Ic DPP 15
Ic DPP 15
Ic DPP 15
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15. Which of the following reagents can be used to distinguish between a sulphite and a sulphate in solution?
(A) FeSO4 (B) Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] (C) BaCI2 (D) Na3[co(NO2)6]
16. A colourless water soluble solid ‘X’ on heating gives equimolar quantities of Y and Z. Y gives dense white
fumes HCI and Z does so with NH3. Y gives brown precipitate with Nessler`s reagent and Z gives white
precipitate with nitrates of Ag+ , Pb2+ and Hg+ . ‘X’ is :
(A) NH4CI (B) NH4NO3 (C) NH4NO2 (D) FeSO4
17. Three separate samples of a solution of a single salt gave these results. One formed a white precipitate with
excess ammonia solution, one formed a white precipitate with dil. NaCI solution and one formed a black
precipitate with H2S. The salt could be:
(A) AgNO3 (B) Pb(NO3)2 (C) Hg(NO3)2 (D) MnSO4
18. A pale yellow precipitate and a gas with pungent odour are formed on warming dilute hydrochloric acid with
an aqueous solution containing :
(A) sulphate ion (B) sulphide ion (C) thiosulphate ion (D) sulphite ion
19. Consider the following sequence of tests,
Mn+ + HCI white precipitate water soluble
The metal ion (Mn+) would be :
(A) Hg2+ (B) Ag+ (C) Pb2+ (D) Sn2+
20. Which of the following compounds does magnesium precipitate when you test for it ?
(A) MgCO3.MgO (B) MgCO3 (C) Mg(OH)2 (D) MgNH4PO4 .6H2O
21. Which of the following salt gives green colour mass in cobalt nitrate charcoal cavity test ?
(A) Zn salts (B) AI salts (C) Alums (D) Copper salts
22. Which of the following tests can you identify K+ in a salt?
(A) Flame test (violet) and precipitation (yellow) with sodium cobaltinitrite
(B) Flame test (violet) and precipitation (violet) with sodium nitroprusside
(C) Flame test (crimson) and precipitation (yellow) with sodium cobaltinitrite
(D) Flame test (golden yellow) and precipitation (violet) with sodium nitroprusside
23. An ionrganic salt is strongly heated. The residue is yellow when hot and white when cold. The salt contains:
(A) Pb2+ (B) Zn2+ (C) Hg2+ (D) NH4
24. The gas evolved in which of the following reactions forms the iodide of Millon`s base on being passed through
a solution of [HgI4]2– in KOH ?
(A) CaSO4 treated with dilute HCI (B) NH4CI boiled with NaOH
(C) ZnS treated with dilute H2SO4 (D) MgCO3 heated alone
25. A white sublimable substance, that turns black on treatment with an NH3 solution can be:
(A) Hg2CI2 (B) HgCI2 (C) As2O3 (D) NH4CI
26. A white crystalline salt imparts a violet colour to a Bunsen flame, and with hot concentrated H2SO4, forms a
pungent gas. On treatment with an AgNO3 solution, this gas forms a white precipitate readily soluble in NH3.
The white crystalling salt may be:
(A) Na2SO4 (B) KCI (C) CaCI2 (D) SrCI2
27. Which of the following is blue?
(A) (NH4)2 [Co(SCN)4] (B) Ni(dmg)2 (C) Cu2 [Fe(CN)6] (D) Fe(SCN)3
28. Which of the following pairs of cations can be separated by separated by adding NH4CI and NH4OH to the
(A) Fe3+ , AI3+ (B) Cr3+ , Ni2+ (C) AI3+ , Cr3+ (D) Fe3+ , Cr3+
29. Before adding the reagents of group III, the solution is heated with some concentrated HNO3 in order to:
(A) oxidise Fe2+ to Fe3+ (B) oxidise Cr3+ to Cr2O72–
(C) lower than pH (D) increase the NH3–
30. If a solution containing AI3+ , Ni2+ and Mg2+ is first treated with NH4CI and then with NH4OH, which of the
following will precipitate?
(A) AI(OH)3 (B) Ni(OH) (C) Mg(OH)2 (D) AI(OH)3 , Ni(OH)3 and Mg(OH)2
31. Which of the following is not soluble in hot and conc. HNO3?
(A) PbS (B) NiS (C) CuS (D) HgS
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32. Which of the following, on treatment with KCN, will give cyanogen gas?
(A) [Ag(NH3)2]+ (B) [Cu(NH3)4]2+ (C) [Cd(NH3)4]2+ (D) [Zn(NH3)4]2+
33. Which of the following is formed when As2S3 is warmed with NH4OH and H2O2?
(A) As(OH)3 (B) AsO 34– (C) AsO 33 – (D) [As(NH3)6]5+
34. Which of the following pairs of cations can be separated by using on adding NaOH solution?
(A) Cu2+ , Zn2+ (B) Pb2+ , AI3+ (C) Sn2+ , Pb2+ (D) Zn2+ , Pb2+
35. Reaction of Zn(OH)2 with NaOH produces :
(A) Na2ZnO2 (B) ZnO (C) Na2O (D) None of these
36. A compound ‘X’ on heating gives a colourless gas. The residue is dissolved in water to obain ‘Y’. Excess CO2
is passed through aqueous solution of ‘Y’ when ‘Z’ is formed. ‘Z’ on gentle heating gives back ‘X’. The
compound ‘X’ is:
(A) NaHCO3 (B) Na2CO3 (C) Ca(HCO3)2 (D) CaCO3
37. A solid mixture of AgCI and K2Cr2O7 is heated with conc. H2SO4 and produces:
(A) greenish yellow gas (B) colourless gas (C) red coloured gas (D) no gas
38. When copper sulphate solution is treated with potassium iodide and excess of hypo solution is added in
resulting solution, a white precipitate is formed. The white ppt. is due to formation of :
(A) Na2S4O6 (B) CuI2 (C) CuI (D) NaI
39. Which one is correct group reagent for group cations ?
(A) Mn2+ Co2+ Zn2+ Ni2+ ; HCI + H2S (B) Mn2+ Co2+ Zn2+ Ni2+ ; dil. HCI
2+ 2+ 2+ 2+
(C) Mn Co Zn Ni ; NH4CI + NH4OH (D) Mn2+ Co2+ Zn2+ Ni2+ ; NH4CI + NH4OH + H2S
40. Sulphide ions react with Na2[Fe(NO) (CN)5] to form a purple coloured compound Na4[Fe(CN)5(NOS)]. In the
reaction, the oxidation state of iron:
(A) Changes from +2 to +3 (B) Changes from +3 to +2
(C) Changes from +2 to +4 (D) Does not change
Iodate ions IO3– can be reduced to iodine by iodide ions. The half equation which represent the redox
reaction are :
(IO3–) (aq.) + 6H+ (aq.) + 5e I (s) + 3H2O(I)
2 2
I– (aq.) I (s) + e–
2 2
How many moles of iodine are produced for every mole of iodate ions consumed in the reaction?
(A) 0.5 (B) 1 (C) 2.5 (D) 3
42. A solution of metal hydroxide (MOH) with copper sulphate and mixed tartarate of metal M with another metal
M1 of the same group, is used in the detection of —CHO group. Metal M and M1 are respectively:
(A) K, Na (B) K, Rb (C) Na, Li (D) Rb, Na
43. On passing H2S gas into first group filtrate sometimes yellow turbidity appears even in the absence of II group
radicals, this is because of :
(A) Sulphur is present in the mixture as impurity
(B) (IV) group radicals are precipitated as sulphides
(C) the oxidation of H2 S gas by some acid radicals
(D) III group radicals are precipitated as hydroxides
44. On adding KI to a metal salt solution, no precipitate was observed but the salt solution gives yellow precipitate
with K2CrO4 in the presence of CH3 COOH. Then the salt is :
(A) Sr(NO3)2 (B) Pb(CH3COO)2 (C) AgNO3 (D) BaCl2
45. When a black metal sulphide reacts with dil. HCl, a gas liberates, which of the following pair of cation can be
separated by the liberated gas?
(A) Zn2+, Cd2+ (B) Hg2+, Ag+ (C) Cu2+, Pb2+ (D) Mn2+, Ni2+
46. Which of the following salt on heating with concentrated H2SO4, coloured vapours do not evolve?
(A) NaBr (B) NaNO3 (C) CaF2 (D) KI
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47. Which of the following mixtures can be separated by using excess NH3 solution ?
(A) Bi 3 + (aq.) and Al3 + (aq.) (B) Al 3 + (aq.) and Zn 2 + (aq.)
(C) Hg 2 + (aq.) and pb2 + (aq.) (D) Cu 2 + (aq.) and Cd2+(aq.)
48. Consider the following reactions
P + Q R + K2SO4
R 2CuI + I2
Ag + + Q S + K+
Then according to given information the incorrect match is :
(A) P = CuSO4 (B) Q = KI (C) R = Cul2 (D) S = K[Agl2]
Conc. H2SO4
Brown fumes
Salt A Cu
Blue solution
49. Colourless
White ppt.
Identify salt (A) satisfying above chemical property :
(A) Cu(NO3)2 (B) NaNO3 (C) AgNO3 (D) Pb(NO3)2
( i ) BaCl
50. Water soluble mixture ( ii)dil.HCl White ppt.
Na 2CO 3
(iii) ZnSO4 (aq)
(X) (Y) nitrate, (Z)
(iv) CuCI2 (aq) H S
(Y) (Z)
55. dil.H2SO 4
(X) (Black) dil.HNO 3
(Y) (gas) Colloidal sulphur; Identify (X) :
(A) CuS (B) FeS (C) PbS (D) CdS
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56. An organic compound (A) on heating produces two gases (B) and (C) and neutral oxide (D) which turns
cobalt chloride paper pink. Gas (B) turns lime water milky and produces an acidic solution with water Gas
(C) produces a poisonous gas (E) with chlorine gas, this gas with ammonia gives an organic compound (F)
which on further reaction with (D) gives NH3 gas. Then, compounds (A) and (F) can be found as :
(A) H2C2O4 and NH2CONH2 (B) CH3COOH and NH2CONH2
(C) CHCI3 and CH3CONH2 (D) CH3CI and NH2COONH4
57. Which of the following will be precipitated when a solution containing calcium acetate, strontium acetate and
barium acetate is treated with (NH4)2SO4?
(A) CaSO4 and SrSO4 (B) SrSO4 and BaSO4 (C) BaSO4 and CaSO4 (D) SrSO4 only
58. In this sequence X, Y, Z are respectively:
(A) Acidified H2O2; Alkaline H2O2; Acidified H2O2 (B) Alkaline H2O2; Acidified H2O2; Zn/HCI
(C) Acidified H2O2; Heat; Alkaline H2O2 (D) Alkaline H2O2; Acidified H2O2; On standing
59. A white powder “A” on heating gave a non-combustible gas and a white residue. The residue on heating turns
yellow. The residue dissolves in dil. HCI and the solution gives a white ppt. with K4[Fe(CN)6]. “A” would be :
(A) CaCO3 (B) ZnCO3 (C) CaSO3 (D) CuCO3
60. When a solution of Na2Cr2O7 is treated with amyl alcohol and acidified H2O2, the layer of amyl alcohol turns
blue. What is the blue colouration ?
(A) Cr2+ (B) CrO5 (C) CrO4 (D) Cr2+ + CrO5
Paragraph : 1
A colourless inorganic compound (A) imparts a green colour to the flame. Its solution gives a white ppt.(B)
with H2SO4. When heated with K2Cr2O7 and conc. H2SO4, a brown red vapour/gas (C) is formed. The gas/
vapour when passed through aqueous NaOH solution, it turns into a yellow solution (D) which forms yellow
precipitate (E) with CH3 COOH and (CH3COO)2Pb. With reference to above information, answer the following
61. The colourless inorganic compound (A) is :
(A) Ba(NO3)2 (B) BaCl2 (C) CuCl2 (D) CrBr3
62. The liberated gas vapour (C) is :
(A) Br2 (B) NO2 (C) CrO2Cl2 (D) Cl2
63. The yellow ppt. formed when (D) reacts with CH3COOH and (CH2COO)2Pb is :
(A) PbI2 (B) PbCrO4 (C) BaCrO4 (D) AgBr
Paragraph : 2
Zn dil.HCl
P(aq.) FeCl3
Q R + T (Coloured ion)
R MnO4– H+
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(C) S 2 O23 – (aq.),SO 23 (aq.) (D) None of these
Paragraph : 3
(A) + NaCI (B) (white ppt.),
(B) + KI (C) (green ppt.)
(C) + KI (D) + (E) (colourless solution)
Paragraph : 4
Aqueous solution of a salt ‘A’, when mixed with NaOH solution and warmed, a black precipitate is formed.
Black ppt. is filtred and dissolved in dil. H2SO4 solution. The resulting solution gives a chocolate coloured
precipitate with potassium ferrocyanide solution. The filtrate obtained after filtering off the black precipitate,
upon warming with Zn and NaOH evolves a pungent smelling gas. The resulting solution also responds to the
ring test. The filtrate does not evolve any gas when it is boiled with urea in the presence of H2SO4.
70. Salt ‘A’ consists of:
(A) Cu2+ (B) Hg2+ (C) Cu+ (D) Pb2+
71. The filtrate obtained after filtering off the black precipitate consists of :
(A) NO 2– (B) NO 3– (C) CO23 – (D) CI–
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77. Which of the following pairs of cations cannot be separate by using an NaOH solution?
(A) Fe3+ , AI3+ (B) Cr3+ , AI3+ (C) Sn2+ , Pb2+ (D) Cu2+ , Pb2+
78. A white sublimable solid, when boiled with an NaOH solution, gives a colourless gas that turns Nessler`s
reagent brown. The solid, on being heated with solid K2Cr2O7 and concentrated H2SO4, gives red brown
vapours. The white solid can be:
(A) NH4I (B) NH4Br (C) NH4CI (D) (NH4)2SO4
[P ]
79. Aq. suspension H2SO4
Re agent
Whcih of the following option(s) is/are correct regarding ‘P’ among the following ?
(A) O3 (B) Excess CI2 water (C) conc. HNO3 (D) HCI
80. In which of the following cases will a violet colouration be observed ?
(A) An alkaline solution of sodium nitroprusside is treated with a solution of Na2S
(B) A solution of sodium cobaltinitrite is treated with one of KCI
(C) A solution of Mn(NO3)2 is treated with sodium bismuthate or red lead in the presence of concentrated HNO3
(D) A solution of sodium nitroprusside in aqueous NaOH is treated with Na2SO3
81. Which reaction is/are possible?
(A) MgCI2 + NaNO3 (B) BaSO4 + HCI
(C) ZnSO4 + BaS (D) BaCO3 + CH3COOH
82. Which of the following combinations in an aqueous medium will give a blue colour or precipitate?
(A) Fe2+ +[Fe(CN)6]3+ (B) Fe3+ + [Fe(CN)6]4– (C) Co2+ + SCN– (D) Fe3+ + SCN–
83. Which of the following sulphides dissolve in dilute HCI?
(A) CoS (B) NiS (C) MnS (D) ZnS
84. Which of the following reagents can be used to distingush between SO2 and CO2 ?
(A) Lime water (B) BaCI2 solution
(C) H2O2 + BaCI2 solution (D) Acidified dichromate paper
85. Which of the following will dissolve in a mixture of NaOH and H2O2 ?
(A) Fe(OH)3 (B) Cr(OH)3 (C) AI(OH)3 (D) Zn(OH)2
86. Which of the following mixtures cannot be separated by passing H2S through their solution containing dilute
(A) Cu2+ and Sb3+ (B) Pb2+ and Cd2+ (C) Pb2+ and AI3+ (D) Zn2+ and Mn2+
87. Which of the following substances on being heated will give a gas that turns limewater milky ?
(A) Na2CO3 (B) ZnCO3 (C) ZnSO3 (D) MgCO3
88. A white precipitate is obtained when :
(A) A solution of BaCI2 is treated with Na2SO3 (B) A solution of NaAIO2 is heated with NH4CI
(C) H2S is passed through a solution of ZnSO4 (D) A solution of ZnSO4 is treated with one of Na2CO3
89. A yellow precipitate is obtained when :
(A) lead acetate solution is treated with K2CrO4 (B) Pb(NO3)2 solution is treated with K2CrO4
(C) AgNO3 solution treated with KI (D) H2S is passed through a solution of CdSO4
90. Which of the following ions can be separated by using NH4CI and NH4OH?
(A) Fe3+ and Cr3+ (B) Cr3+ and Co2+ (C) Cr3+ and AI3+ (D) AI3+ and Ba2+
91. Which of the following mixtures of ions in solution can be separated by using NH3 solution ?
(A) Hg22 and Ag+ (B) Bi3+ and Cu2+ (C) Ag+ and Pb2+ (D) Cu2+ and Cd2+
92. Which of the following mixtures of ions in solution can be separated by using dilute H2SO4 ?
(A) Zn2+ and Pb2+ (B) Ba2+ and Pb2+ (C) Mn2+ and Sr2+ (D) Sr2+ and Ba2+
93. Which of the following species will be decomposed on acidification?
(A) [Ag(NH3)2]+ (B) [Cu(NH3)4]2+ (C) [Zn(OH)4]2– (D) [Pb(OH)4]2–
94. Which of the following mixtures of ions in solution can be separated by using NaOH solution ?
(A) Fe3+ and Pb2+ (B) Pb2+ and Sn2+ (C) Zn2+ and Sn2+ (D) AI3+ and Cu2+
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95. Which of the following ions can be separated by using dilute HCI ?
(A) Ag+ and Cu2+ (B) Ag+ and Hg22 (C) Hg22 and Cd2+ (D) Ag+ and AI3+
96. Which of the following substances will leave a black residue on strong heating ?
(A) CuSO4 ·5H2O (B) ZnCO3 (C) PbCO3 (D) MnSO4
97. An aqueous solution is prepared by dissolving a mixture containing ZnCI2, CdCI2 and CuCI2. Now H2S gas is
passed through the aqueous solution of salt to form precipitate.
(A) CdS (B) CuS (C) ZnS (D) No ppt.
98. An aqueous solution containing S2– ions will not give:
(A) Yellow precipitate with the suspension of CdCO3 in water
(B) Black precipitate with lead acetate solution
(C) White precipitate with BaCI2 solution
(D) Purple colour with sodium thiosulphate solution
99. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct when a solid mixture of NaCI and K2Cr2O7 is gently warmed
with conc. H2SO4 ?
(A) A deep red vapour is evolved
(B) The vapour when passed into NaOH solution gives a yellow solution of Na2CrO4
(C) Chlorine gas is evolved
(D) Chromyl chloride is formed
100. Choose the correct statements:
(A) BaCI2 + AcOH + K2CrO4 yellow ppt. (B) BaCO3(s) + K2CrO4 yellow ppt.
(C) BaCO3(s) + K2CrO4 + AcOH No ppt. (D) SrCO3(s) + K2CrO4 + AcOH No ppt.
101. Which of the following aqueous solution of cation(s) give(s) white ppt. with NaOH and NH4OH solution and
formed ppt. is/are further completely dissolved in one of the excess reagent ?
(A) Cd2+ (B) Cr3+ (C) Sn2+ (D) Bi3+
102. The evolution of a red-brown gas on heating a salt with K2Cr2O7 and concentrated H2SO4 can arise from:
(A) chloride (B) bromide (C) nitrate (D) nitrite
103. Column-I and Column-II contains four entries each. Entries of Column-I are to be matched with some
entries of Column-II. One or more than one entries of Column-I may have the matching with the same
entries of Column-II.
Column-I Column-II
(A) ZnCI2 + H2S (p) Pale green colouration
(B) CuSO4 + Excess KI (q) Brown ppt.
(C) Pb3O4 + Conc. HNO3 (r) White turbidity
(D) FeCI3 + H2S (s) No change is observed
104. Column-I and Column-II contains four entries each. Entries of Column-I are to be matched with some
entries of Column-II. One or more than one entries of Column-I may have the matching with the same
entries of Column-II.
Column-I Column-II
(A) Gas evolved by the action of dilute (p) Colour of acidifed KMnO4 is discharged
H2SO4 on a sulphite
(B) Gas evolved by the action of dilute (q) Acidified dichromate solution is turned green
H2SO4 on a carbonate
(C) Gas evolved by heating an ammonium (r) Nessler`s reagent gives a brown precipitate
salt with NaOH
(D) Gas evolved by the action of dilute (s) Baryta water turns milky
H2SO4 on a sulphide
(t) Alkaline nitroprusside truns violet
105. Column-I and Column-II contains four entries each. Entries of Column-I are to be matched with some
entries of Column-II. One or more than one entries of Column-I may have the matching with the same
entries of Column-II.
Column-I Column-II
(A) Red vapours (p) MnSO4 + NaBiO3 + Conc. HNO3
(B) NaOH solution is turned yellow by the vapours (q) KCI + Solid K2Cr2O7 + conc. H2SO4
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(C) Purple solution (r) KBr heated with MnO2 and conc. H2SO4
(D) A colurless solution results when the evolved (s) Na2S + Na2[Fe(CN)5(NO)]
gas is absorbed in NaOH solution
106. Column-I and Column-II contains four entries each. Entries of Column-I are to be matched with some
entries of Column-II. One or more than one entries of Column-I may have the matching with the same
entries of Column-II.
Column-I Column-II
(A) Soluble in a concentrated NH3 solution (p) Ag2S
(B) Soluble in excess KCN solution (q) Cu(OH)2
(C) Soluble in excess hypo solution (r) AgBr
(D) Soluble in conc. HCI (s) AgCI
107. Consider the following reaction
Na2SO4 + C Na 2 [Fe( CN )5 NO]
(A) (B)
Cd(NO 3 )2 (Purple complex)
yellow ppt.
2 2
Then calculate value of X – Y (where X and Y are total numbe of electrons present in “t2g” and “eg” orbitals
respectively in d–block metal ion of compound B).
108. Find numbe of basic radicals among the following cations, which can form soluble complex on adding
excess of NH3 solution :
Cd2 + (aq.), Pb2+ (aq), Ni2+ (aq.), Mn2+ (aq.) Zn 2 + (aq.), Ag + (aq.), Hg2 + (aq.), Fe3 + (aq.), Mg 2 + (aq.)
109. Consider the following reaction
Na3PO4 + (NH4)2MoO4 + HNO3(dil.) ‘X’
(canary yellow ppt)
Then calculate total number of atoms of 15th group elements which are sp3 hybridized in compound ‘X’.
110. How many anions will give colourless acid vapour/gas with conc. H2SO4 on reaction with following given
CH3COO– , Cl–, Br – , S2– SO 23 – , BO33 – , NO 2– , I–
111. Find total number of reagents which can produce I2 from KI solution.
Conc. H2SO4, Hg(NO3)2 solution, CuSO4 solution, Conc. H3PO4,
K2 Cr2 O7/H+ , Cl2 water, Pb(CH3COO)2 solution, Ca(OCI) Cl/H+,
NaNO2 + dil. HCl
112. Find out number ionic compound (s) which is/are water insoluble at room temperature.
BaSO4, AgNO3, PbCO3 , CaCl2, Mg(OH)2 ,
KMnO4, CH3COOAg, Ca3(PO4)2 (NH4)2S
113. Find out total number of coloured compound (s) from following :
BaCO3 ,HgO, PbSO4,Ag2S , HgI2, PbO, CdS, AgNO2 , PbCrO4
114. Find out total number of compounds which on heating undergo redox reactions.
PbCI4, Mg(NO3)2 HgC2O4, Ag2CO3, Pb(CN)4, AI(OH)3, Cu(CN)2
115. How many following Ammonium salts will evolve N2 gas on heating?
(NH4)2 CO3, (NH4)2 Cr2O7, NH4 NO2, NH4ClO4, NH4Cl, (NH4)2 S,(NH4)2 C2O4
116. Total number of species that can be oxidized by acidic permanganate ion (MnO –4 / H ) .
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1. (C) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (D) 5. (B)
11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (C)
16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (C) 20. (D)
21. (A) 22. (A) 23. (B) 24. (B) 25. (A)
26. (B) 27. (A) 28. (B) 29. (A) 30. (A)
31. (D) 32. (B) 33. (B) 34. (A) 35. (A)
36. (D) 37. (B) 38. (C) 39. (D) 40. (D)
41. (D) 42. (A) 43. (C) 44. (D) 45. (A)
46. (C) 47. (B) 48. (D) 49. (C) 50. (C)
51. (A) 52. (C) 53. (CD) 54. (A) 55. (B)
56. (A) 57. (B) 58. (D) 59. (B) 60. (B)
61. (B) 62. (C) 63. (B) 64. (B) 65. (B)
66. (C) 67. (B) 68. (C) 69. (D) 70. (A)
71. (B) 72. (B) 73. (D) 74. (A) 75. (B)
76. (ABD) 77. (BC) 78. (BC) 79. (ABC) 80. (AC)
81. (CD) 82. (ABC) 83. (CD) 84. (CD) 85. (BCD)
86. (ABD) 87. (BCD) 88. (ABCD) 89. (ABCD) 90. (BD)
91. (ABC) 92. (AC) 93. (ABCD) 94. (AD) 95. (ACD)
96. (AD) 97. (AB) 98. (CD) 99. (ABD) 100. (AD)
103. (A) - (s) ; (B) - (q) ; (C) - (q) ; (D) - (p,r) 104. (A) - (p,q,s) ; (B) - (s) ; (C) - (r) ; (D) - (p,q,t)
105. (A) - (q,r) ; (B) - (q) ; (C) - (p,s) ; (D) - (r) 106. (A) - (q,r,s) ; (B) - (p,q,r,s) ; (C) - (q,r,s) ; (D) - (q,s)
117. 2
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