Internship Report Core Java
Internship Report Core Java
Internship Report Core Java
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the award of degree of
Bachelor of technology
Computer Science and Engineering
I, JITESH BHARDWAJ , Student of Btech (CSE) declare that the project titled
<QUIZ SYSTEM = which is submitted by me to Department of computer science
HAMIDPUR DELHI affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.
The successful completion of this project mark the beginning of an ever - going
learning experience of converting ideas and concepts into real life, practical
system. This project was a quite a learning experience for me at each and every
step. At the same time it has given me confidence to work in professional setup.
I feel the experience gained during the project will lead me to gain the bright
prospect in the future. First of all I would like to give thanks to Head,
Education and Training, Mr. Altaf, for giving me the opportunity to work in
this esteemed organization, which not only has increased our awareness about
latest fields but also taught me the importance of team building. With the deep
sense of gratitude, I express my sincere thanks to Ms. Swati Sethi, for her active
support and continuous guidance without which it would have been difficult for
me to complete this project. I will also like to the other working staff teachers
at WEBTEK LIMITED for taking keen interest in my project and giving
valuable suggestions and helping me directly or indirectly to complete this
Btech (CSE)
This project < QUIZ SYSTEM = aims to provide interactive platform to the students
to learn and grow. This software will help students in accessing their learning and
implementing capabilities. The product will help the user to work in a highly effective
and efficient environment. Students only need the will to learn and java enabled system
to take this quiz. This software also stores the details of the user in the database which
can be accessed further in future. This system enables user to take quiz on the choice
of his or her subject of interest and later evaluate his or her learning based on the result.
This provide the students with the scope of improvement. This system also generates
the final result and provides facilities like storing the details of the user in the
database. The project < quiz system = is developed with the objective of making the
system reliable, easier, fast, and more informative.
a. Organization Profile&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8
b. Introduction of Project&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 11
c. Problem Specification&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.. 12
d. Problem Definition&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&12
e. Limitation of Existing System&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&..12
f. Objective of Project&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&...13
a. Feasible study&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.14
b. Introduction&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&14
c. Summary and Constraint&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&..14
d. Types of Feasible Study&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.15
e. Hardware and Software Requirements&&&&&&&&&&&&&&...17
a. Modular Description&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.31
a. Testing&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&33
b. Implementation and Screenshots&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.37
6. CONCLUSION&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.44
7. BIBLIOGRAPHY&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.45
Having partnered and worked with some of the leading names across Education, IT,
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With over a decade of experience we create and deliver high-impact solutions, enabling
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pursuit of excellence, WebTek's Research & Development team consistently innovates
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businesses to leverage the internet and mobility to work smarter and grow faster. We
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WEBTEK LABS offers out of the box solutions customized for various segments.
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including software and hardware design.
ø Design Realization
This system is basically concerned with making the students enable to take to the
quiz at their own convenience. The need of this system arose because there exist
some problems faced by the manual examination systems that are delay in result
processing , filing poses a problem , filtering of records is not easy , the chance of
loss of records is high and also record searching is difficult. These problems can
be easily overcome by Quiz System. Maintenance of the results and results is also
very difficult and takes a lot of time and effort in case of manual examinations.
Students can choose the subject of their own choice and take the quiz which will
efficiently display result at the end of it , enabling student to get to know of his/her
performance. This system will be very fast and result processing will be fast and
accurate. By computerizing the system, we will be able to overcome many of its
limitations and will be able to make it more efficient. The handling of data and
records for such a vast system is a very complex task if done manually but it
can be made much easier if the system is computerized.
This project works by storing the details of students in the database and then enabling
the student to choose the subject of his/her choice on which he/she wants to take quiz
and evaluate their performance. Later generation of the result at the end of the quiz
based on the performance of the student.
1. Data redundancy:
It means that same data fields appear in many different files and often in
different formats. In Manual system it poses quite a big problem because the
data has to be maintained in large Volumes, but in our system, this problem can
be overcome by providing the condition that if The data entered is duplicate, it
will not be entered otherwise updating will take place.
3. This project also stores the basic details of the students taking the quiz/test.
4. It provides the students with the choice to choose his subject and he wants to
evaluate his performance, making it user friendly.
5. At the end result is generated based on the performance of the student which is
very fast and efficient.
7. The overall method is very easy and based on few steps. No huge
amount of knowledge is needed to complete the task.
The database has logical structures and physical structures. Because the
physical and logical structures are separate, the physical storage of data
can be managed without affecting the access to logical storage structures.
Schema objects can be created and manipulated with SQL and include the
following types of objects:
÷ clusters
÷ Database links
÷ Database triggers
÷ Dimensions
÷ External procedure libraries
÷ Indexes and index types
÷ Java classes, Java resources, and Java sources
÷ Materialized views and materialized view logs
÷ Object tables, object types, and object views
÷ Operators
÷ Sequences
÷ Stored functions, procedures, and packages
÷ Synonyms
÷ Tables and index-organized tables
÷ Views
Other types of objects are also stored in the database and can be created and
manipulated with SQL but are not contained in a schema:
÷ Contexts
÷ Directories
÷ Profiles
÷ Roles
÷ Tablespaces
÷ Users
Some of the most common schema objects are defined in the following section.
÷ Tables: -
Tables are the basic unit of data storage in an Oracle database. Database
tables hold all user-accessible data. Each table has columns and rows. A
table that has an employee database, for example, can have a column
called employee number, and each row in that column is an employee's
÷ Indexes:-
When processing a request, Oracle can use some or all of the available
indexes to locate the requested rows efficiently. Indexes are useful when
applications frequently query a table for a range of rows (for example, all
employees with a salary greater than 1000 dollars) or a specific row.
÷ Views:-
Like tables, views can be queried, updated, inserted into, and deleted
from, with some restrictions. All operations performed on a view actually
affect the base tables of the view.
÷ Clusters:-
÷ Synonyms:
Asynonymis an alias for any table, view, materialized view, sequence,
procedureFunction, package, type, Java class schema object, user-defined
object type, or another Synonym. Because a synonym is simply an alias,
it requires no storage other then Definition in the data dictionary.
÷ Sequences
÷ Partitions
- Range Partitioning
- List Partitioning
- Hash Partitioning
- Composite Range-Hash Partitioning
- Composite Range-List Partitioning
÷ Clusters
A cluster is a schema object that contains data from one or more tables,
all of which have one or more columns in common.
All the rows from all the tables that share the same cluster key are
After you create a cluster, you add tables to it. A cluster can contain a
maximum of 32 tables.
Packages are PL/SQL constructs that allow related objects to be stored
together. A package has two separate parts. Each of them is stored
separately in the data dictionary.
A package can include procedures, functions, cursors, types, and variables.
User defined data types are PL/SQl types that are based on the existing
types. Subtypes are used to gives an alternate name to for a type.
÷ Table spaces
÷ Constraint
Constraints help understand how the tables and columns are related to
each other.
The constraint information is accessible under the USER_constraint view.
Owner of constraint
R_Owner - - owner of the foreign key referenced table.
÷ Java programs are platform independent which means they can be run on
any operating system with any type of processor as long as the Java
interpreter is available on that system.
÷ Java code that runs on one platform does not need to be recompiled to
run on another platform, it9s called <write once, run anywhere= (WORA).
÷ Java virtual machine (JVM) executes Java code, but is written in platform
specific languages such as C/C++/ASM etc. JVM is not written in Java
and hence cannot be platform independent and Java interpreter is actually
a part of JVM.
Earlier, java was only used to design and program small computing devices
but later adopted as one of the platform independent programming language
and now according to Sun, 3 billion devices run java. Java is one of the
most important programming language in today9s IT industries.
÷ JSP 3 Java is used to create web applications like PHP and ASP,
JSP(Java Server Pages) used with normal HTML tags, which helps to
create dynamic web pages.
To write your java programs you will need a text editor. There are even more
sophisticated IDE available in the market. But for now, you can consider one of
the following:
÷ Notepad 3 On Windows machine you can use any simple text editor
like Notepad (Recommended for this tutorial), TextPad.
÷ Netbeans 3 is a Java IDE that is open source and free which can be
downloaded from
÷ Eclipse 3 is also a java IDE developed by the eclipse open source
community and can be downloaded from
The NetBeans IDE is primarily intended for development in Java, but also
supports other languages, in particularPHP,C/C++andHTML5.
NetBeans Profiler
The NetBeans Profileris a tool for the monitoring of Java applications: It helps
developers find memory leaksand optimize speed. Formerly downloaded
separately, it is integrated into the core IDE since version 6.0.
The Profileris based on a Sun Laboratories research project that was named
JFluid. That research uncovered specific techniques that can be used to lower the
overhead of profiling a Java application. One of those techniques is dynamic
The NetBeans JavaScript editor provides extended support for JavaScript, Ajax,
and CSS.
CSS editor features comprise code completion for styles names, quick navigation
through the navigator panel, displaying the CSS rule declaration in a List View
and file structure in a Tree View, sorting the outline view by name, type or
declaration order (List & Tree), creating rule declarations (Tree only), refactoring
a part of a rule name (Tree only).
The NetBeans 7.4 and later uses the new [Nashorn] JavaScript engine developed
by Oracle.
NetBeans IDE is the official IDE for Java 8. With its editors, code analyzers
and converters, you can quickly and smoothly upgrade your applications to use
new Java 8 language constructs, such as lambdas, functional operations, and
method references.
Batch analyzers and converters are provided to search through multiple
applications at the same time, matching patterns for conversion to new Java 8
language constructs.
With its constantly improving Java Editor, many rich features and an extensive
range of tools, templates and samples, NetBeans IDE sets the standard for
developing with cutting edge technologies out of the box.
An IDE is much more than a text editor. The NetBeans Editor indents lines,
matches words and brackets, and highlights source code syntactically and
semantically. It lets you easily refactor code, with a range of handy and
powerful tools, while it also provides code templates, coding tips, and code
The editor supports many languages from Java, C/C++, XML and HTML, to
PHP, Groovy, Javadoc, JavaScript and JSP. Because the editor is extensible, you
can plug in support for many other languages.
When new developers join your project, they can understand the structure of
your application because your code is well-organized
Design GUIs for Java SE, HTML5, Java EE, PHP, C/C++, and Java ME
applications quickly and smoothly by using editors and drag-and-drop tools in the
For Java SE applications, the NetBeans GUI Builder automatically takes care of
correct spacing and alignment, while supporting in-place editing, as well. The
GUI builder is so easy to use and intuitive that it has been used to prototype
GUIs live at customer presentations.
The cost of buggy code increases the longer it remains unfixed. NetBeans
provides static analysis tools, especially integration with the widely used Find
Bugs tool, for identifying and fixing common problems in Java code. In addition,
the NetBeans Debugger lets you place breakpoints in your source code, add field
watches, step through your code, run into methods, take snapshots and monitor
execution as it occurs.
The NetBeans Profiler provides expert assistance for optimizing your application's
speed and memory usage, and makes it easier to build reliable and scalable Java
SE, JavaFX and Java EE applications. NetBeans IDE includes a visual debugger
for Java SE applications, letting you debug user interfaces without looking into
source code. Take GUI snapshots of your applications and click on user interface
elements to jump back into the related source code.
NetBeans IDE offers superior support for C/C++ and PHP developers, providing
comprehensive editors and tools for their related frameworks and technologies. In
addition, the IDE has editors and tools for XML, HTML, PHP, Groovy, Javadoc,
JavaScript, and JSP.
NetBeans IDE can be installed on all operating systems that support Java, from
Windows to Linux to Mac OS X systems. Write Once, Run Anywhere, is as
true for NetBeans IDE as it is for your own applications... because NetBeans
IDE itself is written in Java, too
The NetBeans community is large and active; many users are developing new
plugins all the time because NetBeans IDE is extensible and has well-documented
APIs. Are you missing a feature in NetBeans IDE? Create a plugin that fills the
gap and participate in making NetBeans even better than it already is!
All these details gets stored in the database, creating record for each student also
these details can be accessed further.
÷ C++
Both are the famous programming languages and the students can choose either
of these based on their preference. A no. of subjects can be added to this .
6. RESULT GENERATION: At the end of the quiz i.e. the 8 MCQ9s the
result will be generated when the user or student submit his test. The result is
generated based on the student9s performance or his inputs. The result will
enable the user to access his performance and improve it.
Testing is the process of exercising software with the intent of finding errors and
ultimately correcting them. The following testing techniques have been used to
make this project free of errors.
Content Review
The whole content of the project has been reviewed thoroughly to uncover
typographical errors, grammatical error and ambiguous sentences.
Navigation Errors
Different users were allowed to navigate through the project to uncover the
navigation errors. The views of the user regarding the navigation flexibility and
user friendliness were taken into account and implemented in the project.
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
System testing
÷ Concern: issues, behaviors that can only be exposed by testing the entire
integrated system (e.g., performance, security, recovery)each form encapsulates
(labels, texts, grid etc.). Hence in case of project in V.B. form are the basic
units. Each form is tested thoroughly in term of calculation, display etc.
Regression Testing
Each time a new form is added to the project the whole project is tested
thoroughly to rectify any side effects. That might have occurred due to the
addition of the new form. Thus regression testing has been performed.
White-Box testing
White-box testing (also known as clear box testing, glass box testing, transparent
box testing and structural testing) tests internal structures or workings of a
program, as opposed to the functionality exposed to the end-user. In white-box
testing an internal perspective of the system, as well as programming skills, are
used to design test cases. The tester chooses inputs to exercise paths through the
code and determine the appropriate outputs.
While white-box testing can be applied at the unit, integration and system levels
of the software testing process, it is usually done at the unit level. It can test
paths within a unit, paths between units during integration, and between
subsystems during a system3level test. Though this method of test design can
uncover many errors or problems, it might not detect unimplemented parts of the
specification or missing requirements.
Code coverage 3 creating tests to satisfy some criteria of code coverage (e.g.,
the test designer can create tests to cause all statements in the program to be
executed at least once)
Code coverage tools can evaluate the completeness of a test suite that was
created with any method, including black-box testing. This allows the software
team to examine parts of a system that are rarely tested and ensures that the
most important function points have been tested. Code coverage as a software
metric can be reported as a percentage for:
Function coverage, which reports on functions executed
Statement coverage, which reports on the number of lines executed to complete
the test
100% statement coverage ensures that all code paths, or branches (in terms of
control flow) are executed at least once. This is helpful in ensuring correct
functionality, but not sufficient since the same code may process different inputs
correctly or incorrectly.
Black-box testing
Alpha Testing
Beta testing comes after alpha testing and can be considered a form of external
user acceptance testing. Versions of the software, known as beta versions, are
released to a limited audience outside of the programming team. The software is
released to groups of people so that further testing can ensure the product has
few faults or bugs. Sometimes, beta versions are made available to the open
public to increase the feedback field to a maximal number of future users.
The project < Quiz System= aims to simplify the process of testing or evaluating
the student9s performance by computerizing it and making it user friendly.
This project makes the whole process automated as user just need to enter few
details in this to get started and then he can choose the subject of his choice on which
he want to take quiz so as to evaluate and enhance his performance. Result is generated
automatically in the end enabling student to improve his performance.
This project cover very much every function needed by user in supermarket
management system.