LPM (Poultry Breeds)
LPM (Poultry Breeds)
LPM (Poultry Breeds)
Dr.Niranjan Kalita
Classification of fowl
Order - Galliformes (bird with short wings, legs and toes adapted for
running and scratching)
Family - Phasianidae
All the present breeds of chicken/fowl have known to be descended from the wild
jungle fowl. There are four known species of jungle fowl viz. Gallus gallus (Red jungle
fowl), Gallus lafayetti (Ceylon jungle fowl), Gallus sonnerati (Grey jungle fowl) and
Gallus varius (Java jungle fowl) and all domestic breeds of chicken/fowl have originated
from Gallus gallus.
Birds of distinct type and colour patterns admitted to the standard are termed as
standard breed. They are further classified as follows:
The British Poultry Standard listed about more than 225 breeds and varieties of
chicken, ducks and turkeys. The original Indian breeds of fowl such as Aseel, Chittagong,
Ghagus are also available.
i) It is a fancy bird
ii) Single comb and red earlobe are
iii) Colour of skin is yellow
iv) Shank is feathered and yellow.
v) Standard weight
Cock - 5.1 kg
Hen – 3.9 kg
Family – Anatidae,
Genus – Anas,
Species – Platyrhynchos.
Origin : England
i) The plumage of both sexes is white
ii) The legs and feet are bright orange and bill is
yellow in colour.
iii) It is regarded as deluxe table bird because of its
light bone and high percentage of creamy white
iv) Standard weight : Duck – 4.0 kg
Drake – 4.5 kg
Origin : France
i) It is good for roasting
ii) Eggs are light blue in colour
iii) Standard weight : Duck – 4.0 kg
Drake – 4.5 kg
Breeds of turkey:
It belongs to the family Meleagridis. Turkeys are kept only for meat. In India
turkeys are almost non-existent and constitute 1% of total poultry population. Turkeys are
most popular in USA and are not classified into breeds like chicken and ducks. The
popular standard varieties are:
Breeds of Quail: