This document provides specifications for reinforced concrete special moment resisting frames. It includes requirements for:
1. Minimum grade of concrete, building height, exposure conditions, and steel reinforcement.
2. Beams, including factors axial compressive stress, B/D ratio, dimensions, minimum and maximum reinforcement, anchorage, lap splices, transverse reinforcement, hooks, shear capacity, and link spacing.
3. Columns, including criteria for axial compressive stress, minimum reinforcement diameter, dimensions, and relative strength to beams at joints.
This document provides specifications for reinforced concrete special moment resisting frames. It includes requirements for:
1. Minimum grade of concrete, building height, exposure conditions, and steel reinforcement.
2. Beams, including factors axial compressive stress, B/D ratio, dimensions, minimum and maximum reinforcement, anchorage, lap splices, transverse reinforcement, hooks, shear capacity, and link spacing.
3. Columns, including criteria for axial compressive stress, minimum reinforcement diameter, dimensions, and relative strength to beams at joints.
This document provides specifications for reinforced concrete special moment resisting frames. It includes requirements for:
1. Minimum grade of concrete, building height, exposure conditions, and steel reinforcement.
2. Beams, including factors axial compressive stress, B/D ratio, dimensions, minimum and maximum reinforcement, anchorage, lap splices, transverse reinforcement, hooks, shear capacity, and link spacing.
3. Columns, including criteria for axial compressive stress, minimum reinforcement diameter, dimensions, and relative strength to beams at joints.
This document provides specifications for reinforced concrete special moment resisting frames. It includes requirements for:
1. Minimum grade of concrete, building height, exposure conditions, and steel reinforcement.
2. Beams, including factors axial compressive stress, B/D ratio, dimensions, minimum and maximum reinforcement, anchorage, lap splices, transverse reinforcement, hooks, shear capacity, and link spacing.
3. Columns, including criteria for axial compressive stress, minimum reinforcement diameter, dimensions, and relative strength to beams at joints.
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Confirming to R=5, Special moments resisting frames
S.N Description Reference Clause
A General 1 Minimum grade of concrete Pre-Analysis a Building Height Pre-Analysis b Exposure condition Pre-Analysis 2 Steel reinforcement Fe-500 (14.5%) 3 Lintel beam integrated (Yes or no)??? Pre-Analysis 4 Plinth beam and staricase beams included (Yes or no)??? Pre-Analysis 5 Irregularities Present (IS 1893 : Part I) ??? Pre-Analysis B Beams 1 factored axial compressive stress/fck 2 B/D Pre-Analysis 3B Pre-Analysis 4 Column Dimension B Pre-Analysis D Pre-Analysis 5 Mimimum rebar 2-12 dia bottom and top Mimimum longitudinal rebar Maximum longitudinal rebar 2.50% 6 Ast Bottom/Ast Top 7 Astmid/Ast end 0.25 8 Anchorage length, X (bottom and top) Ld+10dia 9 Link spacing at laps <=150mm Lap splices 10 Lap length >=Development lenght 11 Lap splices avoided @ a Joint b Distance 2D from face of volumn c 0.25L from flexural yielding d Not more than 50% lapped 12 Use vertical links only Tranverse rebar 13 Hooks should alternate, cross ties hook on slab side 14 Min dia of links 8mm 15 Shear force capacity of beams 16 Close spacing of links within 2d <=d/4 or 8dia or 100mm 17 First links at 50mm from face 18 Rest portion spacing of link >d/2 C Columns 1 Shall apply to factored axial compressive stress/fck >0.08 Another criteria 2 Minimum dia of rebar Miminum dimension of column Min/max dimension >=0.45 3 Relative strength of beams and columns at joint