Makalah Bahasa Inggris Passive Voice Kel 4
Makalah Bahasa Inggris Passive Voice Kel 4
Makalah Bahasa Inggris Passive Voice Kel 4
Oleh :
1. Tenia (22-0201-163)
2. Bima Lintang Ramadhan (22-0201-164)
3. A’an Yahdi Nanda (22-0201-165)
4. Aris Mawan Ramadhon (22-0201-166)
Preface .........................................................................................................
1. Background of Problem ....................................................................
2. Formulation Of Problems .................................................................
3. Purpose ..............................................................................................
1. Definition of Passive Voice ..............................................................
2. Function of Passive Voice ................................................................
3. Pattern of Passive Voice in simple paste tense .................................
4. 16 tenses Passive Voice ....................................................................
5. Example of Passive Voice in simple paste tense ..............................
Praise be to god almighty for the blessing of his grace, and that we
were given the opportunity to be able to complete a working paper entitled
” Passive Voice Simple Paste Tense” is properly and correctly, and on
On this occasion we would like to thank profusely to all those who
have helped us in completing the writing of this paper, to Mrs. Niswatin
Nurul hidayati,S.S. M.A, Dosen Bahasa Inggris Institut Teknologi Dan
Bisnis Tuban, for his guidance to complete it and also to friends who have
contributed their ideas and motivation for writing this paper. This English
paper provides the reader about the Passive Voice Simple Paste Tense. The
writer realizes that this paper is far from perfect in the arrangement or in
the content of the paper. The writer hopes that the suggestions from the
reader can be a support to make her better in the next paper project.
Finally, the writer expects that it can be a medium for the reader to
deepen the knowledge about the passive voice simple past tense, its
1. Background of Problem
2. Formulation Of Problems
3. Purpose
1. Definition
Silvester Goridus Sukur, Complete English Grammar For The Toefl Test (Yogyakarta : Indonesia
Cerdas 2007) H. 230
Panca Prastowo, Tebas Grammar Toefl Setuntas Tuntasnya (Jogjakarta : DIVA Press 2011), h. 49
Imam Baehaqi,A Handbook Of English Grammar (Yogyakarta :Media Ilmu 2009), h. 52.
Marta yuliani, yuniarti dwi arini ,Inti Sari Bahasa Inggris SD-SMP-SMA (klaten : PT IntanPariwara
2011) , h.183
According to the example above, we can see that:
2. Function
The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that
experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the
Silvester Goridus Sukur, Complete English Grammar For The Toefl Test (Yogyakarta : Indonesia
Cerdas 2007) Hal230
Walidi,Tenses(Klaten: Pt Intan Sejati 2007) Hal43
Silvester Goridus Sukur, Complete English Grammar For The Toefl Test (Yogyakarta : Indonesia
Cerdas 2007) Hal230
action. In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the
subject of the sentence.
Aktif : Toni speak Javanese
Pasif : Javanese is spoken by Toni
2. Present Continuous Tense
Aktif : S + to be (am, are, is) + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : Rudi is speaking Sundanese
Pasif : Sundanese is being spoken by Rudi
Contoh :
Aktif : Marni and Murni have spoken Acehnese
Pasif : Acehnese has been spoken by Marni and Murni
Contoh :
Aktif : Upin and Ipin have been speaking Malay
Pasif : Malay has been being spoken by Upin and Ipin
Contoh :
Aktif : Dodit spoke Chinese
Pasif : Chinese was spoken by Dodit
Contoh :
Aktif : American had spoken English
Pasif : English had been spoken by American
Aktif : Edwin had been speaking Greece
Pasif : Greece had been being spoken by Edwin
Contoh :
Aktif : My Friends will speak English
Pasif : English will be spoken by My Friends
Contoh :
Aktif : My Friends will be speaking English
Pasif : English will be being spoken by My Friends
11. Future Perfect Tense
Aktif : S + will + have + V3 + O
Pasif : S + will + have + been + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : Students will have spoken English
Pasif : English will have been spoken by students
Contoh :
Aktif : My Classmates will have been speaking English
Pasif : English will have been being spoken by My Classmates
Contoh :
Aktif : My sister would speak Taiwanese
Pasif : English would be spoken by My Sister
Contoh :
Aktif : Dodi would be speaking English
Pasif : English would be being spoken by Dodi
Contoh :
Aktif : My students would have been speaking English
Pasif : English would have been being spoken by My students
I. Conclusion
II. Suggest
Sukur, Silvester Goridus, Complete English Grammar For The Toefl Test
Yogyakarta : Indonesia Cerdas, 2007.
Yuliani ,Marta, yuniarti dwi arini. Inti Sari Bahasa Inggris SD-SMP-SMA .
Klaten : PT IntanPariwara, 2011.
Silvester Goridus Sukur, Complete English Grammar For The Toefl Test
(Yogyakarta : Indonesia Cerdas 2007) Hal230