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Special Services (home delivery, special orders, gift wrap) 

WHAT IS RETAILING ?  5. Helpful Salespeople (polite, knowledgeable, fast) 
6. Fairness in dealings ( honesty, return privileges)
 According to English Dictionary, “Retail” is derived from the term
“Retailer” which seems to be a French word meaning “to break the WHAT DOES THE RETAILER DO TO ENSURE STICKINESS IN HIS
bulk” The term retailer also implies that he deals directly with the end
user or consumer.

SOME OF THE OTHER CHARACTERISTICS OF RETAIL TRADE ARE: o Performing marketing functions that enable them to make available
a wide variety of products to the consumers. 
 The order sizes tend to be small but many o Helping create time, place and possession utility. 
 The retailer caters to a wide variety of customers and hence has to o Adding form utility such as when a clothing retailer alters a trouser
keep a large assortment of goods.  to fit a consumer. 
 A lot of buying in the retail outlet could be on impulse and hence o A retailer’s services also help create an image for the products he
managing inventory is critical.  sells. 
 The retailer’s strengths are in ensuring availability and visibility of the o A retailer add value to products through: 
product he sells – true for the corner grocer or the supermarket.  The services they offer such as credit, delivery, extended store
Definition of Retailing 
 The personnel they hire who help identify and solve customer
Any business entity selling products and services to consumers is problems. 
“RETAILING”. The goods may sold in shop, in person by malls, on the
internet. Telephone or vending machines.   The store’s location, perhaps near other stores or in a bazaar
to facilitate comparison shopping.
Retailing includes all the activities involved in selling or renting consumer
product and services directly to ultimate consumers for their personal or
home consumption. A retail firm can be classified according to: 


CONSUMER SELECTS A RETAILER BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 1. Form of ownership sole ownership, partnership, corporation,
FACTORS:  consumer co-operatives. 
2. Operational structure independent, chain, franchise. 
1. Price (value offered, credit, special discounts)  3. Service and price orientation full service, limited service normal
2. Location ( Convenience, parking , safety, stores nearby)  margin, discounter, off-price. 
3. Product Selection (width and depth assortment, brands, quality) 
4. Merchandise offering general, mass or specialty, merchandise
depth refers to the number of brands, model or styles carried for
each products category. 
5. Where the sale takes place in the store or non-store.

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