English-8 Q2.Week6 D5
English-8 Q2.Week6 D5
English-8 Q2.Week6 D5
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Lapu-Lapu City
District 5
GUN-OB, Lapu-Lapu City
Teacher: Position:
Learning Area: English Grade: 8
iPlan No.3 Quarter: II Duration: 120 minutes
Learning Competency/- Compare and Contrast and contrast the presentation of the same topic in different
ies multimodal texts.
Activity (Introductory) The teacher is going to prepare things or food to be compared by the representatives. Being blindfolded, let
them touch/smell these two things or taste two kinds of food to describe and guess what they are
touching/smelling or tasting.
Student A and B
sandpaper bondpaper
Student E and F
chocolate candy
Activity Comparing and contrasting is a higher-level thinking skill across the curriculum. You compare and
(Presentation) contrast characters in a story, word choice in writing, equations in math (think < > =, not to
mention word problems), different hypotheses in science, how holidays are celebrated in
different cultures, etc. That is probably why comparing and contrasting show up multiple times
in many tests.
Compare and contrast is a rhetorical style that discusses the similarities and differences of two or more
things: ideas, concepts, items, places, etc
Lesson 1: Ways to Compare and Contrast:
Lesson 2: Noting Contrasts and Contradictions
1. What is comparison and contrast? (Possible answer: Compare and contrast is a rhetorical style that
discusses the similarities and differences of two or more things: ideas, concepts, items, places, etc
2. When can we use comparison and contrast? (Possible answer: We can use comparison and contrast to
express similarities and differences of things, people, literary piece or concepts.)
3. How can we compare things, literary piece or people?. (Possible answer: We can possibly use some
methods or ways such as Venn diagram, T-Chart, Rating and Ranking or Analogy)
4. Is it important to know such topic? Why? (Possible answer: Yes, because having such knowledge may
lead us to the ability to sort and classify, to think about and focus on important details, and promote the
development of organizational skills.)
5. In what situation in your daily life you can use this technique? Explain your answer. (Answer may vary)
Abstraction Let the students complete the following phrases to sum up the important concepts of the lesson. A teacher
may call them randomly.
In spoken and written communication, one must have to be equipped of the expressions or signals
to introduce a comparison and contrast. Signals for Comparison include: _______ (Possible answer:
one similarity), ______( Possible answer: another similarity), ____( Possible answer: both),
____( Possible answer: like), _____( Possible answer: likewise), _____( Possible answer:
similarly),_____( Possible answer: in a similar way).
On the other hand, signals that are used to show contrast are: _____( Possible answer: one
difference), ______( Possible answer: another difference), _____( Possible answer: in contrast), ____(
Possible answer: unlike), _____( Possible answer: while), _____ Possible answer: yet), _____
(Possible answer: although), ______( Possible answer: whereas), ______ (Possible answer: despite),
and (Possible answer: in spite of).
Application The students are going to have a draw by lot to identify what group task they will be performing.
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
II. Identify what is being described or asked. Choose your answer from the word pool
Class Polls, Bar Graphs, and Glyphs Essay Rating and Ranking
1. ___________ A method that compares two different objects with the use of as or
2. ___________ It is an implied comparison of two unlike things and uses be verbs:
is, was, are or were.
3. ____________A method of comparison that presents a forced choice between two
more or less equal options, which can lead to some terrific discussions.
4. ____________ They are good ways to compare and contrast your experiences,
opinions, traits, and the like
5. ____________ A short literary composition on a particular theme or subject,
usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative.
a. Home-based vs. Face-to-Face Learning
b. Myself: Before vs. Now
c. My Mom vs. Father
d. My Two Friend
Concluding Activity Let the student say “check” if the following objectives were achieved.