Slides For Module 1 - Hadith of Jibrael
Slides For Module 1 - Hadith of Jibrael
Slides For Module 1 - Hadith of Jibrael
– Submission
– Peace
Islam is linked with the tradition of Ibrahim
اط ُم ْست ِق ٍيم ِديناا قِي اما ِملَّة ِإبْرا ِهيم ِ قُ ْل ِإنَّنِي هدانِي ر ِبي ِإل ٰى
ٍ صر
ح ِنيفاا ۚ وما كان ِمن ْال ُم ْش ِر ِكين
• Islam (Actions)
– root letters ) (س۔ل۔مrefer to peace
• Iman – Intellectual
• Islam – Practical
• Ihsan – Emotional
Three Disciplines in Islamic Sciences
• Iman
– Ilm al-Kalam, Ilm al-Aqa’id, Islamic Theology
• Islam
– Ilm al-Fiqh, Islamic Law
• Ihsan
– Ilm al-Ihsan, Tasawwuf, Tazkiyya, Ilm al-Akhlaq, Islamic Ethics
الزكاة ول ْم ي ْخش ِإلَّ هللا
َّ صَلة وآتى ِ اجد هللاِ م ْن آمن ِباهللِ و ْالي ْم ِم
َّ اآلخ ِر وأقام ال ِ ِإنَّما ي ْع ُم ُر مس
فعسى أ ُ ْولـئِك أن ي ُكمنُماْ ِمن ْال ُم ْهت ِدين
The masaajid of Allah shall be visited and maintained by those
who believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular prayers
and practice regular charity and fear none except Allah. It is they
who are expected to be on true guidance. [Surah at-Tauba: 18]
Three levels of excellence
ْت ُجناح فِيما ط ِع ُمماْ ِإذا ما اتَّقماْ َّوآمنُماْ وع ِملُما ِ صا ِلحا َّ ليْس على الَّ ِذين آمنُماْ وع ِملُماْ ال
ب ْال ُم ْح ِسنِين
ُّ ت ث ُ َّم اتَّقماْ َّوآمنُماْ ث ُ َّم اتَّقماْ َّوأ ْحسنُماْ وهللاُ يُ ِح
ِ صا ِلحا
َّ ال
There is no blame on those who believe and do good deeds for what they
ate in the past, provided they remain pious, and believe and do righteous
deeds, then remain pious and believe, and then remain pious and attain
Ihsan. For Allah loves the people of Ihsan. [Surah al-Ma’ida: 93]
Qur’anic formula to attain excellence in Islam
Recite from this Book (Al-Qur'an) which has been revealed to you
and establish Salah. Surely Salah keeps one away from shameful and
evil deeds; and surely the remembrance of Allah is the greatest of
all, Allah knows what you do. [Surah al-Ankabut: 45]
Ihsan (Noble Feelings)
• Ihsan means beauty
• Ihsan includes:
– Adorning oneself with noble inner attributes like: Love for Allah
(S.W.T) and His Prophet (S.A.W), Sincerity, Humility, Modesty,
Gratitude, Patience
• Sahih Bukhari:
– Iman, Islam and Ihsan
• Sahih Muslim:
– Islam, Iman and Ihsan
Signs of the Day of Judgment
• Minor Signs: Widespread bloodshed, adultery, usury, use
of musical instruments, alcohol
• Major Signs: (1) The Dajjaal; (2) the descent of Eesa (A.S);
(3) Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj; (4, 5, 6) three earthquakes, one in the
east, one in the west and one in the Arabian Peninsula; (7) the
smoke; (8) the rising of the sun from its place of setting; (9) the
Beast; and (10) the fire which will drive the people to their
place of gathering.
Signs of the Day of Judgment
• Conclusive statement:
– Social order will be destroyed
The Dimension of Time
ان ِإنَّك كا ِدح ِإلى ر ِبك ك ْد احا ف ُمَلقِي ِه ِ ْ يا أيُّها
ُ اْلنس
O man! verily you are ever toiling on towards the Lord
painfully toiling but you will meet Him. [Al-Inshiqaq: 6]