Lecture Note Module 1
Lecture Note Module 1
Lecture Note Module 1
(Subject Code: 20ECSC402)
Chapter 1
The meaning of information security
The meaning of the term information security has evolved in recent years. Before the problem
of data security became widely publicized in the media, most people’s idea of computer
security focused on the physical machine. Traditionally, computer facilities have been
physically protected for three reasons:
Principle security
There are five principles of security. They are as follows:
The principle of confidentiality specifies that only the sender and the intended
recipient should be able to access the content of the message.
The confidential information sent by A to B which is accessed by C without the
permission or knowledge of A and B.
Authentication mechanism helps in establishing proof of identification.
Access control:
Access control specifies and control who can access what.
It means that assets are accessible to authorized parties at appropriate times
We want our security system to make sure that no data are disclosed to unauthorized
Data should not be modified in illegitimate ways
Legitimate user can access the data
Types of attacks
Attacks are grouped into two types:
Passive attacks: does not involve any modification to the contents of an original
Active attacks: the contents of the original message are modified in some ways.
Encryption is the process of encoding a message so that its meaning is not obvious;
decryption is the reverse process, transforming an encrypted message back into its normal,
original form. Alternatively, the terms encode and decode or encipher and decipher are used
instead of encrypt and decrypt. That is, we say that we encode, encrypt, or encipher the
original message to hide its meaning. Then, we decode, decrypt, or decipher it to reveal the
original message. A system for encryption and decryption is called a cryptosystem.
The original form of a message is known as plaintext, and the encrypted form is called
cipher text. For convenience, we denote a plaintext message P as a sequence of individual
characters P = <p1, p2, …, pn>. Similarly, cipher text is written as C = <c1, c2, …,cm>.
We use this formal notation to describe the transformations between plaintext and cipher text.
For example:
we write C = E (P) and P = D(C), where C represents the cipher text, E is the
encryption rule, P is the plaintext, and D is the decryption rule.
P = D (E(P)).
In other words, we want to be able to convert the message to protect it from an intruder, but
we also want to be able to get the original message back so that the receiver can read it
The cryptosystem involves a set of rules for how to encrypt the plaintext and how to decrypt
the cipher text. The encryption and decryption rules, called algorithms, often use a device
called a key, denoted by K, so that the resulting cipher text depends on the original plaintext
message, the algorithm, and the key value. We write this dependence as C =E (K, P).
Essentially, E is a set of encryption algorithms, and the key K selects one specific algorithm
from the set.
There are many types of encryption. In the next sections we look at two simple forms of
encryption: substitutions in which one letter is exchanged for another and transpositions,
in which the order of the letters is rearranged.
Cryptanalyst: cryptanalyst is a person who studies encryption and encrypted message and
tries to find the hidden meanings (to break an encryption).
Confusion: it is a technique for ensuring that ciphertext has no clue about the original
Diffusion: it increases the redundancy of the plaintext by spreading it across rows and
Plain text(P)- H E L LO (H=7,E=4,L=11,L=11,O=14)
Key (K)=15
Cipher text (C)= 7+15,4+15,11+15,11+15,14+15
= 22,19, 26,26,(29%26)=3
= W T A AD
Auto key cipher:
In this cipher, key is stream of subkeys in which subkey is used to encrypt the
corresponding character in the plain text.
Here 1st subkey is predefined and 2nd subkey is the value of the 1st character of the
plain text 3rd subkey is the value of the 2nd plain text and so on.
Example: A T T A C K
0 19 19 0 2 10
12 0 19 19 0 2
Playfair cipher
In playfair cipher the secret key is made of 25 characters arranged in 5x5 matrix
If 2 letters in a plaintext are located in the same row of the secret key then the
corresponding encrypted character for each letter is next letter to the right.
If 2 letters in a pair are in same column then the corresponding encrypted
character is next below in the same column.
If 2 letters are neither in same row or in same column then encrypted
character is in its own row but in the same column as the other character.
K= U R N I/J F
Plain text= HELLO
Vigener cipher:
The key stream is the repetition of the initial secret key stream of length m.
Plaintext- A B C D E F G H
Ks= 0, 5, 8
A B C D E F G H (B=1 =>1+5=6=>G)
0 6 10 3 9 13 6 12
A G K D J N G M <= ciphertext
Transposition cipher:
1. Symmetric·Key Cryptography
In symmetric-key cryptography, the same key is used by both parties. The sender uses this
key and an encryption algorithm to encrypt data; the receiver uses the same key and the
corresponding decryption algorithm to decrypt the data.
2. Asymmetric-Key Cryptography:
In asymmetric or public-key cryptography, there are two keys: a private key and a public
key. The private key is kept by the receiver. The public key is announced to the public.
Fig 7:Asymmetric-key Cryptography
Encryption involves applying an operation (an algorithm) to the data to be encrypted using
the private key to make them unintelligible. The slightest algorithm (such as an exclusive
OR) can make the system nearly tamper proof (there being so such thing as absolute
However, in the 1940s, Claude Shannon proved that to be completely secure, private-key
systems need to use keys that are at least as long as the message to be encrypted. Moreover,
symmetric encryption requires that a secure channel be used to exchange the key, which
seriously diminishes the usefulness of this kind of encryption system.
The main disadvantage of a secret-key cryptosystem is related to the exchange of keys.
Symmetric encryption is based on the exchange of a secret (keys). The problem of key
distribution therefore arises:
Moreover, a user wanting to communicate with several people while ensuring separate
confidentiality levels has to use as many private keys as there are people. For a group
of N people using a secret-key cryptosystem, it is necessary to distribute a number of keys
equal to N * (N-1) / 2.
In the 1920s, Gilbert Vernam and Joseph Mauborgne developed the One-Time Pad method
(sometimes called "One-Time Password" and abbreviated OTP), based on a randomly
generated private key that is used only once and is then destroyed. During the same period,
the Kremlin and the White House were connected by the famous red telephone, that is, a
telephone where calls were encrypted thanks to a private key according tothe one-time
pad method. The private key was exchanged thanks to the diplomatic bag (playing the role
ofsecure channel).
High diffusion: information from one plaintext symbol is diffused into several
ciphertext symbols.
Immunity to tampering: difficult to insert symbols without detection.
Slowness of encryption: an entire block must be accumulated before encryption /
decryption can begin.
Error propagation: An error in one symbol may corrupt the entire block.
Simple substitution is an example of a stream cipher. Columnar transposition is a block
The Data Encryption Standard (DES), a system developed for the U.S. government, was
intended for use by the general public. It has been officially accepted as a cryptographic
standard both in the United States and abroad.
The DES algorithm is a careful and complex combination of two fundamental building
blocks of encryption: substitution and transposition. The algorithm derives its strength from
repeated application of these two techniques, one on top of the other, for a total of 16 cycles.
The sheer complexity of tracing a single bit through 16 iterations of substitutions and
transpositions has so far stopped researchers in the public from identifying more than a
handful of general properties of the algorithm. The algorithm begins by encrypting the
plaintext as blocks of 64 bits. The key is 64 bits long, but in fact it can be any 56-bit number.
(The extra 8 bits are often used as check digits and do not affect encryption in normal
implementations.) The user can change the key at will any time there is uncertainty about the
Features: –
Block size = 64 bits
– Key size = 56 bits (in reality, 64 bits, but 8 are used as
parity-check bits for error control, see next slide)
– Number of rounds = 16
– 16 intermediary keys, each 48 bits
key 56
plaintext ciphertext
64 bit 64 bit
Working principle:
64 bit plaintext
Figure illustrates the key schedule for encryption — the algorithm which generates the
subkeys. Initially, 56 bits of the key are selected from the initial 64 by Permuted Choice
1 (PC-1) — the remaining eight bits are either discarded or used as parity check bits. The 56
bits are then divided into two 28-bit halves; each half is thereafter treated separately. In
successive rounds, both halves are rotated left by one or two bits (specified for each round),
and then 48 subkey bits are selected by Permuted Choice 2 (PC-2) — 24 bits from the left
half, and 24 from the right. The rotations (denoted by "<<<" in the diagram) mean that a
different set of bits is used in each subkey; each bit is used in approximately 14 out of the 16
The key schedule for decryption is similar — the subkeys are in reverse order compared to
encryption. Apart from that change, the process is the same as for encryption. The same 28
bits are passed to all rotation boxes.
The AES is likely to be the commercial-grade symmetric algorithm of choice for years, if not
decades. Let us look at it more closely.
The AES Contest
In January 1997, NIST called for cryptographers to develop a new encryption system. As
with the call for candidates from which DES was selected, NIST made several important
restrictions. The algorithms had to be
publicly disclosed
available royalty-free for use worldwide
symmetric block cipher algorithms, for blocks of 128 bits
usable with key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits
1. KeyExpansions—round keys are derived from the cipher key using Rijndael's key
schedule. AES requires a separate 128-bit round key block for each round plus one
2. InitialRound
1. AddRoundKey—each byte of the state is combined with a block of the round
key using bitwise xor.
3. Rounds
1. SubBytes—a non-linear substitution step where each byte is replaced with
another according to a lookup table.
2. ShiftRows—a transposition step where the last three rows of the state are
shifted cyclically a certain number of steps.
3. MixColumns—a mixing operation which operates on the columns of the state,
combining the four bytes in each column.
4. AddRoundKey
4. Final Round (no MixColumns)
1. SubBytes
2. ShiftRows
3. AddRoundKey.
The SubBytes steps
In the SubBytes step, each byte in the state matrix is replaced with a SubByte
using an 8-bit substitution box, the Rijndael S-box. This operation provides the non-linearity
in the cipher. The S-box used is derived from the multiplicative inverse over GF(28), known
to have good non-linearity properties. To avoid attacks based on simple algebraic properties,
the S-box is constructed by combining the inverse function with an invertible affine
transformation. The S-box is also chosen to avoid any fixed points (and so is a derangement),
i.e., , and also any opposite fixed points, i.e., .
While performing the decryption, Inverse SubBytes step is used, which requires first taking
the affine transformation and then finding the multiplicative inverse (just reversing the steps
used in SubBytes step).
The ShiftRows step operates on the rows of the state; it cyclically shifts the bytes in each row
by a certain offset. For AES, the first row is left unchanged. Each byte of the second row is
shifted one to the left. Similarly, the third and fourth rows are shifted by offsets of two and
three respectively. For blocks of sizes 128 bits and 192 bits, the shifting pattern is the same.
Row n is shifted left circular by n-1 bytes. In this way, each column of the output state of
the ShiftRows step is composed of bytes from each column of the input state. (Rijndael
variants with a larger block size have slightly different offsets). For a 256-bit block, the first
row is unchanged and the shifting for the second, third and fourth row is 1 byte, 3 bytes and 4
bytes respectively—this change only applies for the Rijndael cipher when used with a 256-bit
block, as AES does not use 256-bit blocks. The importance of this step is to avoid the
columns being linearly independent, in which case, AES degenerates into four independent
block ciphers.
The MixColumns step
In the MixColumns step, the four bytes of each column of the state are combined using an
invertible linear transformation. The MixColumns function takes four bytes as input and
outputs four bytes, where each input byte affects all four output bytes. Together
with ShiftRows, MixColumns provides diffusion in the cipher.
During this operation, each column is multiplied by a fixed matrix:
Matrix multiplication is composed of multiplication and addition of the entries, and here
the multiplication operation can be defined as this: multiplication by 1 means no change,
multiplication by 2 means shifting to the left, and multiplication by 3 means shifting to
the left and then performing XOR with the initial unshifted value. After shifting, a
conditional XOR with 0x1B should be performed if the shifted value is larger than 0xFF.
(These are special cases of the usual multiplication in GF. Addition is simply XOR.
In more general sense, each column is treated as a polynomial over GFand is then
multiplied modulo x4+1 with a fixed polynomial c(x) = 0x03 · x 3 + x2 + x + 0x02. The
coefficients are displayed in their hexadecimal equivalent of the binary representation of
bit polynomials from GF(2)[x]. The MixColumns step can also be viewed as a
multiplication by the shown particular MDS matrix in the finite field GF(28). This
process is described further in the article Rijndael mix columns.
The AddRoundKey step
In the AddRoundKey step, the subkey is combined with the state. For each round, a
subkey is derived from the main keyusing Rijndael's key schedule; each subkey is the
same size as the state. The subkey is added by combining each byte of the state with the
corresponding byte of the subkey using bitwise XOR.
Optimization of the cipher
On systems with 32-bit or larger words, it is possible to speed up execution of this cipher
by combining the SubBytes andShiftRows steps with the MixColumns step by
transforming them into a sequence of table lookups. This requires four 256-entry 32-bit
tables, and utilizes a total of four kilobytes (4096 bytes) of memory — one kilobyte for
each table. A round can then be done with 16 table lookups and 12 32-bit exclusive-or
operations, followed by four 32-bit exclusive-or operations in the AddRoundKey steps.
If the resulting four-kilobyte table size is too large for a given target platform, the table
lookup operation can be performed with a single 256-entry 32-bit (i.e. 1 kilobyte) table
by the use of circular rotates.
Using a byte-oriented approach, it is possible to combine the SubBytes, ShiftRows,
and MixColumns steps into a single round operation.
Encryption has long been used by militaries and governments to facilitate secret
communication. It is now commonly used in protecting information within many kinds of
civilian systems. For example, the Computer Security Institute reported that in 2007, 71% of
companies surveyed utilized encryption for some of their data in transit, and 53% utilized
encryption for some of their data in storage.Encryption can be used to protect data "at rest",
such as files on computers and storage devices (e.g. USB flash drives). In recent years there
have been numerous reports of confidential data such as customers' personal records being
exposed through loss or theft of laptops or backup drives. Encrypting such files at rest helps
protect them should physical security measures fail. Digital rights management systems,
which prevent unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted material and protect software
against reverse engineering (see also copy protection), is another somewhat different example
of using encryption on data at rest.
Encryption is also used to protect data in transit, for example data being transferred
via networks (e.g. the Internet, e-commerce), mobile telephones, wireless
microphones,wireless intercom systems, Bluetooth devices and bank automatic teller
machines. There have been numerous reports of data in transit being intercepted in recent
years.Encrypting data in transit also helps to secure it as it is often difficult to physically
secure all access to networks.
Let us look more closely at four applications of encryption: cryptographic hash functions, key
exchange, digital signatures, and certificates.
Message verification
Encryption, by itself, can protect the confidentiality of messages, but other techniques are still
needed to protect the integrity and authenticity of a message; for example, verification of
a message authentication code (MAC) or a digital signature. Standards for cryptographic
software and hardware to perform encryption are widely available, but successfully using
encryption to ensure security may be a challenging problem. A single error in system design
or execution can allow successful attacks. Sometimes an adversary can obtain unencrypted
information without directly undoing the encryption. See, e.g., traffic analysis, TEMPEST,
or Trojan horse.
Digital signature and encryption must be applied to the ciphertext when it is created (typically
on the same device used to compose the message) to avoid tampering; otherwise any node
between the sender and the encryption agent could potentially tamper with it. Encrypting at
the time of creation is only secure if the encryption device itself has not been tampered with.