This laboratory experiment used a hydrometer to calculate the density, relative density, or
API gravity of samples of both crude and liquid petroleum products. The samples were first
cooled to the hydrometer's operating temperature in a cylinder. The hydrometer was then
lowered into the samples, allowed to float there for a while, and the relative densities were
then noted. The results showed that Crude Petroleum oil has an API gravity of 20.19. As a
result, it is categorized as heavy crude oil. The API gravity of Liquid petroleum, a light crude
oil, is 42.50.
I. Introduction
In the fuel industry, a fuel's density is a crucial characteristic. The density of a fuel can be
used to determine its viscosity and energy content, among other fuel properties. Because it
may be used to determine the filled volume of a gasoline tank from a known weight, or vice
versa, fuel density is also crucial for fuel storage and transportation. Utilizing a hydrometer is
one way to determine the density of the gasoline. A hydrometer is made out of a hollow glass
or plastic tube with graduations for measuring density on one end that is bulb-shaped and
weighted by a ballast. When the fuel's surface aligns with the hydrometer, which is suspended
in the fuel to measure its density. The hydrometer is suspended in the fuel to measure the
density of the fluid at the point where the fuel's surface lines up with the hydrometer
The density of a sample of liquid petroleum product as well as crude petroleum will be
assessed in this experiment using the hydrometer method. The Crude Petroleum Product to be
used is the Shell Helix HX5 15W-40 Motor Oil, while the Liquid Petroleum product to be used
is a Diesel Petrol Product.
Certain factors that hinder the data gathered from this experiment would include the fact
that certain materials and apparatus were not present during the execution of this experiment.
This would include the Westphalia Balance, as well as a proper temperature bath. In this
experiment, the students used an enlarged beaker, as well as a plastic cutout from a liquid
container, improvised to serve as baths for this experiment. This, as well as difficulties in
maintaining the constant temperature bath were the two main difficulties faced during this
experiment. The results yielded from this activity however, were well within the acceptable
𝑆𝐺 = relative density or specific gravity of sample,
ρ𝑠 = density of sample, kg/m3, and
2. Use the following equation to convert relative density (specific gravity) readings to
API gravity:
°𝐴𝑃𝐼 = 𝑆𝐺 − 131. 5
𝑆𝐺 = relative density or specific gravity of sample,
°𝐴𝑃𝐼 = API gravity
1 0.9294 0.8165
2 0.9391 0.8145
3 0.9299 0.8085
Table 1 shows the temperatures of the hydrometer cylinder, the samples at the beginning of
their placement in the cylinder, and the samples following their immersion in the constant
temperature bath. The averaged specific gravities of the samples from the three trials are shown
in Table 2. The computed densities and API gravities of the two samples are shown in Tables 3
and 4, respectively.
The Crude Petroleum Sample is denser than the Liquid Petroleum sample, as seen in Tables
2 and 3. Table 4 shows that the API gravity of the Crude Petroleum sample is higher than that
of the Liquid Petroleum sample. While low API gravity suggests the reverse, high API gravity
denotes lighter and less dense oil. The Crude Oil sample is therefore denser and heavier than
the Liquid Petroleum sample, as seen in Table 4. The samples' classification according to API
gravity is also shown in Table 4. Light crude oil is defined as having an API gravity of more
than 31.1, whereas heavy crude oil is defined as having an API gravity of less than 22.3.
Calculation of the density of the Crude Petroleum sample (ρ𝑚) using the average specific
Calculation of the API gravity of the Crude Petroleum sample using the average specific gravity:
141.5 141.5
𝐴𝑃𝐼𝑚 = 𝐴𝑣𝑒. 𝑆𝐺𝑚
− 131. 5 = 0.8132
− 131. 5 = 42. 50
VII. Conclusion
The experiment has successfully managed to determine the Density, Relative Density, or
API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products using the Hydrometer
Method. The end results of which can be seen in Table 4, in which we can see that the crude
oil sample, having lesser API Gravity, is far denser, and as thus is classified as Heavy crude
oil, while the Liquid Petroleum sample, having a greater API, means that it is far lighter, and is
thus classified as light crude oil.
1. List down the common causes of an increase in an oil sample’s relative density.
a. Decrease in the oil’s temperature
b. Increase in the pressure experienced by the oil
c.Addition of density-increasing additives, such as sodium chloride, calcium
chloride, and calcium bromide.
2. How do you explain an oil sample’s decrease in density?
An oil sample’s density may decrease if its temperature is increased, due to thermal
expansion causing the space between molecules of the oil to increase.
[1] Anton Paar GmbH, "Measuring the density of fuels when trading and transporting,"
uels-when-trading-and-transporting/ (accessed Dec. 6, 2021).
[2] Grainger Editorial Staff, " How to Use and Read a Hydrometer," grainger.com.
ydrometer (accessed Dec. 6, 2021).
[3] Fitzgibbon, T, "API Gravity," mckinseyenergyinsights.com.
(accessed Dec. 7, 2022).
[4] International Labmate Ltd, "What is API Gravity?," petro-online.com.
09 (accessed Dec. 7, 2022).