Anna University: Chennai-600 025, India
Anna University: Chennai-600 025, India
Anna University: Chennai-600 025, India
Chennai-600 025, India
Application Form for Admission to Masters Degree Programmes for the academic year 2011- 2012
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application Received Date : ___________________________ Receipt No : ___________________________ Demand Draft No : ___________________________ ___________________________ Demand Draft Date : Name of the Bank : __________________________ Received By _______________________ Checked By _________________________
Registration No. :
Please paste (do not pin) 3.5x4.5 cm size recently taken Colour Photograph and sign across the lower part of the photo
For Admission to ___________________________ Degree Choice of Branch: 1._______________________ 2._______________________ 3._______________________ 4._______________________ Choice of Campus: College of Engineering Guindy (CEG) Alagappa College of Technology (ACT) Madras Institute of Technology (MIT) School of Architecture & Planning (SAP) Registration fee: Bank Draft No. Date Amount Issuing Bank
US $200
A.DETAILS OF THE CANDIDATE: 1. 2. Name of the candidate (Capital letters): ------------------------------------------------------------Candidates Address for Correspondence: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phone No: -----------------------------------------------
e-mail: ----------------------------------------------3. 4. 5. Gender: Male/Female Date-of-Birth: Day Name of the Father Name of the Mother
/ /
Month Year
:______________________________ : ______________________________
Details of Qualifying Degree: Name of Register Name of the University Degree No. and Country
Year of Passing
Medium of instruction
Details of Marks obtained in the qualifying degree. Attach authenticated transcripts of grades / marks secured in the qualifying degree.
Name & Address of Local Guardian (if both parents are residing abroad) Residence: Office: . . Phone: Phone: .. Fax :. Fax : .. e-mail: e-mail : . .
B. DETAILS OF SPONSOR 9. Name of the sponsor: ___________________________ 10. Relationship of the Sponsor to the candidate: (Father/Mother alone can sponsor) 11. Passport details of the sponsor:
Place and date of issue
Passport No.
Date of Expiry
Employment details of the sponsor (Certificate to be enclosed) Designation of the sponsor Annual Income Name of the Company Address : --------------------------------------------------: --------------------------------------------------: --------------------------------------------------: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: ---------------------------------------------------
13. Residence and Office address of the sponsor (Father/Mother) in Gulf Region Residence: Office: .. .... . Phone: Phone : . Fax :. Fax : . e-mail: e-mail : . 12. Photo copies of the following documents are to be attached along with the application. 1. Recent NRI status certificate of the parent issued by the Indian Embassy of the respective country under their seal as per Specimen-I. 2. Employment Certificate of the NRI parent as per Specimen-II. In the case of selfemployment, nature of business, annual income and required proof like Income- Tax paid (for the last 3 years), etc. 3. NRE / NRI bank statement of the NRI parent, atleast six months. 4. Valid Indian Passport of the NRI parent. 5. Qualifying Mark / Grade list of the candidate. 6. Provisional Degree Certificate. 7. Transfer Certificate.
I, _________________________, hereby declare that all the particulars stated in this application and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read the Information Brochure and I shall abide by the terms and conditions therein. I am aware that my admission will be provisional and in the event of my being found ineligible at the time of reporting, my admission will be denied. If I am already admitted, my admission will be cancelled. I am also aware that in all matters concerning admission, the decision of Anna University, Chennai is final and I shall abide by it. I am fully aware that as per the directions of the Honble Supreme Court of India and Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997, ragging is an offence and is banned in the Institutions and anyone indulging in ragging is liable to be punished with expulsion from the Institution and / or rigorous imprisonment of up to three years and / or fine up to Rs.25, 000/-
I, ______________________, hereby declare that all facts given in the application by the Candidate Mr. / Ms. ___________________________________ who is my
son / daughter are true and correct. In case, any particulars furnished in the application are found to be incorrect at a later stage, I agree to forfeit the admission of my son / daughter, no matter, at whatever stage of the course at that time. I hereby give an undertaking to pay regularly all his / her dues to the University / Hostel till the completion of his/her course of study. I also undertake the responsibility for his / her good conduct. I am also aware that in all matters concerning admission of my son / daughter, the decision of Anna University, Chennai is final and I shall abide by it. I am fully aware that as per the directions of the Honble Supreme Court of India and Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997, ragging is an offence and is banned in the Institutions and anyone indulging in ragging is liable to be punished with expulsion from the Institution and / or rigorous imprisonment of up to three years and / or fine up to Rs.25, 000/-
Place: Date:
hereby declare that I am the Father / Mother / Legal Guardian Mr. / Ms.
I undertake to financially sponsor the above candidate for the entire course of study in Anna University, Chennai. I am also aware that in all matters concerning admission, the decision of Anna University, Chennai is final and I shall abide by it.
Place: Date:
FORMAT FOR LETTER FROM EMBASSY (In the Letter head of the Embassy office) No. Dated:
no....dated ..issued at (Place of issue) is residing in this country since .He / She is a Non- Resident Indian.
FORMAT FOR THE EMPLOYER CERTIFICATE (In the letter head of the Company / Organization) No. Dated:
This is to certify that (sponsors Name) ..holder of Indian passport no.dated ..issued at ..(place of issue)is an employee of our company / organization since .. (Date of joining) the position of .. (Designation) .and drawing a monthly salary of .
This certificate is being issued upon his / her request for the purpose of college admission.
ANNEXURE - I MEDICAL CERTIFICATE (to be produced at the time of counseling) Certified that I, Dr (IMC. Reg.No. .) have this day of .2011 / 2012 examined the candidate whose particulars are given below: 1. Name of the Candidate 2. Name of the parent 3. Sex : : : Male / Female
5. Identification Marks
1. 2.
6. Whether the candidate fulfils the following standards (a) General Fitness consists of Full Blood Test including HIV Test Full Urine Test Chest X-ray ECG Mental Retardness Test and Other General Tests (b) Vision (c) Auditory functions (d) Speech functions
Normal Yes/No
Whether the candidate is physically eligible to be considered for admission in Engineering Colleges/Technical Institutions
Place: Date :
Course Refund
DATA SHEET (TO BE FILLED BY THE CANDIDATE ALL LETTERS SHOULD BE IN CAPITAL LETTERS) DETAILS OF THE CANDIDATE 1. Name of the Candidate: 2. Address for Correspondence: (with Phone number & email)
Phone No : e-mail :
3. Gender:
6. Name of the Mother: 7. Name & Local Address in India or Guardian in India : (with Phone number & email)
Phone No : e-mail : DETAILS OF THE NRI SPONSOR 8. Name of the Sponsor 9.Relationship of the Sponsor to the candidate:
INSTRUCTION TO THE CANDIDATES UNDER NRI CATEGORY AT ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI, CHENNAI 600 025, INDIA 1. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1.1. Application The application form may be downloaded from the website: If the candidate wishes to apply for both CIWGC and NRI Category, a separate application should be made for each category. 1.2. Eligibility and Academic Qualifications P.G. Programmes: Candidates to refer to Anna University, Chennai Website: Extended Course Details: For detailed specification of the courses of study refer to the Anna University, Chennai Website: Note: Admission shall be offered only to the candidates who possess the qualification prescribed against each course. Any other relevant qualifications which are not prescribed against each programme shall be considered for equivalence by the committee constituted by the Syndicate. Admission to such degree shall be offered only after obtaining equivalence from the Director (Academic Courses), Anna University, Chennai 600025. 1.3. Registration Fee A Bank Draft for US $ 200 drawn in favour of the Director, Centre for International Affairs, Anna University, Chennai, India payable at New York drawn from the Nationalised Banks of India or other International Banks with branches in India should be submitted along with the application. Check whether the Demand Draft have routing number and seal and is signed by the authorised official. 1.4. Last date for Receipt of Application Application complete in all respects should reach the Director, Centre for International Affairs, Anna University, Chennai-600 025, India on or before 15 July 2011. The admission is subject to the eligibility criteria prescribed by the Academic Courses, Anna University, Chennai, India. 1.5. Selection of candidates : At the time of counseling, the following documents are to be produced (in original except item No.4) 1. Recent NRI status certificate of the parent issued by the Indian Embassy of the respective country under their seal as per Specimen-I. 2. Employment Certificate of the NRI parent as per Specimen-II. In the case of selfemployment, nature of business, annual income and required proof like Income- Tax paid (for the last 3 years), etc. 3. NRE / NRI bank statement of the NRI parent, atleast six months. 4. Valid Indian Passport of the NRI parent. 5. Qualifying Mark / Grade list of the candidate. 6. Provisional Degree Certificate. 7. Transfer Certificate. 1.5.1.Final allotment of the branch of study will be done after verification of the certificates.
1.6. Payment of Tuition Fee On receipt of the allotment order, the candidate has to pay the prescribed fee immediately in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Director, Centre for International Affairs, Anna University, Chennai, India payable at New York. Check whether the Demand Draft have routing number and seal and is signed by the authorised official. 1.6.1. Fee Structure : US$ 4000 per year for all Masters Degree Programmes. (in US dollars) 1.7. Fitness: Candidates have to submit a medical fitness certificate at the time of final allotment as per Annexure-II. 2. GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1. Reporting to the University: Normally, the academic session begins by July August every year. Candidates selected for admission are required to report to the respective Deans of the campus concerned on the scheduled date mentioned in the allotment order. If the candidate fails to do so, the offer of admission will automatically stand cancelled. 2.2. Other Fee: Fees applicable for Library, Examination, Students Co-operative Society, Identity card(Smart card), etc should be paid in Indian rupees at the time of admission or when ever required to pay as per the rules. 2.4. Requirements for Completion of a Semester 2.4.1. A candidate who has fulfilled the following conditions shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements for completion of a semester. Ideally every student is expected to attend all classes and earn 100% attendance. However, in order to allow provision for certain unavoidable circumstances such as hospitalization / accident / specific illness, the student is expected to earn a minimum of 75% attendance. Therefore, he / she shall secure not less than 75% of overall attendance in that semester taking into account the total number of periods in all courses attended by the candidate as against the total number of periods in all courses offered during that semester. 2.4.2. However, a candidate who secures overall attendance between 65% and 74% in that current semester due to medical reasons (prolonged hospitalization / accident / specific illness / participation in Sports events) may be permitted to appear for the current semester examinations subject to the condition that the candidate shall submit the medical certificate / sports participation certificate to the Head of the Department. The same shall be forwarded to the Additional Controller of Examinations, Anna University, Chennai for record purposes. 2.4.3. Candidates who secure less than 65% overall attendance and candidates who do not satisfy the clauses 2.4.1 & 2.4.2 will not be permitted to write the US$ 4000 per year for MCA (6 Semesters).
end-semester examination of that current semester and will not be permitted to go to the next semester. They will be required to repeat the incomplete semester in the next academic year.
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