Lab 5 Agr231
Lab 5 Agr231
Lab 5 Agr231
AGR 231
Soil colours are most conveniently measured by comparison with a colour chart. The collection of
charts generally used with soils is a modified version of the collection appearing in the Munsell Book
of Soil Colour.
The charts in the Soil collection display 199 different standard colour chips systematically arranged
according to their Munsell notations, on cards carried in a loose-leaf notebook. The arrangement is
by the three simple variables that combine to describe all colours and are known in Munsell system
as Hue, Value, and Chroma.
The Hue notation of a colour indicates its relation to Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple; the Value
notation indicates its lightness; and the Chroma notation indicates its strength (or departure from a
neutral of the same lightness).
In writing the Munsell notation, the order is hue, value, chroma with a space between the hue letter
and the succeeding value number, and a virgule between the two numbers for value and chroma.
If expression beyond the whole numbers is desired, decimals are always used never fractions.
Thus, the notation for a colour of hue 5YR, value 5, chroma 6, is 5YR 5/6, a yellowish-red.
In using the colour charts, accurate comparison is obtained by holding the soil sample directly
behind the apertures separating the closest matching colour chips.
1. To identify different colours of soils.
2. To familiarize the students in using the Munsell Colour Chart.
1. Determine the colours of the air-dry soil samples provided by using the Munsell Colour Chart.
2. Wet the samples and determine the colours.
3. Use the colour names in the chart to record your results.
1. From your results, what is the most common colour of soil in Malaysia?
• Yellow and strong brown
2. How does moisture affect the colour of soil?
• Moisture affects the colour of soil when dry soil becomes moist, soil colours darken by
1/2 to 3 steps in value, chroma may change by - 1/2 to +2 steps, and hue rarely
3. What is the main mineral that affects the soil colour?
• manganese
From study on soil colour
In conclusion, the environment and other minerals can have an impact on soil color. For instance,
soil can darken when combined with water. Using the Munsell colour chart, we can locate the soil's
colour. I was able to distinguish the various shades of soil through this topic, and I also became
familiar with using the Munsell Colour Chart.