Ziprasidone Drug Study

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A Drug Study Presented to

Lendell Kelly B. Ytac, RN
Faculty, INAHS BSN-Program
Davao Oriental State University


In Partial Fulfillment
of the requirements for
NCM 117
Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior
(Acute and Chronic)


Clint S. Ancog
Student Nurse, BSN-3A

March 18, 2022

Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Side Effects/ Nursing
Frequency/ Action Adverse Effects Responsibilities
Time/ Route
Generic Name: Route: P.O. Unknown; may Schizophrenia, Breastfeeding, SIDE
ziprasidone Onset: several hr be mediated acute agitation, hypersensitivity, acute EFFECTS: ● Tell patient to
hydrochloride Peak: 1-3 days through both acute MI, heart Frequent (30%– take with food.
Duration: dopamine type 2 psychosis, failure, QT 16%): ● Explain therapy
Brand Name: Unknown (D2) and bipolar prolongation Headache, and need for
Geodon, Zeldox serotonin type 2 disorder, drowsiness, follow up
Route: I.M. (5-HT2) mania, dizziness. laboratory testing.
Drug Classification: Onset: Unknown antagonism psychotic Precautions: Occasional: ● Caution patient
Antipyschotic Peak: 1 hr depression Pregnancy, children, Rash, orthostatic to avoid driving
Duration: geriatric patients, hypotension, and other
Chemical make-up Unkown Pharmacokineti cardiac/renal/hepatic weight gain, hazardous
and effect: cs: Well, disease, breast cancer, restlessness, activities until
Ziprasidone is a ➣ To treat absorbed after diabetes, seizure constipation, drug effects are
piperazine compound schizophrenia PO disorders, AV block, dyspepsia. known.
having 1,2- administration. CNS depression, Rare: ● Instruct patient
benzothiazol-3-yl- CAPSULES Food increases abrupt Hyperglycemia, to move slowly
and 2-(6-chloro-1,3- bioavailability. discontinuation, priapism. when sitting up or
dihydro-2-oxindol-5- ADULTS. Protein agranulocytosis, standing, to avoid
yl)ethyl substituents Initial: 20 mg binding: 99%. ambient ADVERSE dizziness from
attached to the twice daily with Metabolized in temperature increase, EFFECTS: sudden blood
nitrogen atoms. food. Dosage liver. Excreted in suicidal ideation, pressure drop.
increased as feces. Not torsades de pointes, CNS: EPS, ● Advise patient to
indicated removed by strenuous exercise pseudo avoid sun exposure
every 2 or more hemodialysis. parkinsonism, and to wear
days. Usual: 20 to akathisia, sunscreen and
80 mg twice daily dystonia, tardive protective clothing
with food. Pharmacodyna dyskinesia; when going
Maximum: 80 mics: drowsiness, outdoors.
mg twice daily. Ziprasidone has insomnia,
a very high 5- agitation,
ADULTS. affinity ratio, anxiety,
Initial: 10 to 20 binds to multiple headache,
mg. 10 mg dose serotonin seizures,
may be given receptors in neuroleptic
every 2 hr up to addition to 5- malignant
maximum dose; HT2A, and syndrome,
20 mg dose may blocks dizziness,
be given every 4 monoamine tremors, facial
hr up to maximum transporters droop
dose. which prevents
Maximum: 40 5HT and NE CV: Orthostatic
mg daily for no reuptake. On the hypotension,
longer than 3 other hand, tachycardia,
consecutive days. ziprasidone has a prolonged
low affinity for QT/QTc,
➣ To treat acute muscarinic hypertension,
manic or mixed cholinergic M1, sudden
episodes of histamine H1, death, heart
bipolar disorder and alpha1- failure (geriatric
adrenergic patients),
CAPSULES receptors. torsades de
ADULTS. pointes
Initial: 40 mg
twice daily. with HEMA:
food on day 1; Agranulocytosis
then increased to
60 or 80 EENT: Blurred
mg on day 2 with vision, diplopia
food with further
adjustments as ENDO:
needed. Hypoglycemia

GI: Nausea,
➣ As adjunct to anorexia,
lithium or constipation,
valproate for jaundice, weight
maintenance gain, diarrhea,
treatment of dry mouth,
bipolar I disorder abdominal pain


Same dose INTEG: Rash,
patient was injection-site
initially stabilized pain, sweating,
on that falls DRESS, Steven’s
within 40 to 80 Johnson
mg twice daily Syndrome
and taken with
food. RESP: Infection,


Schull, P. (2013). McGraw-Hill Nurse’s Drug Handbook Seventh Edition. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Skidmore-Roth, L. (2021). Mosby’s 2021 Nursing Drug Reference, 3251 Riverport Lane St. Louis, Missouri 63043

Wishart DS, Knox C, Guo AC, Shrivastava S, Hassanali M, Stothard P, Chang Z, Woolsey J. Drugbank: a comprehensive resource for
in silico drug discovery and exploration. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jan 1;34 (Database issue):D668-72. 16381955.

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