M4 Sean Benedict Dazo
M4 Sean Benedict Dazo
M4 Sean Benedict Dazo
MODULE Online Safety, Security, Ethics, and
4 Etiquette: Netiquette and Intellectual Property
Republic Act 8293, Section 176 states that no copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalties.
Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these
materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them.
Online Safety, Security,
4 Ethics, and Etiquette:
Netiquette and Intellectual Property
Introductory Message
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:
Notes to the Teacher
This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them
to manage their own learning. Moreover, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material while being an
active learner.
Recap - This part of the module provides a review of concepts and skills that
you already know about a previous lesson.
Posttest - This measure how much you have learned from the entire
DIGITAL 1. White Hat
FOOTPRINT a type of hacker who do hacking legally
2. Flame
FAKE NEWS an act of saying mean things online, usually in ALL
CAPS, and more often in public forums (or group chats)
3. Fake news fabricated stories, news or information
that was made to deceive people
4. Digital Footprint
a recorded online activities and upload files of the users
5. Intellectual Property it can be protected by patents,
WHITE HAT copyright, and trademarks.
Before we proceed on how to avoid the Internet threats, as well as we won’t
be a threat to anyone online, let’s review the past lesson. Classify the
following terms by writing malware or cybercrime.
1.Malware 3.Malware 4.Cybercrime 5.Cybercrime
Virus Trojan Copyright Cyberbullying
Digital citizenship is the way we think, act and be online (Common Sense
Org. n.d.). There's a certain set of standards that we must follow when we're
online and that's called netiquette. This term created by compounding "net"
and "etiquette" (from the Internet). Virginia Shea, referred to as "Ms.
Manners” of the Internet, wrote the 10 core Netiquette rules
In addition to these core rules which we will apply, we must also abide by
the provisions of Republic Act No. 8293 or recognized as the Philippines
Intellectual Property Code. Copyright infringement is one of the cybercrimes
mentioned in the previous class. This is usually done by students when they
copy-paste a sentence or paragraph from a website and place it in their
procrastinated essay without proper attribution or reference to the source,
and make it like their own concept, in short, plagiarism. Another way to
violate it, when the student took pictures of the content of the thesis or a
book without the consent of the author. It seems an easy move, but we are
already committing a major crime.
Not only are we the recipient of information; we are also a producer and
provider. Any original creation—an invention, a form of literary work, or a
research—has what we call intellectual property (IP). Intellectual property
has 6 forms based on the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO),
These are the tips that might help you avoid copyright infringement:
Besides that, there are 4 fair use points which must be followed:
Whether or not your work falls within the policy of fair use, giving credit to
the creator as a respect and using it responsibly is still a good thing.
I. ON THE SCENE: Read the situation carefully and encircle the best
II. WHAT’S YOUR STAND: Compare the two photos. Based on the
intellectual property lesson, identify which image follows the Fair Use
provisions, and which is not. Justify your answer.
From what I see from both pictures, I see that the one that follows Fair use provisions
is the one with the Philippines flag. I think the pictures is used to criticize or atleast
talk about the Philippine flag for educational purposes, whereas the other pic has no
context but it does show that it was just copied from other sources.
This lesson also reminds us that we are information provided, not just a
receiver. Since everything can be access through Internet, our intellectual
property can still be protected through Republic Act no. 8293 or known as
Philippines Intellectual Property Code. Through this law, you have the right
over your work, and how people should use it. If you wish to use someone’s
work, just follow the provisions of Fair use. These topics are important for us
to be safe and secured in the digital space.
The concept of good moral and right conduct (or GRMC) are not only
applicable at home and in school. Also, it is applied in the cyberspace. Being a
digital citizen, it is our privilege, however it also a responsibility. We must
follow the 10 core rules of netiquette to avoid threat and avoid becoming a
threat to others. At this point, ask your how do you do as a digital citizen.
Evaluate each category
Protect private information for yourself and
below by coloring the box
before each statement.
Stay safe online.
Color Meaning Balance the time you spend online and
Red Keep working on it. using media.
Yellow Almost there!
Carefully manage your digital footprint.
Respect copyright and intellectual property.
Stand up to cyberbullying when you see it
Respect yourself and others.
I. Directions: Read the definitions below the scrambled words. Spell out the
words correctly.
Your answer: Definitions:
1. Etiquette EETTTUQIEN
a set of rules on how to think, act, and being online
2. Fair use ESU RIAF
with its provisions, IP can be used in commentaries, criticisms,
reporting, researching, and teaching
3. Fake news SWEN EKFA
fabricated stories, news or information that was made to deceive
Footprint a recorded online activities and upload files of the users
5. INTEELLTCAUL TYERPROP it can be protected by
Intellectual patents, copyright, and trademarks.
To check your progress, here are the answers for the following activities:
• Yuvienco, Joel. Empowerment Technologies (Student Reader). 1st ed. Pasig
City: Department of Education, 2016.
• Innovative Training Works, Inc. Empowerment Technologies. 1st ed. Manila:
Rex Bookstore (2016).
• Common Sense Organization. n.d. “What is Digital Citizenship?.” Accessed on
June 15, 2020. https://www.commonsense.org/education/videos/what -is-
• Albion.com. n.d. “The Core Rules of Netiquette.” Accessed on June 15, 2020
• US.Norton. n.d. “What is the Difference Between Black, White, and Grey Hat
Hackers.” Accessed on June 18, 2020
• World Intellectual Property Organization. “What is Intellectual Property.”
Accessed on June 18, 2020 https://www.wipo.int/about-ip/en/
• Government of the Philippines, The Intellectual Property Office. 1997.
Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines. Accessed on June 21, 2020
• Common Sense Education. “Copyright and Fair Use Animation” September 6,
2014. Youtube video. 2:45. Accessed on June 21, 2020
Photo credits:
• https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/video/24oras/534219/thinktok-watawatng-
• https://www.bloombergquint.com/opinion/the-camcording-piracy-bill-is-a-
• https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fair_use_logo.svg