SikaQuick 2500 Patch Id

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Technical Data Sheet

Edition 1, 2011
Identification no. xxx
Version no. 0010
SikaQuick® 2500 Pacth id

SikaQuick 2500 Patch id
Very Rapid Hardening Repair Mortar

Description SikaQuick® 2500 Patch id is a one component, shrinkage compensated, very rapid
hardening, early strength gaining, cementitious patching material

Use ■ Use on grade, above and below grade on concrete

■ Highway overlays and repairs
■ As repair material for concrete roadways, parking structures, concrete slabs
■ Economical patching material for horizontal repairs of concrete and mortar

Advantages ■ Very rapid hardening as defined by ASTM C-928

■ Easy to use, labour saving material
■ Contains no added chlorides
■ Not gypsum based
■ High early strength
■ Fast setting
■ Open to foot traffic in 60 minutes, to vehicle traffic in 3 hour (at 27ºC)
■ Easily applied to clean, sound substrate
■ Not a vapour barrier

Consumption Yield : approx. 2.300 kg/ltr

(approx. 2.018 kg of SikaQuick for 1 m³ of mortar)

Instruction For Use

Surface Preparation Surface must be clean and sound. Remove all deteriorated concrete, dirt, oil,
grease and other contaminates from the area to be repaired. Be sure repair
area is not less and 5 mm deep. Preparation work should be done by
appropriate means. Obtain an exposed aggregate surface with a minimum
surface profile of 3 mm on clean, sound concrete. To ensure optimum repair
results, the effectiveness of decontamination and preparation should be
assessed by a pull-off test. Saw cutting of edges is recommended. Saturate
surface to be repaired with clean water. Substrate should be saturated
surface dry (SSD) prior to application.

Priming Concrete Substrate:

Use Sikadur 32 Normal
Open time is approximately 40 – 60 minutes.
Apply SikaQuick® 2500 Patch id onto the still tacky Sikadur 32 Normal.

In case of application to very small area, a scrub coat of SikaQuick® 2500 Patch id
can be use prior to placement of mortar. Apply the scrub mortar only to pre-wetted
concrete substrate. The open time of the scrub coat is approx. 10 minutes. Apply
the following SikaQuick® 2500 Patch id onto the still wet scrub before it dries.

Mixing Mechanically mix in an appropriately sized mortar mixer. Wet down all tools
and mixer to be used.

Pourable consistency:
Put 3.0 litres of water added to the mixing vessel. Add slowly 1 bag of SikaQuick®
2500 Patch id while continuing to mix. Mix for about 2 – 3 minutes until even
consistency achieved.

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Application Pour the mortar onto the still “tacky” Sikadur 32 Normal.
Force material against the edge of the repair, working toward the centre. After
filling the repair, screed of excess. Allow concrete to set to desired stiffness, then
finish. If a smoother finish is desired, a magnesium float should be used. Mixing,
placing and finishing should not exceed 15 minutes maximum.

Maximum application thickness 30 mm as a mortar.

For applications greater than 30 mm in depth add 10 mm coarse aggregate or use
Sikadur Aggregate 510.
The rate is 5 kg to 8 kg of aggregate per 20 kg bag of SikaQuick® 2500 Patch id.
The aggregate must be clean, well graded and smooth.

To control setting times, cold water should be used in hot weather and hot water
used in cold weather.
Curing Moist cure should commence immediately after finishing. If necessary, protect
newly applied material from rain. To prevent from freezing, cover with insulating

Limitations Minimum ambient and surface temperatures 7ºC and rising.

Minimum application thickness 5 mm as a mortar.
Use only potable water.

Technical and Physical Data

Mixing Ratio Pourable Consistency 3.0 litre / 20 kg bag (water / powder ratio 15%)

Potlife at 27°C Approximately 15 minutes after adding powder to the water

Expansion 0.0 – 0.01%

Compressive Strength
(ASTM C-109) at 27°C Pourable
1 hour 3 MPa
2 hours 20 MPa
3 hours 25 MPa
1 day 40 MPa
7 days 50 MPa
28 days 60 MPa

Flexural Strength
(ASTM C-348) 28 days > 70 MPa
Bond Strength
(by pull-off test) 3 hours >15 kg/ cm2 (Using Sikadur® 32 Normal as bonding agent)
Initial set 20 - 30 minutes
at 27°C
Final Set 35 - 50 minutes
at 27°C
Colour Concrete Grey

Storage and Sjhelf Life Store dry at 4°C - 35°C. Shelf life is minimum 6 (s ix) months in original unopened
Packaging 20 kg plastic bag

Caution Irritant Skin/Eye/Respiratory Irritant. Avoid breathing dust. Dust may cause
respiratory tract irritation. May cause delayed lung injury (silicosis).

Warning: This product contains cystalline silica.

First Aid Eyes: Rinse thoroughly with water a minimum of 15 minutes. Consult a

Skin: Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing.

Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air. Consult a physician

Ingestion: Dilute with water. Consult a physician. In all cases, if symptoms

persist contact a physician.

Handling Precautions Avoid contact. Wear suitable personal protective equipment (chemical resistant
goggles/gloves/clothing). Remove contaminated clothing and launder before reuse.
Use in the presence of adequate ventilation. In the absence of adequate ventilation,
wear a properly fitted NIOSH respirator.
Uncured material can be removed with water. Cured material can only be removed
mechanically. Store in a cool, dry area. Keep bag tightly closed.

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Important Notification The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end-
use of Sika’s products, are given in good faith based on Sika’s current knowledge and
experience of the products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal
conditions. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are
such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor
any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this
information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The
proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject of our
terms and conditions of sale. Users should always refer to the most recent issue of the
Australian version of the Technical Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will
be supplied on request.



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Jl. Raya Cibinong- Bekasi km. 20 Surabaya :
Limusnunggal- Cileungsi Komp. Pergudangan Meiko Abadi III Blok B-52 & B-53, Ds. Gemurung,
Gedangan, Sidoarjo 61254
BOGOR 16820 - Indonesia
Tel : 031-8911333; Fax : 031-8916333
Tel. +62 21 8230025 Medan :
Fax +62 21 8230026 Jl. Pancing / Jl. Willem Iskandar No.66 B, Kec. Medan Tembung
Website : id Tel : 061- 6619500; Fax : (061) 6619400
e-mail: Batam :
Jl. Laksamana Bintan, Komp. Bumi Riau Makmur Blok E No.3, Sungai Panas
Tel : (0778) 424928; Fax : (0778) 450189

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