Mike Okmawati - Case Study Research

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Mike Okmawati
Research Methodology

 Case study research is a qualitative research approach in which researchers focus on a
unit of study known as a bounded system (e.g., individual teachers, a classroom, or a
 Case study research is a qualitative approach to studying a phenomenon, focused on a
unit of study, or a bounded system not a methodological choice, but a choice of what
to study.
 The process of designing case study research involves determining the research
questions, defining the case, determining the role of theory development in case
selection, determining the theoretical and conceptual framework for the study, and
deciding whether a single case study, a multiple case study, or a collective case study
is appropriate.

Characteristic of case study research

 Case studies can be described as particularistic, descriptive , and heuristic .
 Case studies are focused on studying a bounded system or unit of study.
 Case study research is a narrative account that provides the researcher (and reader of
the case study) with new insights into the way things are and into the kinds of
relationships that exist among participants in the study.

Steps in conducting case study research

1. State the purpose of the research.
2. Develop initial research questions.
3. Review related literature.
4. Develop rationale for the selection of the case (i.e., unit of analysis) including sample
5. Determine data collection strategies.
6. Conduct data analysis and interpretation.

Conducting and analyzing multiple case studies

In educational research it is common to find case study research undertaken about one
phenomenon but at multiple sites. These studies are commonly referred to as collective case
studies, multicase or multisite studies, or comparative case studies. Multiple case studies
require cross-site analysis.
 An unordered meta-matrix is a data management tool that enables the case
study,researcher to assemble master charts with descriptive data from each site on one
large sheet of paper. In a site-ordered descriptive matrix, sites are ordered on a
variable of interest so that the researcher can see differences.
 A site-ordered predictor-outcome matrix moves the case study researcher from
working descriptively/deductively to a more explanatory/interpretive mode.
 A time-ordered meta-matrix extends the crosssite analysis to include chronology as an
organizing variable.
 Scatterplots are visual displays of data from all the case study sites based on
dimensions or themes of interest that appear to be related to each other.
 A site-ordered effects matrix is used by case study researchers to sort through the
research sites and to display probable cause-and-effect relations.
 Causal models extend the case study analysis and assist the case study researcher to
identify how things go together.

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