Quest Bank Geo 8th

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La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala

Question Bank First Term

Class: Eight Subject: Geography
Name: ______________________________
Q. Encircle the correct answer. (20)
1. many countries of the world, the census is held after a period of _____ years:
a) three b) five c) eight d) ten
2. Representation of statistical data in circular diagrams is called _____ graph:
a) pie b) line c) bar d) shading
3. The most suitable method to show distribution of temperature and rainfall is ____ graph:

a) bar b) pie c) line d) dot

4. Unproductive or uninhabited areas in the map are filled in _____:
a) green b) left blank c) blue d) shaded
5. How many types of graphs are discussed in your book?
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
6. Mushroom rock is formed by:
a) river b) wind c) glacier d) sea waves
7. Landforms made by wind are found in _____ areas:
a) mountainous b) coastal c) tropical d) desert
8. The bar which connects the coastal area with an Island is called:
a) spit bar b) bay mouth bar c) cuspate bar d) tombolo
9. River forms a V- shaped valley in:
a) mountains b) plains c) deserts d) deltas
10. U-shaped valley is formed by:
a) wind b) river c) glaciers d) sea waves
11. Different types of landforms are found on ______:
a) Moon b) Earth c) Sun d) Star
12. River is an _______ agent of landform change:
a) unimportant b) useless c) important c) extra
13. Sea waves deposit sand on the _____:

a) bridge b) coasts c) way D) road

14. Lakes are formed by _____ water streams:

a) cold b) freeze c) hot d) melt

15. Wind performs erosional work in _____ ways:

a) two b) three c) four d) seven

16. The scientist who presented the “Theory of Gravitation” was:

a) Marconi b) Galileo c) Newton d) Edison

17. The largest water body on the surface of the Earth is called:

a) ocean b) sea c) strait d) bay

18. Connects Atlantic Ocean to Mediterranean Sea _____ strait:

a) Malacca b) English channel c) Berring d) Gibraltar

19. Moon, Earth and Sun are in same place on ______ date of lunar month:

a) 1st and 14th b) 4th c) 7th d) 21st

20. Waves which break to form foam, are called:

a) swell b) breaker c) surf d) tsunami

21. Extreme ______ water and huge icebergs are characteristic features of Antarctic Ocean:

a) cold b) hot c) salty d) mineral

22. The basic cause of tides is the gravitation of _____:

a) Sun b) Moon c) Star d) Earth

23. _______ force the ocean water to move in a specific direction:

a) forests b) rivers c) winds d) plains

24. The ocean floor is not ______ like the Earth surface:

a) large b) huge c) plane d) uniform

25. According to _____ , there are two types of tides:

a) nature b) scientists c) writers d) poets

La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank First Term
Class: Eight Subject: Geography
Q. Write short answers of any five questions. (10)
1. Name methods of showing statistical data.
2. Define a map.
3. Write two characteristics of distribution maps
4. On what basis distribution maps are made?
5. What is meant by pie graph?
6. What is meant by yardang?
7. How spit bar is formed?
8. How ox-bow Lake is formed?
9. What is meant by coast?
10. Why there are no permanent streams in deserts?
11. What is meant by wave?
12. Define tides?
13. Differentiate between ocean and sea.
14. What is Island?
15. What is meant by ocean current?
Q. Write detailed answers of any two questions. (20)
1. How Atlas map is prepared?
2. Write the types of maps.
3. Describe different landforms made by river.
4. Name erosional and depositional landforms made by wind.
5. Name five important oceans of the world and their characteristics.
6. Write down the causes of waves.
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank First Term
Class: Eight Subject: History
Name: ______________________________
Q. Encircle the correct answer. (20)

1. The Muslims ruled over India for more than thousand _____________:
a) Years b) Months c) Weeks d) Days
2. Before the arrival of British, Arab traders use to visit India for ____________:
a) Education b) Trade c) War d) Help
3. In the war of independence all _______ participated.
a) Muslims b) Hindus c) Nations d) Sikhs
4. The British Government ruled India for __ years.
a) 50 b) 60 c) 80 d) 90
5. There were four casts in ____ society.
a) Hindu b) Sikh c) Muslims d) British
6. Who was the Last Mughal King?
a) Aurangzeb b) Shahjahan c) Bahadur Shah d)Muhammad Shah
7. Who wrote the pamphlet “Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind”?
a) Shyed Ameer Ali b) Sir Syed Ahmad c) Mulana Zafar ali d) Shibli Naumani
8. In which city did Lord Cunning read out the proclamation of Queen Victoria?
a) Delhi b) Allahabad c) Karachi d) Calcutta
9. Montague-Chelmsford reforms were announced in?
a) 1861 b) 1882 c) 1909 d) 1919
10. How many members were included in Executive Council of Governor General.
a) 3 b) 5 c) 8 d) 10
11. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan _____ from service in 1876.
a) resigned b) Approved c) retired d) appointed
12. Besides Government service ______ was another source of income of Muslims.
a) Teaching b) Carpenter c) Dentists d) Agriculture
13. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan ____ his nation very much.
a) loved b) hate c) quarrel d) against
14. A movement in favor of ____ was started in Banaras in 1867.
a) English b) Hindi c) Urdu d) Chinese
15. The foundation of Darul-Uloom-Deoban was laid in a small ____ of Saharanpur.
a) City b) Village c) town d) Country
16. ________ society was founded in 1863.
a) Hindu b) Political c) Islamic d) Scientific
17. Who was the founder of Sindh Madrsa-tul-Islam?
a)Maulana Zafar Ali b) Abdul Qayyum c) Quaid-e-Azam d)Hassan Ali Afandi
18. Which was established in 1886 Muhammadan ______ conference?
a) Indian b) All India Muslim c) Scientific Society d) Educational
19. In 1867 Darul-ul-Uloom Deoban was _______________?
a) Invented b) Discovered c) Founded d) Planned
20. In which city was Sir Syed Ahmad Khan born?
a) Dacca b) Delhi c) Bombay d) Bareli
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Question Bank First Term
Class: Eight Subject: History
Q. Write short answers of any five questions. (10)

1. When was east India Company was established?

2. How many casts were there in Hindu society? Write their names.

3. What is separate Electorate?

4. Who proposed the British government to include the native people into
legislative councils?

5. Which was the official language before British rule?

6. Why Sir Shyed Ahmad Khan started Aligarh Gazatte Institute?

7. Write down names of two books of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?

8. Who was the founder of Nadva-tul-Ulema?

9. What did Sir Syed prove in both holy books of Muslims and Christians?

10. Write two services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan for the religious education?

Q. Write detailed answers of any two questions. (20)

1. Write a note on East India Company?

2. Name the social and communication changes which the British brought in
Indian Society?

3. Write in brief conditions of Muslims after the war of Independence1857?

4. Name the Muslims educational institutions in Pakistan?

La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Second Term Examination 2022
Class: Eight Subject: Geography
Name: _________________________________ 1 Total Marks:50
Q. Encircle the correct answer. (20)
1. The percentage area of forests in Pakistan is:
a) lass than 5% b) 15 % c) 25 % d) 10 %
2. The natural disaster causing destruction in minimum time is:
a) cyclone b) forest fire c) earthquake d) volcanism
3. When the molten matter inside the earth comes out the surface, it is called:
a) magma b) cyclone c) landslide d) lava
4. The percentage of land under arid and semi-arid conditions in Pakistan is :
a) 20 % b) 60 % c) 40 % d) 80 %
5. The areas vulnerable to landslide in Pakistan are :
a) plains b) mountains c) deserts d) rivers
6. Noise pollution causes:
a) weakness of eyes b) lungs problem c) hepatitis d) blood pressure
7. Glaciers are melting due to ______ pollution:
a) soil b) water c) global warming d) noise
8. _______ is made of different gases:
a) lithosphere b) hydrosphere c) atmosphere d) biosphere
9. Ozone layer is depleting due to________ pollution:
a) water b) soil c) noise d) air
10. Toxic gases enter the atmosphere due to:
a) noise pollution b) deforestation c) put waste on fire d) chemical
11. The rainiest place in Pakistan is:
a) Karachi b) Lahore c) Murree d) Sibbi
12. Summer monsoon in Pakistan come from:
a) Afghanistan b) Central Asia c) Arabian sea c) China

13. The Summer temperature in plains of Pakistan remains between_____ centigrade:

a) 0 to 9 degree b) 10 to 20 degree c) 21 to 31 degree D) above 32 degree

14. Alpine forests are found at a height above______ meters :

a) 1000 b) 2000 c) 3000 d) 4000

15. The coastal climatic region of Pakistan is comprised of areas of :

a) Punjab b) Blochistan, Sindh c) KPK d) Sindh

16. Regions located away from ports and seas is :

a) South Asia b) Central Asia c) Middle East d) China

17. ______ connects Pakistan with China______ Highway:

a) G.T.Road b) Super Indus c) Mahran Coastal d) Karakoram

18. ______ is a South Asian country:

a) Kazakhstan b) China c) Maldives d) Saudi Arabia

19. South Asian association for regional cooperation “ SAARC” was established in:

a) 1975 b) 1985 c) 1998 d) 2007

20. Economic development of Middle East is depended upon_____ resources:

a) tourism b) agricultural c) mineral d) human

Class: Eight Subject: Geography 1

Q. Write short answers of any five questions. (10)

1. What is meant by natural disaster?
2. Write two causes of landslide?
3. What is meant by Global Warming?
4. Give two strategies to reduce environmental pollution.
5. Define seasons?
6. Who was Qazi Saeed-ud-Din Ahmad?
7. Write names of two regional organizations?
8. Write names of four countries of South Asia?
Q. Write detailed answers of any two questions. (20)
1. Describe the impacts of flood in Pakistan?
2. Explain the causes of Air pollution?
3. Describe the impacts of climate on natural vegetation?
4. Write a brief note on South Asia?
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Second Term Examination 2022
Class: Eight Subject: Geography
Name: _________________________________ 2 Total Marks:50
Q. Encircle the correct answer. (20)
1. The Northern areas of Pakistan are affected by landslide during the season:
a) Rainy b) Summer c) Winter d) Spring
2. An overflow of ____ water out of its channels which may cause damage to the
nearby settlement is called Flood :
a) oceans b) rivers c) streams d) lakes
3. Arabian sea lie in the South of :

a) Afghanistan b) India c) Pakistan d) China

4. Forest fire affects the ecological system of the forest:
a) lightly b) softly c)slowly d) badly
5. Safety measures can_____ the effects and damage of natural disaster: :
a) reduce b) increase c) produce d) proceed
6. Water pollution causes ____ impacts on human, terrestrial and aquatic life:
a) positive b) negative c) good d) right
7. All types of waste materials and careless use of Chemical fertilizers causes____
a) soil b) noise c) air d) water
8. ____ house effect keeps the terrestrial temperature suitable:
a) white b) red c) green d) blue
9. Average temperature of the Earth is ____ Celsius:
a) 16 degree b) 17 degree c) 15 degree d) 18 degree
10. Noise pollution negatively impacts on the health of the_______:
a) writer b) eater c) learner d) listener
11. Summer season in plains and Winter season in mountainous areas is sever in___:
a) Pakistan b) America c) England d) Japan
12. The climate of coastal area of Pakistan is_______:
a) severe b) moderate c) cold d) hot
13. Pakistan is situated in_____ temperate region:

a) cold b) high c) warm d) low

14. _____ seasons are found in Pakistan:

a) same b) equal c) two d) different

15. The trees and plants bear new leaves and variety of flowers in ____ season:

a) Spring b) Summer c) Winter d) Autumn

16. ____ friendship is higher than Himalayas and deeper than the Pacific ocean:

a) Pak-China b) Russia c) India d) London

17. Karachi is an important_____ in the region of Pakistan:

a) country b) seaport c) village d) town

18. Karakoram and Hindu-Kush are the _____ mountains in the world:

a) longer b) longest c) highest d) smallest

19. Central Asia is also a gateway to_______:

a) China b) Russia c) Europe d) India

20. China is______ largest country by area:

a) second b) third c) fourth d) fifth

2nd Term Examination 2022
Class: Eight Subject: Geography 2

Q. Write short answers of any five questions. (10)

1. Write two safety measures against flood?
2. Write two ways to avoid the possibility of forest fires?
3. What is meant by pollution?
4. What is the cause of greenhouse effect?
5. What is meant by Land breeze and Sea breeze?
6. What did Qazi Saeed-ud-Din Ahmad divide in Pakistan?
7. How is the Pak-China friendship?
8. Write names of four countries of Middle East?
Q. Write detailed answers of any two questions. (20)
1. Analyze the damages caused by Earthquakes?
2. Describe the impacts of noise pollution?
3. Analyze the impacts of climate on human activities?
4. Discuss Pak-China relations?

La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala

Second Term Examination 2022
Class: Eight Subject: History
Name: ______________________________ 1
Q. Encircle the correct answer. (20) chap: 1
1. The Muslims ruled over India for more than thousand _____________: (self)
a) Years b) Months c) Weeks d) Days
2. Before the arrival of British, Arab traders use to visit India for ____________:
a) Education b) Trade c) War d) Help
3. In the war of independence all _______ participated.
a) Muslims b) Hindus c) Nations d) Sikhs
4. The British Government ruled India for __ years.
a) 50 b) 60 c) 80 d) 90
5. There were four casts in ____ society.
a) Hindu b) Sikh c) Muslims d) British

6. Who was the Last Mughal King? ( Book) chap: 1

a) Aurangzeb b) Shahjahan c) Bahadur Shah d)Muhammad Shah
7. Who wrote the pamphlet “Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind”?
a) Shyed Ameer Ali b) Sir Syed Ahmad c) Mulana Zafar ali d) Shibli Naumani
8. In which city did Lord Cunning read out the proclamation of Queen Victoria?
a) Delhi b) Allahabad c) Karachi d) Calcutta
9. Montague-Chelmsford reforms were announced in?
a) 1861 b) 1882 c) 1909 d) 1919
10. How many members were included in Executive Council of Governor General.
a) 3 b) 5 c) 8 d) 10

11. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan _____ from service in 1876. (self) chap: 2
a) resigned b) Approved c) retired d) appointed
12. Besides Government service ______ was another source of income of Muslims.
a) Teaching b) Carpenter c) Dentists d) Agriculture
13. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan ____ his nation very much.
a) loved b) hate c) quarrel d) against
14. A movement in favor of ____ was started in Banaras in 1867.
a) English b) Hindi c) Urdu d) Chinese
15. The foundation of Darul-Uloom-Deoban was laid in a small ____ of Saharanpur.
a) City b) Village c) town d) Country

16. ________ society was founded in 1863. (Book) chap: 2

a) Hindu b) Political c) Islamic d) Scientific
17. Who was the founder of Sindh Madrsa-tul-Islam?
a)Maulana Zafar Ali b) Abdul Qayyum c) Quaid-e-Azam d)Hassan Ali Afandi
18. Which was established in 1886 Muhammadan ______ conference?
a) Indian b) All India Muslim c) Scientific Society d) Educational
19. In 1867 Darul-ul-Uloom Deoban was _______________?
a) Invented b) Discovered c) Founded d) Planned
20. In which city was Sir Syed Ahmad Khan born?
a) Dacca b) Delhi c) Bombay d) Bareli

La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala

Second Term Examination 2022
Class: Eight Subject: History1
Q. Write short answers of any five questions. (10)

1. When was east India Company was established?

2. How many casts were there in Hindu society? Write their names.

3. What is separate Electorate?

4. Who proposed the British government to include the native people into
legislative councils?

5. Which was the official language before British rule?

6. Why Sir Shyed Ahmad Khan started Aligarh Gazatte Institute?

7. Write down names of two books of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?

8. Who was the founder of Nadva-tul-Ulema?

9. What did Sir Syed prove in both holy books of Muslims and Christians?

10. Write two services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan for the religious education?

Q. Write detailed answers of any two questions. (20)

1. Write a note on East India Company?

2. Name the social and communication changes which the British brought in
Indian Society?

3. Write in brief conditions of Muslims after the war of Independence1857?

4. Name the Muslims educational institutions in Pakistan?

La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala

Second Term Examination 2022
Class: Eight Subject: History
Name: ______________________________ 2
Q. Encircle the correct answer. (20)

1. The Muslims ruled over India for more than thousand _____: (self) chap: 1
a) Years b) Months c) Weeks d) Days
2. Before the arrival of British, Arab traders use to visit India for ____________:
a) Education b) Trade c) War d) Help
3. In the war of independence all _______ participated.
a) Muslims b) Hindus c) Nations d) Sikhs
4. The British Government ruled India for __ years.
a) 50 b) 60 c) 80 d) 90
5. There were four casts in ____ society.
a) Hindu b) Sikh c) Muslims d) British

6. Who was the Last Mughal King? (Book) chap: 1

a) Aurangzeb b) Shahjahan c) Bahadur Shah d)Muhammad Shah
7. Who wrote the pamphlet “Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind”?
a) Shyed Ameer Ali b) Sir Syed Ahmad c) Mulana Zafar ali d) Shibli Naumani
8. In which city did Lord Cunning read out the proclamation of Queen Victoria?
a) Delhi b) Allahabad c) Karachi d) Calcutta
9. Montague-Chelmsford reforms were announced in?
a) 1861 b) 1882 c) 1909 d) 1919
10. How many members were included in Executive Council of Governor General.
a) 3 b) 5 c) 8 d) 10

11. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan _____ from service in 1876. (self) chap: 2
a) resigned b) Approved c) retired d) appointed
12. Besides Government service ______ was another source of income of Muslims.
a) Teaching b) Carpenter c) Dentists d) Agriculture
13. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan ____ his nation very much.
a) loved b) hate c) quarrel d) against
14. A movement in favor of ____ was started in Banaras in 1867.
a) English b) Hindi c) Urdu d) Chinese
15. The foundation of Darul-Uloom-Deoban was laid in a small ____ of Saharanpur.
a) City b) Village c) town d) Country

16. ________ society was founded in 1863. (Book) chap: 2

a) Hindu b) Political c) Islamic d) Scientific
17. Who was the founder of Sindh Madrsa-tul-Islam?
a)Maulana Zafar Ali b) Abdul Qayyum c) Quaid-e-Azam d)Hassan Ali Afandi
18. Which was established in 1886 Muhammadan ______ conference?
a) Indian b) All India Muslim c) Scientific Society d) Educational
19. In 1867 Darul-ul-Uloom Deoban was _______________?
a) Invented b) Discovered c) Founded d) Planned
20. In which city was Sir Syed Ahmad Khan born?
a) Dacca b) Delhi c) Bombay d) Bareli
La Salle Boys’ High School Malkhanwala
Second Term Examination 2022
Class: Eight Subject: History 2

Q. Write short answers of any five questions. (10)

1. When was east India Company was established?

2. How many casts were there in Hindu society? Write their names.

3. What is separate Electorate?

4. Who proposed the British government to include the native people into
legislative councils?

5. Which was the official language before British rule?

6. Why Sir Shyed Ahmad Khan started Aligarh Gazatte Institute?

7. Write down names of two books of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?

8. Who was the founder of Nadva-tul-Ulema?

9. What did Sir Syed prove in both holy books of Muslims and Christians?

10. Write two services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan for the religious education?

Q. Write detailed answers of any two questions. (20)

1. Write a note on East India Company?

2. Name the social and communication changes which the British brought in
Indian Society?

3. Write in brief conditions of Muslims after the war of Independence1857?

4. Name the Muslims educational institutions in Pakistan?

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