l r§f§fë‹ Áw¥ò¤ Jiz éÂfëY« j¡f tifæš
ÂU¤j§fŸ nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©Lbkd bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ. ÏJ bjhl®ghf
r«gªj¥g£l r§f§fë‹ jå mYty®fS¡F¤ j¡f m¿ÎiufŸ tH§fΫ, Áw¥ò¤
Jiz é¤ÂU¤j¤ij v®neh¡» nk‰T¿a m¿Îiufis cldoahf¢
brašgL¤jΫ, m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« nf£L¡
Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifia¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã it¡fΫ
nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.
(x«) g. m©zhkiy
/Miz¥go/ gÂths®

1) TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«, br‹id

2) mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš : 1) mid¤J¢ ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
2) mYtyf t.M, ntCt, et, ãm k‰W« gÂths® mYtyf Ïju ã®thf¥
3) ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò
4) jå mYty®, jäœehL khãy jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§»
jäœehL T£LwÎ é‰gid Ïiza«
jäœehL T£LwÎ khãy ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»
jäœehL Ef®nth® T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid Ïiza«.

kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fë‹m¿é¥òfŸ


mD¥òe® bgWe®

ÂU. g.m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g., jåmYty®,

T£Lw΢r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ
170, bgçah® <.bt.uh. beLŠrhiy, t§»fŸ.
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, Ïiz¥gÂths®,
br‹id – 600 010. nfha«ò¤ö®, ÂU¢Áuh¥gŸë, <nuhL,
éG¥òu«, Ïuhkehjòu«, f‹åahFkç,
jŠrhñ®, »UZz»ç, f%®, kJiu,
ehk¡fš, Úy»ç, ÂUth%®, ntÿ®
k‰W« ÂUt©zhkiy k©ly§fŸ.

e.f.36273/2012 ntfÂ.3 ehŸ 16. 07. 2012.


bghUŸ T£LwÎ – T£LwΤJiw khåa¡ nfhç¡ifæ‹ nghJ

kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ btëæ£l
m¿é¥ò – mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ k‰W«
efu¡ T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ 100 »isfŸ %.15 nfho kÂ¥Õ£oš
Fë®rhjd trÂÍl‹ eÅdkakh¡Fjš - bjhl®ghf.

gh®it 1. 23.04.2012 m‹W T£LwΤJiw khåa¡ nfhç¡ifæ‹

nghJ kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ
btëæ£l m¿é¥òfŸ.
2 Ï›tYtyf¡ foj« e.f.36273/2012 ntfÂ.3 ehŸ
02. 05. 2012
3 Ï›tYtyf¡ foj« e.f.36273/2012 ntfÂ.3 ehŸ 31. 05. 2012
4 Ï›tYtyf¡ foj« e.f.36273/2012 ntfÂ.3 ehŸ 14. 06. 2012
nk‰fhQ« bghUëš fhQ« m¿é¥Ãid¢ brašgL¤j VJthf gh®it 2Ïš
fhQ« foj¤Âš, bjçÎ brŒa¥g£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§» k‰W« efu¡ T£LwÎ
t§»¡ »isfë‹ g£oaY«, eÅdkakh¡Fjš gâ¡fhd têKiwfS«

gh®itæu©oš fhQ« foj¤Âš muR¤ Jiw¥ bgh¿ahs®fëläUªJ £l
kÂ¥ÕL bgWtš äFªj fhyjhkjK«, Áuk§fS« V‰gLtjhf bjça tªjjhš, muR
cçk« bg‰w ãy msitahs® / Cuh£Á x‹¿a¥ bgh¿ahsçl« £l kÂ¥ÕL¥ bg‰W,
btë¥gilahd x¥gªj¥òŸë¢ r£l¥go (Tender Transperancy Act), _‹W
x¥gªjjhu®fëläUªJ x¥gªj¥òŸëfŸ bg‰W, mt‰¿š Fiwªj kÂ¥òŸs
x¥gªj¥òŸëia ÏWÂ brŒJ, gâ Ko¡f¡ nf£L¡bfhŸs¥g£oUªjJ.

gh®it (4) Ïš fhQ« foj¤Â› Ï¥gâia éiuªJ Ko¡f muR Jiwrh®ªj

kÂ¥Õ£lhs®, ãy msitahs®, muR gâæèUªJ XŒÎ bg‰w bgh¿ahs®/ g£la
bgh¿ahs® (Chartered Engineer) ngh‹w bjhêš tšYd®fëläUªJ £l kÂ¥ÕL
bg‰W btë¥gilahd x¥gªj¥òŸë r£l¥go (Tender Transparancy Act) Fiwªj g£r«
_‹W x¥gªjjhu®fëläUªJ x¥gªj¥òŸëfŸ bg‰W, mt‰¿š Fiwªj kÂ¥òŸs
x¥gªj¥òŸëia ÏWÂ brŒJ, gâiaKo¡FkhW m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥g£LŸsd.

Ï›thW eÅd kakh¡fš gâfis nk‰bfhŸS« nghJ ËtU« tifæš

jukhd bghU£fŸ ga‹gL¤j¥gLtij cW brŒJ bfhŸs¡ nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.

(1) Boiled water resistant plywood – with ISI Brandad.

(2) 1 mm thickness sun mica
(3) SR Grade adhesives like Fevical etc.,
(4) Qualify glass like Saint Gobain etc.,
(5) In respect of Air Conditioners, only copper condensers should be used.




efš : r«gªj¥g£l ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ.

efš : mYtyf et ÃçÎ – bjhl® elto¡if¡fhf.
efš : mYtyf Âtbr ÃçÎ


mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU.g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g., mid¤J k©ly
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ.
be 170 <btuh beLŠrhiy,
Ñœ¥gh¡f«,br‹id -10.

e.f.v©.52437/12 bjhntr 1 ehŸ 03.08.2012


bghUŸ: bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ

– bghJ éãnahf¤ £l é‰gidahs® - gjé
ca®Î – r§f§fëš V‰gL« Á‰bwG¤j®/ cu
é‰gidahs®/ k‰W« vG¤j® fhè¥
gâæl§fis gjéÍa®Î _y« ãu¥òjš –

gh®it : 1. gÂthsuJ R‰w¿¡if e.f.119653/97/bjhntt1

ehŸ 08.12.1997.
2. gÂthsuJ foj« e.f.133820/08/bjhntt1, ehŸ

bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f¡ f£L¥gh£oš brašgL«

ãahaéiy m§fho¥ gâahs®fS¡F gh®it (2)-Ïš fhQ« gÂthsuJ R‰w¿¡ifæš
F¿¥Ã£LŸs ãgªjidfëš Iªjhtjhf F¿¥Ã£LŸs ãgªjid mjhtJ (5) “bghJ
éãnahf¤ £lkhdJ bghJk¡fë‹ T® cz®ÎŸs gâahf ÏU¥gjhš bghJ
éãnahf¤ £l¥ gâahs®fS¡F gjéÍa®Î tH§Ftij j鮤Âlš nt©L«”
v‹gJ gjéÍa®Î tH§Ftj‰F jilahf cŸsjhf¥ gÂthsuJ ftd¤Â‰F
bfh©Ltu¥g£lJ. mjid¥ gçÓè¤J gh®it (2)-Ïš fhQ« foj¤Âš F¿¥Ã£LŸs
nk‰go ãgªjidia Ú¡fwÎ brŒJ ËtU« ÂUªÂa m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»wJ.

2) bghJ éãnahf¤ £l¤Â‹ Ñœ gâòçÍ« é‰gidahs®fŸ bjhl¡f

ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡fhd gâãiy¤Âwåš
nr®¡f¥gléšiybaåD«, m¥gâahs®fë‹ gâãakd« KiwahdjhfΫ/
tu‹Kiw¥gL¤j¥g£ljhfΫ ÏU¥Ã‹, nghÂa fšé¤ jFÂfŸ bg‰W _‹W M©LfŸ
Kiwahd gâãiwÎ brŒa¥g£oU¥Ã‹ mt®fS¡F mªjªj bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡
T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f¥ gâãiy¤ ÂwD¡F£g£L V‰gL« fhè¥gâæl§fëš

Á‰bwG¤j® mšyJ cué‰gidahs® k‰W« vG¤j® M»a gâæl§fëš V‰gL«
fhè¥gâæl§fS¡F gjéÍa®Î më¡fyh«.

3) m›thW bghJ éãnahf¤ £l é‰gidahs®fS¡F¥ gjéÍa®Î

më¡F«bghGJ m¢r§f¤Âš Kiwahf¥ gâãakd« brŒa¥g£L mid¤J fšé¤
jFÂfisÍ« bg‰WŸs mYtyf cjéahs®/ÏuΡ fhty® M»nah®fS¡F¢ rkkhf
é‰gidahs®fis¡ fU Ït®fëš ah® mid¤J jFÂfnshL gâ_¥Ãš Kjèš
cŸshnuh mt®fS¡F gjéÍa®Î më¡f¥gl nt©L«. gjé ca®édhš V‰gL«
é‰gidahs® fhè¥gâæl« ãu¥g elto¡if vL¡f¥gl nt©L«. nkY«,
fhè¥gâæl« ãu¥g¥gL« tiuæš gjéÍa®Î bg‰wt® bjhl®ªJ é‰gidahs®
gâæl¤Ânyna gâòça nt©L«.

4) Ï¡foj¤Âid mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ k‰W« mid¤J bjhl¡f

ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fS¡F« bjhl®òW¤Â nk‰F¿¥Ã£LŸs
eilKiwfŸ tGthJ Ëg‰w¥gLtij¡ f©fhâ¤ÂLkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.

5) Ï¡foj¤Âid¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òifia cldoahf mD¥Ã

it¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.




1. Ï›tYtyf bghéÂ(bghJ)/bghéÂ(f)/bghéÂ(K) ÃçÎfŸ.

2. Ïnfh 2012.
3. mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ.


From To
Thiru. P. Annamalai , I.A.S., The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region.
Registrar of Cooperative Societies All The Regional Joint Registrars .
N0,,170 E.V.R Periyar High Road,
Kilpauk, Chennai – 600 010.
Rc No. 48672/2012 PACS 1 Dated : 07.09. 2012

Sir/ Madam,

Sub : Cooperation – Engaging retired employees of cooperatives –

Further Instructions issued- - reg.

Ref: R’s letter No. 48672/2012/PACS.1 dated 6.7.2012.

---x ----

In the reference cited above, permission has been accorded to engage the
retired employees of the cooperative institutions in their region to ease out the difficulties
on account of vacancies in the Primary Cooperatives subject to certain conditions.

2. Now various representations have been received stating that retired

employees from the same Institutions are not available and that permission may be
accorded to engage the retired employees from other institutions if retired employees of
the same institution are not available / not willing to join. The above representations
have been examined and the following instructions are issued in respect of the condition
No.1.mentined in the reference above.

“ In respect of Primary Cooperative Societies if the employees retired from

the same institution are not available / not willing to Join, the retired employees from
the similar types of cooperatives within the circle may be engaged subject to the
condition that the respective circle DRCS/ the S.O. of the society from where he/she
retired shall certify that there is no Criminal case/Surcharge/Disciplinary action
taken/pending against the retired persons and the respective officer shall get it verified
and obtain evidence for re-employment.”

3) The other conditions as laid down earlier shall be in force.

/By order/
For Registrar.

Copy to: All Administrative Sections in office.
Copy to: The Special Officer TNSAC Bank, Chennai.
Copy to: The Special Officer TANFED, Chennai.
Copy to: The Special Officer TNSCA&RDBnk, Chennai.
Copy to: The Special Officer TNCCF, Chennai.
Copy to: The Special Officer, TNCU, Chennai.
Copy to: Stock File.


From To
Thiru. P. Annamalai , I.A.S., The Joint Registrars of all Regions .
Registrar of Cooperative Societies
N0,,170 E.V.R Periyar High Road,
Kilpauk, Chennai – 600 010.
Rc No. 74487/2012 PACS 1 Dated : 07.09. 2012

Sir/ Madam,

Sub: Cooperation – adoption of Special By laws by the PACCS – certain

modifications in the draft Special By laws communicated
Ref: 1. Registrar’s letter Rc. 27340 / 2012 / SF 4 dated 27.7.2012
2. Registrar’s letter Rc. 74487 / 2012 PACS 1 dated 27.8.2012
---x ----

I invite reference to the letter second cited, in which draft special by laws
relating to the service conditions of the employees of the PACCS have been
communicated for adoption. Now representations have been received for certain
modifications to the Special By laws and accordingly the following instructions are issued.

In this connection, I request you to ensure the incorporation of the

following in the Special By laws in the appropriate places.

Chapter II – Para 3 Cadre Strength

In the reference second cited, it was informed to fix the cadre strength
with reference to the PACCS as per their member level loan outstanding as on 31.3.2007.
However, in view of the increase in the member level loan outstanding. I request you to
fix the cadre strength of the PACSS as per the member level outstanding as on 31.3.2012.
In case of PACCS having loan outstanding more than Rs.5 Crores one post of Assistant
shall be created for every increase of Rs.3 Crores as loan outstanding at the member level.
In case the number of employees is more than the cadre strength in any of the cadres, the
services of existing staff shall be allowed to continue till their retirement, resignation or
death treating the post as supernumerary one.

In addition to the above, I request you to register the following
modifications to the Special By Laws communicated with the reference cited.
& Para As existing As modified
Chapter Category of Post Category of Post
II – 3(2) 5 Fertilizedr Salesman / Attender 5 Junior Assistant / Junior Clerk
/Fertilizer Salesman
II – 3(3) 3 Pay and allowances 3 Pay and allowances
(4) Allowances to the differently
abled employees shall be allowed
as per the Registrar’s instructions
issued from time to time.
Chapter Qualification for appointment
II – 4(1) 5 Fertilizedr Salesman / Attender 5 Junior Assistant / Junior Clerk
/Fertilizer Salesman
Chapter Sanction of leave Sanction of leave
IV – (22) Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(6) The President / Special Officer (6) The President / Special Officer shall
shall be competent to sanction any be competent to sanction any kind of
kind of leave to the employees. leave to the employees except casual
leave. The Secretary shall be
competent to sanction the casual leave
to the employees of other categories.
Chapter Regulations Regulations
X 43 Regulation Regarding Employees 43 Regulation Regarding Employees
Provident Fund Provident Fund
(4) Save as provided in Regulation (4) Save as provided in Regulation 7,
7, every person shall subscribe every person shall subscribe monthly at
monthly at 10 paise per rupee on 12 paise per rupee on the basic pay
the basic pay and dearness and dearness allowance.
I request you to issue instructions to the Circle Deputy Registrars to register the
special by laws with the above modifications and ensure that the above items viz. cadre
strength of each PACCS with reference to member leven outstanding as on 31.3.2012 and
also the Pay scale applicable to the PACCS to the class to which they belong, are correctly
incorporated in the Special Bylaws of the respective PACCS.
I also request you to acknowledge the receipt of the letter along with draft special
bylaws immediately.
I also request you to report the action taken in the matter early.


For Registrar
Copy to the Deputy Registrars of all Circles For information and necessary action
Copy to Stock file

Copy to the Joint Registrar (S & T)

Copy to the Deputy Registrar (Surcharge)
Copy to SF Section For information.
Office of the RCS, Chennai.600 010

T£LwΤ Jiw

mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU. g. m©zhkiy. Ï.M,g., k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, mid¤J k©ly«
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mYtyf«, (br‹id jéu)
170. bgçah® <. bt.uh beLŠrhiy,
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id- 10.
ef. 17411/2012 ntf 2 ehŸ: 09. 10. 2012
mŒah/ m«ikp®,

bghUŸ T£LwÎ – kh©òäF T£LwΤ Jiw mik¢r® mt®fë‹

m¿é¥ò – 2011 – 12 M« M©oš 1000 bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡
T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ k‰W« 100 bjhl¡f¡ T£LwÎ
ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»fëš bghJ¢ nrit
ika« mik¡f¥g£lJ- bryΤ bjhif K‹bkhêÎ mD¥g¡
nfhçaJ -bjhl®ghf.
gh®it Ï›tYtyf¡ foj« e.f. v©.17411/2012 ntfÂ2 ehŸ 21.05.2012.

gh®itæš fhQ« foj¤Âš, 2011-12 M« M©oš 1000 bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡

T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ k‰W« 100 bjhl¡f¡ T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf
ts®¢Á t§»fëš bghJ¢ nrit ika« mik¡f¢ bryÎ brŒj bjhifæš %.10000/-
tiu jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤jhš guhkç¡f¥gL« T£LwÎ, MuhŒ¢Á k‰W« ts®¢Á
ãÂæèUªJ ÂU«g¥ bgW« bghU£L, cça tifæš, K‹bkhêÎfis mD¥Ã
it¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥g£lJ. ÏJ F¿¤J ËtU« m¿ÎiufŸ

nk‰f©l £l¤Âid¢ brašgL¤Jtj‰fhf¢ bryél¥g£l¤ bjhif %.10000/-

v‹gJ äf¡ Fiwªj¤ bjhif v‹gjhY«, Ïjid¥ bgWtj‰fhf K‹bkhêÎfŸ
mD¥òtš V‰gL« bryéd« k‰W« fhy ÏH¥Ãid¤ j鮡F« bghU£L«, bghJ¢
nrit ika« bjhl¡f ãiy r§f§fS¡F TLjš tUthia <£l V‰gL¤j¥g£l
mik¥ò v‹gjhY«, Ϥbjhifæid bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ
k‰W« bjhl¡f¡ T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»fŸ j¤j« brhªj
ãÂæèUªJ <L brŒJ bfhŸSkhW r«kªj¥g£l r§f§fŸ/t§»fS¡F k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ mséš m¿ÎiufŸ tH§»¡ f©fhâ¡FkhW
nf£L¡bfhŸ»nw‹. Ïš K‹bkhêÎfŸ VJ« Ï›tYtyf¤Â‰F mD¥g¤
njitæšiy v‹W« bjçé¤J¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.

Ï¡foj¤ij¥ bg‰W¡bfh©lik¡fhd x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã it¡FkhW

nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.

1. jå mYty®,
jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id – 600 010.

2. jå mYty®,
jäœehL khãy T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»,
br‹id-600 004.

3. jå mYty®,
jäœehL khãy jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§», br‹id -600 001.

4. mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ

5. ntCt ÃçÎ

6. ÏU¥ò¡nfh¥ò


From To
Thiru. P. Annamalai , I.A.S., The Joint Registrars of all Regions .
Registrar of Cooperative Societies
N0,,170 E.V.R Periyar High Road,
Kilpauk, Chennai – 600 010.
Rc No. 74487/2012 PACS 1 Dated : 08.11. 2012

Sir/ Madam,

Sub: Cooperation – adoption of Special By laws by the PACCS –

certain modifications in the draft Special By laws communicated
– further modifications - Regarding
Ref: 1. Registrar’s letter Rc. 27340 / 2012 / SF 4 dated 27.7.2012
2. Registrar’s letter Rc. 74487 / 2012 PACS 1 dated
3. Registrar’s letter Rc.74487 / 2012 / PACS 1 dated
I invite reference to the letter third cited, in which certain
modifications the Special By laws have been communicated.
In the reference third cited, it was informed to fix the cadre strength
to the PACCS with reference to their member level loan outstanding as on
31.3.2012 instead of 31.3.2007 and that in case of PACCS having loan outstanding
more than Rs.5 Crores one post of Assistant shall be created for every increase of
Rs.3 Crores of loan outstanding at the member level.

Now, in regard to sanction of one post of Assistant/Clerk for every

increase of Rs.3 Crores, the following modifications are issued.

Chapter II – Para 3 – Cadre Strength

In GO 189 CF & CP Department dated 17.11.2009, two posts of

Assistants have been sanctioned for loan outstanding of Rs.5 crores to Rs.10 Crores.
In addition to that now it is permitted to create one post of Assistant for every
increase of Rs.3 Crores, in respect of the PACCS having member loan outstanding
of above Rs.10 crores.
I request you to issue instructions to the Circle Deputy Registrars to
register the Special By laws with the above modification and ensure that the above
items viz. cadre strength of each PACCS with reference to member level outstanding
as on 31.3.2012 and sanction of one post of Assistant for every increase of Rs.3
Crores for the member level loan outstanding beyond Rs.10 crores and also the Pay
scale applicable to the PACCS to the class to which they belong, as per the GO
No.189 CF & CP Department 17.11.2009 and as amended vide G.O. (Ms) No.81 CF
& CP Department, dated 29.6.2012 are correctly incorporated in the Special Bylaws
of the respective PACCS.

I also request you to report the action taken in the matter early


/By Order/
For Registrar
Copy to the Deputy Registrars of all Circles
- For information and necessary action
Copy to Stock file

Copy to the Joint Registrar (S & T)

Copy to the Deputy Registrar (Surcharge) For Information.
Copy to SF Section
Office of the RCS, Chennai.600 010

T£LwΤ Jiw
mD¥òe® bgWe®

ÂU.g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g., mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
v©.170 bgçah® <.bt.uh.beLŠrhiy
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.600 010
e.f. 99158 / 2011 bjhntr 1 ehŸ 20.12.2012
Iah / m«ikp®,

bghUŸ: T£LwÎ – bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹

r§f§fŸ – murhiz (ãiy) v©.81, T£LwÎ, czÎ
k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 29.6.2012 Ï‹go
btëæl¥g£l ÂU¤j¥g£l r«gs V‰w KiwfŸ –
m¿ÎiufŸ bjhl®ghf
gh®it: 1.murhiz v©.189 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 17.11.2009
2. murhiz (ãiy) v©.81 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 29.06.2012
3. gÂthsuhJ foj« e.f. 99158 / 2011 bjhntr1 ehŸ
gh®itæš fhQ« foj§fë‹ ÛJ j§fë‹ ftd¤ij¡ bfh©L
2) gh®it Ïu©lš F¿¥Ã£LŸs murhizæš bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡
T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F murhiz v©.189 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 17.11.2009Ïš bjhl®òW¤j¥g£l r«gs V‰w
Kiwfëš (Time Scale of Pay) cŸs nj¡f ãiyia¥ ngh¡Ftj‰F VJthf
m¢r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡fhd x›bthU gjé¡Fça CÂa é»j¤ijÍ«
Ú£o¤J, òÂa r«gs é»j§fŸ ã®za« brŒJ MizfŸ btëæl¥g£ld.
j‰nghJ Ï¥òÂa r«gs V‰w KiwfŸ muR¡foj« v©.6788/Áv‹1/05-2 T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 4.4.42005 Ïš Áw¥ò mDk bg‰W,
CÂa ca®Î bg‰W tU« gâahs®fS¡F k£L«, bghUªJkh vd¤ bjëÎiufŸ

nfhu¥gL»‹wd. Ï¡nfhç¡if gçÓè¡f¥g£L ËtU« m¿ÎiufŸ
3) CÂa V‰w Kiwæš nj¡f ãiy tut hŒ¥òŸs ãiyæš, murhiz
(ãiy) v©.81, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 29.06.2012 Ïš
mDk¡f¥g£LŸs ÂU¤Âa r«gs é»j§fŸ mid¤J bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡
T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F bghUªJ« vd¤ bjçé¤J¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.

4) ϧ‡d« ÂU¤j¥g£l CÂa é»j§fis bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡

T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš eilKiw¥gL¤J« nghJ gâahs®fS¡F tH§f¥gl
nt©oa ãYit¤ bjhif mt®fsJ tU§fhy it¥ò ã¡ fz¡»š tuÎ
it¡f¥gl nt©L« vdΫ, ÂU¤j¥g£l CÂa é»j§¡ë‹go CÂa ca®Î
ã®za« brŒÍ« nghJ r§f§fë‹ r«gs« tH§F« jFÂfis (Paying Capacity of
PACCS) cWÂ¥gL¤Â¡ bfhŸS« bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ.
5) nk‰F¿¥Ã£LŸs bjëÎiufis mid¤J ruf¤
Jiz¥gÂths®fS¡F« bjhl®òW¤Â murhizæš bjçé¡f¥g£LŸsthW
eilKiw¥gL¤j¥gLtij cW brŒJ bfhŸs¡ nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹. CÂa
é»j§fëš bghU¤j« brŒÍ« nghJ VnjD« é ÛwšfŸ ÏU¥Ã‹ ruf¤
Jiz¥gÂths® k‰W« bjhl®òila bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹
r§f§fë‹ jå mYty® bghW¥ò V‰f neçL« v‹W« bjçé¡f¡ nf£L¡
6) Ï¡foj¤ij¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òifia cl‹ mD¥ÃLkhW
nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.
// Miz¥go //
efš: mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: ÏU¥ò nfh¥Ã‰F

T£LwÎ – bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fë‹ CÂa
ã®za« nj¡f ãiyia fistJ – ÂU¤j« btëæl¥gL»wJ.
T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ (Áv‹.1) Jiw

murhiz (ãiy) v©.81 ehŸ : 29.06.2012

Må 15, ÂUtŸqt® M© 2043


1. murhiz (ãiy) v©.189 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤

Jiw ehŸ 17.11.2009
2. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® foj« e.f. 120296/2008 bjhntr 1 ehŸ
3. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® foj« e.f. 120296/2008 bjhntr 1 ehŸ

nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l Mizæš bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwÎ r§f¥

gâahs®fŸ òÂa CÂa é»j¤Âš mÂfg£r r«gs é»j¤ij milªÂU¥Ã‹
filÁ CÂa ca®Î Ïu©L M©LfS¡F xU CÂa ca®Î v‹w Kiwæš
tH§f¥gl nt©L« vd Mizæl¥g£LŸsJ.

2. nkny Ïu©oš go¡f¥g£l foj¤Âš, T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®

muR foj« 6788/Áv‹.1/2005-2, ehŸ 4.4.2005 Ïš ËtU« ãgªjidfë‹go
brašgL« r§f§fŸ 12(3) 18(1) ‹ go x¥gªj« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸs¥g£l CÂa
x¥gªj§fë‹ mo¥gilæš jh« bg‰W tªj CÂa§fis bjhl®ªJ bg‰W tu
mDk¡f¥g£ld vd bjçé¤JŸsh®.

1) r§f¤Â‹ Ášyiw k‰W« rhjšth® bryéd« m¢r§f¤Â‹ eilKiw

_yjd¤Â‹ 2 rjÅj¤Â‰F c£g£L ÏU¡f nt©L«.

2) r§f« el¥gh©oš Ïyhg¤Âš brašgl nt©L« k‰w« flªj

Iªjh©Lfëš (2003-2004 Kjš) _‹wh©LfŸ Ïyhg¤Âš
brašg£oU¡f nt©L«.

j‰nghJ Ϥjifa r§f¥ gâahs®fŸ, jh§fŸ V‰fdnt muÁ‹ Áw¥ò

mDk bg‰W x¥gªj¥go 4.6.1999 ehë£l murhiz 131š mDk¡f¥g£l r«gs
é»j§fis él TLjyhf r«gs« bg‰W tU« ãiyæš òÂa r«gs é»j¤Âš
r«gs« ã®zæ¡F« g£r¤Âš j§fS¡F vªj ãÂ¥gaD« Ïšiy vd¤ bjçé¤J
bghU¤J¥ g£oaèš ÏWÂ ãiyfëš r«gs« bghU¤j« V‰gL« ãiyæš nj¡f
CÂa ca®éid M©L¡bfhU Kiw më¡f¡ nfhU« nfhç¡if gçÓè¡f¥g£lJ
vd T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® muÁ‹ Áw¥ò mDk bg‰W x¥gªj¥go,
4.6.1999 ehë£l murhiz 131š mDk¡f¥g£l r«gs é»j§fis él TLjyhf
r«gs« bg‰W tU« ãiyæY«, Ϥjiia r§f§fŸ yhg¤Âš brašg£L tU»‹w
ãiyæY« Ϫj r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡F Kjš Iªjh©LfS¡F x›bthU
M©o‰F« filÁ ãiy CÂa ca®éid M©L CÂa ca®thf më¡fΫ,
Iªjh©LfS¡F Ë Ïu©lh©LfS¡F xUKiw CÂa ca®Î më¡fyh«,
vdΫ ϧ‡d« nj¡f ãiyæš M©L CÂa ca®Î më¥gJ mt®fis
C¡f¥gL¤J« tifæš mikÍ« vdΫ, vdnt, muR foj«
v©.6788/Áv‹.1/2005-2, ehŸ 4.4.2005š më¡f¥g£l Áw¥ò mDkÂæ‹ ngçš
r«gs« bg‰W tU« r§f¥ gâahs®fŸ ahU¡nfD« òÂa r«gs«
bghU¤J¥g£oaèš ÏWÂ ãiyæš (Maximum in the time scale of pay) bghU¤j«
V‰gL« ãiyæš 1.4.2008 Kjš, Kjš Iªjh©LfS¡F x›bthU M©o‰F«
filÁ ãiy CÂa ca®éid M©L CÂa ca®thf bgwΫ Iªjh©LfS¡F
Ë Ïu©lh©LfS¡F xU Kiw CÂa ca®Î bgwΫ, nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l
murhizæš Ïiz¥ò tçir v©.7¡F j¡f ÂU¤j« tH§FkhW T£Lw΢
r§f§fë‹ gÂths® muir¡ nf£L¡ bfh©LŸsh®.

3. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ fU¤JUit muR ftdkhf gçÓyid

brŒjJ, bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwÎ r§f gâahs®fS¡fhd òÂa r«gs
é»j¤Âš nj¡f ãiyia ngh¡Ftj‰F VJthf bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ
fl‹ r§f§fë‹ Cêa®fS¡F x›bthU gjé¡Fça CÂa é»j¤ijÍ«
Ú£o¤J ã®za« brŒa (To alter the existingpay scale structure) murhiz (ãiy)
v©.189 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 17.11.2009 ¡F j¡f
ÂU¤j§fŸ Ïiz¥Ãš f©LŸsthW btëælyh« vd muR fU m›thnw

4. nkny g¤Â 3š F¿¥Ãl¥g£LŸs muR Mizæ‹go, cça elto¡if

vL¡FkhW T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®.

5. Ï›thizæ‹go, bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥

gâahs®fŸ 1.4.2008 Kjš CÂa ca®Î bgw jF cilat®fŸ Mt®. Ï›ñÂa
ca®édhš gâahs®fS¡F tH§f¥glnt©oa ãYit¤ bjhif mt®fsJ
tU§fhy it¥ò ã¡ fz¡»š tuÎ it¡f¥gl nt©L«.

6. òÂa r«gs«më¡F« nghJ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwÎ fl‹

r§f§fŸ jkJ gâahs®fS¡F r«gs« tH§F« jFÂfis (Capacity to pay)
cWÂ¥gL¤Â¡ bfhŸSkhW« nk‰f©l r«gs ca®édhš V‰gL« TLjš
ã¢Rikia muR V‰W¡bfhŸshJ v‹gij mid¤J bjhl¡f ntsh©ik
T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fS¡F« bjçé¡f T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®

7. Ï›this 㤠Jiwæ‹ mYtš rh®g‰w F¿¥ò v©.36470 / CF & CP
ehŸ 27.06.2012-š bg‰w ÏirÎl‹ btëæl¥gL»wJ.

(MSeç‹ Miz¥o)
v«.Ã. ã®kyh
muR brayhs®

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id.10

kh©òäF Kjyik¢rç‹ brayhs®, br‹id-9
kh©òäF ãÂaik¢rç‹ Áw¥ò ne®Kf cjéahs®, br‹id-9
kh©òäF T£LwΤ Jiw mik¢rç‹ Áw¥ò ne®Kf cjéahs®, br‹id-9
jiyik¢ bray® mt®fë‹ jå¢ brayhs®, br‹id.9
ã¤Jiw Kj‹ik¢ brayç‹ jå¢ brayhs®, br‹id-9
T£LwΤ Jiw brayhsç‹ jå¢ brayhs®, br‹id-9
ÏU¥ò nfh¥ò / cjé efš

// Miz¥go mD¥g¥gL»wJ //

ÃçÎ mYty®

murhiz (ãiy) v©.189 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ
17.11.2009 Ïiz¥ò II ¡F btëæl¥gL« ÂU¤j«.
“V” tF¥ò
murhiz (ãiy) v©.189
gâæl« T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« j‰nghJ kh‰¿
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw, mik¡f¥g£l r«gs é»j«
ehŸ 17.11.2009‹ goahd r«gs
(1) (2) (3)
brayhs® 7700-200/9-9500-225/12- 7700-200/9-9500-225/12-
12200-250/12-15200-275/12- 12200-250/12-15200-275/12-
18500-300/12-22100-325/4- 18500-300/12-22100-325/13-
23400 26325
(1+61) (1+70)
cjé brayhs®/ 6850-150/1-7000-175/4-7700- 6850-150/1-7000-175/4-
nkyhs® 200/9-9500-225/12-12200- 7700-200/9-9500-225/12-
250/12-15200-275/12-18500- 12200-250/12-15200-275/12-
300/3-19400 18500-300/3-23000
(1+53) (1+65)
KJãiy vG¤j®/ 5950-150/7-7000-175/4-7700- 5950-150/7-7000-175/4-
fz¡fhs® / 200/9-9500-225/12-12200- 7700-200/9-9500-225/12-
fhrhs® 250/12-15200-275/2-15750 12200-250/12-15200-275/16-
(1+46) 19600
vG¤j®/ j£l¢r® / 5250-125/2-5500-150/10- 5250-125/2-5500-150/10-
eifkÂ¥ghs® 7000-175/4-7700-200/9- 7000-175/4-7700-200/9-
9500-225/12-12200-250/12- 9500-225/12-12200-250/12-
15200-275/2-15750 15200-275/11-18225
(1+51) (1+60)
cué‰gidahs® / 4500-125/8-5500-150/10- 4500-125/8-5500-150/10-
Á‰bwG¤j® 7000-175/4-7700(1+22) 7000-175/20-10500(1+38)
ÏuÎ fhty® / 4050-100/24250-125/10-5500- 4050-100/24250-125/10-
Vty® 150/10-7000-175/4-7700 (1+26) 5500-150/10-7000-175/16-
9800 (1+38)

v«.Ã. ã®kyh
muR brayhs®
//Miz¥go mD¥g¥gL»wJ//

ÃçÎ mYty®
“Ô tF¥ò
murhiz (ãiy) v©.189
gâæl« T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« j‰nghJ kh‰¿
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw, mik¡f¥g£l r«gs é»j«
ehŸ 17.11.2009‹ goahd r«gs
(1) (2) (3)
brayhs® 7175-175/3-7700-200/9-9500- 7175-175/3-7700-200/9-
225/12-15200-275/12-18500- 9500-225/12-15200-275/12-
300/3-19400 18500-300/12-22100
(1+51) (1+60)
cjé brayhs®/ 8250-150/5-7000-175/4-7700- 8250-150/5-7000-175/4-
nkyhs® 200/9-9500-225/12-12200- 7700-200/9-9500-225/12-
250/12-15200-275/2-15750 12200-250/12-15200-275/12-
(1+44) 18500
KJãiy vG¤j®/ 5500-150/10-7000-175/4- 5500-150/10-7000-175/4-
fz¡fhs® / 7700-200/9-9500-225/12- 7700-200/9-9500-225/12-
fhrhs® 12200-250/1-12450 12200-250/15-15950
(1+36) (1+50)
vG¤j®/ j£l¢r® / 4750-125/6-5500-150/10- 4750-125/6-5500-150/10-
eifkÂ¥ghs® 7000-175/4-7700-200/9-9500 7000-175/4-7700-200/20-
(1+29) 11700
cué‰gidahs® / 4250-125/10-5500-150/10- 4250-125/10-5500-150/10-
Á‰bwG¤j® 7000-175/4-7700-200/1-7900 7000-175/4-7700-200/16-
(1+25) 11950
ÏuÎ fhty® / 3850-100/4-4250-125/10- 3850-100/4-4250-125/10-
Vty® 5500-150/10-7000-175/4-7700 5500-150/10-7000-175/16-
(1+28) 9800 (1+40)

v«.Ã. ã®kyh
muR brayhs®
//Miz¥go mD¥g¥gL»wJ//

ÃçÎ mYty®

“Á” tF¥ò
murhiz (ãiy) v©.189
gâæl« T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« j‰nghJ kh‰¿
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw, mik¡f¥g£l r«gs é»j«
ehŸ 17.11.2009‹ goahd r«gs
(1) (2) (3)
brayhs® 6400-150/4-7000-175/4-7700- 6400-150/4-7000-175/4-
200/9-9500-225/9-11525 7700-200/9-9500-225/18-
(1+26) 113550
cjé brayhs®/ 5650-150/9-7000-175/4-7700- 5650-150/9-7000-175/4-
nkyhs® 200/9-9500-225/3-10175 7700-200/9-9500-225/13-
(1+25) 12425
KJãiy vG¤j®/ 5500-150/10-7000-175/4- 5500-150/10-7000-175/4-
fz¡fhs® / 7700-200/9-9500-225/2-9950 7700-200/9-9500-225/12-
fhrhs® (1+25) 12200
vG¤j®/ j£l¢r® / 4375-125/9-5500-150/10- 4375-125/9-5500-150/10-
eifkÂ¥ghs® 7700-175/4-7700 7700-175/16-9800
(1+23) (1+35)
cué‰gidahs® / 3850-100/4-4250-125/10- 3850-100/4-4250-125/10-
Á‰bwG¤j® 5500-150/10-7000-175/1-7175 5500-150/10-7000-175/11-
(1+25) 8925 (1+35)
ÏuÎ fhty® / 3350-100/9-4250-125/10- 3350-100/9-4250-125/10-
Vty® 5500-150/6-6400 5500-150/16-7900
(1+25) (1+35)

v«.Ã. ã®kyh
muR brayhs®
//Miz¥go mD¥g¥gL»wJ//
ÃçÎ mYty®

“o” tF¥ò
murhiz (ãiy) v©.189
gâæl« T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« j‰nghJ kh‰¿
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw, mik¡f¥g£l r«gs é»j«
ehŸ 17.11.2009‹ goahd r«gs
(1) (2) (3)
brayhs® 5650-150/9-7000-175/4-7700- 5650-150/9-7000-175/4-
200/9-9500-225/3-10175 7700-200/9-9500-225/13-
(1+25) 12425
cjé brayhs®/ 5500-150/10-7000-175/4- 5500-150/10-7000-175/4-
nkyhs® 7700-200/9-9500-225/2-9950 7700-200/9-9500-225/12-
(1+25) 12200
KJãiy vG¤j®/ 4375-125/9-5500-150/10- 4375-125/9-5500-150/10-
fz¡fhs® / 7700-175/4-7700 7700-175/4-7700-175/16-
fhrhs® (1+23) 9800
vG¤j®/ j£l¢r® / 3850-100/4-4250-125/10- 3850-100/4-4250-125/10-
eifkÂ¥ghs® 5500-150/10-7000-175/1-7175 5500-150/10-7000-175/11-
(1+25) 8925 (1+35)
cué‰gidahs® / 3350-100/9-4250-125/10- 3350-100/9-4250-125/10-
Á‰bwG¤j® 5500-150/6-6400 5500-150/16-7900
(1+25) (1+35)
ÏuÎ fhty® / 2800-90/5-3250-100/10-4250- 2800-90/5-3250-100/10-
Vty® 125/10-5500 4250-125/20-6750
(1+25) (1+35)

v«.Ã. ã®kyh
muR brayhs®
//Miz¥go mD¥g¥gL»wJ//
ÃçÎ mYty®

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , Ñœ¥gh¡f«,
ÂU. g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g.,
R‰w¿¡if v©. 26/ 2012
e.f. 72194/ 2012 / t.M.1 ehŸ: 15.9.2012

bghUŸ: T£LwÎ – gâahs®fŸ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ k‰W«

efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« Cêa®fS¡F
tH§f¥gL« jå eg® fl‹ c¢r tu«Ãid %.2/-
Ïy£r¤ÂèUªJ %.3/- Ïy£rkhf ca®¤Â tH§Fjš– mDkÂ
gh®it: 1. murhiz (ãiy) v©.183, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 30.05.2007
2. gÂths® R‰w¿¡if v©. 29 / 2011 (e.f. 61741 / 11/ktg1) ehŸ

gh®it (1)-Ïš F¿¥Ãl¥g£l murhizæš, efu¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ,

gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš
gâah‰W« gâah‰W« gâahs®fS¡F tH§f¥gL« jå eg® fl‹ c¢r tu«ig
%.2/- Ïy£rkhf ca®¤Â tH§»l MizfŸ Ãw¥Ã¡f¥g£ld.

gh®it (2)-Ïš F¿¥Ãl¥g£LŸs gÂths® R‰w¿¡ifæš, kht£l k¤Âa¡

T£LwÎ t§»¥ gâahs®fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwÎ t§»¥ gâahs®fS¡F
tH§f¥gL« jåeg® fl‹ c¢r tu«Ãid Áy ãgªjidfS¡F£g£L %.2/-
Ïy£r¤ÂèUªJ %.3/- Ïy£rkhf ca®¤Â tH§»l mDk më¡f¥g£lJ. j‰nghJ
gâahs®fŸ T£Lw΢ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f¥
gâahs®fS¡F« jå eg® flD¡fhd c¢r tu«Ãid %.2/- Ïy£r¤ÂèUªJ
%.3/- Ïy£rkhf ca®¤Â tH§»l nfhç¡iffŸ bgw¥g£LŸsd. m›thW
bgw¥g£LŸs nfhç¡iffŸ éçthf MŒÎ brŒa¥g£L gâahs® T£LwΡ fl‹
r§f¥ gâahs®fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F
tH§f¥gL« jåeg® fl‹ c¢r tu«Ãid %.2/- Ïy£r¤ÂèUªJ %.3/- Ïy£rkhf
ca®¤Â tH§»l mDk më¡f¥gL»wJ.

m›thW jåeg®fl‹ mDk¡f¥gL«nghJ Ñœ¡f©l ãgªjidfis¤

jtwhkš Ëg‰¿l m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wJ.

1. gâahs® xUtU¡F mÂfg£r¡ f£‹ bjhif %.3/- Ïy£r« mšyJ mo¥gil¢
r«gs«, jå¢r«gs« (VnjD« ÏU¥Ã‹) k‰W« mféiy¥go M»at‰¿‹ 20
kl§F¤ bjhif Ït‰¿š vJ Fiwnth m¤bjhif fldhf tH§f¥gl nt©L«.

2. it¥ÕLfŸ ÛJ tH§f¥gL« mÂfg£r t£o¡F¡ TLjyhf 2 rjÅj« t£oÍl‹

120 khjhªÂu¤ jtizæš fl‹ ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤j¥gl nt©L«.

3. òÂa fl‹ %.3/- Ïy£r« mšyJ mo¥gil¢ r«gs«, jå¢r«gs« (VnjD«

ÏU¥Ã‹) k‰W« mféiy¥go M»at‰¿š ÏUgJ kl§F¤ bjhif Ït‰¿š vJ
Fiwthdnjh m¤ bjhif tH§F« nghJ, V‰fdnt tH§f¥g£l jåeg® fl‹
bjhifæš ãYitahf cŸs bjhifæid¡ fê¤J, ca®¤Â tH§f¥glΟs
flD¡fhd khjhªÂu¤ jtizÍ« nr®¤J gâahs® Å£o‰F vL¤J¢ bršY«
r«gs« mtUila bkh¤j r«gs¤Âš 25% -¡F Fiwthf ÏU¡f¡ TlhJ v‹w
ãgªjid¡F£g£L vŠÁa fl‹ bjhif tH§f¥gl nt©L«.

Ï¢R‰w¿¡if bjhl®ghf TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly« k‰W« Ãw

k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ j§fŸ k©ly¤Âš cŸs gâahs® T£LwΡ fl‹
r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ jå mYty®fS¡F j¡f
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§FkhW« k‰W« Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lik¡fhd
x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã it¡FkhW« nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.


TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«
mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

efš : jå mYty®, jäœehL khãy jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§», br‹id.1

efš : jå mYty®fŸ, mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
efš : mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®
efš : gÂths® mYtyf et, ktg, k‰W« ktbfhÃçÎfŸ
efš : ãm ÃçÎ gÂths® mYtyf« (ÏU efšfŸ) mgm ÃçÎ (ÏU efšfŸ)
efš : ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò

T£Lw΢r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if
ÂU g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g,
T£Lw΢r§f§fë‹ gÂths®

R‰w¿¡if v©. 3/2012 ehŸ 01-02-2012

(ef 25516/2011 ktbfh1)

bghUŸ: T£LwÎ – T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ tH§» tU« eif¡

fl‹fS¡fhd jå eg® c¢r tu«ò % 5 Ïy£rkhf
ca®¤Â tH§f m¿ÎiufŸ tH§Fjš – F¿¤J

gh®it: 1. gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if v© 39./ 2009

ehŸ 16-11-2009.

2. gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if v© 30/ 2011

ehŸ 21-9-2011.


gh®it (1) Ïš f©l gÂths® R‰w¿¡ifæš T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ _y«

tH§f¥g£LtU« jåeg® c¢r tu«ò % 5,00,000 vd ã®zæ¡f¥g£oUªjJ. gh®it
(2) fhQ« R‰w¿¡ifæš eif¡fl‹ tH§F« nghJ »uh« x‹W¡F mÂfg£rkhf
% 1800 tH§fyh« v‹W« m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥g£L eilKiwæš ÏUªJ tU»wJ.

jå eg® eif¡ fl‹ c¢r tu«ò % 5/-Ïy£rkhf ca®¤Â ã®zæ¤jnghJ

»uh« x‹W¡F fldsÎ %.1050 Mf ÏUªjJ v‹W bjçé¤J, j‰nghJ mÂfç¤J
tU« cgç ãÂfis ghJfh¥ghd fldhd ( Secured loans) eif¡flåš KjÄL
brŒÂl VJthf jå eg® c¢r tu«ig % 8/- Ïy£rkhf ca®¤Â tH§f m¿ÎiufŸ
nt©o bgw¥g£l nfhç¡iffŸ ftd¤Jl‹ gçÓè¡f¥g£L, j‰nghJ T£LwÎfŸ
tâf t§»fŸ k‰W« jåah® ãWtd§fSl‹ ngh£oæ£L, j¤j« tâf¤ij
ca®¤j nt©oa f£l¤Âš cŸs ãiyæš T£LwÎ t§»fŸ k‰W« ãWtd§fŸ
mitfë‹ cgç ãÂia eif¡fl‹ tH§Ftš <L¥gL¤JtJ mitfë‹
Ïyhg é»j¤ij mÂfç¡f¢ brŒÍ« v‹gjhY« mitfŸ tho¡ifahs®fis
<®¡f VJthf mikÍ« v‹gjhY« eif¡fl‹ tH§Ftj‰fhd jå eg® fl‹
c¢r tu«Ãid % 8 /- Ïy£rkhf ca®¤j¥gL»wJ.

ϧ‡d« ca®¤j¥gL« eif¡flD¡fhd jå eg® c¢r tu«ò, gÂths®

f£L¥gh£oš eif¡fl‹ tH§» tU« mid¤J T£LwÎ mik¥òfS¡F«
bghUªJ«. våD« Ϫj tu«ò, r«gªj¥g£l r§f§fë‹ ã ãiyia¥ bghW¤J
mikÍ«. r§f§fë‹ ã Mjhu§fŸ tYthf ÏU¥Ã‹, % 8 /- Ïy£r« tiu jå
eg® xUtU¡F eif¡ fl‹ tH§fyh«. mid¤J r§f§fS« % 8 /- Ïy£r« tiu
jå egU¡F mÂfg£rkhf tH§fnt©L« v‹w f£lha« Ïšiy. nkY« eif¡
fl‹ Kiwahd eg®fS¡F tH§f¥gLtJ« f©fhâ¡f¥gl nt©L«.
nk‰T¿athW ca®¤Â mDk¡f¥g£LŸs jåegU¡fhd eif¡fl‹ c¢r tu«ò
cldoahf eilKiw¡F tU»wJ.

Ïjid¤ j§fë‹ braš všiyæš cŸs mid¤J efu¡T£LwÎ t§»fŸ,

efu¢T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ, bjhl¡f ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á
t§»fŸ,bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡T£LwΡfl‹ r§f§fŸ k‰W« eif¡fl‹
tH§»tU« T£LwÎ é‰gid¢ r§f§fS¡F¤ bjhl®òW¤JkhW br‹id k©ly
TLjš gÂths® k‰W« mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ jå mYty®fS«.

j§fë‹ »isfë‹ nkyhs®fS¡F« Ï›t¿Îiufis¤ bjhl®òW¤JkhW
nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.

ϧ‡d« eif¡fl‹ tH§f¥gL« nghJ V‰bfdnt cŸs m¿Îiufë‹ go

nrä¥ò fz¡F _y« fl‹ bgWgtU¡F¤ bjhif tH§f¥gl nt©L« v‹w
gÂthsç‹ m¿Îiufis eif¡fl‹ tH§Fjèš <Lg£LŸs mid¤J T£LwÎ
mik¥òfS« Ëg‰Wtij¡ f©fhâ¡fΫ nf£L¡bfhŸs¥gL»wJ.
Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifia¥ bg‰W¡bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã it¡f
br‹id k©ly TLjš gÂths® k‰W« mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS«
mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ jå mYty®fS«



TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«
mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
jå mYty®, jäœehLkhãy¤jiyik¡T£LwÎ t§» br‹id 600 001
jå mYty®, mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
jå mYty® jäœehLkhãy ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»
br‹id 600 004
mYtyf bjhntr, et ér ÃçÎfŸ
efš ÏU¥ò¡nfh¥ò

Thiru P. Annamalai, I A S.,
Registrar of cooperative societies

Circular No. 5 /2012

(RC117880 /2011/ CBP1) dated : 7-2-2012

Sub: Cooperation- Interest Rate on Deposits and Loans by

Cooperative Banks – instructions issued – Regarding.

Ref: 1 Registrar’s Circular No 28/2011 dated 18.8.2011.


2 Letter from the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex

Cooperative bank, CNo.00001/ACS/2011-2012 dated


The Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank in the reference 2nd cited, has
informed that the meeting of the State Level Committee to guide the Cooperative Banks
on fixation of interest rates has been held on 16.12.2011 and that the Committee has
recommended the following modifications to the existing interest rates being followed by
the Cooperative Banks and Societies . The recommendations of the Committee has been
examined in detail and decided to accept the recommendations. Accordingly the following
broad guidelines are issued for adoption.

I. Interest on Savings Deposits:

The Reserve Bank of India has deregulated the Rate of Interest on Savings Bank
Account and the individual banks have been given freedom to fix their interest on Savings
Bank Deposits upto Rs.1 lakh. Therefore, the rate of interest is fixed as follows:

Sl.No Type of institutions Present Revise rate

a) For PACCS 4% 5%

b) For SCB & DCCBs 4% 4.5%

However, the urban cooperative Banks are advised to take note of the market
conditions and the recommendations of the Interest Rates Committee on deposits

and advances and are advised to adopt the above rates taking into consideration of
their financial position.

II. Interest on Investment Credit

The Revised rates of interest on Investment Credit as communicated by NABARD

and communicated by the TNSACB is ratified. The revised rates are indicated below:

Details w.e.f. borrower

Existing 29.07.2011 9.25% 10.00% 11.00% 13.50%

Revised 05.11.2011 10.00% 10.75% 11.75% 14.25%

III. Interest on Weavers’ Finance

The revised rates of interest on weavers finance as communicated by NABARD and

communicated by the TNSACB is ratified. The revised rates are indicated below:

Details Interest rates Margin


TNSCB to Cooptex 11% 1.00

TNSACB to DCCBs 10.75 0.75

DCCBs to Societies 13.00 2.25

IV. Interest rate for the refinance from NABARD under Producers Organization
Development Fund

The revised Interest rate for the refinance from NABARD under Producers
Organisation Development Financed and suggested by the Committee is agreed to
and the revised rates and the margin available to the various tiers are indicated

Details Interest rates Margin


TNSCB to DCCBs 10.40 0.40

DCCBs to Societies 11.00 0.69

The Special Officers of District Central Cooperative Banks are requested to advise
their Branch Managers and the Special Officers of the Primary Agricultural of Cooperative
Credit Societies regarding the revision in Interest on the Deposits and the loans. The Special
Officers of the DCCBs are also requested to mark a copy of their instructions to this Office.
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region and Joint Registrar of all Regions are requested
to communicate the contents of this circular to all Urban Cooperative Banks/ PCARDBs /
Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies immediately.

The receipt of the circular may be acknowledged at once.


For Registrar

The Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Apex Coop. Bank, Chennai.600 001.
The Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agricultural and Rural Development Bank,
Chennai 600 004

The Additional Registrar,

Chennai Region, Chennai

All the Regional Joint Registrars

All the Special Officers of District Central Cooperative Banks

Copy to the Deputy Registrars of all Circles

Copy to the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Coop. Union, Chennai.600 010

Copy to all Administrative Sections in Office, AR (2 copies), OE Section

Copy to Stock file.

Thiru P. Annamalai, I A S.,
Registrar of cooperative societies

Circular No. 6 /2012

(RC117880 /2011/ CBP1) dated :10 -2-2012

Sub: Cooperation- Interest Rate on Deposits and Loans by

Cooperative Banks – instructions issued – revised instructions
on SB interest rates - Regarding.

Ref: 1 Registrar’s Circular No 28/2011 dated 18.8.2011.


2 Letter from the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex

Cooperative bank, CNo.00001/ACS/2011-2012 dated

3 Registrar’s Circular No 5/2012 dated 7-2-2012


In Registrar’s circular third cited, circular instructions were issued in regard to fixation
of interest rates on Savings Deposits, investment credit and weavers credits, Interest rate for
the refinance from NABARD under Producers Organization Development Fund. However,
in view of the clarifications raised by the DCCBs and Urban Cooperative Bank, the
following broad guidelines are issued for adoption in regard to Interest on Saving deposits
and Interest rate for the refinance from NABARD under Producers Organization
Development Fund. Other instructions in regard to investment credit and weavers credits
shall remain unaltered.

I. Interest on Savings Deposits:

The Reserve Bank of India has deregulated the Rate of Interest on Savings
Bank Account and the individual bank have been given freedom to fix their
interest on Savings Bank Deposits. As per RBI directive, each bank will have to offer
a uniform interest rate on savings bank upto Rs.1/- lakh, irrespective of the amount
in the account within this limit. Second, for savings bank deposits over Rs 1/- lakh,
a bank may provide differential rates of interest, it so chooses, subject to the
condition that banks will not discriminate in the matter of interest paid on such
deposits, between one deposit and another of similar amount, accepted on the
same date, at any of its Offices. Therefore, the rate of interest is fixed as follows:

Sl.No Type of institutions Present Revise rate

a) For PACCS 4% 5%

b) For SCB & DCCBs 4% 4.5%

As Reserve Bank of India has deregulated interest rates relating to Urban

Cooperative Banks, the Urban Cooperative Banks are free to fix interest rates for deposits
and advances.

However, the Urban Cooperative Banks are advised to take note of the
market conditions and financial condition of their banks while fixing the interest

The recommendations of the Interest Rates Committee in respect of rates on

deposits and advances as above may be considered for adoption as per the best
practices prevailing in the Cooperative Sector prevailing iin the State.

II. Interest rate for the refinance from NABARD under Producers Organization
Development Fund

The revised Interest rate for the refinance from NABARD under Producers
Organisation Development Financed and suggested by the Committee is agreed to and
the revised rates and the margin available to the various tiers are indicated below:-

Details Interest rates Margin


TNSCB to DCCBs 10.40 0.40
DCCBs to Societies 11.00 0.60

The Special Officers of District Central Cooperative Banks are requested to advise
their Branch Managers and the Special Officers of the Primary Agricultural of Cooperative
Credit Societies regarding the revision in Interest on the Deposits and the loans. The Special
Officers of the District Central Cooperative Banks are also requested to mark a copy of their
instructions to this Office. The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region and Joint Registrar of
all Regions are requested to communicate the contents of this circular to all Urban
Cooperative Banks/Urban Cooperative Credit Societies/PCARDBs/Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Credit Societies immediately.

The receipt of the circular may be acknowledged at once.


For Registrar
The Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Apex Coop. Bank, Chennai.600 001.
The Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agricultural and Rural Development Bank,
Chennai 600 004
The Additional Registrar,
Chennai Region, Chennai
All the Regional Joint Registrars
All the Special Officers of District Central Cooperative Banks
Copy to the Deputy Registrars of all Circles
Copy to the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Coop. Union,
Chennai.600 010
Copy to all Administrative Sections in Office, AR (2 copies),
OE Section
Copy to Stock file.


From To
Thiru P. Annamalai, I.A.S., The Special Officers,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies, All Central Cooperative Bank
N.V. Natarajan Maligai,
170, Periyar E.V.R. High Road,
Chennai.600 010
Rc. 39546 / 2012 / CBS.1 Dated 8.5.2012

Sir/ Madam,

Sub: District Central Cooperative Banks – Transfer of employees of the

District Central Cooperative Banks – Certain guidelines issued –

Ref: 1. Registrar’s letter Rc.No. 120983 / 95 / CBS1 dated 31.1.1997

2. Registrar’s letter Rc.No.77740 / 2002 / CBS 1 dated 7.6.2002

3. Registrar’s letter Rc.No.94446 / 2005 / CBS 1 dated 8.7.2005

I invite your attention to the letters cited.

As per the reference first cited, general guidelines were issued on the
transfer of the employees of the District Central Cooperative Banks and the importance
of job rotation to them. Further, transfer period to be followed by the District Central
Cooperative Banks has also been indicated. Though clear instructions were issued on
the period of transfer. It is brought to the notice of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies
that in some of the District Central Cooperative Banks, transfers are being effected
during the “Non transfer period” for one reason or the other. As this will not only affect
the smooth functioning of the bank/branches but also affect the morale of the
employees. I, therefore instruct you to follow the instructions issued vide the letters cited
without any deviation. I advise you to follow the transfer period between the period of 1st
April and 31st of May every year and a minimum term of 2 years has to be followed,
excepting on promotion or adverse remarks eg. Malpractice, frauds etc. Please note
any deviation will attract disciplinary action.

The receipt of letter should be acknowledged by next post.

// By order //
For Registrar
Copy to Stock file.
T£Lw΢r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if
ÂU. g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g.,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®,

R‰w¿¡if v© 10 / 2012 ehŸ 22.05.2012

e.f. 28631/2012 ktbfh 3

bghUŸ: T£LwÎ – jFÂÍŸs bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ

fl‹ r§f cW¥Ãd®fS¡F FW»a fhy g殡fl‹
tH§Ftj‰F bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹
r§f.¡S¡F kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ 31.03.2013
tiu bjhl®ªJ tH§f mDk më¡f¥gL»wJ.

gh®it: murhiz (2o) v©.72, T£LwÎ czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®

ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 04.11.2011.


gh®itæš fhQ« murhizæš jFÂÍŸs mid¤J étrhæfë‹ fl‹

njitfis ãiwÎ brŒa VJthf, ÑœtU« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹
r§f§fS¡F« kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ 31.03.2012 tiu bjhl®ªJ fl‹ tH§f
muR mDk më¡f¥g£oUªjJ.

1. kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fëläUªJ bg‰w gšntW fhR¡

fl‹fëš Mjhu¡ FiwÎ k‰W« ã¢rkä‹ik M»adt‰Wl‹
brašg£L tU« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ.

2. flªj _‹W ãÂah©Lfshf bjhl®ªJ jâ¡if Ko¡f¥ bgwhj

bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ.

3. 1983 M« M©ila jäœehL T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ r£l¥ ÃçÎ 137(1)

Ï‹ Ñœ fiy¤jš elto¡iffS¡F c£gL¤j¥g£L m¿é¥ò
më¡f¥g£l r§f§fë‹ braš všiyæš cŸs jFÂ bg‰w
étrhæfS¡F¡ fl‹ më¡F« bghU£L, mt‰¿š mU»š cŸs
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ.

4. 31.03.2011 tiu kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fS¡F mt‰¿‹ nf£Ãš
10 rjÅj« Tl tNš bjhifia¤ ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤jhj bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ.

5. bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš fl‹ bg‰w

Kj‹ik fl‹jhu® flid¤ ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤jhj ãiyæš Ãizjhu®
jdJ flid¤ ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤ÂæUªjhš mtU¡F k£L« fl‹

j‰nghJ el¥ò ãÂah©oš %.4000 nfhoasé‰F g殡 fl‹fŸ tH§f F¿pL

ã®zæ¡f¥g£LŸsij fU¤Âš bfh©L«, flid¤ ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤J« cW¥Ãd®fŸ
midtU¡F« fl‹ tH§fnt©oaij¡ fU¤Âš bfh©L«, jFÂÍŸs mid¤J
étrhæfS¡F« fl‹ tH§f nt©oaj‹ mtÁa« fUÂÍ« 2012-13M« M©o‰F«
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš òÂa cW¥Ãduhf nru cŸs
étrhæfS¡F¡ fl‹ tH§f VJthfΫ nk‰T¿a Ïd§fë‹ ÑœtU« bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fS¡F 31.03.2013 tiu bjhl®ªJ fl‹ tH§f
kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fëläUªJ nfhç¡iffŸ bgw¥g£L tU»‹wd.
Ï›thwhd nfhç¡iffŸ ftd¤Jl‹ gçÓè¡f¥g£ld.

g殡flid¤ ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤J« cW¥Ãd®fŸ midtU¡F« fl‹

tH§fnt©oaJ«, jFÂÍŸs mid¤J étrhæfS¡F« fl‹ tH§Ftj‹ mtÁa«
fUÂÍ« 2012-13 M« M©o‰F« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš
òÂa cW¥Ãduhf nru cŸs étrhæfS¡F¡ fl‹ tH§f VJthfΫ nk‰T¿a
Ïd§fë‹ ÑœtU« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fS¡F kht£l
k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ 31.03.2013 tiu bjhl®ªJ fl‹ tH§f mDkÂ

1. kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fëläUªJ bg‰W gšntW fhR¡

fl‹fëš Mjhu¡ FiwÎ k‰W« 㢠rkä‹ik M»adt‰Wl‹
brašg£L tU« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ.

2. flªj _‹W ãÂah©Lfshf bjhl®ªJ jâ¡if Ko¡f¥ bgwhj

bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ.

3. 1983 M« M©ila jäœehL T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ r£l¥ ÃçÎ 137(1)

Ï‹Ñœ fiy¤jš elto¡iffS¡F c£gL¤j¥g£L m¿é¥ò
më¡f¥g£l r§f§fë‹ braš všiyæš cŸs jFÂbg‰w

étrhæfS¡F¡ fl‹ tH§»l mDk¡f¥g£l mU»š cŸs bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ.

4. 31.03.2012 tiu kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fS¡F mt‰¿‹ nf£Ãš

10 rjÅj« Tl tNš bjhifia¤ ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤jhj bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ.

5. bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš fl‹ bg‰w

Kj‹ik fl‹jhu® flid¤ ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤jhj ãiyæš Ãizjhu®
jdJ flid¤ ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤ÂæUªjhš mtU¡F k£L« fl‹

nk‰T¿a é js®¤jiy mid¤J bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹

r§f§fS¡F bjhl®òW¤jΫ el¥ò ãÂah©oš mid¤J bjhlff ntsh©ik¡
T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ _ykhf jFÂÍŸs cW¥Ãd®fS¡F« midtU¡F« fl‹
tH§fΫ, mnj rka¤Âš òÂa cW¥Ãd®fS¡F« g殡fl‹ tH§fΫ elto¡if
vL¡f¡ nf£L¡bfhŸs¥gL»wJ.

Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid¥ bg‰W¡bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã it¡fΫ




T£Lw΢r§f§fë‹ Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ mid¤J k©ly§fŸ
jå mYty®fŸ, mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
efš: jå mYty®, jäœ ehL khãy¤jitik¢T£LwÎ t§», br‹id 600 001
efš: mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò

Thiru P.Annamalai IAS.,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Circular No.11 /2012 Dated 29.5-2012


Sub: Cooperation - Introduction of new Jewel Loan product -

implemented by the Apex Bank, District Central Cooperative
Banks, Urban Cooperative Banks. Primary Cooperative Agricultural
and Rural Development Banks and Primary Agricultural Credit
Cooperative Societies- regulations communicated Regarding.

Ref: 1 Reserve Bank of India Letter RPCD. CO. RF. BC .No.

60/07.37.02/2009-10 dated March 5, 2010 addressed to the
Special Officers of all SCBs and DCCBs

2 Registrar of Cooperative Societies Circular No. 28/2011

(RC.25516/2011/CBP.1) dated 18.08.2011.


Cooperative Banks in the State at present disburse Jewel Loans to individuals

against the pledge of gold ornaments and it forms a major part of their retail lending.

The RBI in the reference first cited, has accorded permission to the SCB and
DCCBs for bullet repayment of gold loans upto Rs 1 /lakh as an additional option.
subject to the following conditions:

(1) The amount of gold loan sanctioned should not exceed Rs. 1 lakh at any point of
(2) The period of loan shall not exceed 12 months from the date of disbursement.
(3) Interest will be charged to the account at monthly rests, but will become due for
repayment alongwith of principal only at the end of 12 months from the date of
(4) The Cooperative Bank/Society has to maintain a minimum margin of 30% and
shall sanction loan upto 70% of the market value of the jewels being pledged.
(5) Such loans shall be governed by the existing income recognition, asset classification
and provisioning norms which shall be applicable once the amount of principal
and interest become overdue.

(6) The account would also be classified as NPA (sub standard category) even before
the due date of repayment, if the prescribed margin is not maintained.

The RBI has also clarified that crop loans sanctioned against the collateral security of
gold/gold ornaments shall continue to be governed by the extant income recognition,
asset classification and provisioning norms for such loans.

A copy of the RBI’s letter first cited addressed to the State and Central Cooperative
Banks is enclosed for ready reference.

As these guidelines are beneficial to TNCSARDB, Cooperative Urban Banks, and

PCARDBs, they are also requested to adopt the above guidelines for reduced NPA and
for the collection of interest on monthly rests.

As the RBI has already addressed the SCB and DCCBs , they are requested to adopt
the guidelines immediately, if not already done.

The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region, Joint Registrars of all Regions are
requested to communicate the above guidelines to the Special Officers of all Urban
Cooperative Banks, PCARDBs and PACCS.

The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region, Joint Registrars of all Regions and the
Special Officers of the DCCBs are requested to get the draft regulations approved by the
respective Circle Deputy Registrars and to commence the disbursement of jewel loans
under the new scheme. They are also requested to acknowledge the receipt of the letter
by next post.

For Registrar

The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region,Chennai
The Joint Registrars of all Regions
The Special Officer, TNSACB, Chennai
The Special Officer, TNCARDB, Chennai
The Special Officers of all DCCBs
Copy to the Deputy Registrars of all Circles
Copy to PACS.UB. ARDB Section
Copy to Stock File.

Thiru P. Annamalai, I A S.,
Registrar of cooperative societies

Circular No. 12 /2012

(Rc.117880 /2011/ CBP1) dated : 05 -06-2012

Sub: Cooperation- Deposit Mobilization of Primary

Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development
Banks fixing eligibility criteria for mobilization of
Deposits – Instructions issued..

Ref: 1 This office ltter Rc. 118150/2011 ARDB 4

dated 19.4.2012

2 Letter No. Deb/F 4011/PCARDB/ 2012 dated

5.5.2012 of the Special Officer, TNCSARDB.


At present Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development

Banks are mobilizing Deposits on behalf of the Tamil Nadu Cooperative State
Agriculture and Rural Development Bank and utilizing the amount for the
disbursement of jewel loans. Now, representations have been received from the
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks to permit them
to mobilize on their own from the public. The request of the Primary
Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks has been examined
with reference to the financial position of the Tamil Nadu Cooperative State
Agriculture and Rural Development Bank and the funds required for the
Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks for the
disbursement of Jewel and other types of loans. Accoringly, Primary
Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks with own funds of
Rs.10 lakh and above are permitted to mobilize deposits.

The following guidelines are issued for the purpose.

1. Eligibility Criteria”-

1) The Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks

should have own funds (i.e. share capital and free reserves) of Rs.10
lakh and above (Waiver amount received from Government shall not
be included in Share Capital Base).
2) The Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
working on current profit as per latest Audit Report.

3) The Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks

should not have imbalances with the TNSCARDB for all loans
including jewel loan.

4) The Audit of the Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural

Development Banks should give an undertaking in resolution form to
the effect that the above conditions are fulfilled duly signed by the
Secretary and the Special Officer. The Regional Manager of the Tamil
Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
should also counter sign the undertaking.

II. Operating Procedure:

1) Rate of Interest:

At any point of time, the rate of interest on deposits shall be on par

with the interest rate as fixed by the Interest Rate Committee headed
by the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank and
instructions from Registrar.

2) Fluid Resources:

In order to ensure the liquidity, 25% of the total deposit as at the

end of the previous month should be maintained with the District
Central Cooperative Bank as fluid resources. The balance 75%
should be utilized only for the purpose of disbursement issue of
Jewel Loan. In case, iof the Primary Cooperative Agriculture and
Rural Development Banks could not utilize the amount for
disbursement of Jewel Loan, the amount should be remitted to the
Jewel Loan Cash credit account with the District Central
Cooperative Bank, if cash credit is availed from the District Central
Cooperative Bank. For the maintenance of Fluid Resources, the
District Central Cooperative Bank shall pay 0.5% additional interest
over and above the maximum rate of interest payable for the general
public for two years.

3) Refund of deposit:

The Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks

shall arrange for refund of deposit out of Jewel Loan collection. In
case, if the Jewel Loan collections are not sufficient to refund the
deposit, the Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development
Banks can avail special cash credit from the District Central
Cooperative Bank against fluid resources and such special Cash
Credit should be regularized within a period of one month.

4) Contribution to the Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural

Development Banks Deposit Guarantee Fund:-

i) In order to meet urgent funds requirement and to meet the

commitment of the Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural
Development Bank, to discharge their liability to the depositors, a
Deposit Guarantee Fund is also to be created at the Tamil Nadu
Cooperative State Agriculture and Rural Development Bank. The
funds shall be used to repay the public deposits collected by the
defaulting Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development

ii) The rate of contribution to the Deposit Guarantee Fund should be

0.15% by the Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural
Development Banks and 0.15% by the Tamil Nadu Cooperative State
Agriculture and Rural Development Bank to the level of the deposit
outstanding at the Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural
Development Bank. They shall remit their share of premium for
Deposit Guarantee Fund within one month from the end of the
previous financial year.

iii) The Deposit Guarantee Fund should be maintained and

administered by the Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture and
Rural Development Bank.

iv) The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture and
Rural Development Bank is directed to frame a model Regulations
governing the deposit guarantee scheme for the Primary Cooperative
Agriculture and Rural Development Banks by suitably modifying the
regulations framed in G.O.Ms.No.139, Cooperation, Food and
Consumer Protection Department, dated 29.9.2010 for PACS as
applicable to the Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural
Development Banks.

III. Monitoring and Control Mechanism:

1) A copy of the permission letter issued by the Tamil Nadu Cooperative

State Agriculture and Rural Development Bank for collection of
Deposits should be displayed in the Primary Cooperative Agriculture
and Rural Development Banks prominently.

2) The Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks

should tally the books of accounts on daily basis and send a
certificate to the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Agriculture and Rural
Development Bank before 10th of every month.

3) The Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks

should furnish a monthly statement to the Tamil Nadu Cooperative
State Agriculture and Rural Development Bank showing the details of
all outstanding deposits and their deployment duly countersigned by
the Regional Manager of Regional Office Tamil Nadu Cooperative
Agriculture and Rural Development Bank.

4) Maturity Register for deposits collected has to be maintained by

Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks. The
Secretary of Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development
Bank is responsible for the proper and update maintenance of the
Deposit Maturity Register.

5) Printing and supply of Deposit Receipts should be done by the Tamil

Nadu Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank.

6) The Secretary and the Special Officer of the Primary Cooperative

Agriculture and Rural Development Banks are jointly accountable for
the process in the mobilization of deposits and refund of the same on

7) Timely Refund of Deposits should be reviewed in the monthly review

meeting on the performance of the Primary Cooperative Agriculture
and Rural Development Banks by circle Deputy Registrar and
Regional Joint Registrar on monthly basis.
8) The Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture and Rural
Development Bank shall monitor the acceptance / refund of
deposits / proper deployment of funds by way of monthly returns
to be submitted by respective Primary Cooperative Agriculture and
Rural Development Bank. The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu
Cooperative State Agriculture and Rural Development Bank is
requested to prescribe the formats for the purpose.

9) The Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture and Rural

Development Bank shall finalize the list of Primary Cooperative
Agriculture and Rural Development Banks for accepting deposits
from public on quarterly basis.

IV) Amendment of Bylaws:-

The bylaws of Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural

Development Banks should be amended as follows so as to enable
them to mobilize deposits from the public on their own.

Existing To be amended
1. The bank will ordinarily obtain 1. The bank will ordinarily obtain
fund from the following sources: fund from the following sources:

i) Share Capital i) Share Capital

ii) Loans from the State Land ii) Loans from the Tamil Nadu
Development Bank Cooperative State Agriculture
iii) Entrance and other fees. and Development Bank
iii) Entrance and other fees

iv) Deposit

i) Thrift Deposit from members

ii) Deposit from the members
and the public.

The Regional Joint Registrars and the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu
Cooperative State Agriculture and Rural Development Bank should prepare
that the necessary amendment are to be made in the bylaws of the Primary
Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks.

The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture and

Rural Development Bank shall submit a monthly report on the performance of
PCARDBs in the mobilization of deposits, their deployment and timely
repayment to the Registrar of Cooperative Societies.

Monthly review on the progress achieved by the PCARDBs will be

conducted in the Regional Joint Registrars meeting.

The Regional Joint Registrars are requested to communicate the

similar instructions to all Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural
Development Banks. The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Cooperative State
Agriculture and Development Bank and the Regional Joint Registrars are
requested to acknowledge the receipt of the letter.

Sd/- x x

/ By order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar/Special Officer
Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture and
Rural Development Bank, Chennai.4
The Additional Registrar/Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank, Chennai.1
All Regional Joint Registrars
All Special Officers of District Central Cooperative Banks
All Circle Deputy Registrars

Copy to:
The Director of Cooperative Audit, Chennai.600 005

Stock file.

Circular of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai.600 010
Thiru. P.Annamalai, I.A.S.,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Circular No 13/2012
Rc.47888/2012 CBP1 Date: 7.6.2012

Sub : Cooperation – Enhancement of per gram jewel loan –

modification – instructions issued – regarding.
Ref : 1) Registrar’s Circular No 37/2011 dated 14-10-2011

2) Letter received from the Special Officer, TNSACB

C.6570/P & D /2004-05 dated 30-5-2012

In the Circular cited, instructions were issued that depending upon the market
environments of the banks, they adopt per gram rate for jewel loan between Rs 1600/- and Rs

Now in the reference second cited, Special Officer, TNSACB has indicated that Gold
price has increased subsequently and that the present rate is Rs 2750/ approximately.
Considering the increase in the present rate of the gold, there are representations for increasing
the per gram rate to Rs 2000/ and suggested that the lending rate per gram may be increased to
Rs 2000/ -. The request has been examined and it has been decided to accept the request in view
of prevailing lending rates among the commercial banks and non-banking financial institutions.

Accordingly, it is informed that per gram jewel loan is fixed at Rs 2000/- to all
Cooperative Banks/Societies engaged in the jewel loan business. The instructions will come into
force immediately. However, it should also be ensured that whenever there is decreasing trend in
market rates for the gold, per gram rate of jewel loan should be scaled down to the extent of
not exceeding 75% of the prevailing market value of the gold immediately, without waiting
for Registrar’s instructions.

The Regional Joint Registrars are requested to issue necessary instructions to the Special
Officers of PACCS, PCARDBs, CMs and other Cooperatives engaged in the disbursement of jewel

The receipt of the Circular should be acknowledged at once.


For Registrar


The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region, Chennai

All Regional Joint Registrars of Cooperative Societies (Except Chennai Region).

The Special Officers of all District Central Cooperative Banks.

The Special Officer, TNCSB., Chennai-1.

The Special Officer, TNCSARDB, Chennai -4

All Circle Deputy Registrars.

Copy to : ACS, CBP3, PACS, UB, ARDB, OE and AR Sections

Circular of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai-10
Thiru P. Annamalai, I.A.S.,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Circular No.15 /2012 Date 15.06.2012

(RC.22202/2012 CBP1)

Sub : Cooperation – Investment Credit – Disbursement of Medium

Term (Agri) Loans by PACS – Relaxation of Security Norms.

Read: 1. Registrar’s Circular No.17/2009 (RC.152172/2008/CBP1) dated


2. Registrar’s Circular No.19/2010 (Rc. 54535/2010/CBP1) dated:


3. Letter from S.O, TNSACB C.No.21350/RPFS/2011-12 dated:


In Registrar’s circular first cited, the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies
have been permitted to disburse loans for minor irrigation purposes to the extent of
Rs.50,000/- on surety basis.

In Registrar’s circular second cited, the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies
have been permitted to lend upto Rs.50,000/- without any security/collateral requirement in
respect of all MT(Agri) Loans including loans for precision farming, minor irrigation, drip and
sprinkler irrigation.

In the reference 3rd cited, the Special Officer has informed, a committee consisting of
General Manager’s of 4 District Central Cooperative Banks Viz., Cuddalore, Dindigul,
Ramanathapuram and Salem was constituted to examine the security norms prescribed and the
committee suggested to permit the PACCS to lend upto Rs. One Lakh on surety basis without
any collateral requirement for all types of investment credit. The Special Officer, TNSCB has
recommended the suggestion of the committee.

Based on the recommendations of the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex
Cooperative Bank, the following instructions are issued to all the Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Credit Societies in respect of relaxation of security norms.

(1) To lend upto Rs.One Lakh without any collateral security/any collateral
requirement for all types of investment credit (agriculture loans) including
precision farming and minor irrigation.
(2) To obtain mortgage of immovable assets for similar type of loans sanctioned
above Rs.One lakh.
(3) To continue the existing security norms for loans sanctioned between Rs.one
lakh and Rs.two lakh with tie up arrangement with sugar mills: (ie)
(a) Assets purchased or created out of loan sanctioned by the Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies should be hypothecated.
(b) Furnishing of Personal surety/Pledge of jewels.

It should be ensured that all the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit

Societies unscrupulously follow proper credit appraisal procedures appraisal and to
monitor the creation of assets/Utilization of Funds for the purpose for which the loan
was sanctioned. The Field staff of the District Central Cooperative Banks should monitor
sanction and utilization of all investment credit loans without fail.

The Special Officer of the District Central Cooperative Banks are requested to
acknowledge receipt of this circular by return of post.

For Registrar

The Special Officers of all District Central Cooperative Banks
Copy to
1. The Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank, Chennai-1
2. The Additional Registrar,
Chennai Region,
3. The Joint Registrar of all Regions.
4. The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Cooperative Union, Chennai – 10.
5. The Deputy Registrars of all circles.

Copy to: PACS, ACS, OE, GC and AR in this office

Stock file (CBP1 and (CBP3)


Circular No 20/2012 Dated 10 –07-2012

RC 69438/2011 CBP3

Sub: Co-operation – Differently abled Persons- Interest free loans

to Differently abled persons in Cooperative Banks –
Operational guidelines issued – Regarding

Ref: G.O (D) No, 61, Cooperation, Food and Consumer

Protection Department, dated 22.3.2012

The Hon'ble Chief Minister while reviewing the performance of the Co-
operative Department on 4.7.2011 has observed that the Co-operative Banks shall
extend interest free loans to the differently abled persons for their upliftment and also
informed that the interest loss to the Co-operatives for extending interest free loans to
differently abled persons will be borne by the Government.

2. Accordingly Government in their orders cited, have sanctioned Rs.90 lakh to

meet the interest loss sustained by the Cooperative Banks due to implementation of
interest free loan to the differently abled persons for the loans disbursed by the Co-
operative Banks during the year 2011-12.

3. Hon’ble Minister for Cooperation, while moving the demand for 2012-13 for
Cooperation, has announced that interest free loans to the extent of Rs 15 Crores will be
disbursed to the differently abled persons during the year 2012-13

4.The following detailed guidelines are issued for effective implementation of the
scheme and claiming interest loss from the Government:

a. Commencement : The scheme commences from 1.4.2011

b. Eligibility:

(i) All loans disbursed to the Differently Abled persons from 1.4.2011
and repaid on or before the due date of repayment shall be eligible
for interest free loans from the Primary Agricultural Cooperative
Credit Societies / Urban Cooperative Banks / District Central
Cooperative Banks

In other words, no interest shall be charged on the loan/loan
instalment if the same is repaid on or before the due dates.

(ii) In case of default, normal interest besides penal interest at 3% shall be

charged on the loan/loan instalments.

(iii) The interest accrued on the said loan/ loan instalment as due from
the borrower will be claimed from the Government.

(C) Procedure of claiming the interest loss from Government:

(i) The Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies/Urban

Cooperative Banks shall prepare a claim for reimbursement of
interest loss suffered by them on monthly basis and submit to the
respective DCCBs. The DCCBs shall consolidate the claims received
from the PACCS/UCBs and the claims received from its Branches and
submit the same to the TNSACB. The claim statements of the
PACCS/UCBs/District Central Cooperative Banks should contain the
name of the borrower, date of sanction, amount, due date, date of
repayment, the interest foregone / waived on the loans repaid and
should be submitted in duplicate.

(ii) The DCCBs shall scrutinize the claims received from the Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies/Urban Cooperative Banks
and settle the eligible amount of the claim to the respective Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies/Urban Cooperative Banks
before 25th of the same month.

(iiI) After settling such claims, DCCBs shall consolidate the claims settled
for the particular month and send a consolidated claim to Tamil
Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank. The Apex Bank shall after due
scrutiny, shall release the amount to the District Central Cooperative

After settling the claims of the PACCS /UCBs / DCCBs, the TNSACB
shall submit the claims to Registrar of Cooperative Societies for
claiming the same from the Government

5. The Special Officers of the District Central Cooperative Banks are requested to
communicate the contents of this Circular to all the UCBs and PACCS which are implementing
the interest free loans schemes to the diffierently abled persons. The Special Officers of the
District Central Cooperative Banks are requested to give wide publicity by displaying the details
in the notice boards and by issuing pamphlets about the operation of the interest free loans to
the differently abled persons. This Scheme operative from 1-4-2011 onwards and the
borrowers need not pay any interest if the amount is repaid on or before the due date , The
Special Officers of the District Central Cooperative Banks are also requested to issue necessary
instructions to the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies/ Urban Cooperative Banks
and to mark a copy of the instructions to this Office for reference and record.

6. The Regional Joint Registrars are requested to monitor the disbursement of interest
free loans to the differently abled persons and the implementation of the scheme at UCB/PACCS

The Special Officers of the DCCBs and the Regional Joint Registrars are requested to
acknowledge the receipt of the circular by next post.

Sd /-

For Registrar

The Special Officer,
TNSACB, Chennai 600 001
The Special Officer of all District Central Cooperative Banks
The Joint Registrars of all Regions
The Deputy Registrars of all Circles

Copy to OE Section / A R Section

Stock File

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® br‹id -10 mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if
ÂU g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g,

R‰w¿¡if v©. 21/2012 ehŸ 16-07-2012

(ef 17020/2012 ktbfh1)

bghUŸ: bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ –

bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš
ÂU£L/ÂU£L Ka‰Á eilbgWjš – ghJfh¥ò
elto¡iffŸ F¿¤J m¿Îiu tH§Fjš – bjhl®ghf.

gh®it: 1. gÂths® foj« 8436/94/ntnrr2 ehŸ.19.3.1994.

2. gÂthsç‹ R‰w¿¡if e.f.40345/97/bjhntt1


3. gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f.6481/2000/bjhntt 1


4. gÂths® foj« e.f.72231/05/bjhntt 1


5. gÂths® foj« e.f.51942/2010/bjhntr1


bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ k‰W« T£LwÎ t§»fŸ _y«
tH§f¥gL« eif¡ fl‹fS¡F <lhf¥ bgw¥gL« eiffis¥ ghJfh¥òl‹ ghuhkç¥gJ
g‰¿ gh®itæš f©l gÂthsç‹ foj« k‰W« R‰w¿¡iffëš V‰fdnt m¿ÎiufŸ
tH§f¥g£LŸsd. kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ T£LwÎ mik¥òfëš
ghJfh¥ò elto¡iffis tY¥gL¤J« neh¡Fl‹ jhåa§» jftš bjçé¡F«
fUéiaÍ« (Automatic message dialer) bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹
r§f§fŸ k‰W« eif¡fl‹ tH§F« T£LwÎfëš ãWtyh« v‹W« Ïj‹ fhuzkhf
ÂU£L Ka‰Á F¿¤j jftš t§»æ‹ jå mYty® k‰W« brayhs® ngh‹w
mYty®fS¡F cl‹ bjça thŒ¥ò V‰gL« v‹W« fU¤J bjçé¤jh®fŸ. bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ k‰W« t§»fëš bjhl®ªJ ÂU£L Ka‰ÁfŸ
j‰bghGJ elªJtU« Nœãiyfëš, eif¥ghJfh¥ò K‹bd¢rç¡if elto¡iffis
nkY« tY¥gL¤j nt©o bghU¤j¥g£LŸs mšyJ òÂa mgha xë¥gh‹fSl‹
(Burglary alarm) jhåa§»¤ jftš bjçé¡F« fUéiaÍ« (Automatic message dialer)
bghU¤j elto¡if vL¡f¡ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wJ. ÏJ bjhl®ghf eif¡fl‹
tH§F« mid¤J T£LwÎ mik¥òfS¡F« j¡f m¿ÎiufŸ tH§» Ï¡fUé
bghU¤j¥g£L brašgh£oš ÏU¥gij cW brŒJ bfhŸsΫ nf£L¡

Ïš cl‹ elto¡if vL¡fΫ, vL¡f¥g£l elto¡if étu¤ij cl‹

bjçé¡fΫ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wJ. Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifia¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd
x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã it¡fΫ mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ, mid¤J
kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»¤ jå mYty®fŸ, nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.




mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»¤ jå mYty®fŸ.
mid¤J¢ ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš – jå mYty®, jäœehL khãy¤ jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§»
efš – et/ntCt/Ájm/tM ÃçÎfS¡F
efš – bjhntr2/bjhntr3/bjhntr4
efš – ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò


Circular No 30/2012 Dated 3–12-2012

RC 72851/2012 CBP1

Sub: Cooperation – 2012-13 – Scheme of interest waiver on

prompt repayment of crop loans issued by Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies - Operational
guidelines – issued - Regarding.

Ref: 1 GO Ms 100, Cooperation, Food and Consumer

Protection Department, dated 3.11.2011.

2 Registrar’s circular No. 39/2011/CBP dated:


3 G.O.Ms.No.133, Cooperation Food and Consumer

Protection Department dated: 11.10.2012.


Kind attention is invited to the subject and references cited above.

2. In the reference 1st cited, Government have ordered that no interest will be charged for
crop loan disbursed by Cooperative Credit Societies in the year 2011-12 on prompt repayment
of such loans by farmers. In the reference 3rd cited, Government have ordered that the scheme of
interest free crop loans on prompt repayment is continued for the year 2012-13 and the
Government will meet the interest loss suffered by Cooperatives due to the implementation of
this scheme. A copy of the GO third cited is enclosed herewith for reference. Government have
also provided Rs.160 crores in the Budget for this purpose.
3. Detailed guidelines have been issued for effective implementation of this scheme
during 2011-12 vide Registrar’s Circular No.39/2011 dated 15.11.2011 2nd cited above. Now the
scheme is extended for the year 2012-13 vide GO read above, and accordingly the following are
issued guidelines are issued hereunder for smooth implementation of the scheme with necessary
3. Scheme: Interest free crop loans 2012-13,
a. Commencement : The scheme commences from 1.4.2012

b. Eligibility:

(i) All crop loans disbursed during the period 1.4.2012 – 31.3.2013 and
repaid on or before the due date of repayment.

(ii) All crop loans disbursed during the period 1.4.11 – 31.3.12 and due
during the period 1.4.2011 – 31.3.2012 and repaid on or before the
due dates.

(iii) All crop loans disbursed during the period 1.4.11 – 31.3.2012, due for
repayment in the above mentioned period, repaid on or before the
due date and for which no claim has been made by PACS so far.

c. Mode of implementation:
(i) Crop loans will be disbursed at 7% rate of interest to farmer-member
by PACCS, subject to the conditions as stipulated by RCS /DCCBs
from time to time.

(ii) If the borrower repays the crop loan on or before the due date, then
no interest will be charged for the loan. In other words, his loan
account will be cleared on payment of principal amount only.

(iii) The interest accrued on the said crop loan till the date of repayment
will be claimed from the Government.

4. Procedures of claiming the interest loss from Government:

(i) The Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies will prepare a
claim for reimbursement of interest loss @ 7% suffered by them on
monthly basis. The claim statement should contain name of borrower,
date of disbursement, loan amount, due date, date of repayment, the
interest foregone / waived on the loans repaid and should be
submitted in duplicate.

The claim shall be segregated into SC/ST farmers and Non- SC/ST
farmers. The claim statement shall be certified by the Secretaries of the
Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies, Circle Supervisor/

Taluk Field Manager of the District Central Cooperative Bank and the
Special Officers of the respective Primary Agricultural Cooperative
Credit Societies.

It is the duty of the Special Officer and Secretary of PACCS to ensure

that the claim statement is submitted to respective District Central
Cooperative Banks on or before 15th of the succeeding month.

The Deputy Registrars shall ensure that the Primary Agricultural

Cooperative Credit Societies in their jurisdiction submit the claims in
time and they are sent to the District Central Cooperative Banks on or
before 15th of the succeeding month.

(ii) The District Central Cooperative Banks shall scrutinize the claims
received from the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies
and settle the eligible amount of claim to the respective Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies before 20th of the same

(iii) After settling such claims, DCCBs shall consolidate the claims for the
particular month received from PACCS and send the consolidated
claim to Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank (TNSACB) giving
all PACCS before the 25th of the same month.

The DCCBs should submit the claims for SC/ST borrowers and non-
SC/ST borrowers separately so as to avail the funds from the

Government which are sanctioned under two separate head of

accounts .

A copy of the claim should be submitted to Registrar’s Office.

The TNSACB shall after due scrutiny, settle the claims of DCCBs
submitted in accordance with the instructions in 4(i) (ii) and (iii) before
30th of the same month.

(v) The TNSACB will prepare proposal for reimbursement of such claims
from Government along with a statement of disbursement of claims

arising out of interest loss due to operation of this interest free crop
loan scheme, District Central Cooperative Banks-wise on a monthly
basis, and submit the same to Registrar of Cooperative Societies.
Registrar of Cooperative Societies in turn will obtain orders of
Government on the proposals of TNSACB and get the funds released

5. The Joint Registrars of all Regions and the Special Officers of all District Central
Cooperative Banks (except Chennai) are requested to issue necessary instructions to the Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies in the Regions to ensure that interest on Crop loan is
fully waived if they are repaid on or before the due date. As the scheme is intended to
encourage the farmers to repay the crop loan in time, the scheme should be given wide
publicity. The Circle Deputy Registrars and Regional Joint Registrars shall monitor the
implementation of the Scheme at their level and review the progress during the review meetings.
They are also requested to ensure that there is constant check on the genuineness of the claims
made by the respective Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies, as Government funds
are involved in the extension of the Scheme and any lapse will be viewed critically by the
Government. The Circle Deputy Registrars/ Regional Joint Registrars, the Special Officers
/General Managers /CROs of the District Central Cooperative Banks shall verify, test check the
claims made by the PACCS during their field visits. The JRs and Special Officers are informed that
any lapse on the part of the PACCS/Field Staff shall be dealt with very seriously.

6. The Regional Joint Registrars and the Special Officers of the District Central
Cooperative Banks are requested to acknowledge the receipt of the circular by next post and to
communicate its contents to their subordinates engaged in the implementation of the scheme.
The Special Officers of the District Central Cooperative Banks are requested to issue necessary
instructions to the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies and to mark a copy of the
instructions to this Office for reference and record.

For Registrar
Encl: As above
The Special Officer, TNSACB, Chennai 600 001
The Special Officer of all District Central Cooperative Banks
The Joint Registrars of all Regions
The Deputy Registrars of all Circles
Copy to the Special Officer, TNCU, Chennai 600 010

Circular of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai.600 010
Thiru. P.Annamalai, I.A.S.,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Circular No 31/2012
Rc.47888/2012 CBP1 Date: 18.12.2012

Sub : Cooperation – Enhancement of jewel loan per gram of gold

ornament – from Rs.2000 to Rs.2250 - instructions issued –

Ref : 1) Registrar’s Circular No 13/2012 dated 07-06-2012

2) Letter received from the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu

State Apex Cooperative Bank Letter No. C.6570/P & D
/2003-04 dated 10-12-2012

In the Circular cited, instructions were issued fixing per gram rate for jewel loan
Rs.2000/- to all Cooperative Banks/Cooperative Societies engaged in jewel loan business.

Now in the reference second cited, Special Officer, TNSACB has indicated that
Gold price has increased subsequently and that the present per gram rate is hovering
around Rs.3000/- approximately and that most of the private sector Banks have
increased the per gram rate to Rs.2250/- and requested that the per gram for the
Cooperative may also be increase to Rs.2250 in order to compete with other Banks. The
request has been examined and it has been decided to accept the request in view of
prevailing lending rates among the commercial banks and non-banking financial

Accordingly, it is informed that per gram jewel loan is revised and fixed at Rs
2250/- to all Cooperative Banks/Societies engaged in the jewel loan business. The
instructions will come into force immediately. However, it should also be ensured that
whenever there is decreasing trend in market rates for the gold, per gram rate of jewel
loan should be scaled down to the extent of not exceeding 75% of the prevailing
market value of the gold immediately, without waiting for Registrar’s instructions.

The Regional Joint Registrars are requested to issue necessary instructions to the
Special Officers of PACCS, PCARDBs, CMs and other Cooperatives engaged in the
disbursement of jewel loans.
The receipt of the Circular should be acknowledged at once.


For Registrar
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region, Chennai
All the Regional Joint Registrars
The Special Officers of all District Central Cooperative Banks

bjhl¡f T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á – bj‹fhÁ bjhl¡f
T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»æ‹ nk‰gh®itahs®
ÂU.v«.Áj«gu« - K‹d® th§»a CÂa¤ij Áw¥Ãdkhf¡ fU tH§FtJ –
MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»wJ.

T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®ghJfh¥ò¤ (ÁÁ2) Jiw

muR Miz (o) v©.218 ehŸ: 27.12.2012

1. murhiz (o) v©.347 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò Jiw

ehŸ 10.08.2010
2. ÂU.v«. Áj«gu«, nk‰gh®itahs® bj‹fhÁ T£LwÎ bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§» mt®fë‹ kD ehŸ Ïšiy
(muR¡F »il¡f bg‰w ehŸ 18.07.2012)
3. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id.10 mt®fë‹ foj«
v©.e.f.65547 / 2012 ntCt2 ehŸ 30.10.2012.


nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš, óªjkšè bjhl¡f T£LwÎ

ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»æ‹ nk‰gh®itahs® ÂU. v«. Áj«gu« v‹gtiu,
FL«g¢ Nœãiy fhuzkhf bj‹fhÁ bjhl¡f T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf
ts®¢Á t§»æš Ñœ¡f©l ãgªjidfS¡F£g£L gâ ãakd« brŒÍ«
bghU£L, 1983 M« M©ila jäœehL T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ r£l¤Â‹ r£l¥
ÃçÎ 170‹ Ñœ muR më¡f¥g£LŸs mÂfhu§fis ga‹gL¤Â, 1988 M«
M©L jäœehL T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ éÂfë‹ é 149 (2) k‰W« (3) èUªJ
bj‹fhÁ bjhl¡f T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»¡F
éy¡fë¤J Mizæ£LŸsJ.

1. ÏtUila gâ ãakd« òÂa gâ ãakdkhf fUj¥gL«.

2. Ït® gâ khWjš brŒj Ëd® gâ_¥ò nfhUtnjh, mšyJ

óªjkšè bjhl¡f T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á
t§»æš gâòçªj fhy¤Â‰fhd r«gs ã®za« nfhUjnyh

3. ÏtUila gjé¡Fça r«gs é»j¤Âš Mu«g mo¥gil
r«gs¤Âš k£Lnk ÏtuJ r«gs« ã®za« brŒa¥gL«.

2. nkny Ïu©oš go¡f¥g£l foj¤Âš, kDjhu® óªjkšè

bjhl¡fT£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»æš nk‰gh®itahsuhf
gâah‰¿ tªj nghJ jdJ FL«g Nœãiy fhuzkkf bj‹fhÁ bjhl¡f
T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»¡F nk‰F¿¥Ã£l 3
ãgªjidfS¡F c£g£L gâkhWjš brŒa nfhçæUªjjhfΫ, nkny x‹¿š
go¡f¥g£l murhizæ‹go, 26.8.2010 m‹W K‰gfš Kjš bj‹fhÁ bjhl¡f
T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»æš gâæš nr®ªjjhfΫ,
j‰nghJ j‹id¥ nghš xU kht£l« é£L ntW kht£l§fS¡F gâ khWjš
nfhç br‹wt®fS¡F vªjéj ãgªjidÍä‹¿ khWjš brŒa¥g£LŸsJ
v‹gij m¿ªjjhfΫ jd¡F é¡f¥g£oUªj 3 ãgªjidfisÍ« Ú¡FkhW«,
Vœikahd FL«g¤ij¢ rh®ªj jd¡F t§»¥ gâæš nr®ªj ehŸ 26.8.2010
Kjš óªjkšè bjhl¡f T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»æš
th§»a CÂa¤ij Áw¥Ãdkhf¡ fU tH§FkhW« ÂU.v«. Áj«gu«,
nk‰gh®itahs® nfhç¡if éL¤JŸsh®.

3. nkny _‹¿š go¡f¥g£l foj¤Âš, óªjkšè bjhl¡f T£LwÎ

ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§» 2008-09 M« M©oš %.1.82 Ïy£r«
e£l« milªJ %.1.92 Ïy£r« bjhF¥ò e£l¤Âš Ïa§» tªJŸsJ. Ï›t§»æš
mid¤J¥ gâahs®fS¡F« nghÂa gâæšyhj ãiyæš rhjšth®
bryéd¤ij¡ (Sundry Expenses) Fiw¡fΫ t§»ia Ïyhgfukhf el¤Â¥
gâahs®fS¡F r«gs« th§F« ãiyia V‰gL¤jΫ, t§»æ‹ Ïisa¥
gâahsuhd Ï¥gâahsiu gâkh‰w« brŒjj‹ _y« khj« %.13,000/-
rhjšth® bryéd« FiwªjJŸsjhY«, ÏtuJ gâkh‰w¤ij äif¥gâahs®
mo¥gilæyhd gâkh‰wkhf¡ fU Áw¥Ãdkhf nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l
murhizæš bjçé¡f¥g£LŸs ãgªjidfis¤ js®¤Â, murséš
KobtL¡fyh« vd T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® bjçé¤JŸsh®.

4. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ fU¤JUéid muR ftdkhf

gçÓyid brŒJ, bj‹fhÁ bjhl¡f T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á
t§»æš nk‰gh®itahsuhf¥ gâah‰W« ÂU. v«. Áj«gu« v‹gtuJ
gâkh‰w¤ij äif¥gâahs® mo¥gilæyhd gâkh‰wkhf¡ fUÂ

Áw¥Ãdkhf nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš bjçé¡f¥g£LŸs
ãgªjidfis¤ js®¤Â muR m›thnw MizæL»wJ.

5. Ï›thiz btëæl¥g£l ehëèUªJ mkY¡F tU«, nkY«

Ï›thisæid k‰w ãfœÎfS¡F K‹ cjhuzkhf vL¤J¡ bfh©L ahU«
cçik nfhu¡ TlhJ vdΫ m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wJ.

(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
v«.Ã. ã®kyh
muR brayhs®

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id.10
kh©òäF T£LwΤ Jiw mik¢r® mt®fë‹ Áw¥ò ne®Kf cjéahs®
jå mYty®, bj‹fhÁ bjhl¡f T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»,
bj‹fhÁ – 627 811
ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò / cÂç

//Miz¥go mD¥g¥gL»wJ //

ÃçÎ mYty®

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.10
ÂU. g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g.,
R‰w¿¡if v©. 1/ 2012
e.f. 118386/ 2011 / ET3 ehŸ: 3.1.2012

bghUŸ: Ef®nth® T£LwÎ¥ gâfŸ – bkh¤j é‰gid g©lfrhiy - -

clš CdK‰w gâahs®fŸ 15 ãäl« K‹djhf mYtyf¤ij
é£L bršy mDk – mDk tH§f¥gL»wJ – bjhl®ghf
gh®it: fhŠÁòu« kht£l Ef®nth® T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid
g©lfrhiy¤ jå mYtyç‹ foj« e.f. v©. 658 / 2012 Ï4 ehŸ
11.11.2011 m‹W kh©òäF T£LwΤ Jiw mik¢r®mt®fŸ jiyikæš eilbg‰w
eè͉w Ef®nth® T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid g©lfrhiyfŸ MŒÎ¡ T£l¤Âš tH§f¥g£l
Ñœ¡fhQ« m¿ÎiufŸgo brašgl jå mYty®fŸ cça elto¡iffŸ nk‰bfhŸs

1. x›bthU g©lfrhiyÍ« mt‰¿‰fhd bryéd§fis¡ Fiw¤J tUkhd¤ij

mÂfhç¡f elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.
2. g©lfrhiyæ‹ é‰gid RH‰Á é»j¤ij mÂfç¤J ãÂãiyia nk«gL¤j
elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.
3. ga‹gh£oš Ïšyhj mirah¢ brh¤J¡fis é‰gid brŒJ bghW¥ò¡fis¤ Ô®Î
brŒa éiuªJ elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.
4. g©lfrhiyahš é‰f¥gL« f£L¥ghl‰w bghU£fŸ ãahakhd éiyæš
jukhdjhf ÏU¡f nt©L«.
5. khãy¤Âš cŸs mid¤J bjhl¡f ãiy¢ r§f§fS« kht£l T£LwÎ bkh¤j
é‰gid g©lfrhiy têahf¤ jh‹ bfhŸKjš brŒa nt©L« vd V‰fdnt gÂthsuhš
tH§f¥g£l m¿Îiuia¤ jtwhJ filÃo¡f nt©L«.
6. T£L¡ bfhŸKjš FG¡fŸ _y« bghU£fis¡ bfhŸKjš brŒahkš btë¢
rªijæš bghU£fis bfhŸKjš brŒJ é‰gid brŒa¡ TlhJ. Ï›t¿Îiufis ÛWnth®
ÛJ xG§F elto¡if vL¡f¥gL«.

Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifia¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥g nt©L«.

1. TLjš gÂths® / br‹id k©ly«
2. mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
3. jå mYty®fŸ mid¤J Ef®nth® T£LwÎ g©lfrhiyfŸ
efš: kh©òäF T£LwΤ Jiw mik¢r® mt®fë‹ Áw¥ò ne®Kf cjéahs®,
T£LwÎr¤ Jiw mik¢r® mYtyf«, jiyik¢ brayf«, br‹id.9 – jftY¡fhf

Circular of Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010
Thiru P. Annamalai, I.A.S.,

Circular No.23/ 2012

Rc.62790 / 2011 CC3 Dated : 6.8.2012

Sub: Consumer Coperatives – inclusion of Non-controlled commodities

that should be sold through Fair Price Shops run by Cooperatives –
Ref: 1. Registrar’s Circular No.34 / 2011 CC3 dated 29.9.2011
2. New Product Selection Committee’s recommendation Rc.751
/ 2011 / TNCCF / Committee dated 21.6.2012

In the Registrar of Cooperative Societies Circular 1st cited permission was

accorded to Visalakshi Soap Workers to self their challenge detergent cakes initially for
3 months through Fair Price Shops run by the Cooperatives.

As per the New Product Selection Committee’s recommendation 2 nd

cited, permanent approval is given for inclusion of Challenge Detergent Cakes of
Visalakshi Soap Workers, Nagore in the list of non controlled commodities that could
be sold through Fair Price Shops with the following conditions.

a) It should be ensured that the stock should not be held for more than a
month and the supplier has to take it back if not sold within a month.

b) The supply should be made only on consignment basis

c) Settlement should be made only after sale of goods purchased.
d) Supply should be based on firm indents received from the Societies.

e) Severe disciplinary action will be initiated against erring officials /

employees who do not follow the above instructions

f) Individual societies should not be compelled to give indent or sell the


g) No Sales persons of any Fair Price Shops should compel the family
card holders to buy this product.

h) This product should be given to any Fair Price Shops, where there is no
separate place for keeping and selling away from the regular Public
Distribution System items.
i) This product should not be kept along with Rice, Grams, Wheat, Sugar,
Palm Oil etc.

Sd/- P. Annamalai

/ By Order /
For Registrar

The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region, Chennai

All the Regional Joint Registrars
The Joint Registrars (PDS) I & II, Chennai
The Special Officer of all Cooperative Wholesale Stores
The Special Officer, Tamilnadu Cooperative Marketing Federation, Chennai
The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Consumer’s Cooperative Federation, Chennai
The Special Officer, Thiruchengodu & Erode Agricultural Producers Marketing Society

Copy to
PDS, CCS, CM, PACS, GC Section in Office

Copy to
Stock file

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.10
ÂU. g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g.,
R‰w¿¡if v©. 24/ 2012
e.f. 73168 / 2012 / ETg2 ehŸ: 31.8.2012

bghUŸ: Ef®nth® T£LwÎ¥ gâfŸ – bkh¤j é‰gid g©lfrhiy -

- clš CdK‰w gâahs®fŸ 15 ãäl« K‹djhf
mYtyf¤ij é£L bršy mDk – mDk tH§f¥gL»wJ
– bjhl®ghf
gh®it: fhŠÁòu« kht£l Ef®nth® T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid
g©lfrhiy¤ jå mYtyç‹ foj« e.f. v©. 658 / 2012 Ï4
ehŸ 7.8.2012
murhiz ( ãiy) v©. 149 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®¤ÂU¤j¤ Jiw ehŸ
19.8.2008 Ïš gh®ita‰nwh® k‰W« clš CdK‰w muR¥ gâahs®fŸ ÂdK«
khiyæš 15 ãäl§fŸ K‹djhf mYtyf¤ij é£L¢ bršy mDk¤J Miz
btëæl¥g£LŸsJ. Ï¢ rYifæid fhŠÓòu« kht£l Ef®nth® T£LwÎ bkh¤j
é‰gid g©lfrhiyæš gâòçÍ« kh‰W¤ ÂwdhëfS¡F«, Ú£o¤J mDkÂ
tH§FkhW fhŠÓòu« kht£l Ef®nth® Ef®nth® T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid
g©lfrhiyæ‹ jå mYty® gh®itæš fhQ« jdJ foj¤Âš nfhçæUªjh®.

fhŠÓòu« kht£l Ef®nth® T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid g©lfrhiy jå

mYtyç‹ nfhç¡if gçÓè¡f¥g£lJ. mj‹ mo¥giloaš T£LwÎ ãWtd§fëš
gâòçÍ« gh®ita‰nwh® k‰W« clš CdK‰w gâahs®fŸ ÂdK« khiyæš 15
ãäl« K‹djhf mYtyf¤ij é£L¢ bršy mDk tH§f¥gL»wJ.

Ï¢ R‰w¿¡ifæid¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lik¡F x¥òjiy cl‹ më¡f¡

nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹
X«/- g. m©zhkiy
/ Miz¥go/
1. TLjš gÂths® / br‹id k©ly«
2. mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
3. jå mYty®fŸ mid¤J T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid g©lfrhiyfŸ
4. gÂths® mYtyf ã®thf¥ ÃçÎfŸ ktg, et, t.M, ér Ïg, ktbfh
ntCt, bjhntr, ET, »f , ÂfTg,
5. mYtyf ‘ãm’ ÃçÎ
efš : ÏU¥ò nfh¥ò

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.10
ÂU. g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g.,

R‰w¿¡if v©. 28/ 2012

e.f. 83107 / 2012 / ET3 ehŸ: 25.9.2012

Ef®nth® T£LwÎ – ãahaéiy¡ filfis el¤J« T£LwÎ

ãWtd§fŸ – é‰gid¡F¤ njitahd Jâ nfh¥ò
tiffis neuoahf m§Ñfç¡f¥g£l ãWtd§fëläUªJ
bfhŸKjš brŒa mDk¤jš – bjhl®ghf
gh®it: gÂthsç‹ foj e.f. v©. 140209 / 2009 ETg 1 ehŸ 16.7.2011
gh®itæš fhQ« foj¤Âš bjhl¡f T£LwÎ g©lfrhiyfŸ, T£LwÎ
é‰gid¢ r§f§fŸ, bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ k‰W« Ïju
bjhl¡f T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ mid¤J« j§fS¡F njitahd f£L¥ghl‰w
bghU£fis mªjªj kht£l¤Âš brašg£L tU« T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid¥
g©lfhriyfë‹ _ykhfnt bfhŸKjš brŒa nt©Lbkd m¿Îiu tH§f¥g£lJ.

2. jäœehL KGtJ« Jâ nrh¥ò tiffŸ bgUkséš gšntW T£LwÎ

ãWtd§fŸ el¤J« ãahaéiy¡ filfŸ _y« é‰gid¢ brŒa¥g£L tU»‹wd.
ãahaéiy¡ filfis el¤J« mªjªj T£LwÎ ãWtd§fns neuoahf¡
V‰gë¡f¥g£l ãWtd§fëläUªJ Jiz nrh¥òfis neuoahf¡ bfhŸKjš brŒjhš
Jâ nrh¥òfŸ Ef®nthU¡F ãahakhd éiyæY«, xnu éiyæY« é‰gid¢ brŒa
ÏaY«. ÏJ T£LwÎ ãWtd¤Â‰F« Ïyhgfukhf ÏU¡F« v‹w fU¤Â‹
mo¥gilæY« ãahaéiy¡ filfŸ el¤J« mªjªj T£LwÎ ãWtd§fns
V‰gë¡f¥g£l ãWtd§fëläUªJ neuoahf¤ Jâ nrh¥ò tiffis k£L«
bfhŸKjš brŒa mDk tH§f¥gL»wJ.


m. xU khj¤Â‰F nkš é‰gidahfhj nrh¥ò ÏU¥Ãš Ïšiy v‹gij cWÂ

brŒJ bfhŸtJl‹ é‰gidahfhj ÏU¥ò éãnahf°juhš ÂU«g¥ bgw¥gl nt©L«.

M. x¥gil¥ò Kiwænyna (Consignment basis) nrh¥ò th§f¥gl nt©L«.

Ï. th§f¥g£l nrh¥òfŸ KGtJ« é‰gid brŒa¥g£l Ëdnu bjhif ne®

brŒa¥gl nt©L«.

<. nk‰f©l ãgªjidfis Ëg‰w g£r¤Âš r«gªj¥g£l mYty®fŸ /

gâahs®fŸ ÛJ fLikahf xG§F elto¡if vL¡f¥gL«.

c. ãahaéiy¡ fil é‰gidahs®fŸ nrh¥òfis tèÍW¤Â FL«g
m£iljhu®fS¡F é‰gid brŒa¡ TlhJ.

C. bghJ éãnahf¤ £l bghU£fSl‹ nr®¡fhkš, jåna ÏU¥ò it¡f

trÂÍŸs ãahaéiy¡ filfëš k£Lnk nrh¥ò é‰gid nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.

v. mçÁ, gU¥òfŸ, nfhJik, r®¡fiu, ghkhæš ngh‹wt‰Wl‹ Ϫj nrh¥ò

tiffis ÏU¥ò it¡f¡ TlhJ.

3. gÂthsuhš V‰gë¡f¥glhj ãWtd§fëläUªJ Jâ nrh¥ò tiffŸ

bfhŸKjš brŒa¥gLtij cldoahf ãW¤jΫ m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wJ. gÂthsuhš
V‰gë¡f¥glhj ãWtd§fëläUªJ Jâ nrh¥ò tiffŸ bfhŸKjš brŒtJ k‰W«
é‰gid brŒtJ f©l¿a¥g£lhš r«gªj¥g£l jå mYty®fŸ ÛJ j¡f xG§F
elto¡if vL¡f¥gL« vdΫ bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ.

Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid r«gªj¥g£l mid¤J T£LwÎ ãWtd§fS¡F«

bjhl®òW¤JkhW k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.

Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã it¡FkhW

nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wJ.

X«/- g. m©zhkiy
/ Miz¥go/
1. TLjš gÂths® / br‹id k©ly«
2. mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
3. jå mYty®fŸ mid¤J T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid
4. Ïiz¥gÂths®, bghé I & II
5. gÂths® mYtyf ã®thf¥ ÃçÎfŸ

ÏU¥ò nfh¥Ã‰F

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.10
ÂU. g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g.,

R‰w¿¡if v©. 4/ 2012

e.f. 8011 / 2012 / bghéÂf2 ehŸ: 30.1.2012

bghUŸ: bghJ éãnahf¤ £l« k©bz©bzŒ ef®Î – m¿ÎiufŸ


bghJ éãnahf¤Â£l¤Â‹ Ñœ éãnah»¡f¥gL« k©bz©bzŒ ef®Î
brŒtš fhyjhkjK«, Ïjdhš Áy Ïl®ghLfS« V‰gLtij j鮡F« bghU£L
Ñœ¡f©lthW m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»wJ.

1. xJ¡ÑL Miz¥go, xJ¡ÑL brŒa¥g£LŸs k©bz©bzŒ mid¤J

ãahaéiy¡ filfëY« Ãu khj« 5-M« nj¡FŸ 25%, 10-M«
nj¡FŸ 50%, 15-M« nj¡FŸ 75% k‰W« 20M« njÂf¡FŸ 100% vd
KGikahf ef®Î brŒÂlš nt©L« xJ¡ÑL msÎ KGtJ« f©o¥ghf
ef®Î brŒa¥gl nt©L«.

2. ef®Î brŒa¥gL« k©bz©bzŒ¡fhd djhifæid r«gªj¥g£l

k©bz©bzŒ Kft®fS¡F fhnrhiy / tiunthiy _ykhf k£Lnk
tH§f¥gl nt©L«. v¡fhuz¤ij¡ bfh©L« fil¥gâahs®fns
neuoahf buh¡fkhf tH§f¡TlhJ.

3. nk‰F¿¥Ã£LŸs m¿Îiufis bjhl®òila ãWtd§fS¡F bjçé¤J

Ïit jtwhkš eilKiw¥gL¤j¥gLtij f©fhâ¡FkhW, ÏJ
bjhl®ghd Ïz¡f m¿¡ifæid cl‹ mD¥Ã it¡FkhW« mid¤J
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»‹wd®.

// Miz¥go //
1. TLjš gÂths® (br‹id k©ly« ) br‹id
2. Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤ £l«) br‹id-1 k‰W« 2
3. mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
1. mid¤J Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ (bghJéãnahf¤ Âll«)
2. jå mYty® mid¤J kht£l Ef®nth® T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid

T£LwΤ Jiw

mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU.g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g., jå mYty®,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«
170, bgçah® <.bt.uh. beLŠrhiy, br‹id.600 010
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.600 010

e.f. 41325 / 2012 ÂfTg1 ehŸ 23.05.2012


bghUŸ: jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a« - CÂa kh‰w« - g®T® g£L¡nfh£il,

ÂU¢Rê T£LwÎ bjhê‰gæ‰Á ãiya§fŸ k‰W« ÏyhšFo
T£LwÎ ghèbl¡å¡ fšYhç gâahs®fë‹ CÂa¤Âid
kh‰¿aik¤Âl mDk tH§f¥gLjš – bjhl®ghf

gh®it: 1. jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a jå mYtyç‹ foj« e.f. 1433/2012

m1 ehŸ 9.3.2012
2. jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a jå mYtyç‹ foj« e.f. 1435/2012
m1 ehŸ 2.4.2012
jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤Â‹ m§fkhf bra‰g£L tU« g®T®, g£L¡nfh£il,
ÂU¢Rê M»a T£LwÎ bjhê‰ gæ‰Á ãiya§fŸ k‰W« ÏyhšFo T£LwÎ
ghèbl¡å¡ fšYhç M»at‰¿š gâòçÍ« gâahs®fë‹ CÂa¤ij kh‰¿aik¤J
ã®za« brŒtJ bjhl®ghd K‹bkhêéid gh®itæš fhQ« foj« _y« x‹¿a¤
jå mYty® mD¥ÃÍŸsh®.

jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a jå mYtyç‹ K‹bkhêÎfŸ gçÓè¡f¥g£L nk‰go

gâahs®fë‹ CÂa kh‰w« F¿¤J Ñœf©lthW Mizæl¥gL»wJ.

g®T®, g£L¡nfh£il k‰W« ÂU¢Rê M»a _‹W T£LwÎ bjhê‰gæ‰Á

ãiya§fŸ, ÏyhšFo T£LwÎ ghèbl¡å¡ fšYhçæš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fë‹
r«gs é»j§fS¡nf‰g muR¥ gâahs®fS¡fhd 6-MtJ r«gs¡FG gçªJiu¥go
1.1.2006 Kjš Ñœ¡f©l r«gs¡f‰iw k‰W« ju CÂa« ã®za« brŒJ tH§f

MwhtJ CÂa¡FG
t. j‰nghJŸs r«gs gçªJiu¥go 1.1.2006
v©. j‰nghJŸs gâæl« V‰w Kiw Kjš ã®za«
brŒa¥gL« r«gs¡
1 2 3 4
Ïsãiy gæ‰Á mYty® - 5000-150-8000
1 (rhjhuz ãiy) 9300-34800+GP 4400
Ïsãiy gæ‰Á mYty® - 5500-175-9000
(nj®Î ãiy)
cjé gæ‰Á mYty® 5500-175-9000
2 (rhjhuz ãiy) 9300-34800+GP 4600
cjé gæ‰Á mYty® 6500-200-10500
(nj®Î ãiy)
3 bu~¥nuh»uhà fUé 2550-55-2660-60- 4800-10000 + GP 1300
Ïa¡Fgt® 3200
4 Kjšt® (ghèbl¡å¡) 16400-450-20900- -

1.1.2006 Kjš òidéayhf r«gs ã®za« brŒa¥g£L 1.1.2009 Kjš ãÂga‹ bgw

3) gÂthsç‹ Miz¥go T£LwÎ bjhê‰gæ‰Á ãiya§fŸ, ÏyhšFo T£LwÎ

ghèbl¡å¡ fšYhçæš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fisÍ« nr®¤J xU§»iz¡f¥g£l
jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥ gâahs®fS¡F 1.10.2010 Kjš 10 rjÅj CÂa ca®Î
më¤J 1947 M« M©L bjhê‰jfuhW r£l¥ÃçÎ 12(3) Ï‹ Ñœ x¥gªj« brŒJ bfhŸs
VJthf 1.10.2010 m‹W bg‰W tU« r«gs¤ij¡ fz¡»š bfh©L 10% ca®Î më¤J
jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥ gâahs®fS¡F Ïizahd gâæl¤Âš
Ï¥gâahs®fis Ñœ¡f©lthW bghU¤Â mj‰F©lhd CÂa¡f‰iw ã®za«
brŒJ tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.

MwhtJ fy« v© 2š 1.10.2010Ïš
t. CÂa¡ FG cŸs gjé¡F ã®za«
v©. j‰nghJŸs gâæl« gçªJiu¥go Ïizahd brŒa¥gL«
1.1.2006 Kjš jäœehL CÂa¡ f‰iw
ã®za« T£LwÎ
brŒa¥gL« x‹¿a¥
r«gs¡ f‰iw gâæl«
1 2 3 4 5
Ïsãiy gæ‰Á mYty® -
1 (rhjhuz ãiy) 9300-34800 + KJãiy 9300-34800
Ïsãiy gæ‰Á mYty® - GP 4400 cjéahs®
(nj®Î ãiy)
cjé gæ‰Á mYty®
2 (rhjhuz ãiy) 9300-34800 + f©fhâ¥ghs® 12000-39100
cjé gæ‰Á mYty® GP 4600
(nj®Î ãiy)
3 bu~¥nuh»uhà fUé 4800-10000 + mYtyf 5200-20200
Ïa¡Fgt® GP 1300 cjéahs®
4 Kjšt® (ghèbl¡å¡) - Kjšt® 17700-41200

m) muR Cêa®fS¡F tH§f¥g£l é»j¤Âš 1.1.2009 Kjš 30.9.2010 tiu
mféiy¥go tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
M) T£LwÎ bjhê‰ gæ‰Á ãiya§fŸ k‰W« T£LwÎ ghèbl¡å¡
gâahs®fS¡F mféiy¥go 1.10.2010 Kjš mo¥gil¢ r«gs¤Âš 73.71% vd¡
fz¡»£L tH§»l mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.

r«gs« ã®zæ¡f¥gL« Kiw

(c«) cjé gæ‰Á mYty®

j‰nghJŸs cjé V‰wKiw %.6500-200-10500

V‰òila CÂa¡ f‰iw %.9300-3400 + GP 4600

m) 1.1.2006 m‹WŸsgo mo¥il¢r«gs« %.10875/-

M) 1.86 Mš bgU¡»l tU« bjhif %.20227.50 mšyJ %.20230/- (m x 1.86)
Ï) ju CÂa« %.4600/-
<) ÂU¤Âa mo¥gil CÂa« %.24830/- (M + Ï)
1.1.2006-Ïš òÂa mo¥gil¢ r«gs« %.24830/-
c) 1.7.2006-Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.750/-
C) TLjš %.25580/- (< + c)
v) 1.7.2007 –Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.770/-
V) TLjš %.26350/- (C + v)
I) 1.7.2008-Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.790/-
x) TLjš %.27140/- (V + I)
X) 1.7.2009 –Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.820/-
Xs) TLjš %.27960/- (X + X)
~) 1.7.2010 –Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.840/-
x) TLjš %.28800/- (Xs + ~)
1.7.2010-Ïš mo¥gil CÂa« (1.10.2010) = 24200/-
ju CÂa« %.4600/-
30.09.2010 m‹WŸsgo CÂa V‰wKiw %.9300-34800 +GP 4600
f) 1.10.2010 m‹W mo¥gil¢ r«gs« %.28800 (mo¥gil¢ r«gs« +
ju CÂa« = %.24200/- + %.4600/-)
‡) 1.10.2010 m‹W 45% mféiy¥go %.12960/-
r) TLjš %.41760 (f + ‡)
P) 10% ca®Î = %.4176 (r x 10%)
l) TLjš %.45936 (r + P)
1.10.2010 m‹WŸsgo òÂa r«gs¡ f‰iw %.9300-34800
z) 1.10.2010 m‹W ã®zæ¡f¥gL« -
òÂa mo¥gil¢ r«gs« %.26444/-(l x 100/ 173.71)
j) òÂa mféiy¥go %.19492 (z x 73.71%)
e) TLjš %.45936 (z + j)
nkny (l) k‰W« (e) š f©l bjhif rkkhf ÏU¡f nt©L«
Ïju rYiffŸ
nk‰go bjhê‰gæ‰Á ãiya§fŸ k‰W« ÏyhšFo T£LwÎ ghèbl¡å¡ fšYhç
gâahs®fS¡F M©L CÂa ca®Î, nj®Î ãiy k‰W« Áw¥ò ãiy CÂa ca®Î, Ïju
gofŸ, rYiffŸ bjhl®fhd jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥ gâahs®fS¡F V‰fdnt
Mizæl¥g£lJ Ït®fS¡F« bghUªJ« vd¤ bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ.

Ϫãiyæš nk‰go CÂa kh‰w¤ij ËtU« ãgªjidfS¡F£g£L 1.10.2010

Kjš eilKiw¥gL¤jΫ 1.10.2010 Kjš ãÂ¥gaDl‹ tH§fΫ Ïj‰fhd 12(3) ‹ ÑHhd
x¥gªj nk‰bfhŸsΫ mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.

1. Ï›ñÂa kh‰w« F¿¤J 12(3) ‹ ÑHhd x¥gªj¤Âid 1.10.2010 Kjš 30.09.2015

tiu mKèš ÏU¡FkhW nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.

2. mDk¡f¥g£l gofis¤ jéu Ïju gofŸ vijÍ« mDk¤Âlš TlhJ.

3. Ñœãiyæš cŸs gâahs®fS¡F nkšãiy¥ gjéæš gjé ca®Î

tH§f¥gL« nghJ Ñœãiy¥ gjéæš xU CÂa ca®Î më¤Jnkšãiy¥

gâæl¤Â‰fhd CÂa¡ f‰iwæš bghU¤Â r«gs« ã®za« brŒÂl

4. j‰nghJŸs CÂa ca®Î ehëš vªjéj kh‰wK« TlhJ.

5. CÂa¡ f‰iwæš c¢r ãiy milªÂL« gâahs®fS¡F Ïu©L
M©LfS¡F xUKiw 3% nj¡f ãiy CÂa ca®Î tH§f¥gl nt©L«.

6. x›bthU gâahsU¡F« nk‰T¿athW CÂa¤ ÂU¤j« nk‰bfhŸS« nghJ

mj‹ c©ik¤ j‹ik k‰w« Kiwahd CÂa¤ ÂU¤j« (genuineness and
correctness of pay fixation) M»at‰iw jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤ jå
mYty® rçgh®¤J CÂa ã®za« brŒÂl nt©L«. CÂa ã®za«
brŒa¥g£l Miz efš gÂthsU¡F mD¥g¥gl nt©L«.

7. nk‰go CÂa ÂU¤j« nk‰bfh©lj‹ mo¥gilæš 3 bjhê‰ gæ‰Á

ãiya§fŸ k‰W« ÏyhšFo ghèbl¡å¡ fšYhç gâahs®fisÍ«
cŸsl¡» jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¡ f£L¥gh£oš mikªj mid¤J
gâahs®fS¡F« 1.10.2010 Kjš K‹ njÂæ£L gâ _¥ò¥ g£oaš (Interse
seniority) V‰gL¤Â Áw¥ò¤ Jiz é¤ ÂU¤j« nk‰bfh©L cça x¥òjš
_‹W khj¡ fhy¤Â‰FŸ bg‰¿l nt©L«.

Ï¡foj¤ij¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã

it¥gnjhL 3 bjhê‰ gæ‰Á ãiya§fŸ k‰W« ÏyhšFo ghèbl¡å¡
fšYhç gâahs®fS¡F nk‰T¿athW CÂa¤ ÂU¤j« nk‰bfh©L«
mid¤J¥ gâahs®fS¡F« gâ _¥ò¥ g£oaš V‰gL¤Â Áw¥ò Jizé¤
ÂU¤j« nk‰bfh©L« ãiwt¿¡ifæid éiuéš më¤ÂLkhW nf£L¡

/Miz¥go /
efš : ÏU¥ò nfh¥Ã‰F

T£LwΤ Jiw
mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU.g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g., jå mYty®,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«
170, bgçah® <.bt.uh. beLŠrhiy, br‹id.600 010
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.600 010
e.f. 23450 / 2012 ÂfTg1 ehŸ 23.05.2012

bghUŸ: jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤Â‹ gâahs®fS¡F CÂa é»j«
k‰W« gofŸ – 1.10.2010 Kjš kh‰w« brŒJ tH§»l
gh®it: 1. jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a jå mYtyç‹ foj« e.f. 1649/2012
m1 ehŸ 21.3.2012
2. jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a jå mYtyç‹ foj« e.f. 1435/2012
m1 ehŸ 2.4.2012
jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥ gâahs®fS¡fhd CÂa«, murhiz 153
T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw, ehŸ 11.5.2007 k‰W« muR¡ foj«
14805/Ánf 1 / 2007-2 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 22.6.2007
k‰W« ehŸ 17.10.2007 ‹ go kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£lJ.
Ïjdo¥gilæš 1947 M« M©L bjhê‰ jfuhW r£l« ÃçÎ 12(3) ‹ Ñœ
jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤jhš m/363/07 ehŸ 3.8.2007 –Ïš x¥gªj« V‰gL¤Â¡
bfhŸs¥g£lJ. Ï›bth¥gªj« 1.10.2000 Kjš eilKiw¡F tUtjhfΫ 1.10.2005 Kjš
ãÂ¥ ga‹ tH§FtjhfΫ 1.10.2000 Kjš 10 M©LfŸ tiu (30.09.2010) mkèš
ÏU¡FbkdΫ x¥gªj« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸs¥g£lJ.
nk‰go x¥gªj« 30.09.2010 cl‹ KotilªJŸsjhš 1.10.2010 Kjš òÂa
CÂa x¥gªj« brŒJ ju jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥ gâahs®fŸ nfhçÍŸsj‹
mo¥gilæš gÂthsç‹ mDk nfhç jå mYty® gh®itæš fhQ« foj§fŸ
_ykhf K‹bkhêéid mD¥ÃÍŸsh®.
br‹w x¥gªj¤Â‹ mo¥gilænyna j‰nghJ« 10% CÂa ca®Î«, All
India Price Index-Ï‹ go mféiy¥goÍ«, ãYit¤ bjhifÍl‹ tH§f jå
mYtyuhš nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥g£LŸsJ.
jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤ jå mYtyç‹ K‹bkhêÎfŸ
gçÓè¡f¥g£L Ñœ¡f©lthW Miz tH§f¥gL»wJ.
1. jå mYtyç‹ nfhç¡if V‰f¥g£L jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥
gâahs®fS¡F 1.10.2010 Kjš 10% CÂa ca®Î tH§» òÂa CÂa ã®za« brŒa
2. j‰nghJ jå mYtyuhš gçªJiu¡f¥g£LŸs r«gs V‰w Kiw¡F
mo¥gil VJ« Ïšyhjjhš jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥ gâahs®fS¡F CÂa¤
ÂU¤j« bjhl®ghf xnu Óuhd ãiyia¡ bfh©Ltu muR Cêa®fS¡F j‰nghJ

ã®zæ¡f¥g£LŸsthW jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥ gâahs®fS¡F« ËtUkhW
r«gs f‰iw ã®zæ¤Âl Mizæl¥gL»wJ.
j‰nghJŸs r«gs ã®zæ¡f¥glΟs
v gjéæ‹ bga®
é»j« r«gs¡ f‰iw
1 Ïa¡Fe® 12000-500-20000
2 Jiz Ïa¡Fe® / Jiz Kjšt® 11200-450-18850

3 cjé Ïa¡Fe® / Jiz Kjšt® nj®Î ãiy 11200-450- 17700-41200

4 T£LwÎ éçth¡f mYty®/ Áw¥ò ãiy 11200-450-
éçÎiuahs®/ f©fhâ¥ghs®/ 18850
nkyhs®/jå mYtyç‹ ne®Kf

5 cjé Ïa¡Fe® / Jiz Kjšt® Rhjhuz ãiy 10000-

6 T£LwÎ éçth¡f mYty®/ Rhjhuz ãiy 9000-
éçÎiuahs®/f©fhâ¥ghs®/ 300-9900-350-15500
nkyhs®/jå mYtyç‹ ne®Kf nj®Î ãiy 10000-400-
cjéahs®/ Ehyf® 14000-450-18500
7 KJãiy cjéahs®/ cjé nj®Î ãiy 9000-300-
vo£l® / rh®ò vo£l® / KJãiy 9900-350-15500
bjhêš E£g cjéahs® / fâå rhjhuz ãiy 10000- 12000-39100
Ïa¡Fgt® 400-14000-450-18500
8 tiuths® nj®Î ãiy 8050-275-
1080-325-14050 Áw¥ò
ãiy 9000-300-9900-
9 Ïsãiy cjéahs®/ Áw¥ò ãiy 9000-300-
RU¡bfG¤J¤ j£l¢r®/ X£Le® 9900-350-15500
10 KJãiy cjéahs® / cjé rh®ò rhjhuz ãiy 7500-
vo£l® / vo£l®/ KJãiy 275-10250-325-13500
bjhêšE£g cjéahs® / fâå
11 tiuths® rhjhuz ãiy 6000- 9300-34800
12 Ïsãiy cjéahs® / rhjhuz ãiy 5600-
RU¡bfG¤J¤ j£l¢r® / X£Le® 200-7600-250-11000-
nj®Î ãiy 7500-275-
13 vy¡£ßÁa‹ nj®Î ãiy 5600-200-
12000 Áw¥ò ãiy 7500-
14 gÂtiw vG¤j® Áw¥ò ãiy 5600-200-
15 vy¡£ßÁa‹ rhjhuz ãiy 4900-
16 gÂtiw vG¤j® Rhjhuzãiy 4200-
nj®Î ãiy 4900-150-
6400-175-9025 5200-20200
17 mYtyf cjéahs® / J¥òuths® rhjhuz ãiy 4000-
nj®Î ãiy 4700-125-
5950-150-8250 Áw¥ò
ãiy 4900-150-6400-

3) jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥ gâahs®fS¡F M©L CÂa ca®Î 3%

tH§»lΫ, nj®Îãiy k‰W« Áw¥ò ãiy gjéfS¡bfd jåna r«gs¡ f‰iw
ã®zæ¡f¥glhkš 10 M©L k‰W« 20 M©L fhy gâ Ko¡F« gâahs®fS¡F mªj
ehëš 3% CÂa ca®Î tH§fΫ mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.

4) mféiy¥go:-

j‰nghJ mo¥gil¢ r«gs mo¥gilæš Ï‹¿ vªjéj ntWghL« Ïšyhkš

x›bthU 4 òŸëfS¡F« All India Price Index ‹ go mféiy¥go ca®Î 0.18% tH§f
mDk¡f¥gL»wJ. Ïj‹go gâahs®fë‹ mféiy¥go mo¥gil¢ r«gs¤Âš
73.71% vd¡ fz¡»l¥gl nt©L«.
5) r«gs« ã®zæ¡f¥gL« Kiw

j‰nghJŸs CÂa V‰wKiw - %.---------------

m) 1.10.2010 m‹W mo¥gil r«gs« %.-----------
M) 1.10.2010 m‹W mféiy¥go %,--------------
Ï) TLjš %. ----------- (m + M)
<) 10% ca®Î %.-----------(Ï x 10%)
c) TLjš %.----------(Ï + <)
òÂa r«gs f‰iw %.------------
C) 1.10.2010 m‹W ã®zæ¡f¥gL« òÂa mo¥gil¢ r«gs«
%.-----------(c x 100 / 173.71)
v) òÂa mféiy¥go %.--------- (C X 73.71%)
V) TLjš %.-----------(C + v)
nkny (c) k‰W« (V) Ïš f©l bjhif rkkhf ÏU¡f nt©L«.

m) r«gs« ã®zæ¡f¥gL« Kiw (c«)

mYtyf cjéahs®

j‰nghJŸs CÂa V‰wKiw - %.4900-150-6400-175-9025

m) 1.10.2010 m‹W mo¥gil r«gs« - %.7140/-

M) 1.10.2010 m‹W mféiy¥go %.9573/-

Ï) TLjš %.16173/- (m + M)

<) 10% ca®Î %.1671/- (Ï x 10%)

c) TLjš %.18384/- (Ï + <)

òÂa r«gs f‰iw %.5200-20200

C) 1.10.2010 m‹W ã®zæ¡f¥gL« òÂa mo¥gil¢r«gs«

%.10583/- (c X 100 / 173.71) (i.e) %. 18384 X 100
v) òÂa mféiy¥go %.7801 (C X 73.71%)

V) TLjš %.18383/- (C + v)
nkny (c) k‰W« (v) Ïš f©l bjhif rkkhf ÏU¡f nt©L«

6) <£oa éL¥ò x¥gil¥ò:-

gâahs®fŸ gâ XŒé‹nghJ mt®fŸ fz¡»š ãYitÍŸs <£oa éL¥ò
eh£fëš 240 eh£fis x¥gil¥ò brŒa mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
7) Å£Lthlif¥ggo (HRA) k‰W« efu <£L¥go (CCA):-
Å£Lthlif¥go (HRA) k‰W« efu <£L¥go (CCA) M»at‰iw Ñœ¡f©lthW
ca®¤Â tH§»l Mizæl¥gL»wJ.
1. br‹id
Å£Lthlif¥go - 7.5% Fiwªjg£r« - 600/- mÂfg£r« - 1000/-
efu <£L¥go - 4% Fiwªjg£r« - 250/- mÂfg£r« - 450/-
2. nfhit, kJiu, nry«, ÂU¢Á, ÂUbešntè
Å£Lthlif¥go - 7% Fiwªjg£r« - 480/- mÂfg£r« - 900/-
efu <£L¥go - 4% Fiwªjg£r« - 200/- mÂfg£r« - 350/-
3. Ïju kht£l jiyefu§fŸ
Å£Lthlif¥go - 6% Fiwªjg£r« - 400/- mÂfg£r« - 700/-
Ïju Ïl§fŸ
Å£Lthlif¥go - 4.5% Fiwªjg£r« - 200/- mÂfg£r« - 650/-

8. fšé¡ f£lz¢ rYif:-

+2 go¥gt®fS¡F %.1500/- èUªJ %.2000/- MfΫ g£l¥ go¥ò go¥gt®fS¡F

%.2500/- èUªJ %.3000/- MfΫ ca®¤Â tH§»l mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.

9. kU¤Jt¢ rYif:-

j‰nghJ gâahs®fŸ M©blh‹W¡F bgW« kU¤Jt¢ rYifæid

Ñœ¡f©lthW ca®¤Â tH§f Mizæl¥gL»‹wJ.
mYtyf cjéahs®, X£Le® - %.3000/-
Ïsãiy cjéahs® - %.3200/-
KJãiy cjéahs® - %.3500/-
f©fhâ¥ghs® - %.4000/-
cjé Ïa¡Fe® - %.4500/-
Jiz Ïa¡Fe® - %.5000/-
Ïa¡Fe® - %.6000/-
nk‰go CÂa kh‰w¤ij ËtU« ãgªjid¡F£g£L 1.10.2010 Kjš
eilKiw¥gL¤jΫ 1.10.2010 Kjš ãÂ¥ga‹ tH§fΫ Mizæl¥gL»wJ.

1. Ï›ñÂa kh‰w« F¿¤J 12(3) ‹ ÑHhd x¥gªj¤Âid 1.10.2010 Kjš

eilKiw¥gL¤jΫ 1.10.2010 Kjš ãÂ¥ga‹ tH§fΫ Mizæl¥gL»wJ.

2. mDk¡f¥g£l gofis¤ jéu Ïju gofŸ vijÍ« mDk¤Âlš TlhJ.

3. Ñœãiyæš cŸs gâahs®fS¡F nkšãiy¥ gjéæš gjé ca®Î tH§f¥gL«

nghJ Ñœãiy¥ gjéæš xU CÂa ca®Î më¤J nkšãiy¥ gâæl¤Â‰fhd CÂa¡
f‰iwæš bghU¤Â r«gs« ã®za« brŒÂl nt©L«.

4. j‰nghJŸs CÂa ca®Î ehëš vªjéj kh‰wK« TlhJ.

5. CÂa¡ f‰iwæš c¢r ãiy milªÂL« gâahs®fS¡F Ïu©L M©LfS¡F

xUKiw 3% nj¡f ãiy CÂa ca®Î tH§f¥gl nt©L«.

6. x›bthU gâahsU¡F« nk‰T¿athW CÂa¤ÂU¤j« nk‰bfhŸS«nghJ mj‹

c©ik¤ j‹ik k‰W« Kiwahd CÂa¤ ÂU¤j« (genuineness and correctness of
pay fixation) M»at‰iw jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤ jå mYty® rçgh®¤J CÂa

ã®za« brŒÂl nt©L«. òÂa CÂa ã®za« brŒj Mizæ‹ efèid
Ï›tYtyf¤Â‰F mD¥Ãl nt©L«.

7. nk‰go CÂa¤ ÂU¤j« nk‰bfh©lj‹ mo¥gilæš jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥

gâahs®fŸ, 11 T£LwÎ nkyh©ik ãiya¥ gâahs®fŸ k‰W« 3 bjhê‰ gæ‰Á
ãiya§fŸ, ÏyhšFo T£LwÎ ghèbl¡å¡ fšYhç M»at‰¿š gâah‰W«
gâahs®fisÍ« Ïiz¤J jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a f£L¥gh£oš mikªj mid¤J
gâahs®fS¡F« 1.10.2010 Kjš K‹ njÂæ£L gâ _¥ò¥ g£oaš (Interse seniority)
V‰gL¤Â Áw¥ò¤ Jiz é¤ ÂU¤j« nk‰bfh©L cça x¥òjš _‹W khj¡
fhy¤Â‰FŸ bg‰¿l nt©L«.

Ï¡foj¤ij¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©j‰fhd x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã it¥gnjhL

jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥ gâahs®fS¡F nk‰T¿athW CÂa¤ ÂU¤j«
nk‰bfh©L« mid¤J¥ gâahs®fS¡F« gâ_¥ò¥ g£oaš V‰gL¤Â Áw¥ò
Jizé¤ ÂU¤j« nk‰bfh©L« ãiwt¿¡ifæid éiuéš më¤ÂLkhW nf£L¡


efš : ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò

T£LwΤ Jiw
mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU.g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g., jå mYty®,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«
170, bgçah® <.bt.uh. beLŠrhiy, br‹id.600 010
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.600 010
e.f. 132093 / 2009 ÂfTg1 ehŸ 23.05.2012

bghUŸ: jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤Jl‹ Ïiz¡f¥g£l jŠrhñ®
nfha«ò¤Jh®, kJiu, nry«, fhŠÁòu« , ntYh®, ÂUbešntè,
jUkòç, rh¤Jh®, ehf®nfhéš k‰W« flYh® M»a 11 T£LwÎ
nkyh©ik ãiya§fis¢ rh®ªj gâahs®fS¡F ÂU¤Âa
CÂa é»j« ã®za« brŒJ Miz tH§Fjš –bjhl®ghf

gh®it: 1. gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f. 132093 / 2009 ÂfTg 1 ehŸ 25.10.2011

2. jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a jå mYtyç‹ foj« e.f. 1435/2012

m1 ehŸ 9.3.2012
3. jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a jå mYtyç‹ foj« e.f. 1435/2012
m1 ehŸ 2.4.2012
jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤Jl‹ Ïiz¡f¥g£l 11 T£LwÎ nkyh©ik
ãiya§fëš gâòçÍÍk gâahs®fS¡F CÂa é»j« kh‰¿aik¤jš bjhl®ghd
ÂU¤Âa K‹bkhêÎ gh®it Ïu©oš fhQ« foj« _ykhf jå mYtyuhš

1. jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤ jå mYtyç‹ nfhç¡ifæ‹ mo¥gilæš

gh®it x‹¿š fhQ« foj¤Â‹ _y« tH§f¥g£l Miz Ú¡f« brŒa¥g£L
6-tJ CÂa¡ FG gçªJiufë‹go ËtUkhW nk‰go 11 T£LwÎ
nkyh©ik ãiya¥ gâahs®fS¡F CÂa« ã®za« brŒÂl mDkÂ

t.v© gjéæ‹ bga® ÂUªÂa CÂa é»j« + ju

CÂa« %.
1 Jiz Kjšt® 15600 – 39100 + 5400
2 KJãiy éçÎiuahs® 9300 – 34800 + 4900
i) rhjhuz ãiy
ii) nj®Î ãiy
3 Ïsãiy éçÎiuahs® / nkyhs® 9300 – 34800 + 4300
i) rhjhuz ãiy
ii) nj®Î ãiy
4 Ehyf® 5200 – 20200 + 2200
i) rhjhuz ãiy
ii) nj®Î ãiy
5 Ïsãiy cjéahs® / j£l¢r® 5200 – 20200 + 2200
i) rhjhuz ãiy
ii) nj®Î ãiy
6. mYtyf cjéahs® / ÏuΡ fhty® 4800 – 10000 + 1300
i) rhjhuz ãiy
ii) nj®Î ãiy

2) 11 T£LwÎ nkyh©ik ãiya¥ gâahs®fS¡F 1.1.2006 Kjš òidéayhf

CÂa« ã®za« brŒJ 1.1.2009 Kjš 30.09.2010 tiu ãÂ¥ga‹ tH§f

3) muR Cêa®fS¡F tH§f¥g£l é»j¤Âš 1.1.2009 Kjš 30.09.2010 tiu

mféiy¥go tH§f¥gL»wJ.

4) jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥ gâahs®fS¡F 1.10.2010 Kjš brŒJ

bfhŸs¥gL« bjhêš jfuhW r£l¥ ÃçÎ 12 (3) x¥gªj¤Âš 11 T£LwÎ nkyh©ik
ãiya¥ gâahs®fisÍ« nr®¡F« éjkhf 1.10.2010 Kjš x‹¿a¥ gâahs®fS¡F
më¡f¥g£lJ nghš 10% CÂa ca®Î tH§» Ïizahd gâæl¤Âš
Ï¥gâahs®fS¡F bghU¤Â ËtU« CÂa¡ f‰iwæš CÂa« ã®za« brŒÂl

t. T£LwÎ nkyh©ik gÂthsuhš fy‹ v©. 2š 1.10.2010 Ïš

v© ãiya¥ gâæl« mDk¡f¥g£l cŸs gjé¡F ã®za«
CÂa¡ f‰iw Ïizahd brŒa¥gl
%. jäœehL nt©oa
T£LwÎ CÂa¡ f‰iw
1 2 3 4 5
1 Jiz Kjšt® 15600-39100 + cjé Ïa¡Fe®
GP 5400
2 nj®Î ãiy / KJãiy 9300-34800 + cjé Ïa¡Fe® 17700-41200
éçÎiuahs® GP 4900
3 Rhjhuz ãiy KJãiy 9300-34800 + nj®Îãiy
éçÎiuahs® GP 4400 f©fhâ¥ghs®
4 nkyhs® / Ïsãiy 9300-34800 + f©fhâ¥ghs® 12000-39100
éçÎiuahs® GP 4300
5 rhjhuz ãiy Ïsãiy 9300-34800 + f©fhâ¥ghs®
éçÎiuahs® GP 4300
6 nj®Î ãiy Ehyf® 5200-20200 + gÂtiw vG¤j®
GP 2200
7 rhjhuz ãiy Ehyf® 5200-20200 + gÂtiw vG¤j®
GP 2200
8 nj®Îãiy Ïsãiy 5200-20200 + gÂtiw vG¤j®
cjéahs® / j£l¢r® GP 2000
9 rhjhuz ãiy Ïsãiy 5200-20200 + gÂtiw vG¤j® 5200-20200
cjéahs® GP 2000
10 nj®Îãiy mYtyf 4800-10000 + mYtyf
cjéahs® / ÏuΡ GP 1300 cjéahs®
11 rhjhuz ãiy mYtyf 4800-10000 + mYtyf
cjéahs® /ÏuÎ fhty® GP 1300 cjéahs®

5) 1.10.2010 mféiy¥go

T£LwÎ nkyh©ik ãiya¥ gâahs®fë‹ mféiy¥go 1.10.2010 Kjš

mo¥gil¢ r«gs¤Âš 73,71% vd¡ fz¡»£L tH§»l mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.

6) r«gs« ã®zæ¡f¥gL« Kiw

m) 1.1.2006 m‹WŸsgo mo¥il¢r«gs« %.-------
M) 1.86 Mš bgU¡»l tU« bjhif %.------- (m x 1.86)
Ï) ju CÂa« (100%) %.--------
<) ÂU¤Âa mo¥gil CÂa« %.----------- (M + Ï)
1.1.2006-Ïš òÂa mo¥gil¢ r«gs« %.----------
c) 1.7.2006-Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.-------
C) TLjš %.-------- (< + c)
v) 1.7.2007 –Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.-------
V) TLjš %.------- (C + v)
I) 1.7.2008-Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.-------
x) TLjš %.--------- (V + I)
X) 1.7.2009 –Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.-------
Xs) TLjš %.----------- (X + X)
~) 1.7.2010 –Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.------
x) TLjš %.------- (Xs + ~)
1.7.2010-Ïš mo¥gil CÂa« (1.10.2010) = --------
ju CÂa« %.--------
f) 1.10.2010 m‹W mo¥gil¢ r«gs« %.-------- (mo¥gil¢ r«gs« +
ju CÂa« = %.-------- + %.------)
‡) 1.10.2010 m‹W 45% mféiy¥go %.---------
r) TLjš %.----------(f + ‡)
P) 10% ca®Î = %.--------(r x 10%)
l) TLjš %.-----------(r + P)
z) 1.10.2010 m‹W ã®zæ¡f¥gL« -
òÂa mo¥gil¢ r«gs« %.----------- x 100/ 173.71)
j) òÂa mféiy¥go %.----------- (z x 73.71%)

e) TLjš %.----------- (z + j)
nkny (l) k‰W« (e) š f©l bjhif rkkhf ÏU¡f nt©L«.
vL¤J¡fh£lhf nj®Îãiy Ehyfç‹ r«gs« ã®zæ¡F« Kiw Ïiz¥Ãš

7) Ïju rYiffŸ

Ïju gofŸ, M©L CÂa ca®Î, nj®Î ãiy, Áw¥ò ãiy gjéfS¡fhd CÂa
ca®Î, cŸë£l Ãw rYiffŸ mid¤J« 1.10.2010 Kjš jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¥
gâahs®fS¡F mDk¡f¥g£lJ. 11 T£LwÎ nkyh©ik ãiya¥
gâahs®fS¡F« bghUªJ« vd¤ bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ.

Ϫãiyæš nk‰go CÂa kh‰w¤ij ËtU« ãgªjidfS¡F£g£L 1.10.2010

Kjš eilKiw¥gL¤jΫ 1.10.2010 Kjš ãÂ¥gaDl‹ tH§fΫ, Ïj‰fhd 12(3)‹ ÑHhd
x¥gªj« nk‰bfhŸsΫ mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.

1. Ï›ñÂa kh‰w« F¿¤J 12(3) ‹ ÑHhd x¥gªj¤Âid 1.10.2010 Kjš 30.09.2015 tiu
mkèš ÏU¡FkhW nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.

2. mDk¡f¥g£l gofis¤ jéu Ïju gofŸ vijÍ« mDk¤Âlš TlhJ.

3. Ñœãiyæš cŸs gâahs®fS¡F nkšãiy¥ gjéæš gjé ca®Î tH§f¥gL«

nghJ Ñœãiy¥ gjéæš xU CÂa ca®Î më¤J nkšãiy¥ gâæl¤Â‰fhd CÂa¡
f‰iwæš bghU¤Â r«gs« ã®za« brŒÂl nt©L«.

4. j‰nghJŸs CÂa ca®Î ehëš vªjéj kh‰wK« TlhJ.

5. CÂa¡ f‰iwæš c¢r ãiy milªÂL« gâahs®fS¡F Ïu©L M©LfS¡F

xUKiw 3% nj¡f ãiy CÂa ca®Î tH§f¥gl nt©L«.

6. x›bthU gâahsU¡F« nk‰T¿athW CÂa¤ÂU¤j« nk‰bfhŸS«nghJ mj‹

c©ik¤ j‹ik k‰W« Kiwahd CÂa¤ ÂU¤j« (genuineness and correctness of
pay fixation) M»at‰iw jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a¤ jå mYty® rçgh®¤J CÂa

ã®za« brŒÂl nt©L«. CÂa ã®za« brŒa¥g£l Miz gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F
mD¥g¥gl nt©L«.

7. nk‰go CÂa¤ ÂU¤j« nk‰bfh©lj‹ mo¥gilæš 11 T£LwÎ nkyh©ik

ãiya¥ gâahs®fisÍ« cŸsl¡» jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a f£L¥gh£oš mikªj
mid¤J gâahs®fS¡F« 1.10.2010 Kjš K‹ njÂæ£L gâ _¥ò¥ g£oaš (Interse
seniority) V‰gL¤Â Áw¥ò¤ Jiz é¤ ÂU¤j« nk‰bfh©L cça x¥òjš _‹W khj¡
fhy¤Â‰FŸ bg‰¿l nt©L«.

Ï¡foj¤ij¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã it¥gnjhL 11

T£LwÎ nkyh©ik ãiya¥ gâahs®fS¡F nk‰T¿athW CÂa¤ ÂU¤j«
nk‰bfh©L« mid¤J¥ gâahs®fS¡F« gâ _¥ò¥ g£oaš V‰gL¤Â Áw¥ò
Jizé¤ ÂU¤j« nk‰bfh©L« ãiwt¿¡ifæid éiuéš më¤ÂLkhW nf£L¡

/Miz¥go /

Ïiz¥ò – tiuéš f©lgo

efš : ÏU¥ò nfh¥Ã‰F

r«gs« ã®zæ¡f¥gL« Kiw
nj®Î ãiy Ehyf®
j‰nghJŸs CÂa V‰wKiw %.4000-1000-6000
V‰òila CÂa¡ f‰iw %.5200-20200 + GP 2200
m) 1.1.2006 m‹WŸsgo mo¥il¢r«gs« %.5452/-
M) 1.86 Mš bgU¡»l tU« bjhif %.10140,72 mšyJ %.10150/- (m x 1.86)
Ï) ju CÂa« %.2200/-
<) ÂU¤Âa mo¥gil CÂa« %.12350/- (M + Ï)
1.1.2006-Ïš òÂa mo¥gil¢ r«gs« %.12350/-
c) 1.7.2006-Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.380/-
C) TLjš %.12730/- (< + c)
v) 1.7.2007 –Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.390/-
V) TLjš %.13120/- (C + v)
I) 1.7.2008-Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.400/-
x) TLjš %.13520/- (V + I)
X) 1.7.2009 –Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.410/-
Xs) TLjš %.13930/- (X + X)
~) 1.7.2010 –Ïš 3% M©L CÂa ca®Î %.420/-
x) TLjš %.14350/- (Xs + ~)
1.7.2010-Ïš mo¥gil CÂa« (1.10.2010) = 12150/-
ju CÂa« %.2200/-
30.09.2010 m‹WŸsgo CÂa V‰wKiw %.5200-20200 +GP 2200
f) 1.10.2010 m‹W mo¥gil¢ r«gs« %.14350 (mo¥gil¢ r«gs« +
ju CÂa« = %.12150/- + %.2200/-)
‡) 1.10.2010 m‹W 45% mféiy¥go %.6458/-
r) TLjš %.20808 (f + ‡)
P) 10% ca®Î = %.2080 (r x 10%)
l) TLjš %.22888 (r + P)
1.10.2010 m‹WŸsgo òÂa r«gs¡ f‰iw %.5200-20200
z) 1.10.2010 m‹W ã®zæ¡f¥gL« -
òÂa mo¥gil¢ r«gs« %.13176/- (l x 100/ 173.71)
j) òÂa mféiy¥go %.9712 ( z x 73.71%)
e) TLjš %.22888 (z + j)
nkny (l) k‰W« (e) š f©l bjhif rkkhf ÏU¡f nt©L«.

/Miz¥go /

Circular of Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010
Thiru P. Annamalai, I.A.S.,

Circular No.18/ 2012

Rc.28936 / 2012 PMCT(1) Dated : 6.7.2012

Sub: Cooperative Societies – Employees of Cooperative Societies –

Family Benefit Fund scheme – Enhancement of risk cover amount
under the Group Insurance Scheme from Rs.1,50,000 to
Rs.2,00,000 – orders – regarding.
Ref: 1. G. O. Ms. No.193 Food and Cooperation Department dated.
2. G. O. Ms. No. 41 Cooperation, Food and Consumer
Protection Department dated.10.3.1998
3. Registrar’s Circular Rc. 144439/96 CT1 (1) dated 23.3.98
4. G. O. Ms. No.22 Cooperation, Food and Consumer
Protection(CB1) Department dated. 4.2.2008
5. Registrar of Cooperative Societies Circular No.2/2008 Rc.
49754 / 2007 PMCT1 (2) dated. 12.2.2008

As per the G. O. first read above the Family Benefit Fund Scheme is being
implemented for the regular employees of Cooperative Societies including the
Cooperatives under the control of other Functional Registrars with the effect from
1.5.1983 by Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank taking a Master Policy under
Group Insurance Scheme of LIC of India and is still in operation for the benefit of the
families of the employees died while in service. Government in their order fourth read
above enhanced the risk cover under the Group Insurance Scheme to Rs. 1,50,000 and
also raised the premium amount to Rs.900/- per annum (employees contribution
Rs.450/- plus society’s contribution Rs. 450/-) with effect from 1.5.2007 and suitable
instructions were issued in the Circular 5th cited for implementation of the scheme.

2) Now as per the announcement made by Hon’ble Minister for

Cooperation in the Floor of Assembly, the risk cover for each employee of the
Cooperative Society or institutions under Group Insurance Scheme has been raised
from Rs. 1,50,000/- to Rs. 2,00,000/- and the premium to be paid to LIC has been
raised to Rs. 1200/- (Per employee per annum) Plus Service-tax and Educational Cess
at the applicable rate from 01.05.2012. At current rate it works out Rs.1348.32
(1200+service tax 144.00+Educational Cess Rs.4.32) The Modus Operandi of this
Scheme will remain the same as ordered in the G. O. first read above.

3) if any society is having a scheme either by taking Group insurance
Scheme, with LIC of india or otherwise under which family of a deceased employee is
entitled to get not less than Rs. 2.00 lakh may apply for exemption to the Registrar to
remain outside the scheme by furnishing the following details to the Registrars
concerned on or before 31.7.2012 it e\will be construed that any society which has not
sent such proposals before the date aforesaid, has opted to come under the scheme
now approved.
- Name of the Society
- Total No of Employees working in the Society
- Full details of the scheme now adopted by the Society
- Details as to the actual amount as also the minimum amount, if any the
family of the employees dying in harness will get under the scheme
Adopted by the society.

4) The Scheme is compulsory for all Cooperative Institutions in the State. If any
society does not want to join the scheme. It should obtain specific permission from the
Registrar concerned. Exemption may be given only if a similar scheme or better scheme
is in operation in the institutions concerned seeking exemption.

5) When an institution comes under the scheme, all the employees of such
Institution are automatically covered. There is no choice for an employee to opt out of
the scheme.

6) The Central Cooperative Banks are requested to collect the differential

premium amount payable for the enhanced coverage amount for the year 2012-13 from
the societies concerned at once, in one lump sum and remit the amount directly to LIC,
Chennai. From the next year onwards i.e. from 2013-14, the premium should be
collected in advance from all the Employees and the same to be remitted on or before
15th May every year to LIC.

7)For belated remittance of premium, interest at 8% will have to be remitted

along with the premium and such penal interest should be borne by the persons
responsible for the belated remittance.

8) The Apex Cooperative Societies and the Central Cooperative Banks are
requested to ensure that all the employees of all the Cooperative Societies affiliated to
them are brought under the Scheme. The Circle Deputy Registrars are also requested
to ensure that all employees of all the Cooperative Societies are brought under the
scheme without any omission. The Officers concerned will be held personally
responsible for any omissions.

9) All the Apex Cooperative Societies and Central Cooperative Banks are
requested to acknowledge the receipt of the Circular by next post. They are requested
to bring the contents of the circular to the notice of all societies affiliated to them within 3
days from the date of receipt of this circular. They are also requested to send a copy of

the instructions issued by them in this regard to this Office, to the Regional Joint
Registrars and Circle Deputy Registrars. The Central Cooperative Banks will have
periodical meetings of the District Functionaries of other Functional Registrars with a
view to identify the Institutions which have not been benefited under the scheme.

10) This modified scheme shall come into force with effect from 1.5.2012 (i.e) in
respect of death cases occurring on or after 1.5.2012

11) The Regional Joint Registrars are also requested to acknowledge the receipt
of the circular by next post.
/by order/ Registrar

For Registrar.
All the Functional Registrars,
Additional Registrar, Chennai Region,
All the Regional Joint Registrars,
The Special Officer
Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank- for urgent follow up action
The Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Agricultural and Rural Development Bank,
Tamil Nadu Cooperative Marketing Federation
The Tamil Nadu Consumer Cooperative Federation.
The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Urban Bank Federation.
The Special Officers of all Central Cooperative Banks.
Copty to the Special Officer
Tamil Nadu Cooperative Union, Chennai 10
- He is requested to publish the contents of this circular in the journals
published by Tamil Nadu Cooperative Union in English and Tamil
Copy to all Circle Deputy Registrars for information and necessary action
Copy to the Special Officers of all District cooperative Unions
Copy to all administrative sections in the office
Copy to the Manager (P&GS) Divisional Office LIC Building II Floor, Anna Salai
Copy to The Secretary to Government, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection
Department, Secretariat, Chennai 9.
Copy to Special PA to Hon’ble Minister for Cooperation, Secretariat, Chennai 9.

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.600 010
ÂU. g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g.,

R‰w¿¡if v©. 19/ 2012

e.f. 68902 / 2011 / rg3 ehŸ: 6.7.2012

bghUŸ:T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ – T£Lw΢ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ«

gâahs®fS¡F <£oa éL¥ò rYif – mDk¤jš –
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»wJ.
gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£oš brašgL« T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gâòçªJ tU«
gâahs®fS¡fhd <£oa éL¥ò rYiffëš r§f¤Â‰F r§f« ntWghLfŸ
fhz¥gLtjhf gÂthsç‹ ftd¤Â‰F bfh©L tu¥g£LŸsJ. gÂthsç‹
f£L¥gh£oYŸs mid¤J T£LwÎ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F« <£oa éL¥ò rYif Xnu
Óuhf ÏU¡f nt©L« v‹w neh¡f¤Jl‹ Ñœ¡fhQ« m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd.

gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£oš brašg£LtU« T£Lw΢ r§f§fëš gâòçªJ tU«

gâahs®fS¡F (jF fh© gUt¤Âd®, Âd¡Tè, bjhF¥óÂa« k‰W« x¥gªj¥
gâahs®fŸ Ú§fyhf) <£oa éL¥ò x¥gil¥ò brŒJ fhrh¡fΫ, mÂfg£rkhf 240
eh£fŸ <£oa éL¥ò ãYit it¡fΫ mDk¡fyh«. jFÂfh© gUt¤ÂYŸs
gâahs®fS¡F (Probationers) tUl¤Â‰F 15 eh£fŸ <£oa éL¥ò xJ¡ÑL brŒa

2. Ϫj R‰w¿¡ifia j§fSila f£Lgh£oYŸs mid¤J T£Lw΢

r§f§fS¡F« bjhl®òW¤Â x›bthU r§fK« mj‹ gâahs®fŸ Áw¥ò¤
JizéÂfëš r«gªj¥g£l Jizé¡F nkny bjçé¡f¥g£lthW cça ÂU¤j«
nk‰bfh©L Ϫj R‰w¿¡ifæš F¿¥Ã£LŸsgo <£oa éL¥ò rYif r§f¥
gâahs®fS¡F Kiwahf mDk¡f¥gLtij f©fhâ¡F«go br‹id k©ly
TLjš gÂths®, k‰W« mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS«
Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifia¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lik¡fhd x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã
it¡FkhW« Ït®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.

X«./- g. m©zhkiy
/ Miz¥go /


bgWe® : TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«

mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.10
ÂU. g. m©zhkiy, Ï.M.g.,
R‰w¿¡if v©. 25/ 2012
e.f. 76377/ 2012 / Fe.1 ehŸ: 7.9.2012

bghUŸ: ca®ÚÂk‹w MizfŸ –fhy¡bfL ã®zæ¡f¥g£l

ca®ÚÂk‹w MizfŸ – ca®ÚÂk‹w Mizfis cça
fhy¡bfLΡFŸ ãiwnt‰Wjš – m¿ÎiufŸ

kh©òäF br‹id ca®ÚÂk‹w« k‰W« br‹id ca®ÚÂk‹w¤Â‹

kJiu¡»is M»at‰¿š ÏUªJ fhy¡bfL ã®za« brŒa¥g£l Ô®¥ghizfŸ
Ï›tYtyf¤Âš bgw¥g£L tU»‹wd. nk‰f©l ÚÂk‹w§fëš Jiw mYty®fŸ,
XŒÎ bg‰w mYty®fŸ, gâÚ¡f« brŒa¥g£l mYty®fŸ, cŸë£l gšntW ju¥Ãd®
muR k‰W« gÂths® ÛJ gjé ca®ÎfŸ, xG§F elto¡iffŸ, XŒñÂa gy‹fŸ, gâ
tu‹KiwgL¤Jjš gšntW nfhç¡iffŸ it¤J tH¡F bjhl®ªJ fhy¡bfL ã®za«
brŒa¥g£l Ô®¥òfis bg‰W tU»‹wd®. Ï›thW bgw¥gL« Ô®¥òfŸ r«gªj¥g£l
ã®thf¥ ÃçÎfS¡F bjhl®òW¤j¥g£L ÚÂk‹w Ô®¥ghizfis F¿¥Ã£l
fhy¡bfLé‰FŸ ãiwnt‰w nfhu¥g£L tU»wJ.

fhy¡bfL ã®za« brŒa¥g£l ca®Ú k‹w Ô®¥òfis bgW»‹w r«gªj¥g£l

ÃçÎfŸ m¤Ô®¥ò¡fis F¿¥Ã£l fhy¡bfLΡFŸ ãiwnt‰wš brŒa nt©L«
mšyJ m¤Ô®¥Ãid brašgL¤j Ïayhj ãiyæš mjid v®¤J nkšKiwpL brŒa
Jçj elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«. ÚÂk‹w« tH§»a fhy¡bfL Kotj‰FŸ muR
tH¡f¿P® (Government Pleader) r£l¡ fU¤Jiu bg‰W, nkšKiwpL/jilahiz
bgw thJiu (Affidavit) jahç¤J ÚÂk‹w¤Âš jh¡fš brŒa¥g£l elto¡if
vL¡f¥gLjš nt©L«. nkY« ÚÂk‹w Mizia brašgL¤j fhy mtfhr«
njit¥gL« ne®Îfëš ÚÂk‹w¤Âš fhy mtfhr« nfhU« kDéid jh¡fš brŒa
VJthf xU Kiw k£L« fhyÚ£o¥ò nfhU« gštif kD jahç¤J ÚÂk‹w¤Âš jh¡fš
brŒa elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«. mnj nghš fhy¡bfL ã®zæ¡f¥g£l MizahdJ
ca®ÚÂk‹w§fë‹ ÏU ÚÂgÂfŸ mj‰F nk‰g£nlh® ml§»a ÚÂk‹w mk®Îfëš
(Division Bench) tH§f¥g£oU¥Ã‹ mjid v®¤J nkšKiwpL brŒa¥gl nt©oa
ne®Îfëš c¢rÚÂk‹w¤Âš Áw¥ò éL¥ò kD jh¡fš brŒa muR _ykhf cça
fhy¤Â‰FŸ elto¡if vL¤J Áw¥ò éL¥ò kD¡fis cça fhy¤Âš jh¡fš
brŒa¥gl nt©L«. ca®ÚÂk‹w¤Â‹ fhy¡bfL ã®za« brŒa¥g£l Ô®¥òfë‹ ÛJ
nk‰bfhŸs elto¡iffis cça fhy¡bfLΡFŸ r«gªj¥g£l ÃçÎfŸ vL¡fhj

fhuz§fshš kDjhu®fŸ gšntW tH¡Ffëš ÚÂk‹w mtkÂ¥ò tH¡Ffis bjhL¡f
ne®»wJ. Ï›tH¡FfŸ fhuzkhf muR brayhs® k‰W« gÂths® gy tH¡Ffëš
ÚÂk‹w§fëš ne®ãiy (Personal Appearance) Mf nt©oa NœãiyfŸ

muR brayhs®, gÂths® k‰W« ca® mYty®fŸ ÚÂk‹w mtkÂ¥ò

tH¡FfS¡fhf ÚÂk‹w§fëš ne®ãiy Mtjid j鮡f Ñœ¡f©l be¿Kiwfis
Ëg‰¿l m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wJ.

1. fhy¡bfL ã®za« brŒa¥g£LŸs ca®ÚÂk‹w Mizfis bgW»‹w

ÃçÎfŸ ã®zæ¡f¥g£l fhy¡bfLΡFŸ ÚÂk‹w Mizæid brašgL¤j nt©L«.

2. ÚÂk‹w Mizæid brašgL¤j fhy mtfhr« njit¥gL« ne®Îfëš fhy

mtfhr« nfhU« gštif kD cldoahf jahç¤J muR tH¡f¿P® x¥òjš bg‰W
ÚÂk‹w¤Âš ã®zæ¡f¥g£l fhy bfLé‰FŸ jh¡fš brŒa elto¡if vL¡f

3. ÚÂk‹w Mizæid brašgL¤Âl Ïayhj ne®Îfëš ca®ÚÂk‹w Miz

bgw¥g£lJ« mj‹ ÛJ Ïil¡fhy jil bgwΫ k‰W« nkšKiwpL
ca®ÚÂk‹w¤ÂnyhmšyJ c¢r ÚÂk‹w¤Ânyh jh¡fš brŒaΫ cça elto¡if
vL¡f nt©L«.

fhy¡bfL ã®zæ¡f¥g£l Mizfis bgW« ÃçÎfŸ ÚÂk‹w Mizfë‹

ÛJ cça fhy¤Â‰FŸ elto¡if nk‰bfh©L ÚÂk‹w mtkÂ¥ò tH¡Ffëš
ca®ãiy mYty®fŸ ne®ãiy M»‹w Nœãiyfis K‰¿Y« j鮤ÂL« tifæš
brašgLkhW tèÍW¤Â nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»‹wd. nkY«, Ïå tU§fhy§fëš
fhy¡bfL ã®zæ¡f¥g£l k‰W« fhy¡bfL ã®zæ¡f¥glhj ÚÂk‹w Mizfë‹
ÛJ cça elto¡ifæid F¿¥Ã£l fhy¤Â‰FŸ vL¡f nt©L« ÚÂk‹w mtkÂ¥ò
bjhl®ghd ÚÂk‹w elto¡iffis Ïj‰F bghW¥ghd Ãçényna nk‰bfhŸs¥gl
nt©LbkdΫ bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ.

(x«..) g. m©zhkiy

/ Miz¥go/
mid¤J ÃçÎfŸ
gÂths® mYtyf«
efš: ÏU¥ò nfh¥ò

Circular of Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010
Thiru P. Annamalai, I.A.S.,

Circular No.32/ 2012

Rc.107803 / 2012/WP2 Dated : 24.12.2012

Sub: Writ Petition – WP No. 22941 / 2012 Hon’ble High Court of Madras
– Order – Copy communicated for immediate necessary action -
Regarding - Issued.
Ref: Hon’ble High Court of Madras order dated 16.11.2012 in
W.P.No.22941 / 2012

A copy of the Hon’ble High Court of Madras order cited is communicated for
information and immediate necessary action, wherein the Hon’ble High Court has
directed the Registrar of Cooperative Societies to issue circular to all the Cooperative
Societies that the choice of appointing the counsel is their own and the Government
Pleaders, looking after the Government Departments, cannot be asked to appear for

I request you to bring the contents of this circular and also communicate a copy
of the High Court Order to all the Cooperative Societies functioning in your region for
strict compliance, without giving any room for any complaint.

The receipt of this circular should be acknowledged by return of post.

Sd/-P. Annamalai
/by order/ Registrar

For Registrar.
Encl: As above

The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region,
All the Regional Joint Registrars

Copy to :
1) All Officers Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai.10
2) All sections, Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies , Chennai.10
3) Stock file.

DATED; 16.11.2012

W.P.NO. 22941 OF 2012
Kallakurichi Co-op.Sugar Mill
Dhina Coolie Thozhilalar Sangam,
Moongil Thuraipattu-605 702.
Sankarapuram Taluk
Villupuram District
Pin 605 702 .. Petitioner

1. The Government of Tamilnadu,

Rep. by its Secretary to Government,
Industries (Mic-2) Department
Chennai.600 009
2. The Commissioner of Sugars,
No.474, Anna Salai,
Chennai.600 035
3. The Management
Kallakurichi Co-op. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Unit 1,
Rep. by its Special Officer,
Sankarapuram Taluk,
Villupuram District
PIN 605 702 .. Respondents

This writ petition is preferred under Article 226 of the Constitution of India
praying for the issue of a writ of mandamus to direct the second respondent to consider
the representation of the petitioner union dated 17.08.2012 to fill up all the existing
vacancies or in the future vacancies in the respondent sugar mills by appointing all the
eligible and qualified members of the petitioner union as per the list attached instead of
filling up 32 vacancies only as notified on 16.08.2012

For Petitioner : Mr. J. Muthukumaran

For Respondents 1 &2 : Mr. P. Bala Ramesh AGP

For Respondent 3 : No vakalat by any one


This writ petition is field by the Trade Union representing daily wage
workers in the 3rd respondent Cooperative Sugar Mills, with registration No.STA-
309/1984. The prayer in this writ petition is for a direction to the second respondent
(Commissioner of Sugars, Chennai) to consider the representation of the petitioner
union, dated 17.08.2012 to fill up all existing vacancies of the future vacancies in the
third respondent sugar mills by appointing all eligible and qualified members of the
union as per list attached instead of filling up 32 vacancies only as notified on
16.08.2012 and to pass appropriate orders.

2. Apart from the second respondent Commissioner of Sugars, the

petitioner cited the Government of Tamil Nadu as the first respondent and the
Management of Kallakurichi Cooperative Sugar Mills Ltd., Unit-I, represented by its
Special Officer as the third respondent in this writ petition. As can be seen, there was no
relief claimed against the third respondent. But, however, they were shown as a pro
forma party as any order to be passed by the second respondent, who is not only the
Commissioner of Sugars, but the Registrar of Cooperative Sugars in respect of Sugar
Mills, will have a bearing on their future course of action.

3. When this writ petition came up on 23.8.2012, the Additional

Government Pleader, who was appointed for Cooperative Department took notice, not
only for official respondents, but also for the third respondent. Subsequently, the matter
was adjourned on 14.09.2012, 20.09.2012 and 27.09.2012. In none of the
adjournments, the learned Additional Government Pleader got any instructions from the
second respondent. When this court wanted to order notice to the third respondent as
they are an autonomous society, though under the control of the Special Officer at
present, the learned Additional Government Pleader stated that he also appears for the
society as their standing counsel. When asked to file vakalath, he sought for time.
Apparantly, in the meanwhile, they have sent a communication to the third respondent
stating that the Court had directed them to get instructions and the matter was
adjourned. So they wanted the concerned officials to meet the Additional Government
Pleader. He also stated that the High Court had directed him to appear on their behalf
and hence he has enclosed the vakalath and also demanded them to sent a specified
amount towards legal fees and filing expenses.

4. In the meanwhile, the third respondent mill wrote a letter to the learned
Additional Government Pleader stating that there was no case to consider the demand
of the workmen and that the posts will have to be filled up with the persons who are
seeking compassionate appointments and that the balance posts can be filled up on the
basis of the educational qualifications and seniority after getting orders from the
Commissioner of Sugars. However, since the main relief claimed is only against the
second respondent Commissioner of Sugars, there is no difficulty in disposing of the
writ petition with a direction to the second respondent to consider the petitioner’s

representation dated 17.08.2012, a copy of which was enclosed in pages 33 to 35 of the
typed set in accordance with law and after hearing both sides.. The said representation
shall be disposed of within a period of three months from the date of receipt of the copy
of this order by the second respondent and the result shall be communicated to the

5. However, before parting with this case, one disquieting factor that came
to the notice of this court is that the Government Pleaders, Additional Government
Pleaders, Special Government Pleaders, Government Advocates, who are normally
present in court, often volunteers to take notice not only for the Government
departments, for which they have been nominated, but also for private partieis, like
Cooperative Societies, village panchayats and panchayat union councils. Some time
even for transport corporations, etc. But after taking notice voluntarily, they write to the
parties (as was done in this case) as if the court had directed them to appear for those
autonomous / corporate bodies. Many time, the autonomous bodies, which are
corporate identifies Government Pleaders in the letterhead of the Government Pleaders
Office, they are forced to engage them even though they may be having their own
standing counsels, who are advising them constantly. This kind of soliciting briefs by the
Government Pleaders who are constantly present before the Court, is not only
unhealthy, but also contrary to the professional ethics framed by the Bar Council of
India, of which they were also bound.

6. In this case, if vakalath is not returned along with the fees specifieid,
there will be hardly any representation on their behalf. Many time, after change of
Governments, when the Government Pleaders take charge, there is total lack of interest
in such briefs, for which originally they had volunteered to appear. The Court also
comes across unnecessary disputes as to who should really represent such
autonomous bodies. Therefore, this court directed the learned Additional Government
Pleader to justify his appearance for a private body as in the case of the third
respondent herein. The learned Additional Government Pleader produced a copy of the
Government order in G.O.Ms.No.414, Public (Law officers) Department, dated
03.05.2012, wherein he was appointed as an Additional Government Pleader
(Cooperatives) in respect of the Principal Bench. He also produced a copy of the
communication sent by the Commissioner of Sugars, Chennai addressed to all Chief
Executives of Cooperative Sugar Mills, stating that he has been nominated as a Special
Counsel for Cooperative Sugar Mills in Tamil Nadu and that the Chief Executive were
requested to entrust all cases to him, vide a communication dated 19.7.2012. It is not
clear as to where the Commissioner of Sugars (Director of Sugar) has power to issue
such a circular when he does not have any specific power under the provisions of the
Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Act, 1983 to do so. On the other hand, in respect of
Cooperative Sugar Mills, rules have been framed under Chapter 18 of the Tamil Nadu
Cooperative Societies Rules. Rule 189 (3), the Managing Director (Special Officer) can
institute of defend any suit or other legal proceedings on behalf of the sugar mill and he
has to keep the Board informed. There are no other rules which empower the
Commissioner of Sugars, who is also a Registrar of Cooperative Sugars, to give any

direction with reference to the engagement of counsels by the societies. The power to
give direction vests with the Registrar under Section 181 also do not enable him to give
any such direction.
7. A Full Bench of this Court in K. Marappan vs. The Deputy Registrar of
Cooperative Societies, Namakkal Circle, Namakkal-636 001 and another reported in
2006 (4) CTC 689 held that the cooperative societies are not State or instrumentalities
of the Government and even if they were managed by the Special Officers and they
continue to be private bodies. Therefore, each society is an autonomous body and they
are entitled to defend or institute proceedings which include appointment of counsels of
their own choice. Such autonomous is very much necessary because many times, the
society may want to challenge an action of the officers of the department including the
Registrar. At times the action may include the action of the Government. In such
circumstances, the Government Pleaders who are asked to defend the department,
cannot appear for a society. In the absence of any enabling power, the circular dated
19.7.2012 relied on by the learned Additional Government Pleader has no validity in the
eye of law.

8. This Court received several complaints enclosing copies of the letters

addressed by the Government counsels to various societies. They are using a standard
format in such letters. As soon as a case against a Cooperative Society comes up for
admission, they attempt to take notice on behalf of the societies. Thereafter, they write
letters containing the following identical text. It is necessary to reproduce one such text:

“In the above matter, the Hon’ble High Court has directed
me to appear on behalf of you. I am herewith enclosing a vakalath.
Kindly sign the vakalath in the place of marked “X” and sent it to
me immediately, so as to enable me to enter appearance on your
behalf in the above matter.

Kindly send me a sum of Rs.10000/- (Rupees Ten thousand

only) towards my legal fees and filing expenses by way of demand
draft or cheque drawn in my favour at the earliest.”

9. In fact, one Additional Government Pleader had gone to the extent of

addressing the Commissioner of Sugars in the following manner:

“The allegations of the petitioners in the above writ

petitions can be effectively met only by the Government counsel
instead of continuing the private counsels. Moreover the Private
Counsel may not sail along with the Addl. Advocate General and
the said reasons we cannot afford to take risk. In these
circumstances, it is just and necessary to file supporting counter
affidavit safeguarding the interest of the mills taking into
consideration of the financial position of the sugar mills.

10. These instances which are in the increase shows the ugly practice of
brief soliciting by Government counsels and it should be nipped in the bud. If they feel
that the fees paid by the Government is not adequate, they should seek for revision of
their fees and not to venture into soliciting briefs where they can demand 20 times
more than the fee fixed by the Government.

11. The Commissioner of Sugars cannot be a party for soliciting briefs for
the Government Pleaders. Whether the Commissioner of Sugar had issued the circular
on his own or under pressure from above is not clear. In any event, he cannot ask the
societies to engage a particular counsel as even the G.O.Ms.No.414, Public (Law
Officers) Department, dated 03.05.2012 has given him the allotment of Department of
Cooperatives alone.

12. Since many complaints have come to this Court from different bodies
including panchayats and cooperative societies, this Court is forced to clarify the legal
position. It is made clear that any cooperative Society which is manned by the Special
Officer or otherwise, is entitled to have the counsel of their choice. It is also not open to
this Court to direct any Government Pleader to take notice on behalf of any societies or
panchayats as those bodies have their choice for appointing their own counsels. The
Government Pleaders must be informed that they cannot take notices for any bodies,
for which they have not been engaged as retainers.

13. Hence a direction will issue to the Commissioner of Sugars,

Chennai.35, Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai.10, Director of Town
Panchayat, Chennai.5 to issue circulars to all societies and panchayats that the choice
of appointing the counsel is their own and the Government Pleaders, looking after the
Government departments, cannot be asked to appear for them. This order shall be
communicated to all officers for whom copies are separately marked. It shall be
communicated by them within three weeks and a compliance report must be sent to this

14. A copy of this order shall also be marked to the Secretary, Bar Council
of Tamil Nadu, Chennai.104 for information and further action after enquiry. This writ
petition is disposed of with the above directions. No costs.

Asst. Registrar
/True Copy/
Sub. Asst. Registrar
1. The Secretary to Government
Industries (Mic-2) Department
Secretariat, Chennai.600 009

2. The Commissioner of Sugars,
474, Anna Salai,
Chennai.600 035
3. The Special Officer,
Kallakurichi Co-op. Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Unit I,
Sankarapuram Taluk
Villupuram District
PIN 605 702

4. The Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Chennai.600 010

5. The Director of Town Panchayats,

Ezhilagam, Chennai.600 005

6. The Secretary,
Bar Council of Tamil Nadu,
Chennai.600 104

7. The Section Officer, Writ Section, High Court Madras

8. The Deputy Registrar (Writs) High Court, Madras

+ 1 cc to Mr.J. Muthukumaran, Advocate Sr.69675

+ 1 cc to Government Pleader Sr.69760

Circular of Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010
Thiru P. Annamalai, I.A.S.,

Circular No.8/ 2012

Rc.13701 / 2012 P3 Dated : 7.5.2012

Sub: Pension – Pensionary Benefits – Forwarding of Pension proposals –

Certain instructions - Issued.
Ref: Govt. letter No.27978/CB1/2012 -1 Cooperation, Food and
Consumer Protection Department dated 6.2.2012 along with letter
No.3111/FS/T/Finance (Pension)/2011 dated 11.1.2012 from the
Finance (Pension) Department.

In the reference cited, it is stated that the Accountant General has pointed
out that on review of the pension proposals received during the half year ending
30.9.2011. Pension proposals were received belatedly from 73 departments and
General Provident Fund final withdrawal of 726 subscribers were received after one
year of retirement. Further, it is requested to send Combined Pension / General
Provident Fund final closure application in complete shape well in advance of the
retirement of Government employees to ensure prompt and timely settlement of
retirement benefits by the Accountant General.

It is a known fact that a retired employee is entitled for getting Pension,

Death cum Retirement Gratuity, Settlement of General Provident Fund, Encashment of
leave, Tamilnadu Special Provident Fund cum Gratuity Scheme 1984 and 2000 as per
the prevailing rules.

In this connection, the following guidelines / instructions are issued which

should be followed scrupulously.

I) Pension proposal:

1) As per rule 53 of Tamilnadu Pension Rules, 1978, every Government

servant should submit their application for pension in writing in Form 5 (Combined
application for final closure of General Provident Fund and Pension prescribed in
G.O.No.211, Finance (Pension) Department dated 27.5.2009 to the Head of office for
onward transmission to the Accountant General (A&E), Tamilnadu, Chennai.18 atleast
one year before the date of their anticipated retirement.

2) It should be noted that the dated signature in Combined application

(Part I) is compulsory for arriving at the commuted value of pension. (In case if any
proceedings pending at the time of retirement and later dropped, the dated signature
will be helpful to arrive at commuted value in full);

3) The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region / all
the Regional Joint Registrars / Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies (PDS) I and II,
Chennai should receive the application from the Government servant in the cadre of
Cooperative Sub Registrar / Senior Inspector of Cooperative Societies / Junior Inspector
of Cooperative Societies as mentioned above in full form and verify and forward the
same to the Office of the Accountant General (A &E), Tamilnadu Chennai.18 in
duplicate (sheet containing Joint Photo, Specimen Signature and Descriptive roll of
Government servant in triplicate) before six months of the retirement of the Government
servant for admission of pensioner benefits. Likewise the pension proposal in respect
of Ministerial staff / Office Assistant / Drivers / Record clerk etc., should be sent to the
Accountant General (A&E), Chennai by Deputy Registrar / Personnel Officer of regional
Offices / circle Deputy Registrars / Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System)
concerned. The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai region / all the
regional Joint Registrars /Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies (Public Distribution
System ) I and II, Chennai should watch the same scrupulously. Further, the Functional
Registrars should watch that the pension proposal of those under their control should
be sent to concerned regional offices as mentioned above.

4) Even though any proceedings are pending against the Government

servants, they should submit their Pension proposal in prescribed form to the Head of
Office (both for sanction of pensionary benefits and final closure of General Provident
Fund account) as mentioned in para (1) above.

5) Eventhough if any proceedings are pending against the Government

servant, the Head of Office should receive the application in full form and forward the
following documents to the Office of the Accountant General (A&E) , Tamilnadu
Chennai.18 before six months of the retirement of the Government servant for issue of
authorization after final closing GPF account

i) Combined application for final closure of General Provident Fund and

Pension in Part I (one copy)

ii) Part II (To be furnished by the Department officer (one copy).

iii) Nomination for General Provident Fund (One Copy)

6) The Head of Office may receive the Combined application for final
closure of General Provident Fund and Pension at one time in full and forward one
copy as mentioned in para 5 for issue of authorization after final closure of General
Provident Fund account even though any proceedings pending against the
Government servant and forward another copy after disposal of the proceedings
against the Government servant to the Office of the Accountant General (A&E),
Chennai. They need not insist for separate submission of proposal by the Government

7) Further if at all any proceedings such as Disciplinary case / criminal
case / Directorate of Vigilance and Anti Corruption enquiry / TDP case happen to be
initiated against a Government servant (Please refer to the instructions with regard to
initiation of proceedings at the verge of retirement) after forwarding the proposal to the
Office of the Accountant General (A&E) , Chennai, the Head of office should
immediately send a report over phone / telegram / e mail to the Office of the
Accountant General (A&E), Chennai and get confirmed to stop release of pensionary
benefits except General Provident Fund.

8) As per rule 27-A of the General Provident Fund (Tamilnadu) Rules, an

employee who is due to retire on superannuation be granted 90% of partfinal
withdrawal from his General Provident Fund accumulation, if he applies within 12
months before his retirement without mentioning any reason for such withdrawal.
Hence the Government servants who are due to retire on superannuation should
decide themselves with regard to the withdrawal upto 90% of their accumulation from
their General Provident Fund account and apply for the same before the proposal sent
to the Office of the Accountant General (A&E), Chennai. The Head of office should not
sanction Partfinal after sending combined pension proposal to the Office of the
Accountant General (A&E), Chennai.

9) Further, it should be noted that the subscription for General Provident

Fund account should be stopped four months before the date of retirement of a
Government servant. There is no bar to close and refund their accumulation after the
date of retirement even though any proceedings are pending against an individual and/
or the Government servant is placed under suspension (rule 29(c ) of General
Provident Fund rules).

10) In case of Deputy Registrars, the concerned Additional Registrar of

Cooperative Societies, Chennai region, all the other regional Joint Registrars and Joint
Registrar (Public Distribution System) I and II Chennai should obtain the Pension
proposal in the prescribed format and verify the same and forward it to the Office of the
Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Kilpauk, Chennai for onward transmission to the
Office of the Accountant General (A&E), Chennai. While doing so, one extra copy of
proposal should be sent for the record of this office as usual. Also regarding non
qualifying service, if any, it should be clearly indicated with datewise breakup details in
Form II. Further, though the Government is the appointing authority to the cadre of
Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies, the Additional Registrar of Cooperative
Societies, Chennai Region or regional Joint Registrars or concerned Head of Office are
responsible for discrepancy, if any , found afterwards. Hence they should verify the
proposal thoroughly before forwarding the same to this Office. Further also that the
proposal should be sent to this Office well in advance so as to forward the same by this
Office before six months of the retirement concerned Deputy Registrar of Cooperative
Societies to the Office of the Accountant General (A&E), Chennai.

11) In case of State self drawing officers viz. Additional Registrar of
Cooperative Societies / Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies, they should forward
the Combined application for General Provident Fund final closure and Pension as
mentioned below:-

a) Combined application for final closure of General Provident Fund and

Pension in (Part I) (in triplicate)
b) Part II (in One copy)

c) Nominations (Nomination for General Provident Fund (in duplicate),

Nomination for Life Time Arrears (in duplicate), Nomination for Gratuity
(in duplicate) and nomination for commutation of pension (in triplicate).

d) Four copies of sheet containing Joint Photo, Specimen signature and

Descriptive roll of Government Servant.

12) The State Self drawing officers who are all drawing salary through
Treasury may forward their pension proposal as mentioned above direct to this office
and one copy may be filed in their office. If the State Self drawing officers are working
on Foreign Service terms, they may send their proposal either direct to this office or
through the concerned regional office under whom their institution functions, so that one
copy of their proposal should be filed in concerned regional office.

13) The Government employees, who submit their application for voluntary
retirement as per rule 56(3) of the Fundalmental Rules, should prepare their pension
paper and submit it to the Head of Office at the earliest after acceptance of their
voluntary retirement by competent authority.

II) Special Provident Fund cum Gratuity Scheme 1984 and 2000:

1) Of late, there are more number of cases awaiting for the particulars of
completion of 148th instalment in respect of Special Provident Fund cum Gratuity
Scheme 1984 since the entries in this regard are not made in service book of
Government servants or recoveries are made in a period of more than 148 instalments
or recoveries are made less than 148 instalments and as a result necessary sanction
orders are being issued belatedly after verifying all the documents in this regard.

2) In the above circumstances, the Government employees may verify the

service book well before their date of superannuation and ensure that the completion
entry are made in the Service Book. Otherwise they may take it to the knowledge of
Head of office so as to avoid any discrepancy at a later stage and the Head of office
should take necessary action to clear the difference so as to issue sanction orders soon
after the date of retirement.

3) In G.O.Ms.No.409, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 25th May 1995 it
is stated that the pay drawing officer is wholly responsible for the prompt recovery of
SPF subscription in respect of non-self drawing officers. Further in respect of Self
drawing officers, the Pay and Accounts Officer / Treasury Officer / Sub Treasury Officer
should watch the Special Provident Fund recovery in the audit registers maintained by

4) In G.O.Ms.No.136, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 29.2.1984, it is

stated that in respect of Government employees on deputation or on Foreign service,
the foreign employer should effect the recovery and credit the amount to Government
account every month.

5) The State self drawing officers should themselves watch the recovery and
obtain necessary certificate for having completed the recoveries in this scheme and
produce the same alongwith application during the month of retirement for sanction
under this scheme. (The recoveries of subscription should be effected properly. If
recovery is not made or recovery made in excess, it is the duty of the State self drawing
officer to intimate the same with reasons for sanction under this scheme).

6) This applies to Tamilnadu Government Employees Special Provident Fund

2000 scheme also. In this scheme, the subscription should be stopped prior to one
month of date of superannuation.

7) The non recovery of arrear of subscription of those who opted in these

scheme will be ratified in the following circumstances for the settlement of Special
Provident cum Gratuity amount in respect of pensioners / family pensioners, resigned
and dismissed cases. (G.O.Ms.No.408, Finance (Pension) Department, dated
25.5.1995). However there is no need to obtain condonation orders separately for the
non recovery period in the following circumstances:-
i) Extraordinary leave period;
ii) Suspension period;
iii) Interruption of service period;
iv) Date of regularization at a later date i.e., Prior to retirement
v) Date of voluntary retirement
vi) Date of death of the deceased subscriber;
vii) Reinstatement of service.

III) Nomination:

The employees should file their nomination atleast once in five years of
service or as and when there is any change in their family which will be helpful to sort
out any problem it may arise at a later stage. Hence it is requested to file necessary
nomination as and when required.

A ready reckoner is enclosed for easy guidances.

/by order/ Registrar

For Registrar.
The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region,
All the Regional Joint Registrars

Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies (Public Distribution System-I),

(Public Distribution System-II), Chennai.

All Circle Deputy Registrars / Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System).

Registrar of Cooperative Societies (Housing) Nandanam, Chennai.35

Director of Audit for Milk Coops., Mylapore, Chennai.4

Copy to : All Officers in this Office

Copy to : All sections
Copy to : Notice Board
Copy to : Stock file.

Circular No. 8/2012 Rc.No.13701/2012 P3

Ready Reckoner


Category Authority

Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies/ RCS Office AG Office

Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies JR-RCS Office AG Office

Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies RCS (H)-RCS Office A G Office

in Housing Department

RRD Milk Audit Dir of Milk- RCS office AG


Cooperative Sub Registrar/ Senior Inspector of AR/JR AG Office

Cooperative Societies/Junior Inspector of
Cooperative Societies in regions

Junior Assistant/Typist/Steno Typist/ DR/PO of AR or JR Office/circle

Record Clerk/RecordAssistant/Driver/Office DR (PDS) / DR (Housing) /RDD
Assistant/Watchman/Masalchi(All the Ministerial Audit/ DR(Dairy) ->AG Office
Staff and Basic servants)


Special Provident Fund cum Gratuity Scheme Subscription : Rs.20/-pm
1984 Instalments : 148 instalments

Special Provident Fund cum Gratuity Scheme Subscription: Rs.50/- for those opted for
2000 Special Provident Fund cum Gratuity Scheme
1984 scheme(optional)
Commencement : October 2000

Subscription : Rs. 70/- for those joined in Govt

service after 1 st October 2000 (compulsory)
Commencement : October 2000
Final instalment: Subscription should be
stopped one month prior to retirement.

Eligibility for sanction i) Retirement on superannuation;

(for Employee subscription, Interest and Govt ii) Voluntary retirement
contribution) : iii) Retirement on medical invalidation
Eligibility for sanction a) Compulsory retirement
(for Employee subscription and interest only)
b) Death while in service and other cases
c) Dismissal / Removal from service
Accepted Reasons for Non recovery i) Extraordinary leave period
(G.O. Ms No.408, Fin(Pension) Dept dated
ii) Suspension period
iii) Interruption of service period
iv) Date of regularization at a later date ie.,
Prior to retirement
v) Date of voluntary retirement
vi) Date of death of the deceased subscriber
vii) Reinstatement of service


Requirement i) Maximum of 240 days of Earned Leave at

credit on the date of superannuation
ii) 50% for maximum of 180 days of Unearned
leave on Private affairs at credit on the date of
Eligibility a) Normal retirement
b) Retirement without prejudice to disc.
c) Voluntary retirement
d) Retirement on medical retirement
e)Death while in service
f) Compulsory retirement cases
Ineligibility A) Those placed under suspension (till
revokation of suspension and regularization of
suspension period)
B) Dismissal / Removal cases

Sanctioning authority for leave encashment Upto CSR- Head of office
DR of CS – concerned JR of CS
AR / JR in Govt post – Accountant General
AR/JR on Fs terms – RCS / AR(F & B) in
Registrar of Cooperative Societies office
Previous leave account should be updated by FS
institutions and submitted to Registrar of
Cooperative Societies for sanction)


Last Subscription Subscription to be stopped four months prior to

90% Withdrawal Before forwarding Pension proposal 90%
withdrawal may be drawn and disbursed
Eligibility Within 12 months before the date of
superannuation including those under
Bar There is no bar to refund amount after date of
superannuation even though any proceedings
pending against Govt servant or he/she placed
under suspension and services extended u/r
56(1) (c) of FR


For Registrar.


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